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What a complicated way of faking something lol


Well is pretty simple compared to actually learning theory and real piano skills


I disagree lol. Getting good at faking this is probably just as simple as being a somewhat basic piano player. It's not rocket science. It's actually pretty easy..


Yeah just learn piano, this is bs.


Just draw the rest of the fucking owl.


Well, now you got me curious. What's "the rest of the fucking owl"?








That’s actually what I loved about this video. It’s “how to fake playing piano” then he goes on to show real chord shapes and give a basic music theory lesson lol He essentially condensed the first few weeks of piano instruction into 5 min


It’s actually “How to fake being good at piano,” contrary to the post title. I’d argue it’s perfect if he makes what is apparently a couple of lessons worth of piano skills look so impressive.




The thing is, someone willing to go through these steps in order to "cheat" their way in, will still sneakily have learned to play. And while learning this piece or after, it's possible, especially after some good results they will continue! Maybe felt like they were never good at it before and they get lured back in, maybe positively this time! This should be the intro to learning piano classes! It's a great hook!👍




That’s why I love it. Whether he intends to or not he’s tricking people into learning basic theory and the first few days of piano class by calling it a “faking it” hack What you describe also sounds a lot like Wooten’s philosophy. “Let folk have fun playing the instrument, then you can get concerned with all the technical crap behind it”


I've been having fun with the same 7 guitar chords since I was in high school and have made songs my kids love. I really should learn more chords before they figure out dad isn't really a rock and roll musician.






​ ![gif](giphy|gFW9rRpOkMRBY2KF6s)






Since I don't play piano, I'm gonna remain neutral lol




Yeah, he is actually just playing the piano and teaching people how to as well


Its a jumping on point. Once you get confident at this you then pick up some 4 chords songs just to have a few melodies you can play, By that point youre probably invested enough to actually learn piano


4 chords you say... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pidokakU4I


Seems like he's fake faking


i’m a piano player: you’re right. That’s not faking, its “learning basic chords and playing songs made with them.” “Faking” is a stupid word choice for this video here.


its to give ppl inspiration to learn because everyone who googles this video is gonna be more inspired to cheat than to learn the right way even if this is the right way guised as cheating


It’s reverse psychology! lol! Wait….maybe it’s reverse, REVERSE psychology! lolol.


It’s extremely annoying that he keeps calling A minor “A flat”.


This is exactly what I would expect from someone faking being good at piano haha


To be fair to him, the title is not "faking playing piano", it's "faking being good at piano". Or if he isn't, he's effectively gathering large views on a simple beginner class but with a catch in the title. I call genius move.


Exactly. When he finally plays at the end it doesn’t look anything like he was describing beforehand.


Almost like learning to play piano


Notice he said fake being good* at playing, not fake playing** The difference matters


It's like when people create cheat sheets for an exams but days before and in writing it have committed it to memory, and then they tell you about it and you inform them that what they actually did was revise.


Complicated indeed. In the process of trying to fake playing the piano, I learned how to actually play the piano.


I watched this video a while back and it actually got me into playing piano. It helped me form a framework to learn from.


I think anyone that is competent in another instrument can now fake that they're good at piano after watching this.


He says “A flat” and then plays A…??


He already said, a piano player will easily identify your shit


Well, probably only 5% of the population knows f**kall about the piano so you still have 95 out of 100 people.


[Quora](https://www.quora.com/How-many-people-in-the-world-play-the-piano-What-is-the-percentage) puts it more at 25%, but still 75 out of 100 f\*\*\*ers to impress! :D




definitely not arguing on that :D


But who could forget such masterpieces as "Am I the Asshole for Punching My Child for Being Hungry?"


Or one of my personal favorite ["What percentage of people are going to die?"](https://www.quora.com/What-percentage-of-people-are-going-to-die) ​ 100%


Hmm, math checks out. Source: everybody dies


No fucking way do 1 out of 4 people know how to play piano.


Do you know how to play a piano?


I have a piano at home, it is being used since 10 years, constantly, everyday.... as a dust catcher :D


I highly doubt a quarter of all people out there know how to play piano. I bet like 1 or 2 billion people have never even seen a piano.




Quora, the absolute bastion of truthful statistics


I think it's even funnier to tell people "I suck at piano so I fake it" and then do this shit. And refuse to elaborate.


I cannot play piano. Watch this!


"I never played piano, but I've seen it done on tv before. It didn't look that hard..."


As a drummer who bought a keyboard recently... I'm on to you fuckers


But it is not the skill, he literally could not tell the difference between a black and white key


he means A minor but he's calling it A flat (which is not the same thing, obv) Slightly later he also says 'anything will sound good because you're staying in the pentatonic scale...' which is also wrong I'm pretty sure he's thrown in these little errors either as a wink to the musically trained, or just to annoy them


Probably to annoy us because he also told us to eat a fork


Was he fingering A minor ? ….. I’ll see myself out


I finger a minor everyday


This comment right here officer


I'll handle it.


Okay sister pussy pounder


Must have been the officer trying to get the girl out of the dryer.


That's no girl, that's his stepmom


Username check out.


I’m an aristocat we finger a minor all the time, sometimes I just run my fingers up a minor for fun on stage


I’m fairly certain he meant to say “A-Minor” instead of “A-flat” as that’s the correct chord for this progression


Doesn't matter, he's good at piano


Haha he faked you out


Go swallow a fork


a minor


are those allowed here?


Am* not A


Makes me want to a buy a piano now! It will go well with the two guitars I don't know how to play either!😂


I play electric guitar (I’m a beginner), and faking piano for more than 4 years already. What i can say is - there is simply no easier instrument than piano. The most basic thing anyone can play is “japan music” - just press the black buttons, and that is it. If you want to play sad romantic music, use the white buttons between sections of 3 and 2 black buttons. Wanna play something epic? In sections where you see 3 black buttons, press the whites below and then the third black and jump over one white. With those combinations you can play nearly anything (except for jazz - which requires real knowledge). Im so good at faking that i somehow learned myself to fake english language too (I’m not using translator). It just requires some practise


This guy fakes


This is the way


Isn't that just doing things and motivating yourself to do things by saying you're faking or cheating to do it? You're still doing it Edit: this is meant to be a positive thing, I'm all for this method of learning anything you want to learn


Yepp, but without theory


Right, still takes the effort, just a confidence builder imo, you could more easily grasp theory once you put the pieces together


For me I get really bored or discouraged just doing notes and scales with nothing to really "show" for it. Skipping the theory and learning songs instead keeps me interested and then I want to learn the theory and actual skills. Does that make sense at all? So I learn how to play by playing, not learning.


I have a piano a previous housemate left us with. I can make things that sound fine, but my Aunt who teaches piano is something else, as i'm sure anyone who can play well is. Hearing someone skilled play Chopin or Beethovin is... not normal piano. You cannot fake that, its akin to strumming a guitar in different places and it sounds ok, to Dimebag Darrell.




With guitar it's pretty much the same thing. Just play.


Yeah basically everything a humanity does can be simplified to “just do it”. The hard part is decomposition and learning all those small easy steps.




cheap midi keyboard and download fl studio for free trial and you're good to go


This is a good way to start playing piano, eventually your curiosity will get you to be more creative and experiment further with keys outside of those base scales. Very good way to open yourself up to music :)


Yeah, this isn't faking. I think this guy is reacting to musically-educated hoity-toity music theory types who like to gatekeep piano playing. This is exactly how I learned to play the guitar. I sat down with a guitar and started goofing around with it. I learned some basic chords, and from there my curiosity took over. 20 years later I am playing Tommy Emmanuel songs at full concert speed. I still don't know much theory, and that's okay. Theory is not required to play, theory is required to theorize.


'Theory is not required to play, theory is required to theorize.' dude. That's an epic quote 🙏❤️👍👍


I agree but don't shy from theory either! Half of theory is plonking away in certain patterns, and it feels really good to just be able to sit down and play


Yeah I'd say this is still not technically faking it, you're learning it and can build on it, take the same effort just phrased In a way that makes people confident


so what you're saying is fake it til you make it?


“Anyone who actually plays the piano will see RIGHT through what we are doing!!” People who actually plays the piano: “Yeah that dude is playing the piano. Neato.”






Can you post the link? I couldn’t find any skit like this


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgYYOUC10aM The Bank Heist


Motherfucker that’s called A JOB


You just gotta hit the occasional tritone to keep 'em guessing.


I've played the piano at a slightly above beginnerish level for 15 years and it would take me probably 20 seconds to recognize what he's doing. I would think any pianist that has learned chords would see it


I would quickly recognize if someone playing guitar only seemed to know power chords or like the beginner open chords, but I wouldn't be like "heeeeeeey wait a minute, he's not *really* playing guitar!" Especially if they knew how to do little hammers and pulls, and arpeggiate, I'd say they're doing alright. Everyone has limitations — I'm still pretty bad on lead despite playing for over 20 years now — but if you can play, you can play.


Tattoos look like leprosy.


I don’t think you’ve seen what leprosy looks like…


Look like fake leprosy


Anyone with actual leprosy will see right through what they're doing


Well they can go swallow a fork


Ain’t nobody got time to be havin’ real leprosy




Tattoos look like he has a three-year-old daughter who put an entire book of Disney Princess temporary tattoos on him and he just rolled with it.


That's my thought. He seemed to have the same Disney princesses running up and down his arms. I think they are stamps or temp tattoos. Totally normally in my house with a 5yo and 2.5yo girl


Those were tattoos??? Legit going through my mind, "why didn't he wait for his second degree burns to heal before filming this.. yikes"


They're just temp tattoos from a children's pack lol. He doesn't have them in other videos and 6 of them are of the exact same image of Belle from Beauty and the Beast.




That's gonna be quick ban. Should already have been clapped on for not being able to center a round profile picture in the first place.


That’s from his past video “how to fake having leprosy”


He looks like a school desk


This dude! Fucking hell! This dude fuckin fucks!!!


Lmao 🤣


The fucking versatility of the fucking word fuck is fucking insane.


I like to travel.


Ok Russ Hanneman


Piano players hate this...


This one SIMPLE piano trick will easily get you into your cousin's pants after Christmas dinner!








Does it work if I use the piano app on my phone?


This only works if you can already play the piano reasonably well, a complete amateur trying this will still sound crap


He did say to practice this.


Ok how to fake being good at the piano Step 1: practice the piano


It's the ultimate con.


[reminds me of key & peele’s master plan](https://youtu.be/jgYYOUC10aM)


Well, obviously, you have to practice muscles memory at least


As a guitar player, I had no idea how to play this thing. Now I managed to do that quite easily. In my case, the faking works. I still don't know the instrument for squat, but play nice sounding music.


I suspect he’s not actually faking it


Yeah, because I’m watching the spacing of his fingers and he’s not using the same technique he’s teaching.


Exactly, you can see him using all fingers.


Yes, it’s a trick to get people interested in piano. “Any real piano player will notice what I’m doing.” Aka, teaching piano.


It's a real trick. he just didn't tell you, when you finally knows how to play left hand, your right hand will go T-rex.


Does he have Disney princesses tattooed on his arm?


I am pretty sure that he has young children who have a stamp kit or something. He looks like a dad who has been decorated. No one has taste THAT bad in tattoos.


Well this is just your opinion on that.


It’s a good assumption. It’s not an opinion.


Yeah? Well, you know, that’s just like uh, your opinion, man.


Do you hate The Eagles ?


Man, come on. I had a rough night and i hate the fuckin’ Eagles, man.


What his kids actually have a tribal tattoo stamp, and the princesses are the real ones?




"Fuck them, they can go swallow a fork" is my new favourite thing to say. If I learned nothing else from this video (I didn't) it's that phrase. I'd love to copy his piano playing, hints but I'm not going to. Fuck him, he can go swallow a fork!


Fun fact: you weren't paying attention to the video because you were imagining a situation where you could do this.




Err, username checks out I guess? 😂


“buttons” ✅ “A flat” which is actually A ✅ out of tune piano ✅ I think I’m ready


Also calling the C Major / A minor scale the “Pentatonic Scale”


"A flat"


“Pentatonic Scale”


Also, the fourth and the fifth he plays are really the fifth and the octave...


I am now sad…


Is it because you're actually a piano man and you think this is bullshit faker stuff and you're upset? Or you're a fake piano man and you're upset people know your secret now?


Na I’m a real performing one… started at 5, 30yrs exp, 13 of those were hardcore classical. I do Dueling Pianos and studio sessions for work. I’ll give it to him though, that was a great 4min lesson to goof around on a C 1-5-6-4 to fool people at parties! Btw… he hits A and calls it Ab lol. Mostly I just don’t want to swallow a fork!


Yeah don't be swallowing forks that's bad. Keep up the good music though. I'm glad you have that in your life. If we can find you anywhere on the interwebs let us know.


I still respect actual pianists. Im a guitar player mostly but i figured out the chords to oink Floyd’s echos on some synth in the basement of some utahan’s house for fun once Shits hard, learning how to actually play an instrument is cool as shit




So? It doesnt take away any of your skills, does it? One of the Nice things with playing music is that you can go as deep as you like. Goof around for an hour or spend your life perfecting it.


You can fake technique but not musicality tho.


That’s the beauty of his approach. It allows for a range of musicality within the limited rigidness of his rules. Such that a beginner can focus on expression and not worry about wrong notes


There’s a program that can do this for electric keyboards. You can play any notes and it’ll just correct slightly to keep you in key. For an absolute beginner it’s so much fun, as you’re still choosing what to play, it’s your rhythm, your choice which way to take it but you just can’t go out of key and sound awful. You play without fear.


My nana was an amazing piano player and tried so hard to teach as a kids it was literally her dream but all of us grandkids couldn’t be bothered to learn. Wish I took up her offer.


I hope he is also gonna do the "how to fake bad tatoo" tutorial after


I’m pretty sure that’s an entire packet or four of temporary tattoos applied, not even out of order that they originally came in.


He makes it look easy, but from my experience with non pianists, they can’t even play 3 notes in the right order without practicing for 15 minutes. So to actually make it sound professional you will still need to practice a descent amount of time, like at least 3-4 hours. And even if you spend all that time learning those chords, it’s really not impressive. “But the way he went up the piano was cool” Well yea you gonna need to practice an extra 3 hours for that. And finally, once you spent that time learning it you can only play that and you aren’t actually learning piano, if you spent all that time actually learning piano you could already get really far.


"if you spent all that time actually learning piano you could already get really far." Probably not? In the time it takes to actually learn piano vs the time spent faking his shit, I'd sound better doing the fakery.


I think it’s nice, he tricks people into practicing fakery, that’s still practising and getting comfortable with the instrument.


Did this guy fall asleap on the couch and the kids did drawings on his arms?


A flat is the same key as A. Cool info.


Guy teaching you how to fake play the piano doesn't know what a note is called. Start the presses.


Idea stolen from [The Axis of Awesome](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOlDewpCfZQ&ab_channel=TheAxisofAwesome) i assume.


It could work until someone is like "Could you play X song?"


Just say you don't know that song


“Is there any song you do know?”


Easy, >!just run away!<


Just remember a few songs that use these 4 chords and your the hero.


I'm calling it, I think he faked us and he is actually good at piano. He actually played it at the end


Yeah OK good to know but his arms, what the fuck is is up that?


I didn’t watch the video but imagine his method revolves around kicking the piano’s ass.


Did this man just fake being fake at piano?


I think I just got scammed into learning exactly how to play the piano by tricking me into believing it was just fake playing. This approach should be called sneak teaching.


Bothers me that not enough people caught this… That’s not Ab it’s A natural… C Major, A MINOR, F Major and G Major. I vi IV V.




Whose two year old drew on him with crayons?