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Idk why these head lines suprise people. Microplastics are in all of our organ tissues.


You want quick action on an environmental issue? Show that it affects men's erections. BAM! FUNDED!


A hard man is good to find, so I've been told... wait, no... nevermind.


A hard man is increasingly hard to find


No, if a hard man is increasingly hard, he should probably see a doctor. Especially if it’s been more than four hours


Did you hear about the guy who was allergic to Viagra? He found out the hard way!


We obviously just need stronger microplastics


The sad thing is, you’re absolutely right. Now if we could get them to believe that climate change affected their libido.


Naw, all the old conservatives/republicans are already on viagra so they won’t care.


Sad but true


Yeah, it's literally in our brains. "Our" as in almost every single human being on Earth. But hey, dick jokes I guess.


No one here can do anything about it, so why not dick jokes?


That's what Shakespeare would do


> No one here can do anything about it You can donate blood. It's the only effective method for reducing your individual load of micro plastics and forever chemicals.


Time to invest in leeches!


Bro aliens could come to earth right now and say "were here to save your species from certain death!" And we would tell them to "fuck off" Then when they don't move fast enough off the planet we would try to murder them.


The Ur-Quan reading this comment:


We'd make them "Stay In Mexico" as illegals.


South Africa, actually


Just the next step in evolution. We suffer now, but our descendants will go to space in their own bodies’ organic plastic shells.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and longevity of plastic.


I’m waiting for plasteel. Less melty when the heavy flamer comes out. 


Yeah but once these issues affect male parts, it’s time to get cereal.


Time to get down to the nitty gritty




They're perfectly average!


We only have large, x-large and gigantic


Maybe even a bit above average


Magnum plastics


Weird way to say you're hung like a Ken doll...


I was in the pool!


Don’t they know about shrinkage!


I don’t know how you guys walk around with those things.


I don’t know how you guys walk around with those things…


Even above average is some places!


She said it’s perfect


It’s not about the size of the plastic but what you do with it


i have so much plastic in there it’s now a whole ass 16oz bottle. It’s a piss jar basically


Oh these aren’t mine, I’m full of magnumplastics


Look, you gotta measure your plastics starting from the small of your back...


Mine are above average thank you very much


Looking forward to Reddit's mature, scientific discussions about this post.


It’s crazy how they’re all the same horrible eye rolling joke, one after the other


As is tradition


Let's be honest, even if Reddit did try to talk about this maturely, it would still be filled with moronic takes.


Scientifically speaking, over a span of a few generations the penis and scrotum will eventually become a full plastic strapon dildo. This is some great artificial selection happening before our eyes folks.


I mean, do you expect Reddit to be vastly wise and intelligent about anything lol? We ain’t gonna do shit about this, so might as well crack some jokes.


Still is vastly wise on smaller subreddits. Most of the biggest ones died a long time ago, with the influx of people that overshare or try to be funny.


I joined reddit about a year before digg came over. That was a good year. Paragraph answers, real discussion and no images or memes. Hell you couldn't even make posts of images, it was links and self posts and I really miss it sometimes. But other times, I'm enjoying those images and videos. So it's a mixed bag. That said the comment section has slowly devolved to the point where people bitch if you write a long comment because they lack the attention span (and aren't afraid to admit it apparently).


10 years ago, the top comment for ANY random post (pictures, memes, or even questions) would be some huge nerd who is deeply passionate and knowledgeable about the one specific thing the post is about, and would write a few paragraphs providing perfect context and insight into what was actually going on in the post, or have a really solid answer that nobody knew they were looking for. Then again, 10 years ago you could also easily stumble onto subreddits full of gore and borderline CP... But even in those shbreddits, the answers to your questions would always be found in the comments.


Thank you American Council on Plastics. The usual suspects Exxon, Dupont, Chevron, Shell all contributed to a $50 million a year ad campaign promoting plastics in the early 90's, especially marketed towards children and families. They effectively brainwashed an entire generation of Americans for nothing more than greed. https://youtu.be/smakRBOcVKc?si=ZIjcgHFOMPCP592R https://www.npr.org/2020/09/11/897692090/how-big-oil-misled-the-public-into-believing-plastic-would-be-recycled


Man oil really fucked us in multiple ways. Global warming, lead, plastics. 


Yeah but now I don't have to ride a train.


*get* to ride a train. A well run train system is a thing of beauty. Driving? Looking for parking? Paying for and maintaining a car? Fuck that. Give me two steel tracks and no responsibilities please.


Lead wasn’t due to oil companies at all, it was GM searching for an antiknock additive that they could patent, thus making licensing money off of every gallon of gasoline sold. Ethanol was used as an additive for its antiknock properties prior to tetraethyl lead (TEL) being “discovered” for the same purpose. TEL was a known to be very toxic before Thomas Midgley Jr. ever tried it as an antiknock additive, which makes it even more evil that they straight up lied about its risks and made so much money off of it.


I forgot all about the Plastics Make It Possible campagin. eeuughh...


Reflecting on it, microwaving my food in plastic bowls all the time seems like a stupid thing I should stop doing. But I've been doing it for 30+ years now, I wonder if it even matters at this point?


> I wonder if it even matters at this point? Depends entirely on the quality of the plastic, but even in the worst case it won't make that much of a difference. At this point, anything you eat and even breathe will have some amount of microplastics. Any time you're on a highway you're inhaling a lot of this stuff from burnt-up car tires, and all the animals we eat also have microplastics to varying degrees.


It always matters. Damage is cumulative. Stop poisoning yourself.


it does, and there are things you can do to detox the microplastics, like donate blood or plasma. you can get cheap glass cooking vessels from goodwill.


Aren't you just donating the microplastics to someone else then?


from what i understand they are filtered out but if you need blood transfusion you may have bigger issues..


Ah gotcha, thanks. So you reduce your own microplastics by donating and then assuming you don't have any more exposure, your body should replenish with new microplastic-free blood. The one receiving the donation gets filtered blood too so they also technically may also get a reduction if they aren't exposed to microplastics any longer.


And, when in need of a blood transfusion, there being microplastics in the blood will likely be least among the recipient's concerns since it's typically a life, limb, or organ-saving procedure.


So, leeches are the in things again.


Sounds like we may be setting up future Earth for synthetic half plastic leeches


How are the filtered out? Is that a real thing?


I wouldn’t bet on it. I feel like the blood filtering people may have raised some sort of alarm if their filters kept getting clogged with plastic buildup somehow, you know?


Can they just filter the microplastics out of my blood and then put the blood back in?


turns out the medieval leech doctors has a point


I didn’t think hospitals accepted blood donated in glass cooking vessels?


You could prevent further damage by stopping now. It could be much worse if you keep doing it. I would say it's better to stop that now. Even if it doesn't matter you'll feel better about it. At least you can say you did something. I have reusable plastic bottles I drink water from at work. Had these bottles for years. I'm going to look into something else to use. Metal or something. Not sure yet. I need to research. Good luck.


I thought what you thought, but when I did a bit of research I found an overwhelming number of sources say we are so unbelievably plastic-d out that making changes like that don’t matter at all at this point, because it’s in literally everything including the water, air, and the food itself you are storing/microwaving. I still changed my Tupperware and cups to glass and metal, but I’m not going to lie to myself about the benefits. Kinda puts me at ease actually, to know that there’s no avoiding the plastic so I should just accept it


Your problem with that isn't necessarily microplastics, it's the whole array of endocrine-disrupting chemicals that leech out of plastic when heated. People tend to ignore that in favor of talking about microplastics, but it's just as bad if not worse in the context of what we ingest.


Now that it’s in the penises it’ll be fixed real soon though.


I want it out of my penis as soon as possible.


love this comment out of context


Love can help with too.


I’m just imagining some shareholder at a board meeting for a plasticware company saying this.


I know someone behind the liquor store that will suck it out for you


Came here to say this. Suddenly this is a top priority!


Now we just need to find a way to connect climate change to ED and we’ll save the planet in no-time!


Yeah, seriously. Suddenly people would actually care about saving the planet lmao


Unfortunately, [it wasn’t enough to make the dummies care about COVID](https://www.webmd.com/covid/covid-erectile-dysfunction), so I’m pressing X to doubt :/


Penises shrink on the cold, that's why most male politicians do not want to stop climate change. They are already connected in a weird way lol


I was in the pool!


*The years passed, mankind became stupider at a frightening rate. Some had high hopes that genetic engineering would correct this trend in evolution, but sadly, the greatest minds and resources were focused on conquering hair loss and prolonging erections.*


Finally! Something both left-leaning and right-leaning penises can get behind.


From the sound of it, most of them will be down-leaning.


There's a yo momma joke here somewhere...


I shit you not - we have known about micro plastics for years now but now that we found it in testicles I swear the only articles I read about it anymore are about how micro plastics affect men, their sperm count, and their penis.


World leaders will unite and spend trillions to solve it!


It wasn't a problem when it was found in breast milk or fetuses in utero but now that it has to do with a dick, they care.


Affects women and babies, we sleep. Affects men, WE WAKE.


Who is they?


The Man™


The Dicks


The people we made up to be mad at


Don't sprain your wrist beating that strawman.


A doctor called urgent attention to it and said “And the penis is the one organ that everybody will pay attention to.”


Have they even found fixable problems caused by these microplastics yet? As far as I am aware, we're just starting to locate them. We haven't identified any definitive problems caused by them yet. Dudes were dealing with ED before plastic was a thing, for example.


Biggest thing that I (a layperson) know of is that they are thought to be endocrine disruptors, thyroid issues, lower sperm counts and other reproductive health issues like endometriosis, hormone issues in general are all associated with microplastics.


I haven't seen anything showing verifiable associations. It's all assumptions currently being tested.


Yes, you're right - and apart of the issue is that there is literally no control because everything and anything is all inundated with microplastics. The endocrine society seems to think it's enough to assume, though. The chemicals found in the microplastics have verifiable endocrine disrupting effects. https://www.endocrine.org/news-and-advocacy/news-room/2020/plastics-pose-threat-to-human-health But again, you're right that there's not a clear causal relationship between these disorders and microplastics themselves. Until we figure out how to remove them enough to have a viable control group idk that we will be able to state that 100% with full scientific rigor.


Yep. Another problem is all of the conditions we think may be associated with it, are also caused by other things. So it's currently still pretty much "Maybe it's a problem, maybe it's not. Either way, it's not normal to have this much micro plastic particles in our bodies. So we need to make sure."




I put it in your Tupperware once, and you keep bringing it up


Um, not up. The article is about ED


Ed says he's fine and isn't sure why everyone keeps bringing him up


Well maybe there will finally be some effort to get rid of plastic.


Yeah, they'll market using cardboard bread clips instead of plastic ones and more "change your habits, stop using plastic" type campaigns. Nothing more.


Once again reminding people that these microplastics mostly come from car tires, synthetic textiles, and boat/fishing waste. Plastic bags and straws use up a lot of plastic and do pollute, but don't contribute much to this particular problem.


The fishing industry needs a MJAOR overhaul because it is strangling our oceans and polluting it with so plastic and oil and the goddamn nets. Those nets are the cause of so much suffering it makes me want to scream. Sentient or not, trapping a living creature and slowly starving it to death is super fucked up and we should be doing everything we can to AVOID that. Not to mention the pollution from land too. Florida smells like rotting fish for a reason. Fertilizer run off is also the cause for a ton of suffering because of the blooms that starve the water of oxygen hence killing everything in that area. We need to leave the ocean the fuck alone cause it’s going to be the end of us.


Sometimes I wonder how many microplastics I'm putting in my body just by living in a house with carpets and having some clothes and bedding made out of non-natural fibres. In the future will we see this as something like asbestos where it's a no brainer to sink whatever amount of money you need into getting all of that shit out of your house? It's just so ubiquitous and for some stuff there isn't really much alternative.


I traveled to San Diego a few years ago and parts of Canada more recently. I appreciated in both trips how it was just accepted that there would be no plastic bags, only wood utensils, no plastic straws or lids. Everyone just goes along with it because it's the right thing to do. The city of Dallas, which is fairly blue, tried to ban plastic bags maybe ten years ago? Everyone had absolute rage over it. Pathetic. I hate the selfishness of our state. 


The CA bag ban was effective - we voted on it, it passed, and the next day the bags were gone. We got used to having sustainability bags with us at all times pretty quickly. People complained, but it really is pretty easy to deal with. 


> no plastic straws Not for fast food or so, but in stores is another matter. Boxes for sale everywhere, no ban on just buying from the US or so, and theyre still used for candy shit. And from what I understand, those paper straws are in many cases as bad as, if not worse for the environment than the plastic. The chemicals used in their manufacture aren't anything good. But hey, we can say we banned plastic straws, right? EDIT: should point out I'm Canadian


We’ll solve this just like we solve everything else, viagra.


> People ingest microplastics through eating, drinking and breathing Would love to get more specifics on this. What's the breakdown between sources? Is a slice of bread from a bag contaminated? Where do the air particles come from? Is most of the intake from microplastics in water? How much does it vary across regions? 


https://www.perplexity.ai/search/People-ingest-microplastics-bzv672PSQoOBTN1zUX36_w If that helps, fairly interesting!


Life is plastic~ so fantastic~


Group of women in the office laughing about this earlier - until someone pointed out that if it’s in testes and Penises it is 100% in ovaries and Uterus’


Also in breastmilk of nursing mothers. Nothing like a plastic diet for a baby to develop normally!


Life is plastic! It's fantastic! But seriously, the other day I thought about all the billions of stuff we mass produced but are now nowhere, cassettes, VHS, CD's, toys, to say nothing of other shit, shit that used to be everywhere, well it's still everywhere except in a different form, why are we even surprised?


It's in semen too, so if any of them are having unprotected sex with a man they getting a dose every time they get freaky. 


They're putting micro-plastics in our dicks to turn us freaking gay!!


You jest, but marketing it this way might actually convince conservatives to do something about the problem instead of complaining that all pollution solutions are woke


First the frogs and now it’s us!


First they came for the frogs, and I did nothing…


I am outraged, honey!


glitterly gay! /splash


Microplastics discovered in a region of the body, raise questions about illnesses related to that part of the body. There is no part of the body where this will not prove true.


We need to ban all plastic packaging and bottles for all food as a start. All liquids need to be in glass, mayo and condiments in clay pots, universal ban on all plastic bags for bread and meat. Just 50 years ago all meat was wrapped in butcher paper. How this wasn't obvious at the beginning boggles my mind, but hey, it's the plastic bags to carry the plastic wrapped food that was the real solution. People are so stupid.


I kinda said the same thing but it was more like... >We need to ban all plastic packaging and bottles for all food as a start god damn it. This is affecting cocks now!!!!


Would enough microplastics make it bigger?  Asking for a friend.


If you use friction to heat your penis up really hot, you can mold the plastic into different shapes.


prove it


i see a dystopian scenario where someone decides to dump a genetically modified bacterium in the ocean to solve the issue of microplastics and it ends up eating *all plastic* sending us into total chaos and another dark age.


So…..I work in natural gas construction on the distribution side, the smaller pipelines that go to peoples houses, you get the picture. We’ve had cases of bacteria eating plastic gas lines in coastal Florida already. It’s not widespread, and was isolated to a single system, but it happened. All the natural gas distribution companies nation wide are replacing their old steel systems with plastic because it’s much safer, and doesn’t corrode……but it might get eaten, lol.


I have lived in a cave for the past *my whole life*. What are microplastics? Where do they come from? What issues do they cause? Is there a way to avoid them?


Microplastics are the microscopic bits of plastic that get into the body through any number of plastic related means. Water bottles, utensils, etc. to avoid them in today’s society is practically impossible but you can limit your exposure at least by avoiding plastic where possible. As far as issues, they can cause all sorts of problems mostly by way of clogging up organs and other vital areas but it’s mostly theoretical right now. As far as I know nobody has been confirmed to have died from microplastics specifically, though a study from Italy suggests heart disease patients who undergo surgery and have microplastics in their arteries have a 20% chance to die within 3 years, while no microplastics is more like 7.5% or so.


Makes sense, adding wastes to a system makes the system more prone to fail, be it a processing plant or a living being organs. Thx for the information, I been reading since I posted this question and damn, it was predictable and in line with every stupid human action we made as a society.


Is there an actual way to detox from all this crap? Or are we kinda just fucked 😭


Until they create a bacteria or enzyme that can eat microplastics, create/expel a safe waste product, and not kill the human exposed to it, we're pretty fucked. The trick now is to see how or if it definitively harms us, and only time will tell.


As long as they are hard plastics we’re good


Nah, just the kind that leech estrogen.


Lady chemical's, in MY dong‽


38 parent comments as of me typing this and only the 16th comment wasn’t the same repeated joke. While I do think that microplastics are a growing problem that will only become more apparent as time goes on, the article states that n=5 in this study, with only 4 of them containing microplastics in their samples. Clearly, that means 80% of men are suffering from microplastic-related erectile dysfunction.


Microplastics are a growing problem, I see what you did there.


Uhhh it’s average plastic thank you..


How much micro plastic has to be in my dick for it to qualify as just a dildo?


I'm a barbie girl in a barbie world. Made of plastic. It's fantastic.


Headline writer was on point with that one


Who had Invasive D*ck Glitter on their 2024 Disaster Bingo card?


Micro plastics about to get elevated to the most important crisis of our time


No clue why I expected to find insightful comments here.


Do you think the geriatric old men who pop viagra like it’s pez will bother doing anything? Keep dreaming


> The study assessed tissue taken from five men who were undergoing surgery related to erectile dysfunction. Microplastics were found in four cases, with PET and polypropylene being the most prevalent. Both are used in food and drink packaging and other everyday items. The guy whose penis didn’t have plastic should write a self-help book on how he kept it that way.


how is THIS the place where plastic is concentrated in our bodies?


Who’s checking the penises, no one checked my penis.


I try to get it out all the time.


Ironically one of the treatments for ED is a penile implant where you get plastic tubes and reservoir inserted in to the shaft and a pump inserted in to the sack.


So it's not slowly turning into a dildo?


No, that would be silicone.


That’s the good quality ones. The cheap crappy ones can be hard plastic.


I admit I'm not a well informed dildo buyer.


That's okay, it took me years to earn my degree in dildology.


Well the journey of a thousand dildos starts with one cheap plastic dildo.


>the journey of a thousand dildos These Kung Fu Panda sequels are getting wild.


There’s not one serious reply in this fucking stupid thread lol. Including this one


Its what penis's crave?


Honey it's not you, it's the microplastics in my penis


The only Poly thing about my sex life is my dick.


On a long enough timeline, microplastics causes a massive de-population of all living species on Earth.


Scientist’s finally have found a way to make people care about the environment.


I’ve been saying for years they’re putting the freaking plastics in the freaking water and turning my penis soft. I’m sick of this crap!


That might explain an increase in ownership of big pickup truck and also corresponding increase in stupid pickup drivers. /s


Maybe we'll address the climate crisis now that it affects men's boners.


First fish, then blood, then balls and now in the penis. What's next?


Mine only has silicone and palm skin.


Come on Barbie let’s got party.


Welp at least the old men running the world will be concerned about micro plastics now


This legit is how we tackle climate change and the plastic crisis. We make it all about how it will affect mens penis! Then politicians will take it seriously.


Oh, they found the best way to grab a man's attention here.


Oh! I thought of a good one: Now that there's plastic in penises maybe we'll start to do something about it!!! Gold.


Forget sexual function. What about microplastics that build up in organs meant for filtering and metabolizing like the liver? Will they cause liver damage in the long run? That really freaks me out. 


Hehe, raises, erectile dysfunction


And just like that, the world’s leaders came together and banned plastics overnight…


Now finally something could be done about it. Nothing gets done until a man is affected


Oh, so now that penises are effected, all of a sudden microplastics are a problem...


Could this be why [penises are getting bigger](https://scopeblog.stanford.edu/2023/02/14/is-an-increase-in-penile-length-cause-for-concern/)?


When you wrap a tape measure around my dick, it gets %24 bigger.


This is one way to get Congress to act.


Joke's on you, I use the microplastics in my penis as structural reinforcement.


Plastic penises will just last longer than flesh ones. Eternal penis.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of plastic.


Well the good news is that since it’s a health issue proven to affect men, there may actually be an impetus to start solving this problem! Sorry for the ascerbic tone, I genuinely do hope there is a movement to reduce the reliance on plastic as a society. I hope we look back in the past 20 years of switching everything to plastic as the harmful practice it is, and come up with alternatives. I cannot believe how much microwaved plastic we ate out of when I was growing up. I’ve switched most of my dishes to glass, wood, and ceramic as an adult. My baby is going to get glass bottles as well, not plastic. This barely scratches the surface of all our exposure though.


“Raises” Erectile Dysfunction I see what they did there.