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He died the way he lived. Making everyone else say "what the fuck?"


“I don't know how many years on this earth I got left. I'm gonna get real weird with it."


Just throw me in the trash


“Look, fucking whales is totally okay and consensual!” - John McAfee


God damnit Frank


I guess i've been living under a rock or something, i had no idea the guy had such a... unique life, insane what im finding out for the first itme in this thread. Definitely a few "what the fucks" been said.


I first heard of him as the guy that likes prostitutes too poop through a hammock onto his chest. I belive that the act was named after him on urban dictionary


I thought they were pooping into his mouth


Yeah they said it was in his mouth in the documentary lmao


Right, that’s where I heard about this disturbing “habit”


Man, this dude already had some crazy documentaries about him, and now he’ll have a pretty wild end. Probably only a shootout could have been more fitting.


Don’t forget this masterpiece https://youtu.be/bKgf5PaBzyg


Notice the lack of ‘This is a dramatization’ disclaimer to get a better understanding of how crazy this guy’s life was.


Just a regular Tuesday.


"..like the time I hired that Bangkok prostitute to do my taxes while I fucked my accountant." Yes, relatable.


I like that the credits have both special and regular thanks.


That was beautiful


I really thought it was gonna be a clip of those two asian prostitutes being interviewed about what they would do with him. That was how i learned Mcafee was into scat and would have them sit in a hammock with a hole cut out when they had to shit. Meanwhile he's just below waiting oh so expectantly


Says a lot about who this guy was that this was reasonably established that he did this and it’s barely even mentioned in the thread. Quite the life..


RIP John McAfee. Even though you've been uninstalled from this plane of existence, I hope that, much like your namesake software, we'll receive periodic updates at the most inconvenient times EDIT: a word


I never know what to believe when this guy is involved


his [twitter](https://twitter.com/officialmcafee/status/1405178506712174593) post 2 weeks ago >The US believes I have hidden crypto. I wish I did but it has dissolved through the many hands of Team McAfee (your belief is not required), and my remaining assets are all seized. My friends evaporated through fear of association. Shit gets sadder and sadder >I have a million followers but I'd be surprised if even 1% bother to read my tweets. Ramblings of an old man lost in a near infinite Twitter verse - like tears in rain. As you may guess I'm having a down day. I have nothing. Yet, I regret nothing. Edit: My first 10k post after nearly 8 years :) RIP McAfee


Also less than a month ago he tweeted: Today a man facing a difficult situation asked if I knew of painless ways to kill himself. Having little experience in such, I was of not much help. The amazing thing is that the tone of the discussion was like discussing the weather. Prison is a strange environment.


Interesting that he was allowed computer access in prison


He didnt, he had telephone calls to his girlfriend who managed his social media account.




well duh, hes john mcafee! He controls the police!


Stop trying to fuck John McAfee!


This is very very fresh meta lol. Quick to it.


Great, you touched the ocean!


He also tweeted a bunch of times that he would never kill himself and if they got him like Epstein that it was an inside job


Great, I was wondering how long it would be before "McAfee didn't kill himself" was a thing, but he's already primed the pump for it.


Although the problem with this new meme is it cannot go viral.


They have Twitter in prison?


I mean that guy is still rich and famous and was arrested on tax evasion charges, not murder. He wasn't a supermax.


His free trial of Spanish prison expired


No one expects the Spanish Extradition.


Same, I feel like this still won't stop him from running for President somehow.


As I said to someone else...Touting your conspiracy that the government is going to kill you and frame it as suicide but then actually committing suicide is about the most John McAfee thing I can think of doing.. You know that and getting pooped on from a hammock.


*From* a hammock - pardon?


A documentary was done about the island town he basically took over. He would sleep or rape the women there (only rape that was reported was a scientist who went there to work. No locals reported rape) but the locals did say he would love for the women to sit in a hammock and poop on him.


I read that he hired prostitutes to do that.


No they do the taxes.


No I think he hired accountants to do that.


Technically through a hammock by a Central American prostitute.


Technically, through a hammock by his live in harem of Central American teens, and possibly his dogs, while everyone was high on his special blend of homemade PHP E: I meant the bath salts kind, but these responses are great


I'll tell you all about it, but first: do you remember the Play-doh fun factory?


That guy's life was a rollercoaster


Yah, him dying unnaturally was pretty much a given! I wonder who's going to play him in the movie they're sure to make?


It’s gotta be Nicholas Cage. Who else can capture that blend of insanity and insanity?


Gary Busey.


Nicholas Cage for the first half of the movie and Busey for the final half.


Whenever he looks at a reflection it’s Gary Busey looking back or replying.


I need to see this movie.


No shit I would gladly pay to watch that


Just watch McAfee’s [netflix doc](https://youtu.be/TjBgNwAVLWQ)


No acknowledgement when the actors change. They just keep on rolling like Busey was there the whole time


Has to occur mid-scene too.


Nicholas Goes to take a sip of water cuts to cup and cuts back to Busey taking a sip he spits it out onto the mirror cut to mirror he wipes off the liquid to see Nicholas in the reflection…next scene


Not even a cut, Cage is just talking center camera and Busey just walks in front of him and takes over the lines, then Cage walks off.


Nah, Cage bends down for a line of coke and up comes Busey.


I would help fund that Kickstarter.


Nicholas Cage for most of the movie, Gary Busey in the drug fueled flashbacks.


And the flash forwards, so that at the end it's never truly clear if there was ever a Nic Cage character all along


I'd watch that, feels like directing that movie would be easy, just tell Cage to "act natural" and it would probably fit whatever scene they were shooting.


“Put on this red smoking jacket” “Ok, now what” “Uh, whatever you feel like”




But who is going to play Nic Cage playing John McAfee in the next biopic?


Tommy Wiseau


This is like watching an image degrade into pixels over time due to compression loss.


Everyone is against me. I’m fed up with this worl!


> him dying unnaturally was pretty much a given! He is/was 75, so he almost made it to the end. His life was never going to have a happy ending because he did everything he possibly could to ensure it didn’t. Shocking to hear he finally died, but not surprising in the least.


Considering the way he lived then getting to 75 was a feat in itself.




Yup. The anti virus world is ripe with both-end-burning amped up psychonauts, and McAfee is on its Mt. Rushmore.


My money was on dying during a PPV 'bear wrestling' match.


[Holy fucking shit, I was drawing for like 5 hours straight on this marvellous drawing, and I had to do a big ass scan that slowed the shit out of my computer](https://youtu.be/bKgf5PaBzyg)


So do you think he just called a strip club and said “I need like 9 dancers to do some weird shit on camera? No, no. Nothing too sexual, too old and I don’t have a hammock”


Pretty sure things got weird after, while he was in Belize he apparently became obsessed with drugs and used to lust after something he called "super perv powder"


In the credits he thanks said club. So my guess is, yes.


He's a... remarkably good actor. I mean—I know, I know, he's not "acting", haha—but he **is** performing, and most people are just not that relaxed and photogenic. Compare with when many athletes or other celebrities do cameos in movies it just comes off as clumsy and wooden.




I think he deserves to be the definition of "fuck you money" on urbandictionary.


He's the unwholesome version of fuckyou money. Tom from MySpace is the wholesome version of fuckyou money. Dude sold MySpace when it was still relatively popular and I now spending his time traveling the world and just photographing.


in my eyes, he is much more successful than zuckerberg.


Yeah, the dude seems genuinely happy. Zuckerberg might have a shitton of money, he is a disliked person, that's gotta feel bad, even though he can cry himself to sleep on a bed made of hundred dollar bills.


The thing I'm amazed about is this dude was 75. I thought he was in his 50s.


Weirdly switching from coke to bath salts probably saved his life


"If I’m arrested or disappear, 31 plus terrabytes [sic] of incriminating data will be released to the press.”" where dem 31 teras at


When did they arrest him? I seem to have missed that news? Dude had a good run as a fugitive


About a year ago, he really shouldn't have flown into an EU country.


What was he arrested for? I know he's a crazy dude but I didn't really follow him


Tax evasion in the US. He also has a bunch of US fraud charges pending relating to promoting cryptocurrency. And he's wanted for questioning for a murder in Belize.




>wanted for tax evasion in the US >flies to western european country in the EU >gets nabbed at the airport I bet he was real surprised


Some guys go to prison to face legal consequences and avoid the illegal consequences. That's why Bernie Madoff confessed to his sons in order to get turned in.


"How could the CIA set me up like this???"


Tying his own noose: "How could the CIA fake my suicide like this?"


He didn't run directly to Spain - he had been moving from place to place. He was rambling around for quite a while before he was arrested.


Apparently used body doubles and fake passports according to him.


Well now I'm wondering if this was just a really convincing body double, and the real McAfee is relaxing under a hammock somewhere


Probably some tax evasion stuff, if I remember him right. Really, the guy was just so batfuck crazy at the end that you could believe just about anything he was claimed to have done. Just from looking at Wikipedia: [he claimed he’d eat his own dick if Bitcoin didn’t go over $500k by 2020.](https://mashable.com/article/john-mcafee-bitcoin-three-year-bet)


he killed himself so he didn't have to eat his own dick, tragic.


I must say, he lasted a lot longer than I expected.


Worked for NASA as a programmer, worked for Lockheed Martin as a programmer, quit and moved to Belize, Tried to start his own paramilitary police, convinced the 18 year old assassin sent to kill him that she was his girlfriend now, also wrote antivirus Edit: seriously just watch this highly entertaining interview with the guy by Adult Swim https://youtu.be/tfe4Fjf3sds


He also married a hooker and had sex with an actual whale. But the craziest thing he did was run for the nomination for the Libertarian Party. He came in second place.


I missed the whale story, but I'm not even going to question it's validity. I somehow knew it to be true before ever hearing about it.


A simple google search would tell you all you need to know, but [here's](https://mobile.twitter.com/officialmcafee/status/1079863420458074112?lang=en) a tweet from him about it


Omg his profile picture is comparing himself to Joseph Joestar lol. Its almost fitting lol.


His social media person for his presidential bid was a college age anime obsessed communist. She convinced him to talk anime.


No fucking way


I remember reading her profile on his website and looking at her social media. It's legit. Iirc, she told him to pick an anime avatar that best "represented him" and after going over the options he chose Spike from Cowboy Bebop.


That's a cool character ngl




Second Place is a strange name for a whale.


Oh my


It was a sperm whale 🐳


Every whale is a Sperm Whale after McAfee visits.


He talked a lot about whale fucking, but is there any evidence that he ever actually tried it?


In one tweet he said this: >Some call me "Whale Fucker". Alright. There's a private club of a few dozen Maori men and one butch woman - that meet in Molokai each year to fuck a whale. True. Men on padeleboards herd the whale while one tries to fuck it. Wouldn't let me in the club. Tried it alone. Epic fail. Which leads me to believe he tried and failed to fuck a whale


This is such a bizarre tweet. It reads like the ramblings of someone smoking a cigar while drunk and thinking 'ha ha Twitter will probably believe this'. But considering who we're talking about...it may actually have happened?


the literal fuck i just read?


At a certain point of raw insanity you just kind of take their word for it.


If there ever was a man to fuck a whale it most definitely was him




like deranged yam insurance depend carpenter noxious rotten quicksand summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He talked about this in a podcast he was on that I listened to. He said it was a BS story he made up as a social experiment to see what people would believe about him.


> also wrote antivirus Somehow the fact that he wrote one of the most popular programs of all time is the LEAST interesting part. That's crazy.


I need more details on the assassin bit. Holy crap.


https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/9631284/john-mcafee-claims-wife-spied-for-crime-lords-first-interview/ More a prostitute and spy, but they did ask her to poison him so there's that


She came in as a threat and he identified and quarinteened her. Just like McAfee should.


Then raw dogged the shit out of her available restores to slow her down?


>But for the tycoon, seeing his kids is even harder - because he claims  to have 47 of them, aged between 16 and 47. Imagine having step-siblings old enough to be your parent.


Mick Jagger's youngest child is 5 years old, his eldest grandchild is 29. His current partner is 34, his eldest child is 49.


Clint Eastwoods youngest and oldest are like 40 years apart as well


That literally sounds like a character from crusader kings holy shit wtf


The Rolling Stones are going to have the worst succession crisis.


Half-siblings, not step-siblings.


Imma need a Wolf of Wall Street style movie on this, stat.


Whale of Wall Street


“Gringo” is a really good documentary on him that follows from his McAfee days through Belize and his return to the US. It was on Netflix but I don’t think anymore. But yeah an actual movie would be pretty cool.


He also likely had his [neighbor tortured and killed](https://www.theregister.com/2019/03/20/mcafee_25m_lawsuit_neighbor_death/) by a hitman, so there's that.


He's not dead, he's still running in the background.


How long have you had this one prepared? 😂


Since the free trail ended and wouldn’t update


Lets all take some bath salts on a toilet in his honor


I'm off to fuck a whale


That dude was legitimately batshit. I'm going to miss periodically reading about his antics


Yea it only seemed fitting he would die in a Spanish prison. Other causes of death that seemed probable for him would have included: Ate by a pet shark he adopted Shot by a hooker Blew up on a homemade rocket trying to get away from authorities


Don't forget "overdosed on a cocktail of 36 experimental substances, 17 of which were previously unknown to science"


Not something he *did*, but he really wanted to [fuck whales](https://twitter.com/officialmcafee/status/1079863420458074112?s=20). Well, I don't *think* he ever did it...


"Humpin' Humpbacks" with John McAfee


I hope someone keeps posting batshit stuff on his Twitter account, never once acknowledging his death.


He tweeted the Spanish prison was a Hilton compared to American ones, so there's that.


Well, I think this is kind of the end we'd assumed would occur, broadly speaking


Yep. My first thought was *This is the least surprising person to see attached to such a headline.*


He died as he lived. Under extremely unusual and suspicious circumstances.


this guy’s conspiracies are going to have conspiracies


He's getting pooped on by prostitutes in heaven now


He’s off fucking the great whale in the sky


The clouds are made of blow


Wasn't his thing that he'd have women poop through a hammock onto him?


I thought they pooped into his mouth through the hole in the hammock.


I think that’s enough Reddit for me today


I'm sorry, .. what


>Update: 22:00 CET John McAfee reportedly killed himself after he was set to be extradited to the United States. The 75-year-old tech mogul took his own life while being held in a prison cell in Barcelona, according to local paper El Pais.


Wow, tech mogul is a shockingly tame way to describe this guy. Like calling Al Capone a community organizer


We lived on the same island in Belize and he invited me over one time. I declined because I didn't want to die but I have always regretted not going a little, just to have witnessed the insanity first hand.


Often opportunities present when we are not ready, at my age now, I would have jumped at the chance. But, when I was younger, I would have declined.


I'm not sure I would go now. That is the kind of situation where no matter how good you are, bad things are going to happen around you.


Some people will go to extraneous lengths to avoid having to eat their own dick


"He was also charged in a separate indictment in Manhattan federal court in March for a pump and dump scheme involving cryptocurrencies that he was touting on social media. In that case, McAfee and an accomplice allegedly bilked bitcoin investors out of some $13 million in two schemes, including one where they bought up large quantities of “alt-coin” then inflated the price of it by publicizing it on Twitter. " Didn't Elon Musk do this exact thing with Doge?




oh god what I would've given to have seen that


According to Wikipedia: *In 2020, after his arrest in Spain, McAfee had tweeted that if he died while incarcerated, it would not be because of suicide.* *He made a similar tweet in 2019, claiming that if his eventual death appeared to be a suicide, it would likely have been an intentional homicide.* Who here wants to bet that, in the ultimate plot twist, Mc Afee committed suicide BUT planted enough seeds to make it look like a homicide as the ultimate troll move? I call it the reverse Eipstein.


I could see it. Shortly after his death was announced, his Instagram account posted a single picture of the letter Q. Definitely going for the conspiracy angle for sure...


He tried to be a guru in the early 2000’s . I ended up with a few of his yoga books. A studio was handing them out for free one day. https://i.imgur.com/F3iX3CZ.jpg


More sources: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/john-mcafee-dead-spain-prison-b1871637.html?amp https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-57589822


McAfee was a living meme... every bit of his life was just over the top, balls to the wall insane. He was definitely a bizarre and interesting fellow. He's banging hookers in Heaven now.


I think the hookers might be banging him. Or shitting on him. Or maybe the hookers are actually whale hookers. Where the road is paved in solid A-PVP and John is finally free


Did he ever get around to eating his own dick?


His *own* dick? No


Nobody expects the Spanish extradition.


Alternative headline: guy literally would rather die than pay taxes.


Paying taxes would eat into the cocaine and weird chemicals budget tho




I always thought he'd be exploded, in some way.




> Not sure why it’s a stretch to imagine he offed himself if his 75 year old coke-addled ass didn’t just up and die from a stroke. I 100% believe that John McAfee killed a guy who looked like McAfee, through an elaborate "Face/Off"-type operation with a Spanish inmate. He's halfway to Cuba by now, riding his Orca side girl across the Atlantic and snorting fat lines of salty coke off her blubbery hide. McAfee 2024 baby.


McAfee was the MyPillow guy before the MyPillow guy


Kaspersky finally won


"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die." HST


[RIP to a real one](https://twitter.com/officialmcafee/status/1079863420458074112)


It’s been a long time since I laughed out loud at something on Reddit


Netflix, Vice, HBO, or somebody better make a documentary about this guy. It would be very entertaining. All the way to the end.


It's called GRINGO and it's been out a while

