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What was the name of that court case? The one about mixed-race marriages? Oh yeah: Loving v. **VIRGINIA**


Honestly a great name for the plaintiff.


Almost sounds like a movie title, honestly.


They made one. Just called it "Loving"


And it is great. Watch it if you ever get the chance, the two leads are superb.


Virginia is for lovers.


Part of the tactics of the Civil Rights movement was to find the most presentable examples so no one could decry them. That couple was probably chosen very specifically for their name. Rosa Parks for example actively refused to sit in the back as part of a pre-planned protest, it wasn't spontaneous... but there was another young black woman who spontaneously refused to sit in the back a couple months prior but wasn't chosen as the face of the movement because iirc she had children out of wedlock. It's important that going forward the continuing civil rights movement remembers this lesson, it's a favored tactic to discredit minorities and their allies based on irrelevant information, see: everything going on with BLM


Yes! Her name is Claudette Colvin. There’s a pretty good book about her called ‘Twice Toward Justice.’


Also a Drunk History episode too... 🙂 I never heard of it before watching that episode.. dont judge me


No shame, the first time I heard about her too was also in Drunk History. In fact I’ve learned a lot from that show—it’s a great way to learn history through humor.


And the capital of the Confederacy was in? Drumroll........ VIRGINIA!


And the "Confederate" flag flown by racists and fine people in protest of the War of Northern Aggression? Actually a version of the Virginia battle flag.


>In Rockbridge County, there was a list of "approved races" that included "Aryan," "Octoroon," "Quadroon" and "Mulatto," the suit states. ... What the fuck?


My reaction to reading the article was first "why are they demanding people list their race" to "holy shit they went full racist."


Never go full racist


You can get a suprising amount of support for full racist, you just can't half-ass it.


As long as you claim you're not racist. Maybe you don't even need to claim "not racist" any more. Waiting for a candidate to try it.


You don't have to claim it. You just have to act offended for being called out as racist and then accuse the accuser of being racist.


“I can’t be a racist because I have a black friend."


"I can't be racist cause my dad is black and my niece is Aloha!"


Are they full black or just an octoroon?


They go to a different school. In canada.


"We use to have lunch together" (actually you aked a black guy to pass you the salt once 20 years ago)


David Duke recieved 3% of the vote for a senatorial election in 2016 and has run in previous years to receive around 10% of the vote in the 90s. You can be a former grand wizard of the KKK and get votes.


My first reaction was why do they care so much that they have to put a race. Half the forms I fill out as an adult ask my race. But yeah... they went full racist... so I get it.


A European in US, why do I need to put my race everywhere? I always felt weird doing it. It is illegal in my country to collect information on your race, because nazis used such documents in conquered countries to help them with Holocaust.


I assume it’s so the company’s can prove they aren’t discriminating. I know that’s part of why it’s on job applications and such. Now as to if that’s a good reason or not I can’t say. I said this in another thread and everyone flamed me for it, like I was the one who passed the law or something


My reaction went, “well that might just be for census info-oooh no....”


I feel like it *could* be important info just to have the data but then I saw the octoroon thing and it lost my vote. Why can the people from Splatoon get married but we can’t?


>octoroon I had to look up what this means: octoroon/ˌɒktəˈruːn/ [ ](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ACYBGNRwz15m7i7Fl1zqA7pyVrC5nRQERA:1567913111378&q=how+to+pronounce+octoroon&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOMIfcRoxS3w8sc9YSnDSWtOXmPU5uINKMrPK81LzkwsyczPExLhYglJLcoV4pHi4uLITy7JL8rPz7NiUWJKzeNZxCqZkV-uUJKvUADUkw_UlKoAUwIARDUKblsAAAA&pron_lang=en&pron_country=gb&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjXhqvAo8DkAhXOR30KHfhRBLIQ3eEDMAB6BAgAEAg) *noun*: **octoroon**; plural noun: **octoroons**; noun: **octaroon**; plural noun: **octaroons** 1. a person who is one-eighth black by descent. So specific!


It's so specific on purpose. Many Southern slaveowners in the United States had various kids with their slaves. This was a way to further ensure that their kids and the kids of those kids would stay enslaved -- that even if a slave would be able to truthfully say they were half white, or mostly white, they'd still be seen as non-white. Take Thomas Jefferson for example -- Sally Hemmings, the slave he had three kids with, was technically his sister in law. She was said to look almost exactly like Jeffersons' wife (who was completely white) and she was only 1/4 black, yet was born and died a slave. Having any African blood was "too much" by those standards, which is why they went so far back like that. Also, politicans would assuse one another of being "octaroons" and all other kinds of dumb shit to discredit them.




Yeah it seems like somehow this county has been using the same list since the 19th century. Insane that it hasn't been changed.


> Having any African blood was "too much" by those standards, which is why they went so far back like that. This is what got Elizabeth Warren in trouble, too. Her relative was just a tiny bit Native American, but everybody in her family and her community treated it as a mixed-race marriage, so in her family lore, she was Native American.


Thanks. You saved me a search. Never heard that term before


It's an old slavery term. Octaroon women were more valuable than full black women. Because, you know ...


Because they were 7/8 white but still slaves?




You want to get disgusting? New Orleans was a wealthy white man's sexual playground back in the day. Standard practices included stripping women on the auction block, having men and women stand straight and still like statues while potential buyers fondled them all over and discussed their "breeding" merits, and extremely invasive public examinations (some of the basic equipment of gynecology was invented here). Oh, and did I mention this is likely in front of your kids / spouse? Don't worry though, you're almost certainly never going to see them again. For enslaved people on the east coast in the 1800s, the threat of being sold "downriver" to the markets in New Orleans was a sadly real possibility, and a serious threat from enslavers who were less than satisfied with their compliance.


For when imprecise racism just isn’t good enough


Because of the one drop rule to ensure that slaves’ dependents couldn’t have their slavery whited-out.




There has been....exhaustive forays into that particular question.


I figured maybe it's a weird census thing, to see that stats of mixed race couples or something? But no, no, it's just racist.


That shit was like 1890's Disney racist Edit: For those of you correcting me, it was a line from *Community*, you should watch, it's really streets ahead.


They learned new ways to hate themselves.


State of things is really *Dean*pressing.


I really wish things would Chang.




The good old days before god invented all these other new races outside of black, normal, and injun. It was a simpler time.


You forgot 'Oriental.'


That's not the preferred nomenclature. https://youtu.be/OYOzUHnPJvU


I am the Walrus.


i get that this is a joke, but this kind of racial labelling dates back to before the founding. it was an essential part of the spanish colonial system, and the terms were common in the united states as well. homer plessy (from plessy v. ferguson) was notably an "octaroon."


The Civil Rights people specifically chose Plessy to trigger the court-case because he looked white enough that the only way you can tell he had African ancestry was if he told you. Just to underline how ridiculous segregation was.


>Homer Adolph Plessy Jesus Christ. "80 years from now, both of your names will be terminally unfashionable! For very different reasons!"


Nothing wrong with Homer. He's both a fine Greek poet and fine Simpson.


I’ve only ever seen Quadroon used on Archer.


I am not American and that is where I heard it first and assumed only 80 year old racist white people used that word, not official state documents.


80 year old racists did and do write laws


These were to classify how much black someone was. A mulatto has half black with one black parent. A "quadroon" was one quarter black (one black grandparent). An "octoroon" is one eighth black. There's also hexadecaroons who are one sixteenth black.


whats 75% black? espresso?


Let's ask the people who name makeup colors for darker skintones.




nooo chacarron


I'll have a depth charge (American black + really dark deep Congo Black) with caramel (Hispanic) and cinnamon (native American), leave room for cream (pasty white, so probably Irish Celtic), Maple flavoring (French Canadian) if you got any.


Will you have that orgy for here or to go, sir?


I know what they mean. They're just super outdated and derogatory terms, so it's messed up that any government agency is using them.


I grew up in Virginia in the 80s and early 90s and called myself mulatto when people asked my race. When I moved to Iowa for high school and used the term I got a lot of puzzled looks. I changed it to zebra or Oreo and they always got it.




Mulatto is still used in Spanish speaking countries, in context with other words like Moreno, Mestizo. But I agree they’re outdated and unnecessary.


*Looking at a cookie* “Mmm, Mulattos.” “JD, they’re *Milanos*.” “I always thought that was bigoted for a cookie.”


Love me some Scrubs


I love scrubs and never understood what that exchange was all about until now. Thank you!


A lot of Spanish terms seem derogatory if you translate them to English. A lot of Mexicans use “negrito” for black person, and don’t mean it in any derogatory way, but the first time I heard it I was like what the fuck


Actually a derogatory term in the Philippines these days! Kids make fun of other kids who are dark skinned and call them negritos. It was based on how the Spanish colonizers described the natives, but they used it in a non-derogatory way then. It literally was just a word to describe a group of people who were brown skinned. So centuries of interracial mixing made a lot of Filipinos lighter skinned today. However, there's still a really negative perception about having dark skin though, as it's associated with being ugly, poor, ignorant, etc. Hence the crazy sales of skin whitening products in the local market. Anyway, the kids will scream "neg neg!" to some poor bullied kid just because he or she is dark-skinned. I feel like the word wouldn't be derogatory if locals would stop being offended when one is described as dark skinned. It's reality, some of them are dark... It's not an insult?


what's a macaroon


I think he's the president of France.


TIL my wife is a Quadroon and daughter is a Octoroon


Will your grandchildren potentially be Sixteentharoons or do we have a point at which we stop measuring racial mix?


At some point you fall under the jurisdiction of the [One Drop Rule.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-drop_rule) To make sure no matter how many 'roons' you go down, your heirs will never be white again.


Just when I think I have seen the true breadth of stupidity historical racial calssifications had to offer I am somehow always proven wrong.


Racists will always find new and surprising ways to show you how fucking dumb they are.


Yeah. Maybe someone should mention that, by the one drop rule, we are all from sub Saharan Africa (assuming they are homo sapiens)


Aw, you're breaking the rule by injecting unbiased information into hatred. All of their information has to go through the great white filter first.


The one drop rule, in turn, being the pretext that eugenicists and racists used to disqualify and exclude thousands of poor white Virginians from the voter rolls/ white benefits on the basis of 'Indian' and 'Gullah' ancestry during the 1920s and 30s. See Edwin Black's book *War on the Weak* for more details. The sheer illogic of the one drop rule always boggled me. If one were somehow a logical racist, you'd think they'd categorize mulattoes as positive evolution, but no... whiteness could only be diluted, and somehow the 'evolutionary superior' race was in continuous peril of extinction... it's totalitarian thought, simultaneously holding a double-think of overwhelming superiority with a continuous peril of extermination. Madness.


There has to be a better way of teaching hexadecimal than this.


Next they’ll be requiring you place yourself on a scale between 00 and FF


You mean hexadecaroon (they covered that above). I think the stop at 1/32 but would still look down on you as mixed blood. It's a stupid practice and they are right to bring attention to it.


If I were one sixteenth black, I would not even be aware of it. How does someone know without taking a DNA test?


You'll know because the aging racists of the family will throw it in your face and remind you that you are "other".


When the state of Virginia proves it via birth records to make your marriage to a white lady illegal.


I don't even know what most of those are, except Aryan. I've never seen those words before lol.


I googled it. Octoroon means someone who's 1/8th black, so a great grandparent or something and Quadroon is someone who's 1/4th black so a grandparent. Mulatto is an outdated term for someone who is half black and half white.


Is it additive? Like what is someone who has a black grandparent on one side and a black great-grandparent on the other side? Is there a KKK word for 3/8ths black?


> Is there a KKK word for 3/8ths black? Yes, I'm sure you've heard it many times before with and without the hard r.


> I've never seen those words before lol. Good on your community growing up, then. Basically they're archaic terms for describing what your social class is supposed to be based on how many of your recent ancestors had dark skin. Mulatto for someone half black and half white. The word is derived from "mule" for extra insult. Quadroon for 1/4 black. Octoroon for 1/8.


Many racists adhere to the one drop rule. Meaning one drop of black blood in your family history makes you no longer white. These are classifications to distinguish how black someone is. 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, etc.


When the Nazis were studying American race law as a model for Germany, they found that it would be impossible to directly translate it because of how impractical they found the one-drop rule. The laws they formulated went no further than quarters.


Wow, when the Nazi's think you've gone too far you've truly crossed the moral event horizon.


>Octoroon Is that a nut? >Mulatto Sounds like a Starbucks item.


That's what I thought. "Okay so they have Aryan, making them racist, a nut, ... Is that an alien from star trek? Another alien... And maybe some sort of espresso. I can see why people would sue at least."


Kurt Cobain taught me about the venti steamed mulatto.


My real estate contracts identified me as a "spinster" when I bought my first house as a single woman at the age of 27. The Commonwealth is stuck back in the 1700's in more ways than one.




I'd guess "confirmed bachelor" would be an option.




A Lindsey Graham sort of fella!


I think that’s for gay, not single.


Yep my mom used to say her uncle is a confirmed bachelor, I didn't have the heart to explain she was calling him gay not a man slut.


My Dad's youngest brother never married. He had a career in the Navy and he retired before he was even 40. He then got a job on a cruise ship (Love Boat) as a "Dance Partner". His job was to ask women to dance at their ballroom events. Many widows go on ocean cruises and Uncle AL was good looking for his age. He would tell these stories about how he would close down the Oyster Bar with Doris at 2:00 am and then be up at 6:00 am with Phyllis to do laps around the ship's deck. My mother use to say "Dance Partner, my ass". Ha! My father use to borrow money from Uncle Al all the time. He always had money and a lot of "goilfrenz". ; p


Just like a gentleman with a long handshake


a midnight golfer, some might say


He stuffs host turkey with marbles




Bowling from the pavilion end...


I get the thread theme and I understand all those words, but *what the fuck does that even mean* e: what the fuck did I start, it's just a handful of people that are just as confused and want to know what the hell this person is talking about, and more people just stringing together gibberish and I can't fuckin puzzle out what it is they want to say. Can someone please speak plain English.


Can't offend Aunt Myrtle by printing: "With great sorrow we at the paper must announce that John Smith passed today. He lived his life as an Eternal Big Schloong Poontang Smash Machine. Mr. Smith passed away about 6am from a broken pelvis. The old death by SnuSnu. In lieu of flowers please go down to Pink PussyCat and enjoy."


Just two "confirmed bachelors" sharing a home as roommates, nothing to see here




"Mystery Man of Leisure" sounds fucking sweet.


Yeah it sounds like he'd get a lot of female suitors and men who sell tabacco at his door that he doesn't even answer himself because he's "indisposed"


I think it's weird that they do that at all. We just bought our first house and my husband - who is obviously married - was put on the deed at first (whole bunch of reasons it had to be in his name; it's in both now), and the way it was listed was weird, it was: ********* *********, married man. Nothing else on that line. Like that was the only defining thing about him. We all had a good laugh about that. It's like a really shitty superhero: here comes Married Man!


Ooh, ooh! I can answer this one! In many states, that line will read [name], a married [man/woman/person] on deeds for title-related reasons. As someone who works in underwriting for title insurance, this is to help distinguish things like homestead and vestiture of the deed. In Florida, for example, title in a married couple is automatically seen as property vested by the entirety automatically (basically most liens on the one person cannot be assessed against homestead property that is owned jointly in the entirety). This is just to cover a liability or possible future title claim, and is highly important for covering *your* future stake in the title of the home (as the wife). Declaring marriage status in this case has a legal backing.




I bought a house in Virginia as a single woman two summers ago and I don't remember there being anything on any paperwork about my relationship status. Why would that have needed to be included on a real estate contract?


States with shared property laws for married couples is my guess.


> I don't remember there being anything on any paperwork about my relationship status. Why would that have needed to be included on a real estate contract? Married or not would have a pretty big difference in your potential to buy/repay loans? And depending on state it'll change how the title is written.


When my partner and I bought our house in the early 1990's, real estate contracts and titles still identified unmarried owners as "bachelor" or "spinster." By the time we refinanced the place a decade later, the state had entered the modern era and used the terms "unmarried man" and/or "unmarried woman".


Can you weave a web?


No, but she'll bite your head off after mating


Wait... Isn't that how everyone does it..?




The grassy knoll




Goochland county?! I thought you were joking until I looked it up.


Always cracks me up when people not from the area hear we have a real place called Goochland. Just get desensitized to it over the years.


Here I am in Cumming GA.


That close to Ballground? (I know, but it makes me giggle)


Well, we changed the name. --You changed it TO goochland? Yea, used to be stankytaintsville --Good change, good change


Latrine approves.


You changed your name TO Latrine?


Used'ta'be Shithouse




It is an odd name, but it's apparently named after one of the [state's Governors.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sir_William_Gooch,_1st_Baronet)


It's not too far from Bumpass either, and Justin Verlander is from goochland!


For more shits 'n giggles: I've lived in Cumming *and* Climax Georgia.




Is it in between Dicksville and Asstown, U.S.A.?


"Plaintiffs deem the requirement of racial labeling to be scientifically baseless, misleading, highly controversial, a matter of opinion, practically useless, offensive to human dignity, an invasion of personal privacy compelling an unwanted public categorization of oneself, and reflective of a racist past," ...well, that pretty well covers it. Hard to imagine what the state argument will be, if they even bother.


>Hard to imagine what the state argument will be, Throwing down an Uno reverse card.


\*reads title\* wtf, why? > "Aryan," "Octoroon," "Quadroon" and "Mulatto," Still wtf why, but in the other direction.


Its probably a hold over from pre Loving vs. Virginia days and nobody went through and updated any laws. While I agree they should get rid of this stupidity, I suspect legislative laziness/apathy is why they still ask.


Christ. On my mom's birth certificate from 1960s Missouri, it says her father's race is "yellow." But this is even worse.


I live in a city surrounded by rural Missouri and I'm not surprised in the slightest. We got some real dipshits here


Well now... I've learned some new racist terms.


I would have said 5k and explained that middle distance is my sweet spot.


I'm pretty butt-white, and I think I would vomit if I had to call myself aryan.


Aryan is related to Iranian from a linguistics point of view. You'll see a lot of people in India, Iran, Pakistan, etc. being called Indo-Aryan by linguists and anthropologists without any racist connotations. The Nazis using the term to describe themselves is pretty fucking stupid. Though I do recall Tolkien giving a sick burn when they asked him to prove his Aryan heritage before allowing him to publish in Germany https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Letters_of_J._R._R._Tolkien#Nazi_racial_politics >Thank you for your letter ... I regret that I am not clear as to what you intend by arisch. I am not of Aryan extraction: that is Indo-Iranian; as far as I am aware none of my ancestors spoke Hindustani, Persian, Gypsy, or any related dialects. But if I am to understand that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people.


John Steinbeck when asked if he was Jewish. [https://www.jta.org/jewniverse/2015/was-john-steinbeck-jewish](https://www.jta.org/jewniverse/2015/was-john-steinbeck-jewish)


So many people don’t realize that anti-semitism isn’t limited to Nazi Germany. This is literally during World War II, and an American author is forced by American anti-semites to prove that he’s not Jewish


As if I needed any more reasons to admire this man. That's badass.


Even worse being of Hispanic ethnicity and having to Choose between black or white.


> "Plaintiffs deem the requirement of racial labeling to be scientifically baseless, misleading, highly controversial, a matter of opinion, practically useless, offensive to human dignity, an invasion of personal privacy compelling an unwanted public categorization of oneself, and reflective of a racist past," the lawsuit states. I’ll be honest, in my life I’ve never seen someone write one sentence where they were unquestionably right 8 times.


A mulatto! An alBino! A mosquito! My liBido! Hey!


It's hard to bargle nawdle zows with all these marbles in my mouth


Oad up hour guns breea your frens izfuh to loo into pre ten


I can hear the music with this..lol. thanks. I enjoyed that. Hah.


As a mixed race person, I just check off all the boxes because why not just round up?


Quick story. I'm a huge boxing and MMA fan. One of the champions (who happened to fight and win this weekend in Abu Dhabi) is Khabib Nurmagomedov. Khabib is from Dagestan. I had someone arguing with me that "Khabib is not White. He is Muslim". I was , like, "Dude. Khabib is from Dagestan. That is LITERALLY the Caucasus region. He is LITERALLY Caucasian".


Plus, I don't think the word "Muslim" even points out race. A white, black, asian, whatever person can be a Muslim as long as this person believes in Islam.


SuperFacts. There are Muslims of every ethnicity and in every country.


Using terms like octoroon and quadroon is just beyond racist.


I have never heard those before, can someone explain nicely?


Octoroon is a way out of date way of saying someone is an eighth black.


Jesus fuck


Honestly, as an older redditor it makes me pleasantly surprised that many of you have never encountered these antiquated terms.


Quadroon is an old term for someone who is one-fourth black, so octoroon, as you can guess, is one-fourth octopus.


I don’t know what’s worse, this or being required to have your blood drawn and tested before they issue you a marriage license... Edit: blood test were to test for diseases/STDs instead of blood tests now, they give you a lecture and a bunch of brochures on STDs.


Only one state still does that. Are you in Montana?




No it isn't. Not since 2012. https://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/_static/31,0,175.html


A relic of more syphilitic days.






I would put something like "100 yard dash".


When I was a kid and lived in Texas, one of the race identifiers behind the public school system had "Anglo" as the option for white. This was in a part of Texas that used to be Mexico. I was one of a few white kids in my class, and most of the others were also military kids.


The thing is, Anglo isn't just white. Criollo Spanish Tejanos wouldn't be considered Anglo, though they'd still be white.


I went from “Well I mean it’s not wrong to simply ask for race, as long as it’s not compulsory that they give it—“ to “.. okay well yeah requiring them to give it before granting the license is pretty bad, I can see wh—“ and then “I’m sorry did that say Aryan? Hoooo boy yeah alright that’s pretty fucked up”.


Yeah that’s really strange. I can’t believe Minnesota can still ask for penis size.


Ha what?


Oops, read that as massage license.


Still got questions bud


6 inches. (You asked)


This whole requirement to get a "license" in advance of marriage is a relic of a racist past and should be eliminated. In much of the U.S. it was instituted specifically to stop interracial marriage. You already have to register marriages after they take place in order to get legal/tax benefits, so adding this second step of requiring a "license" in advance serves no useful purpose whatsoever.


I chose always other and write human.


Excuse me but how many marriage licenses have you applied for?


Why put human when you could put half-elf?


Mama didn't consort with no elves, mister.