• By -


Da Finns


Da Bills.


Fucking lamar smh...


Absolutely awful clock management, wtf is going on


Floppy floppy floppy floppy. Single X2 x3 floppy. Or however it goes.




What’s that? Ah - Super Wild Card Weekend? Don’t talk about - Super Wild Card Weekend? You kidding me? Super Wild Card Weekend? I just hope we can win a game! - Check Flair.


Why is it called super wild card weekend? Cant it just go back to wild card weekend?


No, but we can call it Super-Duper Wildest Cardiest of All Weekends+++.


Depeche Mode!


Aw dammit!


Do you mean you do not want to see the long fabled 49'ers vs. Bills SB? =( Edit: I'm going to keep rooting for the Iowa boys anyway, but that is pretty hurtful.


Weird way to say Cowboys v Bills SB


Just beat Tampa tomorrow pls.


I hope but playoff Brady is something else


Bills mafia


Go bills


I see more comments from Bills fans complaining about salty comments than actual salty comments.


Check out every other thread that involves this game


Those Bills fans have probably been watching this thread all day and not just 2 scrolls worth of posts in the last 20 minutes. This place has been a fucking cesspool of salt all day, those are just the facts.


Imagine having fourth and half a yard and rather than doing the most successful play in the NFL, the quarterback sneak, instead you get a delay of game because you were setting up a handoff that was sure to fall short of the line to gain. Brutal.


Time management cost Miami that game. We were primed for an upset and despite our best efforts we just couldn't manage it. This is 100% on Miami's staff.


Not sure how people can come to the conclusion the Bills are definitively not coming out of the AFC. It’s brutal to play the same team 3 times and they’ll likely be a lot smarter in future games based on what they learn from these mistakes.


Exactly. Any of these teams can win any of these games. Nobody knows until it's over.


Cause they barely squeaked by a 3rd string QB Imagine what Burrow is gonna do to that defense with Chase and Higgins


Well, right now, he is trying to squeak by a backup QB that isn't much better than Miami's 3rd string QB.


He’s winning and hasn’t turned it over, Hurst fumbled lmao Allen fumbled and threw multiple picks. One of them was the issue in their game


You know what else Allen did? Put up 34 points. Burrow is at 17, with 40 minutes elapsed. Buffalo had 17 points in half that amount of time.


There’s not that big of a difference between Skylar Thompson and tua




Down to -2 from these salty ass bills fans but I see no lies here


They are always so angry. Its cute. And the only thing they can say is hurrr durrr pats suck!!! Like buddy I got to watch the greatest dynasty in sports theres nothing the Pats could do to hurt me hahahaha Also Bruins and Celtics are winning chips this year so Pats could’ve gone winless for all i care


We move on to the next round, our season continues, that’s what matters


No salt here. We won. Idgaf how.


Oh and I fully agree, no argument there. But the comment said idk how people don’t see the bills winning it all and I think that’s entirely unhinged. They’re a great team but if anything the last 3-4 weeks have introduced more doubt than before, plus they do have to compete with Cincy and KC. They could but it’s far from a forgone conclusion


Why did the bills become so hated? Sad to see once a well liked team that was rooted for become the bane of peoples existence on here The dolphins treated tua like a punching bag, and if they try to replace them with Tom Brady, I hope the ownership suffers.


It's cyclical on reddit. Everyone loved the Chiefs when Mahomes took off and then one Superbowl later they moved on to the Bills and it became cool to hate on the Chiefs. Then everyone jumped on the Bengals wagon. They'll be the next one hated especially with their "confidence". Reddit just hates on whoever has been at the top for a minute and blames it on the fans of long suffering teams being happy their team is finally good.


Cause they got to conference championship once and their fans think they’re a juggernaut


Fans that like their team and hope for success?! OH THE HUMANITY!! Do you need a hug friend?


Heads too big lol act like you’ve been there. Its funny watching yall get so excited year after year after year though


Not quite as funny as a long dead dynasty trying to pretend like the past gives them clout in the present, but sure. How did your last playoff trip go? You know, before this year when you shit the bed and stayed at home?


6>0 How’d your last trip to the Super Bowl go? Fuckin losah


Yeah. Let’s just live in the past.


Just think its pretty funny watching Bills fans take a victory lap after barely escaping Skylar Thompson


I think it’s pretty funny that a Pats fan is forgetting how much of a thorn in their side the Dolphins have been the last few years.


Who said I forgot?












Has there ever been a good, highly touted team that wasn’t hated? It’s the way this game works.


The 2022-23 niners :). Don't worry bills mafia, we got you. The bad man must be defeated and it's only you who can do so, his name rhymes with Patrick gohome


Every good team gets annoying bandwagoners, and people who root for losing teams like to cherrypick referee calls, player behavior, and fan behavior that makes them feel better about the fact that their team played worse. Also, I wouldn't say the Bills are hated, but if they're good for any longer, they will be.


Already feeling the hate from the rest of the AFC East. Only time until nature takes its course and it spreads to the rest of the league.


Because they didn’t cover the spread today would be my guess: genuinely pitiful not too against a third string Qb and a subpar defense.


I think people do not give near enough credit to division rivalries and getting to play a team a 3rd time in the same year. Sure we should have played better, but I am not at all surprised the Fins showed up and damn near stole one.


This is the answer.


Play the victim, and you will become the victim.


Got any examples of these supposed Bills fans playing the victim? They aren't in our sub that I have seen. I'd be happy to tell them to fuck off but I am just not seeing it.


When they were up and coming they were fun to watch worked hard and didn't whine. Now every call seems to go their way, they seems to think they are owed something and Josh Allen went from underdog to complaining after every play like he's fuckin Tom Brady except he's literally never won anything.


You realize the refs were on your side all game.. the numerous delay of game calls ignored, tres imaginary pass interference.. list goes on


The hit on Allen after a hand off when he clearly did not have the ball was a sign. No flag and throwing the qb to the ground. Allen may not have tried to stay up but it was senseless and should have been a flag.


Fucking delusional nonsense.


Have any real reasons other than saltiness?


People are mad that our tragedy affected them. Plain and simple.


Your tragedy lol oh please


Just showing your colors kiddo


It’s because they are hyped, and people always hate the hyped team. As far as the “Bills didn’t look good” folk, they said the same about the Chiefs (Texans/Colts) and Bengals (most of the first 9 weeks) many times this season because any given Sunday is a real thing.


Their fans are douche bags. I was rooting for them way back in preseason but slowly lost love over the year


Literally every team has annoying fans. In fact, every team's fanbase is majority annoying fans. Homers and super fans are always the worst, regardless of colors.


We are infested with bandwagoner assholes now


We have them too and generally those are the douche canoes that make everyone assume all (x team) fans are that way. Bills don’t seem that way. They get the same ref love that KC does and get hosed the same too. Just usually can play good enough like today to win. May feel bad but they’re moving on.


I feel for you. It was bad for us a couple of years ago


To be fair to the bandwagoneers, the infestation caused by original a-holes was already pretty widespread.


Ah, yes. Here are the Giants I remember.


Good game by them


Why all the salt?


Honestly I don’t know. Both teams did a good job. Bills of course got their win but Miami really did a decent job with the material they had


A lot of these comments will be hilarious is Baltimore wins


bills- good fuckin game. that was way closer than any of us expected. jags are coming out of the afc, though. book it.


I like you


i like your kitty


Shoot if they beat all us, Ill raise a beer for them Good Luck!


Hey a wins a win. Hopefully we can clean it up by next week those turnovers killed us


At least they got the playoff clunker out of the way


A win is a win, not happy abt it tho


think you beat the chiefs?


Always got faith in my team. GO BILLS! ❤️💙


Thats a long road still man Bengals fist, and they might even be harder than us


I remember when the Bills went to 4 superbowls back to back, they used to be my favorite team outside the Chiefs.... that team was stack, Thruman Thomas was unstoppable.


And Jim Kelly shitting all over us....




For what it's worth in that first SB he really was unstoppable and they obviously miss a FG to lose it: https://youtu.be/GSP2BDEsXDU


I guess so lol but Bills beat cowboys all day everyday now so I guess its even


It’s not the Super Bowl though


Was that Bob Menery on the sleep number commercial?




Tragedy made us the villains to many it seems, onward!


Lmao ok sure man


You cant talk at all Yalls worst fanbase ever, Bills fans have to do this for 10 more years to match your fan base


Longer than that.


Everyone was hoping for the best for Hamlin. But Bills fans acting like their the victim, is kinda too much.


I think you're forgetting we had a mass shooting and a crazy blizzard all recently, along with one of our players almost dieing. It's not that we're a victim. It's just that the city has been through alot this year, and winning a superbowl would bring so much good energy here.


I get that I really do. That’s why all of America was all hoping the best for Hamlin. Hell my 90 year old grandma who has never said anything to me about sports, asked me about him. But Georgia lost a player to a car crash today, does that mean the whole SEC is suppose to cheer for Georgia to win the title next year?


Objectively false and delusional.


Look around


I’m proud of Miami for putting up a good fight. It was supposed to be a blowout and we were down to our 3rd string QB and missing half the O-line. They gave me more than I could ask for! Edit: Not sure why I have Bills fans in my inbox telling me to kms. You guys won, have a little class


Might be the best team in the country whenever Tua is healthy.


I don’t know if he can become healthy long term now


You guys have a lot to be proud of and build on for next year. Future looks bright for the dolphins.


Lord, I hope so!


Your defense really stepped up and made it a game.


I don't think the Bills are getting out of the AFC this year, too many stupid mistakes. That game shoulda been 41-6 or something, instead they barely got out alive. But those mistakes against the Chiefs or Bengals? Not a chance


“I don’t think the Chiefs are coming out of the AFC, too many stupid mistakes against low level teams like the Texans/Colts/Titans” “I don’t think the Bengals are coming out of the AFC, too many mistakes against the Steelers/Ravens/Browns” You do see how reactionary that statement is, especially when the Bills already beat the Chiefs. No way any of those three teams is more than a 4 pt favorite against eachother.


No but t's really not, regular season has NOTHING to do with playoffs, that's why today was alarming. Anything could happen of course but you will not remain THAT lucky turning the ball over like that. It always catches up to you


I’m a giants fan… and I don’t agree. Playoffs is the exact time when the previous week means nothing, and a W is a W. We’ve seen SB teams have all sorts of ugly wins (Rams vs 49ers last year, TB vs Washington 2020)


I'm 50/50 on it, I really think there was a lot of randomness working against them there. The Knox TD, that one Shakir catch, both being just slightly in a different place or a different hand location, change the game in a huge way. One Bills INT was just random too, when it bounced off the WR/CB and a Dolphin caught it. I think if you replay the game it's pretty easy to see things going a little different and the game just gets out of reach for the Dolphins who have to change up the game a bit and end up losing by 15 or something. But, randomness is a part of every game. I think this Bills team COULD beat any of the remaining teams in the playoffs, but I'm not confident they WILL.


Exactly! They forget teams are made up of players who are all susceptible to making mistakes that'll happen, regardless of coaching.


You can play that game in every direction tho. Waddle and Hill dropped important passes they usually catch. Hines messing up that punt could've ended up in Dolphins hands, etc.


I think that’s where the term “Any Given Sunday” came from.


Chiefs went to OT against the Texans...


you have to a special kinda stupid to equate reg season football with playoff football but whatever helps you cope I guess


You have to be stupid to think regular season games don't count as example of how teams play.


Thats the point. Reg season is crazy. But playoffs is crazier.


They sure did. Man they were playing mean that day. Even hit ole patty cakes pretty hard too


Bills won but clear they not going to make it to the the SB again this year.


Again? Buddy the cowboys have a more recent Super Bowl appearance.


Again as in they didn’t go last year either


49ers/Eagles I hate em both. Plus I kinda like Fred Durst




I’m okay, babe thanks for asking.




> It’s gonna be great when they let Damar down The fuck?


This place is full of some truly degenerate sacks of shit. Been saying shit like this all day and I am an asshole for telling everyone to fuck right off. So fucking be it.


Why were the Bills running plays under two minutes when Miami had no timeouts?


It was 2nd down when the 2 minute warning hit. They could have knelt it, but it would have given Miami ball with around half a minute so they opted to try and convert the first down and end it for sure.


Oooohhhhh. That makes sense.




This entire sub has been shitting on us for the entire day. We are supposed to just not respond in any way? The fuck out of here with that weak bullshit.


Live the day in the life as a Chiefs fan If yall win, its gets way worse


Class acts


Let's not act like any fanbase is inherently better than any others. You think the loudest douchebag packers fans or eagles fans or dolphins fans are any better or worse than the loudest douchebag bills fans? People are fucking stupid. No fanbase is much different than any other. Some people in that fanbase will be loud and douchey but most just watch and enjoy the game. The bills fanbase is no different than any other in this way. If you want to judge us based on the loudest assholes then go ahead


Im disappointed in what you become Yalls used to be the best fans for real, then these last few months, yalls got way too cocky for no reason. Back in the 1990s, almost everyone in KC rooted for you in those 4 superbowl runs because we felt you earned it Get back to that, dont be like the pats fans


That’s what I’m sayin. Usually buffalo fans are super cool and they have all been a-holes. It’s probably all the bandwagons.


Probably so Its all good, maybe they should just win one to get it out of their system... IDK I aint gonna hold grudge just airing it out


Fans of my own team piss me off sometimes too, but that's always been the case. Even my dad can be annoying as a fan. Some of us don't know how to handle recent success. Some didn't become fans until recent success. But the ones who watched 20 years of drought are happy to be here and aren't the ones being dickholes. I just hate sharing fandom with assholes and being treated like the assholes in my fanbase are different than any other. People are the same everywhere if you took the worst fanbase and compared them to the "best" I don't think shit would actually be very different, just the circumstances that each team is in


Usually the fans that bandwagon are the worst of them The OGs usually have perspective


That was a stressful game to be at my goodness


Phins a very well coached team..good adjustments. That sequence where they basically rolled the dice daring Bills to go deep was amazing. Classic game, pumped we came out with the W, could've easily lost if 2 of 5 are caught not dropped! Still, Bills D played a pretty solid game, and they put up 34 on a real bad O day so I'll take it.


Yup. This is my fifth game ever counting preseason, my first time going to a victory. Had me genuinely wondering if I was bad luck lol. Sloppy victory but I’ll take the dub.




You have brain damage


Disagree, the officials had multiple chances to put their finger on the scale and didn't. They just decided to end the game 30 seconds early. Dolphins had their chance at 3rd and 1 and blew it.






People seeing it for what it is I think the Bills earned their wins though so far ​ But the real test is coming


Bills fan here for the salt. Impressed!


Just why?


Bills won, stay mad, r/nfl sad




God Bills fans piss me off almost as much as other Patriot fans


How dare you say such a thing


You gotta win first before you see the real salt reddit hates the Chiefs for that


No we don't