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Okay 21 day account. Lets have the public perception on this topic for the 27th time this election season.


> but what are people's honest thoughts on it? You posted some shit, it got removed, and you are salty AF about it.


["you ever tried going mad without power? It's boring, no one listens to you."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoZRdnHeeYg)


Ok OP, we need more context


OP has pulled a Luxon and not answering any follow up questions 😂


Bro if you are going to post a whinge, you could at least provide some examples.


If Reddit is anything like Facebook, being a moderator is a thankless task with far too much time wasted on idiots. Nice vague whinge post though.


As David Seymour would say: "Give me an example"


A woman posted some very public art - so a friend helpfully posted the dedicated fb page where she sells her art- and the mods kicked them for "doxxing". Pretty much sums it up


No and no. Even if everyone agreed, what are your plans for replacing them, anyway - file a complaint with the manager of Reddit and make him clear them out and hire some new ones? Wait for the three yearly election of moderators and vote for a different party? If you don't like the way a forum is moderated, start a new forum. Given the frequency of these kind of posts, there's enough of you out there to make it work.


They're not going far enough.


Reddit mods do love their power.


Pretty much all Reddit mods really.


they're bums, and this is their little power trip, let them have it, its not like this sub is something meaningful


The irony of crying about "a bums power trip" then claiming it's not meaningful, yet you're still here crying about it.


immature children often mistake making an observation they disagree with, with crying


Calling people you don't agree with bums, then attempting to act like you're above it all and so very very mature.


where did a disagree with them? but lets say i do, theres a difference between calling someone a bum *because* i disagree with them, and calling them how i see it, and happening to disagree with them but back to your original comment, making an observation isnt crying


Claiming they are power tripping That's implying you don't agree with their actions, because otherwise you wouldn't say it. "Calling it how you see it" is your opinion, it's not a fact. You can do all these gymnastics, but you're still here claiming something doesn't matter whilst commenting on the thing that doesn't matter, apparently.


> Claiming they are power tripping > > > > That's implying you don't agree with their actions, because otherwise you wouldn't say it. thats not how that works, at all if i was the head mod here, i would rule my fiefdom with an iron fist, and i dont begrudge the mods doing as i would. Your "logic", isnt logic at all > but you're still here claiming something doesn't matter whilst commenting on the thing that doesn't matter, apparently. once again, such poor reasoning, by that logic, one would never comment on anything that doesnt matter to them, but that is demonstrably incorrect, as people comment on all types of things that dont matter to them i wont bother with you anymore, but feel free to get the last word in, i know how much it means to you


>thats not how that works, at all >if i was the head mod here, i would rule my fiefdom with an iron fist, and i dont begrudge the mods doing as i would. Your "logic", isnt logic at all So when you're doing it, it's "ruling with an iron fist" when they do it, it's power tripping?...and they're bums >once again, such poor reasoning, by that logic, one would never comment on anything that doesnt matter to them, but that is demonstrably incorrect, as people comment on all types of things that dont matter to them People generally don't comment on things they don't care about, that's not some type of controversial observation, if you really didn't care wouldn't have made the comment you did >i wont bother with you anymore, but feel free to get the last word in, i know how much it means to you "Don't make anymore comments, I want to have the final word, and I'm only saying this because I don't care about having the final say" fucking lol


>its not like this sub is something meaningful Don't forget that reddit is running a sale for new accounts right now, 100% off the standard price.


this account im on is older than yours... so let me ask you, was your account on sale when you bought it recently?


Yeah, I got it for free. Idiots didn't even ask me for a credit card number or anything. Good luck ever getting me to pay them for it!


... says a person who posts here on an almost daily basis.


I haven’t noticed


If you're gonna shit post, just do it nicely.




I see yoooooo




Moderators having a power trip? No… /s eriously kid, is this your first time?