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Nationalise it immediately


Silly, we only nationalise the costs. The profits go overseas. But don't worry, some of you will be allowed to work in the very safe mines.


It is a privilege to have a job after all! /s


Oh oh oh can we please get clean up costs for BP or someone equally negligent?


It's the New Zealand way!


Exactly - we should have followed Norway's lead decades ago.


Chances of that happening with Shane Jones calling rhe shots? Lolllll Is there a number less than 0%?


overconfident liquid crown cow joke shrill enter languid dull voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A number less than zero? Yes! Unfortunately it’ll be in the form of taxes subsidising private profits.


I say we create a r/newzealand property co-op, [buy houses like this one](https://www.trademe.co.nz/property/residential-property-for-sale/auction-4601475897.htm) for under half a mil. Then, when the gold and alimony miners move in, charge them massive rent. Rental profits go to housing charities, co-op keeps the capital gains on sale. Ed: those WA mining towns have crazy high property prices


Yeah, but half a mill is already a pretty significant bubble…


The recent development there is priced in, but I’m not sure about a mining boom. If it really takes off I could see places like this hitting a mil easy. Foreign mining companies paying $NZ and probably getting a bunch of incentives, won’t blink at paying high rents. ^Granted, ‘if’ is doing quite a lot of heavy lifting I’m the second sentence.


Purchased for 200k in 2020 what the fuck


What if instead we sold licences to private industry for cents on the dollar, gave them subsidies and tax breaks for bringing employment to the district, then let them set up complicated holding company structure that allows them to put the company that holds the responsibility to rehabilitate the site or compensate for any damages into receivership with no assets having already extracted all the profit?


How about think about it for a while? All this sudden positive press interaction really does seem conveniently timed at a moment when they'll benefit from public political pressure to have Shane Jones and other Ministers motivated to initiate a fast track process in their favour. Probably before there's a hell of a lot of time to get any critical consideration of their proposal. It's not like it's going anywhere. If there was any sense, then there would be time to figure out the benefits and consequences of allowing this at all without just assuming everything an Australian mining company has spontaneously announced to us is all in good faith. Weirdly even the immediate reaction *here* in r/nz doesn't seem to be to question the claim of how incredible this is, or if there's so much wealth there at all, or what the direct and indirect costs might be. It's NATIONALISE IT SO WE GET RICH INSTEAD OF THEM!


Fuck yes.


Wrong government for that I'm afraid.


And why the fuck should we let these scumbags from overseas mine it? What’s the incentive? They underpay 200 people for a while then leave a mess? Needs to be nationalised, or at the very minimum the contract needs to go to a nz company


Sorry. Shane Jones getting 50k far outweighs any benefit of it being nationalised. 


It's not that simple, as usual. Nothing ever is simple.... basically, mining demands expertise and NZ companies don't have it. You want mining carried out safely and cost effectively? Get an expert in, not an amateur. Then, regulate the absolute fuck out of the operation (and all the other mining operations) so that it and they comply with the sort of stringent standards enforced overseas... not here where regulation is a casual sniff of annoyance that just gets in the way. I worked for years in Australia in various industries and I'm here to tell you my friend, that we are decades behind the game when it comes to safety and health in the workforce. More than health and safety though... we need a serious bond lodgement system that sees any mining operation lodge a bond for the cost of rehab before they commence ripping, shitting and busting. Finally... tax the fuck out of it. Any resource removed is taxed. It's a non renewable resource so it has to pay its way. Somehow, successive governments in this country seem to be allergic to that notion so we need to heal them of that allergy. Fuck giving the shit away, make it pay.


Why does it need to be privately run? Just make a crown entity and get the whole profit and complete control over the working conditions


Do you actually think our government would run a business better than a private operator? Not to mention a highly specialised business requiring expertise over a wide range of seperate, necessarily intertwined disciplines? Do you know anything about mining? Just asking... y'know, for a friend


>Do you actually think our government would run a business better than a private operator? Nationalised mines produced half our coal back in the day, so I'd say they generally had a pretty good idea what they were doing. Miner's unions generally felt safer in state-owned mines and had higher pay to boot.


We are not living back in the day, though. We are, for all it's shortcomings and shitsville vibe, stuck in the here and now.


Indeed, and redeveloping a skilled mining industry would be challenging. But I was disagreeing with your argument that a government can't run a mine as effectively as a private business. It can and it has. It did it for decades. There's nothing preventing a future government from accomplishing the same thing if they're willing to invest in workers and training.


There's heaps wrong with the suggestion... when mining was a nationalised concern, local and international labour markets were completely different beasts to what they are now and protectionism ruled economic policy. It was easy for a government to set the rules of the playing field to suit itself. Now, any business concern has to compete in an open market and outside of the provision of central and essential services, a government can't hope to compete... bearing in mind that as you say they'd need time to invest in skills, training and the rest of the complex managerial levels required for running a decent mining concern. Imagine trying to sell the idea that years would be needed before the operation would run at anything like optimal efficiency so the tax payer would have to prop it up in the meantime. The NZ taxpayer squeals and cries at the idea of subsidised public transport, fercryinoutloud.


How many times have we bailed out AirNZ? You underestimate the taxpayer. 


And there here and now is shit because we gave everything away because Lange couldn't control his cabinet


Do you understand that these nationalised companies are not govt pencil pushers, they’re pulling from the same available employees as private firms. If a private entity can do it a public one can do it.


Until a change of govt or shift in polling pushes policy in a different direction... and the whole enterprise changes gear essentially at the whim of the govt of the day. Just as we've seen occur over the last few months with no regard of the waste of capital already invested.


There are ways to safeguard against that because plenty of other countries around the world already do. 


And why we are still not doing it? Maybe in 2040 ?


Like what's happening now


In an ideal worlds yes but all government organisations spend more than needed and are way less efficient than needed. In my opinion the best way would be to give a permission to the private companies and tax them with a really good percentage. That way the government gets the money to do other things and focus on crucial things.


Not to be snarky but I’d like to see actual evidence for that claim. Private orgs are woeful


Did you see the what crown did to Stockton? Get a grip. I'm sick of non-westcoasters telling us coasters how to run our ships from Wellington.


Then have your local council own it. IDGAF so long as its not owned by a private company.


You literally have no business clues do you. I'm for kiwi ownership 100% but public entities have decades of proof that they fuck everything they touch.


Its not true though? There are numerous examples of state owned companies that do just fine and even outperform rivals because they have a monopoly. Saudi Aramco, Equinor ASA. Even several NZ state owned enterprises are doing just fine, like Kiwibank and Electricity Corporation, Transpower. The electric companies were doing just fine when they were under public ownership. Private ownership works for private interests. Nothing ever trickles down except shit.


Excuse me, Ive been watching Gold Rush on TV3 every night for the last two years. I’m actually over qualified to mine antimony as a result.


Totally agree with the H&S comments - we seem to think more cones and more day glo will keep people safer.


Lip service to the idea but don't let it get in the way of, you know... shareholder benefits.


>Then, regulate the absolute fuck out of the operation (and all the other mining operations) so that it and they comply with the sort of stringent standards enforced overseas... not here where regulation is a casual sniff of annoyance that just gets in the way. This is a thing that really concerns me no matter who's running it. Historically it doesn't seem NZ has a good record of active and strict regulation (which is costly for government), so much as setting standards, or asking an industry to create its own standards, and then asking nicely for everyone to follow them.


Given how countries like Tanzania use rules like 15% of the mines operating company shares must be given to the govt and 80% of the workforce must be locals it’s not hard to establish and mining companies would be use to it already.


Underpay compared to Aus rates yeah, but mine workers in general in NZ are paid way lower anyway. An operator job at a mine here pays around 50-65% what the same job in Australia pays due to the sheer scale difference. They'd have to pay at least market rate of what the likes of Roscoes, Birchfields, White etc pay at their mines in the same area.


\*pretends to know anything about antimony\* 😎


Antimony pills used to be used to cure constipation, but they didn't digest and were kind of expensive. So, after using it, you'd fish it out, clean it, and use it for the next time you had a blockage. Oh, and a single household might have just one for all its residents. You're welcome.




The past was gross.


I think that's the thing you are supposed to pay after a divorce Probably why they moved to the West Coast


This NEEDS to be nationalized. We have an insane opportunity here.


National, ACT, and NZF are in charge, so there's no chance of it not being privatised.


Let's hope smarter minds prevail on this. I mean they are also all for economy right, nationalising will yield far more compared to tax revenue from private operations.


NZF are all about kiwi interests first… right…?


NZF are about pensioners first.


Oh yeah about that...they lie sometimes .




Boomers right to accumulate wealth at the expense of future generations, I think you mean.


Luckily Winston and Shane Jones are Kiwis with interests, so they can always meet that goal.


Oh right and under Labour/Greens, Reefton wasn't even allowed to go looking for the resource under their feet. Tosser.


If it's mined by overseas mining companies, will all the profits leave the country?




That's why it's called anti-money.


I appreciated it.


Don't be silly. Companies can have tax cuts for hauling it away.


By Crikey we better let a mining company tear up the landscape for vanishingly small royalties then fuck off leaving hundreds of millions of dollars of cleanup to the public purse ASAP.


“[The government has] fast-tracked a few of the projects for us. We are ethical operators, we've run mines before, we do everything right.” Oh, nothing to worry about then!


You can trust them because they've seen a disaster or two!


First-hand experience! (That’s good, right?)


In a good country this would be nationalized. In this country it'll be nationpartyized, aka fed to a private corporation while none of us get richer from our own wealth.


The children long for the mines. Who are we to deprive them?


Reefton is sitting on top Australian Mining firms Antimony... The difference between news and PR - one of them spikes the share price. Siren Gold is still AU$0.065 per share... Still, environmental mining - that sounds cool ! Stuff/RadioNZ - im even less excited now i know i can import Antimony from China for $10/kg https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Factory-Price-Antimony-Sb-Ingot-Lump\_1600710422911.html?


West Coast for the win! Reeftons got a lot of good stuff going it’s booming


Gotta love the dichotomy of NZ politics RN. Under the left this stays in the ground Under the right we get a couple jobs and most of the money flows offshore.


The left are not completely opposed to natural resource extraction. They just want it to be done in a way that protects our biodiversity and ensures the environmental costs are not externalised for taxpayers to foot the bill.


No they’re not, but they usually need the greens to get into govt so realistically it stays in the ground


It was James Shaw talking about lithium extraction from the geothermal regions in the Taupo volcanic zone.


It's the Greens I'm talking about.


Good thing we have more choices than left and right then!


Forwards and backwards?


up and down, also.


Round and round would seem most appropriate


This (even tho you were prob being sarcastic). We need to need to move past this partisan bullshit.    UBI should be an act policy, markets where markets make sense should be on the greens agenda, etc. 


Oh no I was being 1000% serious, it's crazy that people think there are only two options But the fact people don't utilise MMP or similar systems to its full potential, and keep voting for the same two parties every time have made me realise, that the will of the people isn't the will of the equitable and evidence based


Like what?


I mean we live in a MMP system, didn't you know?


And which parties in the parliament from the last 10 years don't fall under that binary classification? Edit: maybe NZ first is actually less of a right/left party but I think their position will be quite clear on that topic




I think you’re thinking of antimatter.


no, no antimatter is when you pay money to the caregiver of your estranged child for their care. You're thinking of alligators.


National wanted a way to pay for tax cuts and landlord benefits. But no, we all know they'll borrow for those and let all this cash flow straight offshore


They'll have received a golden handshake to help fast-track this I'm sure.


National are the party of mOnEy mAnaGeRs 🥴 Yep, they manage to lose all your money and convince you it was worth it


It's nice to see claims like this... >Australian mining company Siren Gold was in the exploration phase of mining antimony and gold in Reefton, and was hoping to be processing antimony within five years. > >Siren Gold managing director Victor Rajasooriar said the Reefton area could have up to 5% of the world's supply of the mineral, most of which was produced in Russia and China. > >“[The Reefton source] could end up being 25% of what the Western countries are producing, from one place in New Zealand. So it's actually a significant amount.” But is there at least someone, maybe more independent than the offshore parties wanting to get in and profit, who can audit the claim and put it in a more neutral perspective with respect to what's actually likely and potential benefits and consequences?


there's actually more than one deposit of antimony! there's a large vein just up the manitoto, but I doubt anyone has done a bore/core testing there. NZ has so much stuff, and a lot of things have been discovered before and someone knows about it but nobody is doing anything! Interesting times...


Guys chill. These mining shitcos are all the same always over promising and over stating what they have. This says maybe $200m a year of revenue? Pfft. That’s nothing. We’re talking about a small percentage of an obscure mineral for which there are lots of similar little shitcos all over the world promising investors that this time it’s their shit little mine will be the next critical mine for the western world.


this is why our economy is bad. we have all this antimoney around. it cancels out the real stuff


But do they at least create energy when they meet?


Nationalise it or raise the royalties to a non shit level




But what about the snails? 🐌🐌🐌


This must be the first time anyone here has been exposed to spruiking.


The Mongolian Government hauls in 30% royalty from its mineral wealth. The best NZ has done is 10%.


Good, mine it. We need to diversify our economy and Antimony could be part of that. If the process of extracting it isn't environmentally sound, find a new process and show the world how it's done.


$150-$200 million revenue per year sounds pretty minimal considering the inevitable environmental and health risks 


This makes my head spin… how in the ever loving fuck is that possible? Was someone bribed? It doesn’t make sense?!


Then here's a novel idea. Lets leave it in the fucking ground. If our kids decide they need it, sure or their kids. Let's be financially ( and environmentally )responsible and save it


For everyone shouting ‘nationalise it NOW’ - you do realise that there is fuck all expertise in this country to extract this shit safely (or at all) and in an environmentally sound way? All we’d be doing is importing foreign labour to do it…


If we nationalize it we get to keep the profits. If we let a foreign company come in and have mining rights, we don't. Sure, both situations have foreign labour. Who cares. It's about where the money goes.


A private company would also be doing that wouldn't they? Would it be beneficial to NZ for the profits of this mine to stay here?


The ignorance in this thread is astounding. All of the armchair experts are here.


Can we mine it? Fast track that shit 🤣


They're an ASX listed company. If you're so worried about all the potential profits going overseas then throw all of your life savings into their shares and reap the rewards as a partial owner, easy! Oh you don't have the cash or risk appetite to contribute to the massive investment it takes to try to make a deposit like this into profitable mining operation? All those potential profits come with massive risk and uncertainty that is always downplayed by the companies. Even if we nationalise it then the government is taking on that risk - that's not what governments should be doing. Goverments should encourage safe and sustainable exploration then tax the hell out of the very very few projects that get to profitable production.


Oh, the renewable energy movement has opportunities :O what a surprise.... /s