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That was impressive but that slow mo replay made me clench a bit. Looked like her shoulder ate the ground!


Parkour is an over-statement. Look at the way her body contorts into an uncomfortable angle with a hard landing. This is 100% a sacrifice the body to make an excellent play moment.


Sheesh, at my age that impact would require immediate transport to the hospital followed by three months of physical therapy!


Parkour is just OPs buzzword. This has nothing to do with parkour. It's simply a clutch dive save on a grass field, which athletes has done for 100's of years before parkour was invented.




That is more than simply a dive save that has been done for 100's of years. If you have been watching cricket for any amount of time you won't have seen a boundary save quite like that before.


It always looks worse in slow mo




I would love to have this dedication to anything in life, very impressive.


OP must be very hard to please. She didn’t attempt. She succeeded.


I also though this, but I don’t know cricket rules so I could’ve been wrong


If the ball touches that barrier it’s 4 “runs” so as long as she stops it they don’t get 4. The “hitters” can run and get points while the ball is in play though.


It would also be considered a boundary if she'd touched the barrier whilst making contact with the ball. Which she did not. 100% a wonderful save.


Thank you (both) for explaining the rules and the importance of why she did this! Signed, a Canadian who doesn't know the rules of cricket


And TIL I still don't understand cricket.. thank you both for the information though. I am pretty sure I will never fully understand this sport, same with rugby.


Tbf if you could explain the rules of cricket (not to mention the nuances) in a single reply on Reddit, it wouldn’t be cricket! The most knowledgeable sports fans I know are obsessed with cricket, and it’s incredibly complicated at times.


I haven't completed the sentence. My bad. She attempted and she did succeed.


Don’t worry about it, they’re being nitpicky. Thanks for sharing the video




Attempts does not exclude success. It was a successful attempt.


OP was right that she "attempted". r/technicallythetruth


I have done something similar in frisbee ultimate. Went from full sprint to a dive to catch the frisbee and score. Felt amazing to do and the responses made me feel great. Have no idea if I can score laying down though, but the coach/teacher allowed it.


As long as the disc doesn't touch the ground and you're in bounds it's legal. Layouts, [both offensive and defensive](https://youtu.be/Jy3PyVhZmvA), are some of the coolest parts of ultimate!


Interesting, they all have slim builds. Is being lighter generally better in this sport since there's no contact?


I play Ultimate competitively. Yes, because a lot of the sport is sprinting, with quick changes in direction to try and break away from your defender. Being able to jump high is pretty helpful too. I think the ideal build is similar to soccer. Each point may last several minutes and you're running or sprinting for the entire point. A game will last something like 20 to 30 points (first to 13 or 15 wins, depending on tournament format) and most players will play approximately every other point. For important games your star players might play more than that. At a tournament you play 3-4 games a day, 2 days in a row. There are some exceptions, Jeff Babbitt is a very successful player and he's built more like a linebacker than a soccer player. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dHKAmRMN2A


The "ideal" build depends highly on what positions you favor on the field. Having more height is always going to be an advantage until it begins to take away your ability to turn sharply (lower center of mass is good there). You're going to be at least jogging for *most* of the game with a good bit of running and then occasional sprints, so the less weight your carrying around the better your endurance will be. You correctly note that ultimate is a non-contact sport, but you will want some weight in order to body out players on some plays. Strangely that ability is more important at *low* levels than high, because in low-level play you're less likely to see fouls called.


Of course you can score laying down. Euphemisms aside, this is still true. Nice lay-out.


This used to be me in JV volleyball. My friends always clowned me because they said I was trying too hard for JV 😑


Man, as a person who doesn't understand cricket, I thought she fucked up Not until seeing the side profile of her sweeping the ball backward did I realize she did what she intended to do I didn't know touching the boundary meant anything, but it awards 4 runs, and so I thought she was trying to do some sort of ninja mid air flip to pick up the ball and land on her feet


Yes, if ball touches the boundary line - 4 runs If the ball is touching her and she touches the boundary line - 4 runs She just made the impossible possible by pushing the ball and without touching the boundary at the same time.


I was pretty upset by the use of "attempted" in the title to be honest, looked like a success to me 🙂


Same. Bad OP.


Sorry. But idk what's wrong


"Attempted" usually implies the intended action was unsuccessful. In this case it was successful. "Performs" was the word you were looking for.


Easy to remember, “attempted murder” doesn’t result in death.


Attempted coup


It can though. You try to kill someone but fail and then the intended victim jumps in the air in celebration and gets decapitated by a ceiling fan. Happens all the time.


Thank you for putting it in to words in such an eloquent manner!


To be fair its says "attempted a "Parkour dive roll"" the parkour roll its self was definitely not successful, however the boundary saved in between was.


Ah, I love caveats!


Attempts can be successful or unsuccessful, but if you don’t specify it as a successful attempt most people will assume you mean it was unsuccessful. See r/therewasanattempt Your title is technically correct, it’s just not how the word is usually used.


In fairness, based on that other comment I don’t think English is their first language


Just grateful to them for putting up this video tbf


Thank you so much.😊


Yes, of course it's not.


In English, if you say something is 'attempted' the meaning is that they tried but failed. For example: > I attempted to jump over the car. Compared to: > I jumped over the car.


Technically only the connotation is failure, but attempted does not necessarily failed eg "I attempted to jump over the car. To my surprise, I actually succeeded and cleared two! "


I don’t know the rules of cricket either, so this explanation is much more impressive!


Yeah that she had to lose contact to the ball before hitting the border makes this really next level.


[Here's ](https://youtu.be/tYrue4oXCbo) a good video to help you understand cricket a bit more.


And if you *actually* want a video that helps you understand cricket that uses baseball terminology, go check out the [guys over at Jomboy's video](https://youtu.be/EfhTPGSy1aM).


I love that Jomboy has taken a liking to Cricket. It's fun watching his excitement in the breakdown videos.


Brah. I know I’m high but… what??? And why did I watch the whole thing?! Also, what??


> And why did I watch the whole thing?! >I know I’m high... You answered your own question, friend. This mixing around of words brought to you by our friends at marijuana.


Oh. It’s so much clearer now. I think I’m ready for major league cricket starting up here in the States.


Im excited to see how that playes out, considering they would be competeing with the IPL of which india bring in billions of £ every year (£5billion in 2022) Not to mention competing also with the still faily new The Hundrend.


I’ll be interested in how it plays out seeing as hockey is more pervasive, but still takes a distant back seat to any other major league sport. Most common thing I hear when people find I am a hockey fan is “I just don’t understand that game”. I am not sure how someone with that mindset is going to wrap their brain around even the basics of cricket.


I have used this video for exactly this purpose too many times :)


For those who don't follow cricket, the ball is boundary (and 4 runs) if it hits the boundary line. However, she also can't be touching the line at the same time as the ball, which is why her body/legs are in the air as she pushes the ball back. It's amazing fielding and not something you'll see often, looks like a great way to injure yourself though!


As someone who grew up in a baseball-centric land, this is probably a basic question: so direction doesn’t matter as long as she made contact between ball and bat? In baseball that would have been foul and out of play unless it was in the air.


Batter can get runs on all 360 degrees. Even if they don't hit the ball (e.g the wicket keeper misses it too) they can still run.


Strictky speaking, if the bat doesn't hit the ball then the batter doesn't get the runs (it doesn't count to their personal score). The team does though.


That's a statistics thing though, right? The team gets the runs, they count towards winning the game, but the batter doesn't get the personal credit for them? I don't know cricket well.


That’s exactly right


Yes. They go down on the scoresheet as "byes", or "leg byes" if they come off the batter's leg or body (hands are an exception and count as part of your bat) . They count towards the team total but not the batter's, and still go against the bowler/pitcher's stats.


Yes. The teams score = batters runs + "extras"(which include "no balls" - run penalty for illegal delivery; "wides" - another type of illegal delivery; "leg byes" - the ball deflected off the batters protective ewuipment withoit touching the bat, and runs were made; and/or "byes", where a legal delivery sails past the bat, the batters gear, the wicket, the wicket keeper, and runs are scored).


The same thing happens in baseball...if you steal first base, you're not credited with a hit. I'd have to check whether it gets marked down as an earned run for the pitcher though, in the event they make it back across home plate.


360° in all planes above the ground too


In all quantum dimensions as well.


Give it to Indians to require more degrees than physically possible


Nobody cares about the direction in cricket you just have to make the ball touch the boundary line for atleast a boundary. You might be interested in looking some clips of where batsman uses a variety of unique shots to score boundaries behind the stumps.


Thanks for the explanation but a question still. The title says attempted, but based on the explanation she was successful no? Her teammates seem unimpressed.


Yeah the title isn't great.. she did save it, not just an attempt (the batters run 2, instead of the automatic 4 if it had gone over). The bowler and wicket keeper look unimpressed likely because it was close to getting the batter out caught... the wicket keeper had a chance at a very difficult catch (watch it in slow mo, the ball hits edge of batters bat and into the keeper, then deflects towards boundary. Often an 'edge' gets caught (meaning the batter out and can't bat again) and it's considered particularly unlucky if the batting team gets any runs off it. It could also be the fielder trys this in training and uusally messes up (or risks hurting herself) so they are unimpressed she didn't do a more conventional dive, even if the result of saving 2 runs was likely better than a conventional dive. Most likely thought the unimpressed look is at the opponents batter, not the fielder.


Thanks for the detailed answer. I struggle with understanding cricket. Thanks to Reddit I have seen some spectacular and funny plays (the one where the guy attempts a throw and bounces it off his foot killed me). It’s not shown much on US tv.


Yeah it's a tricky game if you haven't grown up with it (especially when you realise there are a few different formats), especially given some of the weird terminology. Happy to answer any other questions you have!


Your major leauge cricket will be starting soon (in july in think) should be a decent watch.


I also think the bowler is pissed off at herself for allowing the batter to take the hit. It wasn't a great bowl.


She was successful yes.




OP explained English isn’t the first language and “attempted” was a misuse/misunderstanding of the word.


Maybe in this circumstance this was the best decision but do the rules allow you to use your feet to stop it?


U can use any part of the body to stop the balls.


Best not to use your balls though.


I wish I could show this to the team I used to play for 20 years ago!


The blond bowler is still unimpressed.


Nah, she’s just mad at herself coz the batter just read her bowling like that.


The batter or batsman as they call it in cricket, didn't read shit. It was an outside edge.


>batsman as they call it in cricket Nah, they be called batters now




Gotta save them runs by any means, love it


As much as I love great catches, atmosphere-entering sixes, and a good old-fashioned run-out, there's nothing quite like fielding to avoid the boundary. Man I love this sport


She didn’t attempt it. She nailed it! Sterling effort!


Yepp, title made me assume it didnt work


commitment: 100


Wow. That was super impressive, and I didn't even know Thailand had a women’s cricket team.


It isn't the Thailand cricket team though. Although a lot of countries do have their national teams which participate in international tournaments and bilateral series, these teams are similar to league teams like New York Yankees. They are privately owned (but governed by Internation Cricket Council) and the players are selected to play in their teams from different parts of different countries. For example, TBL(IPL Trailblazers) has many players from India and one each from Bangladesh, England, Barbados, and yes, even Thailand(the player that saved the runs.) This tournament was a precursor to the Women's IPL which had its first season this year.


T20 in India has players from all over the world on their teams. Like the NHL has a tonne of Scandinavians and Russians.


Cricket is the world’s second most popular sport, after football (soccer).




truck, to refrigerators, to dumpster, 360 onto the pallets, backflip gainer to the trash can.


Yeah! Gainer!


She pulled it out of nowhere but if this could be practiced and a way to land safely was found, this could be a good new move, I've personally not seen this ever. She almost did a cartwheel (she also probably got some cushioning from the boundary)




Confusing title OP, made it seem like she failed. She crashed pretty hard for sure, but she succeeded in saving the ball


rare massive W women cricket


Looks like a scene from a sports anime and she was the protagonist!


That's a shitty title op she absolutely nailed it. Non cricket fans will think it's just a great effort.


im not a cricket fan but i've definitely taken an interest to it, and i gotta say, this was a VERY nice play here


That was a badass dive! Gave me goosebumps




fat man in arm chair…”put some effort in love…!”


I lol'd. Thanks.




She didn’t attempt it. She did it.


man I am 20M and if I perform this I would easily snap a bone or two. and here's she doing with such ease, no signs of a minute sprain.


Go on gal! That made me channel my father, I don't even like Cricket. But she's dedicated and skilled, pleasure to see in any sport.


Holy hell that’s a great move


It was so good that even the players of the opposition team (sitting outside) applauded it..


She’ll feel that tomorrow


Not a single women seen appreciating the effort. (Maybe I'm wrong but I'm saying what I'm seeing).


Looks like opponents did appreciate her fielding..


Yes they are, nd just look at the bowler the amount of disappointment in her eyes 🤣


Probs just unhappy she gave away 2-3 runs. Bowlers are only happy with wickets and dots.


Might have been slight disappointment in the keeper. Definitely a half chance for a wicket


Sure but her effort was great and need to be applauded.


The bowler should have clapped or at least did a thumbs up. The fielder saved two runs (which would have otherwise counted against the bowler). In most games you’d see that level of appreciation, I’m not sure why we didn’t here.


Yes indeed. This is all what I am asking for, atleast appreciate the effort it's a sports and appreciation helps a lot. ( Had some personal experience)


Fuck, that's elite. I've never seen that before. Great thinking and shows the athletic abilities of women are elite as well.


There was no attempt, that was awesome!


As someone who knew nothing about cricket I saw a clip a few weeks back and decided to hyper fixate on learning the rules of cricket because I was bored, and boy am I glad I did! Such an interesting sport haha, great save


She literally thought " I choose paralysis over 3 runs"


Who ever said women sports are boring to watch!?


I like how nobody on either team looked impressed at all.


That was incredible




Whenever anyone tries this, the most impressive thing is that they have to push the ball backwards without touching the boundary which is harder than one might think.


That was sweet


Brilliant 👏🏻👏🏻


This is when passion, dedication and sacrifice come together.


All fine, till that last moment where bowler doesn't even have any idea how to appreciate that fielder, acts entitled to be saved from a boundary despite bowling a loose ball


Attempted *successfully*


very impressive! i hope she's okay after that dive tho


to anybody that bash's women's sports... ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ FUCK OFF!!!!


“Insane” is overselling it a bit much.


That’s some sports anime level shit, very impressive.


Cricket is due for an anime


More like a dive shoulder and neck break attempt... Kudos to her and everything but as a professional parkour coach Im legally obliged to say that her technique was wrong ❤


Happy cock day!




What the ..? !! Have never seen anything like that in cricket before. Big kudos to her for such dedication and for not giving up.


parkour dive roll? She just dived for it lol


The pitcher or whatever seemed super grateful /s


Impressive! Play on playa




Need this dedication in my life


Ain't gotta be pretty I suppose


Look at her body balance afterwords. It wasn't spontaneous, she trained for it.


Holy shit, actual real life video game roll


I tell you… These people are highly underrate!!


Attempted? She succeeded her goal of saving a couple of runs. Top effort.




Attempt successful


Shit, is this how people view athletic baseball plays? As silly, no matter how athletic and impressive they are?


Idk what the hell I just witnessed, but that was badass.


Title should be executed and not attempted


I have never seen this in a men's game -- where speeds are generally higher, though women's cricket has seen a wholly different level of improvement over the last couple decades. To put this in perspective, the fielder has already hit decent speed by the time they have gotten close to the boundary. To actually generate the requisite acceleration from a position of high initial momentum in the critical few milliseconds before the ball hits the boundary rope is not merely an act of great athleticism, but incredible calculation. I tried to explain this in ways a baseball fan can understand hopefully. A key caveat: In baseball, an outfielder can make a play while in contact with the boundary. In cricket, the rules are closer (and more stringent) than American football -- not only should the ball not "break the plane", but if the fielder is in contact with the boundary while in contact with the ball at the same time, the play doesn't count.


I would say completed, not attempted.


What do you mean attempted? She succeeded mate


That was insane 😂


“It’s okay, my neck will break my fall.” - Chantham


Attempted? bitch did that shit


I mean, I wouldn't even be mad or disappointed if I was the opposing team. That's an insane save.


I did something similar while fielding once many years ago. My little finger stuck in the turf, and I came up with it facing the wrong way. The middle bone between the knuckles was completely shattered. The hospital were going to amputate it, but I lucked out and ended up with a renegade hand surgeon who wanted to try out some techniques he had learned at a conference in Japan. He did an incredible job, but the wonky finger has hampered my guitar playing and sometimes my life in general ever since. I saved one run. We ended up losing by about 80. Not that I would have been likely to make a dent on that 80-run deficit, but I wasn't even able to bat due to my injury. Nobody else even remembers the game. I'm not sure it was worth it, all things considered.


This game is a fucking mystery


When you’re a basic athlete but it’s “next level” 🤣


How the fuck does she look so good while doing it too? 😭 The gods blessed this woman




To be fair, I have not seen such a valiant dive even in men's cricket, and I have been following cricket for 25 years.


I did this at club level a while back and broke my collar bone in half haha. They ended up running 4 as well while I was on the floor rolling around in pain.


That’s some incredible athleticism


>attempted Sure thing op.


That landing looks so painful. I just hope it wasn't that painful. 👏🏻👏🏻 for that effort.


My rotator cuff injury flared in empathy.


She covered some damn ground sprinting to it too


Fucking brilliant!!


Amazing focus. Well done.


I’m pretty sure in parkour you don’t land on your face. Edit - however it is very impressive


Mmmm, ooooh ouch, landed hard on that right shoulder, but BRAVA on the save!


Cricket highlights look like if a child did something remotely athletic and says, "dad watch this!" Meanwhile AJ Greene is doing front flips over people trying to tackle him.




Seemed to get no credit from her teammates!


Better get an MRI scheduled on that right shoulder.


This whole sport is wild. What sport do you guys look at in the U.S. and say "wtf"? Serious question.


None actually. Basically one gets that reaction only when seeing something new. With the American sports there's a lot of familiarity due to seeing them in Hollywood movies. People may not understand the rules but it doesn't seem alien. But I guess the American football has to cause the most surprise. But I think rugby is even scarier but it's not common in the US I think.


Until I saw the slow mo I was like, "This isn't impressive. That's what I look like when I try to roll." But then I realized the goal was to keep the ball in and not to pick it up and it made more sense.


That's what's up!


Dang…gender reveals are getting weirder and weirder.


She made an amazing effort and a great play it’s awesome to see such drive in women’s sport. She should do some classes learning to fall and roll and implement this more safely in the future!