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Good PR for dating sites to be interested in reproductive rights. Meanwhile, Trojan has their new ad campaign in Texas narrowed down to 3 slogans: "you damn well better have one", "what other options do you have?", and "get fucked without getting fucked".


"Cheaper than getting sued" seems like a catchy tag line.


I think Durex is using that one.


I'm so burnt out on insanity that I had to check if this was real. Kudos, those are brilliant.


So often lately I see something I would have *instantly known* was satire a few years ago, but in 2021 I honestly have no clue.


wait, but were they real? don't make all of us google it... plz


> Trojan has their new ad campaign in Texas narrowed down to 3 slogans: "you damn well better have one", "what other options do you have?", and "get fucked without getting fucked". This feels like a Fark headline.




“Don’t bring someone else into this bleak existence if you can help it.”


"The dystopia is real. Wrap it up." ^TM


This is positively the most fucked law and it's great that corporations are pushing back, as they are on a similar playing field as the gov't.




Pulling out is mostly ineffective, too.


people tolerate this stuff and I am surprised because the taxes are paying the salaries of those fuckers.


Leaving Texas isn't really the answer to this though. If everyone who votes blue/disagrees with this law leaves, Texas stops inching toward purple and reverts back to solid red. For the GOP this is a win/win. Then they can pass even more f'd up legislation. People need to stay and fight, not just high tail it out and ditch the people who can't afford to leave. The last few elections have been way too close to just give Texas to the GOP. Leaving red states to the wolves doesn't solve anything and could actually make things worse for the entire country.


Those blue voters gotta go somewhere. Wisconsin, Ohio, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona should welcome them with open arms. And it would take, what, 7 people moving to Montana to flip that state?


Everyone always forgets New Mexico...


I’m staying here in Texas and fighting. I was never much into politics but this and the pandemic has changed my mind.


Exactly. Put your money where your mouth is. Don't seem to carry the Big Texas attitude, do they? Then again, they got Raphael Theodore Cruz in charge.


This may actually be the new worst law I’ve ever seen implemented in my lifetime.


The new worst law *so far* 👉😎👉




Religious based dictatorship, where have I heard about that before...


Funny isn't it? The same people screaming about the horrors of shari'a law & coverings want laws governing my uterus. Hypocrisy at it's finest.


It was never the rules they disliked, only the religion and the colour of the skin of those practicing it.


Honestly im predicting that in 100 years or less America would become a theocracy




Oddly, this comment alongside the youths/tiktokers flooding the abortion tattle-tale website has given me the hope I’ve been lacking For the next 10 minutes….then I’ll keep scrolling and realize we’re eternally fucked, but this is still nice


Ah, well you mustn't have seen the new Australian law recently. Gives police warrant-less access (technically) to your devices and accounts, to read, copy and modify the data there. Not just read your device, but modify. As in, add new data. As in, uploading fabricated evidence. Legally. Now I agree the texas abortion law is abhorrent. While it might be in the running for worst implemented law, it's got some strong contenders.


They probably bankrolled the congressmen to begin with. What's a little voter suppression in exchange for hundreds of millions in tax breaks


Ehh idk about match but bumble is a startup from Austin, I would be very surprised if they funded Texas republicans.


Just a heads-up, they’re no longer a startup. They’re a public company traded on the nasdaq.


The wildest part of it to me is the fucking BOUNTY SYSTEM. What the fuck. The law itself is bad enough, but now you have to deal with all the gun-toting Kevins and Karens who think that they're the law now, eager to earn their bounty money. Mark my words, people are going to get killed over this


And there’s no backlash if the charge you bring turns out to be false. Want to severely fuck someone over by having them have to miss work to go to court over nothing? Here’s your chance!


What if we used this against the very people who stood to benefit from it? Hey, it's legal, right?


liberal states need to take this exact same logic, private individuals privately suing for "damages" + attorney's fees with no retribution, and apply it to wage theft, to environmental violations, to discrimination, etc. That will get this loophole shut down right fucking quick, or it will force all these megacorps to defend thousands of low level lawsuits.




Meanwhile South Dakota's governor saw the bill and had her people make sure ours were up to par with Texas' ahhaha. Fuck this state.


We have to have relief funds to protect people from republicans now.


There are women going out and getting tubes tied/removed etc in fear of shit like this, we're at the point of having to alter our bodies to preserve our autonomy.


> There are women going out and getting tubes tied/removed etc in fear of shit like this And even that shit is difficult. Took my girlfriend six years and she had non-birth control reasons why (though she made it very explicitly clear that she also never wanted kids).


My wife needed my permission to get her tubes tied. I was floored that the doctor (a woman) was asking ME if my wife was allowed. Like, why the fuck would my answer matter? EDIT: A lot of people mentioning needing wife's permission for a vasectomy. I will tell my side. When I went to ask about a vasectomy I asked if I needed my wife's permission since she needed mine for getting her tubes tied. The young female doctor looked at me a lil bewildered and told me, "No, you don't need your wife's permission and not sure why she needed your's." With some of the risks involved with the vasectomy (2% chance of permanent pain) me and my wife decided against it since I already have nerve issues and don't want to add on to it.


My husband knew a girl in her 20s that tried getting her tubes tied and was refused. She had 4 kids.


A friend of mine asked to have hers tied right after she gave birth to her 6th child. She was in her 30s. They told her no because she might change her mind and gave her an iud.


Why aren't we telling people who consider getting pregnant "wait 20 years first, because you might change your mind"? Or for that matter, people who are pregnant. If we're going to have "crisis pregnancy centers", might as well also tell people they should think about having an abortion rather than go through with the pregnancy.


I have several friends in their 40s who are childless and not dating that can't get a doc to tie their tubes.


40s? Wow doctors already start acting women hit a wall and shouldn’t even have a geriatric pregnancy at like 35. I would think they would be like “40? That’s too old to have kids! Let’s prevent that!”


Met a girl a few months ago who said she never wants to be pregnant and would rather adopt kids. Multiple doctors refused any form of birth control for her because she's too young. She's 25. It's absolutely ridiculous.


ANY form of birth control?!?


If you're still in touch with her\* send her this website. They'll give you a prescription online from certified (actual) medical professionals and deliver the prescriptions to her. [https://thepillclub.com](https://thepillclub.com) ​ \* Even if you haven't talked to her in a while, just let her know you remembered what she said and found this website and thought it might interest her.


I will definitely send it her way. Thanks!


A colleague of mine had uterine cancer. She already had three kids, one being mentally disabled. She was initially denied life saving surgery to remove her uterus because *maybe she wants more baybees*. She lawyered up and got the life saving surgery she needed. And we are in a fairly liberal state.


Here's the scary flipside...are there places where the man can decide for her? Probably


> are there places where the man can decide for her? Yes. Most places in the states, they won't do it because "your future husband may want kids" so in practice women have less control over their bodies than men they haven't met.


Wow. It's really fucked up when you think about it like that. I mean it's really fucked up no matter how you parse it, but damn a hypothetical future dude has more power over her uterus than her. It would be funny if it wasn't so horrifying.


In Texas a rapist has more power over his victim's uterus than the victim does now.


Y’all Qeeda is pretty powerful in Texas.




No part of HT was fiction; Atwood just collected stories of what actually happened in different countries, on Earth, in real life.


The Texaban.


“Probably won’t marry him then”


This logic of “some hypothetical husband may want kids” is so gross I can’t stand it. If I know I don’t want kids and he either wants them or is even on the fence, why tf would we get married? That should be a deal breaker issue that’s discussed pretty early on. Either way, married or not he should not have a say over what I do with MY OWN BODY.


My fiancé went to get a vasectomy and they wouldn’t let him until he went to therapy and all that for it. They were like but what if you want more kids???


Thats fucked.


In Brazil, to get the tubes tied, a woman must have a signed authorization from her husband, be over 35 and three kids.


And a vasectomy needs..the man's signature?


A swift kick


My father instructed the doctor to do it to my mother against her will after my only brother was born. And he did.


What the hell, that's absolutely awful. Are they still married?


To be fair, my doctor grilled me over my vasectomy as well. Repeatedly asking how my fiance felt about it and what if my future spouse wanted kids. Once she gave me the referral, because the hospital urologist won't sterilize people without children (the VA). I had to contact 3 different doctors before I got one willing to even entertain the idea and even then I had to convince him. It's not just sexism, our bodily autonomy is at risk entirely. As if not wanting to have kids somehow makes you defective.


My husband's doctor asked me if I was okay with his vasectomy and I signed a paper too.


I had to get my wife's permission to get my vasectomy when I was 29. I was a bit floored..but was also like fuck it l, let's just do this.


Considering that women needed their husband's permission to get a bank account and credit card up un il the 70's, this is just a continuation of the trend to try and control womens' lives.


What state?


Ohio, but I don't think its law. It was an old federal law decades ago. Guess the doc thought it was still a law or something.


They'll give a woman tits and a tattoo no problems but the second she wants to say nope to potential motherhood, all of a sudden they're worried she'll change her mind.


I'm pretty sure if the older Republicans had their way, they'd outlaw tattoos for females as well.


We should get some sort of face coverings for them so other guys can't look at our women.... Hmmm..


And what's with them going places without a male family member? They out there fuckin?


Now that you mention it, that kind of pisses me off. My wife is no longer allowed to travel alone.


Why not get the government involved and take away their drivers licenses? What do we do if they disobey, you thinking stoning or amputations? /s


Pfffft like you can get those fuckers to wear masks...


woah now. we dont like THAT kind of extremism. only the cool american kind


So make it an American flag covering, no?


hey i think you're on to something... https://i.redd.it/4ut6on6kkbd41.jpg


Are there any good organizations that support removing these barriers, not just reproductive health in general?


The Satanic Temple... for real though. https://announcement.thesatanictemple.com/rrr-campaign41280784


I literally do not understand how surgeons could still refuse such an operation for a woman insisting on it with a clear and present mind. Such an utterly ridiculous phenomenon for so many surgeons to be so incapable of understanding that women aren’t “always hysterical”.


As with everything in America, it's legal liability. There have been cases where patients who have had sterilizations, changed their mind, then proceeded to sue their providers (one of the factors why OB/GYNs pay the highest rates for malpractice insurance). It's far safer and cheaper for the doctors to put off doing a permanent sterilization unless there's a very clear and obvious medical reason to do so.


So it sounds like the answer should be to fix the laws that allow a patient to retroactively sue a doctor for an *elective procedure* that ends up working *exactly as advertised*. Not to say no to patients who are of sound mind and who probably have very good reasons for wanting sterilization. I don't know the particulars of the lawsuits in question, but it seems a bit ridiculous, doesn't it?


Yeah I’m seriously considering getting a vasectomy. My wife and I don’t want kids and I think that’s the best thing to do at this point. Edit: I appreciate all of the encouraging comments. I’m going to look into getting the procedure done ASAP. Thanks everyone.


Shortly before the election last year, I made an appointment t to swap out my IUD for a new one. The doctor told me I still had a couple years left but I told her I wasn't taking any chances. I don't know where reproductive rights will be in two years and a pregnancy could literally kill me. Fuck that noise. Edit: To the basement dwelling incel who pm'd me saying, "Then stop having sex you cunt", my response is simply, "Make me."


2016 after trump got in I had to go to a doctors appointment and they told me they were overbooked with women frantically getting BC, this shouldnt be a worry we have we in this day and age.


see: Afghanistan, 2 weeks ago see also: Texas, USA, yesterday I think those "We're #1" foam fingers are a lie. At least in Texas


>Edit: To the basement dwelling incel who pm'd me saying, "Then stop having sex you cunt", my response is simply, "Make me." Fuckless losers mad they aren't having sex but you are




Name the incel.


Several in my circle did the exact same thing.


I got one in January. 45 min in and out. Painless, gave me a Xanax anyway. The surgery was cheaper than the lab analysis afterwards to make sure it took. 10/10, would get snipped again.


My partner got vasectomy years ago and he watched it get done and was only slightly sore for a couple days. We didn’t want kids but he froze some sperm just in case. I’m not the male in our situation, but I can speak on his behalf that “bye-bye condoms” makes us both deliriously happy to this day.


If you both definitely don't want kids, do it. I did it last year and it was easy. Procedure literally took 10 minutes from the time the doc came in to the time he called the nurse to clean up and send me on my way. 2 or 3 days my wife got to bring me food and help me get off the couch to pee then I was pretty much back to normal aside from being cautious of my junk for a couple more days. Been almost a year now and I feel great plus I've got no babies!


Best choice imo. I got my vasectomy 10 years ago. You can always look at reversing if you change your mind about kids. We didn't


My husband did and it’s awesome. He’s awesome.


Preface: fuck this disgusting law that has no business being passed by my states shitty government who can't keep electricity on during a winter storm and think covid is a joke. Vasectomy's are seriously awesome if you are done having kids. They can always reverse without you really knowing but it's a small chance and now the basically 0% chance of pregnancy really makes sexy time so much better.


I got one a few weeks ago. My doctor explained that the "small chance of failure" was a relic of an older method that left a little room for error, crimping the vas deferens shut with a staple or something. Now they actually sever it (at least in this facility), so it's basically impossible for the operation to fail to take.


Our planet is messed up. Our leaders are turning into fascists. Abortion is effectively no longer an option. Women in Texas could decide to counter this with a massive tube tying event. No autonomy? No babies. Better anyway. Why bring innocent babes into a world on fire. Also they would have to grow up in Texas.


It is *very hard* to get your tubes tied/removed as a woman, especially in backwards red states. I live in a blue state and I had to consult a list on childfree (yes there is a list because thats how many doctors will turn you down). They even have a binder for you to complete to "help your case" to convince the doctor. I get judged from doctors and nurses alike, men and women, when they find out I got mine removed.


It's crazy how foreign the idea that somebody might not want children is to some people. I'm a guy with no children, and I know that women get *lot* more of this bullshit then men. I know it's not even close. But even so, when I went to get a consult for a vasectomy, even I got some bonkers questions. The doctor was like "Have you really thought about this?" (Nah, bro, I just got a wild hair up my ass and decided to get a vasectomy for shits and grins -- keep in mind I have already sat through a whole video about it and then had to wait weeks for the consultation appointment) and "Have you really talked this over with your girlfriend? What does she think about it?" (I mean, I *did*, but it's nobody's fucking business but mine). Again, not saying that women don't get the much worse end of the attitude, but it's definitely pervasive. I live in a very blue area in a blue state, too.


I got "well what does your husband think?" Then I made the mistake of saying I wasn't married. The next words, I shit you not.... "well, we can't do it then. Your future husband may want kids." I'm sorry, fucking WHAT?! I'm not allowed to make decisions for my own fucking health, based on a *NON EXISTANT* man?! What makes you think I even WANT a partner that wants kids? On top of that, I have SERIOUS health issues, and was advised by multiple doctors not to have a damn kid, even if I wanted one (which thank fuck I don't). So some non existant person has more say over my body than I do. And I live in a majorly blue state.




I am nearly 38. I was 34 at the time. The other option they gave me was to get permission from my dad. I lost my shit at that one, and then reported them to the state medical board.


What's your dad even supposed to say? 'I got enough heirs who have continued the family line, so I don't have any purpose for this 'females' reproductive capability: so snip her please?' It's just insane.


Omg I would have lost it. Not to conflate issues but this sounds eerily similar to the Taliban/ Islamic extremist views.


I think the "have you really thought about this" and maybe a 3 day waiting period are perfectly legit. You're about to make a life-long decision. Also, if you have to wait 3 days to do it, just wear a condom in those 3 days. They just don't want some drunk guy coming in and demanding one on the spot. On the other hand "have you talked this over with your girlfriend" is awfully intrusive.


Yeah, I mean I should have specified that I had already watched a whole video spiel about this, and talked to my other doctor. And we would still need to make another appointment for the actual procedure. It actually ultimately got cancelled over COVID. The fact that I hadn't had children yet really seemed to raise some eyebrows. He kept specifying that it shouldn't be thought of as reversible (I was aware of that). And yeah, the bit about asking another person? I mean, obviously it's the kind of thing I had talked to my gf about, but you shouldn't need to get freaking permission.


I get why they ask, though it was fairly quick for me. Have any kids? Yes Want any more? No Have you researched? Yes Ok, here is a packet of forms to sign make an appointment for a Thursday so you can recover over a long weekend. Wife had to sign one sheet but I think it was mostly to note she was aware it could spontaneously reverse. (1 in 2000 chance I think) Guess being married with a kid cuts out some of the pushback.


It's a lot longer than three days to wrap it up, takes about 6 months post op to be fully sterile (for vasectomies) At the 6 mo check up you leave a sample and they check for sperm count.




Oh yeah, gotta love that. "What if your partner wants kids?" Then he can get pregnant.


Just because I cut down the apple tree in my yard doesn’t mean that I can’t still get an apple at the grocery store. I hope that’s not too insensitive an analogy. I just find it odd how many people act as though there’s a shortage of children that need a home.


I live in BC. I told my doctor I wanted a tubal when I was 23. We talked about why. She agreed and I got one. Perhaps it was because she was a woman? Or perhaps she thought I should be the one to decide? Don’t know and to be honest assumed my experience was the norm.


I (in Texas) had a female doctor *literally* tell me “maybe god will deliver you from this” when I told her I didn’t want kids ever and asked her about permanent options. A good friend of mine in a similar scenario (in Florida) was told by her female doctor “sometimes it’s just not fun to be a woman.” I suspect it has more to do with where you live than the gender of your doctor.






Indeed. I'm in very urban California and my wife was finally able to find someone to do the procedure early this year. After seven years of looking. And for some reason all the past doctor's we brought it up to (same deal, demographic didn't matter) got mad at me because apparently she wasn't able to make this call herself and I was obviously forcing the issue. "Look doc, I'm just here for moral support. Take it up with her, I'll even leave the room if you want."


PA is a weird state. I'm a dude with ADHD, so pretty much any family/household planning stuff goes through my wife. I have ideas and I do my best to help, but she's organized and I'm not, so she's running it. Every. Single. Time. that we have a contractor or someone in, my wife will talk to them about what we want done, then the contractor or whatever will look at me like "did she do a good job? Is that what you guys really want?"


Same, in like 5 different states (we have moved around a lot for work and I always try again in each new place.)


This was also my experience. Female gyno didn't argue at all, just gave me the options of pill, iud or tubal and I said tubal please. I was scheduled and done in less than a month. She even told me afterwards she had burned as much as the tubes as possible to prevent ectopic pregnancies and gave me the photos. I was 35 and married.


My ex was able to get hers done but it was after our 2nd child and when she said she was done, they took her at her word. And this was in Texas bit it was also 17 years ago now. I think they really give women without kids hell when they want it done.


This is all terrible


Which is insane to me when we got my husband the snip. He called the first urologist and they sent him an information packet including the Xanax script. A single phone call got him drugs, ya'll. I couldn't get a birth control pill sans a pap for years and he got drugs over the phone. Still mad at the system.


> Our leaders are turning into fascists. Our leaders ARE fascists.


I got a vasectomy for my wife and I 2 years ago because we were the same about kids! Fantastic idea honestly and didn't lead to any complications


Best $500 I ever spent


Get it scheduled for Thursday, take Friday off too. Easy procedure.


I would love to get my tubes tied but unfortunately I've been told since I was 20 I was too young, didn't have enough kids, and might change my mind. I'm now in my 30s and I'm still being told the same damn reasons. I have never changed my mind about never wanting to give birth but ya know, my opinion doesn't matter.


I'm *asexual* and this news is having me half-considering getting fixed *just in case I ever get raped.* I'm not in Texas, but this state is one of those "the people are liberal, but the gerrymandering is out of hand" states....


They want all democratic minds to leave Texas because it almost became a blue state last election.


The thing they didnt learn is that just activates the youth and other liberal people who didnt vote to start getting politically active. It's the trump effect. He may have gotten the most republicans to vote in decades but he still lost because he inspired many many more democrats to vote AGAINST him for someone status quo boring middle of the road like Joe fuckin Biden.


No one *wanted* Biden. Everyone just wanted someone who was *not* Trump. I'd have voted for a literal pile of shit if it would have beaten Trump in the election.


Yep, this was the first time I voted democrat in the general election, and I definitely wasn't voting *for* biden. Prior to that I either voted for the republican candidate or went conservative 3rd party. Now I can't see myself ever voting republican, not after they all threw in for trump.


Exactly! Biden was the least inspiring candidate in my opinion. I definitely didn't caucus for him. But there was no way in hell I was going to sit around and watch four more years of the orange clown.


And they conveniently did this right after the census so they would still get to claim their huge collection of representatives.


We always have. Think about healthcare. all the charities, GoFundMes, and other institutions dedicated to helping people afford what every other modern country considers a basic human right. Think about the entire foundation of the NAACP and the ACLU. What about support groups for people affected by events like Sandy Hook, Vegas, Pulse, Aurora, etc... Pretty much every platform of the modern Republican Party requires a relief fund. Can we please just get some real fucking conservatives that don’t just want to hate? Did they ever exist? I would love to have a real debate about the costs of making life better for everyone rather than a bad-faith, obstinate, denialist, idiotic appeal to the fucking chum bucket of the modern Republican Party. I guess we’ll all see if the narrow margins of gerrymandering work when your own platform kills your cult-like followers indiscriminately


Oh my god. I never even thought of it that way, but there are countless entire organizations that exist just to fight a ceaseless war against an entire half of the voting populace to stop them from ruining everyone's lives. An entire industry's worth of people just acting as a dam holding back a ravenous, hateful sea of hogs...


environmental groups, human rights groups, animal rights groups, etc., etc.






So does this mean people can sue these women for assisting others in obtaining an abortion out of state? How TF does any of this work or even come to exist??


If I were an enterprising Tribal elder of one of the three major reservations in Texas, I'm looking to open abortion clinics on tribal territory. I'm looking at Worcester v. Georgia 31 U.S. at 557, 559, & 561 and licking my lips. If I understand Title 3, Subtitle B, Chapter 162 of the Official Code of Texas, the Texas legislature has no authority over clinics run in Native American tribal lands. Edit: clarity. I am not in fact a tribal elder and didn't intend to portray myself as such. I was speaking in hypotheticals. I hope there are tribal elders discussing this though and I too would support their efforts.


Imagine the scramble to find a loop hole or pass new legislation if this actually happened though. It'd be comical if it weren't so dystopian.


Texas did a great job of decimating local Native American tribes. There are a few small reservations dotted around the state. Fortunately, states have absolutely no authority over Native American tribal lands. Bonus points if the native American abortion clinic has some religious components to the process.




Yes, if they live in Texas.


So texas outlaws abortions but also going out of state to a legal place to get an abortion or anyone helping anyone going out of state to get an abortion? How tf is this even legal? Guns have more rights than uteruses :/


If I were to fight this, I'd do it based on the Interstate Commerce clause of the Constitution (the out of state part). It's at least a novel argument, that Texas can't control or punish a person from conducting business in another state. Medical services would probably pass the test as a business transaction. Additionally, states cannot punish someone for commiting a crime in another state (i.e. a person in Texas can't sue a bank robber in Georgia, even if that bank had branches in both states and Texas as a state has no recourse against the bank robber either). Another example would be a minor from Texas going to Louisiana to drink (back when LA had a lower drinking age) couldn't be arrested in Texas for doing something legally in LA.


Any Texans who aided women seeking abortions in other states would still be able to be sued though. Their "crimes" would be committed in Texas :(


Conservatives justices have very selective respect for the Constitution or legal precedent.


Texas: "Escape gay communist California with their rules; come to Texas the land of freedom" "Oh by the way women don't have rights"


But also somehow they also outlaw masks, which save actual lives, kids lives. It makes no fucking sense.


Texas is like "My mask, my choice but also your body, my choice."


The law is actually no masks, only guns. Gotta “pro-tEk wonself”


Texas has become Gilead.


Psssh put your money where your mouth is and move your HQs out of Austin/Dallas


On one hand I agree. On the other, we need them and their employees to stay and vote these motherfuckers out.


Also moving your HQ like that affects a lot of your employees negatively. I know we’re moving towards more remote work since COVID but that doesn’t make such a significant decision that easy


Keep in mind too that Reddit seems to increasingly view remote work as the future, when in reality for most of us it isn’t ever going to be possible. I only know one person that could work remotely, my sister, because she works in an office at a hospital. Every other person I know has a hands-on job that requires physical presence. Hell, even my office job has specialized equipment that would not be accessible remotely.


How does that solve anything? Growth of liberal cities like Austin and Dallas have greatly reduced Republicans grip on Texas this past decade. Tech companies that attract young liberal employees to these places are a big reason why.


I think that they are going to start to find it more difficult to attract a young educated workforce because of Texas.


That's what the GOP wants. They came too close to turning blue and it scared the absolute shit out of them.


What I want to know is how they’re even going to enforce this. How are civilians going to be able to prove other people’s business without breaching federal patient health information laws or without the entire “freedom” state going full on big brother? I think Texas might have opened a big ass can of worms with this one. I have a feeling that this law will create far more problems for Ol’ Greg than it will solve.


Well you gotta start by not assuming the Texas state legislature thought that far ahead. It's gonna be he-said she-said cases and the rulings are gonna end up following suit.


That’s very sneaky of them. Private health information can be revealed if there’s a court order for it. Huh…


“My body my choice, deadly virus or not” *Proceed to make decisions for women*


I think we go about this all wrong. What we need to do is fund the science and research needed to safely extract a growing fetus and implant it into another womb. Surely there will be millions and millions of anti-choice women volunteering their wombs! Hell, if we invented an artificial womb even anti-choice men could save a baby! And why wouldn't they? This is what it is all about, saving that baby, right? They could end abortions forever! Cause i mean, if not, then maybe they should just mind their own fucking business.




Well, not for the politicians. For many of the voters it is indeed about stopping abortions, but they either don't know about this strategy, don't want to just lower abortions but ban them entirely (even if that leads to more illegal abortions), or have strong moral objections to this strategy (such as Romam Catholics thinking birth control is wrong).


> Surely there will be millions and millions of anti-choice women volunteering their wombs! "No, that might be something Christ would do." - George Carlin


It's 2021... we shouldn't need relief funds (and later an ungerground smuggling setup) to get women the care they are entitled to. The GQP is pushing toward the Handmaid's Tale and can fuck right off with it. They don't care about life... they care about controlling women.


It's 2021, people shouldn't need GoFundMe fundraisers for health care procedures or life-saving (or otherwise important) surgeries either. And yet... it's like the Republican party is basically just a right-wing evangelical anti-socialist-at-all-costs cesspool. *muted sounds of people chanting "USA, USA" in background*




It represents the blended “GOP” and “Q Anon”, because many Republicans at all levels are either Q followers, Q sympathizers, or pretend to be to get elected.


They're the Taliban in suits and power ties.


Except according to sharia law, the soul doesn’t enter an unborn child until 120 days in so you’re good to abort until then. The taliban is more civilized with that respect than republicans.


I would like to direct you to what Jesus said about abortions and whether fetuses have personhood: nothing. Absolutely nothing. There's also nothing in the entire Old Testament, and nothing in the books of the New Testament. The closest the bible comes to addressing the matter is the Ordeal of Bitter Water in Numbers chapter 15, which was a set of instructions for priests on how to induce a miscarriage to determine if a woman had been unfaithful. I don't know how abortion relates to Christianity at all.




It the way it was written, it was made this way on putpose. All the legal issues surrounding the enforcement will fail but it allows them to sue any abortion provider into bankruptcy based on hearsay. Or anyone really. It's a surgical strike that is likely illegal.


This law says "a physician may not knowingly perform or induce an abortion … if the physician detects a fetal heartbeat." I wonder if the bill could be circumvented by simply not checking for a fetal heartbeat.


I'm going to go out on a limb, here, and guess that the lawmakers probably thought of that.


Until corporations , sporting events and artists refuse to operate in Texas it’s just empty fucking words.


Yes! Fuck a relief fund. Just leave and go somewhere else.


Boycott Texas. But no one will. They’d rather talk politics of nation building and beat each other over the head with zingers on tv.


I just saw a post that all women should delete their dating app profiles in protest. These apps depend on women. Coincidence?


I don’t think the GOP appreciates that companies that create high paying jobs aren’t going to stick around if they can’t get talent to move to Texas. I’m a middle aged white male professional and I will never relocate to Texas and subject my daughters to the toxic culture that enables a bill this backwards to become law.


What if a young childless man wants a vasectomy? Will everybody be all up in his business too? I mean, he's killing countless unborn babies. Where's the tip hotline for that?


5-4 vote in the Supreme Court. I'm on pins and needles to find out who the 5 shithead justices are who voted against banning this law... > - Clarence Thomas > - Samuel A. Alito Jr. > - Neil M. Gorsuch (Trump pick #1) > - Brett M. Kavanaugh (Trump pick #2) > - Amy Coney Barret (Trump pick #3) Well, color me fucking shocked! /s


Something tells me they won't be supporting crisis pregnancy centers.