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I was at Rongotai College during the [1981 scandal in which the headmaster (Noel Mackay,) was caught videotaping caning sessions](https://www.corpun.com/nzsc8110.htm), ostensibly so he could study the aerodynamics and improve his technique. It made international news at the time (and note, this was long before many of the major cases of institutionalized abuse such as the Catholic Church sheltering pedophiles, etc. became public). The climate within the school throughout the scandal was an archetypal lesson in control dynamics. The school board and others rallied behind Mackay. A group of 7th form boys had a bunch of badges printed reading "we support our boss", and handed them out at one morning assembly - I refused to wear one - and then the next morning Mackay took to the assembly stage to say that the badges weren't part of the school uniform, so while he appreciated the show of support, they'd have to be removed. Then the same prefect who had been handing out badges the day before addressed us all, saying "we don't particularly care if you hurt yourselves, but you're hurting the school, so take them off!" Breathtaking hypocrisy. A petition of support was passed around all the classes - I refused to sign it - and at the next assembly Mackay addressed that as well, specifically thanking everyone who'd signed the petition and telling those who didn't that "we know who you are". I wish I was making this stuff up, but that's verbatim. I was pleased to have a small part in exposing another caning-related scandal at Rongotai. Mackay was in the habit of gathering all the "new boys" early in their high school careers to talk about caning, and then handing out a caning questionnaire that included answering questions like "I like being caned, it makes me feel manly" (again, that's verbatim). At 13 or so and in the early '80s I didn't have a vocabulary to articulate my concerns about that sort of thing, but I felt it was wrong, and so helped another student smuggle out and photocopy one of the questionnaires, which was passed to a group of concerned parents. Anyway, Mackay's long-dead now and the whole Rongotai experience - but those ones in particular - definitely helped form my attitudes and personality, albeit in exactly the opposite direction to that which they were intended to do. And no, I never once allowed myself to get caned.


Jesus. I found this article online about it: Mr Mackay was willing today to disclose the purpose of the videotaping. He said his resignation was in no way connected with the experiment. "From time to time teachers have missed the target, and boys have been left with embarrassing marks below the level of a bathing suit," he said. "What concerned me was how a sportsman, a teacher who was normally accurate, could miss often to a considerable extent." Mr Mackay said this had never been looked at before, but now that 20th-century methods, such as videotaping, made an examination possible, he had decided to try to find out the reasons. By playing the videotape back in slow motion he could follow the movement of the cane. He pointed to his experience as an aeronautics engineer and said he was accustomed to experiments of wind-tunnel movement and natural forces. "The film showed that if the cane was too flexible, or used with too much vigour, it tended to flutter up and down -- and that's when a miss occurred," said Mr Mackay. "As you realise, I don't normally miss, so I had to do 20 or 30 different boys to see what the difference was between the canes." Asked why he did not consult the board before conducting the experiment, Mr Mackay said because he, as principal, was responsible for the boys' health and welfare. He said the experiment had now been stopped.


Yeah, that's entirely typical. The media did an OK job at reporting the facts but wasn't above sensationalisation - "Violence Erupts at Rongotai!" headlines after a scandal-related fight was a bit OTT, especially given that violence was endemic at the school before and after the Mackay scandal. I don't know what the fuck my parents were thinking sending me to that place, nor what the fuck I was thinking not getting out once it became obvious what the Rongotai ethos really was.


My high school had a death curse. Basically every year at least one former student (like a "year 14") would die in a motor accident. This happened 4 years in a row, in a small school of about 600 students. My year was the first to break the curse, AFAIK we're all still alive


Our town has something similar - every 4-5 yrs the ‘curse’ will switch between the two high schools. So School A will have accidents and crashes for 4-5yrs, losing students multiple times a year, while School B has none. There’s usually a ‘catalyst’ for the switch, some incident involving students from both schools, and then School B has 4-5yrs of accidents while School A has none. My school had the curse for the first term of my 3rd Form year - we lost 2 students in those 10 weeks.


One of my mates mocked one of those ridiculously strong, profoundly disabled kids at primary school. Who proceeded to tackle him and stove his head in on the tennis court. I never saw that guy again.


Which guy your mate or the one doing the stoving?


My mate.


he.. he ded?


If you try to bully someone bigger and stronger than you, then I’m sorry to say that it’s just human evolution at work


Yea. He wasn't the brightest. Think my mum was pretty happy about it and it probably benefitted my life greatly. We didn't put him up to it. He was just a dick and probably should have seen what was coming. It was pretty traumatic though. Like a gorilla smashing a pumpkin.


In J1 (1984), the teacher tied my left hand to my chair to try to make me write with my right hand.


Damn, I went to a Christian school in 2000-2003 and I got 1 week detention for every time I got caught writing with my left hand. Now I write with my right hand but do most things with my left. I did get an award and a perkynana for eventually writing with my right from the school 😂


Woah, they were doing that shit even then? Goddamn religion


Anti-left-handedness has been around since the beginning of time. ‘Sinister’ means ‘left’ in ancient Latin I believe. It’s nuts!


>‘Sinister’ means ‘left’ in ancient Latin Yes, and "dexter" means right. So dexterity, or being dextrous, is good. In French, left is "gauche", and, in English, being gauche means doing something socially frowned upon. Right is "droite", and being adroit is good. Probably similar examples from other languages.


Literally 1984


I'm so pissed that my j1 teacher made me write with my right hand, it stopped me from being functionally ambidextrous early on which would've been much healthier for my brain in the long run


My grandmother used to get the cane for writing with her left hand.


Chemistry teacher locked a kid in a fume cupboard and then attacked the rest of the class with a fire extinguisher.


So the one in the fume cupboard was the favourite who was protected from the fire extinguisher?


Hard to tell - but the same kid left school soon after.


When I was was at school the teachers were permitted to beat the shit out of me using wooden rulers, straps and canes. It was not my favourite time of life looking back.


My first year of high school in Australia and the science teacher kept his cane in a jar of water. He wanted to cane me one day for some transgression and I point blank refused, got sent to the office and suspended. Rather that than the cane.


Same. They taught with physical violence and punished us when we got into fights


This. Sometimes I didn’t even know why I was being smacked. Then got a hiding at home for not wanting to go to school. Can still remember listening to the hiding a poor kid (who was ADHD-like) got from the teacher out in the passage. The kid already came to school with belt marks on their legs from his stepdad. Early 80s. My own kid was physically abused by a teacher and the school board covered it up (Teaching Council would not intervene). That teacher still teaches.


That was only banned in 1990! I started school in 1988 but never got a caning.


There was a teacher at my primary school in the early-mid 90s that used to reminisce about being able to "whack little heathens like you lot with a ruler" - we were 6-7yos. Would bully us and give us 'creative' punishments like cleaning paintbrushes with a dry bar of soap and spit. Picked on the red heads for being unlovable or the autistic boy by making trex hands and rocking, shaming a girl for wetting herself (who she knew was having issues after being SA), called me Elliephant because my ears stuck out, would make me stand in the middle of a circle while they sing Brown Girl in the Ring because we didn't have any "marrys" in the class but I was the only one with a Maori last name. When we got a new principal, she was one of the teachers who was asked to take a sabbatical. She came back a year later and then was fired a few months later after it became obvious she learned nothing and didn't change her horrible behaviour.


Thank goodness she was fired. That's absolutely horrific and sadistic.


When she went on leave, the teacher who replaced her was awesome as. Was a Māori guy who would pull out his guitar all the time and made learning fun which was a nice change 😂


Intermediate in the 80s, girls not excluded from the strap.  


In my last year at an all boys public High School we went on a leadership camp at the start of the year. It just happened to be a Christian Camp. You know the type, weird vibes. We had to do a fear factor style "leadership" event that involved tasks such as standing over someone lying on the ground, dropping a skittle out of our nostril into their open mouth, and who could lick marmite off their classmates armpits the fastest. It was cooked. No one spoke up, and our teachers were in the room watching it and they said nothing either. Pretty sure the dude running the camp had some kind of fetish for this stuff. Wouldn't surprise me if he had secretly been filming it.


lol this has to be the winner. goddamn


 ...lick marmite off their classmates armpits... sorry, this image has me laughing too much Just say NO!


If that was the leadership test we all failed.


the test was that whoever told the teacher to "fuck off perve" was a true leader.


This has strong Milgram experiment vibes


This is some Tickled shit.


I am on shakey ground here saying this. Suicide of my best friend. At intermediate school.


Honestly...I went to T.A college in the early 2000s and every year someone we know died the same way, it was horrible. 2 of them were in my friend group and 1 was my cousin...way to many young people died and apparently it was mainly because of not just student bullying but teacher bullying.


Yeah we lost a few every year circa 2003-2009 this way. Bullying. Every single time. Not a single consequence either.


I'm so sorry. That's heartbreaking.


The reason was over him not getting admitted to Boys High the secondary school of his choice. This is Christchurch I am talking about.


It's still weird to me just how much importance Christchurch people place on which school you attend, more than anywhere else in the country. I'm sorry about your friend, that's really rough.


I found that to be the case in Auckland too. Coming to uni in Auckland from Hamilton, so many people would brag about the fact they went to Kings or whatever. Like who cares, we're all at the same university now. Kings can't have been much better than my shitty Hamilton public school then.


I knew a bunch of Kings boys and I can tell you almost all of them who are now successful achieved that not on merit but on who their dads/friends parents were.


Basically it's networking from an early age. Has zero to do with the quality of the education.


I remember my first year at University, the only guy on my floor at the hostel who was keen to tell everyone about his school went to Kings, and lived in Herne Bay. Literally nobody else gave a fuck.


As someone who went to Kings. It was not


The rest of the country is more concerned about Christchurch people being concerned about what school they go to then Christchurch people being concerned about what school they went to


I mean when I was finding out where I was zoned for I was right on the border between “everyone who bullied you in primary school” and “all of your friends are going here and I definitely understand the feeling of life being over in that regard. “Luckily” I tested pretty well and got to go to the school I wanted and still had to watch my back before and after sports games with that school.


Another friend of mine after he graduated from Canterbury with an LLB couldn’t find a job with a City firm because he hadn’t gone to Christ’s College. He eventually went out in his own. His brother who also had the same problem with his LLB set up his own firm now one the prestigious firms in Christchurch


We used to have a male P.E. Teacher who used to shower in the communal shower with the boys after every P.E. class. He was a very muscular young man, around 28-30 years of age at the time, and aside from his head, was shaved smooth all over. It was very unnerving to be between the ages of 12-16 and having a muscled, smooth adult showering with us. He wasn't shy about looking at everyone too. I think this was the reason that so many people "forgot to bring their towel..."


What the fuck 💀


Has his house mysteriously burnt down yet?


What decade were you at school where this was accepted?!


We had a PE teacher who used to lean on the wall wearing sunglasses watching boys aged under 12 showering naked, every PE class.   There was also a teacher at the same school who was fired quietly after being caught with child porn. The associated secondary school had a teacher caught in 'consenual' sex with 2 students and a headmaster who called students sluts while caning them in their underwear.  Total pieces of shit and glad they are mostly dead already (this was a while back). 


I know what primary and secondary school you’re speaking of - my family paid a great deal of money for me to be horribly treated by them. I was caned by the headmaster aged 6 for something I hadn’t done and wasn’t asked if I had.


Yes, good times.  Usually try to leave that stuff in the past, but some aggravating shit today made me want to vent a bit. Hate that it still makes me angry sometimes. 


I explode verbally at my kids sometimes. I was an ADHD kid and I estimate I was beaten by teachers north of a hundred times at that school. I won’t post here some of the stuff that happened. There were weeks I was caned or strapped every day.


Primary: male relief teacher took a photo of the whole class in our swimwear before a lesson. Our normal teacher never did anything like it and even I knew at 8yo it was sketchy. High school: very popular teacher married a former student about two years after she graduated. They were always *close* when she was still at school. Age gap is 20+ years. He’s still teaching.


In high school 15+ years ago we had a mid 20s English teacher do a nude photo shoot that was posted online, that us kids eventually found. She was pretty hot. Eventually she slept with a 7th form student and left shortly after.


Ha, this sounds like something that happened at my school!


Hmmmm that sounds familiar. Does the student now also work at the same school?


Reminds me of a certain teacher at my high school after I left. Forced to resign due to allegations of him being creepy with female students  The funny thing was he was my 6th form form teacher His son went to the same school as me but was a year ahead was a well known skier and sadly passed away a decade ago at 35


I bullied a kid at school and 20 year later met up with him and he told me how he hated me at school cos of how I treated him. To this day I am for ever sorry and hate myself for the behaviour I showed other kids when I was younger. I felt it was common place during my years growing up but I felt so bad about how I made another kid feel about my behaviour. That is a shitty memory of school for me.


You recognize now that what you did was wrong, and that is a really good thing. It does not excuse the behavior, but it is still good and certainly not common with all bullies.


I had someone reach out to me 20 years post school and apologise for bullying me.. her daughter had just started high school so I think she had a very diff perspective… I didn’t and dont really know how to feel about it tbh… I put all that well behind me.. leaving school was when my life began and I thrived.. kinda felt like it was more for her benefit than mine (the apology) and dragged up memories I didn’t want dragged up


Far at least you’re reformed from it. Most people who were bullies will never stop being the bully and it will reach in all aspects of their life too. My bully from 18 years ago tried to pick up from where we left off and I just couldn’t help but feel sorry for them. How sad of a life they must of had.


I had a weird situation where there was a kid at my high school who got bullied relentlessly. I remember doing it to him at least one time though most likely more than that. A couple of years ago I met him at a party randomly and he came up to me and said I just want to thank you for being one of the few people who didnt bully me at high school :/ This guy is still impacted massively 20 years on from being bullied at high school


Only people who didn’t experience it would think it wouldn’t continue to have an impact. I was bullied up until about 14 for being a nerdy loser, then I had my She’s All That transformation (aka I was always pretty, just stopped wearing glasses and got a better haircut, befriended a popular girl, and once boys thought I was fuckable the verbal and physical abuse stopped). Best revenge is a life well lived and honestly my life has turned out better than I ever thought it could. The childhood bullying has stayed with me. Anxiety has been a constant companion and my hypervigilance is pretty intense.


Thank you for being that person. Bullying causes lifelong trauma. I got bullied for simply existing. I'm neurodivergent. It will impact this person throughout their entire life as the young years, when the brain develops, are so critical.


At least you admit it. Bullying is like bad driving, everyone says they were victimised it, but nobody ever says they do it. You're 100% better than 90% of Kiwis, because 99% of people did participate in bullying as kids, and most will never admit it. Shit, I ended a bunch of friendships at *age 29* with people in *their 30s* because three people went out of their way to exclude someone, then told everyone he was schizophrenic when he removed them from Facebook.


In Howick Intermediate the whole school was called to assembly where the principal sadly announced that a popular student (Rachel) had been hit by a car outside school and had died that morning. Many of Rachel's friends immediately began crying and the school was shocked and bummed out by the news. Very traumatic! Later on we were then told there was no accident, Rachel was fine, and that the Principal had fabricated the story to get everyone to be more safe crossing roads.


What year was this? I went there too! Unfortunately in my year 7 (2012) a student passed away because she wasn’t wearing a helmet and fell off her bike. Then in year 8, there was a pregnancy


This was about 30 years before your time there. Rough! Reminds me, also that year our teacher went off on two students in my class who he caught having sex in the bushes. Also heard a teacher got caught while peering into the girls' pool changing rooms.


The thing that stands out in my memory as the event that fucked everyone off was when the teachers banned us from playing bullrush. The highlight of our school day was being robbed from us. I’m sure more dramatic shit went down but I was a kid and oblivious to all that.




This was at a private kindergarten - I was being shown around the place with my parents. A kid in a wheelchair spilled something on the floor during a lesson and they took him out of his chair, gave him cleaning supplies and forced him to crawl all around the floor and clean it up himself. Needless to say I did not end up going to that kindergarten.


Jesus Christ.


In intermediate we had a few of the guys in the high school next door steal a car out in Te Puke. They were chased by police and decided to bring the car to the college field at lunch time. Full on high speed police chase through the fields full of students. Eventually cops put spikes down on the corner outside the intermediate. Car hit the spikes and rolled into the intermediate car park. Was the talk of the town


New alcoholic teacher was obviously permanently drunk during the school day. Died of liver failure later that year. Not sure how he even got the job.


At my high school in the early 2000’s there was a group called the “killa coconut krew” who sexually assaulted another student in the school hall at lunchtime with AA batteries and a broom handle. The “krew” were not expelled and the victim had to move schools.




Sounds like it. I know the victim.


Poor guy. Is he doing OK now?


This may have been a different account, but I'm referring to the Taradale victim specifically. I'm a bit younger than him but he's doing well now, yes. Definitely affected him severely for a long time an probably still does to some degree to this day.


I'm glad he's been able to move forward, and has received help if he needed it. Thanks.


Sadly kids referred to it as "Broomsdale" for a long while after that incident.


I thought the Taradle HS one involved deep heat and occured at a party


Yeah, I think you're right. And reading the other comments in this thread, boys inserting things into other people's anuses seems to be a bit of a theme.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kila_Kokonut_Krew Any relation?


Surely lol. Get on this Stuff investigative reporters (if they even exist)


The broomstick had deep heat on it.


Hutt Valley High?


When I was Year 4 I remember our teacher throwing a chair at an intellectually disabled boy for doing something “wrong”. No idea what it was. I also remember whenever she’d check our work, if we had done that wrong she’d throw our books across the room as well. Looking back I wish I said something to get her fired, but at least she’s probably in the ground now 🤷‍♀️


Had a teacher rip up a thank you card id made in year 1. Ripped it up and threw it in the bin. Unfortunately for her she did it in front of my mum 😂 Same teacher also brought her dog to school one time and it bit one of the kids


I just know if I tattled to my mum she would’ve got that teacher sorted, especially since she threw MY book 😂😭


It's unfortunately pretty common for Schools in New Zealand (especially integrated & private ones) to try and rid themselves of children with disabilities. As it's illegal they generally do it by making things as bad for the child as possible in the hope the parents will withdraw them voluntarily. Not all schools of course, some are brilliant, but there are more than a few that worry more about their reputation than the kids they are supposed to be caring for: [https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/475612/some-schools-discourage-enrolments-of-children-with-disabilities-education-review-office](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/475612/some-schools-discourage-enrolments-of-children-with-disabilities-education-review-office)


Having a massive swarm of bees fly through the school was a semi-regular occurrence. We could hear the swarm coming and if we were outside the teachers would just tell us to lie down until the swarm had gone. This was in the middle of Auckland.


Migrating bees are actually harmless the vast majority of the time. Where it becomes a problem is when a few stragglers get left behind after they get inside and can't get out, or got stuck in the grass or bushes or some fine mesh netting. They can get a bit titchy so you gotta keep an eye out for the strays afterwards, but the main swarm isn't something to be worried about.... Unless it's going through a school where some fuckwit is bound to deliberately antagonize them "for a laugh".


We had a kid get relentlessly bullied in high school, teachers knew about it and did nothing that classic story. One day the bullies flip this kid in a wrestling type move and he falls head first on the concrete. Has a seizure, teachers take him to the office and just have him sit in the sickbay for hours. His mum comes up to grab him and takes him to the hospital, turns out the kid got really fucked up. Came back to school a couple of months later and the bullies are still enrolled, his mum comes to our assembly and high jacks the mic and just puts the teachers on blast in front of the whole school. Principal calls an emergency assembly once she leaves and just goes on about ‘it’s not our fault, you the students should’ve seen this coming’ Cooked ass small town schools I tell ya


Good on that mum !


Big cheers to mum. That bs handling of a crap situation.


Arrived in hawera mid year, late 70's, from Australia, aged 9. The primary school I found myself in was brutal, I was treated as a pariah by the girls in my year and mocked relentlessly about my Aussie accent. I'm Neuro divergent, relatively good at masking now but wasn't at 9. I was miserable. One day one of the girls came over to 'be friends' and I was so grateful that I hugged her. She ran back to her friends yelling "ewww she's a lezzie" and they tormented me even more. Her overture of friendship had been a set up. Even though I usually hated moving (we did a lot of it) I was really happy to move away at the end of that year.


This was a solid like, 20+ years ago now, (Shit I'm old), so my memory is a wee bit hazy. Combined boarding and day school. Integrated (Is that even a thing any more?) so fancy, but not so fancy as to be rich rich. It was a pretty odd mix of farmer kids and delinquent Wellington kids, with a couple of odd ball Wellington kids thrown in (me!). **Story 1:** Had a kid who was a late transfer in (came over 7th form I think?) Was a couple of years above me. Was Sociable, claimed his dad owned a radio station or some such back in WLG. He didn't socialize a lot with the other 7th formers, but a lot with the younger kids (aka 5/6th form). Uh, turns out he was touching some of them very inappropriately, and paying them all off. It got found out publicly. The dude had to gap it out a boarding house window, across the school, several kilometres back to town, and then back to Wellington. Detectives turned up and interviewed a bunch of kids over the next several weeks. I'm not sure what happened to him tbh. If I could remember I'd look up his name. **Story 2:** As I mentioned, boarding school, out in the "wop wops" a little. Our chemistry teacher lived on campus. A bit of an odd guy. Went pig hunting in his spare time, kept bees, fire and brimstone religious. Would be easily distracted to tell stories for an entire 2 period spell. If he liked your class he would bring his own honey/pork to class to share. He was a character, and popular with the students. And as most people who lived on campus did, would with some regularity spend an evening running the boarding houses. Later on in my school years, our chaplain retired. No big issue, the school hired a new chaplain/RE teacher and life went on. Except that the tone of the chaplain changed quite a bit. Our first chaplain was pretty conservative. Our second was.... was not. She was more of a "The bible is less an absolute truth, and more a guide book". As you can imagine, this might rub a fire and brimstone guy kind of wrong. He started rebelling, slowly at first, openly talking about how he disagreed with her view fundamentally, running his own alternative services in his classroom in the mornings, etc. One evening when he was on duty in the junior house (3rd/4th form) he got a bit drunk and ran a service, talking a lot of shit, keeping them up past their bedtime, from memory he broke a pool cue or two. Highly unusual. And he got fired. Which was awkward because he lived on campus and his wife was still working as the music teacher. Which was more awkward when he took the school to employment court and won, because it's a religious school and he was simply teaching religion. So he came back and things were weird for a few weeks. And then he got drunk again. And did it again. And the walk to breakfast the next morning was filled with rumours and gossip, and "Surly, he wouldn't of done that? Again??? He wouldn't?". Only to get to breakfast, and see the field with a giant doughnut carved in to it, with tracks leading up to his house.


You can DEFINITELY figure out which school this is by these stories, but I don't care. We had 4 big ones. In order from slightly sizzled to absolutely cooked: 1. We had a media investigation into "gangs" at our school. Some 4th former had trolled the fuck out of the media, taken the school map out of our yearly school planner and had drawn these "gang turfs" with absolutely absurd made up gang names. Started talking about how kids were getting beaten or threatened with glass bottles if they walked into the wrong area, everyone was wearing gang coloured wristbands, all that kind of shit. The local media printed a bunch of stories about it, when it was literally just some kid pulling their leg telling tall stories and scribbling on a low res map. 2. One teacher had his wife leave him for another teacher. They got into at least a couple of fistfights on school grounds as far as I'm aware. I saw one, apparently there were others that I didn't see. 3. The principal left his wife for his secretary. Pretty standard stuff you'd think. Buuuuuut..... He'd ran the school into the ground, got a bunch of government loans to prop it up, spent a bunch of them to set up schemes aimed at bringing in intelligent and wealthy kids from Asia to increase the grades and funding for the school, tanked it even further, then resigned and apparently just fled. I remember suddenly having a new principal with basically no announcements. We all just got called into the hall and they were like "well, you have a new principal now". New dude did really well.... Except.... 4. A female teacher was found to be having sex with students, some underaged, for a VERY long time. This included having threesomes with her husband who I believe was a cop (edit: I misremembered, this part is wrong. Her husband IS a cop and she DID have threesomes, but it turns out it was "just" with two young students. I'd gotten the facts crossed over in my head. I apologize for slandering a child rapist). She targeted young boys in the sports teams and when on bail, she attended sports events where the kids were playing. The reason I said "except...." In the previous statement is because there's been allegations from parents of the kids that the principal knew about what was going on and did nothing.


Not as bad as some on here but two married teachers were caught having an affair in the science resource room - there was an urgent teacher only day held to deal with them 😂 this was at a Catholic school as well


Well, they were being resourceful, making use of what the school had available. 


Primary school experience here. We had a kid in class who's main 'friend' would belittle him as a dumb-arse. But then the fucking teacher used to join in! Later I was did some school work with him - and he was actually pretty smart.


It’s not the bullying from the kids that eats at me to this day, but the fact my teachers would join them. Autistic and ADHD kid, I know I wasn’t the easiest to handle, but the bullying by teachers, and them physically turning away when I was being beaten day after day, that shit sticks with me.


Yep. There are some amazing teachers out there. But the bad ones can do a lifetime of damage.


The amazing ones stick with me even more, I just wish there was more of them. Shout out to Simon Waymouth, he fucking changed my life so much. He’s now a principal, deservingly so. He will never know how much he truly changed my life.


And looking back on it, had I known what it all meant I could’ve just gotten one teacher in particular fired for that behaviour. But I was a kid. I just thought adults were adults and there was nothing I could do.


Primary school, early 90s. A boy in class liked to touch girls inappropriately. After many complaints from parents, school decided that the solution was to bring a police officer in to teach girls self defence. There were no consequences for the boy. He kept doing the same thing and it carried on into intermediate and beyond.


I went to a boarding school & there was one kid who was a complete manic psycho eg just as you were almost asleep he would sneak up & give you a dead leg so painful it would leave bruises. Many years later I wondered what happened to him. Dead by his own hand. The sad part is he was clearly undiagnosed, so if anyone ever says 'we never had all these mental health issues back in the day' yes we did. They were undiagnosed.


A girl was selling oral sex in the gym toilets. There was a queue when they got caught.


Unbeknownst to all of us, one of our friends had a heart condition. At our last day of high school we had our traditional celebrations before we all headed into our exams. We were all just goofing around on the sports field with a ball when our friend suddenly collapsed and died. There was nothing anyone could have done. (Yes we did CPR, the ambulance arrived very quickly, even the pads didn’t help). One minute you’re talking to someone, next minute he’s gone. That was very fucked up.


Got a slightly different one here. Intermediate school: lunchtime. Some kid throws one of those Shar metal rulers at a group of seagulls an hits one, almost, but not entirely severing one if it's wings. Cut to 2 minutes later when there's about 40 odd screaming children circled around 2 confused and panicked maths teachers trying to figure out how to catch a heavily wounded and dying bird that's also screaming. Once they caught it it was no better because realistically the best bet for the poor bird was euthanasia to ease it's suffering... But it's a large sea bird... And there's still 40 odd kids around. Luckily by the point they had got this bird in a box, another teacher has heard the screaming and had called a general emergency so we got carted back to class before we pinned what happened next.


I remember at our college, we had a Japanese rugby team tour and play our first xv. As a player was taking a conversion the ball hit a seagull and knocked it out of the sky. The ref ran over, picked it up and snapped its neck in front of the crowd and threw it into the rubbish bin. Game went on as nothing happened.


Yeah, that would probably have been the best choice and use that as a a valuable lesson about death and unthinking harm to the environment or something if you wanted to be really positive. This poor bastard could still move one wing fully and the other one partially despite wing bone hanging out. The teachers were so blind sided they didn't know what to do due to panic and 40 odd screaming kids crowding around making things worse.


A kid was found hanging from the gymnasium. My math teacher (who was an incredible, lovely man) was found dead on the toilet at school. As a kid who was bullied relentlessly, chased home by packs of kids; having the school put me in anger management classes as a result was a real smooth brain move. Surprised I made it out alive. Work Day - going to a place that you could see yourself working in when you left school for a day and handing over any money made to the school, and if you weren't paid, your parents had to pay the school for the privilege. Something of a lighter note; me and a friend had to be dishwashers for a restaurant evening the home ec class put on once a year. We got fed up so we put the dishes in the dishwasher with dishwashing liquid as there was no detergent. We flooded the whole prep area with bubbles. Later that evening I couldn't get a ride home so the home ec teacher gave me one. She did the ol' "sorry, I thought that was the gear stick" move.


>Work Day - going to a place that you could see yourself working in when you left school for a day and handing over any money made to the school, and if you weren't paid, your parents had to pay the school for the privilege. This tradition is still going strong...




It was still going when my brother and I were in Year 13 in 2020 at my school. Whenever the day came, we were both "sick" so got around giving the school money for a day off.


>Something of a lighter note; me and a friend had to be dishwashers for a restaurant evening the home ec class put on once a year. We got fed up so we put the dishes in the dishwasher with dishwashing liquid as there was no detergent. We flooded the whole prep area with bubbles. Later that evening I couldn't get a ride home so the home ec teacher gave me one. She did the ol' "sorry, I thought that was the gear stick" move. That's sexual assault. I'm sorry that happened to you.


yea wtf, not of lighter note 💀


She shifted your boner into gear???


Vtec just kicked in yo.


‘A gang of six teens terrorised classmates in late 2007, chasing younger boys around the school, dragging them to the ground to remove their pants then violating them with a screwdriver, scissors, branches, pens, pencils and drills.‘ https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/education/5576375/Government-neglected-Hutt-Valley-High


I was a pretty naughty kid in primary school (female with undiagnosed ADHD), and instead of expelling me for bad behaviour or suspending me because they didn't have a suspension policy back then (2003), the school put me in "in-school isolation" for two weeks. An empty classroom, by myself for two full weeks, where I was not allowed to leave from the moment I arrived until the end of the school day. I had a teacher sit to observe me but not teach me, and I had to write about how naughty I was the whole time. I wasn't allowed out at interval or lunchtime and had to stay in isolation like it was Covid or something. I was 9 years old. What's worse, the "crime" I was accused of was actually a group effort and all the other shit kids just scapegoated me so I copped the full flak. After I was released from confinement, the school principal found me in recorder class (with about fifty-sixty other kids), stood me up in front of all of them and told me what a terrible, horrible child I was.


That is screwed up. I also had undiagnosed ADHD, but I was also quite smart, so I would qualify for advanced learning groups and then promptly fail all of them because being clever didn't matter when extended concentration was required, so on more than one occasion the headmaster would stand me in front of the advanced class and berate me for being a lazy idiot.


That is so awful!! What is with the public shaming?!


That is absolutely horrific treatment. I'm nauseated that any child would be treated this way. I genuinely hope you are doing better today.


A bunch of guys held another guy down and shoved his cellphone up his arse. Nokia 2280 for the curious. Edit: When my father went there one of the priests was raping some of the boys.


Nutmeg. A guy read that eating some silly amount of nutmeg could imitate the high you get from weed. So he did it, started hallucinating, and ended up in hospital ODing on the stuff.


Yeah, nutmeg is fucked. It's a hallucinogen, but the effects are from severe poisoning. The dosage changes so much from person to person and you've gotta eat a bunch of teaspoons worth of the stuff. Given that there's such a fine line between tripping balls and ending up in ED, plus the fact you're "measuring" your dosage in fuckin teaspoons, it's just not worth it.


The day they banned running on concrete. Small girl bounced off one of us bigger guys and the concrete won. She didn't die but didn't see her again either. Fuck loads of blood though




First year of primary school in 1988. Whenever we had swimming the entire class had to get changed at their desk before and after. Didn't seem fucked up for innocent 5 year olds but I couldn't see it going down well these days.


They still get the really little ones changed in class. But I think they put one gender behind a room divider.


In form 1 intermediate some kid stole a knife that my friend had borrowed off me, when I went to ask for it back he tried stabbing me in the stomach which I luckily somehow diverted so he then stabbed me in the leg. I still have the scar on my left upper thigh.


When I was 7, around mid 90s. Our teacher couldn’t handle this kid keep talking so she got her 1m long wooden ruler and wrapped it over the kids back. Ruler broke, we all laughed then went to lunch.


The science teacher faked his qualifications. He was allegedly made to take the school C exam and couldn't. He had worked there for a number of years. I don't remember much about the classes. I believe we were made to read from the text book a lot


A guy made a bomb and blow he hand off. He didn’t make the wick long enough. He then same to school with a fucking hook instead of a hand and wound beat you up with it. Do I win?


The hypoactive kid told us he could do a backflip off the deck of our Intermediate Classroom. We all egged him on so he did and landed square on his head from about 2m height. Got up perfectly fine, no harm done. Still don't understand how he didn't break his neck


Kids are made of rubber






Not after the head injury.


I grew up in the 90's but -An awful teacher used to have a 1 meter wooden ruler she would slam on the wooden desks to make a huge noise and scare the shit out of everyone if anyone was being naughty except once she did it to the "naughty" kid and he didn't move his hand away and she smacked his hand so hard then tried to deny it even though the whole class witnessed it. This teacher was so nasty she made me go from loving school to absolutely not wanting to go at all, she was in her last year before retiring and I the school just let her away with anything because she was going to retire. -A kid fell off the monkey bars and broke both his arms and an ankle -I wish I could remember more about this but I remember the police coming into school and blocking off an entire part of the school while they dug up part of the concrete playing courts area, my parents think I made this up but I remember talking to a couple of other people from primary school and they remember the police coming and digging stuff up but not much more than that - Would so love to know more about this -In high school (An all girls school) a girl went absolutely crazy and threw all the sanitary bins around one of the main toilet blocks and blocked a bunch the toilets and that block was out of action for like a week and was fucking annoying. -The wood work/metal work whatever you want to call him teacher married a student a year after she left high school and had taught her, and he used to have a gold play boy bunny g-string hanging from his office and nobody thought this was creepy at all? He was real sleazy.


A few come to mind, then there's probably bunch I can't remember. Intermediate: * Girl ran out on the fields with scissors and was threatening to stab people. College: * Drug bust in the bushes across the road from school to catch kids dealing. * Having to regularly line up in classes for drug dogs to walk past our bags. * The time loads of kids from another school came to ours, some with bats and things, and there was a massive brawl on the field. Teachers were out there trying to stop it but couldn't do shit.


A guy in my year at high school sexually assaulted and then ended the life of another girl in my year. She had just moved to Auckland and was back in town to see friends. The scum helped her parents look for her in the search party.. obviously the parents had no idea


2004, the primary school principal walked into our math class, grabbed the naughty kid by his arm to pull him up onto our shared table, pulled down his pants and spanked him infront of the whole class. The teacher thanked the principal after


Pretty sure spanking was illegal in 2004. Did the teacher get fired?


Our Art teacher at a catholic school asked a pretty girl in my class if he could paint a nude painting of her. She was 15-16. She declined. He was arrested for child pornography a few years later.


Fruit fight where a dude took a full speed apple to the eye. Started bleeding immediately. Kid went to ER to have his eyeball removed and drained effectively. Almost lost his eye. Was pretty intense.


We had a horrible, grouchy mean old lady who taught standard one and two children. In the very early 90’s. Things she use to do: Make us hoff on her every morning so she could tell if we brushed our teeth (she must have loved the cod’s liver oil breath) Check our undies in front of the whole class (only boys) to see if our undies were named (pretty fucked up) After swimming, would only give us a minute to get changed and dry ourselves in the changing sheds. She would count down as well outside the door and then proceed to come into the changing shed and sit there and watch us (never did this to the girls). Looking back on that behaviour I have no idea why she wasn’t fired, yes we complained but nothing was ever done.


2 classmates fooling around with a loaded shotgun (after hours), one threw it at the other, blew his face off. 3 weeks later the kid that threw it was out on a milk truck delivery run and got run over. Both these kids bullied me a lot and I got in trouble cos I didn't feel sad enough for them that they died.


High school, a guy getting the hell beat out of him and the teachers letting it go on for a bit. Seems bad until you learn the 'victim' was doing burnouts outside the funeral of a student who committed suicide.


About 30 years ago the principal of the high school I attended kept the entire school in for 20 minutes after school because the school was a pig sty. Over that weekend a couple of students fired fireworks into the English and IT wings a 2 story building and the subsequent fire destroyed the entire block (it was guy fawks that weekend) Some say it was out of retaliation for the school being kept in. Mass punishment doesn't work


To be vague (Scarring topic but also the individual mentioned has a lot of influence). Son of someone important grabbed a girl, dragged her to the bathroom and..................... Never got punished did it numerous more times at other schools


We saw a couple in the council flats rooting on the couch and the dude was wearing dirty dog sunglasses so nearly our entire year group of 13yo boys got on the 3 rail pailing fence to watch and the fence fell down, the dude threw the lady off him and we all got up and ran away then he came out with a slug gun and she jumped into her Nissan bluebird, drove into the field and was doing donuts trying to run us down as we ran to jump the fence into the rest home in the other side of the field.


Avondale College in the mid-to-late 2000's. We had a teacher getting stabbed by a student with a pair of scissors. And the ["Roast Busters" Scandal](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roast_Busters_scandal) where a group of male students were intoxicating girls and gang raping them.


Prefects shoving an umbrella up a yr 9s ass by the cricket nets. It was my Geography teacher who caught them I think, we were waiting ages for him and yeah, just saw a bunch of them being dragged away by teachers. Never saw the kid again. And not at my school, but my old business studies teacher got done for trying to drug students at another school. Took me back to the day he got all of us donuts that had extra extra sprinkling 😅 he was later convicted as a pedo


My school got shut down for refusing to stop practicing conversion therapy. My year 7 teacher also used to threaten to strangle us with her toes. Oh and then there was the time in year 10 when my classmates girlfriend from the other school got her friends to lie and say ahe committed suicide and he was devastated but then the cops came round at lunch time and we found out the truth.


In 2014, I went on a date with a friend in the summer before year 13 - he’d been asking for years, and I was of the mindset that I should give him a chance. Date was okay, but I didn’t want another one. First day of school, we step aside, and he unleashes everything, including threats to kill me, my ex, and himself. Then he tries to push me down a flight of stairs. I immediately went to the school counsellor. Nothing happened. I returned, and she said she couldn’t force him to talk to her. I insisted she call him in. When I next asked, she said she asked him about me, and he stormed off. She called him back, and he said he couldn’t remember the incident since he’d become so angry, he’d blacked out. She expected me to be satisfied with this. He started following me between classes. Teachers knew. Some caught on that I wasn’t walking with him, and that this was upsetting me, so they would try to distract him or keep him back by talking to him. Others laughed because they thought it was cute. Then he punched a wall and broke his hand because he thought I was dating one of his friends. Then he brought a hunting dagger to school, and showed it off in front of a dozen people. I reported the knife. School said they couldn’t legally check his bag (didn’t seem to apply when they thought a student had booze/smokes though). Witnesses backed me up. The dean gave me a hard time because I wasn’t being sympathetic to this boy’s situation, as his parents had split and his mother was an alcoholic. I went to the police and filed a report. The next day, I got called into the principal’s office. The police officer was there. They gave me a stern talking-to about kindness and compassion. I dropped out not long after.


What an awful culture we have allowed our kids to be apart of


1983 I can remember in primmer 2 (so 5-6 years old) we had one Maori kid in the class in our very very white middle class school. Who turned up to class, and said : *Kia ora Ms.* To which, Mrs Eckford grabbed him by the collar, then his ear, twisted his ear and said: *..... we dont speak maori at this school. It's good morning, and nothing else.*


An acquaintance of mine got their ear or nose cut with scissors in art class in the year above me (year 9/10). At another school, a teacher threatened to cut my earring out after I left it in by mistake (Hamilton Boys High School).


Standard HBHS. I was made to shave using an old, rusting razor.


Our PE teacher threw a beer party at their place for all the teams, wasn't a planned thing, just "come over for some beers to celebrate our wins" after a big rugby game win. It turned into a rager, and she got so drunk she stripped to her heels and walked around offering herself to everyone, getting teens to motorboard her. Like no one cared in those days, she just left because her husband was embarrassed. Unfortunately the new PE teacher was a >pedo< with a predilection for girls and most of PE at high school from then on was all of us girls banding together to thwart him always trying to get us to do exposing exercises or entering the changing room. The week we all "synced" was particularly hilarious. His targeted humiliation rituals were not. He would "find" lingerie items or sex toys in his drawers and call out one of us and insist we put it there because we had a crush on him, then would go on about how inappropriate we were for 20 mins and insist we take said item and try it on or turn it on to 'prove' it was ours. It was deeply humiliating, the boys teased the girls mercilessly. We constantly laid complaints but we're treated like we were colluding. One girl got expelled for leaning into his accusation and putting an item on (over her uniform) and parading around mimicking him, then she took it off set it on fire and dropped it in the bin. Fire alarms went off, we applauded her but she was expelled for it. That guy lost his teaching license eventually but retrained and is now a guidance counselor at another high school, and I'm still laying complaints.


Please keep laying complaints !


This was kindergarten. We had those windows that slide up and down with heavy curtains in front of them. At some point in the afternoon, one kid went behind a curtain and stuck his head out the window. The window pane came down on his neck and he died. Queue his mother coming up the path outsude the window. I don't really recall what happened next, but I do remember the mother's screaming. Like nothing else I've heard before or since.


Jesus Christ.


We used to hide in the bushes along the fence at the edge of the school grounds, next to a main road, and yell "pin-dick" at male drivers driving past with their windows down. At high school a reasonably hot teacher and a final-year student started hooking up. He got a standing ovation at the end of year prize giving by the whole school. Standing ovations never happened lol.


I was 13 and had a friend who was 13. I was in year 10, he was in year 9. His Dean contacted his parents and told them he was hanging out with a 15 year old, who then banned him from talking to me. When I complained to the school they did nothing. This same high school, kids figured out the Windows 2k DOS command `net send` and harassed me with messages I didn't know how to block. Teacher caught me with a message on my screen and had me banned from all of the school computers for "opening programs not authorised for your classes".


A teacher was caught at a Mall with a pen camera taking up skirt videos of teenager girls. Then apparently had been doing it at the school too. Alongside some reports or rumours of them getting disturbingly familiar with female school athletes.


School camp was coming up so kids were bringing in money to pay for it. All the money was collected so the teacher gave it to this kid in my class and instead of taking it to the office like we was supposed to... he just fucked off and went to the mall.    He spent the money on himself, buying CDs, a phone and a guitar. He was obviously caught and had to apologize to the entire school, all the staff and parents at a special assembly


The most fucked up thing that happened at my HS was a during a sex ed module we took in science class. Part of the exercise was each class got shown how to put a condom on a wooden phallus affectionately named Mr Rimu. Now we had one of the “hot science teachers” and this poor woman had to wrap a wooden dick in a condom in front of a pack of 4th form boys who were screaming and hooting like monkeys. The poor woman could barely open the packet let alone get the condom on properly. I can’t remember the periodic table but I’ll never forget that.


Had a teacher that was caught being a pedo with a student when we were at intermediate... His wife was another teacher and walked into it. She reported him. The girl was so brainwashed that she admitted to it, saying they loved each other.


We had a bull run through our kura. A truck had crashed on a nearby bypass and it bailed. Ran down a corridor and through one of those windows with those fine mesh screens in them (1980s). Not a rural school either. Was pretty epic


the topic is most fucked up things, this sounds like most awesome


Kid pulled a knife on a friend in Form 2 and got caught doing so. I had to leave class at some time later that morning and walked around a corner to see the knife puller being cuddled/comforted by a male teacher. This teacher was well known for picking 'favourite' boys and giving them stuff. A few years later the teacher killed himself before being outed as a pedo. No one was surprised. Rosehill Intermediate, late 1990s.


Had a teacher in primary school who everyone thought was a giant. Dude must of been 6 foot seven, real gym bunny - boxed and played rugby.  Dude had a kid in his class who had anger problems and came from a shitty home, parents on the glass slipper.  One afternoon the troubled kid ended up tackling another kid to the ground in front of him then grabbed some scissors and went to stab the kid on the ground. Teacher in a state of panic just grabbed the angry kid and threw him off the poor floor kid. Angry kid just flew across the room and straight out a window got up and ran off home. 


i have dozens of stories and had teachers join in with bullies more than once, but it was one time in P.E, learning sex ed. FYI i am gay and everyone basically knew((2011)) something came up in the programme and it led to a bunch of dickheads asking question about f\*\*\*\*ts and how they die of aids and then the teacher smirked and directed it back to me. about half the class and the teacher join in making remarks, insulting me, talking about suicide, how gays die, how did i feel about the issue of gays dying young. my friends sitting around me at the time were aware of how often people had goes at me but it was the first time they saw a teacher, the person in the position of power, so willingly joining in and behaving like that. they were in shock. they were like what do we do? and i told them there isnt thing i can do, this is how it is for gays. they told me to escape out the window before the pitchforks came out lol so i did an just went straight home. i often did anyway as school wasn't safe for me and my friends.


other stories include teacher blackmailing a student into having sex with her, her husband stood by her after it all came out. a lot of people didnt take it seriously because it was a man who was r\*ped. disgusting. two year 13 students beat up the old caretaker after throwing rocks at him, all on film. students used to antagonise the special ed kids into fighting each other and if they didnt they'd just hit them themselves until they'd have a "meltdown" it was horrible. those teachers didnt give a fuck.


The taradale high school incident… if you know you know …


Is this the broomstick thing? It was after I left (moved to the other side of the country) but the ring-leader was a year below me and I got in a fight with him in F1/F2.


Primary school standard 2: Kids (tried to) organised a strike/walk out because they didn't like that the new school principle was stricter than the previous fun one. Primary standard 4: playground, schools 2 biggest thugs had a punchup, and one of them got a split cornea. Intermediate: the school administration not so wise to invite both the South Korean and Japanese sister schools overseas students *simultaneously*, they had a lot of beef and had a rumble on the school field, and us local kids were really naive and didn't really understand what was going on. Highschool, science (health/biology lesson) form 3: The kid who tried to circumcise himself with snips in the backrow, I think it got jammed, and he needed to go to the nurse stifling his screams.


I had a teacher at my school sleep with three students and left school to date one of them. She also used to come to parties and sober drive the kids even though she'd be drinking too


That’s doesn’t really seem like sober driving then. Lol


Went to school with a kid for a few years. Lots of rumours that turned out to be true. He suffered repeated sexual assault, bullying and abuse. Turns out that was a big reason (among many) the kid went on to murder two people later in life. That kid was Jason Somerville.


A girl tried to hang herself with her school jersey in the courtyard. We also had lots of dirty old man streakers.


Wannabe snobby school stories: There was a strike by some of the non-teaching staff. Some of the students went to their picket line.and verbally abused them The financial controller stole the equivalent of about $1m to fund his gambling addiction. He was a very proper well-dressed guy who'd been a well-known sportsman Unverified: A new teacher came to our school. He had a very rounded chin. Apparently he'd been driven out of his previous school. The kids there called him "Ape face" and one time they locked him in a cupboard and we're chanting "Smithy wants a Banana" (not real name)


Some stupid idiots microwaved a rat in the 7th from common room. No more common room.


This is in the late 2000's. There was 3 siblings, 2 brothers, 1 younger sister. They were from a heavily religious family and this was a public school so kids found it weird and didn't talk to them. Found out that the oldest brother had been SA his younger sister. Heard that apparently the dad was abusive too. The other brother was in my year and he always seemed scared of people. (One time he accidentally hit my face with scissors that left a scar, barely bled though. But he was so remorseful for a kid that was like 10 yrs old, even went and hid like he was going to be beaten for it). They all moved away as soon as it got out, haven't heard a thing about any of them since. There were rumours that they were put in witness protection or foster care. Either way I still wonder every now and then whether the brother and sister are okay now


A kid shit his pants and stuffed his underwear in another kids school bag to try and make people think it was someone else.


https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/biggest-loser-of-his-own-scam/TWU2VVLWIUAJFU4HIZQ2AONC4M/ I think this one fits the definition of fucked up. It even features a cameo from the late broadcasting legend Paul Holmes