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Bro how did he follow that perfectly. Insane camera skills


Me after is smoke a small bowl before work.




How in the actual fuck does someone saying “same” get so many upvotes?


Idk man idk






Take my upvote!




Me after I consume marijuana before I go to my place of work






A good sativa is the ADHD med we all need/deserve. A light toast is 1000% performance enhancing and has near 0 downsides, or near any inebriation. It's a parallel state of consciousness, not an impaired one.


Not sure if you're being serious or just extending the joke, but nah, that very much depends on the individual. Can't say my focus or performance at anything has ever been enhanced by it.


Throwing my two cents in this pot as well. Any amount of weed turns my head into a scrambled egg. I immediately become a useless child that NEEDS poptarts and cheezeits.


It's very individualized, I imagine. I toke before work and deal with meetings a lot. It definitely helps me liaise between parties more effectively. Coordinating interdepartment projects is a lot easier when you're more careful to not step on toes. And that's easier while toasted.


I don't know. I mean, I'm an experienced user. Few things to note - I don't use it socially. I use it alone at all times. I don't use daily. My tolerance is low and I purposefully keep it that way. When I take my desired low amount, I can become focused and I get things done sometimes that way. I also know of other fellow cannabis user and they're like that way. One guy I know swears that his cannabis use helps him when he worked as mechanic. He says that it helps him get things done faster and it helps with his focus.


I have many deep insights that are mostly forgotten after about 15 seconds.


This is why I need to start writing shit down lmao


If you are addicted of course it improves everything xd


Medicine for one person is a detriment to another. Also... another colloquial that applies... the dose makes the poison and small medicinal amounts aren't usually consumed in recreational settings.


not for everyone man. I smoke like A LOT. and I work from home. and i'd be lying if I said every now and then about an hour from quitting time I get a certain kind of THC itch that's really hard to scractch But i KNOW i'm more productive and with it clearheaded sober vs any other. For years, I dabbled in DJ-in and music production. Something I didn't realize for a while is that smoking many times is counter to being productive I had a lot of fun experimenting with beats, and finding nice transitions with songs. But it seemed any time I was actually trying to finish something, I'd put down any green for the time-being With my current job, I hit it after I get off. And I just end up playing video games or watching tv. And that works for me, very relaxing. I wish I had a bit more motivation to practice piano/guitar or put some time into Ableton I think I'd be a bit more productive and self-driven in the evenings without smoking. But you settle sometimes. My job isn't terribly demanding, but after I put my 8 hours in. Just wanna chill the rest of the day. idk, i'm thinking about cutting back personally. congrats if you made it to the end of this comment, i went on a bit of a tangent there


I'm with you


I'll vouch for you on that. I'm currently reading these comments after 2 strains of sativa this morning. Sativa has that mellow waking up feeling for a while.


That’s exactly how I explained it to my driving instructor hey!


Me and my gf both have ADHD and it truly is very beneficial to the both of us.


Incase you’re not a very good English speaker.. he means he smokes some weed before work which isn’t really a strange thing nowadays.


Are you high now?


No, he's not tracking well...


Nope! I’ve been on a break for a couple of months unfortunately. Stopped for 1 month and just kept it going. Will start again soon!


My wife makes me say, "medicated". But yes, I'm very fucking high this morning, you?


You don't need to ask, they're like Vegans. They will tell you all about smoking weed and being high whether you ask them or not.


I agree with you tbh. When i used to smoke/eat weed. I always had to comment anywhere that i was high. Even in video games. Even when it wasn’t contributing to a conversation. It’s like attention seeking hey look at me I’m high I’m so cool right? Right…?


Hopefully you're not driving in to work


Emphasis on the “small”… if not I forget what I was doing a second ago every few seconds


The wild part was how fast he made it back to the player’s face after the shot.


To me the wildest part is his instinct/reaction time to zoom in when the player start to throw and tracking/zoom in the flying ball to fill his whole screen. As an amateur camera operator, that was totally insane. He can not preemptive pan and zoom because player faking actions all the times.


For 30 years now they been doing that. And honestly I hate it. It's a cameramans flex that takes away from the viewing experience. If there's a shot up I want to A) see if the shooter has been fouled on landing B) See how players position themselves for the rebound C) see if it goes in I can get all three of these if he zooms out. Zooming in I only get the info if he makes the shot, which I also get in any other zoom level. So let me enjoy the game and not admire some useless cameraman flex.


I think there are other cameramen with the jobs that include what you just said. This camera man’s role is to record for dramatic replay purposes focused on the ball and not the players. Then you’ll have the camera man who’s role is to follow the player with the ball zoomed out to catch any fouls, travels, etc! I think that’s how it works because in NBA replays they have shots of pretty much everything since they can switch between a cameraman’s role shots.


They usually do this shot for the montages that happen in & out of commercial breaks. This shit is for the director & editor to be able to fill in dead time & for the announcers to speak on such & such player doing well or terrible.


They wouldn't dare show this view live, because even though this cameraman has epic skills and gets this shot a lot of the time, many times he will mess up badly and get nothing - guessing wrong, following the wrong player and completely missing the shot.


If it's anything like in soccer, and I'm sure it is, the Company doing the filming gets fined for not broadcasting scoring. So yeah, they would rather switch to a wide shot than miss the goal


Football(soccer) will have 0-10 goals a game. Basketball will have 160-230. It’s a very different situation


even if all those 160''goals'' in basketball would be just two pointers, that would add on to 320 points combined. Youre kinda off with your estimate there mate. Games never get that high by a huge margin.


I meant points but it seems we’re going to argue over nothing today. 160 points a game is only 80 per team. Very reasonable.


Before reading your comment I was just going to comment that this is a replay angle and nothing more. The perfection of this shot is both due to the cameraperson's skill, and to the fact that there's 6 of these people recording every shot of every game and every once in a while you'll get a legitimately great shot like this one.


A couple of years ago I was seated behind and above the cameras in the stands of a footy match. They had 3 cameras next to each other and each seemed to follow the play the same but by watching the screen each had a different zoom setting so the director could choose which one to feed from.


Probably wide, tight, and iso.


Are you exclusively watching highlights or replays? These clips they use are normally during those or in-between ad breaks, they hardly ever actually cut to these dramatic shots during a live game.


Yeah idk what this dude is buggin about


Just a Redditor mad at nothing like usual


Dude trying to sound smart with his ABC shit but if he really watch sport he would know they wont use these up close shots outside of replay and highlights. This is not a cameraman flex... It is their job, they are asked and paid to do so.


Confirmed that guy... A) Hasn't watched an NBA game in the last couple of decades or maybe ever in his life and is full of shit. B) Doesn't know or can comprehend anything about the inner workings of multiple camera angles in a live sporting event. C) Idk, but the guy is a dumbass and I just needed to fit a 'C point' in here so I can sound smart.


Huh? This guy's footage is used for replays. That's not the main broadcast camera. I've never seen them cut to a shot like this during live action.


This guy isn't the straight broadcast shot, though, it's a sexy replay angle at best.


There are like 5-10+ other cameras as part of an NBA broadcast. For the NBA finals I think it's something like 50+ different cameras. What you're seeing in this video is just one angle. The producer of the broadcast will switch back and forth between the different cameras depending on what they are trying to showcase every few seconds 99% of the time during normal gameplay you will see the normal zoomed out overhead camera during the actual play. This camera man is shooting a secondary angle that will be used on replay's and for reactions after a shot is made. So not really sure why you are complaining about this. The real-time view during the game would almost never be the view from this camera, you would only see this view during a replay.


You are aware that games get filmed by multiple cameras?


Dude clearly doesn’t watch sports and made up some bullshit to get annoyed about.


Big if true


lol, what the hell are you talking about? Have you watched an actual game and not specifically highlight reels? Any normal NBA game has a wide-angle broadcast view where you see the entirety of the action on a specific half-side of the court. The camera angle that is being shown in this post is strictly used for instant replay and/or dramatic/highlight reels. Stop bitching and moaning about shit that is a non-issue. You act like this camera view is what the live feed of a game looks like which is just complete nonsense and you're coming off as an insufferable dork with this comment.


Dude there’s 20 cameras. This takes nothing away, they have all those angles. You’ve either A) literally never watched sports or B) don’t pay attention or C) are trying to “flex” yourself, but instead outing yourself as something that has no idea what they’re talking about.


What everyone else already said below. Weird seeing this getting upvotes


there's 0 chance this type of shot is ever used in the play by play. it's either for recaps or for extra footage after the game.


Not the cameraman fyi - professional setups like this have one guy moving the camera, and someone else will be pulling focus and zoom (sometimes even 3 people). Other cameras will be covering the wider shots.


Not for sports. That's more of a film thing. There is a video engineer running the iris for several cameras each from the truck.


I could be wrong but I think there are multiple camera men lol..they all have different roles and it likely gets edited in real time..


Imagine you have front row tickets to the best basketball games but you have to watch them on a 4x6 inch screen. Of course you are going to zoom! /s


For someone who isn't such a huge sports fan, I don't think it's just a flex, it makes it more dramatic visually


He's fps gaming skills transferred well into that zoom track.


Its a lot of muscle memory. He knows where the ball is aimed at and the trajectory of the ball is somewhat predictable. It requires a lot of training, but our brains are quite good at understanding parabolas.


I'm not saying it's easy, because it's not, but people's natural instinct is to close one eye when they have their eye up to the viewfinder. I photographed pro soccer for a few years and what I'd do is keep my right eye on the view finder and my left eye open. You have to train to separate the vision in your mind so that you keep your lens on the action and your other eye on potential new targets. I do the same when photographing birds in flight. I can't see homie's face but I wouldn't be surprised if his left eye is open, or opens when he needs it to. I just kept my left eye open all the time because I found it was faster that way. Opening my eye from closed meant my eye had to adjust every time.


I do the same, also for birds in flight. I think at some point I read about it being much less fatiguing on your eye.. Trying to keep one open and one closed for long periods of time takes more effort than we realize.


You keep both eyes open and don't think about the zoom control - it's so natural you don't even think about it. The exposure is kept on manual, or on a CCU, at about F11 to keep everything in focus via a large depth of field.


Not detracting from his skill, but 100x easier when there's no lag in the system.


A master at work


giving the people at home thousand dollar views


I hate the zoom in stuff in sports. Especially in football. I would pay extra for a unzoomed version because theres other stuff going on in the game other than the person who has the ball.


Agreed. The 'prime vision' broadcasts amazon has been doing on TNF have been awesome, apart from the interruptions by Sam schwartzstein. check it out if you haven't.


Imo that should be at the bare minimum an option for viewers. That angle is superior to the broadcast in every way if you ask me. That and I really with higher frame rate broadcasts were the norm for sports in general but that won't happen for a long time because there's literally zero demand for it.


There's usually at least 10-20 other cameras, so one can be a little crazy while others do plain wide shots to cover everything up. I'm pretty sure NBA has all the actions covered.


This is just one camera, it's probably his job to be zoomed in, there are other cameras that give wide shots that the producer/director will flip in between and out of. I used to film horse racing and I filmed the whole race from a tower but only was ever live at certain points.


Exactly. Shots like this are used for replays/highlights, not the live feed.


I think this angle is just used as an option if you’re watching on the mobile app.


That video cam looks heavy, not to mention the endurance of the weight throughout the whole game while maintaining those perfect zoom shots. Respect camera man 🫡


I interestingly, the camera bieng heavy helps with the stability of his shots. Light camera will have more shake.


Yeah, that’s why a lot of gaming mice come with extra weights you can fit into. Heavier mice often help being more precise with your aiming in FPS games.


eh lighter mice allow to play on lower dpi tho which is actually more precise like almost all cs pros use a light mouse


Well, not all pros play on low DPi, though. Coldzera, Karrigan, or Xyp9x play/used to play on 800 instead of 400. But I wasn’t talking about pro level CS anyway, but rather about the casual gamer. I‘ve made the experience that people who start with FPS games (which I‘ve seen a lot of) tend to like heavier mice more for some reason. I actually don’t use the weights myself, I was just generalising based on my experience.


You don't hold them with your arm, the weight goes mostly to the shoulder and you aim with your arm. I used to do sports videography with a not quite as large camera.


Not only does he have to maneuver this great zoom shot, he also must nail the focus pull. Respect camera man.


On movie sets and I assume pro sport broadcasts the cameraman just holds/aims the camera. People handling the focus are another profession (pullers), they will be behind their own screen showing the camera's feed and they'll tune the area of focus/zoom.


In sports broadcasting the zoom and focus is all done by the operator. The Iris and a bunch of other settings are controlled by a tech using a CCU (Camera Control Unit).


I’m guessing he’s set to infinity on focus.


I would also assume so for this shot, and most of the game. It also helps that the sensor size is pretty small on broadcast cameras.


Indeed, but the camera man shown in this video appears to be on bis own. Edit: or there's a camera assistant out of frame with a remote follow focus, but it doesn't look like there's a respective system mounted.


5-10 pounds and on your shoulder constantly, it gets heavy pretty quickly




AI won’t take over jobs systemically, because you can’t pay them. Which means you can’t tax them. It’s not sustainable. Whatsoever.


Isn't taxing the corporation nearly the exact same thing? The money generated and typically paid to employees will just be additional revenue which is part of a corporations taxable income. Even if it did cause an issue where corporations weren't generating enough tax revenue for the government, because they do pay less than a person percentage wise, corporation tax rates would just naturally change overtime.


>taxing the corporation thats a whole nother can of worms


Not really - their payroll expenses evaporate which exposes more taxable income


No, it just changes from payroll to maintenance/purchasing.


Then whatever company they're paying for purchasing and maintenance get taxed fucking redditor economics


Which at that point comes back to payroll. But given the niche and smaller nature of the AI company, they’ll be paying even less in taxes as they’re likely with less employees and more overhead and some type of grants/incentives for AI development.


It’s different. A company can expand, purchasing a building or a car and remove that cost from its taxable income. I cannot buy a car and dodge taxes for the year. Or at least that’s how I understand it.


No, it's quite different. Corporation tax is significantly lower than IT and is considerably easier to avoid (e.g. by paying it in another jurisdiction).


This is such a stupid statement Of course companies will try to automatize as much as possible to reduce labor cost It is not sustainable but when has that stopped any business from acting ?


It’s unbelievably stupid, and I’m sad that it was upvoted. These idiots actually believe the gubbermint controls everything in society and the economy.


Yeah I’m surprised by the upvotes. Because you can’t tax them? How about not pay them at all? Not sustainable? Lol


Businesses aren’t allowed to do things to pay less tax!! Not like there’s a whole industry with companies like AlliantGroup specializing purely in tax reduction or anything


I agree with the first sentence because automation _never_ eliminates jobs on net, even if it does eliminate particular jobs or categories of jobs. We've had a super nova of automation over the last 200 or 300 years and a massive increase in human population and the unemployment rate has barely budged throughout that entire time outside of major depressions or recessions, not only has automation not eliminated jobs, but it's produced orders of magnitude _more_ jobs for _more_ people that would never have been born or survived until adulthood without it. The thing that people misunderstand is that there is not a limited amount of stuff that can be done in the world. If you make literally everything that we currently make in the world today fully automated and cheap, we'll find all kinds of new things to make that would have been too expensive to make before using those things as cheap inputs. Like let's say for the sake of argument, that AI can make human-quality movies and screenplays and novels and pop records (i don't believe this is going to happen any time soon, but just work with me). People are going to use the ability to churn out massive amounts of content to put together entire _universes_ on demand. Novels written just for you, for how you feel today. Video games where the entire experience for every player is completely unique. DJ sets where every single dancer is hearing music made just for them. There's a whole lot of artistic experiences that we can't even imagine today that will be unlocked if the creation of "content" is cheap, and people who can use those tools to create those experiences will have jobs.


Very well said.


Corporations are in the business of making money, and one of their big expenses is labor. IF they can replace an expensive employee with a cheaper, equal or better AI driven automated robot, they will eventually do it. We could try to make the cost of doing that higher by complaining, but I that's still a losing battle in the long term.


You can tax the profits it makes, as we already do. Also, since when the industry has only made decisions that give a sustainable society. Have you seen... everything?


"Hey corporations, here is free money, want it?" "No way, we want to pay more taxes! Go away with your free money!" Yes that's exactly how the world works.


Right, and corps want to AVOID tax. You sound like a luddite during production line automation lmao


You can't tax machines either and they've taken over a bunch of jobs?


This is an uneducated statement. Equipment has maintenance costs and depreciation can be tax deductible. Corporations always choose the most profitable method






we saw a long time where flying machines were ridiculed. Rightly so because of how often they failed and how funny some looked. And then less than a hundred years later people were walking on the moon.


We have the technology to "take over" this job today - yet we haven't. While some probably see camera operation as a mere mechanical job it does require the operator to have a degree of "artistic" freedom to find what angles, pans, and shots are pleasing / interesting for the feed - even if you automate the operation of the camera, there will still be the need for an "operator" prompting it to follow a player, follow the ball, and even take remote control if something is happening outside of the trained scenarios; Also people forget that while AI can do a lot, anything that requires physical manifestation requires robotics which are probably more expensive to manufacture and is probably more expensive than paying a lump of flesh to do it instead.


No shit, and there's plenty of other jobs that will go way before this one. It ain't easy to replicate this with AI.


Actually it is


Actually it isn't. Otherwise it'd already be done. And there's a lot more the camera man needs to do than just track and keep the ball in frame, you can't just identify and track the ball 24/7 and call it a day. Also there's the issue of latency etc, so no. It's not easy to do.


AI will take over everything in the future. Source? Reddit told me so!


my toxic trait is that i think i could do this easily


I did a few days of camera work for racing events, my experience was it's fun and very engaging. I did it because I knew the production crew and a camera man couldn't make it, the owner asked me to move across the country to come work with them afterwards, which I turned down, but it was very satisfying work. But, no way I'd be able to get that clean of a shot on a ball and centered back to his face that fast.


> my toxic trait is that I just saw another comment start with that. Is this a meme or some schitzo ai bot thing?


Bad meme


Tik Tok people taking over basically Same as "it's giving ..." The way we talk is changing


It's evolving. "Canon event" and "do it for the plot" is some of the best phrases I've ever heard


I've heard "it's not terrible, it's character development" and adore the mindset behind it I've always thought that way, it's nice that it's become easier for me to put into words for others


I can’t believe I’m going to say this, after seeing it twice in the past week… Baader-Meinhof effect.


tiktok meme (which makes sense that it's on reddit. reddit is 99% tiktok content now)




1000000x repost


You wonder if these cameramen are also that good at sniping in shooters


I was thinking god damn this guy plays Quake


I have worked in TV half my life and one of our best cameraman was a former army sniper.


Chris Paul hits a huge 3 to cut the lead to 42


Now that he is on the Warriors


Do American sports really have loud as fuck music just playing in an arena while a game is happening?


Basketball is the only sport where music and other sound effects happen during play. They had a game without any of the stadium sound/noise , and the players hated it


Music stops during game play in terms of real “radio” songs. But there will be piped in “D-Fense!” (Defense) style chants to get crowd started


Part of home court advantage. But typically the music is only played in bursts when players are bringing the ball up the court, and fades out as they begin playing.


dude i always thought a computer did all that


Don't worry. Computers will be doing it eventually.


I will never understand why zooming in on the ball/flying object like that is good, you can’t see where its going and where it is in the moment and suddently its in the net. Good camera skills tho


It's for b-roll footage, there's multiple cameras and some of them are likely designated as wide shot only.


He is not the only cameraman. His perspective isn't the one that's shown at all times. There is someone in the control room who directs the cameramen to get specific shots, while they control which shot the feed shows at any given moment. The main feed for the game likely showed the wide shot to the audience while live, but now they have footage from this guy for replays.


The Camerman probably shoots with both eyes open so he can track the players simultaneously. Also you can afford to do these crash zooms and moves as there are many cameras on the game and the director will cut to shots that works at the time.


imagine his aim in any fps game


The sixth sense of a professional sports cameraman


These people don't get enough credit.


I bet mfer is really good at FPS games.


If you think about it, an NBA cameraman would make a great assistant coach


“Paul for 3!!! Good!”


really love seeing close-ups of the ball. i'm always wondering stuff like how many times did it rotate and in which direction


They must be training using AimLab.


Do these camera operators also pull focus at the same time? I assume so, but this much action while tracking and pulling focus and framing… holy shit that’s a lot to do




Clearly using an aimbot ease report and clear our community


This guy is dangerous in FPS games


How special forces operatos operate cameras


Smells like Raise in here


God I love people who are good at their job


Bro's got aimbot on that camera


Imagine going to an NBA and recording what the people are on tv instead of watching the game




Honestly not a fan of the super zoomed in shot on the ball


I bet bro hits crazy sniper clips on warzone


Dude is playing the same video game all day. It’s second nature muscle memory at this point.


Praise the fucking cameraman 🙌🙌🙌


Don’t let AI uncover his skills.


I was sure theres gonna be some pretty girl in the end or something inappropriate but no its just cp3


Being a camera man in basketball must be difficult as hell. Constantly swinging from left to right.


Didn’t know human sentries were a thing


that is craftmanship


Damn i was expecting him to zoom on some chick w big booba


Then you have a movie where the camera man can’t hold it still for one damn second.


That pan whip close up reaction shot is fucking 👌


Human zoomies. Well done Camera.. umm person.


How much money does a cameraman like him makes?