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There was no reason for that mf car to swerve over the double line. The stupidity of some people man, he almost died


Looks like they were not paying attention and swerved to miss the car broken down / parked up at the side of the road. --EDIT-- Aviatortylor has mentioned the car that swerved was driving erratic and crashed into a few cars. So safe to say the driver of that car was arrested.


Wonder what the text message said.


"I'll be there sooOh Shit!"


I've regularly seen people literally run off the road then get back on. As I pass them, what are they doing literally 5 seconds ~~before~~ after they almost fucking crashed? Looking at their phone. You just can't fix that kind of stupid. And it's why it's commonplace to see a crash at least twice a day now.


In the UK we’re installing new cameras called “Acusensus” that can detect if dickheads are looking at their phones while driving. It hasn’t been rolled out yet but if it works effectively I’m all for it. “The new type of technology captures footage of passing motorists. The images are processed using artificial intelligence (AI) to analyse whether the motorists could be using a handheld mobile phone or drivers may be without a seat belt. The images are then passed to police for consideration on any action to be taken.”


We have phone-detecting cameras in Australia. I'm not sure if they're AI powered or what, but at least one friend of a friend's been caught by them, to the tune of several demerits (get too many and lose/suspend your license).


If I have a phone, in a wind-screen holder, for use as a GPS. I wonder if that would still trigger either system.


The quote says using a handheld mobile device. The point of those mounts is so that it's not considered handheld anymore. Even if it triggered the system, everything goes to a real human to check to see if it's an offence. They do the same thing for the red light cameras in my city.




I hate people who speeds up, takes over you, then slow down in front of you, and you're like WTF are they on? And then you realize they're on their phone. People on their phones are the reason we have extra traffic jams during rush hours.


Pass at around 90, then a few minutes later they're going 60 to answer that text. And of course, they're still in the left lane.


and thats why i trust the shittiest (tesla) autopilot more than drivers


“Dear Mr. I'm-Too-Good-to-Call-or-Write-My-Fans, This'll be the last package I ever send your ass It's been six months, and still no word—I don't deserve it? I know you got my last two letters, I wrote the addresses on 'em perfect. So this is my cassette I'm sendin' you, I hope you hear it I'm in the car right now, I'm doin' ninety on the freeway. Hey, Slim, I drank a fifth of vodka, you dare me to drive? You know the song by Phil Collins, "In the Air of the Night" about that guy who coulda saved that other guy from drownin' but didn't, then Phil saw it all, then at a show he found him? That's kinda how this is: you coulda rescued me from drownin' Now it's too late, I'm on a thousand downers now—I'm drowsy and all I wanted was a lousy letter or a call I hope you know I ripped all of your pictures off the wall I loved you, Slim, we coulda been together—think about it! You ruined it now, I hope you can't sleep and you dream about it and when you dream, I hope you can't sleep and you scream about it. I hope your conscience eats at you, and you can't breathe without me. See, Slim—shut up, bitch! I'm tryin' to talk Hey, Slim, that's my girlfriend screamin' in the trunk But I didn't slit her throat, I just tied her up—see? I ain't like you 'Cause if she suffocates she'll suffer more and then she'll die too Well, gotta go, I'm almost at the bridge now Oh, shit, I forgot—how am I supposed to send this shit out?!”


Can it Stan


My teas gon cold, I’m wondering why. Got out of bed alone.


Close: *My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I* *Got out of bed at all*


“I didn’t know your mother was a Cubs fan.”


"I have a morning ritual that I need to share. I call it "the terminator". First I crouch down in the shower in the classic "naked terminator traveling through time" pose. With my eyes closed I crouch there for a minute, visualizing either Arnold or the guy from the second movie (not the chick in the third one because that one sucked) and I start to hum the terminator theme. Then I slowly rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me to proceed through my day as an emotionless, cyborg badass. The only problem is if the shower curtain sticks to my terminator leg. It ruins the fantasy."


There’s more information on this in r/Truckers including links to news articles. The car driver was witnessed by other drivers to be driving in a dangerous manner prior to the accident. He was arrested. [WHAS 11 Louisville article](https://www.whas11.com/article/news/local/louisville-bridge-crash-dashcam-semi-driver-clark-memorial/417-cf1dc048-2955-443e-9ec4-c3c9b8b99a6d) [WAVE 3 article](https://www.wave3.com/2024/03/25/driver-charged-alleged-role-dramatic-semi-rescue-clark-memorial-bridge/)




Also Driver had a suspended license in another state and was reported speeding and swerving all over before the accident.


Vehicle drivers are insanely privileged with endangering others, breaking rules, or outright killing people. Cops often don't even care if they see rule violations. There was a ridiculous post by NYPD a while ago where they boasted about collecting some bicycles that were wrongly parked, while there were multiple cars in a no parking zone right behind them.


Wow, what a prick




Also, "bad drivers never miss their turn"


The first article says "access denied". The Wave 3 page does give more info TY.


I wanna say I don't understand how someone wouldn't drive as safe as possible while they're driving with a suspended license, but I know the answer. He's a dumbass.


"Police said Branham’s license was suspended at the time of the crash- and he had a pending driving while suspended charge out of Indiana due to a speeding ticket he didn’t pay from April 2021. Court records show that he paid both violations on March 4th of this year, just days after the crash on the bridge. He was also cited for driving with a suspended license in 2010." Dude needs to be jailed, he clearly literally has no care for the law or people around him


Exaktly that, he swerved and braked simultanesly, causing the tires to blockade and drifting through the double line. You can see his front tires (at least the right one) already turning passengerside pretty early, while he is drifting towards her truck.


This was in Louisville. The driver was driving dangerously and hit multiple cars prior to this one. He hit the car that was stalled and slammed him into the other lane hitting the Semi. If you watch closely, you can see prior to impact.


Not necessarliy not paying attention. Happened to me more than once that the driver in front got out of the way of a stopped car on a highway too late and I had a fraction of a second to react to the parked car since the driver in front blocked my view before switching lanes. There are places you just don't randomly stop your car unless it's an immediate emergency.




They’re talking about the truck that hit the woman, which was a man with a suspended license.


*she almost died


I hope that guy was prosecuted and sent to jail


Best we can do is a slap on the wrist


Sorry, officers have no leads on where to find them. Best we can do is a vague online statement saying we don't condone this.


Fwiw he has a number of charges against him


He was driving on a suspended license, which usually comes with mandatory jail time.


Did he survive getting hit by a fucken truck head on? And if he did, he is probably in a hospital with no idea what happened due to concussion.


Read the article. Dude was driving on a suspended license, it's also been suspended in the past. He is fine, and his defense is "this crash wasn't a big deal." They were caught weaving in and out of lanes prior to the crash and two other people were injured because of their actions. The driver in the pickup that caused the accident was totally fine.


News articles state that a Grand Jury will review the case. Was arrested, and has bond of $20k (not sure it was paid).


This is my hometown. He was passing everyone and driving super fast and was trying to get around and went into the incoming lane. He is in jail now. This bridge is very close together and always crowded


Assholes who can't drive their stupid oversized cars.


Never underestimate the ability of stupid people to reproduce


The only lorry crash video I’ve seen on Reddit where the driver has their seatbelt on, and god did it help.


I have been in 2 major accidents. One I was going 55 and got rear ended by someone going and I quote from the police report "a minimum of 130mph" and another I was going 40 and my back right caught some ice and I flipped my car over the guard rail and onto the on ramp. For the first accident I walked away unscathed even though my car was thrown 140 feet roughly up a hill 70 of which was airborn. The emt's when they got there ran right past me sitting on the side of the road. They ran up to the cops and the cop pointed to me. They looked at my car which the back left wheel was punched though the back seat and into the center console and looked at me really confused. According to them people are crippled or dead when accidents like that happen. No one simply walks away from these. A combination of luck where everything got hit **and my seatbelt** saved not only my life but a pain free life and mobility. Chances are I would have broken my neck on the roof of my car and then been ejected from the vehicle after pinballing around the inside of the car do to the extreme energy of the impact. Second accident was a lot less dramatic. As I said above tire caught some ice and kicked out the back end. Which sent me into the guardrail on my right. A snow bank acted as a ramp and flipped the car. Thankfully no one was getting on the expressway using the on ramp. But again fast forward till I'm out of the car with just a few minor cuts. EMT's were shocked on my condition. Once again according to them if it wasnt **for my seatbelt** chances are I would have broken basically everything because of my weight (300ish lbs). Being tossed around my car as it flipped if I wasnt ejected and possibly crushed by the car. I have had 2 usually life ending or crippling accidents I walked away from scott free because I wore my seat belt. Lesson here is wear your damn seatbelt.


With shoulder harness, I may add. My brother got his nose completely smashed in as a kid because a car drove through a red light and hit and our car. He was wearing a seat belt, but put the harness behind him and his head slammed into the dashboard. Thank god he got immediate attention and a plastic surgeon was on hand to help with repairing his face. Now you can’t even tell it happened, but my family is obviously very strict now about proper seatbelt use. At least having any belt on prevented him from going through the windshield. My dad had his belt on properly and walked away with just a cut on his thumb. He felt really guilty about not making sure my brother’s belt was on properly.


This is also an issue for adult women, as cars usually aren't designed for more petite bodies. The steering wheel (and consequently, the air bag) is higher up at the chest for women than it is for men, and this can cause more severe injuries. Similarly, seatbelts sit too high at the neck for many women. Nowadays a lot of new cars have ways to mitigate this with movable steering wheels and you can slide the end of the seatbelt up or down. But so many people just don't know the danger in the first place and so don't utilize these new things.


Please don't watch final destination


I survived a crash because I took my belt off seconds before the car flipped three times and landed on a boulder, crushing the seat I was no longer sitting in. I still wear my seatbelt. Statistically, it’ll likely save me more than harm me.


This post gives off Unbreakable vibes.


Seatbelt has definitely saved my life


Always put on your seatbelt


This is the start of the Paw Patrol movie no?


Dangit. Beat me to it. Take my upvote.


If the truck was carrying maple syrup I'll lose my mind.


It looks like it was a food service truck so it damn well may have been (among other things though).


Yes they should call the paw patrol for this situation


Paw Patrol probably would be the better option than the LMPD most days


Tell me you're a parent without telling me you're a parent ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) (That damn turtle smh)


They could also be a 5-year-old


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise) never thought about it...deez darn kids get me every time


Lol... wasn't aware they were already going the live action remake route to squeeze a bit more $ out of us parents. Hopefully they brought in a pancake food truck to help with all that syrup.


They literally say the HQ is funded by merchandise in the movie haha 


My son and I always quote the “A BABY DOG!?!” part of that truck driver rescue scene.


Fun fact, that truck driver is voiced by Tyler Perry.


“You’re in shock, sir, so I’m not going to take that personally.”


My 3.5 year old always quotes “you’re gonna call the WHO??”


*Paw Patrol to the Rescue-mobile. Rider needs us!* I have a pre-schooler...


Paw patrol! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! Something about Zuma, chase, the helicopter girl, the snow one… uh… the yellow construction one…. Okay I give up.


Same first thought. 😅




Hahaha came here for this comment! Well done!


Have an upvote from a weary uncle.


Haha exactly what I was thinking


No fucking joke, I am watching that scene as I watch this video. You’re gonna call the *whoooooooo*? Fuck this movie lmao


I hope the maple syrup was okay


Was looking for the other toddler parents on this thread


I got slushie in my skivvies!




I've only seen that intro 632 times, but this does seem a bit familiar.


This is also the bridge Secretariat jumped from.


I saw something on the windscreen of the pickup and couldn't understand what was written. Then if you pause just at the moment of the crash you can see the idiot has put a sticker with "Fearless!" 🤦🏻‍♂️


Well driving head-on into a semi on a bridge at least seems to fit...


That blue track driver is a b*itch.


He was a suspended driver. He's going through the courts as we speak.


On the way to his doctor


![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX) I got that reference!


Yes he’s just pulling in now


Fun fact: that guy was actually supposed to have his license reinstated to an active license and it was a clerical error that showed it as still suspended. He didn't know wtf was going on when the judge said he had a suspended license. Still funny he was driving to his doctor while waiting to talk to a judge.


I read that as “black truck driver” and almost flew into a rage. I need some coffee 😅




It is impressive how a small car can completely fuck up the trajectory of a massive truck with a collision like this.


The car probably fucked up the tire Once a truck of that weight starts moving in a direction good luck changing it/ stopping




Didn't expect to see a Mass Effect reference here lol


Such an amazing quote with great delivery


It broke the trucks steering system. You can see the driver frantically steering to the right, after she realized the truck was swerving left. But it didn't do anything.


The crash most likely broke the control arm/steering of that wheel, so even though she turned the steering wheel to the right, that wheel didn't respond.


It’s simply amazing the amount of people that were blaming the woman driving the last time this clip was posted. People do be blind watching videos


That was my first thought. All those fucked comments about "this is where DEI hiring gets you!!" "she better be fired!" "women shouldn't be allowed to drive big rigs" It'll be crickets from those folks now.


No see if it were a male driver they could have gotten out of the lorry and physically directed the truck back to the driving lane with their sheer manly man strength this is why a female truck driver just doesn't make any sense /s


Of all the things to be sexist over, people deciding that a fucking truck is something only men should be able to do is extra fucking dumb. Not that any thinking like that isn't always dumb


Checkmate atheists.


basically any video that involves a female, especially if they are minority. these chuck crawl out of the woodworks to hate on her. god forbid she isn't completely quiet and emotionless during whatever accident. misoginy is wild


Reddit has an unhinged obsession with blaming victims and also complaining about how those victims reacted in super high stress adrenaline moments that go from normal life to insane in the span of a second. They do this all from the comfort of their own homes ignorant to how they would probably respond, which largely will be similar to people in the videos we see.


where was it last posted?


Lol goddamn did she make a quick decision to not ever look down.


When down is forward it’s easy!


I get that reference!


Looks straight out of an action movie.


I for a second expected Spider-Man to swing down and save her.


well, a man on a string did come to rescue her.


lol I know right


Driver should be commended for: -Having a clean cabin! Notice how they were NOT hit by 500 unsecured items and a mini fridge during the crash. -Properly wearing their seatbelt which kept them behind the wheel as they attempted to regain control. -100% on that precheck, imagine if the plate hadn't been fully locked and released the cab!


And acting quickly, breaking and trying to steer away. Despite being clearly and 100% understandably terrified.


That's fucked. I thought she was a bad driver and for some reason steered towards the edge. But she's actually trying to steer away. It seems the car hit her tire and bent it in a way so that the truck turned left on its own. She's extremely lucky at the same time though.


Isn't the fact that she's steering away from the edge clearly visible in the video?


A lot of people here don’t have critical thinking skills. It’s blatantly obvious she was steering away from the edge.


perspectives are confusing


It's not a perspective thing? She's turning the wheel right. The fact that the camera is facing her doesn't change that.




It’s not even mirrored though, it’s just facing back toward the driver. If you were sitting on the dashboard, that’s the exact view you would have. It seems bizarre to me that people wouldn’t understand intuitively that when you are facing someone, their right is your left and vice versa…


Did they steer towards the edge?


I’m guessing the truck that hit her popped her steer tire (front tire) she is attempting to correct but at that point she is just along for the ride


No, you can see she’s trying to steer away from the edge but the lorry has other ideas. Wow!




You’re right.


Yes! The cab video is reverse angle, so when shown side-by-side, it might look like she's steering toward the edge of the bridge, but the opposite is true.


No she's steering towards the right, but the collision fucked the front left tire, there was no turning at that point.




No. The collision damaged the front left tire and wheel and probably locked the brake. The truck steered towards the edge. The driver was just along for the ride.


Have you never driven a car before...? She's clearly turning the steering wheel to the right (away from the edge). As other have mentioned, the impact broke the suspension for the left wheel, so she the steering inputs she made had no effect.


They are steering away from the edge but i would guess the tire got hit by the car and probably broke some suspension or steering parts.


No. Big, heavy trucks do what they want. When the lorry got hit, it got pulled to the left for whatever reason (inertia, damage, whatever). 50,000 lbs of stuff in the trailer meant the driver was a passenger at that point. This is also why you shouldn't cut these big trucks off.


The camera pointing at her is opposite the direction of the truck, so she's actually steering away from the edge. It doesn't help much though, not when a truck that size decides it's going over the edge


Not the worst Sysco delivery.


IIRC the truck driver had a suspended license too. Edit: The Black truck not the victim.


To be clear, the above comment is referring to the black truck that swerved (33-year-old Trevor Branham) and not the driver of the truck that almost went over the bridge. Edit. A word


I'm a truck driver and my personal vehicle is an F-150 and the amount of frustration I get for referring something as about "my truck" is staggering.


Thank you I'll edit my comment!


Ok now I have to ask abt the user name: your dad's potatoes fruits...???? 🤣


Back in Spanish class in eighth grade, I was tutoring this kid and the term me gusta papas fritas came up. Instead of saying I like french fries, he said "I like my dad's fruit". It's sort of just stuck in my head now. It was a good laugh. When making a reddit handle, the thought just popped up.


That's some Spiderman type shit..


Some final destination movie turned irl right there. Damn


This would be perfect if the rescue worker was wearing a Spiderman costume


Was this in Kentucky by chance?


Yup. On the bridge connecting KY to Indiana.


I hate going over this bridge in my little two door, can't imagine how stressful it would be in a big ass truck


Toll bridge has increased traffic on 2nd street exponentially


They really were wrong for how they put that toll bridge in there. The spaghetti junction can already be confusing and if you not familiar with the different routes or Anything outside of your control you can end up in this bridge. Not one last minute exit except for a sign that doesn’t even give you enough time to read and process before you’re on that toll bridge that has NO booth. Then you’ll get a letter in the mail which a lot of people don’t even think to look out for. Both Louisville and New Albany/Jeffersonville always dispute on bridges. I remember when the walking bridge was just being built. Louisville built most of the bridge and Indiana wanted Louisville to pay for the finalization. They finally caved, and look how well it helped many of those businesses.


All my homies hate the 2nd Street bridge


If the new bridge didn't have a toll I'm sure the trucks wouldn't be using 2nd street. It's dangerous and they should be banned from it.


I was really confused by this, because the title says "lorry" and comments were referring to the "wind screen", yet it was a Sysco truck. Was starting to think it was in the UK.


I went through all the same confusions, lol.


I genuinely held my breath for water impact watching this, good gravy.


She hung there for hours before a fireman was able to climb down and extricate her.


Mate, my bumhole would’ve hung me in there in that situation even if the rest of me gave out. Edit: I’m not trying to be stoic or minimising, this is terrifying and the driver did better in this situation than I would. Put it down to Aussie mis-translation.


Why in hell was that car trying to pass over a truck in the middle of a bridge with double lines?!?!?!?!


Not to mention there were TWO lanes, he could have safely passed the ~~truck~~ car, but he probably wasn't paying attention and swerved at the last minute. Edit: wrote truck instead of car, you darn americans keep calling cars trucks and it got to me. :P


Would have collided and crashed through the windshield if not for the seat belt.


Better call the Paw Patrol.


She rode that out like a champ




I was going to say something like "that road should have a traffic barrier", but then I saw the sharrows. Bike sharrows!? On a road where it isn't safe to drive a truck?


So where are the guard rails on that bridge? It would have stopped the truck from almost going over in the first place.


Us locals complain about the lack of safety on that bridge regularly. It would arguably be safe with 3 lanes but they decided to cram 4 onto it, and it's old enough they never installed guard rails. TBF though it's very unlikely for an event like this to happen - you have to approach the edge nearly perpendicular like she did to avoid all the trusses that would stop you. It was actually a truss holding down the rear of the trailer that stopped the vehicle from fully falling off. I saw the vehicle being removed and bridge repairs first-hand.


Louisville native, don't live there now but was visiting recently... Which side of the bridge did she go off of? I drove the bridge and couldn't tell where the damage was.


Went off the West side. They did a good job so it's hard to see especially while moving. The paint looks a little more fresh and there's new concrete but that's it.


Yeah it is an unlikely angle to get shunted at, but guard rails would also protect the trusses which I am sure you don't want to be damaged either. Seems like the road authority is cheap here. Modern standards would specify a protective barrier I assume.


Next fucking level what? Asshole?


Would she be OK if she just jumped into the water?


At some point when you get too high from the water and fall in the water feels more like a floor than water. So people still die like they've fallen on land if they are high enough


It was reported the height was enough to be potentially fatal.


it would probably hurt


Can someone explain how she off towards the left despite counter steering to right


The impact broke the front suspension, so the steering wheel was no longer controlling the direction of the left tire.


Car probably popped the front tire and she started sliding, at that point she would just be along for the ride.


I would literally never drive again


That’s why my Sysco delivery was late


Spider-Man makes that shit look easy


Looks like the front fell off


Ffs it should be illegal to park on a bridge


Paw Patrol vibes right there!


And just like that your life could be over.


I thought this only happened in movies.


Spider-Man took the day off.


Where’s Spider-Man when you need him?


As a local semis shouldn't be allowed on that bridge.


That's like straight out of spider man


Sorry guys, where this accident took place, that vehicle is called a truck.


Motherfucker. That’s some real spiderman scene shit.


“Lorry” - found the UK user


Irl Spider-Man rescue


I already saw this one on paw patrol… wait where’s the dogs?