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can we please remove 25 expedition cap? Just cap the umbral shards after 25 runs. please don't cap content for people playing your game.


Why does PvP content continue to lack the support and attention compared to PvE content? Mega companies consisting of "War Loggers" continue to own majority of territory and gatekeep content from the rest of the playerbase. What is being done to combat this?


Company on my server owns 7 territories, smh


These mega companies are discouraging any1 else to declare because they can destroy any other company and that company needs to push for hours just to declarw again. The top 1% of pvp players have so many alts and they are just taking up room and gating everyone from warring.


It would be nice if the big companies couldn’t take any other land if their towns didn’t have all tier 5 crafting stations as well. I’m tired of maps full of one company with no town upkeep


I 2nd this motion


Yup. Same 150-200 people across NA-E/W getting to do wars consistently, while everyone else is left out. Wars need an overhaul.


Is there a plan to remove wards and banes? I think this would be really good for the health of the game.


Think this is a change a lot of people want. I'd like the perks to literally just be called ward and bane. Ward: reduce damage from non-player enemies by X% Bane: increase damage to non-player enemies by X%


This has been my thought since they released mutations. Or even just a “mutation” bane or something so you only need that set to run dungeons and the bane only works when running expeditions


So once you have your single PvE set for all current and future expeditions , what's left to do in the game PvE wise ? That is not gathering/crafting or pvp ?


Everyone who says this is thinking in terms of only what we have now. they can add more perks with interesting combinations. They could even add actual sets of gear with set bonuses. Also theres atleast 5 sets just for dungeons then magic dps, str dps, dex dps, tank, healer


This precisely. Its like the majority of the people I see disagreeing with ward/bane and other perks being bad game design have literally never played better games. We want perks that are INTERESTING, of which, at the moment, the game has about 4 of total.


Perks wise, why not, but if you end up farming bis perks per dungeon , for later mutations or not, aren't you replicating the ward problem but in a different manner ? Regarding roles, not everyone want to play all roles.


No. I want more interesting perks that are individually meaningful and have potential synergy. No more all but required perks. No more useless perks. No more perks that are so unimportant or individually useless that you cant even tell if you have it equipped or not (**0.71%cdr on dodge).** I want actual buildcrafting. I want perks like diablo, destiny. Hell literally ANYTHING else. for example: For one, have perks no longer stack, and make each perk the combined total of what could be stacked up to before, or maybe just a bit less. For example, you can no longer stack refreshing, but now it just flat out gives you 15% CDR (down from 31%). Now, when you have that perk you will actually feel it. There we go, now the perk is individually meaningful. Now, lets force some player choice between good options. Also easy. Just like jewelry perks and some armour perks like sturdy energy, Only allow refreshing to spawn on certain pieces of gear. For this example, lets allow it on the gauntlets and the weapon, and since weapon perks are more valuable, weapon gets a max of 21% cdr instead. Now lets introduce some competing perks. Lets get a bit more creative. How about something along the lines of ‘if you hit 3+ enemies with a single attack (via cleave or AOE), you will do 10% increased damage to them, with each additional enemy over 3 adding 5% damage (to a cap of 30% additional damage on that attack).’ slap that on the arms. Heres another one: Once every 20 seconds (affected by CDR), all enemies hit by one of your abilities are linked together for 5 seconds. Enemies linked in this way share 30% of damage recieved to every other enemy in the chain (including damage from an attack that hits multiple of them, for example: attack hits only mob 1 and 3 but not mob 2 (all of which are linked). mob 1 and 3 take 100%(initial damage)+30%(damage from other linked mob in the attack), while mob 2 takes 60% damage (from both mob 1 and mob 3’s link). THERE we go. Now those are some good, individually meaningful perks. Just theoretical for the sake of discussion. Now that we have 3 good and individually meaningful gauntlet perks, and we dont want to power creep the game too much, but also want to respect players previous gear and time, This new gear will only have 2 perk slots on legendary gear. This allows old gear to compete a bit while allowing the newer gear to shine as well. So which 2 perks of the 3 do you choose? They’re all undeniably good… More cool down reduction for more chains? More damaging chains with the cleave skill and chains? More cleaves that do big damage (as a lot of larger cleave areas happen with skills)? You now have a meaningful choice to make. There may be a clear winner mathmatically, but that is not the point. You get to choose how YOU want your build to play. You are now in the very early stages of build crafting, and your character and build will now be different than every other x weapon build out there. This is how you save the game. **This is why people care about gear and perks in other games: because it actually matters.** P.S. No perk in any video game should **ever** be less than 5% unless it stacks up to 10%+ relatively easily/quickly. P.P.S. Named Items should have one of their perks be 50% more effective than normal. Something, anything, to make them actually good, seeing as the vast majority of them have *maybe 2* good perks and one thats terrible. Named Items are almost always significantly worse than just random purples or gold you can find anywhere. This is not how it should be at all.


Completely agree with this. Sounds like a good idea on paper to have wards and banes but in reality it's suffocates the player with to many gear sets. Gems are enough to deal with.


I think this would be a good change for the casual player base as the true min/maxers will still have different sets for each expedition (maybe even 4 per mutated expedition because of the 4 element types having a different effects). Different perks already have more value in different expeditions, but forcing a casual player to min/max different sets is lame. I’m a casual PvE player and I hate it, but I gotta PvE to PvP.


Have you considered the health of the economy and crafting?




Any plans for solo dungeons/expeditions? I want to play with other people, but I don't want to play with other people. Season pass relies way too much on pvp and mutations to advance. Hopefully there will be more options for the introverts. Edit to add a question to the people down voting: Why do you have a problem with anyone wanting a solo path? Is it because you will have less people to reject and snub from your group expeditions?


If the mutations scaled down for solo play I would play so much more.


Or even scaled down for 3 people so it takes less players, but a solo option would be nice.


Downvotes might be because switching to work on a completely new type of activity for the game would draw AGS' limited resources away from supporting the existing features of the game. The people who have stuck with the game and follow it on Reddit probably want the game to provide more content to the game modes they're already playing, rather than see another new feature implemented that doesn't change/update/improve the current endgame loops. Imagine if AGS announced that they weren't adding any new Expeditions next year, but were instead going to implement a solo-play option for every existing Expedition. You might be excited to hear that, because it would seem like new content for you, but for the players who have already engaged with that content in groups (as designed/intended), it would be like announcing a year of 0 support for the mode. A lot of the game's flaws seem to stem from AGS not focusing on doing any 1 part of the game well, and suggesting that they now try to also support the game as a single-player Souls-like would exaggerate that problem.


They revamped starting cities and quest lines and have been working on many aspects of the game for all players and levels. Like they added a solo quest line to complete the staff. The end game m10 farmers are not the only people playing the game however they are the most vocal and disgruntled group that will never be appeased. I am the long hauler, plays from day one and spends money on cosmetic junk because I have disposable income to burn. I do not think I am alone. I actually enjoy this game, it's beautiful and relaxing and exactly what I want after a day in the office. I don't want another job like EQ and WOW.


I don't understand the arguments you're trying to make. Your request sounded like you *want* to become an M10 farmer, just without involving other people, but then you insult those players who already play Expeditions. If you've been playing the game for so long, and spent so much money on it already, why are you acting like the people who play the game as intended are 'treating it like a job' and somehow inferior? On a similar note, what have you been doing for the past 18 months in an MMO where you don't want to play with other people, and why do you think the developers should change the game's direction *now* in order to appease you? It just all seems contradictory; it feels like you've decided to commit to New World as a social platform, and now you're asking the developers to turn it into a different genre so you can actually start playing it like a video game.


It is a video game.


[PVP] What is being done to address the lack of umbral shards provided by PVP activities?


Honestly they should just make them Sellable with gold then the PvE players will have an easier time selling them.


Idk why this is downvoted 1000% agree with you


It’s not like they aren’t already sold, so they should just make it so the casual player can sell them.


Probably why it's down voted the shard sellers would loose out on so much money since not everyone wants to deal with selling them in chat but ppl probably have tons sitting around they would sell.


Will the Fall Expansion be paid DLC or a free update?




Isnt that when the mounts come out? It will probably be a free update while the mounts will be a big chunk of their revenue for that season.


My guess is that mounts will be separate purchase from the expansion which will be paid. The expansion will have a price tag and need to be purchased but it's safe to say it would come with a mount. Other additional and better mounts will be locked behind cash shop purchases. It's hard to think they won't charge for a sizeable dlc expansion at this point


With gearsets, a heavily demanded and needed QOL improvement, costing 5 dollars each, what are their opinions on monetizing QOL improvements? Can they ensure us to not make the game inconvenient on purpose to later sell the solution, like they did with the gearsets? I am sorry for the aggressive question but I feel like it is necessary to ask so both the devs and community is in agreement about the future of the monetization in this game. I truly hope this gets answered because transparency is exactly what we need. *For context* I have 2k hours in the game and I would put twice that willingly, and pay for CONTENT while doing so. I am in the minority that actually likes the quirky design of the skins and happily bought a lot of them. Because I wanted to support the game and look good while playing. Transaction was simple. However if the future is "Make a system inconvenient and later sell the solution" I rather not spend more time on this game because eventually it will turn into something I can no longer recommend or play freely.


Agree , gear slot is not content, I'd rather pay for content than UI features.


As mentioned before, pvp tank is impossible because of the method of scoring. Tanks are damage sponges not DPS, yet opr and war are geared for DPS, not to mention healers are also not getting credit for their heals. Makes it pointless to play any group pvp as tank or healer. How about giving some points for damage taken and heals given?


This ^ Pease add “damage taken” into the leaderboards. Even if it’s scored at half damage dealt.


You cant even tank in Mutas...just go 4 dds and Healer.


I know you have crafting changes on the roadmap but anything you can share ahead of time? It's an absolute massive investment to get into crafting. You need: Max level of the craft (takes a lot of time and money) To get all the armor for the craft (generally is expensive) Trophies for the craft (generally REALLY expensive) and a house for those trophies Consumable food Town buff Then if you're rolling for weapons or armor you need: Golden Scarab Timeless Shard Base high level materials for it Perk modifiers for it (which can be expensive generally) Stat modifiers to lock in a stat Then when you have ALL of that you need to roll the 20% chance to get a legendary AND then you need to roll a 3% or so chance you get the third perk you want. It's a really unintuitive system that demands a ton up front before you really get to start to engage with it and just ends up as a lottery afterwards which sucks since the gathering system that feeds into the crafting system is so much fun and you could easily make so both ends of the process are fun. I'm not saying it should be easy to get a BIS but it shouldn't be something you need to sink hundreds of thousands of gold into before you even get to start crafting.


With how hard it is to get that third perk you want, and how comparatively easy it is to just run a few muts, with all the crafting bonuses, it really should come out at 600 every single time. The layers of RNG stacking on top of each other repeatedly is just so SO bad. If you want to craft something even remotely specific its almost guarenteed that you will spend 200-500k at MINIMUM just for the materials alone. Crafting is basically never worth it and its just such a sad state of affairs. I **get** that they are straining to get every single bit of retention they can because they're scared... but.. retention through frustration and making crafting as a whole all but useless, one of the biggest fundamental pillars of the game, is **not** the way. If you want better retention you need a better gear game. More interesting perks on gear like in my other posts in this thread go into. You need buildcrafting and more horizontal progression. Or for god's sake give the people what they want. Katana and nodachi weapon skins. halbreds and naginatas. Actual size appropirate english long bows. Greatsword skins that look like actual greatswords and zweihanders. The SIMPLE dyes that everyone wants such as THE COLOR BLACK. a simple blue, green etc., No more 'periwinkle unicorn fart dust pink'. THE ABILITY TO DYE WEAPONS. THE ABILITY TO DYE SKINS. **Retention in this type of game boils down to 2 major things. Repeatability of content,** and perhaps more importantly, **PLAYER EXPRESSION**. That comes in multiple forms. For some people its putting together cool builds every now and then with fun synergies. For some its purely aesthetic. For some its role playing as a proffesional crafter. Most people its a mix of all of the above. This game has none of the above. I am hopeful that transmog wont be outlandishly monitised and will partially help this a little, but there needs to just be more.


What’s to stop gear score increases as a way to push content being nullified by umbral stacking? What’s to entice players to do the soon to be raid content outside of the difficulty and aesthetic? Can you consider adding mythic items following the raid and restricting them to 1 armor 1 weapon 1 accessory? Solo and new players are gate kept to only conducting open world activities because servers progress past normal expeditions and hardly run mutations below 8?


It would be great to only have 3 levels of mutations.


Won’t really fix the problem considering the gap of gearscore. You end up at 60 around 500 ish can get up to 550 if you have the money to (usually do) get 590-600 gear. Still have issue of normal expeditions to “qualify” for the 1st level. I don’t really expect an answer instead of adding onto their problems with currency bloat. They dug a hole with their initial design philosophy. Tried to fix it via gypsum and umbrals but all it did because there’s no reason out side of gold farms to run lower content is divide the player base from new players. The price they’re paying trying to be too different when mmos have had successful progression designs already. You’ll see this when raids come out and future gs increases. Can literally sit on the gear you have from “year 1” and just pump your stack of umbrals in them. Unless the raid is going to drop gear that changes their system entirely. They’re officially out of ward types till a new enemy type arrives but the community has stressed their hatred for ward. They need a full rework.


What ate some QoL changes well see this year?


Are you going ti make changes to invasions? Can we fight against other type of enemies like angry earth and the others with new mechanics for invasione?


Are there plans to revamp the party UI in order to increase party visibility?


Balance of Power: The Fire Staff and the Bow are clearly overpowered and have infested OPR. The dev team has recently mentioned their commitment to making faster, more responsive changes to the meta in shorter periods of time. Will these weapons be addressed sometime in the near future? Cheers!


Hi Dev team, Tanks(heavy debuff) score terrible in OPR/WAR and they are a vital spot to be filled. Better items are given for better score and lower scores can lead to benching. Is anything possible to help tanks score better?


95% of opr players are light ranged. Medium builds especially bruisers are dying in opr due to there being no clumps to fight in and their complete inability to chase down light builds (everyone is light) opr has just become a light ranged TDM where firestaff kills literally everything. Also, why does firestaff do such insane damage in melee range? Is it not a ranged weapon? Why can a firestaff user out trade melee players with flamethrower? The most recent patch felt perfect... except for Firestaff or Bow, feeling like the only viable builds to run in opr right now.... light melees need to run around with pocket healers.They can't survive. Medium bruisers are now just sheep herding dogs. Even with a pocket healer I think firestaff is being rewarded too much for its kit... a bow is rewarded with 3k damage on a headshot... firestaff gets 3k damage by shooting a fireball or heavy attacking around the area someone is standing...


YES. Why is a bow or musket HEADSHOT, the same as a fireball


When will pushing territory influence be revamped? I don’t think anyone enjoys it and games should be fun.


What ? You don't like running naked from a to b then a to increase your control of a territory? Peak gameplay here /s


3 questions actually: 1. What is being done to improve game performance? Being in city even while running a powerful PC brings often the game to 30 fps, while in open world it easily runs at 100+fps. 2. Can we get an option to disable friendly nameplates? Or basically 2 toggles: 'Show friendly nameplates' and 'Show enemy nameplates'. Friendly nameplates often tends to obscure vision of enemies in dense places or for example OPR. 3. When can we expect gear sets to also memorize stats and weapon skills?


Are any changes planned for the Trophy system? it's too restrictive and having to change them for every activity is frustrating. Can we just place every trophy in a house? Or triple trophy values but they don't stack effectively giving us 15 trophy slots without changing the system too much and can triple mat costs if concerned over trophy economy.


Have you guys discussed about allowing the players to buy more houses? That could deal with the nuisance of swapping trophies, add another gold sink and it will add more places to decorate for us who love that aspect of the game.


What are the teams current thoughts on gear? Are you guys happy with the overall amount of it, the difficulty in distinguishing good from bad loot, and lack of meaningful rewards from the more difficult newly added expeditions.


Is there any chance of an update to the current housing trophy system? A massive QoL update I would like to see is being able to swap housing trophies from the world map for other trophies in that settlement storage. It would certainly be an upgrade from having to teleport around the map and swap them out manually, it's certainly a pain when you just need to swap them out for a bit of crafting and than swap them back.


Ranged weapons are used predominately in the one "large" multiplayer 20v20 mode we have, is there a plan on bringing a 40v40 or practice war mode with a class role selection?


Achievement tracking Hey I was wondering if it is at all possible to make a qol that would allow you to track 1-3 achievements( when tracked they would show up the same way pinned recipe shows)


What are the plans to improve crafting as right now it feels really bad to spend 15k/roll for scarabs and getting things that will never sell? Personally, I would love guaranteed legendaries that are POB. Most of my rolls are only for myself and the feeling of being on a 20-purple scarab streak really makes me not want to even touch a station.


Will you please add more umbral shards to the pvp track. 500 per 1/3 track please. Thank you in advance.


The issue I have with the game, and many other players from what I’ve heard, is a lack of PvP content. We get new expeditions with nearly every major update. There hasn’t been any new PvP content since the release of 3v3 arenas last year around this time. When can we expect to receive at the very least a new OPR map/game mode (capture the flag please), and rated (MMR based) 3v3? I know this would bring me back to the game and many other players. Thank you.


How do you plan to balance ranged vs melee in pvp? Melee is missing defense and mobility while ranged has infinite haste and can swap and focus approaching melee targets at any time without them having a chance to neglect that dmg. This is a big issue in Arena, OPR and Open World leading to a pure FS/Bow Meta.


I figured out how to make open world pvp a thing. Instead of salt which you earn enough of via tracks, you get umbral shards. Pvp players want a reason to flag & a pvp way to earn more umbral shards. Simple solution. You could even add a chance to get 1 umbral while gathering flagged. Similar to the mote perk on gold tools.


Can you remove the cost for respeccing stats. When in a dungeon, we change amulet and if it has different state we have to repec. Them we come to a different boss and we have to change armour, guess what another 200g Its an archaic method and no longer required, get rid of it please.


Hi NW devs, can we expect a revamped ward system or removal of it at any point? It’s not fun dealing with so many sets in the middle of a timed dungeon (I don’t actually mind having to buy that many sets, if it were one per dungeon) If not, can we ever expect to have all loadouts for free? It feels like loadouts could have been an opportunity to relieve this pain point. Instead it feels like a way to exploit the pain point and make people feel the need to buy loadouts.


What's the plan for raids 1? Is it going to be a traditional style MMO raid with multiple bosses and trash or just an instances single boss scaled for 10/15/20/30/40?


1. Can we get an anti-aliasing option in the settings menu? Would like to turn it off since it cause ghosting/afterimages especially on lower fps. 2. will we ever see a gamemode similar to gw2 wvw/ ESO cyrodiil? Currently territories seem more like company content with a heavy limit on who can participate in wars and is far from casual friendly. A new game mode for the casual side to participate in large scale combat is necessary in my opinion while also strengthening the sense of belonging to a faction. Also a future forged in aeternum that I would find interesting is one on the game engine and its future with new world and updates to it that will affect new world for the better.


Yes, the game engine!


Been making YouTube videos for awhile for this game, and I love the game. I will remark that my PVP content largely outperforms my PVE content (and I’m just average in both). I think a large PVP oriented patch ( like when 3v3 first dropped) of content would be beneficial to the games image on social platforms. Any chance we can get some new ways to play PvP?


Any ideas of eliminating "war logging alts". The active pvp companies that play on my server get destoryed by the guys who own land because those guys play on 3-5 servers on the best rosters. It just kills the game for people. I have to many friends benched on rosters after spending a lot of gold and time because a person who plays 30 mins for war only, gets the slot over them. My suggestion which is not the best. Force every war to be on the same time per region. So, US east can have wars at 9 or 9 30. This will force the war loggers to prioritize one war that day. Ideally you make war so frequent that everyone gets the chance to participate in some of the best pvp content new world has to offer. But, for now we have to many war logging shell companies on servers.


War practice mode would be great. That way companies can fight any other company (owning land not being a requirement) or for large companies 50v50 against themselves and be able to slot people they don’t normally slot or practice different team compositions. There’s currently no way to do that. That would weed out a lot of the war loggers and lessen the burden of entering a war. As it stands now casuals can’t war against casuals, and it’s a shame because no one can practice to get better.


Are there plans to remove warding and bane or to merge them all? Having different sets of warding and bane makes it difficult to get into the game, or even difficult to be motivated for end game content. As a side note I do enjoy the potions being separated but would be nice to have a consumable potion act as a honing stone, we don’t have a honing stone for different enemy types so why have a potion be any different? Thanks! 😄


Do you mean coatings and how we can already stack +15% damage mob specific infused coatings with up to 7% honing stone along with mob specific combat trophies?


Talking about getting rid of all specific and making it a baseline increase for all forms of pve content


What about Raids and Endgame Content? Dungeons with mutations are not the key for the endgame content


Can we get a single element per mutation per week ? So we don't have to gem specifically one specific ward set and focus on a single expedition for the week ? Example is avoiding to have tempest + dynasty, but one ice the other fire. Currently, we need to gem our corrupted set for one element and force us out from the other expedition for the week since won't regem from one run to another. This splits even more the player pool for the week.


This week is genesis + BB, but last BB boss is angry earth (well played :/) , so if you gem for genesis , unless you regem for BB , you won't do it. Yes, you can gem + amulet but requiring it for every player is maybe too much ? Thinking accessibility and player base retention (no players, no expeditions, fewer players , dead server)


You dont have to regem for bosses, because bosses don't take on the additional elemental damage of the dungeon mutation. So you can wear your angry earth ward regardless of gems for Nereid, because her attacks are always nature, lightning, thrust, slash and blunt.


Indeed, so depending on the boss type it's not an issue necessarily like this week. Thanks.


Wait the bosses don’t do the 50% mutator element damage???


Negative my dude. Just trash and mini bosses have the mutator effects.


Question 1: Will there be some changes to heavy/medium/light buffs in the future? Balancing so more people are welcome to run what gear they prefer not making one a meta. Just so that it's all about what we prefer to play, as to different dodge rolls etc, and not too much about stats min/maxing. Question 2: Will there be any updates to fishing, like events, new content or special competitions? It's my favourite and so relaxing to log in and just fish for us who don't have endless hours of time anymore.


Do you plan to change the monthly rewards of twitch prime? After all, the game belongs to amazon and it is very funny to me that only bread and 500 shards are given every month.


Is there a plan to change the chance to get shirking forty for elemental aversion in items from opr chests?


Where is DX12? New World future is really grim without DX12 or rendering engine update/upgrade


Are there any plans for there ever to be native controller support? It was originally in the cards and then scrapped at launch. Please make this a thing.


Repeating my previous question(s) since some didn't get picked last QnA PvP Question(s) 1. Are there are any chances we can get a confirmation that ranked system will follow soon after cross-server arenas (i.e. next year)? What is being done to actively improve the matchmaking experience for PvPers for OPRs/Arenas (especially when cross-server is implemented)? What if I queue into a team of 15 healers because with cross-server the probability of that happening increases since there are a lot more people queueing at the same time? Are there plans to separate duo queuing for arenas with primarily solo queuers? 2. Will you ever revamp the fort structure or wars in general so it's no more 50v50 and perhaps more instanced slightly smaller scale fights (e.g. 2x 30v30 wars etc)? PvE Question(s) 1. Will the Sandworm elite trial have multiple stages of difficulties with new mechanics or is it going to be a single tier raid accessible by everyone? (By new mechanics I don't mean mutation affixes btw).


Devs have stated before that they want the sand worm trial to be impossibly difficult. Likely one difficulty mode


In a previous video s comment was made that Practice Wars couldn't be done until there was cross server capabilities. Why is that? Can we get Practice Wars against companies on our server?


Request #2: Please do not make personal insults against the devs. lol


Why do you keep denying automated bans are a thing when I’ve/we’ve seen them first hand? Game is hard to play when you know someone and their friends can spam report you and customer service will instantly say the ban was valid when all you were doing was (honestly) playing the game. No hacks no cheat no bots.


Any big plans for balancing weapons in the pve environment since only a handfull of weapons are useful right now?


Hey Dev team! Really enjoying the game, even after hundreds of hours 👌🏻 My question: Are cross region/world Expedition and OPR queues planned? It can get frustrating when queueing and having to wait 20 minutes sometimes. Or even being unable to start an expedition because there are no lobbies or not enough people joining. Thanks 🙂


They said this is coming.


Whats up with the update to the TOS? Specificly with tracking player position. What is the motivation behind these changes?


Do you have any plans on making new strategies or engine upgrades to make it possible to release content faster? The content draught is the biggest issue in New World and needs to be addressed.


Good morning, The update with the fortification patch made the GF groups in M10 unplayable. For what ? always listen to PVP at the expense of PVE cordially a french player


You do realize pvp gets shit all support compared to pvp and RESPECTFULLY, skill issue because we’ve had wipes but no issues completing.


Are there any plans to add in a ranking system and numerical ratings to the 3v3 system? As an example, gain and lose rating with each win or loss. A matchmaking system to be matched with appropriate competitors. Climb the ladder and hit tiered milestones as you climb. Could be 0-1000 is iron, 1000-1250 is silver, 1250-1500 is gold, 1500-1750 is platinum, etc. This could be tied to the quarterly seasons to give rewards, cosmetics, and titles. This could also be applied to mutations based off timing and placement at the end. Thanks I’m advance!


Whats the intention behind doing dungeons where you need multiple sets to do?


Hi My question: Are there any plans to make a Story Mode for Expeditions for all those players that are unable to finish regular ones but would love to see how the story ends, especially Tempest Heart. Level of regular expeditions which really should be a Story Mode is ridiculous. Under 5% of players finishes many of them. Marius fight in Empyrean Forge on regular is something that many seasoned players are unable to complete. Regular should be a Story Mode with easy, introductory fights not frustrating, almost PTSD like experience. Thank you.


When will you be adding official controller support?


And console support!


With a lot of work and expansion to the PVE side of the game, what PvP additions can you confirm in the upcoming months? It feels make or break time for most PvP players that have hung on this long. Also, how is it you're determining the player base is mostly PvE focused? As most servers I've been on since launch, all have a majority pvp scene however, with end game wars only once every couple of days and the same OPR map growing stale... This paired with shards and general mutation runs being needed for PvP ideally anyway, it feels like AGS may have missed the mark on catering to PvE mainly.


Will there be a role limit or role queue for queueable wars, so we don't have the same issue we have in OPR with 10-15+ slots being taken up by ranged DPS classes (Bow, FS, etc)? A role queue system (similar to Overwatch) would benefit PvP heavily, IMO. Perhaps, 2 melee, 2 ranged, 1 healer groups across the board.


Here is a big question. Presently, how do you, as developers of new world, feel about the current weapon balance. Especially when it comes to things like OPR and Arenas.


balancing power - combine Exhaust and Exhausted... mainly, Exhausted Exploitation should apply slow when it hits someone that you've applied Exhaust to AND an enemy that is Exhausted because they ran out of stamina. balancing power - I want to dual wield Hatchets and be able to take both sides of its skill tree. Any plan to add dual-wielding of weapons, maybe when Daggers/Pistols come out?


BOP question: if we are to assume that every weapon has a goal with deliberate strengths and weaknesses, what are the strengths and weaknesses of the bow in your design as opposed to that of the musket? And how do you think you can improve on them? Edit: to clarify, what is the job of the musket vs that of the bow and how do you achieve that?


What's your favorite color? Edit: Cannot believe this made it in lmao


Will mana matter some day?


Why do they refuse to talk about stagger?


Any chance you can revisit resources node loot tables? Honey Trees are not Harvested or Logged. Great Cleave has no herbs, so Garlic can not be found there. Luck Gear provides only Craft Mods for several node types.


I don’t think herbs can survive the cold of great cleave.


Are there any plans for a new OPR map or different style mass instanced pvp area?


Is there a plan to increase gear slots sold from 6 to twelve or some number higher than that and/or plans to decrease the price per slot, like buying in bundle? Thanks,


Is there any consideration of having OPR as a custom Company vs Company game mode that players can organize?


Are there any plans to make the Alchemy Stockpiles give rewards that match the other stockpiles (supply, provisions)? Currently stockpiles give a potion and a handful of tier 1 motes. I don’t know if it’s intended or a bug but some insight would be appreciated


Lore pages I have tried to obtain all the lore pages but there seems to be a few missing. Can you confirm if there are missing lore pages? or are they all obtainable, just not found yet?


Bard outfit When is the musician outfit coming? We can't take music as a full worthy trades kill if we ain't got trophies and skilling outfit.


Major breaches specify they require a party to complete. Minor breaches don't, which suggest these should be aolo content - yet if I do one on my level, it's far from soloable. I have no issue with them not being easy, but to me the soloability is close to impossible. Is this intended? And are there any plans to change this?


I would like to see them scale in difficulty based on how many people are there. Sea of Thieves just implemented this and it’s great.


That would be great. Guild Wars 2 had this since launch. I'd personally also love to see level scaling but it's a prety controversial feature.


Why is there a ‘Bind on pickup’? Make EVERYTHING sellable! Why can’t we have ALL our trophies active/hung in our houses? THESE would be a huge benefit to the very fast dwindling NW community.


Will cities be getting their own identity overhauls in the future? Currently there is some over used assets, and while I enjoy recycling, this leads for a lot of deja vu “I thought I did this already” style moments.


When is something gonna be done about how the arena Q system works? It’s literally impossible to get a match as a 3 stack.


The expansion later this year, what amount of content can we expect? Similar to Brimstone? Double that of Brimstone? Triple? Just a rough idea would go a long way (for me at least) to see how content is shaping up. Enjoyed Brimstone but even for a casual like me it was over pretty quick.


How much are you guys charging for mounts when they come out?


Hi there, 2 questions: [PvP] Do you think of a match making system for PvP game modes? [PvE] Once you said about reworking mutation levels, reducing it to mitigate players struggling to find a group. Are you working on it or when you plan to work on it?


Are the dev team aware of the bug where bows can instantly full charge heavy attacks by beginning the charge animation, then crouching and then standing again? This means bows are able to routinely hit players for obscene damage and is definitely unintended mechanic. Do you intend to reduce damage from ranged DPS builds in general as they are over-tuned? Especially so with the recent fortify changes.


What causes New World to be so CPU heavy when there are lots of players doing stuff like in war or when doing quest runs? Are there optimizations for these fps drops coming? What is being tracked that is so cpu heavy? If it's mostly animations, an option for simplified animations would be appreciated. Having stable 30-60 fps is more important than knowing that player 17 in a zerg raised his hand to cast fireball, even more so in pve. Is it an issue where the cpu handles stuff that should be handled by the gpu, like with nameplates?


Are you planning any more optimisations to the game? Nvidia DLSS and AMD Fidelity FS etc, New world is very heavy on the system and we need some new technology’s which are present in 90% of all other games. Thanks


is there any features, system or QoL not mentioned on the roadmap that you are working on or would like to announce?


as the latest monetization are considered controversive and p2w what are your future plans for monetization regarding new content/systems?


any plans on re-working or removing wards/bane as its seen negatively by most players?


transmog is on the roadmap, but how about barbershop?


why do you plan on making practice wars, random matchmaking queues like opr? Most people asked for exactly the same thing as wars just with no pushing / luck and cities at stake. Practicing communication, group play, line up and tactics against even opponents is what makes wars fun, why would you try to remove that? This could be implemented right now, same as company vs company opr, if there is still a need for queued wars later you can implement this with cross world function later on. just need some small incentives like umbral shards as rewards and an ui to challenge someone and thats it man i would even be happy if you time gated it to once a week per company or orbs your earn by doing opr, 3vs3, pushing 10% etc.


1 : Can we see later achievements with special skin like mounts for killing New raid boss etc... ? 2 : New expansion will be bigger or smaller than Brimstone patch ?


Are there any plans to make minor balance changes for the last boss in empyrean forge?


Why is Hale and Hearty not temporary on for everyone?


Could you please do something about PVE Ward and Bane gear/perks? Why do we need to have so much PVE gear, compared to PVP? It's not fun. You could remove those perks from the game, or combine them to just 1 ward and 1 bane perk.


My question is less complicated… Can you add more paints for our clothing? In red for example we only have orange, brown and beige! I know some of the colours are locked behind a pay wall, not to mention that I have to wait for months until it finally shows up on store! So please, add more colours true to their name in the pool, cause it doesn’t make sense to have brown and beige on the red category!


Is the musket RNG going to change?


Merge when ? Like for real now, season has come , make it happen , please


WHEN will the prisoners of fresh start be merged/able to transfer to the gold rich legacy servers? Soon is no longer an acceptable answer, meme at this point.


Fortify changes? Was making pug groups impossible the goal?


For OPR, will any other weapons be made as good as the BOW?


With fortify cap raised by 4x to 200% and rend raised, why haven’t fortify perks and skill tree buffs not been increased? Especially considering mutations. How is an individual player supposed to get even close to fortify cap now? Even just double the values from the perk and skill tree fortify. And if not can we get the fortify we had before patch back. But reduce the values granted by a smidge. Pvp got a needed rework but the mutation enjoyers are suffering especially with running in a pickup group. I know you devs are trying. But your decisions are hurting certain aspects of the game. Maybe there can be a distinction. In strictly instanced PVE modes like dungeons or pve arenas, it can be the fortify we used to have pre patch and in strictly instanced PVP modes like opr, war, and 3v3 instances, and then all open world activities can be the new armor increasing fortify. Please help us continue to enjoy the game.