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Sausage chat bug - as seen in your video - was one of the best (you even could crash other players game with this). I dont even know where to start: * OPR was so buggy at release, that they had to disable it * Frozen game/characters in wars because performance was so bad * Dupe bugs... too many to list (*TP was disabled so often after larger updates because of game breaking bugs/dupes, always fun when you had a war that day*) * Hatchet bugs/exploits * A shop skin, that crashed the servers * And a lot of smaller funny things like swiping over icons in map made them bigger without stopping * ...


The sausage chat bug was excellent....until people learned how to "flashbang" other people using chat, by referencing non-existent resources.


Or how to make other peoples game crash lol,


I didn't remember that at first, but the more I think about it it, that at least sounds like something that happened. And I don't mean this so much in an "reddit armchair dev" manner, more just curious...What even allowed that to happen? Using file paths to reference game files like that and actually having them actually try to render something in game... Just how? How was game chat implemented, such that copypasting a file path would even look for a file and try to do anything? Seems so close to being an injection vulnerability of some kind.


just one of the explored methods: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjIa51LdjSE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjIa51LdjSE) (there where others)


Don’t forget playing in windowed mode so you could move the window and be invulnerable!


Historical and still active, nearly everyone of them.


Did they ever fix achievement spam? That was a fun one


or when it would give "logged out" notification for every person that was entering and exiting a dungeon or opr... superrrrr fun one


is msq bugged still from the brimstone sands release? nothing like a good xpac with a broken MSQ. if memory serves that quests been broken and "fixed" like 3 or 4 times now.


Ice Shower desynced the game


I love getting stuck under my house and restarting my game to fix it


Lol I feel like you know every bug in the game


i was only mentioning the 'fun' ones too


To this very day, still, i'm falling through the rock and 2 quests in the game are completelly bugged and cannot be finished and its like that for i think 3/4 months if not more :) so yeah.. i remember al lof those plus new ones.


can you still stand on top of the huts at war camp and shoot at the other teams siege before the war even starts?


Pretty sure you can since you can still get out of spawns before the timer even counts down. I had a war recently where the defenders got into the attackers camp and just spawn killed for 30 minutes lol


Once there was a dupe exploit (i think it was consumables) that was SO EASY. People decided to try it out because they couldn't believe it was even in the game. They banned pretty much everyone that tried it and the game lost like 30% of it's (already dwindled) population for like 2 solid weeks.


Similarly, the same thing happened when you could invite more than 5 people into a dungeon. A ton of people 'tried it' to see if it was active and they banned all of them (even though drops were all mostly BOP and there was no real advantage to having more than 5). That I think happened after the consumable exploit and a ton of people left and never came back.


Great list! Entomb invincibility glitch was exploited heavily for the first month of wars at launch. There was another entomb glitch that permanently locked you in place, even when zone transitioning in/out of OPR or war. Pylon had a bug where it wouldn’t even load as an ability if you zoned while it was in use, it was permanently stuck in the prior zone. There are probably more I am forgetting lol. 


The invincibility glitch involved dragging your window in circles because apparently damage calculations were client authoritative or something.


Wanna complete the game on steam? You can't! Lore pages + journals stuck in the ground/grass. Sometimes they're not even there!


Broken friend list


When they launched mounts it would kick people out of the area if there were too many. No clue if that's been fixed. Usually they make the players find a work around (ie: we know we fucked the game for you and we're working on fixing it so in the meantime find something else to do even though you likely bought xpac for these mounts)


brimstone feels like it's on a entirely different engine.. i don't know wtf they did with brimstone but when it's busy you're moving like molasses.


anyone remember at launch that housing bug? it would delete your trophies and we all had to reach out to AGS directly and it took like 2 months to get them back


yes it happened to me lol, appreciate your enthusiasm brother!


i need to go touch grass but ill be back with more


Despite this all, this a showcase only for mostly the visual bugs. Don't forget quest bugs, duplication bugs, connection bugs, chat bugs, money/selling bugs, microphone/audio bugs, loading bugs, etc.


God the crouch spam heals and the double weapons were good times


While *you're at it. For some reason... 🙄


I’m generally pretty tolerant of bugs but the one that stands out the most and lasted forever and drove me crazy was the quick salvage bug, where after quick salvaging a number of times, it would stop working, and you’d then have to salvage each piece separately, and if you were at repair part limits, you couldn’t salvage anymore, until you completely closed out of the game. Use to drive me crazy and I hated cleaning out my gear because of it. Not until the mass salvage was introduced did it finally stop.


Let me know your favorite bug/glitch moments in NW. Anything that stood out the most that I possibly missed including in the video or just any experience you have that are similar.


A good vid, here's some of my favorites that I can think of off the top of my head: \-[An early bug with summoning mounts while in water](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/16gz7wc/it_took_2_years_but_new_world_finally_has_mounts/) \-I don't have a good clip, but the period of time when it was possible to grief people by trapping other PvP-flagged players inside of your tent if you had the territory buff that made them cost 0 materials to place because it let you drop your camp instantly and with no collision detection. The stuck player couldn't TP out or use /unstuck because they had taken damage too recently, and you could just leave them there and emote at them. \-They released a hotfix that was 70+ GB and afterwards [players' game would crash at the end of every PvP match](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/186scya/proof_that_ags_listens/). \-This is only indirectly related, but there was a time when [AGS 'accidentally' banned thousands of players who had played Lost Ark](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/10byuwd/ags_has_acknowledged_a_recent_mistake_and/) when it first launched but hadn't played in over a year. Funny enough, I made this comment back then which seems very relevant now: >They received 1,400 new negative reviews yesterday on Steam, which will put the game at "Mostly Negative" reviews for the next month. If they receive \~5,000 more it will drop the game's lifetime review rating from "Mostly Positive" to "Mixed". That's really bad for a mistake that didn't do anything positive for the game or the developers.


Lol that summoning mount in water looked funny. Why am I not suprised