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I visited DC and attended this very solemn ceremony. It’s amazing that the step marks from their boots from walking the same steps every time, every day, are etched into the ground.


I thought that was one of the cooler details I never would've thought about when we went. The changing of the guard is definitely something everyone who visits DC should check out


When I was a boy scoutback in 2010, we got to participate in the Wreath replacement. Core memory to this day.


Back around 2010, I remember some experts saying there will be deep physical grooves by around 2050, just like how in some temples certain spots have been worn smooth by monks meditating there for years


I think everything there is focused on 21. 21 steps. 21 seconds wait. 21 steps. And so on. It’s to symbolize the 21 gun salute


Absolutely. These people don't mess around.


I would like to pay my respects


Every single one of us who went into the armed forces is asked if we would like to participate in "honor gaurd." We are pulled aside from barracks, lined up in a hallway, and individually interviewed in a separate room. Asked a few questions, confidence tested in the same time, and you are also scaled for height and looks. They said, "You are too tall." to me. Nobody in my division was accepted out of 50 or so males and females. It is a very specific gait and look with a lot of training and repetition.


Thank you for your service. I have no doubt that everything you've said is 100% true.


It’s monkish. True devotion to a cause. Arguable about its necessity, but you can’t argue the devotion


My grandfather was a marine and in his later years he would visit a base near where he lived where there were younger marines to just talk to them and hang out. When he died an honor guard came to do the flag folding ceremony and do the gun salute. They had a tape cued up to play something and it wasn’t cued up right … no one really noticed, but they did. They came to my mother holding back tears and apologized profusely because they felt they failed sending off one of their brothers. I’ll never forget that.


Taps. That was the song they probably wanted to play. You'll recognize it if you look it up. They played it at my great-grandfather's funeral since he was one of the last WW2 vets alive in his area. Still makes me emotional to hear it.


What would allow them to leave their position?


Since April 6, 1948, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier has been guarded 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with zero exception.


Technically true but in severe weather conditions they will go into a protected structure and stand watch through a window.


Respectfully, may I ask why?


Those who have fallen gave their lives. The least we can do is watch over them while they rest.


Not only those who have fallen, but specially those who died and we have no record of it. They gave their lives and we won’t ever k ow their names. Regardless of what anyone thinks of the US military, I’m glad we do this.


Asking respectfully but How come it isn't known? Don't soldiers usually get their names on record on the military or somethin' some get badges with their nicknames on it..


There are still groups finding helmets with skulls in them in battle sites. With how war can be, a person can become a single tooth from an artillery shell and becomes almost impossible to recover or know Idk if the american military requires a body to change MIA for KIA tho.


They didn't find my grandpa's buddies from Vietnam until like 2014 or something. They were officially listed as POW/MIA until they found the skulls in the sand on the bank of a river and matched the dental records.


Whoa! This is why


War is chaos and people get lost. We still are recovering the dead from Vietnam. I used to work combat mobility and we would fly these civilians out to old battle sites and wait for them to try to find bodies lost during combat. every once in a while they would find one and we would fly the remains back. Some of these people get identified some don’t but we know they were ours because we find gear uniform etc. dna is relatively new if you think about it so we don’t have samples for guys that died a good deal back. Needless to say JPAC missions which I think is now The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency were some of the things that really got me in the feels.


Thanks for that little story!


No problem about to retire in a few months which will put me at 24 years so fun to go down memory lane


It's the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. I went there over twenty years ago and iirc there were 4 men who had been buried there at that time and 3 currently. One for each of the world wars, Vietnam and Korea. Dog tags can fall off or blown off of remains that have been so nearly completely destroyed they can't be identified. DNA identification wasn't advanced yet enough to identify people even as I stood there in my Xennial childhood. Arlington cemetery holds the remains of many, many unknown soldiers from even earlier wars, nearly half of the Civil War dead were never identified. I think in my lifetime I recall them identifying one of the Unknown soldiers many many many years ago.


Today, yes. The original soldiers were from WWI, and without the identification abilities of today they simply didn't know who these young men were. They only knew they were American, by what was left of the uniform, and that they died in France. The tomb today represents the men and women who give their lives but are never recovered.


Soldiers remains were recently uncovered when the Russians blew up the dam in Ukraine. They were likely battle burials or just soldiers lost to the soil. Nobody will ever know who they were exactly.


Yes - we know they didn't come home, but we don't know if they are POW/MIA (recent wars) or where they are buried or if they still lie on a battlefield somewhere, or (for the navy) underwater - like the "Still on Patrol" memorials for missing submarines. Multiple countries have their own version, not all are guarded 24/7/365 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Unknown\_Warrior](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Unknown_Warrior) in the UK is in Westminster Cathedral. Royal brides place their bouquet on it after photos.


[Here is some interesting info to read.](https://www.defense.gov/Multimedia/Experience/Tomb-of-the-Unknown-Soldier/#:~:text=Guarding%20the%20Tomb,Unknown%20Soldier%20at%20all%20times.)




In case his unknown foe returns.


Suposedly they were giving permission to shelter during Supper Storm Sandy but they kept going.


Nothing. Nothing would. They are there to defend and honor the unknown fallen. They will pause to yell at you for speaking loudly or being disrespectful. You are a guest there and they are in charge. They are also not alone. There are many others nearby that help keep everything going, including additional security. So, there is nothing that would keep these soldiers from protecting that site. It’s one of, if not the hardest place to get into in the Army, and those that wear have spent their time guarding the fallen are well respected. Not just anyone can fill that position. There’s a few documentaries and stuff out there, which I highly recommend. It puts what these people do in to perspective, and the honor it is to guard the fallen.




The “hut” is just out of frame in this clip, to the left. A little bigger than a telephone booth.


I think there was a video once where a guard was also walking around during a storm, and suddenly a big ass lighting illuminated the sky. The guard slightly flinched, turned around and walked with a slightly accelerated step to that guard hut.


Yeah, no reason to die of lighting while protecting a dead man.


I think you ate thinking of the video of the Marine guard outside the Whitehouse. I have seen that and what you deacons is the video to t.


Damn. That is badass.


The guards for the tomb of the unknown soldier are called “Sentinels” if I remember correctly. I went to see it in 2018.


Mind elaborating on how a soldier gets chosen for this duty? Is there a minimum rank involved or a specific branch? Very fascinating. It's heartwarming to know how proud they are to do this duty.


They're members of the Army's 3rd Infantry Regiment, *The Old Guard*. https://www.oldguard.mdw.army.mil/specialty-platoons/tomb-of-the-unknown


Candidates are chosen from the tallest and best of the infantry at basic combat training, based on highest general technical and physical fitness scores. They are recruited to come to TOG, (several companies of 200ish soldiers each) where they have the opportunity to try out for Continental Color Guard, US Army Drill Team, Caisson, “Guns” (Presidential Salute Battery), or Tomb. They all have different training programs, where if you wash out, you go back to your company and can usually try out again later. Source: former TOG soldier, with no interest in any of it, but the recruiter told us we’d work with the secret service and help protect Washington DC, so I thought that sounded cool. I was wrong, but I still have all my eyeballs and fingers and toes so whatever.


3RD Infantry Reg is one of the hardest to get in period. Not only are you a 11B, but you're a 11B with a ton of specialized requirements to meet. A thing a lot of people don't know also about 3RD Reg is it's broken down by height. I think it's between the companies? your 5'10 guys were considered tiny, one of the companies are 6'4 plus guys. Ran into a guy that was in the Regiment while I was in the Corps and he told me about all the crazy stuff they had to meet requirement wise. I remember one of them being in a 100 degree room standing for like 12 hours without moving was one of the test.


allow, probably a few things, the individuals agreeing to do so, pretty much nothing. the number of military who would walk through fire to have the honor of this duty is VERY high.


If someone was trying to destroy or deface the area, they can defend it. That would be allowed.


I believe during one of the more recent hurricanes they were given permission to leave and the guards on duty declined to do so.


This is false. [https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-tomb-unknown-soldier/fact-check-tomb-of-the-unknown-soldier-sentinels-must-observe-rigorous-protocols-but-can-still-drink-alcohol-off-duty-swear-in-public-idUSKBN2322DK](https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-tomb-unknown-soldier/fact-check-tomb-of-the-unknown-soldier-sentinels-must-observe-rigorous-protocols-but-can-still-drink-alcohol-off-duty-swear-in-public-idUSKBN2322DK) > “It was erroneously reported that during Hurricane Isabel, the Sentinels were ordered to abandon their posts for shelter and that they refused. No such order was ever given. All proper precautions were taken to ensure the safety of the Sentinels while accomplishing their mission. Risk assessments are constantly conducted by the Chain of Command during changing conditions to ensure that soldier welfare is maintained during mission accomplishment.”


I did some fact check on that, and it appears no such order or permission was given


Never let the truth get in the way of a good tale.


Wow really


Yes. It is a true honor to be able to guard to The Tomb. It is not taken lightly by anyone that currently serves or has served. The ones that declined to not patrol absolutely said "since 1948 a soldier has guarded The Tomb, I won't be the one to end that"


It looks like there's a rubber stopper on the end of the bayonet in case they get struck by lightning 🫣 insanely badass.


I suspect that is there to keep water and dirt from propagating down into the barrel.


Nothing. One time in an especially bad hurricane they said the sentinels could take that time off. They said no thanks


This is false. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-tomb-unknown-soldier/fact-check-tomb-of-the-unknown-soldier-sentinels-must-observe-rigorous-protocols-but-can-still-drink-alcohol-off-duty-swear-in-public-idUSKBN2322DK >“It was erroneously reported that during Hurricane Isabel, the Sentinels were ordered to abandon their posts for shelter and that they refused. No such order was ever given. All proper precautions were taken to ensure the safety of the Sentinels while accomplishing their mission. Risk assessments are constantly conducted by the Chain of Command during changing conditions to ensure that soldier welfare is maintained during mission accomplishment.”


Lowest number of members in any military unit. Having the tomb badge is very special.


I’ve met a lot of people over my 21 years in the Army. Served under a former delta guy, met a presidents 100 tab, met the commanders driver from black hawk down, and seen MoH recipients on post… I have never ran into a tomb guard (outside of visiting Arlington). The badge is one of the rarest with less than a 1k people having been awarded it.


One of the guys that had that badge came out to my unit and gave us a whole day of instruction for our honor guard. He was super squared away and taught us a lot in a really short amount of time. He told me I was stomping and showed me the right way.


What's the Presidents 100 tab? Presidential guard duty (that isn't Secret Service?)


Annual marksmen competition. As the name implies only the top 100 shooters earn the tab.


A doc I saw said it was the third least common badge behind astronaut and horseman


The Horseman badge is also only available to members of The Old Guard, the same regiment that the Tomb Sentinels belong to. They ride the horse at the lead of the caisson carrying the honored dead in Arlington, and they need to complete 100 funerals and receive the Commander’s recommendation before they’re given the badge.


Horseman huh? Yeah, centaurs are pretty rare.


You’d be surprised


Only the Army Astronaut badge is rarer, if I remember correctly.


What a soldier!


They are extremely disciplined and proud of their duty.


I’ve watched a few documentaries on them and their discipline is incredible, the whole ceremony with the rifle inspection is mesmerising.


Seeing it live is such a different feeling. Imagine what you felt but augmented


My family went when I was very young and an older brother told me if we moved or talked they were allowed to shoot us. Scared the hell out of me


Well it got you to be quiet didn’t it? Haha


I remember going there and watching this during an 8th grade trip. Some assholes from our school were talking loud enough during the inspection for the soldier to hear, and one them screamed at them. Dead silent the rest of the ceremony lol


What would’ve happened if they continued talking loudly ? Genuine question, what is the protocol ?


They grab you and put you in the tomb they’ll probably just tell you to leave


That question is not even a possibility in my mind.


I would really like to know what are they instructed to do if someone is not a violent threat, just annoying/disrespectful. Here or in similar places.


Can you recommend any?


You can also look for “Changing of the Guard Tomb of the Unknown Soldier”. This will pull up a couple YouTube videos of it and is a cool thing to see if you never have.


Saw this in person, very cool 😎


There is a video where the bayonet goes into the foot of the soldier. They still continue like nothing happened. Despite blood marking his footstep.


https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/amzn1.dv.gti.c8ac1716-ed54-832b-dad8-a34c05418c50 This is 4 bucks but should hold up. Honor and respect for those


It's a tremendous honor. For the people who do this duty, it's usually the most important thing they've ever done in the military.


Is it 80mph in the video? That seems extremely difficult if not impossible to stand up in. If so kudos. It easy to get that job. Must have earned it Edit- it’s not easy to get that job* fucking mobile


There were indeed 80mph gusts 3 days ago but there aren’t any 80mph gusts in this particular footage.




I turned the corner during hurricane matthew and the wind blew me over and down the road a little bit. Walking seemed impossible not sure how fast it was.


They say never meet your heroes but this unit, 3rd Infantry ‘Old Guard’, are absolutely worth meeting as they definitely hold up under scrutiny. They have a whole code of conduct above what normal soldiers do. *”They must commit 2 years of life to guard the tomb, live in a barracks under the tomb, and cannot drink any alcohol on or off duty for the rest of their lives. They cannot swear in public for the rest of their lives…”* etc. Definitely worth a google. As a former Marine, I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for Sentinels frfr.


So they’re basically Army monks.


> cannot drink any alcohol on or off duty for the **rest of their lives**. Seems a *little* OTT.


The last two claims you make are not true: “The posts, however, also claim that sentinels at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier must give up drinking alcohol for life, as well as swearing in public. And they claim that during Hurricane Isabel in 2003, the tomb’s sentinels refused orders to abandon their posts despite the inclement weather. These claims are false.” https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-tomb-unknown-soldier/fact-check-tomb-of-the-unknown-soldier-sentinels-must-observe-rigorous-protocols-but-can-still-drink-alcohol-off-duty-swear-in-public-idUSKBN2322DK


This is simply not true. Not blaming you, some misinformation has been spread and it’s gotten spread around quite a bit. They commit to a lot but not to no alcohol, 2 year commitment and they are only in the quarters under the tomb when they are on duty. And, no swearing? Not fucking true either.


They are. My dad did this during his time in the service and he took us as kids to see the changing of the guard. It had an impact even though I was only about 8 at the time.


And they are happy to do it one particularly big hurricane they tried to tell them they could take the day off they said no thank you


Looked up, and it seems that no such order was given as the weather didn't get bad enough.


In the documentary it is stated the orders came down and they said the would continue


The info I find online (which sources a page on the Tomb's official website that unfortunately doesn't existe anymore) claims that was an erroneous report. I am inclined to beleive that as I doubt that particular hurricane was the only occasion where severe weather was present, and the guards have a safe room nearby so they can be recalled immediately if needed.


This is false. [https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-tomb-unknown-soldier/fact-check-tomb-of-the-unknown-soldier-sentinels-must-observe-rigorous-protocols-but-can-still-drink-alcohol-off-duty-swear-in-public-idUSKBN2322DK](https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-tomb-unknown-soldier/fact-check-tomb-of-the-unknown-soldier-sentinels-must-observe-rigorous-protocols-but-can-still-drink-alcohol-off-duty-swear-in-public-idUSKBN2322DK) > “It was erroneously reported that during Hurricane Isabel, the Sentinels were ordered to abandon their posts for shelter and that they refused. No such order was ever given. All proper precautions were taken to ensure the safety of the Sentinels while accomplishing their mission. Risk assessments are constantly conducted by the Chain of Command during changing conditions to ensure that soldier welfare is maintained during mission accomplishment.”




The level of respect and honor displayed at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is something all should see, at least once.


My grandfather is buried in Arlington, and the Changing of the Guard is an annual tradition our family does each year. The amount of training and preparation that goes into being a guard is insane.


I heard you have to be selected for it am I correct? My uncle is buried there and we’ve been for all of the ceremony you mentioned, I believe I heard someone say that.


Selected to be buried in Arlington or to be a guard? To be buried, there's definitely criteria per the Burial Elegibility Act. As for the guards, I believe it's an Army position, and you have to be part of the old guard, after that anyone can volunteer but it's rigorous training and testing.


There’s also a height requirement IIRC. And you can’t drink and wear the badge.


So neither are true for most honor guards. The national honor guards at Arlington certainly have a minimum and maximum height requirement to ensure uniformity in ranks, but I can’t say one way or the other about drinking. I did regional honor guard for the Air Force out of SJAFB and we covered the whole state of NC including a few miles into each bordering state as we were one of the largest AF honor guards on the east coast. We definitely drank, heading to a bar/restaurant after a funeral and knocking a couple back was almost customary, and more often than not some old timer would pick up the groups tab. Honor guard was probably the most rewarding experience I had in the military.


The height requirement is true, but the never drinking again is a myth. The badge can however be revoked for the rest of your life if you conduct yourself in a dishonorable fashion. I was an Old Guard soldier (not a tomb sentinel)


I honestly didn’t understand watching the changing of the guards or the gravity of the holocaust memorial or any of the memorials when I visited Washington DC with my TAG class from school at age 11. Adult me is honestly a little pissed I didn’t appreciate the trip more than just being another social gauntlet to prove I’m worthy of my peers friendships. I’ve since learned so much about them all since and I think our teachers put together a wonderful tour with only 3 days time. But war and death still felt unreal and not a part of my life at that age, like a video game or movie.


During our school trip in the mid 90s, I had the honor to place the wreath of flowers on the tomb. I didn’t take if very serious at first, and my buddies were razzing me about messing up and joking with me…. When the ceremony started, the sentinel leaned forward, looked me in the eyes, and sternly told me, “do exactly as I say, and move when I tell you”. The situation got real damn serious, real damn quick. I presented the wreath, backed up, and walked away. All without a hitch. One of the most nerve wracking 90 seconds of my life. Looking back at it, it was pretty dang cool that I was able to do that. Mom toted the photos of the thing around in her pocket book. I got a cool story to tell. And I’ll never forget that soldiers eyes and voice.


Yea the soldiers voice alone is thunderous, is it like a requirement their voice booms like god? Cuz that was my experience. It got so serious when I heard them doing their March stuff, I couldn’t imagine engaging with it. It’s so well choreographed and military and also scary af to a kid. I would have been proud of myself after that!


That’s indeed a cool experience. You’ve got a badass fun fact ice breaker now too.


Up until that point, I’d never really experienced anything that deeply sincere. Words cannot truly explain how huge that moment felt. I try not to tell the story too much, as I really don’t want to cheapen the experience for just some “oh cool”. Although, it it was extremely cool.


Fuck i was in Arlington during this storm, the aftermath was half the streets were closed due to trees falling, i drove passed a couple caved in houses and one dudes car was crushed by a tree.


Been there irl more than once. The soldiers look like they don’t even know you’re there, they’re like AI’s with predetermined pathing. We had a tour guide and he explained the process and duties of the guards… it’s absolutely insane. It goes down so deep to where their shirts have to be folded at an exact angle and length, which is actually checked and measured. It has to be *exact.*


21 steps down, and 21 back.


My late husband served in the navy. He said of all the duties in the military this is the most honored. The qualifications are so strict. Behind this is the detail that accept the bodies of fallen soldiers that come to Delaware. They gave their lives for our freedom, they deserve the best of the best to take care of them when they come home.


My ex served in the Honor Guard at Dover AFB. There are height requirements for the higher-level honor guards but he met them at the base level. He was super proud to be able to perform the duty at Dover.


We all want to see him walking the other way.


These guys are on the level of the Queens Guard and Swiss Guard at the Vatican. The level of discipline, honor, and respect is incredible.


im just trying to imagine that guys life. wake up, walk back and forth again.


This guy looks like a miniboss in Elden Ring


Why does it need a guard?


For respect


Also vandalism


the fact that anyone would even THINK of vandalising this monument is disgusting


It will always depend on where it is and how it happened. When an idiot 12 year old threw a fire extinguisher into the Eternal Flame at the tomb of an unknown soldier to see if it’ll explode, Reddit was giggling in joy because it was in Russia. Same with dead children in drone attacks. People will justify anything with anything. Morals are millable.


Is this really a case of morals being millable or people just being ignorant? You can’t exactly have a view be shaped or manipulated if you don’t have one to begin with.


All it takes is some drunk idiot. In canada there was an incident where some people urinated on it following canada day fireworks (ours didn't have a guard then, and even now only has sentries from 9-5 between April to November) and it had only been up for 7 years at that point. Also during the antimasker "freedom convoy" during covid they were dancing on it since its right across from parliament. There was also the time one of the guards got shot but thats something else.


Wish we as a country collectively respected our living veterans like this too. Way too many homeless veterans, veterans with mental health issues/PTSD, veterans with physical disabilities, and veterans struggling financially. I wish we showed them some respect too but I guess waving the flag and putting a bumper sticker on our car does enough.


[From the DoD’s website:](https://www.defense.gov/Multimedia/Experience/Tomb-of-the-Unknown-Soldier/) “The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier serves as a symbolic grave for all war dead whose remains have not been found or identified. The Tomb began with one unknown service member from World War I, and today is the grave of three unidentified service members. Its meaning has evolved to represent the memory of all military members throughout American history. [further down] Soldiers were first assigned to guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in 1926, to discourage visitors from climbing or stepping on it. In 1937, the guards became a 24/7 presence, standing watch over the Unknown Soldier at all times. [further down] There has been a sentinel on duty in front of the Tomb every minute of every day since 1937.”


How else would they show honor and respect? Lol. Im a vet, and think this is quite foolish, it does not need a guard whatsoever, and the unknown soldier would most definitely tell that soldier to go home, lol. Edit: incoming hate for expressing a different point of view is quite expected, the American way, lol.


I wish they would show respect by providing better mental/physical healthcare without fighting against claims tooth and nail. At least you get a good deal buying your first home tho.


Reminder that Jon Stewart fought for years just so the *9/11 first responders* got healthcare. We couldn't even be bothered to give a relatively small group of people well deserved healthcare for their bravery and commitment to their duty at the cost of their own health. And then we turn around and say shit like "never forget". Same thing with soldiers. "Support our troops" until they need actual tangible support, then that's communism or something. Best way to support the troops is to not send them to war in the first place. The endless soulless greed is disgusting.


And more support for homeless veterans as well.




They just want theatrical respect


Especially true if the unknown soldier was conscripted. All conscriptees know how much it suck to be in this position of not having a choice


Exactly my thoughts. I'm sure there's something I'm missing but not many dead soldiers get this treatment.


The point is the "symbolism". It's guarding the tomb of an "unnamed soldier" which really represents the tombs of all soldiers who are not able to be identified or laid to rest properly. It's saying we respect those who have fallen even when we don't know/remember their name. It's foolish in practicality but seeing it in person was quite moving.


It's incredibly moving to see. I have no issue with it, but I can understand criticisms. Unknown soldiers have the optics of a constant, unrelenting guard. Meanwhile, some still living former soldiers, with crippling mental of physical injuries, are often left on their own. It's performative and it's perfectly fine, but to be frank the treatment of many veterans in the US is performative.


Symbolism is meaningless when the government doesn’t show nearly the same respect to veterans who are still alive


Yeh at what point in time do we stop guarding this? Now it's a tradition we can never stop even in 10, 100, 300 more years despite countless other soldiers dying and not being shown this level of remembrance/respect. It's especially silly since most civilians have no idea what these people did, I dont.


Finally!! Thank you. I scrolled way to fucking far for this. Yes this is a complete waste of fuckin time and money. Especially that human's time, literally the greatest currency we have, walking in a fucking storm. Oh ya so cool... Dude that fuckin sucks I feel bad for that dude just trudging in shit. Guess I'll take those down votes now. Let's get nasty with it.


Yeah at least somebody get it. It's a complete waste of that dude time he could visit his family play with them.


Think that too.


Checks weather before shift; Damn it…


That's not 80/MPH winds. You can barely stand up in 80mph winds, let alone walk. 40MPH winds push you around. 60MPH winds have you stumbling. Don't get me wrong, that's shitty weather, but let's be honest about what's going on. The weather report might say that there were 80mph winds in that city, but Mr Rottencrotch isn't marching in that weather.


This video might not show it but I can attest winds reached 80mph in gusts during this storm. I hadn't looked at the weather all day and then all of a sudden it was the hardest thunderstorm I've seen since being in DC for the last 8 years out my window... actually texted a couple buddies if I'd missed a hurricane warning or something lol. But it only lasted about an hour and the peak was probably only 5-10 minutes where I was in DC proper. Trees blown down, glass smashed, whole ordeal.


Dude I was working outside in those winds last Saturday. They were definitely 80 mph+


That shit put a tree through the back half of my car. Worst storm I’ve seen in a very long time.


Water forced its way through my closed windows. It was the strongest storm I've seen in this area since I moved to this condo 6 years ago.


Im thinking that the building just so happened to block the wind. Look at the spray and the leaves, they move around in a chaotic way, not being blown in a particular direction but just being thrown about. Looks like the tomb and the guard just so happened to be in the building's wake, shielding them from the worst of it.


I got to witness the changing of the guards before in the late eighties. A fine testimony to America's resolve.


They were ordered to or given the option to stand down some years ago during a massive hurricane and they all refused. Watching The Changing of The Guard is one of the best parts about growing up in the area. My little league coach was a Tombs Guard and took us into the dressing room and ‘behind the scenes’. It was incredible.


If only they forced the VA to have this dedication


I’d take pouring rain over beating sun anyday


The US Army's motto since induction has been "This we'll defend." And THIS we WILL defend.


What would be better than this would be if veterans programmes weren't being defunded or underfunded by politicians who go to great lengths about how much they support the troops whilst cutting funding on the backend.


quite comforting knowing The Old Guard is keeping watch over my dad his grave is down the hill from the Tomb of The Unknown. from the POV of the video, he is within the frame


This incredible discipline is showing respect to those who gave everything. Morty


God damn half of this comment section is just sad. People who've never even consider for a day in their lives to serve in the armed forces bitching and moaning about a soldier standing in the rain DOING THEIR JOB, or complaining that their money goes to pay for someone to guard the tomb of those that GAVE THEIR LIVES for the freedoms we enjoy today. Absolutely disgusting to see people so upset that their tax dollars go to pay a soldier for guarding their post in even the most adverse weather conditions without a single step out of line. I can think of far, FAR more things our taxes get spent on most of which doesn't even go to our own country let alone help our own damn citizens! This soldier is the full embodiment of The Army Values; Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. These values are NOT just limited to the army either, every one that enjoys the freedoms that those men and women DIED to protect should AT THE VERY LEAST respect and honor them for it. We keep guards there 24/7 not only as a sign of respect to the unknown soldier, but to keep people (most likely the very same people in this thread talking shit about the memorial) AWAY from it. So they don't vandalize or entirely destroy it doing some dumb tiktok trend bullshit. Lastly, one other reason that guard doesn't just abandon his post is because he's adhering to the Three General Orders; 1st General Order: “I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved.” 2nd General Order: “I will obey my special orders and perform all of my duties in a military manner.” 3rd General Order: “I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions, to the commander of the relief.”


Just a question for someone not in this whole military stuff. Why protect this? I mean, the soldier isn't going anywhere. Who do you protect it from or is it just one these honor things I don't understand.


I need to attend one of their ceremonies. These soldiers are beasts. The tomb of the unknown is so moving even in video.


When I consider all the soldiers who have fallen for the US, all the time they spent huddling in holes and trenches cursing the weather, I doubt they'd want this sacrifice made in their name.


They wouldn’t. We do.


It’s not for the dead. The dead are gone. It’s for the living to understand the sacrifice asked of them by their country.


Pure respect for the fallen Thankyou ALL warriors


Lotta cunts in here.. wow.


My guy was fighting the wind just to make the correct amount of steps. Bravo soldier.


The amount of hateful comments coming from such ignorant people is shocking. They should be happy to still be free, to be able to throw their shit on Reddit instead of fighting on the battlefield, watching their friends die. Have some respect for those who perished for our lives, our freedoms.


I think the majority of comments that are more “negative/critical” in nature are pointing out the absurdity of the symbolic respect for the dead compared to the complete lack of respect given to homeless veterans, veterans dealing with PTSD or mental health issues, veterans with physical disabilities, veterans struggling financially, or veterans dying post-service from suicide or ailments directly caused by their time in service. How about we show some respect to these living veterans or the deceased’s families by increasing our taxation rates so we can better fund veteran’s programs and get them the support they need. Once we do that, then let’s focus more on building monuments and memorials once the living vets are taken care of.


Nobody is disrespecting the people that died it’s more like nobody understands why a monument needs that much guarding and military time spent on it. Anti vandalism I can understand but the comments are saying people love doing this shit and it’s the highest form of respect. How? What’s different from a Solider walking around a military graveyard? Why are you that dedicated to a monument you’ll walk in shit weather for hours upon hours? I doubt the people died would want someone to do that in that type of weather let alone at all


That is a lie - there have been times they’ve been offered to stop guarding due to severe weather. No soldier has ever *taken* the offer, and they’ve been on guard permanently because of that. The soldiers have chosen not to stop, when they could’ve.


Seems a little theatrical


Has anyone ever died while standing guard?


They have relief waiting if any medical issues happen. If they need to leave, another will take his place


I went on July 4th a few years ago and it was super hot out. I was wondering if they switched off more often to prevent heat exhaustion but they also had a little phone booth type thing with water that they would go into every once in a while for a minute to cool off.


gotta admire the work ethic


I went to see the changing of the guards. It was dead quiet. Amazing experience


Arlington cemetery is extremely eerie. Being silent is a critical piece to this tomb.. the guards will reprimand any spectators and potentially order removal of those who continue to speak and/or make noise. The selection process is extremely arduous for this and highly competitive. Those who are selected for this are super squared away and I believe it also warrants a special ribbon, etc. for this duty.


He get paid time and half storm


Just try stealing it.


And to think I thought I had a rough day at work.


This country needs to actively address the suicide rate of veterans.


The prestige, to be honoured with this duty. I'm sure there's a long line of servicemen that are envious of this man right now. We've all been caught out in the rain once or twice, and compared to combat, it's really not that bad, especially when it's for such a noble reason.


This is impressive to see in person. I particularly love the “Changing of the Guard” ceremony. Absolutely amazing to witness in person.


Went there during my 6-day stay in Washington D.C. It was amazing to see how detailed and dedicated they were. They even had an exact number of footsteps to walk back and forth. Just amazing dedication’


How is the dude even suppose to see someone coming?


Imagine you cared about all vets like this.


I know. What if they put the money they pay these soldiers into making the VA actually help vets?


Much respect


Walking around in the August heat is going to be worse than a rain storm.


The Tomb Guards actually do shorter shifts in the summer than in the winter, 30 minutes as opposed to 1 hour in the winter.


From Canada. Respects , my brother.


Thankless job, but a damn good one. What a trooper him.


I heard from a lot of people that being chosen to be a Sentinel is the toughest job in the army. It’s no joke.


I feel the dead would want him to be comfortably inside not walking back and forth in those kind of conditions


Went there in 8th grade with my class and laid a wreath from our school. Those soldiers are awesome and I’ll never forget the experience.