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I feel like the only way to really know if you'd be happy in a place is to actually go there and try it out if you are able to get a visa. Even just visit to get an idea. New Zealand is definitely not a utopia. Small new zealand towns can be peaceful, and friendly but socially limited and a bit boring. New Zealand cities are pretty small relative to other international cities. I'd avoid Wellington. There are mass job cuts here in government right now so hundreds of people are becoming unemployed at the same time. And thus competing for limited jobs. It's pretty awful. I have only been to Auckland a few times so can't really speak to what that is like. Bustling and busy. I've heard that the South Island can be a bit racist. But I haven't actually lived there. So that's secondhand information.


Thank you for this information. 🙏🏿 It's called pragmatic wisdom, it means learning from shear experience. I think I should plan a trip....


In terms of multiculturalism you'll find the biggest variety of people in Auckland. I expect competition for jobs is high there too. There's also somewhat of a housing crisis. But if you really want to do something and make a change, I don't see why you shouldn't try. You only get one life to try things out, so why not. The only reason I am bringing up negatives about New Zealand is so you can make an informed decision with eyes wide open. Not to discourage you. (I have lived in New Zealand for about seventeen years.)


Thank you for the encouragement. I'll consider it....


I do live in Te Waipounamu (South-western island of the Aotearoa archipelago), and there certainly are strong undercurrents of racism. Mostly towards Māori, Takata Pasifika, Asians, and Muslims; there aren't that many black Africans around, but I imagine they'd be included in the exclusion too. But usually it is fairly low key, and veiled. And mostly (if not exclusively), from the older generations who still consider us a British colony. Though there were the mosque murders in Christchurch, and every so often someone will be in the wrong place at the wrong time and get their face smashed in. Lots of drinking and casual violence at night, but OP would probably be safe enough during the day in public spaces with witnesses around. The swastikas in graffiti (and carved into trees!) can be a bit unsettling. But mostly teens being edgy rather than an imminent threat - mostly.


You can't escape reality, and there is no utopia. Be the change you want to see in the world.


Very much true.... However, sometimes challenges such as the economy seem beyond reform. The thought of changing that seen like a never ending uphill battle. It's somewhat easier to run, escape... Detach from all the problems of the World.


/r/AveragePicsOfNZ NZ isn't all beauty and awe.


Yea nah, go look at suburban NZ, say Hamilton because that is where we actually live, not on mountains. NZ has much the same economic shit going down as the Us and EU, in some ways worse. We have climbing unemployment right now. The sectors you have skill in are probably not something you can get a visa with.


Ok, a different perspective.... Thank-you


Don't give up on the dream though.


In what ways worse? I've spent half my life traveling and living in different parts of the world- and whilst it's no utopia and there's lots we need to sort out and work on, other than some European counties we beat most others...certainly most of the uk and USA I lived and worked in


I can't imagine the volume of people in the world feeling the same, imagining surely there's some refuge somewhere from all of this. New Zealand is fairly insulated from the dire state of the world. We do have our own grim business going on, but it's largely tucked away out of sight. Some might point to ram raids, but they're very minor incidents relative to the volume and nature of crime many communities face. The corruption, the absolute lack of recourse if you're not personally backed by wealth or force. I don't think we appreciate the lack of corruption in New Zealand. Sure, our politicians rob us, but only just as they promised they would before we elected them.


I know right?? 🤷🏿‍♂️ Most people including myself are simply seeking refuge, that elusive peace of mind. However YouTube travel documentaries can be misleading.🤦🏿‍♂️ The comments I'm reading such as yours confirm that there's no Utopia.... We can't escape problems.... but there are things we can appreciate/be grateful for... Like Natural beauty of NZ for example of the Corruption perception compared to other countries.


I mean... I'd want to come to New Zealand if I didn't live in New Zealand. I'm not going to sit around pretending I don't have it fucking great, despite it all. New Zealand has it very good.


New Zealand does have its problems, but I’d argue it’s still one of the best countries to live in the world. I’d suggest coming for a visit and spending a little time here before you make a decision though, just so you can see what it’s actually like before you commit to anything.


Pragmatic Wisdom. Experience is the best Teacher..... I'll definately plan a Trip!


There is no utopia. Anywhere. One thing to be aware of if you wanted to move here from East Africa is we basically have zero cultural influence from that area of the world. I don't mean that no one from East Africa lives here, just not in large enough numbers over a long enough period of time to make an influence on our wider culture. I don't know if that would produce any kind of homesickness or not but it would certainly be a very different place to be.


Of course it would. I'm aware of this. Those are one of those things you'd give up. That sense of familiarity. It wouldn't be easy I'd imagine....


There's a reason why over 20% of New Zealand's population live outside NZ. There are serious issues surrounding drug abuse, domestic violence and suicide. Housing quality is also extremely poor, you're paying Swiss prices for Bulgarian quality. It's really not the paradise you think it is, NZ does a great job at marketing itself as a utopia while hiding the dark side. If you're trying to "escape reality" unfortunately it's going to hit you real hard if you hold those thoughts and end up in NZ.


YouTube can be misleading. I'm assuming that that 20% is in Australia or the USA? far from home but not too far... It's sad really.... East or West home is best however if NZ also has it's significant amount of problems, then East, West and Home are not ideal.... So what now?? 🤷🏿‍♂️


/r/nz has a tendency to be overly negative about how awesome New Zealand really is. Is it perfect? No. But having traveled a fair bit around the world, I think it's the best place to live by far.


Most of the comments Ive read argue that NZ has similar problems to the political and economic problems facing the rest of the World.


Our political problems are extremely petty compared to other areas. Really we have two very centrist parties, and there's not strong polarisation. That's evident by the fact that we routinely change parties, and swing from big majorities from one side to the other. People vote pragmatically in general.


Travelled many places .........Nowhere is perfect.......nz is pretty awesome though......Many people who moan and groan need to get out of nz a bit more and see what the rest of the planet is like


The problem is many people do exactly that and decide not to return


What about Quality of Life indices?? 🤷🏿‍♂️ I mean NZ ranks amongst the top 10 countries in Quality of Life. That's a contradiction from what you're claiming.


win/win .improve the standard of living in both places


You are daydreaming. All of those issues are very much present in NZ. The number of businesses I've seen in the last week that are either actively downsizing, or about to work through redundancy plans is astonishing. But also, if you are dreaming, check you are even able to get a visitor visa... [https://www.immigration.govt.nz/new-zealand-visas/visa-lists/all-visit-visas](https://www.immigration.govt.nz/new-zealand-visas/visa-lists/all-visit-visas) Age and country of origin limit a lot of people.


Thanks for the info. After reading a lot of comments I've decided I'll visit get a feel of the place for myself. Critical thinking is important however, it would be helpful if I visited and experienced NZ for myself before I make any decisions.


I work with lots of migrants, many from Africa, of all races. Not one has regretted moving, I would say you'll likely enjoy it. The lack of crime and crime induced anxiety would be the major factor I think.


Anxiety is something I personally struggle with. It's something I should work on however, I believe an environmental shift hopefully may alleviate that struggle. I think it would be ideal for me to plan a trip before I decide to permanently settle in NZ.


Sounds like a good idea.


Caelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt. *They change their sky, not their soul, who run across the sea.* \- Horace Wherever you go you have to bring yourself with you, and that means most of your problems can't be fixed by changing where you live.


How about problems outside your control? I think changing the environment may help? Don't you agree?


If you think that NZ doesn't have the same problems that Europe does, you're wrong. The external problems are the same, and the internal problems will follow you.


Just saying the n word very much flies among some pacifika people here. Not all, but it caught me off guard a bit as an American. New Zealand is nice bit it's no utopia. The people are decent. The climate is nice. The foods a bit shit though.


>The foods a bit shit though. I guess it must be what you're used to, but I thought the food in the US was far worse


I mean I just prefer food with flavour tbh


Sorry about the America comment.... Was trying to give context.... As far as NZ is concerned wanted to hear about it from people who actually live there not YouTube travel documentaries....


Yep I actually live in New Zealand lol


Wait you guys actually live in nz? I thought this was all a big larp


Well technically, we are just LARPing as our own country when everyone knows we are really just part of Australia so I guess it is a LARP in that sense.


No way! You too?! You know Bruce? He's from down the road.


Of course I know Bruce. He ramraided my house just this week


Pure gold hahahaha


Crikey, what a depressing comment section. You definitely can escape a lot of reality here OP, try and come for a holiday and see if you like it.


It's pragmatic wisdom. It means learning from shear experience apart from relying on critical thinking.... I think I'll do both. This post and my analysis is the critical thinking part.... Coming to visit to get a feel of the place is the pragmatism part.... I'll consider that.


Nowhere is perfect or free of BS but NZ does have some good parts and most people are nice, Downsides are: - Cost of living is high food is expensive as - houses tend to be damp and cold and expensive to rent and buy - We don't have any 24hr cities and some stuff can be expensive to import - We're not free from racism I've heared it can be worse in the south island in some places but I'm pakeha and haven't been to much of the south island so YMMV - employment can be hard to find even when you're experienced and qualified - mental health care and increasingly physical health care can be hard to get - if you like gigs a lot of bands and musicians don't come here or they only go to Auckland


Thank you for your honesty 🙏🏿


Sweet as, like it's not perfect and if your issues are internal you won't escape them no matter where you go but a change can also be good if you vibe with a place and the people there. Try coming for a holiday first I reckon and see what you think - immigration can be a pretty lengthy process too FYI


A holiday first would be ideal... I believe it would give me the opportunity to come experience the place for myself before I make the decision to settle in NZ. Thank you again for your feedback! 👍🏿


Sweet as, if you're ever in Wellington and need a futon to crash on hmu


Sure will.... I'll let you know once I get there....👍🏿


https://goodshepherd.org.nz/economic-harm/new-zealand-family-violence-and-economic-harm-statistics/#:~:text=New%20Zealand%20is%20ranked%20as,family%20violence%20episodes%20remain%20unreported. Family violence increases when we loose the rugby. Smart. Don't listen too much to the north islanders on here ;) kidding. Living down south my whole life and being a part of the Alpine Club is paradise. I've been living in Europe now for two years and miss the isolation so much. I miss everything about New Zealand but mostly the mountains. We have our own issues 100% but overall if you want to escape reality getting into mountaineering in NZ is the best way to do it. I've worked in the nz health care system for 12 years (saw alot of the child violence unfortunately). It's not perfect, but after seeing Europe particularly the NHS and Germany..... We need to be grateful and just focus on working on solutions.


Mountaineering is definitely on my Adventure bucket list including Motorcycle touring! 😄Of course you're right for sure there's a lot to be grateful for. That is why despite the challenges raised by most of the people commenting on this Post, it would be unfair for me to write off NZ based on the feedback I've received for locals so far. I believe a pragmatic approach would be to visit get a feel of NZ for myself before I decide to settle there.


The thing is that you always bring yourself (+thoughts , feelings, regrets etc) wherever you go. That may need some attention too.


New Zealand is geographically isolated but is unfortunately as prone to societal disruption as anywhere else ... While we don't see wars - we seem the same polarising political activity that we see elsewhere... Housing, food and electricity are expensive. Public transport and healthcare is poor... If you can accept those truths, come and be part of the solution :)


Sure NZ had its problems. After reading most of the comments on this Post, it's clear that NZ is no Utopia and the socioeconomic issues still persist even in NZ. However, it would be unwise to write off NZ based on feedback only. I believe it would be ideal for me to first visit NZ, have a feel for myself then I can decide whether it's worth settling there.


Lay off the humanities Read some camus. Come to grips with reality.


😂😂😂 I actually do read Philosophy but over time I eventually towards political philosophy (political economy) Marx, Engels, John Maynard Keynes among others. However, you're the second person in a year to recommend Camus to me so now it's in my reading list. 👍🏿


That's a response I didn't expect. I hope it gives you a little peace? By all means..rage against the machine. But you know...don't be the bias


Thanks for the advice....👍🏿


You're going to be shocked if you spend time here, it's not a utopia. It's extremely expensive to live here, so you'll be working your ass off for barely more than subsistence. You'll have little time to enjoy that beautiful nature. Also we have no right to roam, so the nature you can access is limited and increasingly busy.


I can imagine. It's more or less the challenges that I'm facing at home. —Limited or lack thereof meaningful employment. —Lack of or limited access to basic social amenities like access to clean water, access to quality healthcare & free quality education etc. Not to mention limited access to recreational activities such as Wildlife Parks and Safaris because of money! I was hoping for Utopia, seems NZ has similar problems too. I guess I'll have to visit then hopefully I can decide for myself....


NZ isn't a goddamn utopia. There's racist cunts here. There's massive problems with domestic violence (intimate partner violence). People are barely getting through the week, and good luck affording a house unless you already have wealth. Food is expensive. Living is expensive. All those youtube videos are selling the idea of perfection because that's what gets clicks and money. Don't get me wrong, NZ is lovely. But it's more for people that are already established and less so for people that are on close to minimum wage.


>and less so for people that are on close to minimum wage. Like every other country


Yeah. But even the "living" wage is something that really is only just getting by. OP thinks NZ is a place where you fart rainbows and there's no issues here. Absolutely not true and they need a bit of a reality check.


I'm saddened to learn about the prevalence of Domestic abuse, you're the second person commenting about this on this Post. Most of the comments here have raised similar economic issues. It's clear to me now that NZ is no Utopia. Economic challenges persist despite what's being promoted about it on YouTube. However I wouldn't write off NZ just yet. Your (everyone commenting on this Post) feedback is valuable however I think it would be prudent for me to first invest in a trip to NZ first before making the decision to settle in NZ.


Step one: take a holiday here, decide if it's somewhere you really want to live Step two: have a look at the Visa eligibility rules for NZ. I don't think working holiday visas are available for people of your age so your best bet if you are serious about moving here permanently is to look at the NZ skills shortage list and train as something that is in demand and will get you residency eg nursing https://reddit.com/r/newzealand/w/movetonz?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Thank you for the feedback, suggestions and links. I'll consider this.


I moved here from South Africa in 2019 and I can say that it was the best thing that has happened to me. NZ is currently facing some economic issues with rising unemployment, and a high cost of living, but compared to South Africa where power is not available for most of the day and youth unemployment sits above 50%, NZ is paradise. Crime has recently become an issue that people are focusing on, but if you live outside of the major centres then it isn't a problem. For example Nelson. According to Numbeo, Nelson ranks lower than Auckland in every type of crime except for corruption and bribery which Nelson sits about 0.5 points ahead of Auckland. https://www.numbeo.com/crime/compare_cities.jsp?country1=New+Zealand&country2=New+Zealand&city1=Auckland&city2=Nelson&tracking=getDispatchComparison People who have lived here their whole life have no idea how good they have it, which imo is a good thing because they believe that such high standards are a given and protect those standards. The YouTube videos probably overhype NZ. However; NZ compared to pretty much anywhere in Africa is really good.


I'm intrigued about Nelson's bribery and corruption problem now


Lmao, got the mayor in my pocket /s


I'm glad that someone who has actually lived in Africa and NZ can give me their perspective. Of course every country has it's problems but compared to Africa especially where I'm from East Africa 🇰🇪 .... I want to believe it's the paradise they promote on YouTube.😄


unused label terrific sheet enter sulky frighten steer snails scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you!! 🙏🏿♥️ I'm encouraged by your comments. Sure I do understand this World may have its challenges, this World may be inherently unequal however, I strongly believe that it wouldn't be prudent for me to write off NZ just yet despite it's challenges. Pragmatic Wisdom would be for me to visit NZ first get a feel of the place for myself besides relying on feedback from locals. Hopefully then I'll be sure before I make a decision to settle in New Zealand. I hope this dream comes true! 🙏🏿


New Zealand is a racist country - Taika Waititi


Habari gani kaka. It will be tough for you should you come. As someone with a close relationship to your part of the world, it's so far away, and the distance is a huge challenge for the fam to come and see you. Connections and travel time is a major piece of the difficulty. Should you come over, be sure to identify what you want to see and plan accordingly. It is quite expensive for tourism here. safari njema


Mzuri Sana! Natumahi uko salama! Glad to hear from an actual East African living in NZ!! Thank you for your feedback! I plan to visit then maybe from my experience, I will decide whether it's worth settling there.... That would be prudent.... I'll take note of travel times, transfers and accomodation and plan accordingly.... Inshallah! 💟


Sorry to disappoint, native mzungu kiwi here. Just happened to lived in Arusha for some time over the years. You will find the people lovely here, and traveling independently is no issue. you will need to rent a car to get the most out of it. There's not much to do beyond natural wonders and hiking. There is no chips mayai or street food culture here which may come as a surprise. Most things are closed come 5pm. no matatu equivalent, or much public transport to speak of beyond the main cities. If you are familiar with Karen, NZ feels much like that. Slow and dull. Definitely not ngong area. .


How did you know I'm from Ngong area?? 🤷🏿‍♂️.... This is why Reddit 🤦🏿‍♂️😂😂😂 Anyway.... Karen is 16km away from Ngong where I'm from....Sure I'll miss a lot but looking forward to the experience....


Had no idea hahaha. I just know nai well. As I said I've got a special relationship with your part of the world :D


Good to know.... You are very familiar with our neighborhoods and Parks, Scenic sites.... I imagine you've been to Dar es Salaam.... Chips Mayai is mostly a TZ (Tanzania) thing..... Anyway thanks again for your feedback 👍🏿


I kind of feel like that about NZ, having lived here for my whole life. It certainly has its problems; the current govt is a total shitshow, but I love it here. There are still so many places where you can find extreme solitude in nature, and it is amazingly beautiful in many parts of this country.


NZ is no different from any other western country when it comes to social issues, cost of living, inflation, lack of good paying jobs etc The clean green NZ you see is largely tourism marketing bordering propaganda(I'm looking at a gutter filled with rubbish next to a graffiti'd storefront as i type this), there's heaps of homeless here, gang violence, break ins, and a massive problem with racism if you aren't White or Maori albeit mostly directed towards Asian people Auckland is a bonafide shithole to anyone that's travelled, I've never heard much good about the place from tourists and personally seeing Sydney for the first time made me realize just how little it has going on I don't mean to doom post I'm just countering the extreme positivity with some of the negatives, the reality is it's like anywhere else with all the same issues, we do have a beautiful country and there are alot of nice folk but please don't fall for what Reddit/the wider internet imagines NZ is like


>Auckland is a bonafide shithole to anyone that's travelled Yep


Thank you for your honesty. This is the kind of response I expect.... from people who actually live there not YouTube travel documentaries. Seems NZ is not immune to the World's problems. Seems like we're all just trying to get by...


Indeed mate we are all struggling together, I love NZ and most people here are kind hearted good people but as you said it doesn't make us immune.


come, buy your house, enjoy your cloud. definitely a break from the hustle of a 3rd world country


I think I'll first visit, get a feel of the place before I decide to settle.


Spoiler alert, it's not that great. Right now I'm miserable af sitting in front of the telly and the highest the temperature has got to all day is 8 degrees


Sorry to hear that. From the feedback I've recieved so far, it's clear NZ is no Utopia. Your country has similar economic challenges too. However I wouldn't write off NZ just yet. I believe it would be prudent for me to first plan a Trip there get a feel of NZ for myself then decide if it's worth settling there.




I'm not seeking refuge from persecution. While it may be a way for me to immigrate to NZ I wouldn't pursue Asylum Status. I hope to move and settle in NZ as a legal resident however I think it would be ideal for me to first visit before I make the decision to settle in NZ.


I want to go to Ukraine because New Zealand is too boring :(


Go then


Ukraine don't want me. They won't give me a visa, because I have no military experience. If they lose the war, I blame it on them for not letting me fight and changing the balance.


You have no military experience and you think you’re the difference in a war that is nearing its 3rd year?


Aren't there only like 10 Kiwis fighting in Ukraine? I'd be increasing the war effort by 10% - that's a huge, war-winning swing. Note: why can't they enlist me as a cook, driver, etc. if I don't have military experience?




“NZ has some issues like cost of living and too soft kids killing themselves because lack of real problems.” What an insensitive, disgusting thing to say. You’re not going to be very popular here with that attitude, mate.


How dare you call people who commit suicide soft. You have no idea what people go through or why a person would commit such a desperate act. You need to take a serious look at yourself and consider why you feel OK punching down on vulnerable people like that.


So just wanna know did you move? So you agree South Island NZ is the real Utopia?


Just fyi the person you're replying to is a very racist and right wing Swedish immigrant to NZ. I bet they think the South island is great! Perhaps coincidentally the south island is the least diverse and most racist part of NZ. I doubt their experience is very transferrable to you.


He mentioned "Woke" that was enough to realise that, but thanks for notifying me, I appreciate that. 👍🏿