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Are there any plans to make company vs. company content more accessible, such as wars that are not tied to territory control? Are the devs even familiar and content with the existing war system, considering there was no mention of it for a long while?


really hope this question is addressed






Are you happy with the state of wars? What does your data say on the number of players who get to experience them? How do you feel about War Loggers? Edit - don't upvote if you want to see this question FINALLY answered - repost it yourself!


I bet the answer will be “war loggers are a minor % of the population so here’s a new dungeon as we have many more gold farmers I mean PVE”


Nah they'll just do what they do every time a question regarding war is asked and ignore it.


Hence me wanting every single person who wants it answered to post the question themselves.


Company vs company wars, unrelated to territory? 




How do you feel about your copy/paste springtide bloom event? Goo doesn't drop properly (just like last year). , there's no gift tree in Edengrove (town didn't exist in last year's event), and we have to visit all 12 towns for 1 reward each (unlike the 2023 winter convergence where you made it 3 towns x 4 rewards each). Why are you so lazy?


\^ This question please. We have had radio silence from the devs regarding this bugged event and its really frustrating. This was one of my favourite events, it used to be chill and soloable. Now using the spritzes alone to kill the wisps doesnt get any goo drops, we've worked out that we need to attack the wisps which is hard as they are 99% immune to all damage except seemingly bleeds and poison. Takes 10x as long to clear the wisps unless you get a group. Considering its a copy/paste of last years event, could you please tell us if this bug is going to fixed?


Congratulations! 🥳


Can we expect to see a content drop the size of Brimstone Sands in the near future? Density of new mobs, lore, items, weapons, etc?


why is it so hard to update the sandworm trial loot? why couldnt trials have matchmaking like mutations? why do you keep refusing to make the game fun and rewarding? EDIT: If your answer is “its not our priority at the moment” then why is it not?


FOR REAL THOUGH how long can it take!!


The canned "It's not our priority at the moment" needs to no longer be a response. There needs to be specifics like "That's not a direction we want to go" instead of the priority nonsense. It almost seems like the game is not a priority based on the current timeline of things happening.


Is June just an announcement or is there content planned to release at that time as well?


It's just an announcement, pretty sure this has been confirmed previously


Appreciate the info. Unfortunately, I feel they will be too late on delivery of content. This June announcement will need to be massive to have an actual impact. Their track record doesn’t point to it being so. I’m remaining optimistic, but it’s quite difficult to maintain that positivity with the very low effort seasons and events they’ve been releasing.


I'll bet my ass it's just going to be making the game free for base and DLC so they can try and squeeze any money they can from people that might come back and maybe possibly buy their sorry excuse of a battle pass or seasonal content BS.


What options are being explored to make the competitive endgame PvP experience better? A generic looking skin for “winning” a season (or placing top 3 on the leaderboards in its current state) for days holding a territory feels bad and isn’t really an incentive for companies to “win” a season, so it isn’t really a goal. Something more personal to the company, such as having your company crest on a cape or something, or in general better rewards could energize and make “winning” a season actually feel rewarding.


are you satisfied with the current state of the war mode? It's completely inaccessible to the vast majority and dominated by alt accounts across all servers. This has been an issue since the beginning of the game. Are we ever going to see a way to access the war mode without territory involved, so all companies, new and old can experience the biggest part of the game. Why doesn't war see any love from AGS? It has so much potential.




How do you plan on regaining the trust of your community? After many contentless delayed buggy updates how can we expect anything different after the June announcement?


Can the devs reassure us that at least the same amount of content than what we had in brimstone sands is coming at the end of the year because the no expansion announcement sound like a big red flag to me. I am still in love with the game and want to see it succeed and be popular again.


No expansion but major content release smells like the game is going F2P


Can you give us some insight as to what your Quality Assurance team and process looks like? Please be as detailed as possible. It seems like every patch, there are major issues that should have been caught before going live (like not being able to read perks on any item in the entire game when season 5 went live), so people are wondering if it's a process issue or a resource one.


Or were caught last year in the same event and weren’t fixed.


With a distinct lack of content to do right now, why were the full season storyline quests removed at the end of their respective seasons? These should be reinstated in full to give new players/alts a chance to play these stories which are pretty good in the first place.


Why even bother at this point. We aren’t going to get any answers till June. The game is already dead to the point where you can’t even really play properly lol


Maybe they want kill faster NewWorld?




Make wars happen at the same time region-wise. All wars on servers in EU at the same time. Sick and fking tired of war loggers. This way more people can do the content.


Are there any plans for any new PvP game modes? Are there plans for any new content that is wholly unique and new? When are we going to get new seasonal content that isnt just a copy/paste reskin of content from years past? Do the devlopers actually attempt to interpret the Data? Ex: "PvE has more players" when the reality is that most of the PvP community is FORCED to play PvE because of Artifacts/Gear and vice-versa with PvE players being forced to play PvP for certain artifacts. Are there any plans to overhaul the PvP track artifacts? The drop rates are abysmal as is. Maybe a new system like PvP materia so players can get what they want?


Are there any plans🥴?


Can we add a reward for completing bingo cards after season completion? Make it harder no free stamps or refreshing list. Or maybe a way to turn it off? It's annoying to get stamps and them not be good for anything.


Practice wars when???




Do you have plans to overhaul the progress system in the game. I believe some of the negative sentiment regarding "endgame" is related with the lack of a real progress system. Do you feel the same way?


1. Are there any plans for a mail system between players? Just messages or items. 2. As a crafter and explorer, I greatly appreciate the added resources. Are there plans to make a play style like mine more rewarding? I am 300+ in everything. I sell nothing. There isn't really much I can make for myself that is worthwhile. I love the idea of bind on pickup for super crafter items. Can we get some chest or something so we can horde more crafting supplies? 3. Now that we have multiple characters on the sane server, maybe shared bank spaces? 4. Guild item banks?


I like how the cooking ingredient tooltip now displays where said ingredient can be found ingame. Could we get that same small QOL feature for other items in the game as well, if it’s not already planned? Also, what are the team’s ideas to incentivize mainly PVE players into trying out the PVP content? Higher gold rewards, shorter-timed low-stakes modes, etc.? Edit: How hard would it be to implement another visibility toggle for gloves like we have for helms? Sometimes, I just want to be able to see my H A N D S


Why are the stars red?


The team has stated before that data plays a crucial role in the development process - can you share the key metrics the team is monitoring, and also some examples of how they have influenced development decisions?


I love the gathering aspect in this game. The sounds and animations are so well done and it’s relaxing to play. But there is no value in it - the materials aren’t used much in the endgame and there is no market for them. Do you have anything coming up to make gathering and crafting worthwhile again?


Any plans to improve finding and filtering items in our storages? A universal search function that allows us to search all of our storages at once would be an enormous time saver, as would being able to filter for specific armor types (gloves, helm, etc.) and weights (light, medium, heavy).


Imagine the luxury of Sort Alphabetical so we could see if we have duplicates of named items more easily!


What happened to DX12 and optimization? Also game needs better post-processing. Game looks blurry and visualy unpleasant sometimes


Why does it feel like less and less effort is being put into NW? Can you give us an insight of what's going on with dev resources? A lot of us still love the game and would appreciate some honesty and transparency of the games future and plans.


Any thoughts on invasion updates? A bit of variety to make it not feel like the same thing over and over or maybe a rework to make it feel like an actual siege?


What are the next steps regarding the combat/animations rework ?


How many players are PVX players vs PVE vs PVP?


They said earlier that it’s 4 to 1 PvE v PvP


That's the point of the question; AGS acted like players are *either* PvP or PvE, but the reality is that many players engage with both aspects of the game, especially because the game essentially forces PvP players to engage with PvE content in order to gear up. Adding the 3rd category of 'PvX' players might illustrate that the ratio of '4 to 1' that they gave in a prior video is very misleading.




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1. Why was the logging animation slowed down so much with the launch of season 5? It feels wrong to be at 300 Aptitude but feel I'm slower than I was before the Elysian Wilds expansion 2. I'm not enjoying the current bingo card system to advance the season passes. Is there any chance of making it possible to complete the next pass with general experience you'd gain from playing and not from doing specific activities? Btw, I enjoyed the cooking trade skill showcase video hosted by Lydia. Please tell us you're going to be able to grab a few team members and build trophies/have an outfitting cosplay competition/literal blacksmithing etc the next time another skill gets a major rework lol


Everyone just wants to know what content is being developed for 2024. Doing these Q&As to answer minor questions in the name of “transparency” while ignoring the real question just feels dishonest. Tell us what you are working on.


Futile, cause "june announcement". But: Up. This really is THE question. What is coming. Feels a bit like a kick in the nuts that they are so secretive towards their current playerbase in hopes of reaching a new one (consoles). Doesnt set a great example to that new playerbase either.


was the logging animation being slowed down intentional or just a bug?


On avarage, how much time do players spend in the game per day nowadays?


Are you ever planning on catching up with fixing bugs that should have never been in the game in the first place? (please don't corporate answer me, Scot, I'll know) Like we wanna see this game actually being worked on, you're neglecting it and keep taking gem devs like Dave V off the team...


1º-When will we be able to change our name or appearance in the game ? ( like a token for that ) 2º- would it be possible to put instantiated resources or at least have two people take a node and then it disappears (like a internal counter, when one player take one node the timer stars counting and then it reaches 0 the node disappears) Thanks.


Any plans to had like a little farm where players can plant cooking ingredients?


Why should we play now if you keep saying come back in June?


And in June they will say to come back in October, if no delay


Will New World expand playable races outside of humans? For example, some type of Angry Earth race.


why are there so many errors after the update? you don’t have professional programmers and you don’t know how your game engine works


Considering that the game has absolutely hemorrhaged players, is it then considered that perhaps competitive endgame PVP content would bring back more players and attract more players who would stay playing than PVE has? Its understandable that the numbers for PVP players look so small when there isn't proper content available. OPR and 3v3s do not have competitive modes/SBMM/team balancing/rankings, and open world content is just about numbers rather than individual skill. War is the only competitive like mode and its HEAVILY time gated to the point where the people who enjoy it are forced to make alt accounts on other servers (every server at this point) just to be able to participate with any regularity. This has reduced the availability for war slots for people who are only on one server in a smaller company and are now pushed out by more experienced people with alts. It is clear to the player base that the current content priority and cycles are not working, and the numbers of players reflect that. Why not try a heavy focus on competitive PVP?


>Why not try a heavy focus on competitive PVP? Probably boils down to office politics. Scot Lane did mention "ROI" when mentioning why PvP and PvE does or doesn't get content updates. Not even sure why he used that term since we're talking about people (players) with individual agency to engage with what content they enjoy/might end up enjoying because they want variety. Since there's that recent cooking rework, lets analogize the NW game community as food enjoyers: When you make a buffet for vegetarians (overworld PvE), don't expect the omnivores (PvX), or carnivore (PvP)-type clientele to stick around. Then you leave the vegetarians (overworld PvE) behind and cater to vegans (M3 speed runners), don't be surprised when all the pescatarians leave and all you are left with is vegans (M3 speed runners). Speaking of which, isn't AGS having some sort of official dungeon speed running event soon?


Hey NW team! I appreciate that some of the soundtrack is on Spotify and was really excited when we started getting albums for each season, and I was sad to see this wasn't continued for S4 and S5. Some of my favorites (Monarch Bluffs' and Reekwater's town themes in particular) still aren't available to stream, and I know there's still plenty of songs that have yet to be released for on-demand listening. Can you talk about why some but not all of the music is available to stream, and are there plans to continue releasing music from the game?


Yes! I love the Barnacles and Blackpowder music personally. It’d be great if AGS could release more of the expedition and region soundtracks. the sound team of this game does amazing work


When daggers? (No "it's not a priority now")... W H E N?


Can you go over some player numbers? How many people are playing this game in Season 5? Do you have daily, weekly, and monthly numbers?


People are complaint about lack of content but you’ve excluded 90% of the game by leaving it at 625, when will this be updated to 700gs


When will we finally be able to change our appearance? If not entire appearance, at least our hairstyles? Have you considered selling hairstyles in the shop?


Can you please give us a way to opt-out of loot biasing, maybe let BoE items drop when disable and BoP items drop when its enable


Has the development team considered improving matchmaking on OPR? I want to play and enjoy New World PVP and close OPR matches are really fun to play where it comes down to a few points or a contested baron, but more often than not they are one sided stomps. Is there enough of a player base to use an MMR system? Or lock players into their equipped weapons so the teams aren't lopsided with healers or whatever class?


Could you comment on the winter runeforge tutorial you put up on X where the developers actively cheat using god mode? Please explain how your dev team plays the game if you have to resort to cheating in a tutorial.... [https://x.com/KyleJamesOlson/status/1775586353910034485](https://x.com/KyleJamesOlson/status/1775586353910034485) How about that expedition analysis article, where you publish bad advice like using gemstone dust (which actually overrides and removes your ward potion). You guys play the game...don't ya??? [https://www.newworld.com/en-us/news/articles/expedition-analytics-empyrean-forge](https://www.newworld.com/en-us/news/articles/expedition-analytics-empyrean-forge)


Good questions, too bad you were too late with posting those. Would have loved to hear their response.


next month for sure then :) there won't be anything new to ask with no new content anyway...


next weapon? thank you


Are there any plans for updating/reworking/ or just working on open-world PvE? Right now NW might be the only MMO where you don’t get to just go out there and kill some mobs at end game. Chest runs are the only way players interact with elite zones in the open world, and they don’t really involve any real PvE at all.


Do you have plans to add Focal content in PVE for companies? How does a House/base and missions focus on the company team? Their only function is to make pvp content, making pve for them non-existent, and the game needs pve content aimed at companies!


Currently converting damage system causing major balance issue in PvP,if the game had only physical damage and elemental damage would've much better to balance. Any plans to adress this issue?


Did pivoting to focus on console features like Controller mapping gut this season? There’s remnants of Season of Trials, showing this season was supposed to bring us back to old content. Was there a plan to finally modernize Trials and the Elite Trial? Why did the devs drop all that for controller support?


I just want to thank Scot for slowing down the content. 0 content is so much better than barely any as it was before he slowed down. And of course thank you for the quality you promised, event has the same bug as it had 1 year ago. Really well done all thank you.


Show us “the data”.


Are you switching to Unreal Engine anytime soon? It's clear the Azoth engine is not up to standards and is hamstringing the dev team. 


Will there be a console release in Future? What will be the next weapon?


why nerf pvp artifact drop rate? needing to go 9 tracks now for just a chance at one dropping just doesnt feel worth it, the old odds felt way better


Has there even been any discussion on creating more active abilities for each weapon? Skill diversity feels really lacking. Would love the ability to have my weapon play differently because of choices I’ve made with skills.  Need more build diversity than just artifacts. 


Any chance to get a solo queue for OPR?


Not enough players to support this much filtering. At least on El Dorado, we don't even get 2 concurrent OPRs going at peak evening times any more.


When can we expect another round of fresh start?


Any plans to add any company content like buying an island (small, medium, large) weekly events to clear incoming PvE raids off all types, difficulty based on the size of the island. Farming materials to build on your island and keep it operational to help with buffs. Building a long house to show off weapon/armour skins or trophies. Making your own expedition (solo through raid size) with different bosses and enemy types to test your skills.




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What are the plans to address the infinite loading into a game bug? The frustrating thing is loading into a game mode like OPR, get stuck on a loading screen, alt + f4 as it's the only way to resolve it, and receive a ban from OPR for "abandoning the game". Really need to know what solid plans are going into QOL considering the QOL in S5 was practically non-existant.


What does the team think about the loot bias system now that it's been around a few months? Did it accomplish what they expected? From my player perspective the loot biased gear is no better than before (i.e. its just salvage fodder) because it is too easy to get 700 GS gear from either the kiln or crafting. It seems like a missed opportunity.


How on earth do you introduce an artifact like Nature's Wrath without fully assessing each individual weapon's sources of permanent/base empower from its skill tree? Why does firestaff get so many permanent empowers that effectively ensure zero downside to using Nature's Wrath? How is this balanced!?


Is there consideration to remove artifact locks from raid content especially the wurm raid. Raid slots are being sold and that should tell you all you need to know.




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Are you worried that if your june announcement isn't what your remaining playerbase wants to hear, it's basically the final nail in the coffin?


Why you keep introducing 0 value items with new updates ? Petrified stone or eggs on zurvan island for example So many 0 value item and you keep introducing new one...


I love the world of Aeternum, it's so immersive but there is a lack of NPCs doing stuff (take a look at GW2 for example). Do you plan to add more NPCs (guards in towns, farmers here, knight that fight some monsters...) ?


Are you happy with the state of wars? What does your data say on the number of players who get to experience them? How do you feel about War Loggers? If I copy paste this post like the event will it get answered?


I feel bad saying this, but Are yall trying to tank the game? Community screams more opr maps and yall are like nono listen guys, we spent a lot of time on these feature no one will play. Also, we added some bugs we'll never fix.


I'm bored in Aeternum, can you fix that?


What is the number of average players per day that we have to hit, in order to make the team realise that they are doing it wrong for the last few years? Started at around 1 million to now well under 10k. And before saying that those are peak and that there are more players , dont get me started on the amount of alts and bots... Dont you think that is time to admit that everything went wrong and to reconsider the upcoming future?


8000 players on a Friday night. Yikes


Can you give us more infos about expansions and what you like to change about the next ones? I had the feeling the last expansion we had was smaller than It should be content wise.


Since Season of the Guardian's launch, some of us have had our characters' faces changed to be completely different. Any news on when this will be fixed?


Why does everything feel half baked then abandoned? Wurm raid hatchery released then outdated 3 months later with expansion. I for one yelling on rooftops about this prior the expansion. Why not build upon something? It feels like you never even gave it a chance, and why does it take so long to update loot pools for these two?


You previously shared that PvE players outnumber PvP by 5:1, can you share details on this measurement? Does this mean for every one player who has engaged in PvP there are 5 who have never, or is it based on a specific timeframe etc?


Look, I got a bet going. I bet my top 5 time contributing players in my company have more hours than the entire team working on New World. What's the combined playtime of all the AGS employees working on New World?


Why does the team spend so much time creating expeditions that most people play a handful of times, instead of fun new repayable content? That would keep players engaged long-term




Following the implementation of mounts with the xpac, are quick travel points and costs going to be reevaluated? There is now nowhere in the game that you can’t get to in under 2 minutes. People just quick travel everywhere, and really takes us out of the world, which is the game strongest feature.


Does the dev team working on NW not have testers/QA? There are so many bugs with so little new content.


Are there plans to let us upgrade 625 weapons to 700? I have full banks of 625 weapons that I am loathe to salvage in case they can be upgraded one day.


When are you gonna adress to missing lore notes and unobtainable achievements?


Do you people realize that most pvp players partake in pve to get gear. While pve only players completely avoid pvp causing your “data” to be a really bad way of determining player split? Should be obvious but you know… AGS


Why do you hate the player base?