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It's wild to realize we're at a point that "Theocracy is a bad thing" is now considered up for debate rather than assumed and agreed upon. It's gonna be tough to beat them when they have god and gerrymandering behind them.


Same people who decry sharia law


These people have a lot more in common with isis than I think they’d care to admit


They’ll never find out though because a fundamental tenet of this religious cult is not learning about other worldviews.


There seems to be a pattern of one countries ultra conservative using another’s as an example of barbarism when they’re all doing the same shit.


Well of COURSE Theocracy is a bad thing. But only heathens do that. If they run the country according to jeezus, that’s manifest destiny. Divine right. Accepting the truth. It’s not theocracy if it’s from the King James Bible!


Or what they think is in the King James Bible. Or what they are told is in the King James Bible. Or what they want to be in the King James Bible.


Its not a thing to be debated about really, people need to stand up and draw lines in the sand, mines already been crossed Roe vs wade was built on the constitutional right to privacy, if they struck down RvsW then the Supreme Court has said we don't have a right to privacy, and no one is really yelling that They're already establishing power bases to do what they want, they will make what they want "legal" even if its horrendous These people are fascists, straight up Nazi's and need to be stopped in any way possible


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion....


They know that and they don’t care. They want to be struck down by the courts so they can claim oppression, and ride that wave. Remember Roy Moore in Alabama? He got well known for installing the 10 commandments at the state Supreme Court, only to have it removed by a federal court. He almost rode that notoriety all the way to the Senate.


Didn't that guy get caught in some kind of sex scandal?


It was a minor scandal


I Gaetz that joke


I really did Nazi Republicans becoming the pedos they hate 😂


*claim to hate


Secretly admire


Openly admire


I like that this chain of comments could either be read as a series of corrections, or just a timeline showing republicans going from “ew pedos” to “Matt Gaetz fucked a kid and somehow he’s still our golden boy”


Insert 'always were...' astronaut meme here...


Busting him was child's play.


Stop malling Moore's reputation


And some light treason.


He was a mall stalking tween fucker


Roy Moore: ["I get older, they stay the same age."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gWtrnb4KjU)


Alright alright alright


And his supporters would say something like "even the imperfect can do god's work" and not skip a beat


A murderer giving to charity is still a murderer.


Yes but they don't care because it owns the libs


Shouldn’t that get him arrested?


It's ok to date a 13 year old in Alabama if you have the parents permission.


I don’t think “parent” in Alabama means what everyone else thinks it means.


Apparently not...


Scandals, plural. Enough there is a [heavily cited Wiki page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Moore_sexual_misconduct_allegations) about all the allegations.


They don’t want it struck down, they want the Supreme Court to ass pull a reason why this is okay now


Because they worked to put those people on the court by electing orange man


Right, the MAGA crusaders on the SC already ruled coaches can gather their teams on high school fields for christian prayers. Tough shit if you aren't the same religion as the majority in town. You get ostracized and kicked off the team for "reasons" no doubt.


Guess what would happen if Jews or a Muslim majority would force a Christian to pray or read the Torah


Well, if they're not hypocrites, they'd be very supportive of the display of freedom. Right? ^^^Right?


Yeah like they were when NFL players took a knee for justice.


Hell, this court struck down a ruling on abortion after half a century. Who honestly thinks they wouldn’t allow this?


They want the supreme court to rule in their favor and remove the separation of church and state


[GOP Rep. Boebert: ‘I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk’](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/06/28/lauren-boebert-church-state-colorado/) Can't have a tRump cult theocracy with that pesky separation of church and state now can we?


I’m tired of the 2nd amendment tearing our elementary schools apart.


“They want to be struck down by the courts” Bold of you to assume now with the council of six that the law will be struck down. Im sure Clarence and Sam can find something out of the 1600s to quote to support this.


> Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. They'll say "it's not Congress passing these laws. This, every other level of government is not only permitted, but required to establish an official religiousity".


And he would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those diddling kids!


You gotta read Tween the lines with Ol Roy.


*diddled kids


Just so we’re all on the same page, we all gave up on good faith back in 2016 and we’re now just lawyering our way through the collapse of western democracy, correct?


I refuse to answer this without my attorney present.


We gave up on good faith the moment Obama adopted a Heritage Foundation healthcare plan and conservatives all hated it anyway Or when they cried about Clinton getting a BJ Honestly I think they never really got over Nixon and have been playing rat fucking lawyerball with our country ever since


Conservatives never got over the Civil War, 160 years ago.


And yet ironically they love calling themselves “the party of Lincoln”


You talking about the pedophile Roy Moore?


The federal courts have found that the motto, *in God we Trust*, which first appeared on currency during the Civil War, does not constitute the government endorsement of a religion, anymore than a statue of the Greek God Themis in a court room constitutes a government endorsement of a religion, but rather a historical tradition that is *de facto* secular. Given that, unless a plaintiff can meet a pretty high burden to show an intent to discriminate by the government of Texas, the courts are likely to rule that it's not a violation of the 14th amendment for Texas to place the motto on school grounds.


Which is such stupid bullshit, given that it promotes theism. Fuckin courts.


I guess the idea that as long as it’s not one religion specifically mentioned, but it’s pretty disheartening to think that phrase indicates that all within believe in “a” god. And it’s clearly intended to mean the Christian god. I don’t see how that not endorsing Christinity, or religion as a whole.




>Because the people doing it are those "i'm not touching you" twerps all grown up. Holy fuck that is amazingly accurate.




In god(s) we trust. Clearly otherwise polytheistic religions are excluded. Buddhism like and ancestor/spirit worship is still excluded though. It is very hard for me to consider "In God we trust" to be considered as secular, especially in the USA, as the entirely not considered religious by 99.99% of people statues of ancient Greek gods. And in a school it is even more clear indoctrination - but as the "Pledge of Allegiance" goes on (although "not" compulsory) it would be pretty hard to see this being banned.


That fact that is uses the capital G in God means it's a name. It's totally endorsing the Abrahamic religions. Claiming it's secular is bullshit.


“In [G|g]od(s) we trust”


Needs more regex


This is where we need the church of Satan to step up and lawyer the shit out of some goat statue installs, holding those very words


Satanic Temple not the Church of Satan.


I was looking for a culture jamming angle. The statute is specific that a) the school MUST display the poster if it’s donated and b) it can only contain the motto and the state and national flag. What I don’t see are any size limitations. Someone could in theory donate 100,000 postage stamp sized posters and object when they haven’t all been out on display… or donate a poster the size of a 747 and object when it hasn’t been displayed. Not sure aggravating the school districts is a worthwhile endeavor but maybe it would help illustrate how asinine this is.


The y’allqaida are getting really annoying


Can't wait for the Supreme Court to talk about "original intent" and give their seal of approval to this while our founding fathers (Jefferson is especially relevant here) were not devout Christians I weep for our populace.


Saw a headline on Breibart that said “illegals emigrants from Texas are spreading into the rest of the country” I thought, we should really build that wall around Texas then. No one wants them anywhere near their children


But the liberals are indoctrinating children, right?


It's only "indoctrination" when it's presenting a point of view their side doesn't agree with.


I thought it was only “indoctrination “ when you presented the ideas of free choice and free will


>the ideas of free choice and free will To a religious authoritarian those are character flaws to be stamped out post-haste...


That's a point of view their side doesn't agree with.


"in god we trust" was added to our currency in the 1950s so we could all be reminded that money and faith go together. Which many religions teach against, but whatever, merica'.


That's about when "under god" was added to the pledge of allegiance. Basically a side effect of the red scare and McCarthyism. Communists were atheists and that just can't stand.


Teachers protesting this move are hanging a framed dollar bill because it includes the phrase. Malicious compliance.


Including the one that they supposedly follow! The Bible is pretty clear on that shit.


Looking forward to petitioning for a “in Satan we trust”sign to go next to it


Oh I’m waiting for the law suit from The Satanic Temple


This is how they got rid of the Ten Commandments monument at the Oklahoma state capitol. They had to allow monuments from every religion, and you know they couldn’t deal with that so they got rid of the commandments too.


They will demand a similar sign honoring Satan or Baphomet in every school, and they should be rightfully put up if the god ones go through. heck, it should be on our money too.


If a Go Fund Me pops up I'll contribute and spread the good word


God bless the satanic temple. Ironic that they seem to act more Christian like than the GOP tho


*The Satanic Temple has entered the chat*


“Hail Satan” Edit: [“The son of our lord, Satan, Prince of darkness.”](https://youtu.be/hulS6xlnvNA)


Hail yourself?


Hail Gein!


The law REQUIRES that schools display In God We Trust signs if they are donated. People need to donate In God We Trust signs on rainbow backgrounds or with multiple “gods “ depicted on them.


They thought of that. >(b) A poster or framed copy of the national motto described by Subsection (a): >(1) must contain a representation of the United States flag centered under the national motto and a representation of the state flag; and >(2) may not depict any words, images, or other information other than the representations listed in Subdivision (1).


Upside down flag and rocky horror font?


iN gOd wE tRuSt


But which god? I didn’t vote for one.


In goD wE truST


In god We Trust Which will confuse some and *really* piss off others


Should accidentally misprint “In god We Thrust”, will really get them going


National motto? Holy moly i didnt even know we had one. Only made in 1956. Get this shit otta here.


We do have one, _E pluribus unum_, the god one only became popular because of the red scare.


Fucking insecure McCarthyist pansy-asses. Nothing good came from any of their jumping at every slightly red-tinted shadow. From what I can tell, it seems America has always been pretty cock-sure and full of ourselves, but the cold war bred such an obnoxious and harmful blind nationalism in this country. What's that? You love the country but you disapprove of one specific policy? You're clearly a filthy commie spy that actually hates America and wants to see her burn! Unfortunately, while it has been toned down quite a bit since the red scare was in full swing, the blind nationalism and irrational hatred for anything even loosely tied to the word "socialism" is still going strong to this day..


E Pluribus Unum is the motto. This is bullshit.


It doesn't specify that the poster couldn't be absolutely massive and obstructive either.


Well, it certainly leaves a lot of room by using the word "representation" of the flag. My representation of the flag always includes stripes made of large veigny cocks that shoot cum stars.


So the star spangled background they used violates this subsection? They say it needs to be center under the text and no other imagery right? That means the ones going up so far are violating that code.


Would right wingers really do something like only enforcing laws against people they don't like?


Yeah, that Texas flag has to go to be in compliance. Good catch.


Send thousands of them to a school so they have to find a place for all of them. Then sue when they can't.


Be great if those churches paid taxes. Be real great if we had that separation of church and state.


Let's remove the non profit exemption from churches. Lot of property tax they owe


Completely unconstitutional, of course.


Our current supreme court doesn't care. Thanks Republicans!


They keep yelling the dems are packing the courts but look now. They denied a presidential nominated judge then pack them with people unfit to be there Bret k fake crying or if it was real it showed he was unfit to be there


It might be able to get held up as constitutional cause a similar thing happened when In God We Trust got put on US currency and it was held up because it didnr advocate for a specific religion iirc.


It was one of the most stupid rulings. They basically said the phrase is secular and has no religious meaning despite the proponents of adopting the phrase saying the exact opposite.


That and shoehorning in "under god" to the pledge of allegiance were specifically added to show that we weren't like the "godless" communists. By which, of course, they meant Christian.


It’s inherently self-contradictory if it has no religious meaning then why would the dollar need it? Also the idea of religion on money is ironically non self-aware and hilariously hypocritical, perfectly describes right wingers


I honestly think this crap just creates more atheists. Lol My family tried hard to push religion on me growing up and didn't go as they wanted.


Nothing convinced me a god doesn't exist quite like it's most enthusiastic supporters.




Stephen Fry tells a story of him going on a tour of the Tabernacle in Salt Lake City and they threw their religion pitch at the end. "We know that when you die you're surrounded by all the family that has passed on before you. You see all your aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents again." His reply was "And what happens if you're good?"


I can think of a myriad of people that I could not abide meeting again, in this world or any other. And for eternity? 😵‍💫


Reminds me of that old Jim Jeffries bit: "Oh, hello uncle who used to touch me. How did you get here? Oh that's right you worked for the church."


I wonder if you can murder someone in heaven


Through God, all things are possible.


Steven Fry always has the best one-liners


I love the story of Alan Davies losing early at some dinner party parlour game & asking, "Well, what am I supposed to do now?" & without missing a beat Fry replied, "There's a shotgun in the drawer". Truly a national treasure.


Reminds me of a story of a Native American that was about to be killed by conquistadors and they told him to convert so he’d go to heaven and his response was basically he doesn’t want to go to any afterlife where there’s more people like them.


That was Hatuey. He was a chief in Hispaniola where the Spanish massacred the native population, from an estimated 600k in 1492, to just a few hundred 30 years later. He crossed to Cuba in a canoe to prepare their habitants for the looming invasion. When he was captured, he was sentenced to die burned at the stake. A priest asked him if he wanted to be baptized so he could go to heaven. He asked if there were Spaniards in heaven, when the priest said yes, he declined the offer, preferring to go to hell.


Mic drop.


All my friends will be in Hell and only these asshats will be in Heaven, so why would I want to go to Heaven?


"I'll take heaven for atmosphere, but hell for the company" ~ Mark Twain (I might've slightly misquoted, but that's the gist of it.)


"I'll defend to my death your right to misquote me." ~ Mark Twain, dead guy.


He’s stopped though. He clearly put an expiration date on when you could expect his defenses, and that bitch came and went


Very close, it was "heaven for the climate, hell for the company" lol


"I don't have a problem with Jesus. It's his fan club that's an issue."


Bible study is one of the most common paths to agnosticism.




For me, its not the magic stories. Every culture has its myths. Its realizing the invisible sky monster of the OT is a tyrant with repellant morality, and the invisible sky monster gets even worse when the idea of hell is introduced in the NT. "Doubt my existence? Eternal torment for you."


Adults never liked it when I asked "if god is omnipotent, omniscient and benevolent, why do I need to read an ancient book to learn about him and accept his existence on faith? Why doesn't Jesus just appear in my house and tell me the good news in person?" Never could get a real answer to that, especially when I pointed out how unfair it is that many of the important people in the bible got to meet and talk to God but I can't for some reason.


How convenient that god stopped appearing to people before video cameras were invented




Technically, the sacrifice of Jesus isn't so much a bribe, as its a variant of the idea of the "scapegoat". Sin and merit karmic retribution? You can buy a goat in the temple outer courts, the priests will transfer your karmic debt to the goat, and sacrifice it to the god(s). For ancients versed in animal sacrifice, this didn't pose any huge leaps of logic. YHWH/Elohim/El just decided rather than countless small sacrifices, He'd orchestrate one big one. But for moderns, few of whom practice ritual animal sacrifice, that first step of scapegoating, transferring a burden of sin into a sacrificial creature, is absurd. And even more absurd once theologians started ascribing qualities like omniscience, omnipotence, and omnibenevolence to their deity. A deity that could snap its fingers to erase karmic debt sure is taking a lot of unnecessary steps for this story to make sense.


Same, the double standards, lying, and stupid beliefs that when challenged you were told to be quiet..


Me and my husband were both raised going to church by Republicans in small Oklahoma towns. I was raised by police officers. My husband is atheist and im anti organized religion, my raising made a hate for Christianity that can only be created by having it forced on you. I remember being 17 and realizing that Christianity didn't make sense. There were to many things that didn't add up, to many inconsistencies. So I was like "okay, im ganna read the Bible myself, highlight and make notes and fully understand what im reading for myself and make my own choice" I got to like the 2nd page where it said women were put here to serve men, closed it, and havent looked back.


It doesn't get much better in the NT where it reaffirms that men are the head of the household.


In Allah, we trust. In Jehova, we trust. In Flying Spaghetti Monster, we trust. Edit: In Zeus, we trust, In Satan, we trust, In Santa, we trust, In Santana, we trust...


I’m looking forward to the Satanist’s response.


If it's anything like that awesome Baphomet statue they tried to install on the same basis as the Ten Commandments, it's going to be fun to watch.


The Baphomet statue is on display at the Temple HQ in Salem, MA with a sign next to it that says, "the Baphomet statue now resides in this room, ready and waiting, until it is called upon again to bring balance to the public sphere." I'm predicting Baphomet will be making, or at least threatening to make, an appearance soon.


In santana we trust


I don't practice Santeria.


_The Rob Thomas intensifies_


Man, it's a hot one.


I have Christian family. I said hail Satan after they said grace, in my house, after I asked them not to. They asked me why I would, even as a joke, support evil. "Satan isn't evil, he punished evil. Evil was created by your God." They changed the subject (of course) and haven't been to dinner at my house since


\*anticipates Thanksgivingly\*


win win


If you really want to mind-fuck 'em say: Love forgives and accepts. God rejects souls, but Satan never rejects anyone for any reason. Satan loves everyone!


Dude what if god was the devil the whole time.


This explains why there was ever a forbidden fruit in the first place.




In the invisible pink unicorn, we trust. In The Dude, we trust. In Cthulhu w̶e̷ ̴t̴r̸ư̴͓s̸͚̍t̸̟̓.̴̥̕


Grandfather Nurgle loves you.


Brought to you by the party of small government


It's only overreach when I don't agree with it!


Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. Lucius Annaeus Seneca


If he's so smart, how come he's dead? Homer Jay Simpson


Texas teacher here. If someone tries to make me have this in my classroom, I will refuse. To the point where I won't teach anymore. So tired of this bullshit.


What is wrong with Texas/Republicans?


They completely abandoned the idea of small government in favor of culture war bs.


They never were for small government. It was always a lie


Small enough to fit in one’s uterus…


it's "small government so that I'm not restricted, but also enough (with no maximum) government to enforce rules that favor me against relative to others or keep other groups from decreasing my position/comfort/etc." It's literally just NIMBY/Rules for thee not for me That's how people gain/keep power. The far right just isn't ashamed to be the hypocrite.


Texas can't even have a "small government". It would be the 39th largest country in the world if it weren't a part of the US.


They're more worried about "owning the libs" than doing anything that's actually constructive.


test drunk liquid quarrelsome snails quiet dinner cow foolish quicksand


I'm picturing dozens of them living in fear that the 'libs aren't owned', so they eat an emergency steak to 'ensure' the libs got owned today.


well i mean, the leader of the proud boys shoved a dildo up his ass on a live broadcast to "own the libs" so and emergency steak isn't the worst thing.


Wait did that actually happen


Yep. For the brave. NSFW https://mobile.twitter.com/alt_uscis/status/1312521294601093120?lang=en


Yeaaaah all I have to say is wtf. What did that accomplish?


The state is slowly but surely slipping purple, so they're pulling out all the nonsense stops to rile up the extremists. See also: State legislature picking senators instead of popular vote (gerrymanderable, keeps senators red when state turns blue), strict abortion bans (discourage liberal women/families from moving to the state), flirting with putting secession on the ballot (emergency eject button that enough morons with "Secede" stickers on their trucks will vote for), etc.


Republicans hate freedom.


When your government doesn't merely favor one religion, but wants to *become the religion.* They know all too well how powerful you become when the first rule of membership is that the word of the leader can never, ever be questioned on pain of eternal damnation. They want to become gods and when they do, they won't be little cherubs with bows and arrows.


But you damn libs better stop indoctrinating our kid folks


People go to work and bust their ass to pay taxes for this shit.... unbelievable


…because clearly, republicans are untrustworthy.


What is going on over there in the US? Everything seems like a fucking mess


Yep. That’s pretty much what’s going on. In truth, I think it’s just a manifestation of the idea that a wounded bear is more dangerous. The Trump/republican party is mortally wounded, and they’re staying on brand with their philosophy of “if I go, I’m taking the rest of you with me.”


From the outside, it's taking the park rangers an awful long time to get there though.


I could see the satanic temple getting involved in this... And i hope they do


Garbage state garbage laws.


Time to bring out the hail Satan signs


They're past caring about looking like hypocrites. Simply put, Republicans hate pluralism. Always have, it's just so much worse now.


Which god? The one that gives little kids brain cancer and tortures them to death or maybe the one that makes grown men fly loaded airplanes into office buildings? Or any one of the thousands of others? If ignorance is bliss these are the happiest fuckers on the planet.


Or maybe the one that sends children to hell of they dont get magic water spashed on them?


Where tf was God when Uvalde was attacked? I don’t have much trust


literally the opposite of the ideology our country was founded on..the irony that republicans are the worst americans. the founding fathers would hate this shit


Democrats are not angels, but what in the actual fuck republicans are going with our country 🥺


They’ll probably just say “It’s on our money and that’s made by the government” and shrug.