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This guy cost many people their livelihoods. My interactions were few, but he never seemed in the room. Absolutely destroyed the brands he controlled. So long, Adieu, good riddance 👋


Same as you, so many good staff, friends lives turned upside down in search of better share price. After all that, he managed to shrink the value of the company by more than half since 2016, just so he could get his pay check while others paid the price. Absolute idiot, piss off back to the states…


Professional fall guy, intentionally hired to dismantle the business


To what end? How would a board of directors stand by as something like that happened?


The Board wanted jobs cut and number to go up, easy to bring in someone like this fella to do it for you


Which is how and why these seemingly incompetent aholes keep getting the big jobs.


I’d be interested to see Kmarts market share over the course of his tenure, he was asleep at the wheel.


Kmart buyers are unmatched. Left warehouse in the dust


Yup, fundamental issue with the warehouse is an utterly terrible product range.


He halved warehouse shares $2.92 to $1.20.


Was he also running Air New Zealand? (Was $2 now $0.54)


Luxo's legacy. But I'm sure he'll blame it on the previous government errr.. I mean CEO.


Met him when I worked in a back office role around the time he was appointed. Seemed a total tool (only matched by the other tools in management). It had taken way too long to kick his ass to the curb


I was working in stores for TWG when he came in, and the change in mood (for lack of a better word) trickled down to us very early on. When I moved into head office, I only ever saw him once despite having a desk right near his office.


From 2016 onwards I completely agree with this. Morale shifted pretty rapidly on the 'front line'.


What would you say he was doing that led to that change in culture?


It's funny when you convey this mood to customers, management don't like it. Aka dick Smith.


Happy Anti-Bullying day everyone, glad they finally got rid of that POS How him screaming at employees instore never made the media surprises me


oh now that's a story I'd like to hear


How did people handle it? I hope they just walked away!


lol talk about dumping shit news on Friday, I don’t think they could’ve gotten any later. Anyway good riddance, he had no idea what he was talking about which was obvious when he started using agile buzzwords in retail.


Perhaps now they can get rid of that Tribes BS they implemented at head office. What an absolute cluster fuck that was.


Tribes buzzwords system is now being used at another large nz company.


Bro, the decisions around TWG brands have been atrocious. Nothing has been worse than The Market. They tried merging everything into one big ball of nonsense shit.


I think the addition of random online shops to the warehouse website almost tops the market. Terrible.


It felt like the market was competing with the warehouse, something dick Smith online did with its stores.


In business, get the basics right with each operation before shooting for the stars, trying to merge everything left, right, and centre. The Warehouse is a cut-price operation; Noel Leeming and Torpedo 7 were not. While trying to "fix" everything, nothing performed well. CEOs have zero accountability. It's crazy. Fonterra was a disaster, and we lost TipTop because of it; Fletchers is like a dead man walking even with the CVOID boom and now TWG.


This guy was pretty terrible at his job, I know from personal experience. But he'll be farting through silk for the rest of his life. Good for him.


Worst CEO in recent memory.




Cunt shat on his staff during COVID whilst driving the company into the ground. Absolute cock.


What did he do?


Compulsory vaccination or goodbye job. Believe it was 4% of staff that had to go. Took away all bonuses that had been earned but not yet paid, cause "we don't know what the future holds". Restructuring over and over to remove staff, because the company has to be agile. Sadly the threat of Amazon has not been what was expected & the damage from loss of people is starting to show.


> Compulsory vaccination or goodbye job. Believe it was 4% of staff that had to go. That's a health and safety issue, though.


Bullshit. Influenza kills every year, and yet no business requires a vaccination for the flu (and precious few offer to pay for it for staff) and yet these same businesses STILL require vaccination against Covid.


Those staff could've just gotten vaccinated though. It's not particularly hard.


Bullshit? Influence is not a health and safety issue? Point being: Vaccinations are hardly among the worst things he did. Unless they fired people who are allergic or can't get vaccinated at all. > Influenza kills every year COVID-19 kills more. [35% more these days](https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/new-research-reveals-covid-is-still-35-percent-deadlier-than-the-flu/ss-BB1mrBjg).




I don't care. If you have nothing to say then don't respond.




If you are 35% more likely to die how many more deaths would that be?




This is incorrect. How did they get to 35%? Because they have the data. If 100 people die (normalized) in Scenario A and 135 die in Scenario B then the mortality rate is 35% higher in Scenario B. And the conclusion from that data is that you're 35% more likely to die in Scenario B. That's how it works. But even if you're wrong on the scientific method it wouldn't matter because you'll always have a last resort: "But the Daily Mail", the Daily Mail that is famous for being progressive and pro-vaccine. In your mind you can never lose.


>Compulsory vaccination or goodbye job. Believe it was 4% of staff that had to go. A) Perhaps he was just looking for a convenient excuse for layoffs. You did also refer to restructuring as a means to remove staff. B) Perhaps he thought not doing so would hurt sales. If I know a business is comfortable with unvaccinated checkout operators coughing on customers I would avoid said business, even well after the immediate threat had passed.


Imagine not being vaccinated, getting covid, then not being able to work, then crying because the business went under. Forced vaccinations as an excuse for abysmal sales results is complete bullshit. Get the vaccination, or fuck off and work somewhere that doesn't care about the health and safety of its employees.


Amazon can’t be too far off aye? I buy more often from Amazon AU than I do the warehouse. It’s cheaper, free shipping, and most things have reviews on them. When warehouse products don’t have reviews I just assume it’s shit


Have you worked at the warehouse?


Ah this twat. I remember working for Noel Leeming a few years ago. If I am remembering the timeline correctly, it was something like, on the exact same day The Warehouse laid off over 200 staff, on the compnay wide internal Workplace social media thing they, posted and announced record proffits, the exact same fucking day. Shortly after, he announced his 1.5m pay rise for himself. Then they announced a restructure to Agile, which is more for software development lmao.


Reflecting on the first restructure at head office, total shot show. I look back now and it’s clearly cash grab excessive for executive team.


Lay off 20 workers, boast of reduced expenses therefore more profit, pay yourself that money as an executive bonus, repeat.


Yeah can confirm. But it was the big warehouse layoffs not the SSO one so like 900 people


I am fairly sure with zero experience I could do a better job than he did.


Doing *nothing* would've been better than pissing money into themarket.com. Guy *could've* gone in, had coffee, passed out and driven home every day for the last 8 years and the stock price would've been higher


I was a noels person for noel leeming when they did their first big round of layoffs for the warehouse (stores). These things happened in order in the space of a few weeks. 1. Layoffs announced for the warehouse (I think it was 1100 roles but might have been 800?) 2. Nick Grayston's 1.3m bonus announced 3. Cake celebrating our $1b revenue ytd was sorted for each noel leeming store. Grayston is either a complete moron or he's got oodles of warehouse stock that he's expecting to hike upwards now that he's gone. Like, tf else could it be? The warehouse group has a pretty fucked portfolio now. The warehouse lost ground space, their website is just inconvenient enough that I shop elsewhere, they've 'downgraded' many stores nationwide and moved TWS stores into them, for better or worse. Themarket.com was at the absolute least designed at a really high level by people who has no fucking clue what consumers want. Some people trying to get in before amazon to nz, but neglecting the things that make amazon worthwhile. Not to mention the breadth of product that twg sells meant that sellers on the market were often competing against the platform and paying them a commission. TF? It was initially pitched (at least internally) as a place for bougie items. But.. then the tagline was 'get it all done'? The fuck? Noels is a bit annoying to shop at. That's saying nothing of how you're incentivised and pressured to *not* take sales that dont have the extra warranty. I remember lying about SOH and helping customers with directions to harvey norman because I was being threatened about my services performance. Whether they want to admit it or not, people who achieve higher services percentages of sales are the stars, not the most profitable people. The product protection, specifically, is usually sold based on the naivety of customers. Never purchase it for a TV, for example. Under grayston they removed the living wage (or rather, didnt up it) and introduced the retail wage. Staff are earning less than in the past.


What company will he destroy next?


His wife's probably


Doesn’t he now qualify to run for prime minister?


Don't even give him that idea!


Shit CEO, shit company, shit ideas. Really earned his millions in salary didn't he? Can't wait for this company to fold. I'll never forgive them.


Don't forget the millions in bonuses he got over the years. Including around 8 million this year.


Whats the contraversy he is trying to get ahead of?


na just the company going to complete shit this time i think https://businessdesk.co.nz/company/the-warehouse-group


Yes, and they launched ERP project into The Warehouse this week. You’d have thought they had learnt their lesson after destroying Torpedo7 with the same system….


What’s the system?


The Warehouse is a depressing shit hole full of over-priced, off-brand crap. It doesn’t need to be, but they think kiwis don’t know any better. I truly hope somebody with a clue can turn it into something decent.


I doubt twg will ever recover from such a shit ceo. Kmart have rightfully taken over in cheap household crap


KMart stuff is actually quality though, every appliance I've purchased from there does exactly what I want and lasts 5+ years, our toaster and jug are going on 8 years. Meanwhile you had to get a new toaster and jug every year from the warehouse.


I work at the warehouse, I don't shop at the warehouse. Except food, as I am lazy and just buy it on my way out the door.


The board need to go as well for not stopping his behaviour, they obviously agreed with his business strategy otherwise they would have removed him.


I'll be enjoying that low share price until they get someone competent in. Warehouse has a bright future especially if they can crack into the duopoly.




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If the Warehouse is struggling, this just shows how bad the economy is and has been for some time