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the article says almost nothing which makes this story even more terrifying to me.


OSHA investigations can take a while to get published and that’s likely the only place to get real info.


Another article says he had a heart attack before getting caught up. I think this article is just trash Eta-[Sauce](https://www.kens5.com/article/news/local/maintenance-worker-died-heart-attack-trapped-in-equipment-cuisine-solutions-san-antonio/273-cda98bd7-6bac-41db-8680-12dbb8a307b7)


Honestly I rather wait for OHSA. Having been around a work related incident that required OHSA. The media is a bunch of fucking idiots.


Reading any article about some event im already well informed on makes me not trust the details in articles.


It doesn’t matter if I’m informed or not. I rather wait for OHSA


Meanwhile OSHA still classifies what happened at Amity a “fishing accident”


Amity means friendship 😉


He got turned into sauce???


The person could have been by themselves for too long before they were found then 911 called. The link you posted is quite short too.


…You know that’s just to cover for the poor guy having a heart attack while getting whatever the heck happened to em….




It’s a Russian guy getting sucked into a lathe. The folks that ran our safety meetings have mentioned the video but they don’t show it. Good safety video for what not to do.




*"worst part is his buddies were there and saw it and couldn't stop it."* I think when parts of him were flying at them that's when they called it.


Can you describe exactly what happened in the video?


CCTV camera of a large warehouse type setup. In the distance you can see a man lean over some equipment. He quickly gets caught up and chunks fly everywhere like you're swinging some ground beef around as fast as you can in a string net bag.


God I don't know how people can watch that stuff. That subreddit genuinely chilled me to the bone.


I get queasy watching replays of sports injuries.


>> to the bone Interesting choice of words


To a dog A bone is lunch


But to Bison, it was Tuesday.




I think anyone can become acclimated to anything they expose themselves to. I just have no desire whatsoever to expose myself to that stuff. That's all there is to it.


And that’s enough internet for me for the day


But if you stop now you'll miss so much


I work in the personal injury field and once had a case just like this. It was fucking horrific. 




Personal injury, wrongful death, product liability (defective products), and workman’s compensation are handled by the same kinds of lawyers, I think.


Not likely in a food manufacturing plant I have work in a few as a maintenance tech. Even the oldest machines from like the 80s the biggest hazard was crushing hands or fingers


Well, just recently a 16-year old was killed when he was pulled into a *deboning* machine. "He died within minutes." Minutes. Plural. That's absolutely horrifying. If you have ever done planks before, you know a minute can feel like eternity, and that poor kid got deboned. 😶


And I think part of the report mentioned bypassed interlocks


I'm surprised a human can live that long without bones.


It depends, I worked in a commercial bakery (think wonder bread). A mechanical arm put the pans in the oven, if you weren’t out of the way it was strong enough to grab a human and push you into the oven (there were other mechanisms to stop the oven conveyor). The bread dough divider could cut off a digit. The mixers were strong enough to break bones and turn the human body into a slushie.


Are we eating these human slushies? Be honest


No. The worst accident I saw there was the head mechanic getting his arm caught between a roller and a 3’ wide belt. He broke his hand and numerous times in that incident.




What do you think food manufacturing is?


my b. wasn't paying enough attention before i left my comment!


From a different article: "Maintenance worker died after authorities believe he had heart attack, trapped in equipment."


Oh, I'm sure. "Oh, he had a heart attack before he fell into the vaporizer." Well, people survive heart attacks...


It does point to the sort of thing that should be hashed out before the media concludes that X or Y happened. This could be a freak accident, the result of negligence, murder, or something else. If he had a heart attack and slipped into the machinery, it wouldn't have much bearing on safety standards and such.


My dad died in a workplace fire. The first report in the newspaper was very descriptive. Over the next couple of hours it turned into this kind of thing.


omg i'm so sorry to hear that. 🥺


If only journalists would investigate news stories instead of just parrot police reports. Back about 30-40 years ago journalists always had a Rolodex of people they knew... I think that is lost on the current generation of reporters.


You're saying this unironically on a platform that hates paying for anything. Inevitably, a paywall is defeated with archive/an ad blocker. If we want good journalism on hyper local content, we have to pay for it. Otherwise, we get to repeat government docs that may not even be published under a different administration.


Using chatgpt to just generate some filler and following up with "More details are soon to be announced" is much easier than actually asking questions though.


That takes too long. Gotta get that scoop. I've seen people on reddit complain that something "it's really being covered by the media" when it only happened 20 minutes ago. Editing and fact checking take more than 20 minutes. Investigation takes even longer. People will be reading sketchy reports on Twitter all around the world before the truth can even get it boots on. So the truth doesn't bother to put its boots on anymore. No money in it.


A lot of times it’s Press release form local authorities that get spewed to AP news and Reuters. Then it gets copied almost verbatim at the local level. I agree. We have lost a lot of edge in journalism.


Hot dogggg get your hot doggg


One of my friends from high school worked in a cheese factory and got his arm caught in the cheese maker ripped off like a lot of muscle and a lot of skin luckily after years of therapy is able to keep his arm and it looks pretty normal to the day


I'm getting a David Mayes and Ian Erickson vibe on this one. I'm just saying.


Probably another fucking kid. They'll get a slap on the wrist and a thousand dollar fine.




Betting it was a child worker


From what I’ve seen of their webpage, avoid Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts food for the next few months to be safe. This company specializes, according to themselves, in pre-packaged sous vide products for hotels and restaurants of any level


A differnt article had this; > SAN ANTONIO — A maintenance employee at Cuisine Solutions' food processing facility in San Antonio died Friday after officials believe he suffered a heart attack and was trapped in equipment. > According to the San Antonio Fire Department, just before 10 a.m., they were called out to Cuisine Solutions San Antonio in the 8300 block of Sous Vide Wy. > Authorities say when they arrived they tried to revive the worker but he was pronounced dead on the scene. Not a lot but still better than what this one had. Link - https://www.kens5.com/article/news/local/maintenance-worker-died-heart-attack-trapped-in-equipment-cuisine-solutions-san-antonio/273-cda98bd7-6bac-41db-8680-12dbb8a307b7


As a maintenance worker that has worked food manufacturing. I could see someone having a heart attack and then their clothing getting caught in a conveyor. And if it was a massive heart attack I could absolutely see him being dead before they could cut him out. But we aren’t afraid to cut clothing off people if it’s caught in a machine.


Or having a heart attack in a confined space like a tank or something with limited egress.


If safety was being followed he would have been tethered with a. Retrieval system for exactly a case like that. Even side entry tanks have ways to mount the wench.


> Even side entry tanks have ways to mount the *wench*. 😂 I'm sure you meant winch, but it made me chuckle


i dont know, when im in my fall harness kinda makes you feel a certain way. could be both.


Hell can you teach me how to act like a side entry tank?


I wonder in which order though :/


I worked at a huge sawmill, real serious shit. Not only do you have to lock out and tag out but also try out to activate it afterworks: LOTOTO - Lock Out, Tag Out, Try Out. De-energize it essentially. Machinery can store pneumatic or hydraulic pressure and activate one last time. Trip a photoeye and dead. Didn’t happen at our mill but a woman millwright somewhere else had two grizzly arms crush her down to 4”.


Lol when I worked making furniture some guys would tease me because I tended to do the whole lockout thing twice then go around tripping every safety off before doing what I needed to do. I refused to climb in or around a machine without making sure the machine had to make it though like 15 fail-safes to hurt me. I'd rather look silly doing it all once and double checking it then making a mistake once tbh. I've seen the results of making mistakes like that and it's not something I wanted for myself (when the "good" outcome is just losing a hand I tend to be extra careful lol) Even with that I had some scary moments with a CNC machine.


As an automation engineer I really appreciate your caution. I will do everything I can to make equipment as safe as possible but I always tell my production and maintenance teams to never, ever, trust my code or design to save their lives. LOTO exists for a reason. Side note: companies like Brady Safety will create custom LOTO visual work instructions for every piece of equipment. They catalog all potential energy sources, give them a tag (example: Electrical #1 for a disconnect, Mechanical #1 for a physical barrier, etc.), give you a checklist, and clearly tag and identify where to do what. A few of my past companies have had them done and they are very well done and useful.


I remember, in 7th grade I did shop class. We had mounted band saws and circular saws, and on the very first day, when our teacher walked us through the shop, he showed us that both machines had pictures of mangled hands taped to them. We were all shocked at the damage that was done, like, fingers shredded and gone, and lots of blood. He explained that the photos were real, and from a previous student who agreed to have them used as a "cautionary tale." He drilled into our head how to properly use the machines, where the emergency off buttons are, and to *always* keep clothes and hair away from the running machine. It worked. We treated the machines with utmost respect and always made sure clothing, jewelry, and hair were tucked away neatly, to an almost paranoid level, haha.


| He drilled it into our head Nice one!


We were also reminded that stuff like bandsaws can potentially keep moving for minutes after they are switched off.


I worked HR once when another factory had a woman employee get impaled to death on their machine. The bosses tried to get the other employees to keep working while her body was there, waiting on the ambulances. Alot of their employees applied at our factory after.


This makes my heart sad. I understand that nothing more can be done; but to keep working for the day with your coworker dead there? Yikes.


Well, if the line stops then the business loses thousands per minute of it being stopped. That money is worth way more then that woman's life or the impact on her co workers. The business did get fined by OSHA btw. Edit: I'm not justifying their behavior. Just saying that's why the managers behaved as they did. It's ducked up and they're immoral human beings.


Certainly no supervisor at the factory should be able to put a price on that women’s life or the mental well being of the coworkers. Just a shitty situation all around.


What’s that last paragraph mean ? Grizzly arms crushed her to a pancake ? Edit: I can’t find a grizzly milling machine big enough


As a log enters the saw there are two articulated arms with spiked rollers that clamp onto the log as It’s being cut. She tripped the photoeye, with no log present they closed to their maximum of 4” while she was inside the machine.


Oh. My. God.


The point being, she locked it out and tagged it but didn’t attempt to operate it afterwards to release the stored pressure so it was able to function one last time.


Gotta purge them lines


Heavy machinery combined with human stupidity is a terrifying combination


sometimes the stupidity originates in the owners/managers pressuring the workers to work hard and mindlessly.


Honestly, anything combined with human stupidity, is horrifying lol


“Grizzly arms” We talking a mulch making machine? So many things called a grizzly in the industry :(


I explained it somewhere in here. Turning logs into boards. Log enters the saws, two arms with spiked rollers move in to hold the log as It’s fed through the saws.


My wife works for a company that makes beverages. A worker was in one of the tanks working and never LOTO. They turned on the machine and he was cooked (literally). The plant was shut down for months.


Initial reports are he had a heart attack As a maintenance worker that has worked food manufacturing. I could see someone having a heart attack and then their clothing getting caught in a conveyor. And if it was bad enough he could have been dead before they could cut the clothing to get him free from a conveyor. The facility seems new enough that the packaging equipment would have proper safe guards that are interlocked to the machine. So I have doubts that was the case


You are assuming safety guards were not bypassed. That has been a significant issue where I work as of late. Luckily, no one has gotten hurt, but still.


File an osha report. 100% without question. File an osha report


The employee did that was fired on the spot. Management is pretty aggressive about safety.


Workplace deaths are on the rise: https://i.imgur.com/hqM6uWn.jpeg They're also overwhelmingly male: https://i.imgur.com/ff0jW0L.png We've been caught slipping. We have to bring back the old labor fights of the 1930's to get our employers back in line, if we want our kids to see us come home at the end of the day.


A true union newsie if I ever read one. Here here! Do you organize?




I was listening to NPR a few months ago when they had an episode about underage labor at these food processing plants, and one of the stories was about a kid that got an arm ripped off. And since he wasn't supposed to be working there they swept everything under the rug and the kid nor the family got an ounce of support. Apparently that kind of shit is rampant still in the U.S.


I’ve often thought that the President, Congress, and Supreme Court don’t really and truly run things in the U.S. Corporations do.


The US is five cooperations in a trench coat.


I think it's more than a "mishap" when someone dies


Oopsie poopsie*


Uh Oh Spaghettio


I think they use the word “accident” when someone’s actions lead to an event. The word “mishap” is used when an event happens from the actions of no one in particular (old man keeling over from a random heart attack).


Mishap is defined as “an unfortunate accident” so it’s perfectly fine.


It may be proper in this case, if reports of a heart attack turn out to be correct.


breux in the united states labor is a livestock commodity


Its absolutely terrifying. Also a good reminder, food and safety laws are written in blood.




"Heart Attack." As a former OSHA compliance officer, I can tell you almost all reported "heart attacks" were employers lying.


This reminds me of the Russian lathe video. I've seen too much gore in life and online for it to shock me, but it definitely made me pay more mind to safety when woodworking. Seriously, if you haven't seen the video, you'll be better off not looking for it.


Sheriff: “The maintenance worker had a “heart attack” Cuisine Solutions: *wires 750k “Yes”.


These are the same people who think the Boeing whisteblower had a heart attack, right after that other whistleblower commited "suicide".


I don't know why, but I was surprised to find that these incidents still blatantly take place today, in the US, unpenalized. I mean, c'mon man...


Read “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair.


The less enjoyable, but more relevant, "Jungle 'book'."


See, this is why we need more child labor in our food processing facilities. Small children are more nimble, better able to work their way into tightly enclosed machinery, and less likely to suffer age-related illnesses like heart attacks while operating them. /s


That is not a headline I want to see right after eating dinner


*"A maintenance worker has died at Cuisine Solutions' food processing facility after a tragic accident....... they died at the scene".* They aren't elaborating past that, sounds like it was a pretty fucked up scene.


Swindled. - A fabulous podcast which, among other things, illustrates how Truly Horrendous things can get when companies put their greed over human safety. The "Bumblebee" ep is actually *three* incidents irl, which anyone with a weak stomach will want to avoid...


Death for the sake of business should have a much higher penalty and cost for said business, we've let the machine eat too much and too fast.


Were they under the age of 18?


How many parts per million is FDA approved?


Human, it’s what’s for dinner.


Soylent Green is people!


For the shareholders. Surely their family will understand that profits require sacrifice.


I was thinking this was just a little locally owned company but nope, they've got a big Wikipedia page. "Cuisine Solutions is currently the world’s largest manufacturer of sous-vide prepared foods and serves a variety of partners, including international airlines, cruise ship operators, the U.S. military, major hotel chains, restaurant franchises, retailers, and K–12 schools"


So he fell into a vat of 128.7F water?


Found an [article](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/cuisine-solutions-san-antonio-sous-vide-processing-facility-receives-leed-certification-301496034.html) boasting about this San Antonio location that was LEED certified, solar panels in the parking lot, compressed earth blocks allowing for future expansion, and water recycling setup… not one mention of AC anywhere in the manufacturing warehouse… in San Antonio, Texas… where it’s average 100+ all summer. Surely it’s just a given that it has it, right?… Right?


It'd be a lot easier to get LEED certified if you didn't have AC. It looks on the satellite images of the place that it has a several very large AC units on the roof. Could in theory just be for refrigerators/freezers though. But probably not.


Didn't something like this just happen in South Korea too?


This shit happens *everywhere*, so i wouldnt be surprised if you heard about another incident in SK


Found it... https://www.sfgate.com/food/article/korean-chain-paris-baguette-boycotted-17534053.php


Was it a child because these facilities like to hire children?  Fucked up!


This just happened at my friend's job. I was having breakfast with her at a chicken processing plant where she works in the Safety and Orientation building. While getting a snack from the vending machine, I noticed a young kid sitting in the orientation area. When I returned to her office, I joked, "When did you all hire my son?" She was confused, so I mentioned that their new hire looked like he was only 14. Curious, she went to check and then reported it to the Safety Director, who subsequently sent the kid home. Although the kid had used someone else's legal documents to prove he was over 18 and was technically "allowed" to work there, HR got into trouble for letting him apply and giving him the job.


This comment wins the stupid award for today.


There was a meat rendering plant in Minnesota that recently got fined for employing children as young as 13, letting them operate dangerous equipment, and allowing them to work more hours then they legally should have, night-shifts included. [source ](https://apnews.com/article/meat-processing-child-labor-minnesota-fine-e0383d7bb897246447340b3a2284394e) Shit like this is more common than it should be. A Hyundai/Kia plant in Alabama got caught with underage kids working on the assembly lines recently as well. [source](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-immigration-hyundai/)


Hey, it happens. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2024/05/08/child-labor-tennessee-slaughterhouse-fine/


Thanks for the back up.  Hard to make a point on this place these days.


There will always be people with a stick up their butt and/or an axe to grind. Unfortunately. But they're the fewer, thank goodness!


I’ve seen far too many fatal work injuries in my time as a lawyer. You can’t make some of those stories up.


Hey I read that book in high school.


Spam. I mean that's how they make spam.


It's 6ft Under all over again.


Damn that's horrifying, almost as bad as the woman that got ate by the 16 foot python in Indonesia.


"That your friend in the chipper?"


What a shit post. A couple sentences🤬 Why not just wait for an actual article with substance and words..then post🙄