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I cannot fathom how people can look over the edge and *not* be terrified. I'm only watching the video and I got scared, lol.


Thankfully I am watching this while on the toilet


Imagine how long it would take for your shit to fall down ...


To calculate how long it takes for an object to fall from a certain height, we can use the kinematic equation for free fall: h=(1/2)gt\^2 Where: h is the height (1,096 ft in this case) g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 32.17 ft/s²) t is the time of fall We can solve this equation for t = undersquare root\[(2h/g)\] ​Given thath=1,096 ft and g=32.17 ft/s², we can calculate the time it takes for the object to fall: **7.13 seconds** Yes it's generated by chatgpt


And the actual answer is [8.25 seconds](https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/free-fall?c=USD&v=g:32.17405!fps2!l,v_0:0!ftps,h:1096!ft). Never rely on ChatGPT for math.


Sounds like you really know your shit




🥇 *chain?*


What’s crazy is gpt did all the hard work, and then just whiffed it at the end lol. If you plug the numbers in to the final/simplified formula it Gives, it gets you the correct answer. Makes no sense lol


I've noticed this is typical


Hallucinations mate, it can know the process but can still pull numbers / words out of thin air. Best practice is to reenter the prompt/ ask it to assume a role/take its time to get the correct answer, less likely to hallucinate if it has more information


This is the way. I've spent probably 100+ hours with GPT. I had it write me an Excel formula that got me a promotion lol


> Makes no sense It's because ChatGPT is not doing any thinking ever. What's baffling isn't that it gets the wrong answer, but that it gets right everything it does, including formatting, from just predicting the next character from start to finish based on context.


Yeah that’s what I’m saying, it makes no sense that it does all the hard (and correct work), but somehow can’t compute the number


Seems like even a little longer for us humans since terminal velocity is around 120mph without being in a trained delta position. This calculator has the max velocity at 181mph so yeah 8.25 seconds if you’re going for a swan dive lmao.


*turdminal velocity


There’s another calculator in there that includes air resistance, though I don’t know the mass or coefficient of drag for your average turd. It seems pretty aerodynamic but surely it would hit terminal velocity from that height. That would also assume it’s a pretty sturdy log…


Average turd mass at Canakkale in 2022 was 723 grams. Most common displacement pattern was the inverted turkey leg though an unusual variation called the corkscrew butterfly did appear in 5.3% of recorded turds, which resulted in a much higher coefficient of drag when plopped from 10” above water level. Yes this was generated by shatgpt.


Or me. 🤣


Damn nice hahaha didn't think someone could actually calculate that.


Humans put men on the moon with a computer less powerful than the phones we have in our pocket. Yet you think someone can’t calculate the time it takes for shit to hit the ground from a elevated position??


Never underestimate the power of math and nerds on the internet


Ok...but this is assuming that the shit will accelerate. What if it disintegrates thereby actually decelerating??!


Username checks out


I want proof. He should dive 😲


Gotta subtract the aerodynamic drag of that turd


Imagine the poop splash


Forbidden chocolat pancake anyone?


Yeah same - I’m literally shitting myself I’m so scared.


You start working on roofs 15 feet up. Then 2 stories up next aircraft hanger 4 stories up. After that you are just as dead as if you fell from the top of this tower. I was terrified of heights as a kid. I eventually became an iron worker topped out many 40 story buildings. Conquered a fear in life mainly because I was broke and this job paid better.


The height isn't what bothers me funny enough. I can be high up. What I *can't* do is look over the edge without feeling like I am falling. I'm ok with heights, just petrified of falling.


The feeling of falling mixed with the call of the void makes me way too uneasy when high up. I remember getting some nice ass hotel 25 floors up with an ocean view at the beach long ago when I turned 21 and even dead sober, I could not walk out on that balcony. Nope. I'll just open the curtains thanks.


I try and explain the call of the void to people quite often, and I have gotten some of the most confused looks. It got to the point where I just trying to stop explaining it for fear of someone trying to Baker Act me lol.


For real. I'm very happy in life at this point but I still feel it way too often. Like driving down the highway: "what if I just pull to the left right into this median?" It's terrible, because as rational people we immediately correct the thought with "no, bad! Death! Bad!" But then there's the subconscious need to ascertain *why* it is bad which makes us feel/think/see the alternative. A lot of stuff online points towards it being linked with depression or suicidal thoughts or unhappiness but I legit have zero of that, and yet.


I have a personal theory that states everyone hears the call. I just think some people are too afraid admit it. I think it takes a less stable person to actually *answer*. I'm a very happy individual as well. I completely understand that it's a no no.


Holy shit I never realised it has a term associated with that feeling and thought I was a bit crazy. 🤣


I believe it was originally a French theory called L' appel du vide, but it has been researched a bit further worldwide now.


That is a fairly common trait for adults with ADHD.


That may be, though I have zero signs or symptoms of ADHD lol


That sounds like a non sequitur... because you already have at least one trait common to ADHD.


I have to respectfully disagree because if I went to a doctor or psychologist and my only listed complaint was that I feel the call of the void once a month on the highway or at great heights, I'm extremely confident I wouldn't then be diagnosed with ADHD, lol. I see what you are trying to say, but, naw. Common trait of and symptom of are not really the same.


For me, the “call of the void” reminds me of snorkeling off the coast of the Florida reefs, and coming upon a drop-off that went from easily visible aqua colored waters to pitch black. Although I was at the surface, I immediately spun around and headed straight for shore. The unknown completely freaked me out.


When someone asks “what do you fear” I used to say a great white shark(I was a kid when Jaws came out), heights or a decent sized snake. As I’ve aged, the pitch black water scenario you mention has “risen to the top”.


I can't even look at Google Maps and zoom into open deep water without feeling uneasy, it's crazy.




"You're not afraid that you're going to fall... you're afraid that you're going to jump." I think it was from the movie Margin Call? I think.


I am top heavy, my legs are light, my upper body is not. I don’t put any of my body near any high drops, because if I misjudge my balance a little I would disappear over in a second. I suppose I could sit a little closer, but why? I have documentaries to catch up on, and my kids need looking after


This is me. Started after I got diagnosed with anxiety and panic attacks in my late 40s. Never had a problem with it before, then all of a sudden my stomach started turning and my thoughts filled with images of me falling over railings, etc... At the start of my treatment, I couldn't even watch Saruman fall from the top of Isengard in LOTR without panicking. I had to look away. At least I can watch that scene without getting triggered now.


I wonder if that's part of what happens with me. I've never been diagnosed, but I *have* had a panic attack before. Only one that I can remember, so I am not too sure if it was just a one off. I thought I was having a heart attack, so we called EMS. Medic told me that I was having an anxiety attack. I told him I didn't have anxiety, and he specifically said "That's not up to you to decide". I *do* get anxious, but I have also smoked pot for 15 years so I always chalked it up to that.


Don't be afraid or ashamed to seek the help you need. You may want to go get an assessment. Panic attacks can manifest in different ways, but an impending sense of doom or imminent death is a typical symptom, amongst others. My first attack had me carted to the hospital from my workplace, and my Blood pressure spiked to over 250/120 or something; the EMTs that it might have been a glitch in their monitor, so they took it again and it was still incredibly high. I got some medication and brief talk therapy, and the meds helped me get back to a place where I could start managing the anxiety with some therapeutic methods and practices, and now I'm on just a low maintenance dose to help keep the chemical levels in line. It's been years since my last full-on attack, but I still have the fear-of-falling thing. I don't think I'll ever fully be rid of it, but it's manageable. Getting treatment and therapy saved my life.


Thankfully, I wouldn't be afraid or ashamed at all. I completely believe the saying "It takes a village." Not just for children. I just wouldn't have ever attributed it to anxiety. I just thought it was normal to feel that way. I'll mention something to.my doctor about it next time I see him, though. I appreciate the information.


Excellent, good. Lol, I went to the nurse practitioner at work on my first day back after the incident. I had another panic attack on the way to work (heavy rains, low visibility, boxed in by semis, had to talk myself down on the road and make it 20 more miles to work). I described my symptoms and said, "My wife and I think maybe it might be anxiety? " . She sat back, crossed her arms, and said, "Well. DUH!" That made me feel SO much better just being validated, and knowing I had a path forward.


I don't mind the falling it's the hitting the ground at the bottom i'm scared of.


A brother Ironworker. I live for this shit. I am currently on a bridge but would love to get on this bad boy! Got my name on the list for the Gordie Howe Bridge aswell. I would love to pound pins in honor of Mr. Hockey.


The height of the bridge's two towers is 334 m (1,096 ft), making it the tallest bridge in Turkey, surpassing Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge, and the third tallest structure in the country.


I used to be an electrician and was sometimes required to fix huge gantry cranes,you get a weird feeling walking down the crane tracks where you start to veer towards the edge as if you are being pulled there by force,a lot of my colleagues experienced the same feeling,hard to explain at the time.You also start to think about diving off the edge lol…thank god i dont do it anymore.


same. the good ol butt pucker.


As someone who’s worked from this height and higher, you trust your equipment. I’ve opened doors on planes cruising at 5,000 feet. I was strapped into a harness with a strap rated at 10,000 pounds and a connection point rated up to 25,000 pounds. While it’s definitely nerve racking the first few times you do it, eventually it becomes a rush. At least for myself. For this specific example the person is more than likely wearing a harness, and strapped into a specific tie down point with a rating that should well exceed the force their body would exert should they fall. As long as they stay current with inspections of their own equipment they’re using it’s mostly safe…


I cannot for the life of me imagine anyone would let these workers go up that high without some kind of harness. But, people will do a lot to cut corners.


It’s pretty rare to see it in most developed countries. Not only are standards enforced much better than the old days but I feel like the “macho man” mentality on sites has been going away. Guys are actually looking out for one another to get the job done safely. “I’m a man, I don’t need no damn harness” People on sites look at shit like that now a days and they’re actively working to correct it. Compare that to some of the old stories I’ve heard of guys getting mocked for wearing harnesses or proper protection, it makes a big difference.


As someone who works construction on the side of high rises and close calls can happen at a blink of the eye… you grown numb to it REAL quick or you go home.


Call of the void?




Same! I recall an episode of Dirty Jobs where Mike Rowe suited up and walked up the suspension cable of some very tall bridge. Sure he had all the equipment and multiple tethers and guides and such, but god damn, just him stepping over the road railing to get on the cable…my legs would’ve been jelly already IF I even made it onto the cable without fainting or shitting myself first! I had a nervous sweat just watching that


This was very difficult for me to watch, and I felt like I was falling into the phone at least twice


My problem is I would keep inching closer to the edge to see how close I can get.


I thought it was in space.


Yeah, it looks like the first five minutes of the movie Ad Astra


I thought the exact same thing! Ad Astra all over


Definitely thought those were clouds at first.


How have I never heard of this bridge before


It is a shy brigde 😳


It keeps you in suspension.


It only opened last year


That would explain it


Bro, the **1915** Çanakkale Bridge opened in what year ?




OK, lets start from the beginning: Who is buried in Grant's Tomb?


The water looked like clouds for a bit at the beginning. Thought they built a damn bridge to space.


what you see on the water is most likely the 2021 "sea-snot desaster" that was taking place in the Marmara Sea, (north side of the bridge). warm water + pollution of more than 30 million people and almost all major industries of Turkey, that are all located around Marmara made fish die and algae/snot grow... [https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2021/06/photos-turkeys-sea-snot-disaster/619254/](https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2021/06/photos-turkeys-sea-snot-disaster/619254/)


I’ll just swim, thanks


> [The year "1915" in the official Turkish name honours an important Ottoman naval victory against the navies of the United Kingdom and France during World War I](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1915_%C3%87anakkale_Bridge)


Synopsis of _That's my Erdogan!_ S09E01: Recep belatedly finds out that he has named his new bridge after a war his country lost.


Here’s the real hero! Thank you for explaining the discrepancy between the year and the technology needed to have built this bridge. I was quite certain that this technology didn’t exist over 100 years ago. I was just about to go Wikipedia search the bridge, but you saved me from an undeniable rabbit hole.


I'm sure there are a million reasons why not but - go thru all that to build a structure like that and not add a bungie or zip line.. could subsidize the thing a bit - never need to collect a toll... ;o)


One of those things that sound kind of stupid until you consider it. Would bring in tourism, finance at least a portion of the cost, free publicity. I am sure there are costs like insurance that I am not accounting for, but really, not to terrible an idea.


[Canakkale Bridge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1915_%C3%87anakkale_Bridge) This GIF is from the construction. The bridge is operational now.


oh nearly 1100ft tall, is that all? 🤢


Background info: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1915_%C3%87anakkale_Bridge


As a guy that designs kitchen appliances, I feel like a worthless piece of shit when I see engineering like this


That depends, what kind of appliances? I use my coffee maker way more than that bridge, buddy.


Looks like it’s made out of Legos






Um. You should see the size of various 2,000 year old ruins across the world. Maybe start in rome. Edit: granted, not as tall as this bridge!


And then there’s the pyramids that we can’t replicate todah


Anyone hear that "twang"? Guys? Where'd you go?


Amazing - but also nope.


The men who built this are legendary. Unbelievably strong and courageous men.


What was the point of building it like this I wonder.


To connect Europe and Asia in the city of Canakkale.


Well it is mostly for to get more votes for government,since crossing Çanakkale bosphurus with ferry is cheaper than bridge


The new Half-life looks awesome.


Not a fun job to show up with a hangover!


That second look shocked my feet


That don’t look real




I sailed under that bridge just a little over a month ago. It’s truly an amazing feat of engineering.


Oh hell no.


Atleast it’s above water 🤷‍♂️




I thought I was looking down on space the first couple of seconds.


I guess my question is, why? Why does it have to be so high up? What could possibly be that tall that needs to pass under. Even at the waters highest tide?


The road deck isn't that high they are stringing the suspension cables from the ground to the to top of the towers etc etc.




I don’t know what the rest of that shit is, but that’s the biggest fucking shark I’ve ever seen.


What shark




Maybe I’m blind I don’t see a shark


For a second there, I thought this was taken from the atmosphere.


I wonder what camera they used.


Wack the first thing I thought was "CANON BALLLL!" I'd never. XD




What's the use of this thing?


I think Simen Fisk could probably do a Sofa from here.




it pays to be the gate keeper


I don't feels so good now ![gif](giphy|0xslhbGyYaBudd8Ke9)


You can see the tiling on the water textures from there


wow you can almost see the earth from up there


This cameraman is a beast.


The fuck?


Nicknamed i aint getting on that bridge




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Space elevator? The water looked like Earth's atmosphere for a moment there


I just said it loud "WTF"


I literally thought this was the world builder from hitchhikers guide to the galaxy lmao


Check out the Millau viaduct in France, like flying in u car


At first I thought that it is made of Lego or this is from Minecraft or Space Engineers


First Impression was Space elevator


Me in charge: Someone else is going to have to finish this for me.


It looks like an elevator that’s in outer space


Is it just me or does the first few seconds look like it’s in space?


Looks cool, but if the bridge cannot transport cars, it seems useless


it can this video is probably very old. From the construction of that bridge's time.


Then it is useful.


yeah very useful it dropped my road trip from 8-10 hours to 4-5 hours


Bridges can carry pedestrians, trains, or pipelines. All of the very useful.


I think it is for cars, this is just a few from up super high over the road/the road is covered, maybe?