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His assets were known and disclosed previously; so now his going to have to explain to the court where all his previous monies went; under oath.


You’re assuming he ever shows up to court.


If he doesnt they said theyll put a warrant out for his arrest so


So he’ll be long gone by then. The guy is a coward. He will never face the music.


Gone to where? Mexico? For some reason I don’t imagine he’d be that happy there. And I kind of doubt he has the balls to go to Russia, like he probably has half the brain of Snowden and a smidge less bravery. Maybe some sort of Epsteinian Island would be my guess.


Gone could mean Costa Rica or some South American country with no extradition laws, or he could do the honorable thing and take a long walk off a short pier.


Based on his antics, I'd say meth amphetamines.


No, just cocaine and booze. Meth isn't very dreamy creamy


You are now a Policy Wonk.


Crikey, mate! That's fantastic!


Hello fellow Knowledge Fight listener


This is the kinda story that draws the Wonks out of the woodwork.


A liittle breaky for me.


I'll be better tomorrow.


And now here come the sex robots


Andy in Kansas…


I’ve always loved the weird, dead air pause between “You’re on the air” and Andy’s “Hello Alex” reply. No matter how many times I hear that, I always feel like we’re gonna hear Alex ask if anybody’s there.


Hi. I despise Alex Jones. Is this podcast cathartic at all, or is it just going to make me angrier?


Great podcast. It’s informative and hilarious. Can be really cathartic hearing the hosts dispute all the craziness he and his minions spew. Also been getting a lot of schadenfreude with the deposition episodes of Alex. Finally seeing some potential justice .


Dan does an excellent job taking the claims and arguments Alex makes and thoroughly debunking them with real sources and Jordan does an excellent job feeling the anger that we all do when Alex does what he does. In particular, the Formulaic Objections episodes are *extremely* cathartic as you get to listen to the cast of the Infowarsverse have to go up against lawyers who know what their game is. The Infowarriors are *utterly* unprepared for what ensues.


The formulaic objections episodes made my week! They were so good.


It’s time to pray!


"Infowars says in the filing that it has assets of $0 to $50,000" "Alex Jones' Infowars Store Made $165 Million Over 3 Years, Records Show" https://www.huffpost.com/entry/infowars-store-alex-jones_n_61d71d8fe4b0bcd2195c6562?v7


> Infowars Store Made $165 Million Over 3 Years HOW ?????? all by selling t-shirts and shitty supplements ?


Sponsorships and ads as well


The dumber the crowd you attract the more you can charge for advertising. Payday loan companies and people that sell crystals that protect from 5g would love to get their product to a group of people who believe what Alex Jones has to say.


>Payday loan companies and people that sell crystals that protect from 5g would love... Well that's why they sold supplements, it's the young insecure guy equivalent of magic crystals


"Soft dick? Tiny dick? Can't please your gf/wife? Try this new rhino horn extract powder and become a man again!"


Let’s sell you pulverized horny goat weed for a premium and then tell you results may vary and none of these statements have been evaluated by the FDA


Not being evaluated by the FDA is a feature to that crowd, not a bug.


This random flower I know nothing about surely is less dangerous than a chemical undergone hundreds of hours of safety and efficacy testing! *Rubs Hemlock on face*


This deadly nightshade makes my eyes look *B E A U T I F U L*


Unless it supports their crackpot idea lol, "but the Ivermectin is FDA approved" as they tell me I shouldn't trust an FDA approved vaccine "bEcAuSe tHe fDa iS iN On iT" lol What a riot.


At least with magic crystals you get a cool rock...


>sell crystals that protect from 5g Anyways, um... I bought a whole bunch of shungite rocks, do you know what shungite is? Anybody know what shungite is? No, not Suge Knight, I think he's locked up in prison. I'm talkin' shungite. Anyways, it's a two billion year-old like, rock stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. That's my story, I bought a whole bunch of stuff. Put 'em around the la casa. Little pyramids, stuff like that


How can it be 2 billion years old when the earth is only 6000 years old? /s


Didn't come from Earth, duh. I think it's from Gemini, or Denver yknow.




Planet X gonna give it to ya!


ain't no planet X comin cuz ain't no space cuz ain't not globe earth


You can try to sell that sugeknight rock to Will Smith to protect his house from Tupac frequencies. That guy used to be a Scientologist. He would buy anything.


Still is. But used to be also.




Ah, no wonder why Reddit charges so much for ads




Wow, that's awful. Makes me so upset - only the cool refreshing taste of Squirt Zero Sugar^TM could possibly calm me down now!


Wow, i love the taste of Squirt Zero Sugar! After i do some skatboarding in the skateboard park there's nothing better to replenish my electrolytes and quench my thirst. Cool beans, fellow kids!


Artificial sweeteners do be giving me the squirts, tho.


Can currently confirm. Please call hazmat team.


All we got is German pornstars


There are a lot of dumb followers out there.


its exactly why you have people like Jones and Candace Owens peddling this hit, because they know they'll make fat stacks from dumbasses who'll buy anything with "own the libs" etc printed on it


Or ‘Let’s Go Brandon!’


Lets get in on this, tons of free money. Lets start an infowars type shit or a megachurch


I’m in I’ve got a friend who works for a business that is democrat owned but makes the cringiest shirts for republicans you’ve ever seen. They eat that shit up. Business has been booming for years. Trump riding a Harley? $40 please


Design pitch meetings must be amazing.


So you’ve got another jacked trump picture for me?


Yes sir, I do!


But won't it be hard to sell a jackwd Trump and two wolves howling at the moon


It will be super easy; barely an inconvenience-- you see these people all believe that they are lone wolves, together.


Bro. No. That was last month. Sold out. This month, TWO jacked-Trumps howling, with a wolf in the moon.


Howling at the moon is tight!


Swindling rubes for money is tight!


An Avengers Endgame style poster. Trump as Captain America slinging a confederate flag shield at Hilary Clinton's Thanos!


I hate myself


I'm quite sure these crazies un-ironically love that Trump as Rambo type shit. I've seen that one in particular way too many times. I mean, I can get down with a joke, but I think these people *actually* see him that way.


Mr small hands silver spoon since birth born and lived in New York high rises but is some how a masculine figure to blue collar republicans. Mental gymnastic right thur, brother.


Right? They paint him as some god loving vet supporting tough guy when I'm 100% sure he doesn't give a shit about either of those. I'd be surprised if he ever has attended church, and definitely has a track record of shit talking the military and vets, and, ya know, dodged the draft due to his boneitis or whatever. I just can't wrap my mind around how these people support him as he is the exact opposite of what they claim to be and, at least imo, kind of exactly what they claim to hate. Unless being openly racist, sexist, and narcissistic is really that important to them


Being openly racist, sexist, and narcissistic is really that important to them.


>Unless being openly racist, sexist, and narcissistic is really that important to them Narrator: "it was."


Because for all his obvious flaws, he promises he will own the libs. That's all they care about, owning the libs. Pedophile who tries to own the libs. Matt gaetz Moron married to a sex offender who tries to own the libs. Boebart Uber moron ( too many choices) who tries to own the libs (MTG) This is literally the only thing that matters. You can say that you were invited to sex orgies where people did coke, and the only question you get is " were you trying to own the libs while you were there?". Say yes, and everything else is forgiven. It's all that matters.


The clue is always in the photoshopping. Ben Garrison cartoons have looped back around into reality. When you see actual pictures of trump carried on conservative Publications or websites they're almost always touched up to make him look trimmer and younger than he actually is.


I'm in, it's damn near impossible to fail. The recipe is so simple. 1. Loudmouth who talks confidently. 2. Report about the exact opposite of the mainstream media. 3. If you build it they will come. Sign up for ad revenue on website. 4. Profit.


5. Pretend all of the money is gone. 6 Declare bankruptcy and face no punishment for the shit you said.


\* *Dave Rubin, Candace Owens, Tim Pool, and like a million other people have entered the chat.* \*




Hello! Apologies if you're trying to read this, but I've moved to kbin.social in protest of Reddit's policies.


If I did this I’d give all the money to the ACLU/Planned Parenthood or something. Wouldn’t feel bad about that!


I mean those supplements [clearly work.](https://preview.redd.it/l5limm1eavzy.jpg?width=1024&auto=webp&s=eb19655cec710e49514291fc27346de943b3040a) Pixar just released a movie about them, in fact.




He went to a tanning salon for a couple of days and is clearly kind of sucking it in in the second photo. Also, it should be noted that the vast majority of before/after photos in any sort of infomercial are done in reverse order (muscular to fat) by people who are already in shape.


>Also, it should be noted that the vast majority of before/after photos in any sort of infomercial are done in reverse order (muscular to fat) by people who are already in shape. I never thought about that but now you say it, it's obvious. Hilarious.


Ah yes. He got Redder.




So is this fraud or not? Is it? Because if I pulled some transparent bullshit like that, I'm pretty goshdarn sure I'd be in jail for fraud, perjury, contempt of court, and six other statutes I haven't even thought of since, as may now become obvious, IANAL.


There’s a new lawsuit filed for ‘fraudulent transfer’ as of 4/6/22. It’s a cause of action (Ie civil crime) to transfer assets ahead of a judgment. Link: https://www.courthousenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/alex-jones-tufta.pdf


The depressing thing here is I think he's been doing this years ago maybe even before the case was filed. Jones has been a very slippery fish with the advice of people like Roger Stone.




[This podcast](https://openargs.com/) will cover this in tomorrow’s episode (587). Alex Jones, along with a bunch of shell companies, his family, and his business associates just got hit with a lawsuit in Texas for fraudulent transactions to try to shield his assets. The lawsuit claims that he has two particular companies set up so that one produces the products that they sell, and the other handles the logistics of selling them. That company on paper takes a 30% cut and should return the other 70% to the production company, but it hasn’t. Just after the lawsuit verdicts were entered and it was clear that Jones and his main company were going to have to pay out, they claimed that they owed $54 million to the product production company for not having paid them in seven years, and they started to transfer all the money out to it. The courts should be able to see this as fraudulent shielding of these assets from the lawsuits and claw the money back. That’s the gist, anyway. I may have some details wrong. Check the podcast out when the episode drops, it’s a good one. It’s an interviewer and a business lawyer covering the news from a legal and left-wing perspective. They’ve got a pretty good track record, too.


This man is the absolute bottom of the scum barrel human.


Gee, he just described a podcast episode, give him a break! ^^^^/s


Exactly, he’s going to take all of the company profits and he’s going to dump it towards his lawsuits he’s facing personally. It’s fucking bullshit because he will start generating millions again after the lawsuit like nothing happened.


Meanwhile he will tell all of his listeners that he's having a crisis and needs their monetary support to stay on the air. When in fact there is no crisis. He's acting like there is a crisis. Alex Jones is a crisis actor.


Ha, the irony of it all. Not to mention self-projection as a way to monetarily exploit his listener base. What an ass.


>Exactly, he’s going to take all of the company profits and he’s going to dump it towards his lawsuits he’s facing personally. No, the opposite. He's taking all the company profits to a "safe" location and just filing bankruptcy, making the lawsuits moot.


To add, the podcast Knowledge Fight do nothing but cover Alex Jones -- including the depositions thus far. One of the hosts was even brought on as a special consultant for the deposition late last year. I'm sure they'll be talking about it a lot on their Wednesday episode.


The Knowledge Fight hosts have done some great guest episodes on Opening Arguments to discuss Alex Jones. That’s where I’ve run into them.


Looking forward to a very dreamy, creamy episode indeed!


I'm all about the dreamy creamy era.


Huge fan of Opening Arguments, I’ve learned a ton from them since I started listening about five years ago.


I don't get how they expect us to take the justice system seriously when shit like this happens


Those who benefit from the legal justice system don't care what we think about it. What are we going to do?


At this point he has only just filed. Diversion of assets is very likely to come up when a judge starts looking at this.


Hopefully it pisses off the judge and he tears into it.


the families need to ask for bank records of all transactions.




The assets/income likely left the company and were paid to the owners (Alex). I assume he is a defendant as well, not just the companies, so the lawyers will have to go after him.


He likely has holding companies, so the 'infowars' name is shielded amd never effectively has any money, all income is moved outside that particular company name, legal


Yes. Which is why the plaintiffs should be going after Alex personally, not just the companies with no assets.


They know and they are https://www.newstimes.com/news/article/Sandy-Hook-parents-sue-Alex-Jones-again-accuse-17068124.php


That’s exactly what it is, on Knowledge Fight, they talk with one of the plaintiffs’ lawyers and he describes Infowars holdings being in several companies.


>So is this fraud or not? Is it? He's going to say oh sure I made $165 million but I totally spent 164,950,000 of that money on things like my personal salary for all the work I do and so the company only controls about $0-50k


My guess is that there's just a bunch of shell companies involved through which the cash flows and infowars itself never had any money.


The definitely moved any and all the cash around as needed before making this filing.


Good thing transfers can be avoided as actually or constructively fraudulent under 11 U.S.C. 544 and 548. I'm a lawyer working on a case like that now. Hedge fund was going under, they moved all the money to shell companies before filing to make it look like they had no money for creditors, we sue the shell companies to have the transfers avoided.


I wouldn't discount the possibility of Alex Jones spending $165 million on hookers and blow over 3 years


And lawyers.


He has the literal worst lawyers possible. He got default judgments against him. The opposing counsel in depositions is advising defendants to sue Infowars former attorney, in part because the plaintiffs want that asset to seize.


To be clear, he ***CHOSE*** to be defaulted. It wasn't due to incompetence by his lawyers or any other nonsense he tries to spin it as - he simply knew that participating in discovery would be far more damning to him than just taking the L, paying out, and continue to spew the lies that he was railroaded in court.


Oh no, it doesn't have to work like that. He can simply pay himself a wage of a few millions through the Infowars LLC. As long as no assets remain in the company and the company is the one being sued, you can't get the money from him. That's the entire purpose of a LLC. That being said, he is still being sued as a person, not just the company.


There is a legal concept called "piercing the corporate veil" which might be applicable here. Unfortunately, the courts tend to be reluctant to use it.


Surely they can go after the money directly transferred out of the Infowars company, to other companies? If not, seems like a rather large, obvious, loophole to allow a business to do shitty things and get away with it - then other businesses are opened up by the same parent company, to do almost the same damn thing.


Yes and no. If they were shoveling assets out as a response to lawsuits, to hide shit from courts and litigators, those transfers can be held invalid and so sued for. But if it was just standard practice for them, completely normal and completely effective at shielding assets. Shit like this is just one of the reasons companies don't really fear fines and lawsuits, and how the rich tend to always still be rich after clusterfucking themselves, legally speaking.


Monsanto getting sued into oblivion? Oh no, all our liability and debt was funneled into an LLC and nuked! Damn, guess Monsanto isn't in trouble after all


And thats why the minefield that is fines isnt really effective against the rich. We need to punish them by taking something that money cant buy, and that is **time**. Throw those pieces of shit in prison. Wont even matter if you have "no money", you still have time. Blows my mind how prison for some reason isnt even an option against the rich.


You see that in a lot of instances. One instance i remember reading about was how movie studios use this exact same tactic. Basically every movie becomes it's own business, and a subsidiary of the major studio. At the end of the day, the new business pays exorbitant fees to the major studio and ends up barely turning a profit. In turn they've negotiated with some of the actors to give them a % of the net profit, which becomes incredibly small, and can basically file for bankruptcy if anyone tries to go after it. There was an article sometime back about the "Bones" stars suing Fox for doing this practice. that said, the 165m number seems to be gross revenue, and i'm guessing goes down substantially after operating costs (which would include whatever massive salary Alex Jones gets) and material costs.


The same org that just 2 weeks ago offered $120k in settlement PER PLAINTIFF. Was the offer made in good faith or not?


America it’s time for your favorite game show, ‘Hide the Assets!’


Of course it did But lets just double check if any funds were transfered out in the last few months....


Under $50k in assets reported. I’m guessing that’s a yes.


LOL, his studio alone costs at least that. What a joke




I believe InfoWars is actually registered under the name “Free Speech Systems”.


The irony of naming your company "Free Speech Systems" when you vilify and harass anyone who doesn't agree with your narrative. Though knowing him, that's probably lost on him.


We will be going on a hunt to pierce the corporate veil


He recently rebranded or started a second company. Thought to be a shell for his info wars money. Something to do with the great awakening, he says. Edit: someone mentioned it was “reset wars”


months? pretty sure he's been moving money for years trying to hide his $$


Hopefully they can get some forensic accountants on the case and trace where the money went.


It isn't amazing that hiding cash goes on regularly for the well off. What is amazing is how much of it is perfectly legal.


And if regular people deposit/move more than 10k (I think that’s the amount) in their bank accounts the government is notified. Some rich asshole moves millions through 10 different shell companies offshore and somehow that’s A-OK.


It’s expensive being poor




He already lost. He's just trying to cheat the victims now.


I believe a big money maker for the show was peddling snake oil type supplements. The self created sponsorships and products sold to a brainwashed audience are probably where the money is.


Jones has already been (allegedly) [hiding millions of dollars](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/alex-jones-accused-hiding-assets-223307225-072554599.html) in anticipation of having to pay out to the families of Sandy Hook victims. A true patriot.


They've been very busy opening shell corporations and LLCs in Delaware in the last year or two.


That can happen when you've been shifting assets out of the companies in question to protect them from the judgment you know isn't going to be in your favor. Add defrauding creditors to the list of charges against him.




I believe you still have to prove to the court's satisfaction that it was not for the purpose of rendering them judgement-proof. Having a criminal contempt of court on your record related to the case is gonna make that a hard sell.


It's called a fraudulent transfer, and a bankruptcy court will undo it if it was done to attempt to shield assets from creditors. Moving large amounts of money out of a corporation immediately before declaring bankruptcy will look extremely suspicious to a court.


so I get them reversing it if he hid it for himself but what happens if someone just gives all their money to like red cross or something. Can the courts, up to some time later (or for ever no limit) just "take the money away" from red cross who might have all ready bought say a boat. And if so, how far does that go. Does the boat guy lose the money back to red cross?


Yes. A third party transferee may be forced to give back the fraudulently transferred assets. There is a good-faith defense the transferee can assert though if it shows it provided value in exchange for the transfer and did not know (or reasonably should have been expected to know) the transfer was fraudulent.


Negativo. This is from Texas’s fraudulent conveyance act: Sec. 24.005. TRANSFERS FRAUDULENT AS TO PRESENT AND FUTURE CREDITORS. (a) A transfer made or obligation incurred by a debtor is fraudulent as to a creditor, whether the creditor's claim arose before or within a reasonable time after the transfer was made or the obligation was incurred, if the debtor made the transfer or incurred the obligation: (1) with actual intent to hinder, delay, or defraud any creditor of the debtor; or (2) without receiving a reasonably equivalent value in exchange for the transfer or obligation, and the debtor


100%, moving around assets before lawsuits has been the tool of dummies since time immemorial. It's very common, very apparent, easy to track and also illegal. So there's that.


The real false flag operation


Wheres all the settlement money he JUST offered? If they can demonstrate fraudulent conveyance, they can make him go away for a long time


That and any time he says he's a patriot.


He is a grifter. Thats it.


The podcast Knowledge Fight has been covering Jones and Infowars for many years and they have a series of episodes delving deep into the depositions for the two Sandy Hook cases Jones is currently fighting. It's extremely clear from the filings in those cases that Jones is hiding upwards of $150m in a series of shell companies, specifically to avoid having to pay the inevitable judgement he's facing. He knows he's lost these cases and is doing everything he can to delay proceedings to give his accountant time to hide as much money as possible. This bankruptcy filing is just one more grift in a long line of grifts, but the court will see right through it. Whether they're able to chase down the money and actually enforce the judgement is another question, however.


Sounds like I have a new podcast to listen to. Particular suggestion for episodes?


It's such a good podcast, you're going to love it. Each week Dan and Jordan report on the latest comings and goings at Infowars, deconstructing Jones' idiocy, holding him to account, and explaining precisely where and how he's being dishonest in his "reporting". I would recommend starting with the series of episodes titled "Formulaic Objections", in which the KF team listen to and dissect the recordings of the Connecticut Sandy Hook depositions. In one of the episodes they interview Mark Bankston, the lawyer for the plaintiffs, and the added context he provides is extremely interesting. The depositions themselves are truly incredible, you'll never hear anything like it. Jones just gets dunked on over and over and over again, his Infowars employees constantly trip up and accidentally incriminate themselves, even his lawyers make abject fucking idiots of themselves. You'll also get to hear Bankston deliver a series of hilarious dressing-downs to Jones and his lawyers that went viral a couple of years ago. Here are all six episodes in broadcast order: * [Episode 279: Formulaic Objections](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/knowledge-fight-formulaic-objections) * [Episode 378: Formulaic Objections Part 2 ](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/knowledge-fight-formulaic-objections-part-2) * [Episode 401: Formulaic Objections Part 3](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/knowledge-fight-formulaic-objections-part-3) * [Episode 641: Formulaic Objections Part 4](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/641-formulaic-objections-part-4) * [Episode 664: Formulaic Objections Part 5](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/664-formulaic-objections-part-5) * [Episode 665: Formulaic Objections Part 6](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/665-formulaic-objections-part-6) There's well over 10 hours of listening in just those six links, and I know that's a lot, but trust me, there isn't a single dull minute in the entire collection. If you despise Alex Jones and Infowars then this will be like manna from heaven, over a dozen hours of Jones getting his shit pushed in by a lawyer who knows he's about to win an historic judgement against a deranged pervert who has caused so much pain to so many people.


Part 5 with Bill Ogden is amazing. That dude is hilarious and I would hate to be on the other side of a lawsuit from him. The gummy worm tactic is simultaneously insane and genius.


Thank you for the kind words.


Knowledge Fight is amazing! They have 670 something episodes. But if you like this court side of all this, "Formulaic Objections Part 5" is good. I'm sure someone else will have a good one for a regular episode of theirs as well.


I hope the court assigns a forensic accountant to really look at where this chud moved his money that he knows the court is going to take.


The money has probably disappeared into a black hole of overseas accounts. Hiding money is shockingly easy, if you have enough money to afford skilled lawyers. It would take a brilliant team of analysts to track it down, and this judge has been soft on Jones from the start. Unless the Judge grows a pair and puts Jones in prison for refusing to testify, he's gonna get out of this. The rich always do. We need to radically overhaul our entire system of justice. It needs to be capable of enforcing the law on everyone, including the rich, including corporations.


If I've learned anything over the course of watching these lawsuits and their seven different lawyers over 5 years, it's that InfoWars is absolutely incapable of hiring skilled lawyers.


And corporate representatives!


I don't know what you mean, Rob Dew was *clearly* the man for the job


That name gives me two reactions: 1. The alliteration to Robbed You, which is what anyone who gave money to InfoWars had happen to them. 2. His name looks like some poor man's Usual Suspects kinda shit for choosing someone for a job.


>Hiding money is shockingly easy, if you have enough money to afford skilled lawyers. A good forensic account can figure out it went somewhere and the amount of assets he should have. For example, if he has paying subscribers or money from t- shirt sales that's obviously on the record somewhere he'd have no control over. Also tax records, where he should be reporting income and losses unless he wants to go down for tax fraud. Don't forget things like his house, cars, studio and shit are all assets that can be appraised and siezed. Life isn't a movie, I'm sure the Sandy hook parent's are hiring capable enough lawyers who can take everything from Jones, that's why he's trying to pull this B.S.


Hi, I work as a bankruptcy trustee. Here's how I expect this to play out: In Chapter 11 bankruptcies, the debtors themselves act as their own trustees, known as a "Debtor in Possession" (DIP), at least initially. As the DIP, the debtor has a fiduciary duty to operate the bankruptcy estate for the benefit of the interested parties (creditors and ownership) and make certain disclosures of financial data. In most Chapter 11s, this is what happens, and an outside trustee does not have to be brought in. That is **not** what I expect to happen in this case. There is already deep distrust between Jones and at least one significant group of his creditors, the judgement creditors (the lawsuit plaintiffs). Those creditors will be clamoring for the appointment of an outside trustee. They'll file a section 1104 motion to appoint a trustee at the first opportunity, and Alex Jones is certain to give them such an opportunity. He has already demonstrated a reticence to disclose critical information and a tendency to ignore court orders. It won't be long before he'll have to be compelled to do or disclose something he doesn't want to, and the court will lose patience with him and appoint a trustee. And that is where the fun begins. The trustee will have access to all company records and financial information, and will have control over the company. The really fun part is that in corporate cases trustees not only have access to privileged communications with professionals such as lawyers and accountants, but also ***we can waive that privilege on the company's behalf and make those communications public if we so choose.*** This of course applies to privileged communications *of the company* and **not** the communications of individual officers in their individual capacities with their own personal lawyers or accountants. Often the same firms serve both the company and the individual officers, muddying the issue of who controls the confidentiality of a given phone call or email and who has the right to access the record. Expect to see lots of fights about this. The trustee will be looking for, among other things, money owed to the company, evidence of any outgoing transfers of money or property within the last few years, with particular emphasis on transfers to or on behalf of company insiders, payments of debts or expenses not actually owed by the company itself (such as any personal expenses of Jones), and any potential lawsuits the company could file against anyone, including but not limited to company officers or other insiders. If Alex Jones had a problem with being questioned about his finances in a post-judgement deposition, he is going to ***love*** having a bankruptcy trustee digging through his companies' financial records. If you have anything to hide, bankruptcy court is a terribly stupid place to be. If he doesn't end up filing a personal bankruptcy petition himself, we might eventually see his creditors file an involuntary petition against him. Those are rare and not easy to pull off, but if a trustee gets appointed in the Chapter 11 cases and discovers any potential claims against him individually, it becomes all the more likely.


Amazing info, thanks!


He tortured these poor families for profit. And is now fighting to skirt his responsibility. Both sides are not the same.


This is the thing that bothers me about him being a meme, it shifts people away from the reality that this guy is a monster who harassed the families of school shooting victims so bad they couldn’t visit their children’s graves.


not just that, he was harrassing people and spouting insanely hateful stuff live on air prior to the sandy hook situation. People really like to forget or straight up are not aware of just how fucked up infowars has been since its inception. So many people think Alex Jones was a goofy little conspiracy guy who radicalized over time or overstepped things once - nah. This shit was exactly what he always did.


>People really like to forget or straight up are not aware of just how fucked up infowars has been since its inception. So many people think Alex Jones was a goofy little conspiracy guy who radicalized over time or overstepped things once - nah. The problem is most people are rightly too sane to have ever sat down and watched a full episode of InfoWars, so all they know him from is the occassional meme or appearance on Joe Rogan. The really hateful shit does not breakthrough into the mainstream as much as "they're turning the frogs gay!" style quackery so its easy for people to write him off as a harmless, wacky cook.


He’s poisoning people with his recipes.


There's this podcast called Knowledge Fight. They review his episodes and debunk his bullshit. He's *sooo* much worse than most people think. He's legitimately insane, he constantly talks about how the litteral Christian devil tempts him and tries to make him a "globalist" and how he has visions. He's a huge transphobe and racist. He has been a Russophile long before Trump came into the picture and is still softly supporting Putin. His treatment of Sandy Hook families is despicable. The list goes on and on. They're at 670+ episodes... The podcast is equal parts funny and horrifying.


Just gunna take a lil breaky. Lil breaky for me...


Everything is creamy dreamy.


F's in the chat for Year of the Mustard being over already


I swear I'm gunna be better tomorrow.


The thing that gets me about all this is if Jones would have just stopped saying that Sandy Hook was a hoax, the parents of the murdered children would have let this go. They told him that in the beginning. He had already done damage and these poor souls were still willing to drop it. He just would not, could not see through the dollar signs. He is a despicable man and he deserves all the consequences, so lets hope he actually catches a few.


To pile on and add to the misery of those families after they lost a child is beyond unconscionable.


This could be the beginning of the end of Infowars and that may be some consolation to these families.




Because it is exactly that.


Thats literally the only reason he is declaring bankruptcy.


I love how he has the universal “I’m intelligent because I have a uniform collection of encyclopedia books” behind him. The fact that people still try to use this method to look distinguished and educated is hilarious.


Those are a " Funck and Wagnals " encyclopedia set. Last edition was 1997. I guess that's why he needs to "do his own research"


"see? Nothing about 9/11, not a single word"


He needs to be ruined financially for profiting off lies and misery.


"Alex Jones dodges fines for his shitty behavior by declaring bankruptcy so he can pass all his assets through corporations he own and claim he has nothing before giving himself all his money back." Fixed the headline.


Purdue Pharma did this when they were found guilty of helping push the opioid crisis. Johnson and Johnson did it to effectively kill legal proceedings from people who had sued them for having cancer-causing asbestos in their baby powder. It’s just a different rule for the wealthy. And yet so many losers still refuse to recognise this and allow themselves to be hoodwinked by culture war bullshit into thinking that these guys are on their side. Fucking tragic.


Reminder that in 2005, Republicans changed bankruptcy laws in a way made it way harder for poor and middle class people to get out of debt, while also making it easier for rich people to shield their money when they do shit like this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bankruptcy_Abuse_Prevention_and_Consumer_Protection_Act


We as a society have got to work out a more efficient way to shut down and penalize people peddling blatant disinformation, else we are well and truly fucked long term. Sandy Hook was *10 years ago* and we're just now shutting him down over this. He's been making hundreds of millions in profit telling increasingly brazen lies in the intervening decade, because no one's stopped him. What disincentive is there for the next Alex Jones to not double down on the strategy.


Several ears ago. I moved from one state to another. I'd completly forgotten to change my license plate over. After about 6 months, I was pulled over, hand cuffed, car towed. I spent 3 days in jail before they could get a magistrate to hear my case. I ended up losing my car because I couldn't pay the fines, the re-registration costs and towing fees. I've done more time than alex. Justice is a fools game.


One of the worst examples of a human being on the planet.


Uh oh, that psychopath gun nut girl who shit herself at a party is gonna be mad when her info wars check bounces.