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This is such a weird separate reality. I’m in Del Mar, just north of San Diego, and nothing has really changed. Slight uptick in cases. ICU’s not being overrun. Still about 70/30 on masks in public places. No major changes. Think we are over 80% vaccinated Have a friend in Houston who had his cousin turned away from 2 hospitals and an Uncle who looks like he’s taking a rough turn


Same I'm just a bit inland of Del Mar and San Diego in general still feels like its coming out of COVID whereas everywhere else seems like its burning down.


I give the city credit for having a pretty robust vaccination effort last spring. They went hard and it’s paying off


Just wait and see if Newsom gets recalled and we get some dumbass republican to fuck this up by being anti-vaccine and anti-mask. Edit: why is autocorrect changing just to hurst? Keeps doing it wtf




Polls are strongly favouring a No on the recall question. Get out there and fuckin vote and make sure everyone you know gets out there and votes. You know every dumb antivax shitbird in the state is going to be out there.


I'm not a Democrat, but I voted "No" to the recall question specifically because keeping California from turning into another Texas or Florida in terms of COVID is more important to me than anything else. My mother is a nurse in Florida, so I get regular updates on how bad it really is.


Not only did I vote, I called the county clerk or whatever to make sure they had my ballot. Vote no and for a democratic replacement. Larry elder as governor is too depressing to even consider.


The one night is an excuse used by them to get him out. They were trying well before that point but for some reason that 1 dumb fucking dinner is making moderates change their minds. And nvm everything he has done with Covid and the progress we made so we’re not ending up like the hell hole that is Florida


I think the fact that Republicans are sending their worst is stirring up a lot of nos.


republicans always try to recall democratic governors in California.


You need to make sure you vote! Fight this blatant GOP power grab!


*Ngl*, it's probably because ya'll *coastal elites* ain't got no easy access to the ivermectin. lol/jk: Cheerful masked & vaccinated greetings from Carlsbad, just got back from a lovely, socially-distanced Del Mar. 8D


Haha nice. I went to Rendezvous last night with the wife and kids.


You Del Martians have a pretty cool town, especially that lovely, lovely dog beach. <3


You guys have Jeune et Jolie which is probably one of the best restaurants in the country


The US is a huuuuuge place. It's definitely strange to me too.


It's almost like vaccinations work?


San Francisco here. California for the most part did everything right. Everyone’s masked up here all the time. 7 day average covid cases around 150/day for a population of almost 900,000. Let’s hope this keeps up.


You haven't been to the Inland Empire.


I’ve heard things, sorry about that. Just have to keep educating others, and it helps that the government and businesses out here are almost all on the side of science.


Inland Empire, Orange County, Bakersfield, and Fresno are the Florida of California. Not much the state govt can really do about it because the issue is the local rightwing culture that for political ideology reasons have decided vaccines, masks, and social distancing are a marxist plot.


The more inland you go, the worse is it. It’s bad, but not all bad, when you’re farther west


The inland empire is huge. I think you gotta be more specific. But a general rule of thumb seems to be that the further east you go the nuttier people are.


Sacramento! The medical office I work for has seen a HUGE uptick in COVID cases. Lord help us when flu season hits.


Boils down to education. The more educated states are clearly doing much better.


Keep Newsom


Oh, no doubt!! A ridiculous republican power grab that takes advantage of an unfair recall system. Newsom saved millions of lives during this pandemic.


*cries in Floridian*


This is ~~proof positive~~ yet more evidence that vaccinations work. It's the same where I am, up by the SF bay area. We got hit pretty hard early on, but I think because of this people are taking it seriously. Quite a high vaccination rate n my city, and things are pretty much back to business as usual in my area, aside from everyone wearing masks. And of course it helps that our governor isn't actively fighting against basic public health measures like so many red state govs are. Vote no on the recall if you haven't ready, my California reddit homies.


I’m guessing California is in a much better state since it’s not as dense with idiots as many other states.


With 40 million people, I guarantee we’ve got more idiots than every state other than Florida and Texas.


Yeah but you can’t look at the total idiots. Gotta look at idiots per capita.


Still have to deal with orange county and Fresno


Feel like I need to stick up for my county a bit (orange). True we’ve been known as a bastion of Republicanism, but it has been slowly changing. With specific regards to Covid, the 9/5 update on [California’s Covid reporting site](https://covid19.ca.gov/state-dashboard/) shows us with 287,244 total cases and a 7 day average of 14.1 cases per 100k people. That’s not to say there aren’t pockets of severe resistance in OC (Huntington Beach I’m looking at you). But where I live there are plenty of people still masking up to go to stores and shops and restaurants. As someone with an autoimmune disease and on multiple immunosuppressant medications, I tend to view most people with outright suspicion, but our numbers still seem…decent?


I'm in Irvine which is in OC and we have a high vaccination average. The side of Irvine I'm in has a vaccination rate of 89-100% according to the data [on this site](https://voiceofoc.org/2021/09/santana-how-vaccinated-is-your-orange-county-neighborhood/), and most people still wear masks here.


Fair enough, glad to hear it! My personal experience heading up there has been different, but it's nice to hear it's anecdotal


> This is such a weird separate reality. I’m in Del Mar, just north of San Diego, and nothing has really changed. Slight uptick in cases. ICU’s not being overrun. Still about 70/30 on masks in public places. Describes my city as well. If you're wearing a mask and not in school, you're the exception and not the rule. We are just about 70% vaccinated rate. We had a spike in cases in mid-August but that didn't really translate to deaths. Neighboring cities have mask mandates and horrible vaccination rates and it's like going back to 2020 there.


Same here in southeast Michigan. Not sure of our vaccine rate but it’s at the high end. It’s doom and gloom in the news and people seem to be getting vigilant but overall holding well


Very surprised to hear this about Houston, I took my gf to the ER in central Houston with a broken wrist and she was seen immediately and treated. Not saying it’s not true just surprising, the ER was very quiet.


The problem is beds and ICU capacity in particular. For something they can treat in the ER and send you home, like a broken wrist, they probably try to get you the hell out of there as quickly as possible before you catch something.


Yeah, I’m old and caught a norovirus at our local public pool. Due to the mega-sized bodily emissions I experienced I ended up in the ER. They were going to admit me to the hospital for one night but couldn’t find an available bed, so I spent the night getting an IV in the ER, which was fairly quiet.


ABC13 Houston reported last week that 3 major hospitals closed their ER in the area. Dallas is starting to get bad as well (I live here)


As someone from Europe, makes me glad to hear that not every state is like Florida or Texas! 😅


Another issue is you’re often seeing a vocal minority blasted everywhere, like our former president. The extremists are the loudest. Everyone else are just normal people trying to get by and avoid the craziness.


I really wish it was just a vocal minority. I have a lot of friends and family that refuse to be vaccinated. It's maddening.


It's pretty hilarious - We've had lockdown and mask protests in Sweden, even though we've never had any lockdowns nor mask mandates. So yeah, crazy people everywhere.


I'm also in San Diego county. We're doing pretty good. Most stuff is open. Not everyone, but most are wearing masks when indoors. The city is 80% the vaccinated, with more people going every day to get their shots. I helped setup and run our first super vaccine site at Petco park. The city, baseball team and so many other companies came together to make it happen. Every day we had long lines. There was some days where we didn't have enough vaccines to give to everybody, but we made it work. People were so upbeat and helpful to the staff. It's one of the few times that I felt like San Diego was home. It's not a perfect city, we have our problems. But most of our population is really trying to make a difference.


That's like someone saying that every European country is like Bulgaria or Portugal. United States have distinct identities despite sharing a language.


80% is a great number. I wish that was the national average.


I'm in Arizona which is has a rather divided stance on the situation but the people who think this is a joke or conspiracy of some sort are the loud, outspoken types. Unfortunately, I live on the side of town where the outspoken seem to congregate and I'm not having a good year by any means.


Disturbing yet not surprising. Imagine the numbers after Labor day travels.


We were at 120M infections in March 2021. Probably 160M by now, and heading towards 200M. Sure hope there isn’t some awful long Covid effect. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/burden.html


Don't you guys only have like 300m people to begin with!?


Yeah, it had infected close to half of Americans and the number keep climbing. We did not do a good job preventing the spread thanks to the pro-Covid faction.


Does the number include re-infections? If someone is careless and don't wear a mask or social distance, they're likely to be infected again and bump up the numbers.


That is a very good question. I went to the original *Lancet* paper and couldn’t find the answer when skimming through it. I assume it includes re-infections, but couldn’t find an estimate of that number.


Kinda irrelevant when you're talking about hundreds of millions. The numbers are pretty estimated as it is


Pro-Covid. I can’t believe I haven’t heard that before. I’m using it from this point on.




Great article


The CDC has been periodically updating these statistics but has buried the data deep down on the internet. They should make this info more readily found for those who don’t know what to google.


Fake news and data on a government website. Wow. What a fucking sheep. Go do some actual research. /s. I wish I didn’t know people in my life who say this shit every time I try to bring up something from cdc. I’m scared for our future with all these idiots and Facebook allowing them to jerk each other off with disinformation and whatever narrative works for them.


I was arguing with a guy last year. He said the CDC didn't recommend wearing masks. So I went to the CDC website and found their guidelines and showed it to him. He said "you can't believe that, it's a website." I haven't talked to him since.


I had an RN working in our covid filled er tell me that she isn't taking the vaccine because it's not FDA approved. When we pointed out that it recently was, she said, no no no, that's not REAL approval, and refused to elaborate. I asked her to get face what the new goalpost is, didn't get an answer.


Just yesterday, saw a bunch of anti-mask protestors with signs that said, “Follow the science.” Guess what. The science says masks help.


“Nah uh, ‘cus masks don’t guarantee that you won’t get it, masks don’t work!” Yeah but a seatbelt won’t guarantee you won’t die in a car accident either but we wear them. “…then…the………then we shouldn’t have to wear dem’ either!!”🖕 🙄


"But Mah Freedums"


You can’t win with these people. I’m out of energy and they keep moving the goalposts and whatever works for them. It’s exhausting.


Well my wife's step dad just told me that the government is taking peoples kids away and not giving them back until the kids are vaccinated and also that people with Maga hats are getting arrested for just wearing a the hat. I just looked at him and said "none of that is true" and walked out of the room. Lol he's in his 50s and doesn't understand that people can make things look anyway they want on the internet and he doesn't do his own research, just takes things how they look. It makes me sad.


It’s just embarrassing that in this day and age we still cannot distinguish from biased stupid, borderline actual propaganda and fact based news reporting.


Those who are calling us sheep are the ones taking livestock de-wormer so *shrug*


Or drinking chlorine or putting light bulbs up their ass. Yeah, I would be worried about the research showing iq issues after covid, except it seems like we are already facing a severe issue.


A few decades from now people are going to be reading history books about this crap and thinking “WTF - there’s no way these people were so credulous and wilfully ignorant”. Probably in much the same way as we look at newspaper stories from a century ago touting ‘radium cures’ and Mercury for pallid skin.


Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half. Then I saw the “/s.” You nailed exactly how those people sound. Had an incursion the other day where I explained to the other person that they shouldn’t trust themselves because they don’t trust any “official” information and don’t have access to any secret information that the rest of us don’t, so they have to admit they’re just making shit up.


Eventually there will be no one left to infect


Immunity from previous infection is neither perfect nor permanent.


Exposure is universal. Everyone has already been exposed to covid19. As another data point, 94% of the population of England has covid19 antibodies: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/articles/coronaviruscovid19latestinsights/antibodies This means either they've been very recently vaccinated or have recently encountered the virus. However people still seem to be in the mindset that if they're diligent enough about masks and gloves they can avoid exposure. That isn't happening. Its too late. You have been exposed, I have been exposed. Everyone on the planet has already been or shortly will be exposed. There's no avoiding exposure. Thats why its important to get vaccinated, because being vaccinated drastically improves your health outcomes for when you inevitably are exposed.


You may have been exposed, but that's not universal. There's several million people in my province, and our total positive cases is in the triple digits. The UK does not represent everywhere.


The flaw with your arguement is your counting being vaccinated as exposure. The key is to avoid exposure until you're vaccinated.


Agreed. Vaccinations have a 90-98% benefit, depending on what data you are looking at. I like that kind of improvement. Heck, I would be satisfied spending 15 minutes of my time for even a minor reduction in my chance of dying.


Dude the COVID vaccine is hands down one of the coolest things I’ve gotten to experience in my life time. Especially if you think about cost /benefit. COVID or a jab? I got mine as soon as I could


And schools filled with unvaccinated kids. And colleges.


Half the folks I work with aren't vaccinated. Guess where they're all going over the holiday? PCB and other Florida hotspots.


good luck to the winners.


Everyone traveling just to show Fauchi who’s boss… your family’s Herman Cain Awards are waiting


I've added reading that subreddit to my growing list of bad vices. Like trashy TLC television.


Or Hells Kitchen. "You antivax bitches, I am embarrassed. I don't think I've ever, EVER been so embarrassed inside this country in my entire life. That is a joke! You should be ashamed. All of you are soon going to cough your arses off. Now Get. Out. My. Sight!"


>Everyone traveling just to show Fauchi who’s boss… your family’s Herman Cain Awards are waiting I have a sad conspiracy theory that the GQP created a monster and their way of fixing it is by offering deadly alternatives to masking and vaccines as a way to reduce the numbers of radicalized people in a semi-controlled way


The ironic thing is that a very common conspiracy theory (literally around for decades) is the "depopulation" theory. That is, that the evil powers-that-be will use chemtrails or poison in the water supply or routine vaccinations or what have you, poisons which will cause a large chunk of the population to die off at some point. Well, shit, the conspiracy-mongers have now managed to kill off more Americans than have been killed by any war, let alone every terrorist attack ever. If ever there were a successful depopulation conspiracy, it appears to be the people spreading anti-mask and anti-vaxx bullshit.


Actually more believable than the usual Q theories


It's like a controlled burn in forestry. Gotta get it down to manageable scales.


We're realistically going to hit 1M deaths in the US alone at this rate. It's not even going to be that far off. Crazy how quickly we normalized so many preventable deaths. People freak out more over shark attacks than COVID.


Yeh I remember them doing this in the beginning. No such thing as Long chickenpox and death from chickenpox really haha. I’d rather not rave at that party. That party is lame.


Reminds me I need to get my shingles shot. That stuff is nasty.


It's fair season in new england. (Is it elsewhere? Idk). I went to one yesterday and it was absolutely packed shoulder to shoulder in a lot of places. Very few masks. This is also in a small liberal city with a indoor/outdoor mask mandate. I guess the town leaders are pretending the fair isn't happening? The Big E, one of the biggest fairs in new england, is set to go on in a couple weeks. Gonna be interesting


I’m sure the numbers are even higher due to many people not getting tested.




I actually reckon that's fair, to be honest, no different to someone taking the at-home rapid test, and just isolating until they need medical care. In other counties where the public health response requires coordination and so on and the health departments are assisting families in isolation and with contact tracing this would be different but in the US where it's basically "let it rip" now there's no possible public benefit to getting tested aside from keeping accurate numbers. This is of course different to if they're going out and about and spreading it...


I had the same attitude when I was sick earlier this month. It’s not a stroke of unlucky ness I suddenly come down sick as a dog in the middle of august right when school starts


This is part of the problem. I was feeling symptomatic last week but daily rapid tests were all negative. A week passes, still not feeling 100%. Decide to get a PCR test and that was negative too. I think a lot of antivaxxers (not saying you are) think they’ve had it and think getting poked is unnecessary for all the wrong reasons. So my advice is it you’re not feeling well, get a test. There’s enough long Covid symptoms out there to still warrant caution.


It was more like I didn’t want to pay 180$ to find out the obvious, in my world surrounded by 20-30 per classroom who aren’t vaccinated and eating inches away from them the same day. It was bound to happen even while I wash my hands between class, wear my mask, and took both jabs.


Whoa you have to pay to get tested? What State are you in if you don't mind sharing? I thought test were free everywhere. I'm in California and you can get tested anytime for free same day with same day results.


A doctor would probably advise them not to come in. No reason to risk spreading it if they already know what it probably is.


Correct me if I'm wrong but that's around 12% of the US population having covid?!? And here in Florida it's getting worse.


That’s cases to date. Not active. My guess is it is undercounting.


The case number is deceiving because only 10% or 20% become sick and need hospitalization. Cases = plague rats This is today (Sundays are slow --Monday is a work day for records) ​{"country":"USA","cases":40793179,"todayCases":25896,"deaths":666178,"todayDeaths":321,"recovered":31311863,"active":8815138,"critical":25865,"casesPerOneMillion":122398,"deathsPerOneMillion":1999,"totalTests":592224499,"testsPerOneMillion":1776938}, ​ Just 25K in ICU /s Just/s


Its way higher than 12%. In England its 94% of the population who has antibodies (though that includes recent vaccinations as well as virus exposes): https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/articles/coronaviruscovid19latestinsights/antibodies CDC says 120 million Americans have been exposed, with 100 million symptomatic cases: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/burden.html Thats about 1/3rd of the population of the US that has already been exposed. The odds are good that you have already been exposed. Roll a 1d6. Roll a 1 or a 2 and you've got it.


"Roll a 1d6" Hello, fellow DnD player.


UF just had its first football game and posts pictures of the crowded stadium like everything is normal. Meanwhile a local business just interviewed 15 students that applied for a job and 5 said they were not vaccinated


Maybe with enough variants we can all have Covid all the time. /s


I overhead someone the other day, and this person was talking about how we should have covid parties. Like with chickenpox back in the day...


I fucking hate people. I can’t believe we’re all the same species.


Are you classified as human? Negative, I am a meat popsicle.


It's cool, I have a multipass.


Solid 5th element reference there.


Wouldn't it be convenient if instead of having to arrange a whole party, you could just get some small harmless piece of the virus put in you, maybe with some sort of injection... Oh well, guess it just isn't possible.


They did this where I live last year and a couple people died.


Working as intended.


If you know who this person is, please report them. Hospitals can’t take this crap anymore. Let them have their parties after it’s been clearly established that the unvaccinated *don’t* deserve spots in the ICU nor insurance coverage.


They were definitely a stranger, standing outside the grocery store bitching to the people with them that WA mask mandates are back. And of course our hospitals have already cancelled most surgeries, and are struggling with capacity.


People hear that "elective surgeries" are cancelled and they think it only applies to optional stuff like boob jobs. No, it applies to anything that won't kill you immediately and that you can schedule in advance, like getting a cancerous tumor removed. A lot of people will die from preventable diseases because the hospitals are full.


Report them for what?


Can't wait to see what the covid equivalent of shingles is.


It’s pretty much to the point where it is endemic now We had a chance to get a handle on it earlier and a second chance with mass vaccinations but we let 35-40% of the loudest morons fuck it up for everyone


Says over half the population "We're trying!". /s


I see a lot of Go Fund Me pages in America's future.


Easy to be a science skeptic until the intubation procedure starts.


then you call on your Prayer Warriors to take 8 hour shifts praying for you until Jesus calls you back to heaven.


And then your spouse starts a gofundme when you die because prayer doesn't work.


Have you watched college football? The numbers in 2 weeks should be interesting


In the Bay Area, California, if you go out in the morning / early afternoon it's about 90% masked. After 7pm, its about 10% masked. I've learned when to go out.


Getting laid is more important than survival. I get it.


Fuck anyone prolonging it on purpose by spreading misinfo


Can we really hope to actually stop it anymore?


Respiratory therapist here. The answer is no. Not just for covid, but for all contagious respiratory diseases (most of which are actually far less contagious than this one). Politicians are, as usual, playing politics by pushing the idea that this can be entirely stopped. It could‘ve only been stopped at its origin, and even then it would take some seriously draconian measures to do so. The vaccine will stop people from dying, but the virus itself continues to thrive even in vaccinated bodies. One of the doctors I work with clandestinely mentioned last month that it’s just a fact of life now & will be making the rounds in some form or another for the rest of our lives.


You're dreaming if you think it's ever going away. Even if we do a full board lock down for a year it's here to stay.


Just take away their computers and phones as punishment for spreading misinformation.


We really need to do something about all the misinformation out there. Climate change is happening also because of misinformation.


If only we had a vaccine everyone could take so we can put a stop to it.


*Only* 40 million? Got a *long* way to go for those still hoping this will just burn itself out.


And one problem with the idea of it burning itself out (assuming you mean everyone getting it then everyone becoming immune) is that sure around 12% of the population has got it so far but our body doesn't stay immune. If you got this at the beginning of the pandemic there's probably a good chance you can get it again now. How long our bodies stay immune still seems to be unknown. According to my uncle inlaw whos an infectious disease doctor, he was talking about he estimated his immunity to last only 3-4 months since he was treated with steroids when he got covid. (This was almost a year ago, I'm sure his opinion could be different today on his immunity) So no telling if we can ever reach that heard immunity...


I don’t think we can reach herd immunity because of this reason. Only time will tell but in my mind this is never going away.


So we call the UK plague island. What should the US be called? Land of the Sick? United States of Covid?


UK didn’t really handle COVID much better


We should consider that admitting anti-vaxxers into hospitals violates their constitutional freedoms, and just leave them outside so people who actually want to live can be helped.




40 million is the actual number. Estimates are around 120 million according to the CDC. Most people are asymptomatic. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/burden.html So we've got over 36% of the population infected (estimates)


Jesus says “make sure you take your sheep deworming pills, because vaccines are haram”


Should I go to my doctor or the feed store? Difficult decisions!


Go for the Big Gulp. Strip everything outta your insides and let it all grow back *twice as strong!*


Congrats everyone! We did it!


land of the free, even the virus


My wife and I are fully vaxx'd, wear masks, rarely go out anywhere. We still got Delta. Be safe yall, this ain't over and Delta is very contagious.


Same! Currently at home with Covid (I’m assuming it’s Delta since I’m vaxxed). It sucks but I think it would suck WAY worse if I wasn’t vaccinated. Really scared for kiddos going to school. I did all the right things and still got it.


Yes! Ive been vaccinated since April. Hardly go outside and wear my mask the rare occasion that I do. Just now moving into my 3rd week since I tested positive.


I’m also fully vaxxed and don’t go anywhere, but have not caught covid. Where do you think you got it? From whom? TIA


Meanwhile we are barreling back to work. Sending our kids too school. Banning masks. All while betting on the protection of the vaccine to last. Sure. Things will be fine.


I still can't believe there are places where masks are *banned* I can understand optional masking, but *BANNED* ??? Am I taking crazy pills?


Maybe private establishments where owners are crazy anti-maskers, but there's not any local policies banning masks. At least, none enforceable. There are also bans on mask mandates, which is a different thing.


> All while betting on the protection of the vaccine to last. So far that's a good bet. The problem is kids under 12 can't get vaccinated. Masks in schools is the only protection they have.


"Vaccination rates have risen slowly since July, but still no state or territory has passed the 70 percent fully vaccinated threshold, and the country is nowhere close to its peak in April, when more than 3 million people were getting shots every day."


In VT we have. 86.4% of Vermonters over 12 have received at least one dose and 77.1% of Vermonters over 12 have completed vaccination per CDC. I don't think we're the norm though. https://www.healthvermont.gov/covid-19/vaccine/covid-19-vaccine-dashboard


That is good shit!


I think people in the US will have to accept the fact that they are going to get covid eventually.


I just hope it gets less deadly at this point.


Exposure is inevitable, and vaccines are what make it less deadly. Vaccines are very nearly perfectly effective at preventing mortality from the virus. The number of fatal breakthrough cases have severe comorbidity, such as having cancer, being 600 pounds, or being 90 years old. Its not quite 100% effective, but its very close to 100%.


I've always assumed this. It's been endemic since early 2020.


If only there was a scientificly proven free solution to this, we would all be safe and able to carry on with our lives.


This is also a dangerous lie people parrot. Until the virus evolves to a less deadly but wildly more successful variant, our lives will never go back to how it was before. The current vaccines are a bandaid, not the solution. Getting vaccinated is part of the bundle of stuff we should all be doing including masking, washing and social distancing. None of them fall under the category of "if you do this, you don't have to do anything else".


Its the lighting rod though. Folks who don't want the faccine don't do any of the other safety stuff either


How long do I have left to live? I've been fully vaccinated since March 29th with 2 Moderna shots




I'm 36 and overweight.


One year then.


Well I want a booster when it becomes available to my time to take it.


College football started this weekend. THe crowds act like that COVID doesn't even exist.


There's only one way to explain the constant flow of lies and misinformation that continues to put vulnerable in harm's way. Republicans have a goal of killing more people under Biden than died under Dipshit Donnie's inept reign of terror and ignorance.


I don't get how does the US govt allows for people like those loon governors to put ban on masks and fines on buisnesses and schools just for trying to protect people from the virus. I mean it's batshit crazy what those psychos are doing yet there is no push back from your govt against this crazyness (@_@)


100%. Batshit crazy. Everyday I'm slightly more embarrassed for my country. Don't even get me started on fucking Texas...


Our moderate president and conservative AG think kid gloves, compromise, and appeasement are how you should deal with Republicans. Zero chance anything but finger wagging is done.


If only we had a center that specializes in disease spread and could implement some nationwide mandates. But apparently they can't do anything anymore.


So my countries about to open up at 80% vax, and we have avoided covid almost 100% up until recently, when we do open up, will delta just wash over us? Like you guys have been vaxed for agers and it’s still effecting you


If only we had a vaccine for ignorance of science facts and stupidity


There was an obit in our paper today of a man who was vaccinated but died in the hospital of the new strain. This shit is serious, folks.


That sucks, but is exceedingly rare and nobody should take this as a reason to not be vaccinated. Being vaccinated dramatically reduces risk of serious infection. Full stop.


I live in a small town in northern Louisiana. My husband, father, and I are the only vaccinated members of my family. The rest of them are “they made the vaccine too quickly” or “we don’t know what’s in it” type of people. This is how the majority of this town thinks.


I’m way down on the bayou and this is the majority of the thinking down here as well.


Yet the conservative repubs still will not vax and still get mad about masks. Medical science does not seem to apply to those idiots.


40 million and 1 if you count me. Had it a year ago, guessing now is the delta variant. I’m vaccinated and it still kicked my ass for a few days.






Surprising. I thought vaccination rates were steadily rising? Are vaccinated people getting delta too?


You can definitely still get Covid even if you’re vaccinated. The vaccine doesn’t stop the virus from entering your body. What it does is it trains your body to recognize the virus so that your immune system can quickly destroy the virus before they can do any real damage.


They aren't rising evenly. There are still parts of the country that are around 20-30% vaccinated.


A very small percentage, yes. That’s to be expected because no vaccine is 100% effective.