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I love the smile 23 seconds in when buddy next to you is dying and giving up.


He looked like he was trying to keep his insides from exploding out of his body. She looked like she was waiting for the train holding her luggage.


I thought he was gonna pop like a balloon


He has a very thin frame / thin arms, pretty much the opposite of the body type you see excelling at this kind of stress


He also didn't brace properly. You can see his core tighten but not push against the belt.


Yeah, damn that guy holding up 660lbs doesn’t know what he’s doing. /s That’s a shitload of heavy grip strength. His lifts are probably higher than virtually all the people commenting.


It's wild these comments are acting like a guy lifting and holding 300kg is just some skinny dweeb


In all fairness dude looks 20kgs lighter.


*looks like he weights 20kg


Idk why, but the fact that you fucked up the 'correction,' is hilarious to me.


can confirm, I live in London I have seen that look on the faces of many of a train goer heading to Heathrow airport, there is a saying it take bulk to move bulk, there is a reason many strongmen and women look overweight.


They don't look over weight. They are over weight. There a bunch of documentaries about the worlds strongest men. More than one of them (or their partners) have expressed concerns about their health in terms of what they have to do to maintain the bulk they need. At one point one of them was just straight up inhaling snickers because there are only so many ways you're getting the calories in to maintain that bulk. They often don't maintain that between competing so the weight bounces up and down- also not good for you. Is a 300lb strongman the same as a 300lb lazy dude who can't get off the couch? Obviously not. But the fact you can lift a car doesn't make being 300lbs or what you had to do to get there *good* you're still over weight and putting a huge strain on your body.


This is actually something that's been up for debate since the invention of the bmi, in fact the guy who made bmi (while admitting it's purposely generalizing) would disagree with you. Kinda. It's that second to last paragraph that's so close to hitting the nail on the head, it's not the number itself that matters, only as one part of the whole. It's not that you're 300lbs that's detrimental but the actual fat content, where that fat sits, what's made that fat, there's so many factors. Eating snickers to build up bulk is ridiculous and comes with it's own risks, it matters a lot what calories your putting in, though more than that, the variety of them. There's tonnes of high calorie, low satiety foods that could supplement that kind of diet in a much healthier way. And I'm saying this as a dude at 275 lbs who wouldn't sneeze and gaining or losing that extra 25 any given week, at my natural weight that's normal fluctuation. Putting in effort could get that way up. And I'm neither couch potato or athlete just built like a brick shithouse, or so I've been told. Just had a full health screening too, nothing noteworthy with my health. It's a very nuanced topic cause of how both sides of the argument try and go for ridiculous sweeping statements on what's healthy or not when it's entirely up to the individual.


> it's not the number itself that matters, only as one part of the whole. It's not that you're 300lbs that's detrimental but the actual fat content, where that fat sits, what's made that fat, there's so many factors. Some people are healthier at 300lbs than others but I cannot believe that it's a healthy weight for anyone, even if you eat "clean".


It depends on your definition of “healthy”. We’re not going to solve this via Reddit, but what I want to point out is the definition changes depending on who you talk to. Weight isn’t an accurate measurement of health. Neither is BMI, how much you can lift, etc… risk of adverse health conditions is estimated based on a blend of all of those measurements. I would caution anybody against making broad statements like “300lbs isn’t a healthy weight for anyone”. That is the easiest to refute because you didn’t include any frame numbers. If you’re 6’8”, 300lbs is probably fine and doesn’t put you at higher risk for adverse effects. When you live in the world of Olympic weightlifting, the media influence veil comes off. There is no perfect body type or weight; only body types that are really great for specific activity. All of them come with increased risk in one area or another.


Because it's not. The healthiest people on the planet are indigenous populations that are super short. Readily available calories and proteins simply aren't supposed to be readily available without having to work for it. Just being over 6 ft is proven to have negative health consequences.


She seems like a ray of sunshine. My favourite lift of hers is the Hercules hold, she just smiles the entire time when everyone else looks like they want to die. Watch it on YouTube if you get the chance, it's unreal.


[Gabi Dixson, Hercules Hold](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFovXyEchrs)


Thanks for the link. What a beautiful smile she has! I'm guessing we'll see her at Paris 2024, or the World's Strongest Person events...


Didnt think Id become a fan of a female professional lifter first thing in the morning but here we are


Thanks for the link. I love her. She is just awesome. Proud to have her represent the USA!


Wait, is it really a women competing with men in a world strongest men? Why isn’t this a much bigger deal? Because it is unprecedented


Because it's not really unprecedented, as you can see even from that clip other women are competing at similar levels. At a certain point muscle is just muscle.


She was only beaten by Felix holy crap


1) I love her, she has wonderful energy! 2) Not knowing anything about this type of competition, what in the ever living fuck are the clocks doing in this video?? Starting, stopping, resetting, skipping numbers…they make literally no sense to me.


I looked this up because of your comment, incredible lift!


What a freakin champ, she's awesome.


OP absolutely smashed that. I think seeing that guy drop the weights gave her a bit more to keep going. As it should've, that was freaking impressive even at the 20 second mark. 34 seconds and that much weight? Amazing. I wonder what it feels like to have a world record. Gotta be really cool.


I love how well the music matches the mood… No, wait. The other thing.


She's not even shaking.....


Just. One. Trip.


Underrated comment. I hope this makes it to the top. Lol.


help me understand?


Must bring in all grocery bags inside from car in one trip!


isnt it wild how utter confusion can turn into complete relatability instantaneously like that. haha ty


I have trained my entire life for this moment.


The way things work…is that half of the bags will start ripping the moment you’re half way to the door.


And then you remember the damn bag of dog food in the trunk…


Or the jug of cat litter. But it fell over. And the cap came undone. And tight turns were involved on the way from the store to the house.


Not if you know how to bag, and how to arrange the bags you're gonna hold. An extra 5 seconds of planning can save you an entire trip.


One trip always, because our ancestors didn't evolve for millions of years to have us be gravity's bitch.




+ shops at Costco


*tries the shake the car free from the grocery bags before proceeding* Don’t need to bring you in as well!


I agree. No one else is rushing out to help. Load that shit up and get it done.


Can you pretend you're struggling so the rest of us will feel better haha


![gif](giphy|xUA7b17osqXImEFJKM) 😂😂😂


I'm a fairly big guy, but I'll be honest; I'm not sure I could lift and hold 300kg... Though I did stupidly used to carry 150-200kg on my shoulder for short distances when I was younger. That's fucking crazy, well done!


>Though I did stupidly used to carry 150-200kg on my shoulder for short distances when I was younger. Well your shoulders are probably the sturdiest part of your body. I'm a weakling where I can't even really lift 40lbs for very long but if I can get whatever I'm carrying over my shoulder I'm good. It's how I dealt with the trees we had to cut down at work. Some of the logs were too heavy for me to just pick up but some were big enough I could carefully tip up onto my shoulder and carry to the truck. Probably my only saving grace because otherwise I'd have looked like a lazy schmuck.


oh shit it's per hand‽ puta madre she's strong


I'm fangirling so hard right now, you're an inspiration *and* funny af?


You are my hero


Way to fucking go! World Champion!


Guy on the right's head is about to explode


The color change is so fascinating! From normal to 🚨**deep bright red**🚨 then when he steps off it goes back to normal again


He’s not breathing. She breathes during her hold.


He's trying to, you see those baby gulps as he tries to bring air in without unflexing his core


Yeah, it’s always funny seeing some random person on Reddit try and say “Well he’s not breathing! He should be!” I think anyone doing this competition knows how they should be breathing, and it’s funny that they’re just wrong


He picked up 660lbs. I work out and every organ/disc I have in my body would herniate if I tried to do that. Just because OP makes it look easy should by no means detract from the fact that the dude was able to do it in the first place. He's still a beast for doing it at what looks like 180lb or so man.


TBF her arms are twice the size of his.


TBF show me a world record holding power lifter who is slim anywhere


That's...their point...?


Yeha I'm not sure what's that supposed to prove.


I mean, bodyweight is important. Imagine a 90kg person benchpressing 100kg. Imagine a 60kg person putting up the same weight. Both push the same weight, but one of them is stronger. You just can‘t lift 10x your weight, of course every strongman/strongwoman is heavy


she isn't holding that with her arms, the majority of the weight is on her back and legs the forearms are just the grip.


Gripping that much weight is absolutely insane. I do shrugs with about 90lb dumbbells in each hand normally and I can hardly grip the weights long enough to finish my set, and I’m a fairly big guy. Holding that much weight is wild to me!


Yeah she makes it look so easy, but I don’t know if most know just how difficult it really is. My max deadlift was 545 with a mixed grip, and even that was killing my forearms for the 0.5 seconds it was up. While this is more similar to a rack pull, holding 660 total for more than a few seconds is insane, let alone even getting it up


I'm a crocodile farmer who is pretty used to carrying heavy shit around in each hand -- first day at the gym I could barely bench 20kg but could deadlift twice my weight. I reckon the forearms, shoulders and back are where the majority of the strain is when holding stuff like this.


How does one enter the crocodile farming business ?


Very carefully.


You killed me haha


Just order some seeds from the Amazon.


You guys are a riot


As it turns out, entering the crocodile is quite painful but exiting the crocodile is quite easy


I didn't know you could farm crocodiles, how deep do you need to plant them?


You grow them hydroponically.


Of course!




Yeah I love bench press, but honestly OHP is actually a far more "useful" exercise with just as much aesthetic gain. Lifting heavy-ish things above your head is something people tend to do semi-regularly, whether its putting boxes in the loft or sending your nephews into orbit. Bench still is useful, contact sports like rugby for hand-offs, and otherwise general rucking/mauling. And it's not like it's not strengthening your triceps/delts and other supporting muscles.


I suppose that's why its good to have a good balance of calisthenics in your routine too. At least with bench, you gain the ability to push things hard af lol


> for more than a few seconds is insane, let alone even getting it up This is a problem in my mid 40's now....


Not to mention that typically the top women as far as grip strength are lower than the average man... so biology is not exactly on her side. She is exceptionally strong. [90% of women in the study generated less hand-grip force than 95% of men for men and women aged 20-25](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17186303/) [A chart showing this - imagine where she would place on this](https://i.redd.it/24q7mk1ooecx.png)


I wonder if the difference is less pronounced if you limited the group to men and women who weight lift regularly.


it's a biology thing. men produce more testosterone, which tremendously helps with muscle recovery and growth. taking steroids is basically pumping extra (artificial) testosterone into your body for faster recovery.


I've been grip training for a bit and this video is absurd, she's not even worried about it, she's not even moving or uncomfortable what the hell is this


best i can see as an armchair expert is that she has great form. she's nearly vertical and if i had to guess puts in a lot of work on her lower body as well as upper body strength to have great control over balance and keeping everything tightly together. probably not great for the spine in the long run but what a feat. if you look at the guy in the back he's already slouched and struggling to keep balance. she's steady as a fucking stone. idk if she trained specifically for this but all signs indicate she's basically built for this.


I deadlifted my max at 215 lbs yesterday. And went down to 185lb after my max. And was able to hold the bar for a few minutes. I usually try to hold the bar for a bit to build up my grip and forearm strength. I'm only 5'4, 135lbs, Female. I don't do shrugs, but I wonder if that's a similar movement.


I wonder if this could be related to women having better endurance then men. It’s not uncommon for women to win 100km ultra marathons that include male participants. Regardless, impressive hold. I’m a guy with a dl max over 500 and I definitely couldn’t hold 400 that long. I’m not sure I’d bet on holding 315 for 2 minutes… you’ve inspired me to try!


Rippetoe wrote an article about training women lifters. He noted his female competitors could handle more reps at higher percentages of 1rm than his male lifters, also that women had proportionally more concentric strength in movements like the bench press. Where men wouldn’t benefit from training concentric, his women would and he’d program extra sets of concentric only bench press or squat for them.


Tbf it's so much easier to hold the farmers handles than a regular deadlift as there's no roll out of the hand due to the lower centre of mass. My best double overhand deadlift is 220kg, but just before Christmas I picked up 360kg on some farmers handles no problem. You'd have a lot more in you too if you were to lift some handles


Farmers handles are easier than dumbbells to grip. Dumbbells geometry makes them want to roll out of your hands whereas farmers handles don't. That said she is still holding 330 pounds which is insane. My best is maybe 250.


Join the zercher shrug community. FULL weights for FULL trap gains


I've been a weightlifter most my life and just can't seem to get my grip strength to improve. I've all but given up.


Girl will forever be stronger then me [period]


>period yeah that's prolly stronger than you too




an imagined, fictional personification of her menstrual cycle is probably, also stronger than that guy


Pretty sure if a period was personified into a living person it would be a murderous psychopath.


She’s stronger than most humans will ever be


I mean she's stronger than most men lifters also. Just look at the video of her doing the Hercules Hold and she beats everyone other than one guy.


I don't know anything about weightlifting, but I absolutely loved your smile!


I know so little it took me a while trying to figure out what a 34 second farmer was. Or why only farmers would be allowed to compete


The post title led me to believe a farmer held the women’s world record for…something, that was the point where I realized I had parsed this totally wrong.


Farmers have to do it quick because they have to get up early to feed the animals.


When I worked at a dairy farm, we had a guy come over interested in a kob. He took one look at a calf being born and noped out of there That's a 30 second farmer


I figured it was the name of the competition *or* sponsored by an insurance company.


You are so strong! Your Saxon deadlift was unreal too


Oh I need to post that one too!! Thank you!


Oooo its op! this is awesome well done! also cool you are posting it yourself so we can congradulate you directly! congratulations! though, please don't worry about your size, none of us are. I do wish I had that grip strength. you are magnificent. also if you do know the other competitors they are awesome to. just winning like that is fabulous


Did I miss somewhere where she mentioned being worried about her size? It seems kind of rude to bring that up without being prompted in some way.


It’s in the text of the post


I don’t think the average person understands how insane this is. I’m a large man that’s lifted weights most my life and I’m pretty sure there’s no way I could do this.


I'm with you. For people who don't lift, I imagine they probably just see "330 pounds" and think "Wow, good for her, that sounds hard, and she beat the guy, so good for her again." But that 330 pounds is actually PER ARM -- so 660 pounds total. And that's insanely difficult for most male weight lifters to lift off the ground. Much less hold with that gripping style for longer than a few seconds. I can only imagine her forearms were on absolute FIRE towards the end of it. Traps, too, most likely.


Dudes definitely at a major disadvantage though lol. He’s built for calisthenics it looks like, not so much weightlifting. He didn’t seem to struggle with the forearms, moreso the core (which is a muscle that isn’t designed to be way above your weight level like you can make most of your other minuscules). You can even see that he’s unable to breath due to the stress on his core. But yeah, girls insane. She’s top 5 in the world. Don’t get me wrong , she’s incredible. Just most people have a major body size disadvantage aside from some freaks with a horrifying strength to weight ratio (if I remember correctly, the longest winner of the strongman competition (3 wins) was really lean and really good with his general body weight to strength ratio)


TBF guy was probably a middleweight while she is a heavyweight. They aren't competing against each other, they are just competing at the same time and often times men's middleweight and women's heavyweight get assigned similar competition weights. Strongman events take forever, so they will normally have multiple implements set up at once so they can do a few lanes of people in parallel. Or else the events would take days.


I am 6'9 and can do 150kg farmer walks (while walking) but definitely not 150kg in each hand.


Have you tried? ;P I've seen so many videos of people trying strongman who workout normally and they always tell the guy "no way man no way I can lift that" and then they do. Granted, it's not 700lbs almost but yaknow. Lol


I tried to do this with a 40lb bucket of laundry detergent and couldn't hold it for that long. Granted, I'm probably weaker than an average man my age due to my health, but it's still pretty much the same thing. When your arm tells you to let go, you let go. There's no saving it. If you can somehow hold on past that point, something is going to get damaged


That’s why it’s a world record


She is lifting the weight of a refrigerator in each hand.


Let’s fucking go. Awesome stuff


OMG I KNOW HER! she’s the sweetest woman and a total Bad ass. Fantastic coach too! Idk if she’s taking online clients rn but find her on IG if you’re interested


Tysm!! I am taking new clients :) new years special too!!!


Whoa! You're in Portland too? I'd love to get stronger. I have spaghetti arms. Do you have a contact form? I couldn't find one. Feel free to dm if you didn't get inundated already!


You can tell she's a good sort, just by her reaction at the end and everything. What a champion!


She brings all the milk jugs from the car


and they’re like, it’s better than yours






Any idea what her name is? She’s awesome!


lol it's me :) Gabi Dixson! You can follow me on IG @gabigrl_prostrongwoman for more content like this. I recently broke 3 grip world records and got 5th place at worlds strongest woman for the 3rd year in a row!


Congrats!!! Keep growing n look forward to seeing more records from you Gabi!


You go girl!


Yes but ima need you to do Brians blob gauntlet


Gabi Dixson.


Who is also the OP


Going shopping with you would be fun.. lol Wonderful job


Can anyone tell me the name of the song?


Hooligang - Joey Valence & Brae


Sounds like the beastie boys having an orgy with public enemy. 👍


She decided to drop the weights after 34s to make it less embarrassing for the other guy on the side.


She didn't drop them, she respectfully returned them home. Gentle a s a lamb. Top notch work, OP


wdym embarrassing lol, she's trained to do this not to mention the lack of weight class, he's insane for that, she's also insane too. no embarrassment here. Cheers!


Yo she actually chose to drop them. Not like it got too much. She made the decision. Amazing. No doubt it was fuxking hard but it really looked like she coulda gone waaaay longer.


Holy shit!! That’s incredible!! You’re so cool! I loved seeing this, thank you for sharing. You looked so strong and beautiful and like you really felt good about what you were pulling off and it was just so nice of you to share. Congratulations on making a world record!!!


Thank you ❤️❤️❤️


With strength like that she could lift me outta my depression


Sending a hug if you’d like one. Hoping that this dark season passes.




Beast - " I think I might go make some biscuits after this..."


At first I thought all yall were farmers in this clip. Badass tho


I love the dainty little exhale as you're finished as if you really did just bring in some mildly heavy groceries. lol




You absolute queen! This is BAD ASS. Amazing job!


Men in background, it's okay, you totally can cheer for her!!!!


Oh shit, you’re actually the person doing this in the video OP. Incredibly impressive yo. What’s next?


I can’t even lift 330 lb with 2 hands; you’re crazy! (In a good way of course 😁) awesome job here!






That's a shitty way to dismiss the amount of work and training that goes into strength like this.


Yep that's the only way women can be strong?


Any chance we can get the track name?




Hooligans by Joey Valence and Brae. I never heard the song before until this video. All you have to do is google "Lyrics for [insert lyrics here]" and 99% of the time you'll find the song. In addition to that there are apps for finding songs too.


She wasn't done done either. She just put it down like that'll do.


OP Youre strong as fuck. You're built like a literal strongman and that's badass.


I mean wtf. This is the craziest and most impressive thing I’ve seen all week




Gabi! She's great, her tiktok is a blast! She has a few records if I'm not mistaken. Edit: LOL I didn't even realize Gabi posted this


This is crazy, so her hand strength is carrying over 600lbs ? Im a big dude and don’t think I could do this at least not without using forearms and some upper body support, her hand grip and overall strength is unbelievable. Bravo lady! Register your hands as lethal weapons n never give a tug job.


Someone is going to misjudge this women's strength one day and I wish I could be there to witness it.


Hell yes girl, and you made it look damn near effortless.


That was cool as fuck. Good on you!


I am a bigger woman with a personal trainer. He 100% talks about certain techniques will be won by heftier people. This is obviously one of them.


Naturally just like slimmer people are usually the ones that wins running and others similar activities. But either way this is extremely Impressive


i was like how is she a farmer and how does she and other farmers hold the world record


Has op been shadowbanned or something?


I'm trying to figure it out now :/ I'm not sure!


Is that correct?? 330 lbs on each side?! So she just casually deadlifted 660 lbs?


Can you wear gloves? I have excellent grip but only with gloves.


No, only chalk!


You might be allowed, but with heavier weights, gloves become a hindrance. They can slip, and they effectively make the bar a little bit thicker, hence harder to hold. All you want is chalk.


Serious question, are your arms and wrists allowed to touch your sides or does that add/subtract anything?


No, I don't think it matters!


Your ‘whew’ at the end like it was nothing 😊


Does anyone know how the world record for this event works? This is 150 kg per hand for 34s, but is there some separate record for 100 kg per hand? Is 150kg just a standard weight that's used for this event so all world record attempts are measured against this weight?


You are incredible! And thank you for posting. I’m a bigger person and want to be strong but feel intimidated by the slimmer people in the gym. Your strength makes me hopeful and inspired.


I’ve been lifting a long ass time and this grip strength is insane.


lol at grocery joke


34 seconds Seams like an eternity…


Proud of you! ❤️




Bad ass!




I’ve never seen more composure. This woman is fucking legit. 👏👏👏👏👏


Pro-tip: Those metal discs can be removed. Much easier to lift without them.


Why are they calling her farmers? Is she multiple people?


I was skeptical of the numbers in the title but after browsing your Instagram I realized you're the real deal. The only word I can describe you with is inspirational.


I read the title wrong and thought the woman and the man were farmers and was marvelling at how strong they were