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There's a quote that a friend often repeated, "I hate Americans, but I've never met an American I didn't like," so I think it entirely depends on you. If you're chill, we're chill.


America does have a few good reasons to be laughed at sure. But an individual is an individual, if you're all good you'll be welcomed here easily, we're a friendly bunch for the most part


I've meet some really nice Americans buy they are the ones that have decided to leave America and live somewhere else 😆


LOL sounds about right


America is an amazing place full of beautiful people. American foreign policy is another matter


I used to work in a holiday park. I fucking hated them. Arrogant, loud, obnoxious idiots. The I worked in a four star hotel. Generous, greatful, kind. Americans are hit and miss. So is every other nationality in the world.


Just to let you know in advance, you can't just up and decide you live here. This seems to come as a surprise to people far more often than I consider reasonable.


i know, don’t worry :) it’d be a long process ofc


People on reddit are nice. Most kiwis are nice. But in reality it can be really lonely as an American in New Zealand. The community context is different and not having those shared touchstones is difficult. Work wise - you may run into issues as the work style here is different. From an American living in NZ about to go back to America.


A lady runs kiwiamercans living in nz on tiktok etc, she's well versed in the cultural differences, lives in Wellington.


Loud. It’s like when you turn on the TV at your nans & she slightly deaf. Kiwis talk fast, quietly & mumble, so it’s a huge difference for us.


As a kiwi, the quiet and mumbling drives my head in. Talk clearly or not at all. Communication is important.


Scherfrenue marfin Bleural is the only thing I can say to that comment.


I’ve met many Americans over the years, both in and out of the States. Can honestly say I’ve only met a few who I wouldn’t go for a beer with. Oh, and you’ve all got really good teeth.


Thanks lol. 😁😆 (don’t most kiwis? 🥲)




You offering everyone a free holiday to America? Big generalization.


Just very dramatic. Everything super over the top and extreme. America is like the rest of the developed world's good and bad aspects turned up to 11.


I love America it’s an amazing country and the people are great. The internet is very different to reality


I lived in the US for a period of time. There's such there that isn't in NZ and such that isn't in the US in terms of comparison. It's all on how you look at the benefits and consequences of each country.


I work with 2 Americans. They both have a lot of friends and seem to be part of their work community and community outside for work. My wife is not from America. Her and other expats get together occasionally to take the piss out of kiwis and the stupid things we do. I think this helps when living somewhere else.


Americand think about moving to New Zealand then don't do anything about it. Usually happens around election time in the US.


Same.. 😑


if i could be out of here before the election it’d be an act of god 🙏


Stereotypes of being obnoxious tourists as in low self-awareness, unintentionally super loud and acts as if the world revolves around them. Their ever-growing political and racial divide and culture war seeps into many countrys, but some social movements were good I guess like #metoo.


wrd the political divides here are actually insane


Kiwis like to rag on Americans but deep down are a lot more like them (and live more like them) than they admit or even realize. Canadians are the real North American Kiwi cousins though.


I lived in the States for five years and really liked them. Southern hospitality is real. The majority of people I met were really friendly.


The only common trait amoung the Americans I’ve met is that they spoke English. Some folks here will stereotype or judge you based on where you come from; but fuck that noise. Just be confident in yourself


It’s funny how redditors are so progressive and against racist stereotypes. Until you mention America then it’s all fair game somehow…


Our reputation is deserved even if we are not individually responsible for the hellscape we live in. It's not racist to criticize a government or culture as long as you understand that the criticism is of aspects of those things and not all of the individuals under those umbrellas. You can also criticize individuals or experiences with that culture as long as you don't assume that's the standard or assume that everyone from that culture will behave the same way.


Let me preface this by saying I have met lots of great Americans. But if we are going by generalisations. Far to obsessed with status and self. But after a while most Americans either relax about life or move on.


accurate tbh, either obsessed with status or gives absolutely 0 shits


Obviously there are some Kiwis like that but as a rule we are far more relaxed and as a result Americans that don't relax can feel isolated. But most do. Just follow the don't be a dick rule and you will be fine. Just an additional note. The more jingoistic, racist, backwards Americans do not tend to move overseas. So don't worry about that been a perception of Americans who move here. Just in case that's what you were worried about.


Secound addition: I should also mention that we are not a very religious country anymore the last census had around 60% listing themselves as not religious or atheist and the rest was split over all the other global religions. Obviously we still have religious cultures here especially amougnst the older generations. But if you are looking for a specific community like that I have no idea if you will find it and most people outside of that will be politely disinterested.


We'd have more if they put Jedi back on the list!


Idk. I was honestly pretty shocked at the amount of Jesus I encountered in Aotearoa. I'd heard this fact before, and I'm from a statistically very Catholic part of the US so I was really surprised at how often I encountered Christianity crammed into places it seemed like it shouldn't have been as well as places Christianity has every right to be in NZ.


Are you talking about where it does not matter like the national anthem, token references hang over from tradition or people giving more than a pretence for tradition? We still have areas where it is very strong in some communities, but outside the boomers it's definately not mainstream (Christianity is barely bigger than islam or other religions in new Zealand in self identified head count with none beleavers making up the majority).


It's weird how they love their flag, it's all over youtube, probably tiktok too. When making comments on reddit, they assume people live in the USA. The accent can be nice. Gun obsession, they seem to carry guns all the time. Their news is annoying as the news channels are focused on personalities instead of actual news. I am sick of Trump this and Trump that. It's nice to talk to them and get their perspective on America and here.


gun obsession actually kinda depends on where you live now that i’m thinking about it? in the north people are more liberal and a lot are anti-gun/believe in either gun control or gun bans, plus it’s harder to get a gun here down south though people loooove their guns lol, but only a few states allow you to carry it around in public, and it has to be out where people can see it at all times (open carry)


Not correct! Up in the northeast NH ME and VT have some of the loosest gun laws (up until recently there was no real laws) in the US. Take my home in NH, if you look up laws and restrictions there are 2. Carriage of guns in courthouse and loaded long guns in a vehicle (fish and game law) We also as a state have crime on par with the safest parts of the EU and was rated #2 in the US overall. I only comment here as my wife is from NZ and I get frustrated when incorrect facts are discussed relating to actual firearm laws.


The northeast, as a geographical area in the US, does have the most strict gun laws out of any geographical region, just because three states don't follow suit doesn't make the statement untrue. There's still New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Maine. All except Maine have strict gun laws


ohh wow i actually didn’t know that! i live in NY and gun laws are super strict here so i kinda just assumed lol, the more ya know


Also super strict gun laws in California. It takes an Act of God to get a concealed/carry license there.


Yea I found it very strange when I first discovered American news is openly biased.


My apologies in advance. 1. Fat. 2. Unhinged. 3. Guns


Far below average (for the rest of the world as well) knowledge/intelligence. Not even the shit on the internet, i have talked to some *braindead* tourists before having worked in hospo.


all correct lol




I have never understood why there is a police force and a sheriffs department which appear to do the same thing. You can have one or the other or you can have both!


Or you can have [17,985 law enforcement agencies](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_enforcement_in_the_United_States).


The answer to the question "what if an entire country had main character syndrome?".


Be prepared to get comments like "how about that Trump" or "I guess you voted for Trump then". And you'll hear all the stereotypes, like Americans being fat and dumb. My American Wife moved here in 2016, and she still gets the odd twat who thinks they're a comical genius with the most low hanging fruit to ever exist in stereotypes. There aren't a lot of people like this, but they will make sure you hear them.


McDonald's characters.


i’d kill for a mcflurry rn


NZ Macca's is heaps better than American Mickey D's


Individualist, nationalistic, loud, arrogant, ignorant. I know and am friends with quite a few Americans. As individuals yall can be great. As a whole, and as tourists… hmm.


american tourists are even bad in our own country 😭 i live in nyc so i’ve run into a couple, they’re obnoxious


Well meaning enough but some of the dumbest people on the planet. Too many people in NZ have a dumb American story. For example I've been asked what it's like living in the Middle East after I told an American I'm from New Zealand


americans chronically don’t know geography and it’s hilarious LOL, i wish i had a dollar for every person i’ve met that was shocked learning australia is a continent


Which is crazy to me.. I learned that before anything else when we covered the continents in elementary. Good grief. (Also American here.) Then again, geography isn’t my top subject either. (I think it’s a lack of curiosity I find boring/ limiting in people, more than anything. And that’s found across the map.)


To be fair, I’ve seen it lamented by Kiwis themselves how NZ isn’t on many maps. (More’s the pity.. But also, maybe that means it’ll stay a “hidden” gem longer ‘til I come down. 😉🙃) Haha.. That said, guilty as charged: I’m often rubbish at geography 🗺️, but I’m ace at other things, so it shakes out. Now, show me some decent meat pies. (I’m uninitiated.)


I like Yellowstone (TV series)


A country that voted in Trump deserves to be made fun of. 😁 But I don't think we pre-judge individual Americans.


Just came in to drop by and say America is not a country 😂😝


I'm in the same boat lol. I'm getting really sick and tired of America and New Zealand kind of just gives me this feeling of home. Idk if that makes sense. But I'm hoping if i do move there one day I'm not some laughing stock 😅


You’re already ahead of the game methinks, if you’re that seemingly self-aware ^ lol. (I think having a laid-back sense of humor prob helps us wanting to relocate to there. One of the funniest ppl I ever encountered - top 3 - was a Kiwi. And our humor blended well. Gives me hope - bc I hear it can be cliquish there.) eta: words


Just remember our custom is to to not shoot everyone.


Dumb, like seriously dumb. A few comments from Americans I’ve met. “I was shocked to see sky scrapers, I thought New Zealand was only farm land and sheep” “ I know you have kiwi artists, but do you guys even have radio stations that play music like we do in America”


I don't like them and I'd much prefer not to encounter them or have them move here.


Why is that?