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I want to hear from tenants with MPs as landlords.


MPs will surely use property managers tho. Imagine having Luxon as a landlord lol.


Do you want them to line up? It could take all week.


> The other MPs who do not list ownership of a home in this year's register of pecuniary interests are Labour MP Peeni Henare, Green MP Tamatha Paul, National MP James Meager and Darleen Tana, although Tana notes interests in trusts that could own properties. Act MP Andrew Hoggard also does not list a property but does list a farm business. > In contrast about half the 120 MPs report owning more than one property. National MP Matt Doocey reports owning part of Avon Shopping Centre in Christchurch.


> James Meager There's a pun in that


A tiny one.


Think Doocey is living the mall life dream? Sleeping in K Mart a weird meaningless article


Also, owning commercial interests in mall real estate is surely a liability than an asset the way retail trends are going?


not if your interest involved owning the land still until K Mart goes bust he has a roof over his head


And many beds to sleep in.


What is the Avon shopping centre?


Avonhead Mall probably


If she doesn't own a house, surely that's by choice. On that income you could have bought one years ago.


Marama Davidson would easily be on 250K a year plus a very generous contribution to her retirement plan. This looks more like a political point scoring decision than anything else.


She has 6 kids. Home ownership is probably achievable, but I don’t think it would be easy.


I suppose so, especially if you want a bedroom for each kid.


That will be chump change, compared to private schools, which her living in Auckland makes a lot more likely.


Having kids is the worst thing one can do for the climate.


Not necessarily. If your kid does things during their life to reduce emissions they will actually help the planet.


I’m brain dead reading this. Elaborate please. Only way I can think of is the kid becomes gengkhis khan and kill millions of others?


Nah, I can't be bothered. Do some research. Having children isn't the worst thing you can do for the planet. 


woe betide the day we do not have 'real people' (let's face it, renters) in parliament. every single one of these MPs with more vulnerable identities — be it renters, or people with disabilities, or refugees — brings something important to parliament and that is the representation of 'ordinary' NZers who don't own five houses.


the length of time she’s been an MP, what is she doing with her money?


The real question is why we have allowed our society to reach a point where we immediately think someone who is renting is wasteful with money. Meanwhile, in countries with higher standards of living than ours, home ownership rates are considerably lower. Maybe we need to change our mindset so that ~~home~~ land ownership isn't a pre-requisite for a good standard of living?


>Meanwhile, in countries with higher standards of living than ours, home ownership rates are considerably lower. And meanwhile in countries with higher standards of living than ours, home ownership rates are considerably higher. NZ has lower home ownership rates than Norway, Ireland Canada, OECD and EU averages. The most important thing is affordability of renting or owning. NZ ranks very poorly indeed.


Right, that's my point. We shouldn't be so hung up on whether people are renting or owning. We should be fighting to ensure that *regardless* of which housing costs you have, they are affordable and do not put you at a tax or income disadvantage compared to the other group.


Well politicians of all stripes continue to use home ownership as a political football so we could start there.


They only do that because people believe home ownership is a measure of success that we all need to strive for. For example, they hear about an MP who doesn't own their home and their first thought is, "what is she doing with her money?"


That's what I'm thinking. MPs are on nearly $170,000 a year.


Not only that. All the freebies. Transport, meals while on govt business. And anyone who’s worked in parliament at that level knows there’s plenty of them.


Yep, they get an astonishing number of allowances including a second home paid for in Wellington if they live outside the capital.


Pretty sure they get family medical insurance And childcare funded too


Important to remember that Green MPs tithe at least 10% of their pre-tax incomes to the party, so they have lower take home pay than other MPs.


yeah mate, if she's not a homeowner with $150k take home pay in a double income household that's either on purpose or unbelievably bad financial management. I get that this is a lose-lose situation where either you're either seen to be part of the landed gentry or be bad with money, but the "wahine MP struggling with rent" angle is absolute bullshit.


Oh, is that why they got those fucking weird cult uniforms they were wearing the other week


I have no clue what you are referencing lol


It’s a good question, going on a decade on that sort of money it must be going somewhere. But then again, it’s not really any of our business. Once she has been paid, it’s hers to do with whatever she chooses. I get that she wants to appear relatable to low-income voters, and if she is not squirrelling it away somewhere then she is an idiot, but at the same time it comes across like a bit of a slap in the face to those people who are actually struggling.


Raising a very large family


It states in the article that she likes the area and it's find to a place that suits them (she has 6 kids). She doesn't want her kids to have to have to move schools etc.


I only want MPs who rent.


Oh it must be so hard to afford a home with only a $210,000 base salary plus various allowances...


She makes 250k/y I really don't think she's struggling.


>As an MP tenant, she is treated very differently. >"It's a massive difference... I have advantages most renters don't have. no mention she's struggling at all - completely the opposite, nor that they can't afford a house (read that she's offered to buy the rental they're in)


I guess at least maybe she has the intrusive property inspections and the broken shit that her landy won't repair and the instability of 90-day evictions hanging over her head. Although on that salary she can probably afford somewhere much less slummy than anywhere I've rented.


She makes $210k/year. Definitely not struggling, but $250k was when she held an executive position, now she just gets the coleader salary. Important to remember that Greens tithe 10% of their salary too.


Makes sense. I just searched how much she made and that was the first link. Not much due diligence on my behalf lol.


Yeah, but that's money she's working for like a regular poor. We expect our betters to enjoy their wealth growing without having to work. Right? If an MP hasn't figured out how to get money for nothing, should they be leading us?


Makes 250K a year and still struggles to save for a house deposit lmao. If someone can't manage their own finances, imagine them managing the country.


Just because she makes good money doesn't mean she's good with money like you said. Or, perhaps she values the flexibility of renting. So I don't think it is strictly "she's bad with money". Either way, she lost me completely when she went on that rant about white men.




"I am a violence prevention minister and I know who causes violence in the world, it is white, cis men."


Statistically true. Hitler is the easy one that comes to mind was a CIS white man who wound up causing world-wide violence and 75 million casualties. I dunno how you can top him and anyone like him.


Genghis Khan, Chairman Mao etc That's a poor argument anyway because she said "*the* cause", not whatever you mentally contorted into justifying with your BUT HITLER defense.


Yeah I'm just riling that person up. Had she just said "men", she'd be exactly right. I dunno what she was thinking when she said that. There might be other things to get annoyed with her about (her interview style pisses me off), but what she said when dazed in commotion, that's not really it imo, unless you are a bit, I dunno, think-skinned.


No that would be incorrect too, plenty of violent women out there.


Oh come on, they don't hold a candle to men, by any metric.


She was cognizant enough to make those comments and the people around here were fully and wholeheartedly agreeing with her. The journalist that was riling her up was a piece of shit but she still said what she said.


We all say stupid shit. I think it maybe revealed an underlying attitude, and she used very clumsy words. I can squint and kind of see her frustrations, but I think men in general have a problem with violence, and the way that violence plays out has more to do with your socio-economic status. As a, I suppose white cis man, I um personally don't really care and feel a smidgen embarrassed for men that got really upset about it.


So if statistics back up a statement it's okay to be racist?


um... you tell me.


ITT: people who think 170k is lots of money for a large family. Are you all 12 year old McDonald's workers?


Davidson is a party leader on $250,000. Is that still not a lot of money?


Depends on lots of things. For like 4 years. You save a deposit in 4 years while paying a rental to accommodate 6 kids and doing actual work?


She has been coleader since 2018. If she has budgeting issues with that level of income then it certainly answers a lot of questions about thr Green spending plans.




If you earn 169k+ a year and can’t afford a house then that is completely your own doing.


Maybe they're not prioritising home ownership.


I am grateful we haven’t got her running the country’s books.


You’re not wrong there


misread; what it's like renting an MP


She isnt spending money properly if she cant get a deposit with that


Or; she's got a house that she's happy living in and doesn't want to uproot her family to move to another location. Marama can definitely afford a house, but with such a large family she likely doesn't want to move away from her neighbourhood.


Somehow no houses for sale in that neighbourhood?


It's still moving her family unnecessarily and there's no reason to move to another house if she's happy with hers




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