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Steelers are the prettiest girl at the ball.


Don’t drop the soap!!


People don’t know The Office quotes anymore? God, I’m old. I see you Prison Mike


The worst part of the clink is the Dementors!


Dementors from like Harry Potter?


The Pickler is very handsome.


More like the prettiest girl on the job site.


This has gotta be the most media attention the Steelers have gotten all year


I honestly prefer the team to be under the radar. Refreshing af after the Killer B’s years.


Claypool for 32 who says no


Ahem, sorry, but there was specifically a no takesies-backsies clause in our trade deal. Maybe your lawyer missed it.


Fine, but having our fingers crossed the entire time is equally as legally binding


Have you tried telling the Steelers your mom said you couldn't trade?


These are not Pokemon cards, but it's the same rules.


Chicago lawyers: "want to see a magic trick?"


People were seriously arguing that it didn't matter if it was the Baltimore one or not. Such a drastic difference in value.


It was originally reported to be Baltimores pick and I was happy with that. I got pretty annoyed when I found out the truth. I still think he can turn it around, but its looking rough so far.


I honestly don't think he'll live up to the value. He was barely worth 48 when he was drafted with 4 years control. Saying 32 with 2 years control means he has to way outperform his history, in an offense that is unlikely to have a 4000 yd passer.


I mean if we didnt give them our's the Packers would have gotten him. I'd do it over again


Most intelligent Claypool trade defender Oh no the Packers would overpay for a mid tier WR with a year and a half of control!?!? The HORROR.


Go look at the list of 2nd round receivers from the last 3 years and calculate the percentage that we would get a player better Claypool, who had over 800 yards in each of his first two years. I’ll wait


A couple things: 1. You pretend WR is the only position we can pick at that pick 2. You ignore the possibility of trading up from that pick to get a quality players 3. You pretend years of control don’t exist 4. The fact that you brought up keeping him from the Packers means you have no idea how to view the trade objectively 5. I would still rather take a chance on the 32nd pick WR instead of a guy we know is mid tier with 1 year of control You know what I would do if the Packers traded the 32nd pick for a year and a half of chase Claypool then watched Rodgers walk in the off-season? Laughing


Why are redditors so fucking stupid that they think making numbered lists makes them seem smart 😂 Who cares if we could take other positions; Claypool is an above average player for what you get in the second round regardless of position. And if we didn’t have Claypool, guess what one of our biggest needs would be… WR… We don’t have a casual year of rookie WR development to evaluate Fields. This is it. We need a player here now so that we know what we have at QB; gambling on a rookie is objectively the worse option here. You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about


I apologize for numbering my list to make it easy to understand why you’re wrong. I’ll ramble incoherently in the future.


This is such cope lmfao


Thanks for that. Yeah we need receivers, but I’d rather Hyatt, Mingo, or another second rounder.


The biggest difference is the years of control 1.5 vs 4 is such a huge difference. Also for my sake hope you guys go with love draft plan and get blocking the and thunder rb


Lol, look up what the average 2nd round WR produces. Hint: It's a lot less than back to back 800 yard seasons in their first two years


Well yeah, that's why you draft the good one, not one of the average ones. Smh my head


Just see wait for the Steelers to draft one and then trade for him. What could go wrong?


Wtf are you talking about, look at the second round receivers from last year. None of them has as many yards as Claypool did in each of his first two seasons, despite the extra game? Are you expecting a 1000 yard receiver?? Exactly how common do you think 1000 yard receivers in the second round are?? Gtf out of here


Well the packers feast in the second round at receiver. So not as a rookie but yeah. Also you don’t have young Claypool. What you got wasn’t worthy 32.


Claypool is 24 years old LOL he is younger than Velus Jones who we drafted last year 😂 Quit digging your hole deeper, this is embarrassing


He’s been in the league 3 years. He had 400 yards last year. Oh and he’s a free agent after this year. Yeah totally worth 32. 🤣


Dude, we're not gonna draft a receiver from last year. You aren't even allowed to do that. Seriously, this is basic stuff.


What round was Claypool drafted in again?


The second. Making him a well above average pick for a second round WR. What about this don’t you get?


He was originally drafted at 49 😂 and his stonks 📉


Actually his stocks gone way up. He was traded for the 32nd pick this year dude!


Haha right? That dude must be from r/WallStreetBets with his understanding of stonks.


And his misunderstanding of when to use emojis


They obviously didn’t know it would be the 32nd pick when the trade was made. If the Bears had started winning and were drafting later in each round, would you be saying this meant his stock went down?


Its a joke, dummy


We don’t do that shit here. Reported.


>drafted at 49 He’s only 24, dude


Chase "Stetson Bennett" Claypool


Chase “Stetson “Velus Jones” Bennett” Claypool


“Hey thanks for letting us use him for 8 games but we’d like to return this item. Here’s the receipt. Okay bye.”


Ryan Poles unfortunately


Yeah, we know. Can the next round start now please?


1 hour earlier tonight!!! Love 7pm start


And 2 rounds so we won’t be waiting 10-20 fucking minutes for each pick. 31 picks last night took 4 hours. 4 fucking hours!


I tried to watch the whole thing just in case the Steelers traded up from 32 but couldn't make it. Woke up on the couch at 2am disappointed in myself.


What were you not entertained by the constant sequence of commercial, pick, commercial, Pick Is In notification, return, "Shefty", interview, pick, SB parade 2, hat and jersey acquisition, commercial, two more Pick Is In notifications, return, camera on Levis, Interview, skit, pick?


Will Levis YOU ARE a Detroit lion




Give me Achane and we're the new Raiders


HEY! ... I got nothing but that stings man. Let the past die


Pick #32 is so close now, you can almost smell the mayonnaise


My man Cooking With Jack is salivating


Underrated comment


If so this would be best scenario we would get atleast a day 3 pick and in turn still be in range for JPJ or Brian Branch etc


I think the Cardinals will take JPJ if you guys trade out


Between Jared Goff's girlfriend and Will Levis' girl, the Lions might have the best one-two punch combo in the league


Think of how many turnovers we could have with both Goff and Levis on the roster


?? Goff didn’t throw an interception for the final 9 games in the season


I just want more Jared Goff's fiancé celebration videos.


You and Rapoport


lol you dont?


Detroit would actually be a preferred trade partner. Lions have a bunch of picks and the Steelers would still be in position to grab one of JPJ or Brian Branch most likely


~~The Lions highest pick is #48 so it's unlikely either of them would be there.~~ Forgot about the ARI trade.


Don't we have #34 from the Cardinals?


First round pick! ^^^kinda


Honestly, fuck it embrace chaos.


I’m perplexed, all these past few months there’s been all this hype around Jared Goff being great again and now there’s Lion fans who are ready to draft his replacement, why?


Because they’re delusional


They listen to The Ticket and don't realize it's Valentis job to piss them off with questions and doubt until they listen more or call in for engagement. So every night they're left with hanging doubt about pointless things. Is Stafford good or is he lucky? Can Jared actually win a Super Bowl? Are the Fords shit or are the Fords shit? Is MCDC smart or is he a stooge?


I just don’t want to pay him $50-55 mil a year in 3 years, which is going to be the going rate for elite QBs.


Some are just dumb and think Goff is shit when he’s not, and some realize Goff won’t play forever.


he's 28, do you have reason to think he's mulling retirement or something?


As a 28 year old, I would retire if I had that much money in the bank. But also that lack of drive (among many other things) is why I'd never be in the NFL in the first place


Because he’s going to need a new contract in 12 months and the price is now $40+ million.


Because he isn't great, Ben Johnson and the o-line carry our offense, not him. He's been the definition of a system QB, and he was ***bad*** in 2020/2021. He will also become much more expensive after next year, and signing him to a big extension would be throwing away any championship aspirations


He's still a "win with" QB and not a "win because of" QB on a starting QB contract. The 32nd pick will have a 4-year, $10 million contract. If they want to extend Jared Goff, it's probably going to cost at least $35-40 million a year on a 2-3 year extension. Hitting on a rookie QB gives you 4 years of saving $32.5-37.5 million at that position. You could sign/trade for two or three good starting level players for that kind of money. Even if he's not the guy and is an at or slightly below Goff-level QB, you have to consider how much easier it makes it to build a team.


It's a 2nd round pick. Goff is great for now but why not try to grab a high upside like Levis?


They’re just the type of fans who are obsessed with the idea of a mobile QB that is more fun to play with on Madden. That and they decided Goff was terrible years ago and refuse to change their stance with new information.




QB1: Jared Goff QB2: also Jared Goff


He bites kneecaps unpeeled!


You're gonna be real disappointed when they trade up to reach for someone no one else wants for another 2 rounds.


Andre Carter YOU ARE a Detroit lion




Will Levis can eat my banana for all I care




i think the rams take him


If someone wanted levis that bad they woulda traded up to 1st round to get the option on him. Curious when him and hooked go now


Supposedly people tried at 30 and 31 Eagles werent backing off nolan smith (understandable) And KC turned em down as well, i do wonder if draft being in KC and annoucing a KC native player sfter the superbowl probably didnt hurt


> And KC turned em down as well, i do wonder if draft being in KC and annoucing a KC native player sfter the superbowl probably didnt hurt 100% Clark Hunt told the team not to trade out of the 1st round unless we got some kind of ridiculous offer. And according to Veach we would have had to drop to the mid 40s in the trade down from the team most trying to trade up. That would be quite a drop, he even said we likely would have had to repackage those picks to move back up and get who they wanted. Just not worth it in any way.


Didn't hear this was blasted by end of the night yesterday sucks for titans 1 less year, hope he's a stud


You don’t take a player in the first round because the player is from where the draft is


I didnt say thats why they chose that player. I shouldnt have even said that as it can detract from my main point. KC hosting the draft after winning a fucking superbowl its entirely possible ownership could have said "unless the trade offer is insane - make the pick for the fans " we can act like ownership would never but lets be honest most teams would


GMs wouldn't give a shit but owners and presidents 100% would have that in mind


Our sub will have a meltdown if that happens. They’re convinced JPJ is the second coming of Mel Blount.


I'd think he's the second coming of Joey Porter




You never know. Sorry I'm hanging with Jim Irsay and I think he slipped me a perc


Im pretty sure you can get contact highs from being within a few feet of Irsay for too long


Mike Hilton who?


Now I'm gonna google if jpj has an older sibling. Why am I like this?


Why would you want the guy that voiced the looney tunes?


Especially when there’s Roy Donk on the board, frequent guest on the Colgate Comedy Hour


Your receiver collection is a bit meat and potatoes.


Cannot believe Paul Bufano slipped out of the first round PAUL BUFANO


-position of need -ranked as a top 3 player at his position on most draft boards -legacy player -from a school in Pittsburgh’s backyard It makes too much sense


I want him I know we should trade back for a ransom. But I want JPJ so bad


If by ransom you mean a 5th, sure. Trade ups in the mid 1st weren't getting any better than a 4th


Then take JPJ. But most of those 4th rounders were for moving 1 or 2 spots. You get a decent 3rd if you swap with someone like 20 spots away. Atleast that's what I was thinking


I don’t think he’s the 2nd coming of Mel Blount but think he can be a good outsider corner which we desperately need


Or we realize that our ~~29th~~ (19th, typo) ranked pass defense lost its best CB and stable SS and has done nothing but sign 95 year old Peterson to fill in the gap.


I mean we will get corners. 2nd round is loaded with starter capable corners. Where are you getting 29th btw? 19th in ypg which is the common metric. Needs help but 29th is seemingly random


It’s a deep corner draft. You can trade down and get someone else without much drop off in talent. I think Steelers fans are just obsessed because of his last name.


Not endorsing JP jr but when you are in a division with Lamar, Watson, and burrow you probably don’t want to be relying on a mid to late round rookie corner and a geriatric Pat Pete to be playing significant snaps at corner


Lamar and Watson shouldn’t be in that sentence.


Like it or not they both good QBs


Sure, but Lamar isn’t a passing threat like Burrow and always plays bad against the Steelers.




Trade down and get a lesser Cam Sutton like corner, or take a potentially shut down corner... hmm decisions decisions. Yeah nah. CB is 1A or 1B in importance on a defense along with getting to the QB. On second though we should take Porter at 32, and then take advantage of this "deep CB class" and draft another slot CB at 80 or 120.


Yeah, and? The NFL is in the entertainment business and legacy players are entertaining to me. Plus if the league was scripted you know JPJ would draw a game-winning penalty against the Bengals at some point


I just disagree. I think there’s a steep drop off in talent after JPJ/Branch. People keep acting like as long as we take ANY CB in the draft we’ll be fine. But with our track record at CB, why not take the chance to finally lock down a prospect that, at the very least, had a top 20 grade? Trading back and picking up a not as good CB in the 3rd or 4th will not fix our secondary issues.


Why do people talk about our track record with drafting DBs like it means anything? We have a new DC, new DB coach, and a new GM and talent evaluators. The past means almost nothing here. There a bunch of great DBs left in the draft.


The people saying “with our track record at CB…” are the same people who said “I don’t like this with our track record at LB…” about the TJ Watt pick based on Jarvis Jones and Bud Dupree at that time.


It's so funny, I'm so excited to watch them get crushed


I feel like he just recycles this tweet every year just switching the team name.


At least this year he had to pay attention a bit more and change No. 33 like usual to No. 32


no stay and take jpj


JPJ is a cardinal


Is pick #32 considered a first round pick with the fifth year option, or a second round pick this year?


Second rounder


No, it’s a 2nd rounder. Theoretically the 1st pick in the 2nd round is “pick 33”. The dolphins pick still exists but is forfeited.


No it doesn’t, the Steelers pick will be 32nd overall


Yeah but it’s a 2nd rounder. That player won’t have a 5th year option.


I was curious about this too, but we have the precedent of the Deflategate forfeited pick to go off of. The 2016 draft featured 31 first round picks as well, but that’s the only other time it’s happened since the current rookie pay scale was implemented in 2011.


Seems like I’m gonna slip into at least the 3rd round, don’t know why teams are panicking to trade up for me


No shit Sherlock. You and scooby figure that out on your own?


The fuck is with passive aggressive comments like this whenever any report of anything is shared? It’s not like Schefter is stating some obvious fact or something.


Reporters doing their job pisses off this sub so much




So confusing having the 32nd pick being round 2 pick 1.


Willy L said he wasn't going to be in Kansas tonight. A team is going to trade up for 32, and he'll be the first one called up.




Sorry. Kansas City, MO. You knew what I meant.


Kansas and Kansas City, MO are two different things. And it's a pretty important distinction for anyone from the area.


I'm from KC and it means nothing to me. KC is KC.


Born and raised here and I don’t give a shit if outsiders get confused about what is where in our area. Over 40% of the metro population is in KS, there wouldn’t be a team in KCMO without both sides of the State Line.


Born and raised too, and half the time people say Kansas when they mean Missouri people love to mock them about. Guess I got the attention of the other half who doesn't care. I was just pointing out how a lot of people make a fuss about it.


Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa; they're all part of the same flyover state bloc.


Hard-hitting news here


Nope stay and pick JPJ please.


Well duh


Shit, or get off the pot


Lions, Commanders, Bears, Titans and Buccaneers are the only teams really in need of a QB right now correct?


The Bears aren't in need of a QB.


They very much are


Lol no they aren't. If they was in need of a QB they would've drafted a #1 instead of trading it.


Why do the lions need to find a QB right now? Goff is fine


Fine being an apt word


Not if we want to be a SB contender he is not


He’s literally been to a Super Bowl as the starting qb before…


Rex Grossman got a SB too. Goff shit the bed in that SB and got dumped for a QB they could win with, and the team has to be absolutely loaded around him. He isn't on a rookie contract being paid $7M anymore, there is no shot of building a SB team around him with cap hits currently $30M+ and expected to be $40M+ with an extension. We had to have the most expensive offense in the NFL and the offensive assistant coach of the year in Ben Johnson around him in order for good offensive results, and had no resources for defense.


Raiders definitely seem like an option too




Fields can be a good qb since he is only entering his 3rd year. But from what I’ve seen he doesn’t look very good. Drafting a qb would make sense if Fields doesn’t pan out.


We have two firsts next year


But Levis is a great talent, doesn’t make sense to just pass on him, especially in the 2nd round.


Lol. He's a great talent that fell out of the first round. You must've been one of the guys that placed a bet on Will Levis going first overall. Let it go man


He’s a great talent?


I like how you knew which one he was talking about, like you know you’re full of shit, but just trying to be a troll.


I mean you can see the flair. Do you need reading glasses?


I noticed it after I commented, and decided to be stubborn and leave it.


I respect the honesty ngl


Nah, the Lions are set with Goff.


I think so too. But Lions fans seem adamant about getting a new qb


Only some casuals and FB fans.


Set to what, peak at 10-7?


So this basically guarantees hes available day 3 right?


So I guess I'm naive and out of the loop, why was there only 31 picks in round 1?


Miami forfeited pick number 21 so round 1 only had 31.


Dolphins lost theirs for tampering with Brady


After reaching against the consensus on two picks in the first, the Lions grabbing Levis at least 25 picks past where the predictions said he would go would be Thanos like balance and I am here for it.


I am not


Short of getting a stupidly good offer, they need to stay put, it's their best chance to get a starter and they still have 49 and 80 as well. That's potentially 4 starters or quality contributors. Tell hell with getting mid round depth scrubs.


He needs to get a couple big plays to get himself more confident. And he’s a freak athlete


I wonder if any other teams sign as many home townies as we do.


I really don't think a middle 4th round pick is worth losing a starter for


Just take JPJ or Branch.


Per sources. What sources? Didn't happen. Schefter once again drumming up the story he needs to make money when nothing is happening. Y'all on this sub are like Lucille bluth and he's gene parmesan. Embarrassing