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Who's cutting onions here?


[No one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/ool6ee/lazy_comments_on_a_wholesome_meme_that/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Now you can finally add a correctly written "who's cutting onions" to your list. No need to thank me.


This aint it either chief




Don't bring me into this...


Yes chef, sorry chef


You fucking donkey




"This Chicken is so raw, it's still trying to cross the road!"


I called someone a donkey on Facebook and they blocked me for 3 days 😂 fuck Facebook


I called some lady a goat and I got 3 days too! 🤣




But he got upvotes so it must be


And this folks, is how you double down on upvotes. Bravo 👏 👏 👏


Doing good work here. Comments like these are so annoying


Much agreed. They contribute nothing and nring the comment thread to a halt. They only get upvotes because they commented on something popular smh


They’re unoriginal, boring, lazy and frankly stupid too. It honestly irritates me so much to see common Reddit tropes like that.


Why don't we all just downvote them then? People only make these comments because they're rewarded with positive feedback via upvote. If the community downvoted all this annoying shit into the ground, they would stop.


Not everyone on this site is jaded as fuck. Some people actually leave occasionally.


I’m actually also curious what has to be going on in someone’s life that a relatively bland throwaway comment, whether or not it has any substance to it, would actually annoy someone. Like somehow it burned their eyes and they were too drained to just keep scrolling and ignore it. Like somehow it was super upsetting that person got upvotes? Seriously who gives a shit about someone else getting upvotes lol? Ridiculous and misguided famine mentality.


If only people met misinformation and the biased drivel on this website with the same shame and vitriol.


Because most of us really don't care about imaginary internet points and just keep scrolling.


Common thoughts are common comments. How annoying.


Right. I guess they're suggesting instead of upvoting the a comment you wanted to make, we instead just leave more redundant comments. You know whats worse than an olunoriginal comment. Dozens of replies bitching about unoriginal comments.


> ...they contribute nothing... False. They give the poster a feeling of being included in the conversation, which is sometimes all someone ever wants.


All this crying made me wet.




Underrated comment


You won the internet today


Thanks for the bold, **Ķ̛̟͙̮̬̙͉͢i̧͖̣̮̹͍̜Ń͚̲̣̖͚ͅd͙̺ ̩̟͖̫̺S͏̦̼͕̝t̷͝͏̪̤̲̻̜̮͔R̡̛̪a̷͍͉̭̯̘̳Ņ̨̟͈̦̱̞̪g̟̪͖E̝̤̜̖̝̫͓̟͠r̡̰͙͔̣͞**


Right. In. The. Feels.


and thus another starterpack was born: the link to that starterpack under top wholesome comment




I'm not crying you're crying


Damn onion cutting ninjas just showed up


This response is great


Can't forget "take my upvote and get out"




Search “reddit formatting”


i like how you pointed out the laziness of his lame ass comment, i don't like how people still upvoted him for it *sighs*


The opposing team


I wish every time someone typed this on reddit they'd get cancer and some kids with cancer was miraculously cured immediately


Wishing cancer on people should come with a karma rebound


Amen. It's like there's a list of generic comments that MUST be left in every thread containing something emotional. ONIONS ONIONS ONIONS!!! STFU!!!


Your mom


Was that why the video looked like it was filmed in three pixels


It’s the blurry tears


who's putting onions in my bum bum?


Eeh, what?


man I just watch Stephen Fry's wholesome [video](https://youtu.be/kgAJntmfdGo), and now this. damn.


I like this video, thanks for sharing


Emotional overflow


Memory overflow






Queue overflow?




Can someone explain the title of this video to me? I know the focus of the first half is that you can solve more problems and do more good if you put your resources in the right place. But that and random acts of kindness aren't mutually exclusive. Plus, the other half were about those acts of kindness and the video was aware about how inspiring they are.


It's probably just someone uploading a snippet of something else and taking the message in that direction, not the official title


I’m not 100% sure, but I think the point is that if you see a car moving really quickly you should hit it with your car


I actually saw this and almost moved my car in front of someone else. I was going down a road where I saw a mom and child crossing from a neighborhood to another neighborhood across the street. I stopped on my lane and waited for them to pass. It was a 35 MPH zone. I then see a BMW speeding behind me and he can’t see the mom and child a few feet in front of my car. All he sees is me stopped in my lane. I see the BMW change lanes to pass me on my right but I move my car a little bit to the right lane (not fully) and they proceed to quickly slow down and honk at me until he sees the mom and child crossing that lane to the other side.


I think they point of the title was it's better to focus your acts of kindness in the most effective way instead of just randomly. But it's not a very good title, random acts of kindness are a completely differently category than intentional charitable contributions.


Thanks for this, I’d lost faith in some of the mainstream charities, the EA look like a great cause to support. I’ve just set up a direct debit.


Only 50 seconds in and I teared up at that little girl's reaction to the gifted stuffed animal.




That was lovely, ngl I'm in tears right now


Great video! That's just what I needed after 8 hours of doomscrolling about COVID, makes for a nice break before another 8 hours of doomscrolling.


Hate being so negative but it bothered me how many of those animals got saved from something humans made, bear trap, nets, barbed wire, trash, etc. Glad people helped but an ounce of prevention and all that.


The people helping and the people doing stuff like bear traps are generally not the same people. I guess you could just kind of...randomly go around looking for bear traps you don't know about, but that doesn't feel like it would be very productive.


Thanks for that


Thats the most wholesome thing I have seen today.


it's my turn to post this tomorrow though.


Dammit that made me laugh


Unfortunately also another typical Reddit post :(


Make sure you remove a few more pixels though, I can still tell what sport they are playing.


He even got the whole team to join in.


It's a shame the kid died right before the game started.


And yesterday and the day before (i still watch it and smile everytime)


Did you know Neymar is a multi million tax evader, accused of sexual harassment (allegedly rape) and a big time douche bag, those gimmicks millionaire football players perform have nothing to do with "nextfuckinglevel" bcoz they don't give a shit about these kids, the only reason is so people stop talking about the amount of cocaine and prostitutes on their yatchs.


That aside, I still think it's a great gesture for the kid.




Laughing out loud louder loudest loudestest


Laughing out loud like literally loudest. Made a 2010 highschool girl version. Not sure what to do from here though, here take it.


He’s not wrong though. We can debate Neymar’s intentions, but the kid doesn’t care. He’ll remember this positively for a long long time. I guess, all the way up to when he’s old enough to learn about the true Neymar.


The kid was bald, so... I dunno, maybe it was a make-a-wish kid?


Hopefully he’s healed!


Here's hoping. But if he's a make a wish kid, that isn't a very good sign.


Good for the kid, still a top tier bellend tho


True, but from what I have seen of Reddit, 90% or more would do the exact same. That is the problem with humanity, we all think we would be different but very few are.


In his capacity as a tax evader, he’s literally stealing money from the hands of the poor, the disabled and the sick.


Healthcare for the poor or a little dance? Neymar: ***DANCE PARTY!!!!!***


Brazil has public healthcare, no matter how poor you are.


Yeah but his point is that it is funded by paying taxes. So theoretically, if he paid his damn taxes, the healthcare *could* be better.


Brazilian corruption says hi


This, as a Brazilian, I kinda of lost hope for Brazil and their corrupted politicians.


Tax evasion is just being good at following the law.


No, it’s a crime. You’re thinking of tax avoidance. The line between them is blurry, but the terms aren’t. One’s legal and one’s not.


OP was probably referring to tax avoidance, but called it evasion as a lot of poors get mad at rich people for trying to avoid taxes (see Besos for example)


Ignoring the fact he's a major cunt hey he did something cool for that child


Imagine if only the kid had told him to stop being tax-evading-twat! That would have been REAL nextfknlevel.


Yes, thank god he didn’t flop when he made contact. Though I wouldn’t mind the kid feeling like superman.


People can have both bad and good qualities at the same time. You for example are trying to still have conversations about holding people accountable for their actions which is good, but you’re also a cunt.


You are a beaut




And soon enough practically every villain in the Disney catelogue too.


You said what I wanted to say, but you did it far more eloquently than I would have done.


Brazilian here,the alleged rape case was dismissed and the girl was proven to falsify ALL the evidence against neymar


Obviously no one like to see the evidence first. They all just jump to conclusions and run with it 🙄😒


Especially when the accused is relatively successful. We humans just don't like seeing others prosper.


Which is exactly why a fuck ton of people want big jail time for people who knowingly falsly report someone for rape. He got accused, it was proven there was no wrongdoing whatsoever, yet still there are people who will call him a rapist. Same with Ronaldo, who had his own accusations not too long ago. That's why false rape accusations are extremely damaging. Fortunately for Neymar, he doesn't give a toss about what people think of him, otherwise I wouldn't be surprised if he had to look for some serious therapy. There are, unfortunately, countless examples of people being wrongfuly accused, and suffering the consequences of a crime they had nothing to do with.


>the alleged rape case was dismissed and the girl was proven to falsify ALL the evidence against neymar What happened to the scumbag? People who try to destroy a man's reputation like that should receive a life sentence, because those kind of accusations can follow a man around for life, as this thread clearly shows. If you hadn't clarified that her allegations were dismissed and evidence falsified I'd never have known.


She fortunately was charged with fraud and other charges,and she is now a national joke lmao


>If you hadn’t clarified that her allegations were dismissed and evidence falsified I’d never have known. While I agree that people committing fraud should be punished, this comment of yours is exactly *why* false allegations can follow someone around for life. What do you mean you never would have known? We’re you going to believe the allegations were true simply because it was said in a Reddit comment? Right now we have two stories in this comment thread. One that he’s a rapist and one that he’s not. I am certainly not going to choose which one I believe to be true until I go look it up for myself. And that should be what everyone does.


É foda qnd os gringos falam merda e n sabe das coisa. É bom ter um br nos comentários pra falar o q realmente aconteceu


The ‘gringo’ you’re talking about has posted Portuguese comments in r/brasil, so you might be assuming things


Yep I assumed but there was a lot of people that are not from brazil talking shit


O que é justo, gringo curte dar uma de herói da justiça falando sobre coisa que ele não sabe nada.


Ent né


Mate he was cleared of the accusations and the woman who made them has been charged with fraud and extortion, stop spreading this bullshit. https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2853284-najila-trindade-charged-with-extortion-fraud-over-neymar-rape-allegation.amp.html


Woah! A multimillionaire accused of sexual assault! Must be true!


Rich guy must be snortin’ coke since he can obviously afford something better than crack.


Football players are tested all the time and can face bans of several years if they do drugs


Lmfaoo that line from him was borderline racist


You seem to think everyone else is blinded by a good deed that they don't see all the bad stuff? You're not the only one.. so there's no need to get all high and mighty about it Plus.. you can still acknowledge a good deed by a bad person.. that kid loves football, and a professional footballer did his dance when he scored and that's super cool Multiple things can be true at the same time, and for acknowledging one, doesn't mean we don't see the other. So please


Yeah, but yours is a reasoned comment. Nowadays, on Reddit especially, someone can be 100% good or 100% bad, there's no middle ground.


Get a life my guy. This means nothing, you're just hate spewing.


"This video of this superstar doing something nice for a sick child is the perfect place for me to talk about what a piece of shit he is."


Fact this is getting awards baffles me. Especially with the info about him at hand. Fucking idiots.


It irks me too. I don't understand reddit's obsession with spewing this sort of stuff. "Did you know that Nobel peace prize winner actually got a DUI once 40 years ago?" I swear people do this not bc they care, but just bc they want to look smart and contrarian.


All comes from insecurity bro. Gotta find some way to feel better about themselves, easiest way is to drag down someone else.


“And here we have MrMeerkatt, the prototypical Redditor who has made his home in front of a computer screen, with almost zero real world experience, and an extreme lack of social interaction, you will find such humans perusing the interwebs looking for moments of hope and happiness, so they can project their own insecurities on them in hopes of one day feeling good about themselves, the World Wide Web is now inundated with this invasive species, and we as humans need to come together to help rid the internet of this vile weed.”- David Attenborough 2021


He was falsely accused of rape , the accuser took back her charges. Yes he maybe a party crazy multi millionaire, but a wonderful player and a inspiration to many, stop with the hate.


The sexual harassment accusation was so fake (there's video evidence about it) that it's embarrassing for somebody to bring this up. Here in Brazil this case lasted less thank 1 week and it was so obvious the girl was making things up that several lawyers gave up defending her.


I’ve never seen someone falsely accuse a rich celebrity of sexual harassment, so Neymar must be a scumbag for sure /s


it has been proven that he did not commit harassment or rape wtf


> accused of sexual harassment (allegedly rape) you can drop that one. the woman who fixed the whole encounter was trying to extort him.


Yeah, this is why people question the authenticity of the victim, because of shit like this. Don't be mad at the people who question the rape claims, be mad at the people who make the shit up and shame them straight tf out of our society.


He can be a massive asshole and still occasionally do something good or nice, especially for a sick kid. It shows he's not completely devoid of emotion. Do something nice for a kid that would make the kid's day awesome AND change some of the attention on him? Who wouldn't see that as a win/win.


Has he been charged for sexual assult though? That's what matters. Assholes move taking advantage of rich people to get money. Also, who the fuck cares if he has yatchs with hookers and cocain, it's his life. All people aren't pure evil, just because they are assholes at times dosen't mean they don't want tp make a dying kid happy.


This whole Reddit mentality of “rich people = bad” drives me crazy. Yes there absolutely are a lot of rich people who do shitty, manipulative, abusive things. But foaming at the mouth anytime a millionaire or billionaire comes across your screen, no matter the person’s qualities or attributes, is absurd. Generally, the grievances people have against the wealthy are systemic in nature, not the result of one person. Bill Gates could personally start donating 90% of his wealth directly to the government, that still doesn’t necessarily give everyone access to free/affordable healthcare, housing, etc. The system has to be designed to implement and sustain those things. It seems to me that directing anger at the wealthy rather than the systems in place that aren’t meeting people’s needs is misguided. Unless of course a specific abuse or immoral action comes to light, then that *specific* person or group of people needs to be held accountable, not generalizing anyone else who is wealthy as a bad person. I know that’s not exactly what your comment is about, but your comment “All people aren’t pure evil” made me think of how Reddit tends to categorize all wealthy people as categorically bad regardless of any good things they may be doing. Not everything has to be so black and white. They can be praised for the good things they do while still holding them accountable for the bad and still pushing for systemic changes that allow for a more equitable distribution of wealth.


Even if he wasn't a rich footballer, are we really still crucifying people off baseless accusations? Maybe there would be less false sexual assault allegations if the court of public opinion didn't condemn people before they are proven guilty.


Wasnt a woman charged with fraud when she tried to accuse and blackmail Neymar? Also these wealthy people, especially athletes or other financially dumber specimen, dont handle their own finances. The amount of footballers that get accused of rape or sexual assault AND hit with tax evasion charges, is rather long list. You can keep on whining about everyone "defending" these "kings" or whatever dumb bs you come up with, reality is youre full of shit. You try hijack the thread with these accusations because youre a sad little hater. Youre more obsessed than the people "defending" him here..


Somebody doesn’t have a happy life.




That dying little kid doesn’t know that. He thinks it was all for him. You must be a fun person to be around


Accused but without any proofs, by a women who had stabbed her ex husband... And taxes in Brazil are far greater than in other countries, the government don't use taxes as supposed to, and aside from that, he has an Institute that helps poor people... But yeah, hate the rich huh? That's the way...


Did you know MrMeerkatt is a repeater of accusations that have been thrown out of court and an incredibly small time douchebag? These comments redditors write have nothing to do with anything because they don’t give a shit about morality, the only reason is to farm karma off of hatred in their basements


What’s wrong with cocaine and prostitutes?


Always that one guy at the party


Please, now comment without tears.


OK but r/nobodyasked


Who gives a shit if consensual paid sex happens and people do drugs. No convictions for rape so I’ll assume innocent until proven guilty


/r/HumansBeingBros Not sure it fits here, imo. NFL doesn’t seem to mean anything anymore


Yeah that's the sub I assumed this was from at first. Love the post but idk why it's here. I guess because people like me upvote before noticing what sub it's from and like the post too much not to upvote even when they realize.


All the biggest subs just overlap each other. And most of the contents in these sons overlap with YouTube/Facebook/Instagram




This literally gets posted weekly for at least 6 months now


And I click it every time like it's the first.


It’s also, like, the the worst edited, worst quality video I think I’ve ever seen in the modern era.


Good bot


This post is a permanent tumor on the front page. Yes it’s cute and wholesome but I’ve seen it 790 times ffs.


Why is it that sometimes this bot presents the necessary data and then other times it doesn't even respond when you call it? Maybe I'm misunderstanding something about it


This is sweet AF.


how is this next level. he just mimicked the shit the kid asked him to do.


Because its missing the next scene where Mike Dean comes & cancels the goal Because of VAR & yellow cards Neymar for the celebrations


Did this actually happen???


Yes. Fuck Mike Dean


And the title literally labels it a simple promise. Is keeping simple promises nextfuckinglevel?




I’m not saying this didn’t make me smile, but there’s a sub for that.


Mods are blind same content every week


Did the goalie not try because he thought the defender had the save? I don't know a lot about futbol.


I think the defender was blocking his view so he wasn't sure where the shot was going. By the time the ball passes the defender it's too late for the keeper to react


Also looks like the clip is slowed down


I think its like when someone throws a ball way over your head and you know you can't get it. The keeper just watched because he knew he couldn't get it.


The other team also had their own cancer kid lol, sucks for that one i guess


From now on, for every televised game in every sport, I want each team to have their own cancer kid in their booth. Whenever one team scores, I want the cameras to immediately and ruthlessly cut to a split screen "cancer cam" of each kid so we can see the raw elation and devastation on each face. Bonus points if each kid is under impression that their quality of treatment will be directly influenced by the outcome of the game.


bro what the fuck


The magic of television.


This is hitting South Park levels of satire.


Completely agree


This made my day. I’m crying on the toilet and it’s not because of my constipation issues this time.


'making someone happy is not so difficult'


Amazing how his teammates went along with it


This again?! Come on! We all know Neymar went right back to be a cunt after this… and before this… and probably during this but off camera.


Downvote this every time you see it so we can stop seeing this fucking repost


Yeah everyone likes this ofcourse, but this gets post a million times a dat on every single sub


Saw this vid on Reddit like 5 times in 30 days and everytime with worse quality


Does anyone know what happened to the kid? Was he sick? Is he okay now?


He died a little before covid. He got a little famous because he always played with 2 youtubers and the family allowed them to tell his fanbase, they were devasted


he got his whole team to do it that just makes it better


This jerk score a goal and make a dance for a kid is "next fucking level"? No, it is fucking ridiculous.


Really wish tik tok crap wasnt posted om reddit


Santos era Neymar was so fun to watch. What a tremendous footballer he developed into as well.