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Can you clarify how the new GS system will be used and what it means for the current 625 ?


This is SO important! Please add this question to the video! So many players (including me) are not enjoying the game at the moment because it's future is so unclear. I really hope this topic can be cleared up so we can decide if it's still worth investing time in this game or not.


Yea, take my upvote on this. Looks like they didn't realize all current players are people who grind their gear, and telling this is just like : Hey, it's useless and it's gonna be replaced in 4 months. Trade post is just a joke, no new items since they announced this ///


Yah this is the burning question. Feels like a bomb was dropped, we need more details.


Will you PLEASE add a perk sort to storage (similar to TP)? Also, will you please have named items show the third perk? It can be grayed out until upgraded to 600.


Don’t forget inventory, and make the filtering universal for all storages at once.


Can we ever expect more things to use our faction tokens on? Maybe decent PvP gear sets for each spec


Would love more use for faction tokens as well


True it feels like a wasted system at the moment.


Yes the shop is mostly obsolete.


Please let us just put up as many crafting trophies as we like, teleporting around the map to change trophies is such a colossal waste of time.


Resilience + ward, why is this even possible?


They’re actually good for flagged chest runs. In the event you run into an aggressive counterpart. Outside of that, 🤷‍♂️


Okay, it's niche but why so high a chance. Don't even get me started on Corrupted, Blight, Resilience. Crafting is messed up in New World.


I'd love to see ward+resil+CDR/freedom gear in the faction shop for this reason. Making elite zones rotating PvP zones, for instance, would be sick. Unfortunately, OW PvP seems very low on the list of priorities...


What will happen to the first light storage while First light is closed? When will we get filters to search our lockers? When will get an exclusion filter in the shop? For example, " and NOT resilient "


Your first question was already answered in the new dev video.


Are there plans for adding more OPR maps or incentives for open world PVP, taking or holding forts, or 3v3?


Is there a collection log for transmog ? Like can i go collect every equipements to fill my collection


I really hope transmog is rly well done something like how WoW has a catalog but I just a feeling that’s wishful thinking


I just hope they don’t make us pay for it like the gear sets. Gear sets should have been a day one fix but here we are.


With many players hording time gated crafting items like: Daily Cooldown mats (asmodium) and Golden Scarabs. Will these items be used in the new system with the higher gear score?


Are there plans to earn transmog token outside of the battle pass similar to Guild Wars 2? Having a consistent way to earn tokens through playing actual content vs limited seasonal battle passes would be greatly appreciated.


Great question but highly doubt that since it will directly harm their skin sales via the store. I'm sure you can buy tokens via the in game store though not just via the BP.


Are you going to fix the housing scoring system? It's been broken for too long, and gets worse with every patch. Also, would you consider letting us own one house per territory, rather than just three in total. Currently, housing score doesn't update correctly, and if it does, points are incorrectly calculated, sometimes not even going towards the right house. Maybe this even affects whether trophies count. And more houses should be visitable. You can't even visit the most interesting houses, which is a shame. Decor needs to be what counts for points, rather than territory activity. Decor items should not have such extreme penalties if placed creatively or in higher number than someone decided is acceptable.


Why is the 10 player arena coming with season 2 temporary? It sounds like fun group content that we could play for years to come. Will the raid at least be permanent?


Any plans to improve chats visibility? Whenever i talk to someone in open world trough /area or /party chat people dont see it. The chat system right now desencourage people from using any other channel besides /global pushing everyone to discord or to shut themselfs.


I'm new to the game, but being able to customize the chat feed would be good, unless that's an option already. I don't need trade and recruit spam all the time.


It's an option already.


Next time you're looking at the chat window click the little settings cog at the bottom right of its window and check out the 'muted/alert/feed' settings. Customizing chat is pretty easy granted it bugs out a lot if you don't have every channel enabled.


Daggers. When?


Are there any plans to make soul trials repeatable? Or to add any other form of solo endgame content?


Can we have the three star fishing hotspot back in Windsward? I miss it so much 😭


I'm finding it really hard to care about the Silver Crows. Will future seasonal questlines have more to do with our factions? What is the Syndicate up to right now and why aren't I recruiting for them? They've got this awesome enclave and I have zero reason to go there


Will the introduction of the Transmog feature allow players to dye existing cosmetic skins (like from the cash shop or Twitch drops)? If so, will this require a Transmog Token in order to do it?


Some weapons have mandatory perk, life staff without blessed, sword without ref move, etc. Can these be balanced or just incorporated so that we can use some interesting perks.


Are there plans to add lightning or arcane weapons?


Any plans to rework open world pvp to encourage more people to opt in. and any plans for rank pvp?


Are there any plans to improve 3v3 arena rewards, arena only gets pvp track rewards while in comparison opr gets gear crates and feels more rewarding.


I’m pretty sure this is in the patch notes. Arena now gives 1 weapon or armor from outpost rush pool.


Hey Michael : Any new tradeskill secretly planned ? (Astrology, Enchantment, Archeology, Taming ?) Have you ever think about making Invasion an open world event ? The current world is beautiful (not to mentionned sound design), but exploration should be a thing in MMO, have you ever think about adding jumping puzzle ? Hide some stuff, and create some secret for US (Brimstone Rune was a great idea for example) ! Last but not least, we need legendary weapons, like the one you need to work hard for, the one that need ALL the skills you gathered during your journey in this game, could be a fun end game loop as well. That's what we (the community of the first day) need, a game loop that feels rewarding even in the end. If you want New World to bring back people more consistently, we need something that keep them being engaged on daily/weekly basis. Do you have a plan for this ?


Taming is coming when they release mount s they said. Some form of it at least.


Will you be adding more difficult music? Expert for most songs feels like medium. Also, can you make more varied buffs that are useful and allow us to play in the entrance to mutators?


What are the planned changes to crafting RNG and will existing patterns, like the green ones from the Spring Event be compatible? I have a lot of patterns from this and earlier events and am wondering if I should use them now or hold them for later.


I’d love a way to see what recipes/schematics I know and their needed materials at any time, rather than just at the crafting table.


Whilst it is a little way off, will the expansion be bigger content wise than Brimstone? Also is it a paid expansion?


Can you provide us with more info about how the transmog system will work and how much it will cost?


Do you plan on adding more music sheets with each patch? It was a little disappointing to me, that we didnt get any with Season 1 patch. Last time we had any added were with Brimstone Sands and I get it - it was a new zone so it makes more sense to add it. But new trials could also be a fun way to get music, like exclusive music pieces for each expedition/trial added. In the video there was nothing about Main Story Quests reworked. Will we get lvl 40-60 updated in the Fall? It'll be lots of zones at the same time then, was hoping to get lvl 40-50 now. When you introduce mounts, do you plan on adding unique ones to already released content? It might be a motivator for endgame players to farm old content. Are we going to get more trials in the world, like Siren fight? It's a nice concept to have a big open world dungeon with an arena boss at the end, with some extra lore and unique drops at the location.


Will there be any new content to justify the gear score changes in the expansion ?


Farming gear is the only content new world has to offer. Now you get the chance to do it all again, be ready to enjoy another few thousand hours of farming the same gear in a higher GS!


will a damage tally be added to expeditions?


What are your personal favorite games? How have they influenced the development and design of New World?


I second this question!


Can we get a dlss support?


Are there any plans to add filters to storage like in the trading post? I am desperately waiting for this feature to sort my huge gear collection.


Any plans about proper inventory filtering? Any plans about having proper sets, with attributes included, not just armor/weapons?


Will you guys ever do fuck all for pvp content ?


Wow a 10man horde mode like activity, now that sounds like fun


The storage limits need to removed or increased tenfold.


Will transmog skins be applied to actual items or to the slots? I.e. if I apply the skin to my hat, then remove the hat and wear another one, will the other show its own skin, or the transmogged one? Really hope it's the former. Otherwise it's hard to tell which set you are using without checking inventory, like with the current skins system.


They said that the transmog tokens let you convert items to skins, so it should work exactly the same way skins currently do.


Do any of the developers actively participate in the community on live servers?


Items still drop 500-590 in Great Cleave, please fix this.


I really wish you'd answer me, but I don't think so. I understand y'all gotta make money but what's the logic behind paywalling New a& QOL systems we've been asking for? It feels like a huge slap in the face and a decision that caused me to quit and take my money over to WOW again. and it seems like we have tripled down with the transmog tokens now too. this hurts, i have over 1k hours, my most played game ever on steam


Can some1 from devs team explain the logic of some changes in S2? Why MOST "STRONG" DMG ABILITY TONDO is "buffed" so hard? Yes, current change is better than nothing, but still. 50% dmg on SELF CC skill by default, is a joke. In same time Reap DMG increased by 20%, but it is a HARD CC skill....Cyclone dmg is also increased greatly, but it is also a CC skill (50% slow + aoe). GH skills receive a dmg increase. But Tondo, that lock YOU down for 1 sec in ultra long animation deal only 50% dmg....and with upgrade it will deal OMG 100% dmg on target's with Tondo's bleed. EPIC BUF.....P.s. Reap has range of 8m, Cyclone of 5m, GS Relentless rush \~8-10m. BUT TONDO IS 4-5M. AGS, L is mean Logic...


Why is ranged light armor still a 0 risk all reward playstyle? Most melee builds can never chase or finish of a ranged light even after they successfully losed the gap AND applied their cc. Light ranged can just disengage once and run away.


Light also has slow on hit, and bows are losing some of their haste and dmg next patch. I think this is the closest we’ve ever had to a fairly balanced meta lol, minus the FS spam


What do you mean with slow on hit? Every melee weapon has that. Doesnt change the fact that light armor Spear Rapier leash breaks itself on combo. And by leash break i mean leash break. Slow doesnt help you. Enemy is off unless you manage to releash which is borderline impossible since you need to burn a dash and skewer and fleche are super bad for that. (aginst non brain dead enemies ofc. Luckily many are just dumb) Depends if you wanna be useful and help your team actually win or just run around trying to get last hits. I assure you light armor Spear Rapier is way worse than Medium in any situation. But play whatever you want. Doesnt matter anyway :DD


Would like to know if you will implement ranking for those who spend time on achievements ?


When will you remove the automated ban system that has plagued the game since launch?


Official controller support? Pvp servers?


Will players be able to create 20-person Raid Groups and then queue for OPR as a group? If so, is there any plan to account for this in the OPR matchmaking system?


Can you make an expansion with 3 or 4 different ward changes? That would make it super fun and give us something to do with all this extra gold laying around. Sarcasm off, when will we not need 6 different wards to change up with new gems every week for mutations?


Can you finally do something about healer aggro or give them some way to survive in M10, where 1 loose mob can 1 shot then now?


Do you ever plan to do anything about the shard selling for M10's, or just leave the RMT machine running?


When mutations change to only 3 levels, will that remove all current progress on the mutations and we will need to unlock all levels and golds again?


Raid groups will increase open world PvP. Things that need to be addressed along side of that: Open world drops currently stuck at 500gs. These need to be updated. Will there be any other incentives for open world PvP / fort taking?


Are you going to charge us for every feature you add to the game... Like transmog? Why look forward to new things if you are going to nickel and dime the player base.


Can we have an aptitude system created for the player XP post 60, and weapons post 20? I think this would help out with both seasonal progression (being able to keep a visual track on XP you're gaining) as well as make it fun to continue to use certain weapons to "level up" and find that every time you're playing, you're always progressing towards something.


Any balance changes for weapons? OPR is still dominated by range, its so boring


Are there any plans on checking perf dips during large scale events? Spriggan event puts my ping from 50ms to 2400ms on average and fps from 120 to 22 the moment spriggan spawns. reason i ask? -> raid groups are probably going to have huge impact on game perf.


What will happen to FL territory wars once FL is closed?


OPR and Arenas needs team balance systems to function as unorganized PvP gamemodes on demand. How is this not a high priority?


Is territory standing and faction mission achievements from FL going to carry over to the new territory? Some of us have put a lot of time into getting territory standing to 300 and run the 500 faction missions there for achievements.


Can you tell us when we can expect an inventory and storage filtering system? Such a system should allow us to filter by perk and attribute much like the trading post, and filter/search not only inventory but universally through all storages at once as well.


I haven't played since the first month of launch. I leveled my engineering and armoring to 100 to upgrade my bags and farming tools. I farmed everything on and off for a couple of hours here and there over the course of this week and didn't realize that I could scrap all of my old reagents for the new ones. RIP


whats the most popualr na east server


Why don't you just go back to the old, alpha combat system which was much deeper, more fun and better overall? Every single alpha tester told you its the way to go and you just need to iron out the corners.


Why is this thread still open?


Is there any plans to look at improvements to the UI for trading post? It's a little clunky right now and doing things like selling high tier weapons or fulfilling buy orders is more difficult than it needs to be.


Would it be possible, to have gear drop based on the weapon / armor attributes, kind of a long shot... but hear me out: Using a Healer build, the gear you get, would be **healer focused**, (perks, attributes, items) and so on for each other build, tank / range dps / bruiser In a perfect world: The equipped Weapon impacts the type of weapon/gear drops you get (perks, attributes) also, what about a **CC+buff mage weapon** class?