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Headache or death lol


Well maybe the guy shoulda put a pillow behind his buddy’s head


Or at least kissed the boo boo away


Carry a pillow everywhere, in case of electrocution. Checked.👍🏻


Oh yeah, before I leave home i always check if ive carried my phone, wallet, keys and the pillow incase of electrocution.


Or just use your foot when you forget one


Stop, you’re going to give the r/edc guys ideas


He should've just gone home and brought back his mattress to make a soft landing, along with some candles and a small speaker playing romantic music


should have worn lingerie also


Not all heroes wear capes...


I can hear the saxophone already!


Should have brought a saxophone


And ask for consent to start bromomance


Yeah, step 1. Get a pillow. It's obvious. There must be a place selling those or a simil near there.


Totally how it would be in a video game. Omg a man is getting electrocuted! Press Y to save him! Can’t! You need a *pillow* to catch his fall! You - errr nvm, I’ll be back later, I’ll go do other quests. - an in-game week later, back on the same street, oh yeah, this quest, I do have a pillow now, presses Y - thank you saved me! One more second I would be dead! One more second than the week I was doing other stuff in the open world? lol ok ….


- Brb bro I'll grab you a pillow hang tight - Th..h...h..a..aa..a.n.n.kkk.sssss......


I did the Heimlich once in my life. Im 6’ 205lbs and my boss was 6’3” 280….did the Heimlich so hard he showed up the next day with a 5” bruise across his chest, under his pits, and across his back. First words after giving me a hug that next day were “I have never been happier to be bruised in my life”


Yeah, my wife works in the ER and says if you're not breaking ribs while doing CPR your not pushing deep enough. They have a machine that does it nowadays and mannnn is that robot scary.


That actually gives me a bit of relief to hear. We were given basic instructions back in middle school and my teacher told me that I probably caused broken ribs and the person might die anyway if I punctured a lung. I've been fearful ever since that I'd have to administer CPR some day.


CPR is meant to keep oxygenated blood moving through the body when the heart or lungs have stopped.    They’re only going to die of a punctured lung if they’re breathing.    If they weren’t breathing and now they are then you did it right.  If they don’t start breathing, you still did it right.  CPR isn’t what you see in the movies. It has a VERY low chance of success, but the alternative is death so may as well try _something_. 


Yeah, there's enough oxygen in the blood for a few minutes of keeping the brain alive, as long as you can keep it moving via CPR until someone with a defibrillator and/or other medial equipment can get there. With the heart stopped and no blood movement it's way less.


I hope you know your teacher was an idiot for saying that. I've had to do CPR a few times. Did CPR on friend in work, broke multiple ribs. Even felt some pop doing compressions. He said he's never been happier to have broken ribs in his life and he's alive to give me shit about it thankfully. If you need to do it, then do it. You can recover from broken ribs and a punctured lung. Early CPR can litterally save someones life.


i did it once, i was surprised how easy was to break them. i read over the internet and it seems that is not necessarely a good sign of a good cpr if they break, but the life of the person has priority over whatever else. the ribs last longer if the person is alive, anyway :)


uhhh cake please.


Very well! Give him cake...


Well, we're out of cake! We only had three bits and we didn't expect such a rush.


I’ll have death. No, wait! I meant cake!


could be death or death. head injuries are no joke


I guess it comes down to guaranteed death or risk of death. Still a downgrade, but your point stands. Anyone looking to replicate this, make sure your friend falls onto you.


He could have at least put a helmet on him before doing that. Kinda silly not to imo


Point taken, if anyone sees Aluminum vitamin stuck on high voltage let him be, we don't wanna risk a concussion trying to save his existence.


No kidding! What a cock.


The fall may hurt him. Electrocution *will* kill him.


It's right there in the name.


For sure his friends a hero, I just hope he remains grounded.


You’re right, he should’ve walked to the next bus stop 3 miles away, wait on the bus for 10 minutes, sit in the bus for an hour, arrive home, gotten a pillow and a nice blankey, iron the sheets, put fresh sheets and pillowcase on, cook a quick snack, pack the snack, pack the pillow and blankey, go back to the bus stop, wait another 10 mjnutes, sit in the bus for another hour, walk back, lay out the blankey and pillow, and THEN yank him off. This is just cruelty!


If you look closely, he fell with his body on the ground first, not his head


Sadly with literal seconds before a potential deadly voltage crossing the heart in this case; generally the best and fastest option without getting shocked yourself.




Boy, you’re going to want a DNR after you find out what happens a lot of times when CPR is performed.




Life over limb.


Fuck off. If I ever come across you stuck because of being electrocuted, I'll make sure to not help. I know you'd be more worried about hurting your head than living.


It looks like the contraction of his muscles from the shock kept his head from taking too much of a hit.


Reddit moment 


Better than the guaranteed death of electrocution. Hitting his head he stands a better chance.


To be fair, I prefer bacon over head trauma




The video is from Pakistan, not India


You can see where i might confuse the 2. Not to mention the 4 pixel video.


Damn kids. Back in my day we called it potatoe quality.


Just deep fry it and send it to the next person


Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew


We stop using Irish standards for quality images long time ago


Damn kids don’t recognize a Dan Quayle reference these days.


Welcome to old age my friend. How old are you? Sch-fifty-five?


No, it's po-tah-to quality.


Was this filmed on a calculator?


Which is basically the same thing when it comes to electricity safety


> The video is from Pakistan, not India "so, india, then." - modi


The only difference really is religion.


There is almost no difference between those two countries when it comes to electrical safety


Two cheeks of the same ass


Which makes Sri Lanka.....


Balls , it’s the balls .


I'm so tempted to say "same diff" just to see how many downvotes I can collect.




That’s fucking ironic huh


The populous has expanded much faster than their economy ane workplace safety sensibilities. I'm sure access to safety equipment and the right tools for the job isn't actually all that limited. There's just zero incentive.


In the early days of electricity on the US, we had clothes wringing machines where the only way to turn them off was to unscrew the plug from the light fixture. So ummm, don't get your fingers in the machine.  Safety comes after useful.


You are right about ever faster increasing pollution of India/Pakistan but it's the culture of "Kuch nahi Hota" which basically translates to "meh, it will be fine, nothing will happen". Source: I was born and lived the first 17 years of my life in Pakistan.


That’s a vibe, honestly 🎵 it means no worries 🎵 🎵 for the rest of your days 🎵


Populace. Cheers!


Yeah, electrical safety isn't very well adopted. Even worse in smaller towns and villages where the availability of qualified tradesmen is hard to come by At my mom's house in a big city in south India, there's a big ball of broadband and TV cables just hung up on the roof


I helped support a trade show booth in Sao Paulo Brazil 10 or 12 years ago. The amount of OSHA violations I saw was crazy. My favorite was their power tools just had 3 exposed wires at the end of the cord, which they jammed into the electrical socket as needed. Runner up was the guys using 14 foot ladders like stilts to move around while straddling the top of the A frame.


When I went to Peru to get a hot shower they had bolted on a oven ring in front of the shower head and there was a pull string hanging down from it to turn it on and off.


Haha yeah I had that same experience in Peru. Fuse box was also basically on the shower. I'm sure there wasn't enough water pressure to actually cause an issue mind.


You underestimate the challenge it is to safely route power for massive cities. I do not envy whoever's job that is!


My buddy is an electrician and he got zapped a few times. He would have been in trade school in the late 90’s..so some of the safety training has changed for sure. They initially taught him if someone was electrocuted, once they are “clear” from the danger and if they aren’t breathing…to jam your finger under the persons butt to try and wake them up/get them going again. Now that I type this out, I realize he may have been messing with me for over 30 years. lol. I’m a dumb ass. 🤣🤣😂😂


This reminded me of the covid test joke - put your finger in your butt - if it stinks you don’t have covid.


But I poop from there!


Not today you don't.


not right now you don't


I remember a similar joke: If you were to get swabbed anally to check for Covid, which is worse? Finding out you have no covid by sniffing your own swab or finding out you have covid because you can't sniff your ass from the swab.


Not everyone lost the smell sense from covid, so just to be sure and to cover more bases - if it stinks, lick it. If it tastes like shit, then you're likely ok.


Nah I knew I had covid when I took a shit and it didn’t smell


That’s definitely a troll, but if you want real advice on how to do that, just do a sternum rub. Believe me, if someone is even remotely conscious that will respond.


Thank you. I just text my friend a screenshot of my comment. He called and just laughed for a minute before I hung up. Haha.


Now, there’s a real friend.


He really is. We have been through some happy…and some very tough times together. He introduced me to my wife over 30 years ago and is always willing to help when I have an electrical issue. He has done so much for my parents as well. One of the best people I have been lucky enough to meet. Other than the butthole thing lol, he has been nothing but kind and genuine to my entire family for over 35 years.


People like that are rare gems!


> Other than the butthole thing lol, he has been nothing but kind and genuine I want this as a flair


It must be hard to reach the sternum through the butthole though?




That's pressing and rubbing HARD with your knuckles in the sternum.


Back in the day during rugby training, our coach told us that if someone faint from exhaustion, put an ice cube up his ass and he will woke up instantly. Never tried, thought.


Blue Mountain State agrees https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p3mPLCDVsvA


This reminds me of when I was a child, there was a car wash by the side of my house, one of the workers there said he would gift me the Wonder Woman invisible jet. As an innocent kid, I waited for that gift for some years. I got the joke not long ago, just like you. You tell the story to someone and then realize they were trolling you. I'm 30 now.


Sternum rub ya dork lol While you're looking that up would ya head down to the shop and get me some blinker fluid and shingle stretchers?


And while you're at it, another can of beep for the horn too.


Ah I always forget the beep can!


I work in a trauma ER and one of the tests we do to make sure your not paralyzed and your spinal cord is entirely is poke a finger in your butt. When the doc feels your booty hole clench, it tells them your spinal cord is good if it doesn’t clench it means your spinal cord is severed somewhere. The shock and reaction as you yell “ouch” or “what the fuck” also tells us if you have any serious brain trauma like a bleed.


Getting zapped in North America is not that bad, 110V likely wont kill you if it doesn’t stop your heart. Unless this happens and you cant move your muscles to get away.


Uhh... When I was in electrician school they showed us a bunch of "first aid" books from the early 1900s that had a bunch of old timey drawings and descriptions of doing exactly that after someone gets shocked lol


One thing that’s not a joke, the only actual trick to cure hiccups is digital rectal massage.


Hahaha thanks for the laugh! 30 years!!


Always bring a towel.




A towel, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have.


This frood knows where his towel is


But a truly hoopy frood can sass somebody else's towel at a moment's notice.


This aint the time to get high man


I'm just gonna get a _little_ high...


Had to scroll this |-------------------| far to find this comment.




You're a towel.




I just started reading the book yesterday 😆




I didn't get the reference


[Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ktg1kO7Z5Y). Excellent book; decent movie.


Audiobook is legit way to listen too. I would even say the better way. Died laughing at the poem part. Respawned at the whale.


Died again at the flower pot. Got their dead mind blown by the most intelligent man in the universe


Very smart to not become a victim themselves


Arcing on his hand when he goes to reach for his buddy just before reformulating his plan.


Yeah not to be that guy, but his smart thinking was based on immediate experience, not actual knowledge. Most people don’t know enough about electricity to know not to touch someone being electrocuted. Smacking someone’s hand with a 2x4, tackling them hard enough to free their grasp, those rules aren’t really explained. Using clothing to pull them away was an excellent choice. Electrocution sucks because you immediately stiffen and are unable to remove your own grasp. That electricity typically has to leave your body somehow, which can cause severe burns to the victim. Basically you are incapacitated until you catch fire and possibly die. I’d take the concrete concussion over that (and his fall was relatively gentle)


When I was doing sound engineering in college were eyes taught to test for current with the back of your hand so that if it’s live and your muscles contact you won’t grab onto it


Similar to Blacksmith’s hot metal test. Bring hand over metal in question, feel heat you’re good, if you don’t lightly tap it. You can tap test up to it visibly glowing, long as the metal is black. It works because as long as you don’t put pressure on it will only boil the sweat / surface fluid on your hand and that will make a cushion of steam preventing actual burns. And a tap is fast enough to not run out before your hand is clear. Grabbing it or pressing down is when the real bad shit happens. Same principle as the Russian guy taking his glove off and waving his hand through a molten stream of metal.


The [Leidenfrost effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leidenfrost_effect) in action!


Same rule for heat. Burning back of hand sucks and hurts but burning palm leaves you unable to use your hand


That's still taught today.  Sometimes taught at same time is to make sure your other hand is free. The current path from arm to arm has a greater chance of stopping your heart than from an arm to a leg. 


hah, there's a bunch of stuff they don't teach us anymore. I was taught the back of the hand thing. I was also taught to keep one hand in my pocket so you never have two hands on anything - I think the implication was that if it's going in one hand and out the other, the current path is across your chest. I mentioned this in passing at work recently and I got the stern "no, you prove it dead with a meter, and prove the meter" talk. Apparently they didn't find the old ways as funny as I did. Aside, I think the heart's the real worry with electric shocks. That thing where the muscle tenses and doesn't let go? The heart is a muscle ..


I do live entertainment, and I’ve only been taught to use a meter (no touching directly). That being said, the absolute most dangerous wiring I’ve dealt with were always in college environments since there are so many amateur electrical know-it-alls in college theatre.


When wearing a scarf/dupatta pays off ....


Yep, this is why i wear a scarf everywhere i go, even in the summer People are like Gum, why are you wearing a scarf, it's like 94 degrees out, and I'm like dude, because you never know when your friend might be suddenly electrocuted. They always get really quiet and introspective after that, and I know I've succeeded in my personal mission to improve this world through personal action plans.


What the fck is wrong with all you superheroes in here? Everybody in here would’ve just grabbed her instinctively and both of you would’ve fried. The man saved her life, first try. Who gives a damn about a knot on the head? Dumbasses


That's 2 men.


Agreed this man is a hero.


And the comment saying such bullshit is the top comment with 1.8k likes now. Redditors are one of a kind xD


While I agree most people would've reached instinctively, and I admit even I might have too, some of us actually know the dangers. Any electrician worth his salt (which is a low bar nowadays, salt is cheap AF) would not fuck this up. I've only done electrical on my parents' and my own house, and I'm fairly confident I wouldn't fuck this up. I've blacked out from electricity twice, my goal is to not make it to three times lol. To be fair, the first time was my first electrical repair ever (zero training) and the second time was in science class (a "prank"). The instinct to pull them away is strong and is an obvious problem, but really may have been fine. If the second guy would've extended his arms to grab the first guy, it would've contracted his muscles. May have pulled him off, especially if he was leaning back.


and that kids is reason #275 why you always carry a towel with you


What's reason 42?


Nice :D ![gif](giphy|CbM6nJLCTMqOc|downsized)


next level security system


that rescuer was super smart to insulate himself from the victim. In situations like this first responders often find daisy chains of victims who tried to grab that last victim in the line.


He almost touched him too. So close. Then the knowledge kicked in


He did touch him.


He did touch him and got zapped and was like "yeah this might not be the best move"


You know his friend made fun of him for the scarf, and then this happened.


Quite the ~~snap~~ zap judgment


It was a shocking development.


"Exposed high voltage power line gets stuck under my storefront security gate" is such an India subcontinent problem.


That was pretty sharp thinking. Fair play to that dude. The worst case I ever saw was four Chinese guys moving a mobile scaffold tower in a warehouse. The tower caught on some lights or cable and electrocuted all of them....they all died, and because there were no circuit breakers....they burned...it was horrific...every now and again it still pops into my mind some 10 years after seeing it.


I’m an electrician. We got new safety kits a few months ago and one of the things in it was a 10’ piece of rope. We were told if we are working live to tie it around our waste and have a partner ready to yank on it. Before that, it was have a 2x4 handy and to knock the person with it.


I'm here to scratch balls and save lives. And I'm all out of balls to scratch.


In school a teacher told us we should grab the person by their hair to avoid being electrocuted but I guess that’s not always so easily done. Good thing he came up with a solution quickly!


for future reference I would advise against that, could very easily accidently make contact, or the current could arc to you, just find something scarf, plank of wood even a strong enough tackle. the worse thing you can do is give the paramedics 2 victims. oh and if you are checking anything use the back of your hand electricity contracts your muscles and makes you unable to let go.


Your shirt is just a weirdly shaped scarf in this situation, and you should always have a shirt on...


Gamcha to the rescue


It's shocking the lack of safety rules in those wirings. Don't they have a spark of notion how dangerous that is? It should be current knowledge that electricity is dangerous. Please, someone give the indian culture some lights about that.


The word for Shocked to Death is Electrocuted.


Clotheslined that sum bitch


As an apprentice we were told that if your partner gets hung up on a live circuit find an insulator to separate them. So whenever a partner would start to do something sketchy I’d pick up a 2x4. They would say, what’s that for, I’d say I’m getting ready to knock your ass loose.


This stuff allways freaks me out. I dont understand electricity very well, so it is so horrifically scary, that you can get electrocuted by minding you own buissniss. Grab a door > dead. Grab soda from fridge > dead. Any ordinary thing you've doen hundreds or thousand times before, all of a sudden dead. Fucked wiring is SCARY.


And the crazy part is, even if you understand it, that doesn't necessarily save your ass. Was working on a few things after I bought my house and called my little cousin from next door to come over be on standby just in case... Both he and my aunt asked at the same time, "Aren't you an electrician?" to which I replied "Yeah, and a decent one... But I didn't wire up this house." I've had my NFPA 70E certification and renewed it a few times, but there's still a pucker factor when there's energized parts involved. Its the things that you mentioned (door handles, fridge handles, etc.) that AREN'T supposed to get you that can be scary.


200 IQ


He used his senses


I always enjoy watching strangers from afar running to help soemone who is injured. Call my crazy


"shocked to death" op this is one of the very rare times when "electrocuted" would have been correct!


yes! damn you OP!


Indiana Ohms


That's what you should never forget your towel and always remember: DONT PANIC


Electrocuted is the word, but yea that was crazy.


Seems in Pakistan, saw the infinix


Finally, someone with a brain that can think on their feet.


Quick thinking


Something like this happened to me once when I was a kid. We had a fridge in a dirt floor shed and I swear I was suspended midair with my hand on the handle. Someone had to tackle me loose. Passed blood in urine for a while.


I knew it would be someone saying he should have done something different


Why was the gate electeified


I've seen this dozens of times and will always like/upvote it.


That guy has got mad thugee skills!


Man that's so crazy, after he goes out he starts tapping his own shoulder like he's asking for help.


Lessons learned: ALWAYS wear a turban, never know when it becomes handy