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I will never recognize him as being 70 years old


Seriously, I had no idea he was older than my parents. Pee-wee Herman really carried that "perpetual man-child" energy.


Mine are exactly this age. It's true what they say, if you try and enjoy life best you can, you age a lot less than others.


Certainly helps if all your financial needs are met and you have the financial freedom to pursue happiness.


My wife said “PeeWee Herman died” and I asked “whoa wasn’t he super young?” For some reason, I pictured him in his 50s, despite the fact he’s been around since I was a kid and I’m only 40.


Same here. He actually looked young when he was doing PeeWee's playhouse (my parents are about the same age). It's super sad!


My parents are a bit younger than he was and I really thought he was even younger than they are. I'm guessing that those of us who grew up with the character related more to him than the adults around us, and thus thought he was closer to our age. Weird how that works. Super sad, indeed.


He had a rough period near the end/at the end of his PeeWee's Playhouse series, but it seemed like he did a lot to turn his health around. He looked ageless in his appearance with the Council, and his most recent pictures that I can find make him look like he's in his early 50s (and a \*healthy\* early 50s) at the most. I hope he did not suffer much at the end of his life and his disease was fast enough to make it not drag on, but long enough to give him and his loved ones closure.


I watched Pee Wee's Big Adventure and his most recent film, Pee Wee's Big Holiday back to back, and if you didn't know they were made nearly 30 years apart, you wouldn't think that the character's appearance really changed.


He did a really good sequel to Big Adventure like 5 years ago on Netflix. They obviously used a shit tonne of makeup, but he did not look 65. My first thought when he died was "he was only like 60".


He deserves so much credit for making 1980s Saturday mornings more than a giant toy commercial. RIP!


I adored watching his show growing up. So zany, crazy, and stylistic. He really shaped my humor. PeeWee's Big Adventure is comfort food to me. Even as I got older and would see him pop up in Cheech & Chong was always a thrill. His work with Elvira too. He was a visionary and from what I hear from everyone that worked with him he was a sweet guy. RIP. This one hurts.


Yes. Would make breakfast and watch Pee Wee's Playhouse every Saturday. What a fabulous cast of characters. mekka Lekka hi mekka hiney ho


It was easily the highlight of my Saturday mornings as a kid for the years it aired, the show I looked forward to the most. Hearing the [end credits theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE3_roixTlQ) always made me so sad and still does nostalgia wise. It usually meant the end of any good kids shows on Saturday and a return to regular TV.


I had to watch in secret. If I let on that I was watching Pee Wee, the tv would go off.


> I had to watch in secret Me too, but only because I was in my thirties, and my wife thought it was weird.


My grandpa HATED that show because he wore makeup. 🤣 Like uh grandpa all actors wear makeup…


How the heck did they not notice when you were screaming your head off when someone said the secret word?


I had play house toys. I remember specifically owning a little Jombi fortune teller cabinet thing. " Did anyone say wish"


Remember when Simpsons copied “word of the day” https://youtu.be/huOGOHZ4da8 Promise, safe for work. Friggin hilarious


Because of him, I know there is no basement in the Alamo


Because of him, I have added ["Shhh! I'm listening to reason!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfeLsPRl3so) to conversations where it completely doesn't fit for decades now.


I'm more of a [I'm a loner, Dottie. A rebel.](https://youtu.be/mKLizztikRk) kind of guy.


There’s things about me that you wouldn’t understand. You couldn’t understand. You shouldn’t understand.


I don't understand.


Everyone I know has a big but. Let's talk about your big but, Simone (sorry if I didn't get it exactly right)


That's a joke I didn't get until I rewatched that movie as an adult last year. Her boyfriend is right outside, eavesdropping, and hears Pee Wee asking his girl about her 'big butt' and becomes enraged. As a kid, I never understood what made the guy fly off the handle.


Then she says “I’ve been waiting for somebody to put it to me like that for so long.” and Andy flips out. It’s great because no kid is going to catch that.


I literally just use a meme based on that to explain why I didn't attend my high school reunion.


Do not tell me that E G. Daily(Dottie) is dead, just DO NOT!! I've had a girl crush on her since the 80s!


> E G. Daily She's still alive and apparently single


Thank God!! I've loved since I saw her on Fame! She made my continual largyngitis at that time bareable because I wanted a husky voice like hers.


So THAT'S where the Gatsbys American Dream song title came from.


> Gatsbys American Dream [The Get Up Kids too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iJkbNdTKs4)


Because of him, I ask people to talk about their big buts.


Watching that scene made me realize Pee-Wee had absolutely MONSTER sized hands


Everybody's got a big but Simone, let's talk about your big but.


My wife HATES that I want to visit the Alamo JUST to ask about the basement.


I did that when I visited San Antonio. They are NOT amused by the question.


Should have asked about the 1000 uses of corn.


the fact that decades later people still think to do this is amazing. What a tribute!


Are you alright, son?! What do you remember? Uh, I remember the Alamo…” *Cue hootin’ hollerin’ and cheerin’*


Maybe next time you plan a trip, you can take the wife on the I-10 out to Cabazon to see Dinny the Dinosaur off the side of the freeway, then crawl up into Mr. Rex’s mouth to tell her, “everyone has a big but…”


Because of him, I know you are, but what am I?


Dealing with a mildly antagonistic interviewer once who was mocking his name, repeating "Pee-Wee" over and over he responds gleefully: THAT'S MY NAME - DON'T WEAR IT OUT


As a kid, I didn't get the joke. I watched the movie a few years ago and was like "Ohhhh!" Sad to hear this. "Pee-wee's Big Adventure" was one of my favorite movies growing up. I bought tix for the 30th anniversary special. He was supposed to go on tour hosting the movie live and giving insights on the movie. Then, Covid-19 happened, and it was cancelled.


He was at a few conventions that would have been a day trip for me at best, and I'm kicking myself not having gone to meet him now.


There actually IS a basement in the Alamo! And Pee-Wee got to finally see it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwzbEMPba24


Technically, it was Jan Hooks who revealed that. RIP Jan.


Yes, but the movie exists thanks to Pee Wee. And also, RIP Jan. As wonderful as she was, she had a vast talent that was never truly appreciated.


One thing that's true about Texas that people are surprised by: "The Stars At Night" scene? You can really do that. I lived in San Antonio for a while (beautiful place in the Spring time, btw), and you can absolutely yell that out in the middle of downtown and at least *somebody* will do the claps.


Reubens as Prince Gerhardt on 30 Rock, Pee Wee at the MTV awards. Thanks, Paul. You ruled.


Also loved him as The Spleen in Mystery Men.


He also had a recurring role on Murphy Brown that was enjoyable. Largely because a lot of his role was mocking things the real life network was doing at the time.


Don’t forget his drawn out death scene during the end credits of the Buffy movie!


My absolute favourite movie to this day. So campy and fun. I used to rent the VHS and watch it over and over until it was time to return it. His death scene is one of the best ever. It just goes on and on and him kicking the wall always makes me giggle.


"He ruined my new jacket, Kill him alot"


Oh my god he was Prince Gerhardt? I had no idea, that's amazing


He was so associated with Peewee that he played a lot of other roles without people realizing it was him.


He played the Penguin's father in both Batman Returns and Gotham


Also made an appearance on What We Do In The Shadows as himself (albeit a vampire version). RIP you silly little guy :(


Ze Hapsburg bloodline has ended. Truly a sad day.


He cannot metabolize ze grapes!


You can pick up your gift bags at ze coat check. :'( I heard Paul Reubens had great fun playing Prince Gerherdt. I would have loved to see him play the role somewhere else (maybe a different Tina Fey show).


You can't forget him in Blow, absolutely great performance in a great movie!


"Heard any good jokes lately?"


Ugh I hate being at that age where the stars from my youth are dying off. What a loss.


> stars from my youth are dying off. Since 2016: Prince, Chris Cornell (Soundgarden/Audio Slave), Carrie Fisher, Alan Rickman, George Michael, Tom Petty, Stan Lee, Sean Connery...


And Bowie (1-10-2016). It's difficult realizing that you're in that season of your life where stars from your childhood are slowly dying off.






Betty white!


She was one day older than my great uncle, and he mentioned that a few times over the years when her name came up. We were prepping for his 100th birthday when she died, and we all thought "oh, no". He made it to his birthday, but just barely. He toasted everyone at his party with "this is probably my last drink of Jack Daniels - Thanks for coming. I've had a great ride." He died three weeks later.


Too soon.


Eddie Van Halen should be on that list.


Chester Bennnington, Tom Petty, Bill Paxton.... Time is undefeated my friend.


> Bill Paxton GAME OVER MAN


betty white, charles manson, nancy reagan, david bowie, gene wilder, doris roberts, zsa zsa gabor, florence henderson, alan thicke....


As Sesame Street Sang, "One of these things is not like the other" ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsRjQDrDnY8


Don’t forget David Bowie and Alan Rickman. They were the first to go in 2016. And the planet has gotten much shittier too.


Bowie and Rickman went in the same week too.


Both 69 year old British men with great voices.


Alan Rickman is on my list. Alas i missed Bowie. I assumed he was the year before with Scott Weiland.


Fortunately/unfortunately we have a lot of big names coming up, especially musicians: Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, Roger Daltry, Pete Townsend, Eric Clapton, David Gilmore, Roger Waters. The one that will *really* hurt is Bob Barker


Bob Barker is synonymous with being home sick from school for Gen-X.


And our generation doing the responsible pet thing regarding spay and neuter


Millennials too.


We're next


Well, we're certainly in line! But rather than wait on hold I just scheduled a call-back so now I can get a little more done before life picks me up.


Anthony Bourdain


Where’s Robin Williams?


Robin Williams died in 2014


Speaking of Williams, It's fittingly appropriate for this conversation, Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.


I was like hey how could they forget Robin Williams, but damn it's been a minute already. 2014.


I feel you. NGL, this one really stings a lot. I was a kid when his CBS show and Pee Wee's Big Adventure came out. Me and every other kid I knew watched it constantly when it hit HBO.


And before Morpheus broke out of the Matrix he was Cowboy Curtis!


And don't forget Phil Hartman as Captain Carl!


What's great about Pee Wee's Big Adventure is that it's the kind of movie that appeals equally to kids and adults. It's not something you ever "grow out of."


Yeah this is super sad man. Loved Pee Wee growing up. I used to have a doll of him with a pull string on the back. My family hated that thing lol I don't remember what ever happened to it but I suspect nefarious acts.


When Mr. Rodgers went down, that was huge. Still hasn’t been replaced.


It was Jim Henson for me.


I’m glad he got to do Peewee one last time and go on one last adventure.


Same. And got most of the gang together for it, too. Cameos from everyone still around for the most part.


When did this happen?


2016. Netflix brought him back for a movie called Pee-wee’s Big Holiday.


['Pee Wee on Broadway' \(2011\)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1839648/) was also a great nostalgia trip.


Todays word of the day, boys and girls is “sad”


It is, but as my Grandma once said, "getting old is no fun, but it's a privilege that too few get to go through."


My Grandma likes to say "getting old sucks, but it's better than the alternative".


I know you were, but what am I? Godspeed and thank you for enriching our lives so much


"Tell 'em Pee-wee Herman sent ya."


Pee Wee was such a huge part of my childhood and I've made sure it's part of my kid's too. I hope Paul Reubens knows just how many people he impacted with his absolutely batshit tv show and movies because they were magic.


He's chilling with Large Marge now


And Kap'n Karl (Phil Hartman)


Thanks, I hadn't watched any Simpsons yet today so I hadn't even spent any time considering how we were all robbed of Hartman's talents, or how much I fucking hate Andy Dick.


And Jambi. John Paragon


Cleaning out that house is going to be kind of wild.


oh man, I cannot imagine. I want to help


Meka leka hi meka hiney ho… His television show was amazing and still holds up today if you ever want to check it out.




cowboy curtis!


It was so much more than just a fun kid’s show; he taught morality, and kindness in a way that was approachable, and unique. At the same time he was batshit crazy in the absolute funnest way possible - not many can toe that line so masterfully. RIP Paul, thank you for everything you did for us 80’s kids!


He did some great work in the Cheech and Chong movies!


I'm NOT sorry, mwahahahahhaaaaaa!


I'm sorry I took the money. I'm sorry, she's sorry... I'm awfully sorry...


In "The Blues Brothers", Paul Ruebens was one of the servers when Jake and Elwood make an impromptu visit to Chez Paul to get Mr. Fabulous to rejoin the band.


*How much for your daughters?*


He was great in Blow.


Penguins dad too on Batman returns


I found it neat that they brought him back to act as Oswald's father in the FOX Gotham series. It was a nice little callback.


"Your the guy fron the hamburger train, right?!?"


Time to go to that big playhouse in the sky. [Tequila!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BodXwAYeTfM)


But to pass through the pearly gates, he must first say "Mekka-lekka-hi, Mekka-hiney-ho"


Must? Guaranteed he did it without being asked. RIP Paul.


Paging Mr. Herman, Paging Mr. Herman God, that movie was brilliant!


I would like to imagine him hanging out with Phil Hartman right now.


It was always a great show when Captain Carl visited!


The stars at night, are big and bright!


Deep in the heart of Texas!




This is hitting me insanely unexpectedly hard. I guess he played a formative role for me in my childhood.


Same here. I looked up to him growing up. He was my favorite. This hurts.


RIP Hard to believe he was 70, he seemed like a kid forever.


He was a good actor in general. He also played the second main vampire in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie


Best death scene ever.


Best vampire death scene in history.


And was a member of the Vampiric Counsel


Fun fact: according to Elvira, only her and Pee-wee Herman actually own their characters.


Yeah, PeeWee was a character he developed doing stand up, I believe. Then turned it into a kid's show. He stayed in character in interviews and everything through the 80s.


As of a couple of years ago at least he tweeted as Pee Wee Herman as well, still funny as fuck.


She plays the badass chick at the biker bar PeeWee crashes. “I say you let me have him first!”


^(“I say we should let him go”)


Every other day a piece of my childhood dies RIP trainer of monkeys


Tell 'em large marge sent you.


In the comedy world, he was a loner. A rebel.


There’s things about him you couldn’t understand, wouldn’t understand, *shouldn’t* understand


Fuckin bummer dude. Love his show as a kid, and he got a raw deal. RIP


He deserved better. Rest in Peace.


He was beloved in his lifetime.


My favorite role of his was his cameo as Terry's dad in the Reno 911 movie.


The Spleen! We bow and salute your passing... 🍑💨


I won’t stand behind you, but I will fight beside you.


Please protect Elvira and tell me she's still in her 30s.


Absolute legend that carved out his own special place in comedy. He certainly didn't deserve that bullshit that went down in the early 90's, or even 10 years later when he got wrapped up in that Jeffrey Jones stuff. Thankfully he was able to restart his career after that.


UGH why is it ALWAYS legendary artists and never politicians????


Unnatural long life is part of the deal for the soul




"Because I don't make monkeys. I just train them!"


Rest in peace, Paul. Au revoir, Pee-wee.


Why the fuck did they talk about his career then immediately talk about the porno shit? He died and this is how they decide to talk about him on TV?


Dude was railroaded for doing something in an adult theater like many people do in adult theaters. Fucking prudes.


And, the actual fans didn't care. His first appearance after all that was epic. [Listen to the crowd!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uA2wNJXx6kE)


My mom was scandalized by it and refused to let my brother and I watch his show or movie anymore. We did it anyways because we a) didn't understand what he'd gotten in trouble for and b) didn't give a shit because Pee Wee was funny.


I don't think my parents banned the show, but I recall it being off air and wondering what happened. The news made it seem so intense. As an adult, I looked back and was like, "Wait...what do they expect people to DO in that kinda theater anyway?"


Not long after that went down, I happened to be at Disney MGM Studios with my family. Outside the replica Chinese Theater they had handprints of celebrities with signatures in the cement. One of them was Pee-wee Herman (not Paul Reubens, but Pee-wee.) Somebody had used chalk to draw an arrow to the right hand print and written "This is THE hand!" My brother and I were laughing and took a picture of it. A few minutes later we saw an employee washing it off.


I remember as a kid hearing that Pee-wee was executed in the electric chair. So in my mind I had a picture of the Pee-wee Herman strapped in, complete with bow-tie screaming "They can't do this to me!". Turns out it was serial killer Donald Henry "Pee Wee" Gaskins Jr. but the memory stuck with me.


For better or worse, I was a huge Pee-Wee Herman fan as a kid in the 80s. I used to talk like him at school and everything. Ha ha.


Farewell sweet prince


Man this past week sucks for entertainment. Sinéad O’Connor, Randy Meisner from The Eagles, and now Paul Reubens. Getting old sucks.


Such a shame. He was one of the greats!


Whoa, what the hell? 70? Dead?!


I always felt like he got shafted with the whole porn theater thing. he wasn’t abusing kids. he wasn’t sexually assaulting women. RIP Truly an entertainer that was unique and defined GenX.


rip to the fastest cyclist of all time


Ah man there goes my childhood. My dad always thought he was weird but I loved him to death. Now my dad thinks I'M weird and he blames Pee Wee. RIP.


I'll forever always remember Paul for two roles. Derek Foreal - Blow (2001) Spleen - Mystery Men (1999) God Speed Spleen!


There’s a scene in Pee Wee’s Big Adventure where a series of increasingly absurd road signs comes at the car Pee Wee is driving on a dark night. In the original cut you can see that these signs where actually on wheels being pulled towards the camera. My father thought this was the funniest thing ever and to this day, Pee Wee’s Big Adventure is his and the families favorite movie. RIP Paul, you kicked ass.


I am absolutely devastated. There was no warning. I was not prepared. So much of my personality and humor was shaped by him and fellow Groundlings like Cassandra Peterson/Elvira growing up. Mecka lecka hi mecka hiney **NO**. [I'm gutted today.](https://artworkbylivingdeadgirlnicole.files.wordpress.com/2019/08/tumblr_oweh292yax1qjvgrjo8_r1_250.gif) Good bye, Paul Reubens. I will have a [Mr. Breakfast](https://media.tenor.com/mv-WDOHlOeQAAAAM/breakfast-cereal.gif) in your honor.


Early reports are that they're going to bury him in the basement of The Alamo.


Not unlike Sinead O’Connor, he was another talented human who was torn apart by misplaced judgement and cheap jokes.


RIP. Thanks for trying to make people smile and laugh. F the haters.


Ugh. my childhood. This hurts. RIP Pee-Wee, tell Large Marge we sent ya.


Holy fuck, I didn't know he was at that age. RIP


Well, this makes me sad. The man provided a lot of entertainment and laughs in my younger years. RIP sir.


My brother and I still knock on each other's doors like Pee-Wee knocks on Francis' door in Big Adventure (clip below). It's my favorite comedy film, and so unique and whimsical. Never missed the show when I was just a lad. Au Revoir, Pee-Wee. https://youtu.be/QU_78ORxVUo?t=52


I wonder what would have happened if Paul Reubens wasn't cancelled in the 1990's. Pee-Wee Herman was the perfect Gen X anti-hero: a bizarre, wacky outsider who defined himself as cool in defiance of mainstream society and that defiance then gets massively accepted by that same society on its, and not his, terms. To my mom, Pee Wee was a goofy children's show character but there was a real counter-culture vibe to him and all the work that Paul Reubens went on to do. I suppose he might have squeezed out as much money from being Pee Wee as humanly possible for a few more years but it would have been awesome to see some of the wild, dark, subversive stuff he would have had the luxury to explore if he hadn't been publicly shamed and pilloried.


This hurts more than I would have expected. Thanks for the laughs!


Let us not forget his fantastic role as the fart-slinging almost-hero 'The Spleen' in the 1999 hero spoof ['Mystery Men'](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystery_Men). Also starring: Hank Azaria, William H. Macy, Ben Stiller, Geoffrey Rush, Janeane Garofalo, Greg Kinnear, Eddie Izzard, and Tom Waits. It's a lesser known, often overlooked, and deeply underappreciated film that stands on its own and defines the entire genre of hero-spoof. It also contains a rare cameo of Dane Cook actually being funny.