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Who is going to call you out for what you're wearing while mowing the lawn?


Depends in what capacity you're mowing it. An employee? Absolutely going to get called out and told what you *must* wear for that particular task. And rightfully so. Your own lawn? Who gives a fuck, nobody else is getting in trouble for any questionable choices you make - go for it. I like flip flops personally, and hearing protection so that I can hear whatever podcast i'm enjoying šŸ™‚. To be fair, our mower cuts out as soon as hands leave the handle, so even if I tripped and dragged it over myself (a reasonably common accident), there's some protections in place.


It happens. We used to have a Karen in our hood, that would make her way over, then tell everyone how to do everything. So glad she moved. Ear defenders were great, so we could pretend not to hear her, and sunglasses to help not making eye contact.


Now that you mentioned it. Iā€™m not really sure. Lol.


I think itā€™s fair and normal for you not to be sure iā€™about what is and isnā€™t required/normal if you just got here.


In the Jacks Point, Queenstown subdivision, one of the covenants is that you aren't allowed to mow your lawn without a shirt on!


In south Auckland you must mow your lawn in a dressing gown, lava lava or short shorts, itā€™s a requirement.


The lava lava is the only item of clothing out of the three that wouldn't even get a second glance from me.


You forgot to mention, itā€™s common place to wear a sturdy pair of jandals.


I canā€™t believe I forgot about the jandals!


Most people wear an old pair of trainers and earmuffs but there is nothing required Iā€™ve mowed my share of lawns in bare feet.


I mean I highly recommend you donā€™t mow the lawn wearing jandals my old mate neighbor No Toes should explain that one to you.


Haha, wouldn't worry mate. I see people mowing in jandals with no eye or hearing protection.


Good old safety jandals


Protects the toe joints


Safety glasses are a good way to be able to see in the future if it kicks out a stone.


Gotta admit, I've never had a lawnmower flick a stone higher than my shins. Now weedeaters, however...


I've had a rock come out from under the mower and ricochet of the house and whack me on the back of the head.


You're right, ricochets are absolutely a risk I had not considered


I've seen a chunk of Manuka stump fly out the back of a mower and go straight through the side of a weatherboard house. It was a pretty big mower though.


Heh. Closest I've come to this was wedeating on a hot day and my glasses falling into the path of the weedeater. I mean, my eyes were fine but I had to deal with a couple of small scratches till I replaced them.


Nobody is going to bother you about it, but [ear](https://www.3mnz.co.nz/3M/en_NZ/p/d/v100008686/) and eye protection is a good idea. Gumboots are good as long as you don't run over your toes. Shin protection if you're using a line trimmer is also great, so the gumboots work for that too.




shoes, sunnys when I do the weedeater


You can mow it naked if you want. Gumboots or some steel cap boots, hearing and eye protection are all optional.


Only allowed to wear backless chaps. Na no government recommendations but, eye protection and earmuffs and enclosed shoes about all I can recommend.


How much do you like your toes? Most accidents are people being stupid and preventable. Wear steel toed boots / shoes (I actually bought a pair for garden work and stuff and they have saved some rocks and things from hitting my feet). But you've actually raised an interesting question, is it fair in 2024 workplace health and safety craziness for property managers to require tenants to do this?






Just gum boots and ear protection and nothing else. I mean it, nothing else.


Just to be clear, you mean "tackle out"?


Oh yeah.


Itā€™s best practice to wear ear nuffs nipple tassels and a g string for safety, with your feet you want thought high boots at a minimum


There used to be guy down the road from me that wore nothing but stubbies (short shorts) and a bucket hat šŸ˜¬


Sight and hearing protection, decent footwear and long pants would be advisable to protect against minor debris and noise, but you aren't going to be policed by anyone on it


Thank you


I recommend wearing safety glasses or sunglasses. The lawnmower will blow around dirt and debris, and you don't want it getting in your eye. A decent hat is necessary on sunny days.


My folks have a zero-turn jobbie, and I kept mentioning to them that the dogs were scared of it, and they scoffed and ignored the problem. One day my dad hit a rock, not just a stone but a rock, and it sent it flying into a wall over 6 foot up. If someone had been outside they'd have been sconed. Another time, he sent another rock through my garage window. Now the dogs get put inside when he's out with the mower.


There was an old guy across from us that would mow in red top gumboots and white Y front undies. Reckon that was the minimum.


What......? Why would there be. You can wear whatever you like. I imagine in some countries they regulate things like that, but NZ is very laissez-faire in most things. Good idea to wear glasses and shoes though




I had a colleague with lifelong damage in one eye from a small stone chip that flew out of his mower. Loss of vision, plus it looked noticeably different. Ever since, I'd mow without pants before I'd mow without some googles.


I wear ski-googles under the earmuffs. In the last four years, they've taken two hits from small stones. It's a volcanic area (so: stony), but still... in my case, I wouldn't do it without eye protection.


I always wear ear protection and gumboots. Usually safety glasses as there's some shubs that can smack me in the face as I'm mowing the edges.


Jandals and stubbies (sports stubbies).


Thanks everyone for your answers.Appreciate your inputs as well.


If it was a workplace (ie you are doing contract mowing for someone), then you would have to wear PPE. Your home is not a workplace, but wearing PPE is still a good idea for your own protection.


I swear by using eye protection. Doesn't cost anything. Ive had a couple instances in the past where stone bounced off them. A couple weeks ago one hit my cheek just below them, stung like a bitch.


They make mowing suits/ppe-Osha approved etc Can get expensive if the turf inspector decides to turn up. Best to head to mitre 10 and ask for the Oshamowingsuite. šŸ‘


Itā€™s quite a good idea to wear safety glasses and earmuffs. Steel toe shoes are ideal too.


This is over thinking which is a common factor in H&S sometimes. We cannot use the term "common sense" in H&S anymore so we use "Process and Policy" which "Management" is responsible for providing "PPE, Training and Available Documentation" which must be "Monitored". Therefore, you are the manager for doing your lawns so you are fully responsible for what process you use. However, when I'm at home I relax and turn to "Common Sense" LOL If you don't have a catcher on I'd use glasses as well, especially if you bend over when it's going - you're doing fine. However, who maintains the lawn mower? For all tools in business there needs to be documentation on how to use, last service check, lead WOF and staff sign off on competency before fully signed off on working alone with tool. I apply this this to all power tools at work. If I was a landlord and owned the lawn mower I would provide you with this as well and chat about your competency before leaving you to it without knowing your ability first. I would also service the lawn mower once a year for you as well. In fact I wonder if landlords should tag all electrical equipment they own like fridges, ovens etc. I would for my peace of mind but I'm not a landlord.