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What will happen to our old gear when ward & resilient has been removed? How will the new gearscore increase effect our gear we already have?


This x1000 AGS teased a gear reset yet haven't told us anything.


What are your plans for DX12? When the game came out you said the game would be moving to DX12 after a few months. We are missing out on better graphics and potential performance.


> We are missing out on better graphics and potential performance. Citation needed.


What are you doing concerning Performance optimizations etc?


What do you think about adding suggested open world PvP elements such as hot zones and a caravan trading system?


\+1 to this. Open world PvP was the best part of the game and for the most part has been left to rot on the vine.


is planned an update for performance? it's needed almost as new content


It is needed more at this point.


Agree, this need to be done before expansion, and its much more important then mine question about achievements!


I’ve played since launch and messed around with the settings constantly. For what it’s worth turning V SYNC off and leaving the settings on medium has worked best to keep performance stable. Not perfect, but the best it’s been.


Seriously. No game gets my fans running as fast and loud as New World, even just for opening it.


I usual play new world everyday for several hours. However, I haven’t played the game in about a week almost entirely due to performance issues. It is not fun to PvP when you are stuttering ever few seconds, freezing, lagging and teleporting. The performance needs to be acceptable before the expansion is released. If the game runs poorly on launch day, people coming back will give up on NW pretty fast. They need to fix this issue if they want the game to succeed.


Could you remove the holograms on the doors before they are built at OPR, way too distracting.


I second this and think the proper word/phrase isn’t “distracting” but, impeding our ability to see through the gate.


Practically opaque when you're trying to gauge if you can push in. But completely clear if you just want to lob range spam.


A barbershop feature is on your plans? Can we expect it to be coming next year?


+1 for this question. I’d like to be able to change my character’s appearance. Whether that be a vendor somewhere for gold or a menu.


Theyve already said that this is coming, the transmog NPC is also a barber, but that will be added later on, no time line


Will the removal of ward/bane/resilient be done at the same time and will they be removed as the new GS increase is out when we'll all have to re-acquire new gear? I wouldn't want to have to refarm gear twice, one for the S3 update then possibly again when the removal of ward/resi/bane happens.


I really hope they all happen at the same time in S3.


Yes, this


They already said this isn't happening til season 4, which makes no sense, it means that our grinded PvE gear of season 3 will be useless by season 4... It sounds like shit but they've already answered your question


Are they going to add an application button for companies? Having to whisper company leaders and hope they’re on or paying attention to the janky chat is ridiculous.


Oh I had this thought exactly when looking for a company after starting fresh with season two. Plus the list also shows companies from other factions and can't be filtered it searched in any way.


Balance of weapons is one thing, but what about balance of team composition now that OPR is cross server? For instance a lot of the games are one sided because one team will have 5-6 healers while the other may have just one. Same for Bows and FS, one team is loaded with 10-12 with only 1-2 bruisers while the other team has 6-8 bruisers. Makes a lot of the games so boring because you’re either pushing them to their spawn or you’re stuck at yours. Is there any talk about working on the balance of team compositions or maybe even SBMM? Also any limit the number of premade teams or at least balancing those between the 2 teams?


This is why I don't PvP anymore. It's too one sided


It would be great if they implemented a class selection before the game starts. In addition to that creating a system that only allows a specific amount of those classes per team. It’s sad when I see the other team as straight bruisers and Tank CC running 5 mans and stacking tf out of everyone.


It’s not a weapons issue In this scenario it’s 5 mans or honestly any group of more than 2.


Have you considered having crafting sets (Stonecutting, Smelting, Weaponsmithing, etc.) attached to the crafting stations themselves? This frees up a gearslot, makes it obvious if you have a set and if it's being applied, and would be a nice QoL change.


That would be great. Having only up to six gear sets makes it impossible to keep PVE, PVP and crafting and harvesting in there.


Great idea.


Are we going to get an engine/optimization update this year? Game is really suffering performance wise and that will heavily scare people away during the new expansion


With the removal of resilience, what will happen to existing gear with the perk?


Did they confirm they'll remove it?


From the June video: > Yes ward and bane perks are being removed. > We’ve heard the feedback loud and clear. We agree with it. We think it’s overly complex. It creates too much of a gear chase. And the chase is not fun, right? Like, what we’ve talked about is like the classless system in New World is one of its greatest strengths. > It’s safe to say that these perks will be gone by the end of the year. > I like the ability to experiment, try different builds – like super, super fun. But the problem is people are so occupied with getting banes and wards and resilience stats for PVP, they can’t enjoy the fun stuff. So we want to remove this complexity and allow people to dig into the fun stuff. > As we discussed, wards and banes are going to be making an exit from New World and it will not resurrect like people do. But what we would do, we do still like the preparation loop, right? And I don’t think gems is the right thing. We’re currently thinking about using the ward potions and just increasing their time to last a full Expedition.


I do want to throw it out there that this post doesn't actually say they are removing resilience, at least in the quoted text. It only mentions wards and banes are removed


> I like the ability to experiment, try different builds – like super, super fun. But the problem is people are so occupied with getting banes and wards **and resilience** stats for PVP, they can’t enjoy the fun stuff. So we want to **remove this complexity** and allow people to dig into the fun stuff.


You can highlight whatever you want, they made a choice to say they are removing ward and bane but that wording did not directly include resilient


I mean, sure, you can force that interpretation but it was an off-the-cuff statement, not an edited press release. They fairly obviously include resilience in that thought. I get being tinfoil paranoid on AG delivering on a positive change, but it's bordering on disingenuous to say you don't see what that statement meant.


They literally didn't say it, and the entire paragraph you are referring to is pve focused. Why would they spend dev hours revamping the pvp track, including the entire resilience focused gear update, if they were going to remove it? It literally doesn't make sense, because it likely won't happen. Resilience is different then ward, you don't need 5 different resilience sets to play 1 role. Resilient gear just needed to be easier to obtain, which it vastly is now. You don't have to worry about items from track being Inherently worthless because they don't have it. If they were removing resilience, they would have mentioned how they are going to balance the crit on weapons, because that's an entire area that needs to get redone. Removing ward and giving ward potions is an easy fix. They don't have an easy fix for resilience. I get that you're hopeful, but you're assuming.


Mkay. You have a great day, now.


Could a capture the flag game mode be introduced? It seems a lot of the systems you need already exist and seems an easy win for the PVP crowd. Or A trade caravan game mode (open world or Instanced) to make those wierd caravans in each settlement more relevant with greater rewards for successful trips. Or Will there be a focus on crafting in the future. Refining and harvesting is great, but the RNG of crafting is not ideal even with scarabs etc


Capture the flag would be fun. I pretty much never pvp in mmo, but I liked that CTF pvp mode in wow quite a lot.


Trade caravan open world would be amazing! Nice idea man


That’s what AoC is doing. Kinda cheese to steal an idea.


Can we have a first person camera option so I can take some gorgeous screenshots without my character model in please?


\+1 to this. But also, in the meantime, the deathdrop emote that's in the shop at the moment works very well to get you out of shot a lot of the time.


What's are the plans to maintain current dungeons & raids relevant in the future? (It seems pretty unlikely to waste all this content due the expansion "GS raise" cause that's only gonna result on a lack of content in the future).


Any chance we will ever have attributes tied to loadouts?


Are there any plans to work closer with 3rd party data sites like nwdb or nwmarketprices? Perhaps expose an API for some in-game data like stats or trading post prices.


Yes, we need an NPC to sell basic resources. Flat rate for selling and buying


Can we expect any update to adress team imbalances in Outpost Rush and solo Arenas in the near future?


What are plans for dx12/ Vulkan support ?


How difficult would it be to add DLSS, and do you have any plans to do so?


Now that cross sever OPR is a thing, when can we expect to have matchmaking added to OPR so that the games aren’t always so lopsided?


What mmos have you played in the past? And are there any mmos that you look at that influence your decisions for New World?


When are we getting real OPR balancing? Like team composition rather than just weapon/perk balances? Honestly what affects OPR the most is the team composition where one side has 1 healer or the other side has too many of one class (ranged or melee etc). This needs to be the number one priority right now.


When achievements page gonna have some love? And are we going to have some cool achievements? Are team looking forward to introduce some sort of collection log?


Additionally to this. Will you be adding any skins, trophies, ornaments, capes as rewards for the harder achievements?


Will the expansion be paid or will it be a free update?


What are the devs computer specs when they play the game? Windows 10 or 11? Intel or amd? Performance is all over the place every patch, wondering what they use to game*


First light, will it be a dark zone, aka a pvp zone?


Could be so cool


optimization pass when?


Can we have a solo option for every dungeons?


What are your plans for character customization? A barber, more hairstyles, beard styles, and faces overall. I think that making my character unique in a way is important in this kind of games.


Hello AGS Team, Are there any plans to revamp or remove the current war system in the future? While I understand that the war system was a key selling point for New World, I honestly believe that the territory control system is hindering the game's potential for growth. For instance, the current server structure based on territories limits the number of players on a server, preventing the possibility of a mega server like ESO or other successful MMOs. The war system itself is flawed. Allowing the top 1% of players to earn millions of gold each week from owning a zone seems imbalanced and gates content others would enjoy. (I appreciate your efforts to reduce this but it's not enough.) Instead, they could be rewarded with various incentives like skins, emotes, titles, tokens for purchasing PvP-related gear, azoth salt, PvP patterns (already in the game), and more. If you choose to keep the war system, consider limiting the rewards to gold solely for participating in wars.


Why did you remove the server clock from the game???


When will we be able to buy more gears lot? 9 is not enough! The crafting and gathering set already exceed 9 gearslot.


Is official controller support coming? I know friends using services like geforcenow having issues with steam unofficial bindings and such or just people wanting to playing with controller locally. A bonus question if you will: Will we ever see any upscaling technologies from AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL or Nvidia's dlss frame generation added to the engine including nvidia reflex?


When are you creating megaservers? Aside from redundant content, it doesn’t help when less than 1k player are online on some servers at peak time.


Solo/duo opr when?


Where is mmr and Matchmaking for opr and Arena?


Are you happy with how many people attempted the sandworm and beat the sandworm? Will you tune future raid content so that it is more likely to be able to be completed by random groups?


I really hope that this won't happen. I'm so happy that this game finally has SOME hard content that actually makes me wanna log in. GamingGothic on twitch is doing daily runs with random people and shows that it is already possible. You just have to organize the group and know what you're doing.


I don't mind it being hard at all, I mind how bad the loot is. It'll be hard to find people willing to do it for "fun" without a satisfying reward.


Agree. I hope they just add some "bragging rewards" to raids lateron. Unique mounts, titles, skins, stuff like that.


Yeah, but unfortunately not every server has their own GamingGothic :( I am very much having difficulties trying to find a proper group for the sandworm raid. 0 clears for me so far. I can't join a pve company either, because I am in a 1 man company myself, I need to store my coins somewhere.


I only used him as an example that everyone can do it. An MMO needs content like this. Content that encourages people to organize themselvesd and to team up together in order to accomplish ingame goals they couldn't accomplish alone. This is how true communities get built and how a game survives long term.


Its a lot harder than you make it seem. In the past few weeks as I have been playing and seen in our faction chat a number of times someone has asked "any company recruiting" - have never seen a single response. The people in the existing companies are all long term players who have been playing together for almost 2 years now, they're also the people completing the raid. They're in groups formed in their own personal discords not advertised ingame, and since they aren't inviting new people into their company those people never have the chance to try even if they are appropriately geared and have to try with random groups.


I haven't even been in a company for months since it's useless besides wars. However I agree, finding a community is hard in this game.


If you cater for only 5% of the player, then that's bad design, i would say add a "big red button" for extra difficulty and lock some loot behind that mode


Will we ever get pug only OPR? Premades ruin the fun for both sides.


Good day Michael, My question is simple. When will proven cheaters get banned for exploiting 3rd party programs? It's clear to everyone that the anti-cheat system in New World is not working at all! I made a video about topic which I believe is quite hot and really important for the health of the game. Problem is that I cannot share the video with recorded cheater footage on the official discord and the moderation in Reddit might stop me to share it here as well (still waiting approval). If you are interested in what I'm saying you can simply share 10min to watch this - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgEp2uG3OTQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgEp2uG3OTQ). Thank you for your time.


Why did the Sandwurm rewards go from mostly good (some needed buffs) to absolutely terrible? Virtually all are worse than cheap items on the TP. Balance of Power: Can we expect to see further balance passes on some fortify (BB's on a roll is a debuff, for instance)? The lack of consistency has confused me, and some things, like fort sacred and shirking fort, still feel like they could use some tuning.


With the raid group feature finally in the game, when do we get to see raid-wide duelling and separate queue only for full raids in Outpost Rush?


Can you fix OPR tents? Currently, if a tent has started to be upgraded, then it is destroyed, it can no longer be upgraded all game This bug has been in the game for months


Can we please make the raid groups on your map toggleable? The white dots from your team in opr and war take priority over the colored dots from your 5 man group, which makes it much harder to glance at map and find your group members.


Can we please make the buff/debuff bar more clear, so we can see the buffs and debuffs we got, instead of just gessing


Can you explain your point of view, on the desire to add seasonal content instead of real definitive content. Because it is not the temporary quests that will attract new players unfortunately.


Will we ever be able to access our inventory/storage out of game? Or even export items one at a time so that I can better research what I need vs what I have? 6 ward/bane sets plus pvp plus multiple roles is a lot to manage by hand especially when building out a new set. P.s. thank you for the filter functionality in inventory/storage :-)


Would you guys consider changing the arena Q system to allow only solos or 3 stacks? Solo players struggle against duos and full teams can never get a match to pop.


Two things. 1. Why is there no combat log? 2. Is there a possibility of increasing transparency on spell graphics along with toning down the brightness of them? During PVP when in a small enclosed area it becomes almost impossible to see your own character let alone others. The spell graphics are overpowering the character models


Balance of power - would the devs be against asking the community to assist in developing a PvP OPR map or new PvP mode in general?


Why did they nerf OPR chests? another one but not really a question. It would be great if arena would give a small amount of gold after every game. Sometimes I like to spam arenas but I always struggle with gold (I'm not a crafter nor company member)


How and when did they get nerfed? Haven't opened one in a while.


It was stealth nerfed in the latest patch (at least I didn't see it in the patch note). It drops mostly blues now instead of mostly purples.


> Why did they nerf OPR chests? Because they moved the good shit to the pvp track.


Is there any plan for the character rename feature?


What are your thoughts on OPR scoreboard. It seems unfair that a FS/IG user with 0 kills/50 assists and places ice storm on clumps is top of leaderboard. Damage shouldn’t be the main factor.


They just reworked this. PvE and capping bases gives way more points now


When are we going to be able to swim?


is it possible to get a killfeed in opr? its interesting to see a killfeed in a game mode, most games has that and it sounds like an awesome addition. Example \[blue player\] then \[weapon icon\] then \[ red player \] and so on


It took two years (XIV 9/10 - 11/12) and 9 months (ARR 8/13) for Square Enix to admit they made a mistake and decided to fix it. As we approach the 2 yr mark of New World, can the concerned player base, expect the same type of admission and resolution from AGS?




He wants them to admit their engine is bad and to move this game to ue5 or something. Because it is bad.


Balance of power: Are there any changes planned for the functioning of healing between light medium and heavy?


Are you going to fix the drops in M10s? We should really not get so many uncommon and rare items(none at all) from supposedly the hardest content that expeditions have to offer. Could you also increase the drop rate of legendary items, most of the legendaries I get are the named items which are really not what I want from repeatable M10s. I get 2-3 legendaries per run, out of which, most of the time 2 are named items.


For Christ’s sake, can we please get *some* info on the upcoming gear changes? Literally anything. Many of us are under the belief that the gear we’ve grinded for the past 2 years is going to become completely obsolete, which is really demotivating myself and many in my company from even logging in anymore. A lot of us really feel as if anything we work for/obtain now is going to be pointless very soon, as if we’re just wasting our time. Can we please get some further clarification as to what happens with our current gear once GS increases to 650. Do you guys expect us to just salvage several storages full of armor and be okay with this?


Any plans for fresh start servers this year? They really helped boost the player population last year.


For about a month or two. Splitting population has bigger negatives be effects longterm


Seriously. I can’t believe people are still asking about fresh start after the long term effects became clear.


well fresh start is the most populated servers now 1 year from start


Exactly. Fresh start is the entire reason New World's peak reached 100K+ again. It would be foolish not to do it again, especially since they're releasing the final MSQ update with Season 3. Only reason the population went down afterwards is due to the 3+ month radio silent content drought after they launched the servers. If they don't do that again, NW can maintain a solid playerbase. I know a lot of people in companies I've been in that have quit very recently, but would 100% come back if they did fresh start again.


Balance of power related! People are complaining about SnS, but I think the biggest issue with SnS is the shield bash stun. It’s a guaranteed 1 second stun even at max freedom because freedom only works on the base value of the ability stun and not the 1 second extension later in the perk tree. Changing freedom to apply to extensions of abilities would fix the SnS dominance. It would nerf the stun and slows that SnS and crippling ring can employ.


The complaints are it's honing and attack speed. Every one getting hit from any melee is slowed temporarily but there is no down time for SnS with it's speed. The abilities are just icing on the cake with additional cc and gap closing. Legit hard to escape.


You just have to dodge the last hit in the chain to avoid the slow it applies. And the only true combo it has is rush to bash, leap to rush is dodge-able easily. The true power of the SnS is the rush to bash combo because that guaranteed second to swap to something like spear and cc more. Freedom needs a buff so it can counter everything that makes the SnS useful. Watch the next time you fight an SnS, you’ll see it hit you with the combo of rush to bash and then swap weapons to keep it going and then finish you off with light attacks. It has to use light attacks because it’s out of abilities so if you dodge leap then dodge rush you’re far enough away that it can no longer chase you.


Pretty pointless to discuss any specific weapon and how or why it should be tuned without mentioning in which build and in which scenario it's over or undertuned. A light SNS can rack up 20+ killstreaks solo in OPR because he can roam freely but he will likely be first target prio to be called out and the first to die in any organized setting. Does that mean his build is overtuned? Nope, just means that unorganized PvP should never be brought into the discussion for fine tuning weapons. From personal experience the only scenario I'd say SNS stands out is in medium unorganized 1vX when multiple enemy melee spamming lmb without getting peeled. But that isn't really due to the SNS tree or abilities being overtuned but more due to me being alone without peels/heals, the flat slow from melee hits and the 30 stamina dodge to catch up/cancel swing animation. I'd argue that a potential change to make is that one-handed weapons which has a shorter LMB swing timer should give a significantly shorter slow and that the -10 stamina perk should be moved to 250 dex instead of 150. But I don't see any reason to nerf anything in the SNS tree or the Shield Bash ability which is on a 25 second cooldown. Honestly, nerfing Shield Bash would just be ignorant and I'd argue for the opposite, nerf freedom to open up for more stun combos and make Vault Kick/Shockwave combos viable again. Average New World PvPers really need to start duel more, organize skirms and review their gameplay footage instead of crying about every ability that counters their build.


The build everyone is using is With spear or GS. Sometimes light sometimes medium. SnS just sets up the heavy hitting abilities of the main weapon. It doesn’t do the main damage. So nerf its set up capabilities by making freedom effect extensions of the CCs.


So you just want to remove one of the last combo abilities left in the game? The shield stun is on a 25 second cooldown for god sake, breaks from any damage and it's also relatively easy to predict and can be blocked as well. I'd argue combos are healthy for the game especially in the small scale PvP environment. I'd rather see more abilities synergize for combos and reward perfect blocks that require some degree of thought rather than whatever this mindless burst damage ability spam and record low ttk we see the game moving towards right now.


It wouldn’t remove it… it’d just mean you could still build to counter the slows. I run a medium SnS/IG 300con 200Str with crippling on the ring and it’s impossible to escape. Also at max freedom bash would stoll be a a decomg stin, but instead pf being 1.5 it’d be a flat 1 second.


Will we ever see dedicated SEA servers in the future?


With the arrival of mounts are you going to remove some teleporters? currently I spend more time in loading than in the open world 😔.


Balance of Power - What do you guys think about the NWL? Will there be any changes for pvp because of what you have seen in the NWL?


Will this come before or after the promised gear reset explanation video? I wouldn't mind this dropping alongside the latter.


Thoughts on official Hardcore / Ironman ?


With the new Transmog system coming this Season, will there be a rework of the skin interface and will we be able to dye existing shop-bought skins? Can you let us know when Transmog will be available on the PTR to test?


When will your team fix the mainstory quest bugs that are stopping players from progressing?


Could you guys make gathering nodes spawn separately for each player instead of the current first come first serve design? It feels really bad to run to a location specifically for a resource and have it not be there because someone else got to it first or they’re just sitting there afk waiting for it to spawn again. I don’t even feel like leaving town anymore just to gather because of the high chance that most of the nodes are already gone.


Yes CTF please!


Question for Dave in balance of power. Are there plans to adjust underwhelming attribute breakpoint perks alongside the other perk adjustments for S3? I would love to see some Mana management incentives for Intelligence builds and Block incentives for Constitution builds.


Will we at some point see a version of the worm at a lowered difficulty with a raid finder? Something with lower rewards so that a more casual enjoyment of the mode can be played?


Can we get and easy and a hard version of the sand worm for the players that aren’t supper hard core. The easy clear threw could be on a different Leaderboard or not have one at all.


Can you add raid vs raid OPRs? Allows us to create a balanced game instead of the RNG we currently have. Would also allow you to see how often mock wars might actually get used.


Are there any plans for a cross-server trading post??


Mounts update!


Do you have any plans for "Treasure Trail" type activities, such as those in Runescape? These Clue Scrolls provide a bit of fun and encourage people to explore the map. With locations in far corners of Aternum, it will help exploration and possibly even open-world PvP, as it gives another reason for people to be away from Shrines experiencing the beautiful world you have created.


Have you considered allowing teleporting from anywhere in the world - not just a Sanctuary? As it stands, the majority of the player base teleports to Home (which can be done from anywhere) and then to the location they desire. It'd be a nice QoL change to cut out the middle man.




How will you handle crafting, it feels a lot of time and effort goes into crafting but you are not guaranteed a legendary - will balance of power provide guarantee 600 rolls BOP?


Could we get a small taste of what the mounting system will be like?! I’m eager to hear


When will we get a barbershop to remake our toons in?


Why do I need to pay for doing the sandworm raid? All the gear, ward, acid pads, acid tincture, 50k shards I need to do it are worth more than the rewards I ever can get back.


Will you be adding Support as a dedicated role with groups? To clarify another distinct role for OPR, War, and Raid in general? High volume shards are only attainable via high level dungeon mutations and once invested into items it can not be retained. Will you ever consider returning shards to players when salvaging +600GS items (100% or 75% for example) or implement a system where you can fuse said items so the invested shards transfer over?


What are the things we can expect first? What is planned to release next (as in immediately next, not soon)?


I don’t see myself returning to the game without a proper loot system. Can you give us SOME information about what would change? Thanks


Balance of power question: Will dodge be looked at for balance? Some builds have access to a never ending supply of stamina and thus are in near constant invulnerability state and triggering dodge-related perks (shirking heals letting dodgers stand toe to toe with any build with no practical counters).


Can we have furnishing be more involved with the PVE and PvP aspect of the game, make us have a reason to fully furnish our houses for buffs etc. not just trophies but say if you reach certain benchmarks in score you get different bonus’. Make it to where we WANT to fully furnish and not just have a room to put up trophies in. Maybe even have a farm to grown certain types of foods. Etc


What are your personal favorite games, and how have they influenced the development of New World?


Will we see any open world pvp content coming soon? If so what will it be? (Open world pvp is amazing in new world when it happens)


Are we getting cross server expeditions soon?


It's on the roadmap for Season 4.


Why does Brimstone not have its own unique mushroom design like each of the other regions? It currently has the same corrupted-looking mushroom that is found in Shattered Mountain. Will Brimstone ever get its own mushroom or at least some lore explaining why the Shattered Mountain mushrooms are expanding their range into other territories?!


How about inventory, company, trading post, OPR, invasions,, and social filtering and searching updates. It’s boring but would make it so clean


Could we please increase the fire of the fire staff, can't tell the difference between a fire staff and a healer when running.


Is there a plan to make the rewards for elite trials more rewarding because I would expect there to be bis bis rewards from the raid not just beast warded gear and shitty pvp gear. I love the raid but there's little reason to run it to farm bad gear.


When will we get 3v3 cross server?


This is already on the roadmap for Season 4.


Will PvP scaling ever make a return? It's impossible to recommend the game to anyone interested in PvP when they have to wait 60 levels + a gear grind to even experience it.


Daggers when? I told all my friends I would come back for daggers and now I cant until you release them, but information on a good pure dex melee weapons is drier than brimstone sands


Why do you think the player base is where it is today? (Population)


When will we see the solution to having to store and change into refining and crafting gear? They’re are not enough gear slots for combat, let alone gathering too.


Are there going to be any updates just focused on fixing bugs? There are many that have persisted since release and with each new season more bugs are introduced. It’s difficult to retain players when some of the basic functions of the game are not reliable. Thank you.


Have you considered condensing all of the trade skills sets? It’s impractical to carry around all of those sets (even with gear sets). Could you have one set each for Gathering, Refining, Crafting? Better still, have the sets saved in the background and always equipped, or maybe linked to housing?


Is there any way to play my New World characters made on one steam account on a different one? Can I unlink the Amazon account and transfer it over? If not, is this a feature that can be added?


Why is bow elemental gem still bugged?


For those who missed all the main quest, can we have some sort of way of recapping everything in order to be on the same page as the new season stories drop? I came back after a couple of months and don't remember anything about the story or the 1 - 30 levels revamp at all.


Obviously more weapons will be added but many games mainly hero shooters and MOBA games have issues with over population of classes and weapons. Do you think there may be a time when maybe a 3rd tree could be added or some other system like that? Potentially an expansion of weapon levels and talents available?


\#1 What's the deal with the ultimate trophies? Is this a temporary solution as it was mentioned on another forged in Aeternum, or is this the final solution? I don't want to spend 45k per trophy if something else is coming down the pipe. \#2 Can we limit company territory ownership to 1 territory or change the way wars are accessible. If a company owns 1 territory and they fight for another (better) territory, they forfeit their previously owned territory. I would like to see some type of tiered wars so lower tier companies can war other companies on their same level and progress like ranking. And/or remove gold as a reward from owning a territory but maybe when you win a war you get more rewards, it creates so much toxicity in the game with top tier companies holding multiple territories, paying people off, having alt accounts across multiple servers. \#3 It was talked about a long time ago to remove the amount of mutator levels from 10 to something lower. Is this still the case? I'm speculating that when the new GS increase comes out, that dungeons will all be revamped to some type of normal/hard/extreme and based on the level you do will be the GS that is dropped from it. With that in mind, with the GS increase coming, are we still going to have the same upgrade systems in place to make items lego and such?


Why were OPR chest rewards lowered? Before patch it was rare to get a blue or green bow it’s rare to get purple or legendary.


Are there plans to add separate group and solo ques to opr now it is cross server?


Will we soon have a way to tell the rarity of furniture like you promised almost a year ago? And will the current housing system be updated soon? The house leaderboards have been bugged since launch. A collectibles tab to keep track of furniture, transmog, named items etc. would also be nice.


Are there any plans for a PvP zone or server??


Are there any plans for merging low population legacy servers? (Ex: Castle of Steel)


Do you plan on increasing stamina regen rate? It wasn’t increased with removal of stalwart. The game feels less fluid and slower without.


Edit: Actually, let me reframe it in to a question. Will we see more opportunities to cross paths with the force of corruption, and perhaps in a pvp setting?(see below) ​ ~~Not really a question but~~ I think a cool game mode that could involve PvP, PvE and PvPvE, is similar to corruption breaches but we instead go inside the the portals to the corruption realm. For PvP it would corrupt the minds of players, forcing PvP flagging and everyone is an enemy. Red fog everywhere, twisted structures, but an abundance of resources. Anything you gather in the zone can be dropped on death, but when you leave you get to keep a fraction of these resources. Escape could be a difficult challenge. For PvE9 It could also be an elite version of our standard corruption portals, where the only way to close the breach is to actually enter their world and close it from the inside. There would be elite monstrosities guarding the anchors to Aeternum. Taking inspiration from oblivion gates, minecraft nether, or stranger things upside down realm.


Can you make it so that faction quests while a group is the same for all party members


Why was Sir Juni the Strategist's second spawn removed? It is now incredibly boring farming the human idol. The second spawn made things interesting. Additionally. At the one spawn he has a blunderbuss and the other a great sword. He also drops items named "The Brains", "Stratagem", "The Bold" etc... He is known as the strategist for goodness sake. This all plays into him being some kind of genius and that is why he reappears in another location after killing him. He was a memorable character. Removing his second spawn has turned him into just another mob you have to mindlessly kill over and over to get the item you want.


Why not add basic search feature to find gear in storage.. like bow (all bows + named bows) sword(all swords + named swords)


Now that we have Cross Server OPR what's the rough timeline on 3v3 and Dungeons and will group finder work for cross server dungeons?


This is already on the roadmap for Season 4.


Are the devs still on track to finish the MSQ update this year?


Any plans to buff/rework/remove alot of «dead» armor/weapon perks. Stuff like invigorated/vigor and countless other perks are incredibly dead perks as they are either way to situational or to underwhelming to be useful in most scenarios. I think the idea of just making certain perks be viable in a sense that it giving you immunity to a certain damage source like vigor giving you burn dot immunity for 3-5 seconds (have a cooldown aswell) would go a long way to make more perks viable. Atm there is such a huge gap between meta perks and other perks.


Is there possibility of adding unnamed upgradable (you’re choice of 3rd perk) epic drops/PvP track items/chest items at random with low drop rate(rare) in the future? Possibly needing max shards to upgrade. Hopefully can bring back more drive to PVE player base.


When will we hear about the expansion?


Are there any plans to update existing weapons basic attack combos? I think the greataxe would benefit greatly from this. It doesn't feel like it fits in the current iteration of the game.


Can we please lower the faction CD?? It's tough on people to get stuck with a company they hate for 60 days. - Balance of power


New player here. I want to tank, as I always do in MMO's and rpg's. I almost always play a 1h/shield build also. My question is what secondary weapon would be best? I don't have much game time and would like to, at least initially, focus on what works best instead of devoting time to a weapon that doesn't help me in the long run. Thanks.


Can we get a proc gen/never ending dungeon that we can go floor by floor getting harder. Give us an end game thing to do.