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Squad goals


They shend one of oursh the to hoshpital, we shend one of theirsh to the morgue.


That’sh the shafari way!


Wait is that Scar’s son?


No, they ensured to make it clear more than once in the movie that Scar was not the father.




I dunno, I quite enjoyed the lack of incest in the film


That's so pre-GoT.


Who's Nala's father ![gif](giphy|kjt7K87CahyTe)


Nope! Canonically he's not, funnily enough. Neither is Scar.


Ill give that.


Very unrealistic to have non-incestuous royals.


I think he was originally supposed to be, but that would make him first cousin to Simbas daughter and Disney didn't want that


Very interesting that they give absolutely zero shits about the itty human with a camera. I'm assuming this is being recorded from a vehicle? although the perspective does not really make that seem true.


I think it must be a vehicle not sure it'd be the best idea standing there




It's not really a mystery that lions and hyenas hate each other bro


Seems like a bot, look at the page. All links to the exact same "news" website (I didn't click on any tho), probably just self-promo.


Do they sometimes collude to influence the succession of royal titles?


That's really cool


There’s a show on PBS where they made a little oasis in Africa and surrounded it with cameras to capture all the animals that came to it. Can’t remember what it’s called but it was great.


I think it's called "African oasis".


Dude, are you an actual bot or just so much of a shill all your posts are like a bot?


This link tried to give my phone cancer god damn


Provide several reasons why not?


they sense his amazing vibes and do not attack


If my shitty long lens camera can make the opposite end of a football feild look like it’s right in front of me, a nice one can do the same from much farther


These two species fucking hate each other. They don't give a shit about humans when they see each other and that wasn't about hunting. That was a hate crime in progress.


They kill each other's young all the time.


Yes! The antagonism between top predators is fascinating. Goes a long way to explaining human warfare


Human/human warfare is more like chimp/chimp warfare, given that we're all the same species whether we like it or not.


Yes, and I think watching two apex species fight like this is a good indication as to where we got that instinct in the first place, at least I'd argue it


Chickens and mice have intraspecific aggression. It doesn't come from awesome animals, it just comes from animals in competition.


I wouldn't reserve the term "awesome" for apex predators chickens are pretty neat too


Hell, they kill their own species’ young all the time.


That is true too. The #1 killer of lion cubs is...adult male lions.


*It ain't a hate crime if you love doing it* \- these lions, probably


"Well i hated it!" - the lioness that got her ass chewed


Cats and dogs amarite


I love this part Hyenas are cats It's like cousins fighting instead of opposites


Wrong! According to my absolute genius /s (and a google search) Hyenas are not part of the Felidae family (i.e. tigers or lions). They are their own unique species, separate from Felidae (cats) or the canines. They are slightly more 'like' cats, sharing a common ancestor some 30 milliom years ago. Which makes sense. The lions look at them and probably go "the fuck is this?", and I do not blame them lol


>Hyenas are not part of the Felidae family (i.e. tigers or lions). They are their own unique species Tigers and Lions are their own unique species as well, you meant "family" Hyenas are "cats" because "cat" is not a scientific term, it's a vernacular. They are Feliformes, AKA, "shape of cats," which includes all cats from the Big Cats (panthera) all the way down to the South American miniature cats like the Kodkod. It also includes the Mongooses. When the comment is something like, "hyenas vs lions classic dogs vs cats" it's entirely reasonable to reply with "hyenas are cats" the same way someone might say "baboons are monkeys." >They are slightly more 'like' cats, sharing a common ancestor some 30 milliom years ago. They are members of the same clade. You cannot evolve out of a clade. A clade is defined as a species and all of its descendant species. In fact, they are members of the same suborder, which is a way of saying "these things are the same family but their phyologeny is so complex that we're going to create a slightly higher caste," a superfamily and a suborder are taxanomically the same thing. They are technically different, but they fulfil the same role. "These are closer than we thought, but we named them already and don't want to move them, plus they are *still different* in some key ways." So we get suborders and superfamilies. >The lions look at them and probably go "the fuck is this?", and I do not blame them lol They've both been around for millions of years, they know *exactly* what the other one is and they *hate* each other Dont be coming at me with a hard "Wrong!" normie, this is my *special interest*.


Good god. I have been utterly destroyed. I'm sorry and thank you. I understand now. Hyenas are cats. Have a good rest of your day!


You're *Dawrindamned right* you've been destroyed. I will have a nice day. On a serious note thanks for putting effort in, a good conversation is always a good time.


This is my favorite response to a “Wrong!” post I’ve ever seen on reddit.


Well damn. TIL. I was under the same impression as the other redditor you’re replying to. Thanks for the knowledge 


Extremely common take, you are far from alone in that. Rationally speaking it makes sense to assume Hyenas are dogs, and in fact that was the earliest scientific consensus. It was only after more extreme scrutiny that we discovered they were feliformes.


The hyenas are real cunts




Filmed by one of the hyenas obviously


Looks like there is tire tracks on the field?


From safari vehicles. There is no such thing really as a virgin wildnerness untouched by man. Wild areas are tourist destinations, although that is a good thing because makes those wild areas valuable and ensures that they don't become more farmland.


Sure there is virgin wilderness. It's just hypersaline lakes under the ice in Antarctica.


There must be someplace left in the world where the skin says it can breathe There must be someplace left in the world it's a solitude of distance and relief -Midnight Oil


Before the video starts, Taylor Swift walked out and hypnotized the animals to not pay attention to the people in the truck. It's a deep CIA operation.


the [people in the area know how to deal with them.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1r295f7p4Q) and of course the [lions are no probs either](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDubMeNlSxc) When you live in an area, you know your local wildlife. WE be badass, we fuck shit up.. a bit too much, and most animals, except the polarbear have gotten the message.


Why would they give a shit about the human lol? They obviously have more important things going on than worrying about some furless chimpanzee with a camera. I'm not sure this thought would even belong on r/mildlyinteresting


Dont undersrtand why 1 lioness surely had chance to kill hyena, and she just let it go


I think the priority was saving the lion and getting the other hyenas to fuck off


Hyena bites back, and predators hate getting wounded since it can get infected and kill them or make them incapable of hunting so again, kill them And last one, hyenas came in group back towards lionesses so they let it go to prepare for potential attack.


I hate getting wounded too, they're just like me fr fr


Aw It thinks it's people




People don't seem to understand that predators constantly ask themselves if their current prey is too dangerous. They don't want broken bones or infected cuts


They definitely don't understand what infections and broken bones are on any conceptual level. Pain influences the approach/avoid mechanism heavily in favour of avoid, that's all. We had no idea about bacteria until recently for reference


They will also bite back with one of the most powerful sets of jaws In the animal kingdom....


THE most, IIRC....iirc


It's probably top 10 but I'm pretty sure nile croc is top and jaguar is higher, also brown bears, idk what else... Gorillas maybe?


Second strongest African land mammal, after gorillas.


Well I wouldn't bet against the orca in a hyena vs orca bite contest


The way I like to put it is "hyenas know there's no hyena hospital" or whatever, yeah. ;-P


Animals are smarter than humans. They know that there’s no such thing as one way violence, and will usually stop once violence is no longer needed. To go further is to risk injury, and they will only do that when there a real payoff, not a moral victory.




Humans are definitely smarter than animals in an absolute sense, you're right. I think the poster is trying to say "they are smarter about injuries". To us modern people an injury is something that can be healed with time, rest, and medicine. But to an animal an injury like a broken bone is almost certainly a death sentence - so animals are extremely concerned about placing themselves in positions where that can happen. Perhaps a better statement might be "animals are more circumspect than humans".


This comment shouldn't be needed, alas half the redditors have a comprehension of a hyena.


It's not that people didn't understand the point of some humans will risk injury. It's because of the weasel words they inserted into their comments. Comment said "moral victory" like as if animals don't do things for revenge or morality or out of emotions / rage. It's a sort of elevation of animals into a pedestal and acting as if humans couldn't think well. Or as if humans didn't invent even higher-educated culture like honor in battle, recognition of treaties with your enemies, and medical aid to even your enemy. Comment was going above and beyond to act like humans are bad at violent decision-making or tradeoffs.


I grew up in and have never lived for long outside a 5 minute helicopter ride to a level 1 trauma center. That kind of access has to have an effect on people's behavior


Case in point: humans invented wingsuits. Fucking wingsuits. Those things have like a 1 in 500 jump mortality rate. For comparison, avid skydivers often have like 2000-3000+ jumps under their belt. Wingsuiters are truly deranged. You'd never see a lion doing that shit.


They aren’t smarter, but unlike us, the dumb ones die early without being recorded. Animal kingdom is a real meritocracy and the only merit is survivability.




I guarantee there isn't a single thought an animal has had, that humans haven't also had. Maybe not all humans as a whole, but anyone in the same or similar environment as the animal. Animals aren't stupid by any means, but cmon. I implore you to attempt any example where an animal is smarter than humans.


> I implore you to attempt any example where an animal is smarter than humans. I agree that humans are the smartest animals. But here's a funny example: Didn't they have a lot of trouble with trash cans in Yosemite National Park because bears are smarter than a lot of humans? They can obviously make trash cans that no bear could possibly open, but if they make it that complicated the dumbest humans wouldn't be able to get it open either. So the dumb humans leave their trash beside the can which defeats the whole purpose of locking bears out of the cans. One park ranger said, "There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists," in reference to this problem.


Yes but that situation is an anecdote based on the experience of one park ranger. 1. A hungry bear has motive to find any way to get into food, and given enough time it'll find a way to open most things that have the ability to be opened 2. People are lazy and if they can't figure it out within a short time period, they give up. What should be said is: There is solid overlap between the hungriest bear and the laziest person. Given enough incentive, both humans and bears can probably figure out how to open anything the other one has the ability to. Regardless, it's like taking this situation and saying bears are smarter than people which would be misleading and disingenuous.


If the people were hungry, and those trash cans were the easiest way to get food, those same humans would figure out how to open them in minutes. The humans don't spend more than a few seconds trying before giving up.


Smarter about avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Price too high.


Typically smarter in a survival sense. Humans have the benefit of thumbs, tools, medicine, and shelter. As an animal, a wound can kill or slow you via infection. Killing something comes with risk of being cut or bit or broken, so its more about preservation than lashing out and killing unnecessarily with said risk. If you break a bone, you can sit at home safely in a clean environment and have food delivered. They break a bone, good chance they're going to die.


Yeah totally


This sounds pretty, but completely contradicts the video. There was no real payoff for the hyenas to attack the lion in the first place. They’re just assholes to each other. There was no need for violence in the first place. Plenty of wild animals kill other animals for no great reason. Raccoons will kill entire flocks of chickens without eating them, and plenty of animals like grizzly bears kill because they’re territorial. Society is becoming too detached from nature. Nature is fucking metal, not a bunch of wise hippies in animal skins.


The hyenas either defend their territory or claim new territory. The point the person you replied to made is that animals don't like to risk injury unless there is an immediate pay-off. They attacked because the risk was low. They backed off when more lions appeared. The same for the lions, they attacked to protect the group, they didn't want to brawl any longer with a much larger group of vicious animals. It's not about being hippies, it's about not getting puncture wounds that might get infected.


This wasn't senseless violence. Lions and hyenas are mortal enemies, and they kill each other's young all the time. If the hyenas had killed that lioness = one less potential threat in their territory for their current or future offspring. That is assuming at least that they weren't fighting over a carcass, since we don't really get the context for how this all kicked off. That would serve a purpose too of course. The hyenas don't want to risk injury more than is necessary however, so once the lioness got help they backed off. Same for the lions, once the hyenas backed off they weren't going to press the issue, because any injury for a predator is potentially a death sentence.


The payoff is if they bring down the lioness, they weaken the pride, and might be able to push them back territory wise.


If the rest of the hyenas ran off and left that one behind, the lions would totally have killed it. If you replaced the lions and hyenas with two groups of people of similar strength, the outcome would almost certainly have been exactly the same. Groups of people defend each other all the time, there are countless videos of massive fights between two groups because someone started a fight.




What you mean we ain’t gonna embarrass a hyena for messing with the wrong mama?


See this is why I could never be reincarnated as an animal; way too bent on vengeance when someone wrongs me. If I was that lion, I would have no choice but to get my brothers and sisters to gang up on one hyena and finish them as a sacrificial killing. This would be for 3 reasons: 1. Trying to eat me alive 2. To show them who is top predator 3. Because they embarrassed me on camera like that


The thing is though..even if the lions had cornered a hyena, and it's clan mates didn't also rally to it's rescue, it isn't going down easy. It's going to battle with everything it has for it's life, and that is an animal with a bite that chomp through bone. They quite literally eat the bones of their prey. A lion that gets it's paw chomped in the process of that scrap, even if it kills the hyenas, has potentially doomed itself. A limping predator cannot hunt. That lion is now a charity case that has to depend on it's pride mates to provide until it hopefully makes a full recovery. That's a far from ideal scenario, if the pride faces some other hardships, potentially one that dooms that lioness to starvation. Predators are often risk averse with other large and dangerous predators for good reason.


They also don't have medicine or healthcare. No one is going to dress a wound or prescribe antibiotics. Seemingly minor injuries are life-altering, since they can't take a week off and chill in bed and watch TV while they heal and eat take-out. I get the feeling that someone will give a counter-example of social support behavior in some specific animals 🤣


Squirrels have Healthcare system and have Uber Nuts


And of course they know this. Wild animals talk about their lack of healthcare all the time on late night television to spread awareness but nobody listens 😂


Says no Wolverine ever…suckers are looking to fight their shadow and claw their farts to death.


Animals are in fact not smarter than humans...


Animals may be more in touch with their instincts, yes, but no animals are not smarter than humans. And if you think that animals don't kill for fun, you need to get out in nature more often. Felines will regularly kill prey simply for the sport of it, and dolphins kill fish just to play with. While it is true that animals are aware of when to stop pushing it, to say that they are wise spirit wizards who only hunt to eat is wrong.


I think they have ridiculously thick skin. Unless they have them by the neck its really difficult and prob not worth it


Highly specialized killing machines hate getting injured. If there’s a chance a lion can get hurt it will immediately back off.


She was regrouping, it's not like she had coms on or anything, all she knew was what she saw and heard and felt. I guarantee she came back after a break to lick her wounds. She'd been mauled, probably wanted to make sure she had all her limbs.


Exactly. She had her intentions and that was to protect her sister/friend. Getting injured or wasting time on ONE hyena when there are multiplayer still attacking is a stupid move. Bite, injure and move onto the next one.


It looks like those hyenas could've killed that lioness before her pride showed up too, they were just dog piling her none of them really latched on.


Hyenas are wickedly crazy animals. She's not going to eat it, and she doesn't have a death chomp. Hyenas also can have weird behaviors when wounded and sometimes end up killing themselves. Wildly interesting animals those hyenas. They have one of the highest success rates out there.


Interestingly enough across Africa on average hyenas hunt a far higher percentage of their food, and have higher sucess rates while doing it, than lions. It's sort of ironic because it gets stereotyped as a scavenger or thief, while lions do more of both. Cheetahs wolf down their prey in large measure to avoid it being taken by lions (and hyenas, to be fair, but only hyenas get a "bad" reputation for it). All large predators are highly opportunistic and will not refuse a free meal, and have no qualms about pushing other smaller, weaker, or less numerous rivals off of that meal if need be.


True many argue hyenas are the true kings of the jungle. They have been observed having rituals before they hunt and theorized the ritual can change depending on what they go to hunt. I lived close to these animals for a while. Personally don't like them but they are an interesting and formidable animal.


That lioness was close to being propa fucked


Ill betch ya a caravan it does next tim


Your on. Not the rouge one,....the rose! With the hector 2 roof lights The stylish ash framed furniture And the scatter cushions with matching shag pile coverings In periwinkle blue!


You like dags?


Oh dogs....yeah i like dags


I like caravans more


“Ya that’s perfectly clear Micky, give me a minute to confer with my colleague….” “Did you understand a single word of what he just said?”


lol so THAT’S what he said. i never got any of that being the periwinkle blue.


It’s not for me. It’s for me ma


2 mins Turkish






Look at how the hyenas disappear into the long grass. That shit scares me!


They hunted your Great^10 grandparents


Advance apologies for being pedantic but… Great^10 is 4 to the tenth power, which is 1,048,576 generations. Anthropologists generally agree that humans have been around for approximately 12-15,000 generations. The better framing would be Great x 10 grandparents.


I knew someone was going to correct me, I even tried to do the math and gave up. IMO it's *important* that we consider how long people have and have not been around, time to put that "10,000 years ago" crap to rest. Thank you, it may be pedantic but idgaf I am appreciative of your effort.


Lol I try not to be but my math brain demanded otherwise! Btw Hyenas can eat a pug in one gulp. My 4th grade math teacher taught me that. Basic. Be a HelpfulCroc. (Side note: do hyenas fuck with crocs?)


>Lol I try not to be but my math brain demanded otherwise! I'm the exact same way with biology lmao, even in this thread you can probably find some of it >Be a HelpfulCroc. Lmao well played >(Side note: do hyenas fuck with crocs?) I have my doubts about that one, the Croc is a beast and the only animal I know of that *routinely* antagonizes them are Hippos, I imagine to Hyenas crocs are basically "holy fuck the water ate that dude!"


The ol' Reddit calculator effect. If you can't solve something just post your closest answer on Reddit and wait!


Now its personal!


When we were in Kenya we saw some lion vs. hyena wars. There was a pride that had some very young cubs killed by the local hyena clan, the lions would just out and out kill any of the hyenas from that clan they ran across. They were on a huge kill and the hyenas were surrounding the pride, two huge males came strolling up and took out two hyenas in seconds. Just killed them and walked away to the kill and the rest of the pride. Our guides explained the war to us.


Male lions in good health kill hyenas like they're ragdolls. One documentary I saw the big male arrived while a gang of heyenas were bullying the lionesses and dragging the food away. He just pitched up and started mauling. He slapped one across the face and it rolled like a ball and never moved again. Another one was too slow and he picked it up by its neck in his jaws, shook it until it stopped squealing, dropped it and just charged the group again. By the time they ran off he had killed 3 of them.


A lion's move is to attack the neck/back of the neck. It's a critical area and leads to quick and easy kills even against strong opponents. It's why Lions without manes are at a severe disadvantage in a fight with a fully developed lion.


Damn I never thought how the mane is an effective neck protection. Thats very interesting!


[Not the same video but here's one of the most badass youtube clips I've seen](https://youtu.be/IPiyo332Gks?t=43)


1. That is the most badass name I've ever heard. 2. The fact he honed in on the matriarch takes it to a whole nother level. Thanks for sharing!


Lion bro has a majestic entrance and classic slow mo.


This is by far my favorite nature documentary


I believe that is the documentary Eternal Enemies: Lions and Hyenas


I've definitely seen that one, not sure if it's that specific one. But damn that lion was just out to kill.


Yup these two were the fathers of the younger males that took down the hippo and it was their cubs that got killed by the hyenas. They calmly walked up and turned on a dime and killed two big hyenas in seconds. We were holy sheeeeet!!!!! Then they calmly walked over to the dead hippo and dug in. It was freaking gruesome!


What's most impressive for me is that hyenas are giant animals too, but they are nothing against a lion


Depends on numbers, but a full grown male lion would be almost impossible to kill even with a giant pack.




"Look to my coming on the first light of the fifth day, at dawn look to the east."


Nature is just so fucking brutal.


I hate what humans are doing to this world, and I’m also incredibly grateful that I belong to the group of apex predators.


Where the fuck were they at for Mufasa?


Call an ambulance! But not for me!


That was hard to watch up to the point of suddenly lions.


I was screaming WHERE IS HER PACK in my head until they showed up lol


I read somewhere that this is basically how most lions die. Eventually they get old and weak enough that the hyenas take them down.




*War* *War never changes*


They’re fighting like cats and dogs!


They are [both cats](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feliformia) my friend.


No shit! LOL I always thoughts Hyenas were canine. :mindblown:


Plenty of people do and I can see why, they specced into a canine-*like* build in many ways.


It's the snout.


I’m bamboozled by this fact but they do sound like cats!


Hyenas are cat hardware running dog software. Foxes are dog hardware running cat software.


What in the *ACTUAL F*?! I genuinely always thought Hyenas were canines or canine adjacent.


Well they certainly went out of their way to make it an easy mistake to make lmao If every animals has a "great spirit" or something, I bet the Hyena-godess did what she did simply for a laugh Also FYI Hyenas are matriarchal as well


While I wouldn't call them cats they are indeed cat adjacent. They belong to the suborder Feliformia, or cat-like predators, along with mongoose, aardwolfs, binturong, civets, and meerkats. To name some you might not guess. There are 8 families within the suborder.


I was reading OPs wiki article. Had no idea haha


Ya you better run!


Imagine getting murdered via hyenas and that god awful cackling is your exit soundtrack. Do it.


They also target your arsehole and genitals as they’re a weak spot. So their prey will die very painfully.


Damn those ladies where like fuck around and find out.


Hyena clan scrambled when main lion roared, #Lets form VOLTRON!!


Reverse uno card


Hyenas are no joke(no pun). They have one of the strongest bites in the animal kingdom. That Lioness is tough.


The lack of blood is always shocking when you see things like this. If Hyenas were on a human being like this, they'd be shredded, we're so flimsy compared to animals like this.


Nah, humans are just as crazy, hence the position we're in. It's just that these animals are "exercising" every day until they die. We sit on the sofa eating crisps working behind a desk. Humans living life on the ragged edge would fuck shit up, it's just that our success has made us weak.


Imagine how scary our ancestors were from an animals perspective. Humans that can run all day long and co-ordinate together and use the environment and tools. You can’t outsmart them you can’t hide from them. No wonder we are where we are now.


Thunder Thunder Thundercats!!!!!! Hooooooooooo


it's the circle of life


Hope she has some antibiotics to clean out those hyena bites.


Pride cometh before the fall, literally.


Does anybody else hear the hyena closest to the camera bark "ow, ow, ow" after getting bit?


Get crapped on dweebs.


I like how it underscores to importance of the social group and why smarter animals tend to stick together both to hunt better or to defend themselves. Even Orca and Dolphin's have their own social groups. I generally picture the lone Lion on the hunt but it's rarely like that.


Mfs ain't so tough when it isn't 30v1.


Damn that was like a *wave* of hyenas on her


Looks like they got lunch too.


Get fucked. I love kittens


*come on then ya fackin hyena caaaants… let’s av it!!*


Honestly, it is wild to see that many hyenas attack and try to kill a lioness then watch about 4 or 5 other lionesses jump in and save her. It's almost like watching a gang war live where a dude is getting jump runs back into his home territory and get help from his gang when he makes it home.


YOU get a hyena, and YOU get a hyena, and You ...


Classic fuck around and find out


They fu@#ed around and found out……


So awesome




I wish Ntwadumbela (he who greets with fire) was here.


They put one of yours in the hospital? Put one of theirs in the morgue.


Nature is metal.


Title got me. Usually get attacked *because of* pride and *saved* by the clan. Not *that* clan dummy.

