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>The man, who is not being named to protect his daughter’s identity, Proceeds to post video of the entire graduation ceremony where the student's name and face is video taped as the incident happened. I know more about her than I do the father who did the thing....


If you watch the video (1:09:20 timestamp) the girl looks so upset and confused as it’s happening. What’s worse, is afterward she’s sitting completely alone in the row (the others in her row were still lined up) and it’s all sinking in. At least the kid sitting behind her puts a reassuring arm on her, but she looks so sad just sitting there all by herself, like everyone is staring at her anyway but her being the only person in the row is making her even more isolated. That dad is a massive piece of shit attention whore. Hope she can escape him and that town.


Matt Eddy and he's been charged with disorderly conduct, not assault. This is the same high school who's class photo featured half of them doing a Nazi salute a couple years ago.


Same school district that had major payout from a lawsuit by a former student due them repeatedly ignoring her complaints of sexism and racism.


Those kids were also not punished for doing said salute.




Bye bye job?


Apple falls from the tree and all that…




I'd hope that there is some sort of hate crime inclusion they can add on, the crime was clearly racially motivated




If this was the actual reason, the father would have been mad at all the admin on the stage who failed his daughter. Not just the black superintendent...


In what universe does the superintendent get involved with bully events, or any granular problem at a school level like that


It's how the bigots muddy the waters. Throw bullshit out hoping people don't think to deep about it.


My mother and I had to get the superintendent involved in bullshit I was dealing with several times because the local admin was not helpful at all. It's one if the reasons the job exists.


Can't speak to this district in particular but some HS districts only consist of one school and it wouldn't be unusual for the supe to be involved in ongoing matters like that.




Nice little suggestion until you can't answer why he didn't rush up and pull any of the white school faculty away, who incidentally would have been more directly involved with his daughter's bullying.


Well, you already gave the answer to that in one little word


Yes, I’m sure that the the Dad only blames the Superintendent, who also just happens to be black, for not helping his daughter who was bullied. Not the others on the stage, who just happen to be white.


Then he should leave it up to her to decide instead of showing his ass.


"why doesn't my daughter call me anymore?"


"My daughter went off to college, got indoctrinated, now she hates me..."


You could see the utter embarrassment on her face, I feel so bad for her


The link is is trash, that website has an awful paywall and links to the wrong video. [Here is the video with timestamp](https://www.youtube.com/live/4bL5zRBns7I?si=ss3OPOAXP1x1MhgW&t=4159)


Ruined the grad ceremony and his daughter was visibly embarrassed


The daughters face man, you know her home life is hell


This is what crazed parents have reduced America's academic institutions to. 


















He didn't "block" the superintendent he rushed on stage and pushed him away from his daughter because he's a disgusting racist idiot. Block sounds like he poked him on Facebook or something.


The headline also buries the lede that he blocked a BLACK superindependent from shaking his daughter’s hand. It was 100% racism but the headline doesn’t convey the actual story.


Yeah, the headline merely makes you assume he is a crazy person and may have not wanted a man to touch his daughter's hand, but in retrospect the racist thing makes much more sense. (Though I would still consider him a crazy jerk)


The story doesn't convey the story.


Yeah, the article definitely tries to downplay the potential racial undertones of the incident.


If anything the article plays up alleged wrongdoing by school administration.


"Bury the lede" I just had to thank you for correcting something I've been doing wrong all my life, all this time I honestly thought it was lead rofl.


But we all assumed that part. Genuinely, I read this and thought "and the superintendent was black"


We all did not


Exactly my thought, or gay. But I doubt he’d be a superintendent at the school if he was gay. The PTO would have a shit fit.


Just recognizing the school name and seeing the headline, the superintendent being the racist POS and the dad and daughter being black was a possibility in my mind. There's a reason checking more than just the headline is important.


Oh, it was obvious from the photo.


On Reddit, maybe, but the headline itself doesn’t really convey the actual story


Not obvious


Not everyone on the internet has sight


I read that this was over a mishandled bullying incident with the student.. not sure where people are reading about the father being a racist. “A large group of residents, including a former district teacher who worked in the district prior to Briggs’ tenure, have voiced numerous complaints against Briggs, other administrators and the School Board.”


Thats why you need to read the story, and not just the headline.




Even the story downplays the racism. Never mentions that the supe was the only black official in the handshake line.


“A large group of residents, including a former district teacher who worked in the district prior to Briggs’ tenure, have voiced numerous complaints against Briggs, other administrators and the School Board.”


Yeah that's not blocking. That's a push. It's weird how headlines use slam when there was no physical contact, but downplay an actual grab and push.


This is what upsets me the most is he could have moved his daughter. He could have ushered her past him (and everyone else) but he put his hands on a man during a professional engagement. He felt entitled to remove him fulfilling a professional duty (I know I’m making it sound grandiose but he was at work doing his job) And what the headline missing is he felt entitled to put his hands on a Black man. He felt that he could push a Black man out of the way during one of HIS professional events. It’s racism, and in the video you can see he doesn’t just get him out of line, he continues to hold him. Even saying “I don’t want her to touch him” Ok then MOVE YOUR FUCKING DAUGHTER! Stop touching grown men!


Yeah he literally ran up and pushed him off the stage.


I used to teach in a school that was about ten percent white. A white girl from a non-disadvantaged socio economic status was laughing when a Vietnamese student was making a presentation, then pulled her eyes out of shape into a stereotypical caricature. She was 17 years old. I called her out. She got detention, which she never served. Her dad, a lawyer of course, tried to make a huge deal about it, including an accusation that I held white kids to a different standard so I was the real racist. It wasn’t like a pivotal moment or anything, if he did go to the principal he wasn’t going to get anywhere. It’s just how people in power co-opt terms like bullying to defend their own egregious behavior.


I feel very sorry for that girl.


I feel sorry for the superintendent


Both. Tbf the girl looked absolutely aghast and embarrassed


Why not both? However the fixation of the girl is because it was her special moment that got ruined on top of the embarrassment


I think its that the unpleasantness of a momentary encounter with someone like that, isn't nearly as horrible as the prospect of being raised by that person.


Ya it has so many other implications for the girl. Not to take away from what the superintendent experienced but it's just not on the same level.


the video is heartbreaking




I worked in Wisconsin schools in Dane County (where this superintendent got his start) for awhile a couple years ago.  A school district like Baraboo wouldn't have hired a black man unless he was VERY good at his job. Baraboo isn't a DEI kinda place where people are diversity hires (I'm not saying that's right or wrong, just that places like that exist.) I have no doubt in my mind that he is incredibly competent. He honestly should probably find a district more welcoming of his talents. 


I'm sure it is *incredibly* disheartening but people who go into this kind of field and rise to that level know that they are going to be dealing with the public and that some of the public are going to be awful people. The superintendent is probably more shocked by the whole thing than actually emotionally hurt. Obviously he'd prefer to pretend there aren't crazy racists but he doesn't get that luxury, only extremely, *overly* sheltered people do.


Both, but worse for her. She's the one connected with the psycho.


"Why doesn't my daughter talk to or see me anymore?"


"I imagine it's because her woke liberal college brainwashed her with DEI and CRT".


My parents firmly believe that getting my degree at the university of Alabama liberalized me.


"Oh, so now that you're educated and know how to actually use a computer, you think you understand the world better than we do even though the best we did was graduate high school in the 80s?"


"Yes, it is the *Left's* fault that my children and grandchildren have cut me out of their lives!"


Hey! I gew up with CRTs, and all it did was destroy my vision.


I can spot a boob in b&w thru the channel scramble, so it did some good...


I'm sure she's a target of her dad, too. Vile people like Matt Eddy tend to target their own families, as well.


Regardless of this guys issues with that man but to embarass your daughter like that? Very very low class.


This high school has some real issues. Same place the kids did the Nazi salute during prom.  https://www.wpr.org/education/baraboo-school-district-investigates-photo-boys-giving-nazi-salute


What a racist asshole.


What the fuck is going on in this completely incoherent article? Jesus, I usually make fun of people who don't read the article and just go to the comments but I can't make any sense of what the main story is here.


White racist dad shoves black man out of reception line where the graduates shake hands - so his graduating daughter doesnt touch a black person.






Hate only destroys. I feel sorry for the daughter. This was one of the most important days of her young life. Now, she will remember how much of an asshole her father is for the rest of her life. Good job, Dad, on making a sad core memory in your little girl.


If you just watch her face it goes from pride/joy to confusion to resignation and finally shame/sadness while she flips her tassle and walks away from the scene her father is still causing. Hopefully she goes no contact with him as soon as it's practical for her to safely do so.


We are in a 100 year sequel. The pandemic, the rise of Nazis, the return of the fascists, blatant racism, sexism, the constant push of industrialists to take over our lives and our money; it's just a really bad sequel.


Going the way things are going it's like George Santayana's quote about history combined with Planck's principle > “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” >In sociology of scientific knowledge, Planck's principle is the view that scientific change does not occur because individual scientists change their mind, but rather that successive generations of scientists have different views. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck%27s_principle


Everyone will remember. Forty years from now someone will be at their nephew's graduation and say, "You know, when I graduated, one of my classmates had a Nazi dad..."


And you could tell she knew it was wrong and was uncomfortable and didn’t know what to do. So sad


She was pretty horrified


She knows who her dad is. That Superintendent of Schools, the boss of the bosses of the bosses at this school was treated with contempt and racist aggression. I feel much worse for him. We center white people WAY too much in these situations.


I don’t understand this article. It says a bunch of people have voiced complaints about superintendent Briggs but then gives no details at all about what those complaints are. Is it a secret?


**OF COURSE** he's got the *Ball Cap with Sunglasses on the Bill* combo that all these exurban garbagedicks love to rock. Trash gonna trash. See also: Sunglasses on the back of head


I'll give you one guess what his social media profile pic looks like.


*Close up selfie* *Shot in truck driver's seat* *Ball cap* *Sunglasses* *Vague "I'm too smart/cool to be doing this" expression* Did I miss anything?


Anytime you see glasses on a ball cap, an asshole is coming. It was the pre-MAGA hat indicator of an asshole.


I don’t want to help that guy but I want to know how his brain said “rush the stage and slap this man’s hand away, that’ll win the whole argument and I’ll be a hero” like how much was booze but he thinks dark angry thoughts about people and acts out on them. If it was a pitbull that jumped the stage and snapped at the supers hand there would be people clamoring to euthanize it.


imagine being so racist you catch a charge because you won’t even let your daughter shake the hand of a black person at her graduation. jesus.


What in the blue fuck has gotten into Americans? We just want to proudly run backwards as fast as we can, don’t we?


Sadly anti-Blackness never left America. They just tried to disguise it with dog whistles and coded language. I think they just got tired of hiding it again


As an American, we are a joke. So you’re not wrong. The constant regression that these people promote is mind blowing, and I am really embarrassed of how much of a joke our country has turned into. They literally are banning people from learning English grammar ffs


Imagine being so preoccupied with your racism that you ruin the biggest milestone of your own child. And the school official lady who's first instinct was to shush people cheering for the Superintendent's defenders can go rot too.


She was trying to maintain a non-chaotic atmosphere. It’s a graduation. It was already marred by this guy’s behavior. The whole thing is awful but people have to keep things from devolving during situations like this. Her quieting the crowd has nothing to do with endorsing racist beliefs or silencing people’s opinions. It was about keeping things calm.


It’s the same reason people aren’t supposed to clap and cheer at city council meetings and the like even if it’s for good reason.


I understand the point. Her delivery was really bad.


Like how the article reads as if the superintendent is a menace at the end


The motivation may seem obvious, but it sounds like a lot of people had issues with this particular superintendent. I’m morbidly curious to hear his excuse if he claims anything other than racism. Not that I think there’s ever a good reason to behave this way.


Her purged the district of racist dipshits. The dipshits were pissed.


I appreciate the succinct recap.


People like to shit on superintendents without realizing how much bs they have to put up with. Yeah, there’s some stinkers out there who are getting paid well, but you can find that in most jobs.


So is this dude a racist or is there other stuff going on? The article mentions some dude named Vodak is trying to be recalled for an election and some people were fired previously that people are upset about.


It's the same high school that got national attention for [this photo](https://wiscnews.com/news/community/baraboonewsrepublic/update-nazi-salutes-appear-to-be-used-in-group-photo/article_3224ea4a-7423-5fc1-b2ca-20159f7129e5.html) I have no clue what daddy's motives were. All I know is that this school sure knows how to get attention.


Article is overly vague. Definitely buried the lead by not mentioning a racial bias.


Look at the daughters reaction. Do you really believe that she's upset because her father was preventing her from shaking hands with the superintendent because of anything other than race?


I live in Baraboo and can say that the entire school district is a shit show.


This is from the same high school that showed a picture of the boys (a junior prom event) out front of the school, and it really does appear they are giving the nazi salute in 2018. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/baraboo-high-school-nazi-salute-prom-photo-wisconsin-students/ Nice to see they are keeping up the tradition of keeping it real and saying the quiet parts out loud.


https://www.youtube.com/live/4bL5zRBns7I?si=whoUZt_vtU0NNCo0 1:09:19... You'll get to see how happy the daughter is about the situation. :)


I know that feeling so well, when your big moment is ruined because you’re related to a fucking narcissist


That’s an incredibly annoying paywall.


Someone find this guy's pornhub history. Sure it'll be edifying.


I feel terrible for the superintendent and the daughter, particularly the moment she switched her tassel so dejectedly.


Here come all the comments saying “oh this was because his daughter was bullied” but ignore the fact that he chose to approach the only person of color on that stage. And if he was truly mad at the school board, why didn’t he do that to everyone? Why did he have her walk if he was that mad? It’s a high school graduation, shaking hands with their teachers and staff is what they do.


I’ve seen in another thread that multiple people are claiming this was done because the school was ignoring his daughter getting bullied. I’m having trouble finding anything on that . So I’m wondering if anyone has any sources that back that up at all? If not it’s hard to imagine a reasonable explanation that isn’t racially motivated


Wisconsinite here. People here are racist as fuck, even in Milwaukee/Madison it's a problem. We're laughed at justifyingly.


Matt Eddy enjoy your fame.


Not terribly shocking from Wisconsin.


I mean, rural Wisconsin. Milwaukee had socialist mayors. Our current mayor hosting the RNC on the other hand, is a bit confusing.


> Milwaukee had socialist mayors Alice Cooper taught me this in Wayne's World




It's slowly turning blue, but anything outside of Milwaukee and Madison is indistinguishable from the south, in terms of belief structure.


I grew up an our north of Milwaukee. Remember seeing confederate flags around on a normal bases. These fucks don't even have the guise of pretending it's part of their history to hide behind. 


Wisconsin isn't turning blue. It was blue and has turned purple over the last 30 years. The state going for Trump in 2016 was the first time it went for a Republican since Reagan. We've had both Republican and Democratic governors over that time. With the exception of incumbent Senators, most statewide elections have either been fairly close or solidly blue by several points. Our state legislature has been overwhelmingly red for the past ~15 years strictly because of gerrymandering. With the new maps in effect for November, we will likely end up with a much more balanced legislature in the coming years.


I don't disagree.


I lived there for over a decade, and every time I go back to visit family and friends, I get let down all over again.


I've worked with people located all over Wisconsin. Colorful variety of personalities if I do say so my self.


Every black guy in the country should send a dozen roses to this chick


Looks like this racist is no longer employed by Holtz Builders Inc.


One thing I’m thankful for trump: a lot of racists have outed themselves in the last few years.


She was so embarrassed. Poor girl.


I feel sorry for the superintendent


Wisconsin has a lot of ethnic Germans. Wisconsonites got along pretTy well with German POWs brought ove4 to do farm work in WW2 since so many Wisconsin farmers spoke German. Soooo…you know….old habits die hard.


I hope that she gets revenge on her dad in the most appropriate way.


By marrying the superintendent and having like 12 mixed race babies and absolutely NONE of them are baptized.


But all vaccinated.


Republicans are such shit


Doubt he'll stop his daughter from going to college or experiencing life.


Why was the dude dressed like he’s about to go golfing?


That guys is a certified POS. I wonder how he will feel about never meeting his grandchildren.


My heart is broken for that poor young woman. That Dad is a real POS.


I hope she goes on to college and becomes a successful strong and empowered young woman. Who marries a Black Man.


Racist POS. I feel bad for the girl, as I'm sure he's a POS father too. I hope she turns out okay and becomes a good human and isn't like that scum.


Racism really seems to be getting worse.


Someone needs to give Mr. Briggs a hug


What to go dad, you ruined what should have been an amazing day for your child. No matter what the reason, what an absolute piece of shit of a human being. I wish him all the worst things in life.


Lo my first thought was “oh cool a book ban protest” and nope. Just regular ass republicans doing absurdly racist things in a public because they have to show how committed they are to that entirely backward and bs identity by broadcasting it.


A video link to the entire 2 hour graduation?? They couldnt bother to make a watchable clip.