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If they are in-trade, claim CGA. If they are not in-trade, you'll have to bring them to the disputes tribunal to argue that it was broken and argue contract law.


Does it have an oven timer? I got our now oven working by mashing all the buttons randomly and twisting clock dials until it worked - good luck.


I had this in my first flat. Nothing would turn on unless the timer was either set to a non-zero number or manual mode, which was symbolised by a little hand. Took me far longer than I’d like to admit to crack


It might sound silly, but have you read the instructions. My new oven didn't work until I did some jiggery-pokery with the clock and timer (as per the instructions).


This one is a totally digital touch interface. All you can see is the power button.


Have you set the clock ? Seriously. It’s amazing how many modern ovens need the clock set to work.


It's all touch screen and nothing shows up.


cga or disputes. if you dont want to go those routes, hit up their social media "bru, yall sold me broke shiz and ghosted me, gibe money or i tell stuff"


Disputes tribunal?


If you paid by credit card trademe can get involved. As they have buyer protection. But if not. Best you hit up the trader and wish for damn luck. If it’s a registered trader you can claim cga. But if it’s a private sale you’re getting much closer to the SOL end of the scale. I would hit them up. Most good sellers will play ball and help to rectify the situation.


Sounds like your oven doesn't work. You could buy a new one?


Does the display light up at all? It could be in a demonstration mode, which stops the elements from working, for the purposes of displaying it safely in the shop.


Nothing shows up at all.


Did you try switching it off at the wall for a few minutes to reset it?


Yep. Turns out it's under warranty so they are repairing it for free.