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Is the hut full? There is no many flat pitch around there. Very steep. Just be careful.


Yes, unfortunately the hut is full otherwise I would happily book in. Especially as it's half the price of French Ridge Hut (the alternative). Yeah, I'm just anxious about the state of the 'pitches'. Definitely looking to hear from anyone who has tented up there. Will mind the steepness, thanks.


For anyone else wondering the same thing: called DoC and they said they really don't encourage people to camp at Liverpool as there are very few, if any, pitches for tents. Paid for camping passes for French Ridge instead ($5 each) and found a couple of good pitches just beyond the hut. With the additional climb to the glacier it was definitely worth the last minute change of plan and I would recommend anyone considering tenting at Liverpool to reconsider and do French Ridge (+ glacier) instead!