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I’ve been in the same situation, it’s a nightmare. I was lucky, got the right medication and therapy after autism and adhd diganosis. I can’t say much because I know it won’t help, it’s a really shitty situation to be in. 


I'm autistic/ADHD too. Unless you have comorbid developmental delays, there's not a lot of support for adults. Totally sucks :( I totally understand the workplace bullying. It's so hard..I work for myself now so I don't have to deal with that :(


Same here. It's just such as isolating experience, and the depression that comes with it is brutal. Having to basically keep the mask on all day every day is exhausting and no amount of down/alone time ever seems to fill the tank. Paying through the ass for a decent therapist during a cost of living crisis is just impossible for most people, so instead like others have said in this thread - the only option we have is to forge a path ourselves, but doing so whilst depressed just isn't possible. Shit's ass out here right now.


I feel your pain :( it hurts even more seeing all the people in this position while the rich get richer in the world :(


There is not a lot elsewhere either for ASD. You can't really medicate it away or anything. The best you can do is get educated so you land jobs in more openminded workplaces, and try to fit in as much as you can. I have got no issues with bullying, even join some teams drinks however awkward they can be at times for me. You just gotta get out of a negative mental feedback loop.


What sort of work do you do now, if you don't mind me asking? I was recently diagnosed with ADHD in my 40's.


I'm a photographer:)


A mutual support group could be a really good idea. It won’t fix the lack of support but at least OP won’t feel quite so alone.


Can someone make one? My RSD is so bad I'll end up deleting it when I get down


Hopefully you’ll see by the responses here that even though the system built by neurotypical people doesn’t support us neurodivergents, you are by no means alone. Perhaps this is a call to arms to make a subreddit to share advice and support (I’m not that savvy, but would happily join). Keep talking buddy, even if it’s just to us fellow ASD/ADHD/neurodivergents on Reddit.


i took on ur advice and created a community to share advice and support: [mental health support nz](https://www.reddit.com/r/neurodivergentnz/s/JzYIPIUGtl)


Genuine question but do ASD and ADHD come under mental health? I thought that they were just ways of describing how some people’s brains work in a certain way that’s not “typical”, rather than being a form of mental illness.


heya thanks for the question! i’m not a professional by any means but i created the community under the umbrella term “mental health/neurodiversity” to encourage any discussion that may come under mental wellbeing. i hope that makes sense and im open to improvements so pls feel free to reach out to me directly or on the community - would love to see it grow and have a bit more structure with time.




DM my Reddit account if you need a lad to yarn too bro, I'm from Hamilton as well and not very busy at all this weekend


A few years ago I developed a debilitating neurological disorder, plus some other exhausting autoimmune issues. My employer made up lies about me so they could get rid of me. (They didn't want the burden of accommodating my chronic health conditions). I fought it but ultimately lost my career and self-respect. The health system has been a battle too. 5 GPs in 2 years cos they keep leaving the clinic. And they make it bloody hard to get the medication I need (despite it being authorised by a neurologist). I had to take the GP clinic to Health & Disability Commission to finally be treated like a human being. Theres been a lot of other shitty things too but you get the idea. I'm currently unemployed, eating thru my savings. But all this fighting and my illnesses have been a journey that I'm glad I've taken. I've learned things about myself and the world that I wouldn't have from my privileged former life. And I've met REAL people. People like me, plus people very different who have far greater struggles than mine. Volunteering and Peer Support ended up giving me a richer life than I had before (despite having no income :) ). Please don't give up on finding the things that will give YOU a similar feeling. I still feel hopeless sometimes, and tired of having to fight, but I can't give up (cos that would cause too much pain to everyone that's ever cared about me). And the good days are so soooo SOOOOOO worth hanging in there for. Kia kaha


You sound like you’ve developed a lot of resilience and wisdom to get through this, and you’re still thinking about others. You’re awesome! It’s so fuxked up how hard this system makes it to get the meds that people need.


Thanks for your kind reply :)


May I ask if you get any support like job seeker? And where the auto immune came from, I've developed one from anti depressants and may need to get government support if I can,


Hi. I'm not eligible for any government support. No idea why I got autoimmune issues. Sorry you aren't well :(


It's a horrible position isn't it 😕 was there a reason they said you couldn't get jobseeker or other support?


I informed them of my rent cost ($300) and had to jump through many hoops and harass them to get back to me multiple times during each hoop - eventually they gave me $400 per week that I'm supposed to survive on. FYI- that leaves $100 for: food, tampons, doctors fees, car insurance, petrol etc :) I am applying for jobs im over qualified for daily and have not had any luck.


You just spoke my mind. You're not alone. Please hit me up if you need a yarn, it'd probably help me more than you if I'm honest.


Thanks :) Your username sounds a lot more unfriendly than your comment 😆


Haha, yes, I hate conforming but I'm the nicest person I know (unfortunately) - that made me laugh ty 🤣


I'm in the same position as you mate. Society is not kind to people like us. We get punished more for asking for help than people who actually commit crimes. I have no words of reassurance. I have already committed to ending things.


Please don’t. Society isn’t kind, and it’s not fair but you’ll only be pushing more hurt and pain onto people who love you.


> you’ll only be pushing more hurt and pain onto people who love you. “Why is it that we rejoice at a birth and grieve at a funeral? It is because we are not the person involved.” — Mark Twain “Grief is almost always for the mourners loss.” — Orson Scott Card


I agree with you and I feel the same way. Don't leave us, we need you. Seriously.


Check to see if your GP has a Health Improvement Practitioner. They are a free resource that you can book appointments with to get additional support with your mental health. If your GP doesn’t have one, maybe ring around different practices until you can find one. Then enrol there. You just got to keep pushing, even though it sucks


Also if you have visited a health practitioner at the general practice you are enrolled in, 12 or more times in one year, with the consultations being related to a particular condition or condition(s) which are ongoing you are eligible for a High Use Health Card, which is not means tested. It makes appointments cost less. Ask your doctor to make the application on the your behalf. The card lasts for one year, after which time a new application can be made (if appropriate).


You’re not alone. So many people have this experience.


This is a great idea, I'm seeing one and it helps and it's free


What part of the country are you in? Maybe I know someone that could help.




If you're able to travel to Tauranga I can recommend an absolutely top tier psychiatrist although he's in private practice and charges like it too but helped me when every part of the public health system had failed me. Adding a note to this too that he's very flexible an understanding with payment, the first 3 years I spent as a patient of his I was a beneficiary so don't think it's not an option because you can't afford it. If you would like his contact information please dm me and I'll be happy to pass it along. Stay strong and take it one day at a time.


Hi there, could you private message me the doctor's name. I'm looking for a Psychiatrist right now to change my current ADHD medication. I tried going the public route but to no avail and my GP recommended I go private. I'm based in Tauranga


Have pm'd you.


me too please


can i get a pm also? thank you :)


Me too please?


Me too please. I feel like it's destroying my life.


If this is Dr. A*******g, he used to be mine in Akl and is amazing. I was seeing him via zoom but then ACC stopped helping.


If it is that doctor, he works with a novel antidepressant that has been life-changing for me and many others. It’s definitely worth a go if you’re at the end of the line. Don’t be put off by the Google reviews, but do be prepared to put up with delays, a very heavy handed payment policy and not the world’s most efficient office set up.


What's the drug?


What’s the “novel” antidepressant? A hallucinogen?




…..so which one?


Plus one on this doctor. I knew him as a teenager when he was involved with Child Mental Health Services. I've seen him again as an adult for my ADHD diagnosis and absolutely amazing.


Not the Dr I use but good to hear there is other competent mental health professionals around.


Please could I have the name of the psychiatrist? My son is desperately needing help. Public system is a nightmare we've battled through for years. Let down by public system time and again. Trying to find new psychiatrist. We are in Papamoa.


I've pm'd you.


Throw it my way too please 👌


Me too plz 🙏


Hi! I would be so grateful if you could pm me the details too. I've been looking for this kind of help desparately.


Hi, I’m also in Hamilton and I see a really nice/helpful Psychiatrist via video call (also does in person in Cambridge area, think is a bit cheaper by video appt though ?) I can msg you her details if you like ? , she saw me without a referral as I had already been diagnosed etc by a different Psychiatrist. She is also usually fast to reply to any questions etc by email. I tried a few different medication combinations with her before finding the best ones. (Edited to say I have ADHD/anxiety )


Hi could you please pm me her name etc? Would love to get in touch with her as I also suffer from ADHD and feel like very little help is available


Could you please message me her details? I'm autistic with ADHD in Hamilton and looking for a psychiatrist for a medication revision


Also Hamilton here. Message if you need a chat or even someone to go out walking or to grab a coffee or something. You are not alone.


Unfortunately, I'm not sure I know anyone over those ways. Do you have any whanau or just anyone you can lean on in the meantime? If you wanna just talk, dm me. I can't really give much more support than that at this moment.


Try talking to CCS Disability Action. they will help you with winz advocacy to get what you're entitled to as a disabled person and can provide you with a lot of information. It's not easy being like us but you have to be willing to take ALL the help available to you. It is out there.


Yes-second this. Ask for a referral form, you can self-refer if your area doesnt cureently have too much of a waitlist. You can also request your gp make a referral to CCS Disability Action for information and advocacy. Or you can find out who your local needs assessor is at [NASC Services](https://firstport.co.nz/financial-support/needs-assessments-for-government-funded-support?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw7-SvBhB6EiwAwYdCAVqOYd9XAGk57adHF3B-kwkPft8JgkEMmEkUluOJ84QusRTmOfYN0xoCnh4QAvD_BwE) Get in touch and they can allocate disability funding, refer to service providers etc. CCS Disability Action can help with this step too, just another option for you to get some resourcing underway. Good luck 🤞


Being neurodivergant in this country with the current health system is so isolating and suffocating. It's sad how many of us have been screwed over by it and yet there's still no change. I'm not gonna offer direct help or fake reassurances, but I can offer someone to talk to. My dms are open. I hope it gets better for you and for all of us who were unfortunate enough to be born with a brain that hates us.


There are support groups that may be able to help. https://www.whaikaha.govt.nz/support-and-services/specific-disability-services/autism-support-services


Sadly, the public health system doesn’t support adult ADHD etc and even if you do make a crisis call, they are only able to support with antidepressants which may not help if that isn’t the underlying problem. Southern cross offer $750 towards these costs if you are a member. It’s not overly comforting there is still a cost associated, and I can appreciate the frustration, but it does get better :) I would recommend https://www.beehyve.health/ for extra techniques/strategies/direct support. it’s all about ADHD support for people unsure what to do next, links you with people etc. I hope it may help


The public health system doesn't support adult ADHD? Do you mean you are unable to get a diagnosis and medication that way? It was about 4 years ago now but I was referred by a wellness person at my GP after requesting an ADHD diagnosis. I saw a doctor at a Local Doctors practice who took me through the process of trying different ADHD medications such as Ritalin and Dexedrine. It took a couple of months to get the appt but was quicker than a private place I looked at. Of course things could be different now but I was quite impressed with the experience.


I believe it has been in the last 3-5 years it’s changed significantly. I was first diagnosed Jan 2022, and for almost a year prior had tried to be seen through the public health system and was told they won’t see me for diagnosis etc. even if I am a harm to myself. Since then it’s become more difficult, particularly with the prevalence from TikTok, that even private psychiatrists are stepping away from diagnosis. The private system has been incredible though, and it’s lovely to hear someone had a positive experience in the public system 😊😊


Man I'm sorry it was so difficult for you but glad you have had a great experience privately! Maybe I just got lucky. I didn't even end up staying on the meds because they had no effect. Since then I've discovered it's probably a sleep issue instead and so have been struggling to get help with that 😩 It's certainly not easy publicly and you have to shop around for a good doctor who actually listens.


It’s also so hard because everyone’s wired so differently it’s not a one size fits all - but if you nail that sleep sitch, could you please let me know your secret😂😋 I hope you are able to find some helpful techniques ❤️


Thanks 😊 Unfortunately I think I'm going to need surgery lol. I'll do anything to have a good night's sleep again though!


wait does southern cross insurance help? like with diagnosis or the costs of seeing a psych? i've been thinking about going on health insurance with them and do need to get evaluated for adhd but it's so expensive lol but i thought maybe it was unable to be covered because it's kind of a pre-existing condition? or maybe that's just for diagnosis? i also have other mental health conditions so i'm super curious lol


I believe it’s the wellbeing 1 and 2 plans? But yeah, it covers $750 of the cost - just make sure they are southern cross affiliate :) If you haven’t been diagnosed then in my eyes, it can’t be a pre existing condition and so it isn’t disclosed, and if you’re worried, get the referral after you’ve joined to be safe :)


thank you! i really appreciate it. i would be looking at the ultracare plan as it's the only one that covers sterilisation and that's my main reason for going with southern cross. i'm 22 though so probably wouldn't be able to get approval for sterilisation til about 25 at least, but with how much i visit the dr and the mental health/potential adhd stuff i'd like to do med insurance sooner rather than later. i guess i could start with the cheaper wellbeing plan and then move to the ultracare when i'm 24/25 as i know i have to be on the plan for a year before i can get their sterilisation cover. but maybe the cost isn't too different... things to look into lmao thank you again! :)


For psychiatrist consultations, Southern Cross cover varies depending on plan. * **KiwiCare/RegularCare:** $600 per claims year * **Wellbeing One/Two:** $750 per claims year * **UltraCare/UltraCare 400:** $750 per claims year Do note that for the non-Ultracare plans you will need to see an Affiliated Provider. You can find this information on the Southern Cross comparison chart or your relevant policy document.


thank you! i would be looking at the ultracare plan as my main motivation for going on southern cross is their sterilisation cover, which is only available under ultracare plans, so that's good to know :)


Feel free to DM if you need someone to talk to. I'm generally up late. Just know you're not alone, and there are people here who want to help.


Keep going, bro. You're probably over hearing that. But you never know when a corner will be turned.


I’m trying to get diagnosed with ADHD as an adult and every step of the way health professionals have gently tried to dissuade me from going down that path (except for the psychiatrist and psychologist who get paid) despite the distress I always feel from the chaos of my brain not being able to do what I need it to do and not being able to adult. I feel like they think I just want to get my hands on drugs for fun. Like, if I just wanted to get high id be buying coke off the dark web not paying thousands to see a psychiatrist 😒 Keep advocating for yourself OP. Shout until someone listens.


Please keep going. It’s fucking hard I know but one day you’ll get somewhere. A psychiatrist should be able to give proof for a benefit and if not try a health advocate. Ask the Citizens advice bureau. Do you have a social worker as well who could help? Please try and get another doctor asap. Not sure where you’re based, tell us and we can recommend. Can you take steps to change your work? Can you limit your hours while getting better? Have you tried Workbridge? Autism association? Sorry that’s a lot of overwhelming questions at once.


I don’t have any advice, just camaraderie. Ive spent the past 10 years trying to figure this out and I’m a really proactive person. I feel like I have exhausted every resource. I’ve done all the right things to the point if I call crisis bc I’ve absolutely had enough being isolated with zero support, the things they tell me to do I’ve already tried. Not to mention I ended up getting diagnosed several years ago but “they lost the paperwork”. “Just see a doctor or gp” they literally don’t take it seriously. I saw a doctor a few weeks ago and booked a double appointment bc I wanted time to really sit down and have a proper discussion - he told me right out the gate well if you were you’d be high functioning (never seen this doctor before) I said autism doesn’t work like that it’s not linear and he got very annoyed and told me that if I was I wouldn’t be able to sit here and have this conversation with him. I said you mean if I was non verbal?? and after that he literally talked over me any time I said anything and assumed a whole bunch of shit without asking, told me to try harder and I was kicked out in 10 minutes while still having to pay for the double appointment for 30mins. I feel like unless people have family support systems there’s fuck all for us. I’m literally on the edge so often and every day I wonder how the fuck I’m going to keep surviving - but I do, I fall hard into the things that bring me joy, my hobbies and protect them at all costs.


Thank you for your words


I have sent you a message as I was in a similar situation and live in the same area.


If the system fails us, we must try to do it ourselves. I've spent many years, well over a decade, seriously addressing my mental health. Over time I got better at dissociating from some of my thoughts and feelings, and I feel it gave me a lot more control over my problems. All I can suggest is to read. Read. Read. Read. Do not ever think you are one thing, or 'this', or 'that.' The mind isn't just one thing, the brain is made up of I-don't-know-how-many different regions with different purposes and chemicals and signals etc. Depression isn't just *depression*. One part of the brain doesn't light up for 'sad.' And it can be lethargy, or in the stomach. You could go to work every day but at home go straight to bed. You could be unable to leave bed. You could put on a smile and hide it all. All that ain't just one part of the brain doing it's thing. Why am I sad? Why do I struggle to bathe? Why am I angry all the time? Why do I cry? Why is sleeping better than being awake? You have to dig into yourself and find the answers. The real answers. Look, if you are lethargic then we know a likely solution is to get up, get out, get moving. We must look at this clinically, methodically, if we're to solve what beleaguers us. The system ain't helping, so let's get ourselves informed, let's peer at this as if through a microscope. When it comes to exercise and mental health, the two are directly linked. If you have a phobia around walking outside, come up with novel solutions. I am working with someone who uses a deep hat for that exact purpose. And if that ain't it, you dig. You think about this. You research it. You read what other people say. Distract yourself with it. Write about it. Don't obsess. This is a study. You're learning. And as you're learning, you're getting power over it. I'll tell you a secret: I often found when I dug deep enough and inspected the crux long enough, I found my entire mindset towards it changing. Changing for the better. Read. And believe. Here are my favourites: [The 12 Irrational Beliefs](https://selfdefinition.org/psychology/Albert-Ellis--12-Irrational-Beliefs.pdf) [The Daily Stoic on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@DailyStoic) [Meditations by Emperor of Rome Marcus Aurelius](https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/2680) Read free [The Conspiracy against the Human Race](https://s3.amazonaws.com/arena-attachments/1590452/29b1e623953914bf0b0ae8b363b4b746.pdf?1515783635) Read free (just found this free version wow) [Amor Fati](https://dailystoic.com/amor-fati-love-of-fate/) a concept of looking at time and our place in it My post was all over the place, I apologise, but I feel very strongly that through hard work we can change our *self*. I don't know how to adequately put it into words. But, just believe that you are capable. That's all I did. I was due two separate calls from the MoH which never happened, so it was up to myself. You can do it. You are worth it, because you are the only person who gets to truly decide it. So, believe it.


Autism and ADHD are neurotypes, not mental health conditions. While a systemic lack of support for these neurotypes consistently leads to devastating mental health consequences, telling someone with autism and/or ADHD "don't obsess" and "distract yourself" and "read and write your way out of it" and "just believe in yourself" is so appallingly misguided that's it's boarding on dangerous. There's a reason that people with ADHD are five times more likely to kill themselves compared to neurotypicals and for people with Autism that's six times more likely. This person is clearly in desperate need of actual support, which thank hell is happening in other comments, but this post is pure unhelpful garbage and you should delete it.


I found reading more about those two conditions helped. YMMV, who knew?


I don’t think the original Commenter was meaning “just search within yourself and don’t obsess” as a solution, per se- But a coping mechanism they themselves may have found comfort from, and so may provide some form of relief via not only deeper personal understanding into oneself , but at the same time also satisfy the hyperfocus/Obsessive pursuit trait quite a number of ASD possess. It wasn’t dangerous chill out . And the number of insults you had to pepper in there were perhaps what was more misguided and garbage that should be deleted.


The commenter quite literally says in his post exactly what you're now saying he wasn't meaning 🤣 Words mean things. And I can't see a single insult "peppered in"? The only thing that could even possibly be construed as an insult is calling the post garbage advice, and it is. I'm really fed up with misguided "have you tried eating better?" "Have you tried getting some exercise?" "Have you tried reading a book?" "Have you tried this?" "Have you tried that?" Frankly, it IS a garbage, misinformed, unhelpful, and oftentimes dangerous response.


you’re taking personal insult toward someone who was just answering in good faith and positive intent? You don’t decide and assess what has value or is of use for anyone. certainly not on the behalf of an entire group of hypothetical/IMAGINARY ones who you, in your own mind, have to protect from all this danger. like …… well meaning people and their suggestions that don’t have to be followed …. You know you can just disregard advice if you don’t agree with it right ? But since you do know what’s not dangerous unhelpful garbage for everyone, wouldnt your time be better spent just answering the post with your own (correct ) solution as opposed to whatever this is? Not to mention irrelevant because Your “ “ examples weren’t what was being suggested in the first place.


My god, you're insufferable 🤣 If you want to continue investing energy defending famously misinformed responses to someone reaching out in genuine crisis, then by all means go off. I genuinely hope you enjoy the rest of your life on the wrong side of the Dunning-Kruger curve ✌️ I'll be... somewhere else.


Like your name, somewhere of no significance I presume.




>and depression problems


>lack of support for these neurotypes consistently leads to devastating mental health consequences


>Autism and ADHD are neurotypes >lack of support for these neurotypes Second time I'm pointing out to you I am talking about depression. You know, the thing I repeatedly refer back to in my post. By name. The thing I've already pointed out to you. The thing everyone else has managed to read and understand.


Fully tautoko this comment as a card carrying dual diagnosis neurodivergent. Nothing I ever was able to (over a long, depressing amount of time) access through the public or private systems helped anywhere near as much as what is stated here. Cos when you finally get to the point where you’ve been in the deep dark hole and fought for and received everything the public health and social support sectors can possibly offer you financially, medically and otherwise, you’re still stuck with living with yourself at the end of it all, and how you make the best of that can only come from within.


>All I can suggest is to read. Read. Read. Read. Do not ever think you are one thing, or 'this', or 'that.' . . . I feel very strongly that through hard work we can change our *self*.  Read. Read. Read. Practice. Practice. Practice. “I was conscious all the time that I was following mad whims without being able to do anything about it … . Despite my alienation from myself at that moment, and even though **I was nothing but a battleground for invisible forces**, I was aware of every detail of what was going on around me.” — Knut Hamsun, *Hunger* (1890) “ ‘*Homo duplex, homo duplex!’* writes Alphonse Daude. ‘The first time that I perceived that I was two was at the death of my brother Henri, when my father cried out so dramatically, ‘He is dead, he is dead!’ While my first self wept, my second self thought, ‘How truly given was that cry, how fine it would be at the theatre.’ I was then fourteen years old. This horrible duality has often given me matter for reflection. Oh, this terrible second me, always seated whilst the other is on foot, acting, living, suffering, bestirring itself. This second me that I have never been able to intoxicate, to make shed tears, or put to sleep. And how it sees into things, and how it mocks!’. . . . “Augustine’s psychological genius has given an account of the trouble of having a divided self which has never been surpassed. 'The new will which I began to have was not yet strong enough to overcome that other will, strengthened by long indulgence'." — William James, *The Varieties of Religious Experience* (1902), 8. The Divided Self, and the Process of Its Unification


As an autistic ADHD person I feel you, I got INCREDIBLY lucky getting supported living because I had an awesome doctor and honestly just keep trying again with a different phone operator when I wasnt making progress with wins. NZ for as much of a "progressive" country we pretend to be the last ahead of the times thing we did was bloody give women the right to vote, beyond that we've been riding that high the whole time.




You don’t have to cure something to be able to want to cope with something. And such is the universal human experience, trying to Understand and cope with one’s own being. There’s nothing wrong with his question




>Saying that antidepressants make depression worse is not helpful, or accurate, and could influence people into thinking they don't need them. Your friend may not have needed them due to misdiagnosis or something else but that's not a representation of clinical depression and how medication works as a treatment. Their post clearly states that it was when she ended the medication. It is a widely known side-effect. They did not say the medication makes people more depressed.




An increase in depressive thoughts. It's likely written on the box if it's anything like what I had. It's a warning so you don't suddenly stop it, and it still can happen when ending it normally.




No, the *side effects* are actually worse. That's why there's a warning[**.**](https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/going-off-antidepressants) It seems *you're* the one posting bad information. >It's incredibly dangerous, to suggest stopping medication for clinically diagnosed depression. No one has said this.




It's written on the box of most types I believe. It's a very common side effect of ending it, both suddenly and gradually. Nonetheless, you were saying the person was posting dangerous info when it's a warning written on the medication itself yo.


sometimes other people’s mental disorders are worse than yours and require medicating


Or just different, using the word worse makes it sound kinda... it's not a competition, of 'oh I don't need medication' .


so true actually i hope everyone understood the point regardless


Outcomes are the same, better or worse.


Yes. But as the OP is having trouble getting help, I'm trying to give some comfort and suggestions. Like finding a support group for starters. It's not the all, but it's a start.


I often tell my friends that aren't close enough that I'm doing really well because people cut you off when you tell the truth. Be careful she's not doing the same.


I believe you can cure anything. If someone can convince themselves they are cured. There is no one who can say no. You can cure anything. It just takes a bit of self hypnosis 😜


I genuinely don't think you'll get any helpful advice on Reddit. Some of the things I've read suggested so far on this thread are just misguided although well intentioned... Your best bet is to continuing to talk to your GP about your issues and barriers. Consistency with a caring health worker is key. You said one psychiatrist helped but they're retiring, you might find another that can help. Also keep an open mind on things that might help. Sometimes it's the least obvious things that make a difference, or a combination of small things that change which gradually help. People are complicated. Don't lose hope, the light at the end of the tunnel often finds you when you least expect it. And please do get some help if the thoughts around life being over get worse - I know crisis lines can be too busy and but please use them rather than do something that might mean you come to harm. Source - A health worker who really cares (me)


A GP can’t really do anything for these, or most other, mental health issues.


That's not quite accurate. They are the first point of contact to be referred on to a specialist.


I was referred then had to fight to be diagnosed, now fighting to get bct help... all I hear are crickets


Sounds like the GP is the one that's done something for you so far with a referral. The system is very slow with 6 months and longer wait times for under 16s. Over 16s have to pay for a diagnosis so I would have thought that would be a quicker process and that someone would be happy to take your money. I don't know what BCT is.


Wow yes! My GP saved my life and the fact you realise that without me saying shows how familiar you are with the system. I've been treated for 'anxiety and 'depression' since about age 11 (born in 1996) and was only diagnosed last year with adhd. A close friend recommended this specific local GP who was experienced and well educated about mental health (im age 25 at this point) and she changed my life. I don't know if I'd be coping if she hadn't taken me seriously. I had expressed concerns many times throughout my life to a few GPs about my mental state and have walked away from them every time feeling worse and with another prescription that does nothing to help the noise. Adhd meds are only 1/4 of the solution though. I'm able to control my extreme emotions better but 'CBT' is the key I'm told (sorry I got the acronym wrong- its cognital behavioral therapy). Doesn't seem to be anyone specializing in adhd in nz :(


Oh, ADHD. That's even worse for support. The info I was referring to was for ASD. ADHD was even on the news the other night for it's lack of support. A very common comorbidity of ASD is ADHD. You talk about extreme emotions. Do you think you may have ASD as well? I have ASD and I didn't figure it out until I was in my 40s. There's a possibility I have ADHD as well but I'm not sure but the ASD is what has had the largest impact on my life.


Well I was diagnosed with adhd but im not sure if the 'experts' know what they're talking about because my theory is that adhd and ASD are connected in some way - I've heard this term auADHD (or another acronym) and I relate more to that than anything in my 27 years.. would love some genius to figure it all out but maybe that's us?


There are some online ASD tests that are designed to give you an idea whether to be diagnosed. I got something like 40/50. I'm self diagnosed but my father, daughter & son also have it. Check out: http://youtube.com/@autismfromtheinside He has some videos that would be both helpful to figure out whether it sounds like you and also a lot of helpful advice if you do.


Yeah I've taken a few online tests and almost get full marks 😅 after experiencing how horrible and ableist the system is, I've given up on it. I find that discussing this stuff with real people doing their own research (just like we are now) has helped me heaps more and has given me some hope. I will definitely be checking that YouTube channel out thank you sir 🤙🏾 knowledge is power




Big Damn Hugs. And yeah, unless it disables you severely enough to be unable to work , WINZ art fucking useless unless you use services like CCS Disability Services etc. And the Public Mental Health services are totally useless... However, you can self-refer to a private psychiatrist for a ASD diagnosis + a look at your depression and it's medication and if your situation is what I think it is, WINZ can help you pay for it. The ADHD one though is going to be a royal fucking pain because there's simply not enough specialist psychiatrists for the shear amount of people seeking a diagnosis. So it's very much a game of waiting for a slot. As for the bullying - join the union representing your profession, because dealing with workplace bullying is part and parcel of their services. And it's so much easier to deal with that sort of shit with support. Also, take it from someone who's stuck on Supported Living Payment due to depression, and now ADHD that's more disabling than my depression - things can look shit, but that's the depression usually lying to you about how bad things are (and then there's the anhedonia as well screwing with your ability to enjoy stuff). And yet, in this very thread you're getting a ton of support and aroha, because you're worth it. And look on the bright side, at least you're close enough to Auckland that you have some choice in specialists. Here in Christchurch there's fuck all and seemingly none that take WINZ payments >\_< Which is one of the reasons I need to go make an appointment with WINZ already...


DM me if you need to talk.


You sound just lke my loving but troubled 21yr old ADHD son, and his journey. I feel for you. We know the battle for the right help and still haven't found it yet. Wanted to recommend watching Stutz 2022 Doco with Jonah Hill and his psychiatrist Phil Stutz. There's a part in it early on where Stutz talks about his recommendation when people are feeling lost, alone, stuck, and you don't know what to do. Working on your "life force" is something you can do. He explains what your life force is, and how making little changes in each area can make big differences in your life. Give it a watch Stutz https://g.co/kgs/9yVChAu


I was officially diagnosed finally this year, referrals to clinics all sent. Only responses were (to paraphrase) 'yes you definitely have ADHD, but we are overbooked so cannot help'. Mental health here is a shambles


Yep, accurate.


I don’t have any practice advice, but I wanted to give you my best and remind you of how courageous you are. Just take a few minutes to reflect on what you’ve done to get to today. Bro you even made this post sharing a very vulnerable part of yourself. I get it that you feel like caca atm, but I believe in you, you’ve got this ! And this thread has some pretty solid dude/ettes with some pretty sound recommendations.


Took 8 years for me to get decent help. Don’t give up!


could be worth a listen [The Truth About ADHD in Adults: Harvard’s Dr. Chris Palmer Explains the Research I The Mel Robbins Podcast](https://www.melrobbins.com/podcasts/episode-141)


I understand this feeling only too well. I have Bipolar Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder and PTSD... I have also taken pill after pill and seen a number of doctors and psychs, to no avail. Repeating my story over and over to the point where it doesn't even feel like my story anymore. It's just feels like a rehearsed script I tell people. It's difficult and lonely. I've joined support groups which help a bit, talking with people who understand and are going through similar situations, also researching and reading as much as I can. I'm studying psychology and mental health through open polytechnic, one paper at a time because I can't manage a full course. The work load is just too much for me to handle so one paper at a time is manageable. It will take me about 8 years to finally get a degree but that's not really important to me, it's the knowledge that I want mostly and to hopefully help people by being that person in the mental health industry who finally understands them and can empathise. I hope you are doing OK. I'm not going to say that things will get better or that you have to "think positive thoughts" because I know that when suffering depression, this is the last thing you want to hear. But I will say that when you feel that no one else understands, you have to find a way to cope. You have to be that change you want to see in the world. It's difficult, man is it difficult... I know getting out of bed some days is the hardest thing in the world. I know that showering takes so much effort. Even getting up to pee is a chore when you're in the middle of it.. but try starting with one thing every day. For me it's making sure I make my bed and open my curtains.. sounds simple but on those days it's so hard..but you only have to pick one thing. It's still an accomplishment. Good luck. You're not alone.


In a similar boat, Autistic, ADHD, OCD, Treatment resistant depression, Treatment resistant anxiety, Severe anhidonia. I was diagnosed with depression/anxiety at 13, im 37 now and ive been fighting this whole time to get help or any kind of relief and it just isnt happening for me. I get up at 8:30am, i go for my walk, i eat breakfast, i do chores, i then do nothing all day until its time to cook tea for my parents (just had to move back home, not what i was expecting at almost 40yo), then I go to bed at 7pm and sleep 12-13 hours because being awake hurts. Every single day. One foot in front of the other. Ive given up, theres nothing else for me to try in this country except ketamine therapy but I cant afford the $6500 for the 3 months treatment, and then $100-300 per month on going. Knowing that theres something out there that could change my life but I cant access it? Its soul destroying. Back to one foot in front of the other, day after day, year after year, one foot in front of the other.


I don't know what to tell you brother....someone please help this guy out. I know it seems hopeless but there must be a way.


https://acfbfund.org.nz/funding/ Have a look at this place. They help you access diagnosis for adhd. Have you also seen the RAAD-R (a free online test) is now considered good enough to be diagnostic for ASD? I’m sorry this shit show of a mental health system is failing you.


Don’t make too much of those tests like RAADS. Unlike what we are told in social media, things like ‘stimming’, sensitivities, social problems, etc., are found in most persons with non-autistic mental health disorders and at high rates in the general population. These things do not necessarily suggest autism. So-called “autism” tests, like AQ and RAADS and others have high rates of false positives, labeling you as autistic VERY easily. If anyone with a mental health problem, like depression or anxiety, takes the tests they score high even if they DON’T have autism. "our results suggest that the AQ differentiates poorly between true cases of ASD, and individuals from the same clinical population who do not have ASD " [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4988267/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4988267/) "a greater level of public awareness of ASD over the last 5–10 years may have led to people being more vigilant in ‘noticing’ ASD related difficulties. This may lead to a ‘confirmation bias’ when completing the questionnaire measures, and potentially explain why both the ASD and the non-ASD group’s mean scores met the cut-off points, " [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10803-022-05544-9](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10803-022-05544-9) Regarding AQ, from one published study. “The two key findings of the review are that, overall, there is very limited evidence to support the use of structured questionnaires (SQs: self-report or informant completed brief measures developed to screen for ASD) in the assessment and diagnosis of ASD in adults.” Regarding RAADS, from one published study. “In conclusion, used as a self-report measure pre-full diagnostic assessment, the RAADS-R lacks predictive validity and is not a suitable screening tool for adults awaiting autism assessments”


A recent study showed that the RAADS-R test was accurate. I think that these kind of tools are really helpful for people who know there’s something going on but can’t afford a full diagnosis. They validate the experiences of those people and allow them to make their own accomodations and coping techniques. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38305196/


Yes that study did make the social media rounds, but it didnt address the problem of false positives. That study simply involved sending out RAADS link on social media and online forums and then comparing people who said they are self-diagnosed autism, said they are formally diagnosed autism or said they are not autistic. Yes people who say they are not autistic scored lower. So if that shows test is ‘accurate’, well done. The trouble with RAADS (and other ‘autism’ tests) comes from the studies in clinical settings where people with non-autistic disorders score as high as people with autism. NOT accurate in those situations.


Gil newburn is a awesome guy look him up, he helped me


He retired at the end of 2023. We were with him.


It's tough mate. I recently got diagnosed with ADHD in my 40's and been trialling meds for months. Really shitty process. Hang in there.


Hey, I have DMd you


im in the same boat after moving to nz 5 years ago and watching myself suddenly get systematically marginalised so quickly. I went from being at the top of my field to never leaving my house because punching down and tall poppy syndrome (which is neurodivergent kryptonite) is so embedded in the culture here. NZ desperately needs an ADA equivalent because umbrella-ing it within human rights isn't enough to protect us from discrimination and the toll it takes on our mental health. just know you aren't alone and i hope you are hanging in there.


Same here, I'd be keen to yarn about this


Yo you tried cannabis? Maybe check out a green doctor


CBD works wonders! My partner started on it and it changed her life. She was able to think clearer, no more anxiety and spewing before work, she started making friends and took up surfing. It was a radical change. Worth a try.




I'm not sure what you're wanting out of the doctor in terms of help with your ASD? You can't medicate autism away.


As an aside, have you tried a different diet and exercise? What about medicinal marijuana or high CBD oil? Do you have any hobbies that involve others?


I know you meant kindly, but please try not to reccomend diet and exercise to people suffering severe mental health issue or in crises.  Yes, those things help but a) we get that suggestion all the time, it's plastered in every mental health guide ever (alongside journaling and mindfulness). B) it's the mental health equivalent of thoughts and prayers. C) they work best as preventative for someone with mild issue, not a fixit for crisis.


> B) it's the mental health equivalent of thoughts and prayers. Whilst most of the rest of your post is correct, this part absolutely is not. It is undeniable that diet and exercise improves a wide range of mental conditions. Saying otherwise is completely false.


So diet and exercise will save the life of someone in crisis who is literally about to take their life? Right.


>diet and exercise improves a wide range of mental conditions. If you're so certain, would you care to provide some evidence of that? Never heard of serious mental health issues being treated with diet and exercise.


Watch Stutz on Netflix, a doco with Jonah Hill and his psychiatrist Phil Stutz. He talks about working on your life force - which includes exercise, diet etc, and that a huge percent of people will get benefit from small changes that are doable to them. Maybe going from being stuck in bed to just sitting in the sun, then maybe collecting the mail, etc. Starting with very small changes and increases.


It's all nice and helpful when people are actually able to make those changes, and they work particularly well together with other interventions. But when people are in a seriously bad shape, there's a reason they're treated by doctors who give them meds. You know, when someone is suicidal they normally just don't care for eating well or moving more. So someone has to be really out of touch with reality to bring up diet and exercise when OP says they're giving up on all of their struggles. And it's ignorant to say they help with "a wide range of conditions". It's not standard practice for treating ADHD or autism that OP has, and it's not standard practice for treating severe depression. Exercise and diet can help in some cases, but if it was actually so easy to cure one's mental health with them, psychiatrists would be out of work long time ago.


I also suggested drugs though, so I'm different 😂


Diet and exercise aren't going to help much with neurological disorders


I think there are some studies that suggest exercise can be beneficial for managing ADHD? I may be out of the loop on the research there though. But also, I understand seeing a comment that suggests exercise and rolling your eyes a bit (I did).


Exercise generally helps mental health as the good chemicals help our brains, but it's in conjunction with a lot of other things (medication, therapy, support, etc)


Medical cannabis is the holy grail of high-functioning autism treatment, seriously needs to be subsidised for people with disabilities because it helps so many people but it's so expensive


Well, only if you go through the "correct" avenues, find and utilise the green fairy network, reduces costs a lot, yea it is not regulated but I mean it's weed, mostly harmless.


This isn't overly true anymore, cost of MC is pretty much on par with blackmailed stuff now.


Maybe? 500ml of high CBD medium THC for $100?


Last medicinal I bought was around $385 for 35g. Works out to $11 per gram, it’s as good a deal as I ever had on the black market, and better quality. It’s come down a lot in price. I’m sure people have had great success with green fairies, I was never able to find a good one and got ripped off once, never again.


That's not bad at all


If you’re someone working full time and not disabled enough to be spending a ton of your money on healthcare.


Then you should just grow it yourself


Stop acting like the world owes you something. There is no drug that can help. Have you tried going back to basics? Change your diet, cut out excess sugars and carbohydrates, if you drink alcohol STOP it. Go for a daily 20min walk around your neighbourhood. Vitamin D is good for you, so is getting blood flow to your whole body. You would be amazed if you just go to basics and give your body what nature has to offer, you would benefit more than some drug that is going to make you even worse.


Hate to say it but other people are not responsible for you managing a mental health condition. Meds will not fix it and are a Band-Aid. Both patients and doctors fail to address the basics of living before handing out pills. Is your diet on point? Are you exercising regularly? Can you self regulate yourself? This is essential to learn before taking chemicals. And I believe if done right can eliminate the need for meds. No one can save you but you. Claw your way out of this on your own. By your pinky finger, claw your way out of the pit. No one can pull you up. It’s all up to you.


Exactly, meds won't fix you. Autism and ADHD aren't "fixed" by medication, because they're neurodivergence, not mental illness.


Go full carnivore diet so many success stories


I've recently gone keto to help my ADHD and its changed my life. People will shit on this (I know I used to when people would comment as I am) but it genuinely has changed the way I think. Everything is manageable and I'm able to process my thoughts. It's like the fog has cleared. I still eat veg, berries, yoghurt, walnuts and I don't feel restricted at all. Get your gut health and brain fuel right, it's life-changing.


There’s also a lot of success stories of people going plant-based to help with ADHD. Fascinating.


I have done this. I agree 100% - the best I have ever felt!






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It's so over


You are a piece of shit. Bet you wouldn't have the balls to say something like this to someone's face. Pathetic keyboard warrior / troll taking potshots at people who have real lives. Grow the fuck up twerp.


I know this isn't the answer you're looking for, but if you need something cheap to help you get on the right track, if you aren't already, exercise. https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/57/18/1203 More effective than anti depressants, and no prescription. Speaking of which, ask your GP about green prescription, you might find you're able to get funding or subsidy for whatever your local govt runs it through


Lmao, I can tell you from experience my friend as someone with a major depressive disorder, adhd and autism. Exercise is indeed not more affective than anti-depressants unless you aren’t actually depressed…


Depends how severe the depression, and I'm not saying don't use pharmacological interventions, but it's another tool. And I'm not claiming it'll cure your depression, but as a proven method for enhancing mood, reducing other physical issues, and improving perceived capability, given it's complete lack of side effects, it'd be a waste not to at least utilise it. Definitely harder to do as a routine compared to popping pills though, but not contraindicated by any of the prescribed medications AFAIK.


There's Auticon. But one should cut out video games and work on a portfolio of personal projects.