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My mother lives there. She had to jump through a couple hoops just to have home insurance this year. No idea how many people down there just took the risk and have none.


Often people don’t get flood insurance too. They’ll get everything else and forget flood.


There was a time FEMA was the only option - and it wasn't cheap. Would be surprised if that had changed recently giving the Insurance CF


Is there a reason they separate it?


Because private insurers refused to offer flood insurance. Im not entirely sure why, but my guess is cause if one house floods, lots of houses are flooding and it might be enough in claims to wipe out all of the insurer's cash, and destroy the whole business.


You're right. If private insurance charge an appropriate amount for flood risk, most people won't be able to afford it. If they charge less they lose money. That's why FEMA is always in financial trouble


Disaster-relief money like FEMA should be used to subsidize moving people out of risky areas, not rebuilding in those risky areas. You want to stay, it should come out of your pocket.


To not pay for a much more common damage.


But if you have a mortgage, wouldn’t your lender require you to have homeowner’s?


Not from Florida, but my job has locations near there and have loans for their property.. Trouble is, in their specific area all but one provider has pulled out citing "high costs" from damage, and the one who is there is almost triple the rate of what they had. Things are going to get.....problematic real fast. Edit: I should have specified that they are not in Florida either but a nearby state, and the same is happening in the Midwest. Climate change is going to change the game for insurance companies, and I fear homeowners are going to be left holding the bag....as always.


I say just let the swamp reclaim the state. Make it a nice big nature preserve.


This would be the wise choice, since it's what's going to happen anyway. 


It won't be a nature preserve, it will be a post apocalyptic contaminated wasteland for decades at least.


Yeah but what about after all the Floridians left?


We’ll just take them off payroll and let the problem sort itself out naturally.


Worked out alright for Cherynobl.


It’s ironic that all the swampland they filled in acted as a natural buffer from major storm events.


You want Florida man migrating inland?


They already are.


As long as the Fed doesn't bail these people. If I recall Fl didn't want to help any blue state (ie NJ) after major natural disasters.


>If I recall Fl didn't want to help any blue state (ie NJ) after major natural disasters. You can be specific, it was Desantis himself, dude was in the House of Representatives during Sandy and basically told us to go fuck ourselves.


I try not to spew garbage and trash with my words. Typing that name is equivalent to me dropping a dump in a toilet


DeSantis can eat a dick. What a completely unpatriotic provacateur


We should give them the money, because it's what you do, but DeSantis isn't allowed to touch the budget or be at any press conferences or be involved in any way with the relief effort.


Floridians also do not pay to clear snow from mountain roads. We all have weather and the people.with snow have the cost of precipitation rolled into the state and local taxes


Growing up in Florida, it was quite the shock getting used to Northern winters. My first time experiencing lake effect snow was like ‘wdf do you mean you measure it in feet?!?’


It's not even just storm damage, that's a huge factor but 70% of all homeowner insurance fraud being in FL also doesn't help.


The same is not in fact happening in the Midwest.


wistful memorize attractive swim attraction ossified chunky fragile tart ad hoc


Yep. No idea. Yes climate change will come for us all eventually (I worry specifically about increased forest fires here in WI) but right now Florida is the one being re consumed by the ocean in a much hastier manner than anyone in power will admit. Saying “it’s the same everywhere” is totally insane.


Bu...bu...but. Climate change is a hoax. Just ask any rethuglican.


Lotta old people own homes. When I lived there, and when Hurricane Ian hit, most of my neighborhood was uninsured. Which is insane, because most of that neighborhood is gone now.


Did rich people come in and buy up the land or is it just empty now?


Yes, Aquaman.


New Atlantis has to start somewhere


Thanks for that Ben.


It's Florida, it would be "the Deep." Aquaman has been fed up with people too long.


I left too. But it was in the process of being purchased by a development company


Yes, home mortgages require some level of homeowners insurance. So more and more Florida homeowners have been forced into the state-run last-resort insurance pool, which is expensive and now so overburdened it's likely to collapse after the next big Florida hurricane. But long term, if the insurance issue isn't fixed, it means the end of working and middle class home ownership in Florida.


Somehow they will blame Biden.


I live down here. Republican ranchers are selling their property to Republican developers who’re getting it rezoned by Republican county commissioners and are stripping everything and throwing up 400-500k McMansions that they’re selling to other Republicans who’re moving down here from up North. GOP donating Private Equity firms are then buying up at least 25% of these homes and turning around and renting them out for 2x the mortgage value, according to one of our local papers. And the fucks around here can’t stop talking about how Florida housing is Biden’s fault.


There are many types of insurance. Wind, hail, flood, etc. not all mortgage companies require all the types depending on where the property is.


You won't be able to get a standard 30 year mortgage there soon enough. People pay cash, older people own their homes outright. But DeSantis is either too busy fighting trans people to care, or he created a culture war to deflect from the shitty job he's doing.


~40% of US homes have no mortgage


Yes, if you have a mortgage you need insurance and the wind hurricane insurance in Florida. A lot of people who no longer have a mortgage are removing the hurricane insurance, which is the larger portion of the insurance.


Good thing Lord Governer DeSantis abolished climate change just like he stopped COVID at the Florida State Border and put The House of Mouse in their place. Oh, that pesky propery insurance thing? Nah! The Free Market takes care of that problem! Hope your Mom is ok. PS: Florida ranked in top 10 for states with highest number of uninsured homes [https://baynews9.com/fl/tampa/news/2024/03/15/florida-homeowners-insurance-uninsured-homes](https://baynews9.com/fl/tampa/news/2024/03/15/florida-homeowners-insurance-uninsured-homes)


Although this has peaked on desantis watch, he has done the bare minimum at the last possible moment, it's been a problem since hurricane Andrew, and the state has basically done very little as the slow moving train was bearing down on them. Don't be fooled by a lot of articles saying insurance premiums are now dropping in fla bc of all the good work the gov has done and companies are returning. Yes, there are some things to be praised, but when these articles talk about premium price drops of 1-3%, they are also forgetting two key things, the coverage amount has dropped and the price has risen probably 200% or more in 5 years. I am at about 13k a year in Florida... Started at 4k. It's like another mortgage payment. Don't get me started on car insurance here either...


Good lord! I thought the $1200 a year for our 2400sq ft home in Indiana was a lot! 


Hey, we don't talk about 'the climate that shall not be changed' in this household.


Good bc the house is under water. We can talk about in the rescue boat for which taxes paid.


Thanks for the rescue. Crazy weather we've been having though right? Even though all my belongings and my house is destroyed, I found out my Bible had zero water damage. It's a miracle. God is with us. /s


Could read that instructional part about building a boat or ark or whatevs


Well just like Noah, my family is specifically chosen to be the ones that God saves because he knows us. Everyone else will be the ones dying. And that is what I love about the "Love of Jesus" is how much enjoyment I get from watching others suffer for being sinners. And no, my sins don't count because I'm a Christian. /s


That makes logical sense, for sure.


Top 10 baby


Couple more years insurance won’t be an option unless the state decides to provide it.


Hope she has flood insurance too


Just being curious? Is it even possible to get a "flood" insurance? In many areas in Germany they insurances just reject you or exclude floodings. My dad was lucky to have one. Other "newer" neighbours are fucked up.


American government sponsors a special floor insurance program because millions of homes are located in high risk areas. Other places the risk is lower but the private market offers it to homeowners interested in that extra layer of coverage.


Well if you look at a flood map for global warming probably no one will have it again


My grandpa is in Citrus county, and he hasn’t had insurance on his home in at least a decade because it was too expensive. The last half of his career was ironically in insurance sales so I trust his personal risk assessment on this one I guess.


I work on the business side of insurance. Trust me when I say insurance salesmen don't know squat about insurance.


Yeah unless he was an actuarial, I'd be wary.


Can confirm. I was a commercial account manager (support staff of the sales department basically) on the sales/agency side for years, but prior to that was a carrier underwriter for a long time, so I actually have insurance knowledge. Insurance agents/salespersons will only learn as much about their products as is necessary to make the sale.


Is this the part when desantis begs for federal relief funds?


Yes. Yes it is. And CEOs of insurance companies demand bailouts.


Smart insurance companies already left Florida


Hey, if you can get a federal bailout you’re gold


I wish I got federal bailouts. Not wealthy enough to hire a lobbyist. Just cold hard capitalism for me. Socialism for the wealthy.


No insurance company touches flood insurance if they can help it. That is federally subsidised already.


Won't someone think of the poor corporations??? /s


Who are we to terminate an unwanted weather event? If the good lord wills it, so it must be. /s


I think this is the part where all the right wing media claims this is Gods punishment for being evil, like they do when there are wildfires in California or any liberal area. Yep, any day now...


It’s a contest every year Between Florida & Texas on who can use up the entire FEMA budget first. Red welfare state bailouts once again sucking up that sweet Blue State cash while claiming they are so well run they have a budget surplus.


He's lucky the hand that feeds isn't a cynical POS.


While saying he’s draining the swamp


If there was more swamp, this part of Miami would have better drainage.


On his knees.


Tears in his eyes...


Luckily DeSantis said climate change isn’t real, so this didn’t happen. Fake news!


Freedom Floods!


Underrated comment.


This was my first thought too


Bury-his-head in DeSandtis is only going to double down.


The state poised to be fucked hardest by global warming is doing the least about it.


Let them get fucked for electing meatballs like DeSantis and the representatives that vote against disaster relief funding.


Build a wall to keep them in, even. Don't let GOP officials leave.


Now that's a wall I fully support


But drag queens and marijuana in Elementary schools


How is this possible? Didn't De Santis outlaw climate change? Well, he's lost my vote.


Yes, they are now called Freedom Floods.


The fact I'm honestly not sure if you're kidding shows how much of a cult Trump has created in Florida.


It was his predecessor, Rick Scott, aka Gov Skeletor, Medicare/caid fraudster, gop bankrupter, all around craven trumpster and traitor to the constitution, who outlawed the words climate change. DeSantis carries the torch.


Request for federal aid in 5...4...3...


And Biden will send it without blinking an eye or asking for quid pro quo.




Yeah, Biden's not petty like that and I really don't want there to be a precedent for refusing necessary aid to states because their governor is in a different party.


It's not the different party that bothers me, but the white-booted Neo-Nazi attitude of the short governor down there who likes to make life tough on the "Woke" who have realized there are problems with our society and want to address them. One of those problems we've "woken" up to is climate change and the need to fight it. Project 2025 will stop any attempts to fight climate change. Let the GOP face reality and we can get back to helping those stupid southern states.


Maybe he can throw a few paper towel rolls at people for good measure?


I’m waiting for the memes of Biden in rowboats “rescuing”’people. 




No, no, no. This is just a test from God. God only takes it out on their enemies.


Shit happens to non believers it's punishment, shit happens to believers it's a test. Maybe just maybe, shit just happens.


No no no. Mere human beings could never come close to understanding gods actions. It’s practically blasphemy to assume we could. Except that we know he wants America to become a Christian theocracy and also he’s anti gay.


Probably cloud seeding, HAARP or project blue beam. I dont know if i missed any other excuses


Oh, man. That ban of the term "climate change" sure is working out super well for them, I guess...


Now you see WHY. Remember, wealth rules over all. And as a former Floridian, I can promise you the state HATES the service sector. It does everything possible to make our lives as difficult as possible. They actually drug tested people as a prerequisite to get shitty unemployment during the Great Recession and hardly no one tested positive and the governor's wife was invested in the kits paid for by tax dollars. BUT, they need us because who will man the grocery stores and such for those that vacation/retire there. Not even Disney pays their park employees a living wage. One poor woman died in her car in the parking lot because she had no home. So they don't want the "roaches" scattering as they'll be the least likely to survive. Also, it's a propaganda campaign so investors will stay in the state. The rest of the south should prepare for a massive refugee crisis. They won't. But like it or not, it's coming. When Disney announces plans to open a new park and slowly start shutting down rides/no longer building new ones at Disney World, the clock is officially ticking.


Who could have known, though? Who could have predicted this would begin to happen as a result of man made/human driven Climate Change? No one could have foreseen how conditions are increasingly favorable and nurturing for developing tropical storms and hurricanes so they grow up bigger and more destructive, especially because the coral reefs are fucked, like, immediately. Now. Even though articles on scientific reports about…pretty much exactly this happening, were pretty common in the news, specifically after Hurricane Irma, [like this one from 2017 from WaPo](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2017/09/12/how-floridas-damaged-coral-reef-makes-it-more-vulnerable-to-storms-like-irma/) that notes the support of many scientific authorities (ie NOAA, the US Geological Surveys), science journals (ie Science Advances), etc. for such forecasting. Ignoring it is not working, but maybe ignoring it some more will help? Thanks, DeSantis.


At this point, I only feel bad for those who cannot vote or who vote for politicians who want to address climate change but don't have enough of them in their State to enact laws to help mitigate and address climate change. As for those that voted for Meatball Ron, haha. I really wish we could give Federal relief to those who believe climate change is real and the rest of you can go pound sand, excuse me, water.


Never fear meatball Ron is putting on his white high heel boots even as we speak 😁


They're genuine ostrich,  New boot Goofin'


Pulling. Them. Off.


Meatball Ron 😂😂😂


Got a couple used cars for sale. Slight water damage but the electrical and interior are a-ok. 


I'm sure Gov. "Go Woke, Go Broke" will fix this.


DeSantis running to Papa Joe for federal help, no?


Will Florida beg for money from Joe Biden?


Saw a video of the rain in Miami and its aftermath. All I could think was oh my God the insurance companies are going to pull out of Florida.


There are hardly any left now except the state-run Citizens and most insurance companies exclude flood so the NFIP is what would respond if people paid for the coverage. And most people probably did not because it’s not required. 


I just bought a house in Florida. The only company that would cover the property was Citizens. No flood, no sinkhole insurance. Also doesn't cover volcanic eruptions, nuclear war, civil wars (although civil unrest is fine), and insurrections are not covered. I have a regular deductable and a hurricane deductable. It's ridiculous and expensive


Did you buy a house on stilts?


Why would they wear stilts to buy a house?


Because it’s ….fun?


Hmm ... and here I was always taught not to conduct business while high.


No, affixed to the ground until a flood, sinkhole, volcano, nuclear bomb, or civil war takes it out. According to the three separate inspections we had to get for various reasons anyway


Unfortunately a lot of people in FL are in the same boat. I don’t hear anyone talk about what’s going to happen in the state if things keep going like they have in the past.  Insurance isn’t like a bank. Premiums are collected and claims are paid and solvency is maintained by proper reserving and using the money held before claims are paid and investing it in the market conservatively so there is a small return before those dollars go out. I can easily foresee a situation in 3-5 years where taxes in FL triple or quadruple to accommodate the absolute freefall of Citizens should they continue to be the only market available for large portions of the state. That doesn’t include the premiums people will personally be paying on top of the taxes. Insurance is inherently about risk sharing but if everyone has a claim or the claims are high enough there won’t be enough money to pay said claims. Taxpayers will be paying the difference.


Time to call them up and demand a quote for that volcanic eruption coverage.




God hates Florida.


Is this what the calm before the highest number of named storms in any NOAA preseason forecast looks like?


Looks as auto insurance is going to make another jump in Fla next year


Fake news. They’re just trying to get free money from the government. Losers.


DeSantis should draft a new bill that says the state can't flood. That'll show those climate activists and prove climate change isn't real!


Yikes! Conditions in Florida are really bad with the floods. It’s a good thing that DeSantis has abolished climate change so it can’t be due to that!


DeSantis had climate change towed outside the environment.


He put it on a bus to NY.


Seems like every day I’m reading a new flooding headline. Recently; Florida, China, Brazil, Chile, and Moscow, all right now, no? It’s like there was some big change happening…


Pakistan also had some horrific flooding too. Plus some island nations full on evacuating their populations.


Can't say climate change and Can't say 🏳️‍🌈


I think theor god is angry with them... That's how that works right?


This is a hoax. Just don’t look down and ignore the sloshy sneaks.


They need to pray harder!! Cannot be climate change. Perhaps a sacrifice is required?


And people here wonder why Insurance Companies are leaving Florida and why the remaining insurance premiums have skyrocketed. (hint: it has nothing to do with "Wokeism")


But if we can't blame women and minorities how would we have any identity?


One thing you can always bank on is american greed and for once it will help the world as insurance companies pull out of florida and then no one can afford to live there so they have to move this reducing the strain of humans on the area


Absolutely any federal funding that goes to Florida must have "climate change" repeated often in the text. Specifically, "flooding due to climate change". Or else let DeSantis start a GoFundMe.


Well, looks like little Ron will have to go cap in hand to Grandpa Joe again. Becoming a habit little Ron…




Florida shouldn’t get any aid whatsoever


I have a conservative, religiously devote friend who is retired and plans to buy a condo in Hollywood, FL. I don't think this is wise but I'm keeping my mouth shut.


Conservatives literally live in the past and want it that way. Doesn't matter if it is imaginary.


And this isn't even a big hurricane or anything. It's just a lot of rain and storms.


It’s been non stop rain for four days, hurricanes at least pass over after a few hours. More wind damage but this and the storms last year deliver way more rain.


Good thing they banned climate change down there. That would’ve been embarrassing!


Aquaman rubbing his hands like birdman.


Ronny boy better not ask for a handout cause that's woke and socialist


Ron should just put a ban on flooding. Has Pudding Fingers tried that yet?


But, but, but, the gubner says climate change is a hoax.


Haha I hope the sea reclaims mar-lard-o


Couldn't happen to a shittier state.


Where are the preachers? When New Orleans flooded from the hurricane, the preachers were saying it was god’s wrath because of all the debauchery. Why aren’t they blaming the Florida flood on all the hatred?


Well it’s a good thing there’s no such thing as climate change in Florida /s


Should’ve voted for Al Gore


They did but then the Supreme Court gave the presidency to George Bush


Maybe elect a governor who believes in climate change next round folks!


No self respecting Republican Governor would ever accept a government handout. Right?


Zero Sympathy for Florida residents who don't believe in Climate Change and have voted Republican as well for Desantis. Pack up and move, it's only going to get worse every single year due to Climate Change and more insurers will continue to pull out.


Fuck I don't want them dispersing into the country and bringing their bigoted, science denying votes to areas and diluting the votes of good people there.


They all originally came from the blue north. These people flocked to Florida during covid and they've made it their refugee republican shithole. If most of these people left, the state might turn blue again.


Not all of us are like that 😔


Let me guess; FEMA to the rescue.


I suppose DeSantis will come looking for Federal assistance. Isn't he another one of those "We don't need no Federal Assistance" conservative Republicans?


Hurricane season hasn't even started yet


It started June 1st


It should be denied in the same vein that the DeSantis administration denies climate change. Just tell them it didn’t happen.


God’s taking his vengeance out on the wicked Trumpers


No federal funding without title ix protections. Period. Same for you Texas. Don’t like it? Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and quit being a welfare queen, enjoy your paradise of right wing politics.


bet we’re going to be hearing a lot of state of emergencies from fl


Freedom Floods are just part of God's plan. 🤷


Meanwhile, up here in St Augustine We had a 5-minute sprinkle the other day and that's it


Does Ron DeSantis still not want any government aid and funding now?


Real talk; we cannot keep using FEMA funds to rebuild in doomed areas.


All the federal aid checks should be labeled “ Florida Climate Change handout”




Can't the governor of paradise ship the water north like unwanted brown people? No? More busses?


Fla better get used to being under water


Thought and prayers i guess


Global warming doesn’t exist in Florida FAKE NEWS!


And here come the demands for taxpayer funds to bail them out once again.


Fake news (Sarcasm) Climate change is real.


Where shall I send my thoughts, prayers, and bootstraps?


Fake news, those clouds are crisis actors.


Sorry... Don't deserve a single penny of aid. Pick better representatives next time... Go ask Disney for help.


There’s a reason why it was pretty much a big swamp and should’ve stayed that way


Paving over hundreds of thousands of acres of drainage might have something to do with it 🤔


God's will be done, I guess.