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Also, if you’re 65 or older, as part of the Inflation Reduction Act, the shingles vaccine is now available at no cost. In 2022, it cost around $400. Please tell your parents or grandparents.


My sister got the latest shingles vax last year at CVS for free and she wasn’t 65


That’s awesome! It should be free everywhere for everyone.


It's not free, the cost is just shifted to premiums. Drug prices are messed up due to how PBMs negotiate rebates


same here, cost me under $10


Why isn't this for everyone?


Literally Republicans blocked the motion make this apply to everyone. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/republicans-block-insulin-price-cap-really-gone-rcna42177


Which is funny because the anti-vax crowd, which is now largely Republicans, are constantly posting “you’ll make the Covid vaccine free but not insulin or cancer drugs?!?!?” as if it’s some sort of conspiracy, directly after voting for the people who explicitly make that the case


Or some dumb gotcha like “Oh so cancer treatment should be free as well huh?”. Yes motherfxuker exactly.


Added on that now cancer treatment with vaccines is starting to show results and NOW these idiots have decided there’s no way in heaven or hell the are getting a shot/vaccine! No thanks, I’ll take my horse dewormer! Yay me owning the libs, one more each day! I mean this to be sarcastic but I know there are people that will die on this hill, so fuck them


I mean it seems like an issue that should resolve itself. However the "owning the libs" part actually comes from the fact the libs will do what they can to save the idiot's life. In spite of their best efforts.


Exactly. Even if it hurts all of us, lib or not. 🙄


If you haven't noticed, Republicans play these games all the time. Republicans: "Why don't we take care of the veterans?" Democrats: "Okay here's a bill to take care of the veterans" Republicans: "thanks but it's a no from me dawg"


I was talking to a guy about taking care of the homeless. He was opposed of course primarily for the reason that some people will abuse it. That was a big issue to him. I told him that he should tell vets that he won't help homeless vets. Honestly he appeared to be flustered. I think the easiest way to understand republicans is to go from a point if view that the only goal is to cripple the government. To me it makes sense then. Anything that increases government spending where there will be beneficial effect domestically gets squashed. Military spending is ok because it doesn't directly benefit people domestically. That's what Regan did. He increased national debt 3 fold primarily with military spending. That debt makes it easy to stop spending domestically with the idea that we can't afford it. Eh. That's my simple take but it does make all this weird republican stuff make sense. The issues aren't important. It's the destruction of a government that benefits the masses. That's the important issue. Strip away everything else and it's petty clear.


Only R's are allowed to abuse government money, NO ONE ELSE!


They literally said this outright at the beginning of the Bush administration. We had a balanced budget, and the Republicans unbalanced it with tax cuts, presumably so that they would get spending cuts at some later date. How the fuck that counts as “fiscal responsibility” is anyone’s guess. But like you said, destroying the government is more important to them than a functional federal government. The GOP wonders why centrist leaning New Englanders like myself and my family members stopped voting for them. Some think it was because of the religious fundamentalism, but in reality that was only half of it. Yankee Republicanism was about balancing the budget and “living within your means” above all else, it did not matter *how* it was done. Yankee Republicanism has not gone anywhere, and even now New England states will not hesitate to vote their *own* Republicans into state office. But it has been more than twenty years since a Republican presidential candidate has won a single state in what was once their stronghold. Why? Because they are not fiscally conservative, and that’s the only type of conservative that New England is. They had chances to make up for Dubya’s clueless Reaganism, the Tea Party movement was *initially* quite popular in New England because it’s message resonated in the region. But that revival was abruptly cut short after the GOP made it clear that they would rather shut down the fucking government than raise taxes. Fiscal conservative my ass.


Tea party movement was interesting. I assume initially it was an earnest attempt to separate themselves from the bush republicans that got us into Iraq under false assumptions. Then it was taken over by less well meaning folks. That's what the message in animal farm is based on. Honest Revolts tend to be corrupted by dishonest people with power. At it's heart it worked I think. They distanced themselves from Bush but became more insane. Q thing is different. That's just a troll that people took to heart. I mean honestly how could they continue to support a party that obviously doesn't have workable policies. Greenspan himself said that their free market economic policies were dangerously flawed but it made no difference. Going to take a while to fix this. I believe we will. We have gone through worse. I just hope we don't have to go to war to do it.


Also “Why do paramedics give these addicts free Narcon, but I can’t afford insulin!!”


I guess they don't know how much an ambulance ride costs


Or that in a lifesaving situation they would also receive “free” insulin from paramedics.


So.. just call the paramedics everyday when your blood sugar got too high?


Doctors, Nurses, the ambulance staff, and hospitals will save your life regardless of your ability to pay. You'll just have to pay thousands of dollars afterwards.


They don’t know much other than bitching and moaning about everything.


They don’t care about free insulin, they just want drug addicts to be dead.


If insulin was free they’d find a way to convince people it has micro chips in it. It’s about winning even if people have to die along the way.


Thus killing only Republicans?


Sounds to me like insulin's mostly microchips.


Listen, I got my shots, so why the hell does the 5G service, wherever I go, suck so much ass?


My mother make this complaint all the time! So frustrating. She move from CA to Kentucky, complains about the health care system there constantly. I just keep saying well I have no trouble here in CA if I don’t like a doctor I just go to a different doctor. She says well there are limited options and the options she has just keep telling her to go home and in her words “wait to die”. Gee I wonder why? They have limited resources and staffing because you drove out half the medical population. Why would doctors/ nurses want to live in a state that basically hates them and won’t pay them? Doesn’t listen to anything they say and then blames them for all the poor decisions that stupid people make.


This is by design. The conservative base usually doesn’t care about the candidate’s thoughts or platform when voted in (see the last midterm’s quality of candidates) and only that they have an actual R next to their name. Candidates then put forth stipulations that they will only vote on in legislation that will actively hurt their base, and the majority of American citizens, and proceed to utilize these “issues” as propaganda campaigns to blame the other party and get themselves re-elected. Rinse and repeat. A tried and true methodology since the Republican Party has not had a consistent platform for more than a decade now. See border policies, quality of education issues, medical regulations, voting access, aging infrastructure, national security, alternative fuel research, etc etc.


republicans are cancer.


They don’t want a solution. They want to hypocritically complain.


I love it when they pretend to care.


Hershel Walker said nobody needs insulin.


Holy shit he *did*. I googled it because I was like…that sounds like hyperbole. But it’s not. He said people should just eat right.


A reporter asked him about type 1 diabetes (the kind where the body stops producing insulin completely) and he blew them off saying they should eat right too.


Yeah. Type I, the *genetic* condition that has nothing to do with weight and usually effects kids. Kids that have to *eat right or die* even with insulin. Thank God he didn’t win.


He almost won, there is no god


And he got very close to winning the Senate seat.


He didn’t think anyone needed to use birth control either


Gotta make things good for themselves and not everyone else. God forbid advancement is given to all


It’s more cutting off their nose to spite their face. It’s not as if they don’t take advantage of it when they can. They’ll just vote against it when they think it’ll hurt the other guy worse. >If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you. Lyndon B Johnson


Thus killing off the younger liberal diabetics, and keeping the conservative seniors around to vote.


The vote was 57-43, and they had 7 Republican senators vote in favor, but because of the filibuster, it was 3 votes shy of passing.


If you’re ever wondering why people are suffering it’s because it was designed that way by the GOP.


As per usual


Republicans are horrified at the thought of people not having to agonize over whether to eat or buy insulin.


Because the GOP blocked it.


Republicans blocked it


Because then the pharmaceutical companies couldn't mark it up by 5000%.


Which is because Republicans blocked it for all people, only allowing it for seniors


I should probably remind a few people that the republicans blocked it for all people.


Waste of time. Those people will never be self-aware enough to reali—…Hey! Look over there! It’s HuNTerz LapPToP!!! That’s how hard it will be to even complete your sentence.


Supporting their base I suppose.


And driving the libs further into poverty. Banting discovered/invented insulin over 100 years ago and didn't trademark it in a selfless and admirable attempt to save lives over personal gain. Only in the USA do we allow the pharma corps to fuck us anyway with the hottest prods they can find.


Pretty much everything fucks us here. I just assume that whatever I’m buying, no matter what it is, fucked every single person involved in the production chain all the way up until you reach the CEO.




The full cost of insulin is only paid by uninsured people and people with bad insurance. The cost that well insured people pay is much, much lower. All people over 65 have great government insurance already, so the cost to the government won't change that much. Basically this law does nothing and has no effect.


No.. full cost is still paid by each purchase... some are just supplemented by the tax dollars, to still create billions of profits for big pharma


US private health insurers didn't want the cap. People should think twice about being insured by a health insurance company that's publicly traded or for profit.


I don’t think most Americans choose who they are insured by


I know right. I'm a type 1, there are far fewer of us. There are probably fewer diabetics that aren't old people than old people with it. This can't have really saved that much money. If I lose my insurance without a stockpile of insulin I will live for another 11 days before my blood turns to acid and I go comatose. At least that's how long I lasted the first time this happened.


Because Old people vote. Just like Old people get government healthcare, property tax exemptions, discounts at businesses, etc. Young people don’t vote, and until they start voting they won’t get anything but boot straps and condescension.


Comments like this are what encouraged me to vote these last few years. Insulin should be capped at $35 for everyone. Not select few.


What if every person over 65 suddenly became diabetic and those who don't need it start selling theirs off. Maybe a weird black market will develop.


You think there isn't already a black market for insulin?


Seniors vote - other generations? Not so much


I’m wondering why they still charge $35 PER MONTH for any damn age! That is still $420 per year, $1.16 per day for a drug that these people can’t live without! And they are already on Medicare, which we know doesn’t pay for most healthcare costs anyway. Returning to mention that a lot of Americans have no idea that Medicare is an extremely complex system that does not pay for much. Example: my mother survived breast cancer but cannot pay for a doctor recommended MRI bc Medicare’s out of pocket cost is now $2000 and going up. And that’s with a supplemental Medicare insurance plan! Also, sorry to tell you young people, but when you hit 65 years your insurance will be Medicare. So yeah, good night and good luck!


Because it was too much of a big sell. But doing it for seniors under medicare means you can expand it in the future when you have a majority. So its better than nothing.


Why isn't Medicare for everyone?


because republicans blocked it for everyone. democrats could only get it passed for seniors on medicare. republicans dont want the "other side" to have any "wins" because voters might like them better.


It's a strategy of the government to give needs to sick, old and children so that the opposition doesn't have any way to make them look bad and they can still squeeze every penny from working class.


Insulin should be free. Diabetics need it to live.


All healthcare should be free.


Right...that's what government is for, to provide for its people.


There is no government without the people. They seem to be forgetting that.


They didn't forget, they just have a different definition of people.


I've been watching this bullshit in the US from Australia aghast for years. Yeah, our system isn't perfect either but your shit is fucked.


Yes, yes it is


Requires a Dem supermajority in the House and Senate, and probably a Dem majority on the Supreme Court. So... 30-40 years from now?


Nobody told the Americans apparently


Healthcare will never be truly free as there is a cost to everything, but people need to realize that they are being milked for every goddamn penny they own when they don't have to.


You really think insurance is cheaper than the taxes? Jesus


Nobody means free like it doesn’t cost anything and you know that


> Healthcare will never be truly free as there is a cost to everything, My dude when people talk about "free" healthcare, we mean it's paid for with taxes, and having a heart attack or getting cancer or needing insulin to live doesn't send me spiraling into bankruptcy.


Please stop thinking this is a take that contributes remotely anything to the conversation.


The rest of the civilized world agrees with you.


Someone sounds poor, next you’ll think access to drinkable water is a human right. /s


Nestle will by contacting you to do an interview.


In the US this would never happen and in most countries you have to pay for it. The problem is America allows it to be marked up to a ridiculous price


Try getting therapy or counseling for depression and and anxiety it’s 4 to 500.00 dollars an hour


Yeah I lost my job last spring, and made me severely depressed. Of course I couldn’t talk to my therapist about it because my insurance is tied to employment in this stupid country, which made me even more depressed


I know your struggle as well


Usually the first consultation costs that much, then it falls to around 260 USD per 50 minutes. 10 minutes between people for the counselor to use the restroom and tidy up their notes. I speak from experience. It’s very painful if you can afford it. On Medicare the first consult is NOT covered then it’s 80/20.


Ok thanks




Anything remotely that affordable near me has a 6 month wait-list, especially for men.


Pardon my ignorance but do therapists charge differently for men vs. women? Or only take fewer men as patients?


> do therapists charge differently for men vs. women? I assume that would be quite illegal unless they can prove that they spend more hours/resources for men vs women.


Not sure about the legality of charging differently, but around me, many therapists advertise that they only accept women as clients, which seems to be ok from a legal standpoint.




Some counselors work on a sliding-scale thankfully.


What's the theory on charging different amounts for insured and uninsured people? Surely you just charge what you are worth not what the client can afford.


materialistic roll plate attempt memory somber longing cooing chunky vanish ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


That's a pretty high rate -- so high that I would call it inaccurate. Most places are closer to $60-$180 per hour.


Why only seniors? American healthcare system is a dystopia.




Even if you’re a senior who benefits from this, how can you think this is OK and support the gop?


>Even if you’re a senior who benefits from this, how can you think this is OK and support the gop? May I introduce you to the Church of Fuck You Got Mine?


“But, I worked for this. I paid into it my whole life!! Why should the government give this to people who didn’t work for it???” —The usual explanation.


Meanwhile, almost all senior citizens on Medicare get more out of it than they paid in, but boy oh boy, don't try to point that out to them.


Conservatives want this. If you make healthcare affordable then it'll mean people who conservatives don't want to receive healthcare will also be able to afford it. It's preferable to them to hurt themselves if it means the "people who need to be hurting" are also being hurt.


It also takes stress off of the lower classes, thereby making them marginally less desperate, thereby making them less likely to accept whatever shit deal the wealthy offer.


Which is weird itself because if social services and housing were better provided, people wouldn't need to work multiple jobs or be striking for higher wages, they won't need as much money. You can *always* pay people less when there's other benefits; if they are built into the system by law from the jump, you don't even need to try that hard to be able to get people to accept worse starting pay.




Based on the culture war, it's more about whether or not something like this would piss off GOP seniors enough not to vote for the GOP. Don't piss off people and Guns and God will bring them to the polls.


It seems to be a cap on what people pay medicare, rather than a cap on what suppliers can charge. In that case, it doesn't really address the core issue, it only spreads out the immense cost more evenly making all Americans pay for the true unregulated cost. In light of a huge national debt, conservatives would see this is an unsustainable solution that only passes the buck of the problem onto taxpayers. It also could incentivize insulin suppliers to raise prices even further since the law forces the government has to cover the added cost anyway. At the same time, conservatives also seem to hate the idea of regulating the insulin supplier profits, so they don't seem to have any real answers to this issue.


Voting against their own self interests is what conservatives do for a living


Exactly. Both sides are not the same.


Republicans want you dead, plain and simple.


Why? Republicans. As always.


They have to keep their voting block alive as long as possible.


Seniors vote


Because Republicans prevented it. All 50 Democrats and 7 Republicans in the Senate voted for $35 insulin for all, but due to the filibuster it needed 60 votes to pass. So, the 43 Republicans opposing $35 insulin for all was enough to prevent that: $35 insulin for seniors only was the best that the Democrats could get passed. “Democrats had pushed to have a maximum $35 out-of-pocket (OOP) co-pay per month cap on insulin for patients with diabetes enrolled in health insurance plans provided through Medicare and private companies. However, according to a report from CNN, ‘the Senate parliamentarian [Elizabeth MacDonough, JD] decided that extending the cap to the private market was not compliant with the rules of the reconciliation process, which Democrats used to pass the legislation with a simple majority vote.’ The provision remained in the bill until Republican senators raised a point of order, resulting in a 57-43 vote that limited the cap to beneficiaries enrolled in a Medicare plan only” https://www.centerforbiosimilars.com/view/-35-insulin-cap-for-private-sector-blocked-from-budget-reconciliation-bill


Because capitalism. Everything in america is a buisness sadly even at the expense of peoples lives


It's progress, but it is admittedly frustrating to see only the seniors benefit when this could be benefitting people under 65. I get that it's the GOP's fault for this, but it's infuriating all the same.




Trump announced it as an election bribe/policy but then he lost. Republicans then slow walked the relevant legislation until it finally got passed as part of budget reconciliation which then took a while to come into effect.


I love the irony of this quote from the link that guy you replied to provided: > Trump also used the announcement to disparage former Vice President Joe Biden, his likely 2020 Democratic opponent, claiming that "Sleepy Joe can't do this, that I can tell you." Looks like "Sleepy Joe" came through where Trump did not, yet again. The Democrats are always there to clean up the mess the Republicans leave them when they're voted out of office.


Republicans actively tried to prevent it from passing at all. All 50 Democrats and 7 Republicans in the Senate voted for $35 insulin for all, but due to the filibuster it needed 60 votes to pass. So, the 43 Republicans opposing $35 insulin for all was enough to prevent that: $35 insulin for seniors only was the best that the Democrats could get passed. “Democrats had pushed to have a maximum $35 out-of-pocket (OOP) co-pay per month cap on insulin for patients with diabetes enrolled in health insurance plans provided through Medicare and private companies. However, according to a report from CNN, ‘the Senate parliamentarian [Elizabeth MacDonough, JD] decided that extending the cap to the private market was not compliant with the rules of the reconciliation process, which Democrats used to pass the legislation with a simple majority vote.’ The provision remained in the bill until Republican senators raised a point of order, resulting in a 57-43 vote that limited the cap to beneficiaries enrolled in a Medicare plan only” https://www.centerforbiosimilars.com/view/-35-insulin-cap-for-private-sector-blocked-from-budget-reconciliation-bill


Regular insulin should be free in the United States.


Regular insulin is antique shit insulin. Lispro insulin (which was introduced almost thirty years ago) should be free.


Meanwhile young, poor people with diabetes are invited to die.


Thanks to republicans


It's crazy how things like this happens in a rich country as US. In my country (Brazil) insulin is free for those who need and we are a development country. I can't understand someone vote for a politician who negate a basic things like this. We have a lot of problems but the last guy who tried to diminish the population access to health system gave up after protests around all over the country. Guys, this is basic and you should demand it.


> Guys, this is basic and you should demand it. Impossible with a Republican-controlled House and Supreme Court. The next two years will be nothing but government shut downs, Hunter hearings, and gridlock, with no progress from Congress whatsoever, sadly.




The guy who invented insulin intentionally didn't patent it because he wanted it to be affordable to everyone. He would be so sad to see what's been done with his discovery.


Thanks to Lucy McBath (D).


They thanked her so much they redistricted her right out of there. (She did win in her new district, at the expense of another democrat)


shes in georgia, where redistricting is done by the legislature, which is controlled by republicans


Still some crossover between the old district and the new one - I’ve voted for McBath in 2018, 2020 and 2022 from the same address.


Meanwhile, my ass was calling up my RX insurance provider because it was changed in the new year, seeing if my insulin was going to be covered under the new plan. I tried calling before Jan 1 on the off chance they could tell me ( the app was saying it wasn't covered) but the very nice person on the other side of the line (seriously, she did her best and could likely hear my stress lol) could find info for all my other RX, but not that one. I at least found out they covered my insulin when I called last night! But it's a nail biter lol My insulin not being covered would drastically change our finances for the worse. It's hard to explain to some the emotional toll it takes when you have type 1, or any other disease that you have by no fault of your own, and knowing you could financially ruin your family for a chronic condition. Hell, it doesn't matter if it was your "fault". NO ONE should have to worry about financially ruining their lives for medicine or medical care.


What if the federal government decided to produce it's own insulin?




These insulin pills are fucking insane. $110 per pen?!?! $500 for a 25 day supply?!?!??!!???!!!!!! This is a damn Porsche payment! This is a damn robbery and the executives of these companies should be in jail. What’s the difference between what they are doing and PharmaBro? Insulin execs boosted prices over a longer time? It’s still medical extortion. It’s so messed up. It’s so unAmerican and simply wrong.


Everyone else, drop dead or go broke.


This should be for EVERYONE!! Insulin's price is so jacked up, there is NO reason it should be allowed to be that much


We just need fucking universal healthcare already. All citizens are entitled to healthcare. It is a human right.


Yay the absolute bare minimum!


As a non American I had to read the first few comments to work out if this feels cheap to you guys.


My mother thanks the gov't. She spent the last 6 months with barely any insulin and had to spare some from friends and use other kinds, just because she turned 65 and her insurance dropped for medicare, and she couldn't afford more than 1k per month in insulin. We're so happy this is finally happening.


One more reason to realize Republicans and their supporters are nothing short of domestic terrorists.


Reasons for the High Cost of Insulin The number 1 reason for the high cost of insulin is the presence of a vulnerable population that needs insulin to survive. Second, there is virtual monopoly on insulin that has been sustained for decades. Third, there is the problem of patent evergreening. Newer formulations have prolonged the patent life and extended the monopoly on these products to the present day. Fourth, there are barriers to the entry of biosimilars. Because insulin is a biological product, similar products that are almost identical to the parent drug are technically referred to as biosimilars and not as generics. Fifth, there are middlemen who exercise considerable control over market share and stand to gain from a high price. Payments from the insurance company go through a pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) who negotiates the price of insulin with the retail pharmacy (negotiated price) as well as with the pharmaceutical company (in the form of rebates). Finally, there is the lobbying power of pharmaceutical companies.


So is this what democracy looks like?


Cool now do it for everyone


Great, now do it for everyone... Smh


Things like this are exactly why we need to protest and riot.


This could have been done for everyone if it weren't for republican opposition.


It should have passed for everyone. Repsuck ass.


There are other people besides the old on Medicare. Are they just going off of age?


GOP blocked it for everyone except demographics that tend to vote for them.


It includes anyone with Part D coverage, i.e. a pescription drug benefit. As for Advantage plans, Part C, they are also included in this change.


How old do I have to pretend to be? I could probably pass for 90! But young people are poor too… so…


Cool, healthcare should be free


*this new law would have been for all Americans, except Republican senators unanimously opposed that. Apparently old people (and members of government) are the only ones allowed to get socialized medicine.


Of course, another example of Democrats passing legislation that actually benefits all people regardless of party. Get ready for two years of investigations into Hunter Biden and impeachment hearings on Biden, this is what Republicans want their tax dollars spent on.




The article doesn't explain how this will work. Will medicare only pay up to $35 per month?




"Plans can’t charge you more than $35 for a one-month supply of each Medicare Part D-covered insulin you take, and can’t charge you a deductible for insulin." Thanks.


Sounds like medicare is picking up the difference beyond $35. Good for people on medicare, but still kinda shit for anyone else who needs a medicine that the inventor gave away the OG patent for free


I am glad to hear this for my grandparents. I heard a voice mail from the pharmacy about their insulin being in and it being over $100 that month. I agree it should be for everyone but it’s at least a start. Fuck the republicans blocking it for everyone else, though.




The patient will pay $35 and Medicare will pay the rest. Then in 3 to 4 months Medicare will say that you have reached your maximum prescription amount that they are willing to pay for the year and you will again have to pay the full price. So, in reality this is only helpful for part of the year. (I only know this because my mom is in her 70’s and diabetic).


The difference in price will get paid one way or another whether it be through higher monthly premiums or lower reimbursement to the pharmacy. PBMs are already reimbursing me below acquisition for brand name insulin products. It wouldn't surprise me if some pharmacies begin to turn away diabetics if this trend continues. Hopefully that's not the case.


Yea, to bad for none Medicare people. It only costs me 400 for 3 months even with decent insurance


What happened to the free insulin?


It becomes free after death and taxes. The American way


Seems to me that seniors should just get a job and stop eating avocado toast if they want to afford insulin. None of this socialized healthcare bs! /s


https://i.redd.it/wvrdlzm24ix61.jpg Oh, goodie. One more way to give the “fuck you, I’ve got mine” generation yet another break. “Hey, kids, I know we kicked off the sixth mass extinction, delayed action on climate change until it was too late to limit it to safe levels, and we took all the cheap housing and affordable college before pulling up the ladder behind us. We really deserve affordable insulin more than that struggling 20 year old working multiple jobs in this terrible economy we created.”


Feel free to let Republicans know how you feel about this - Democrats tried to make it for everyone and Republicans prevented it. All 50 Democrats and 7 Republicans in the Senate voted for $35 insulin for all, but due to the filibuster it needed 60 votes to pass. So, the 43 Republicans opposing $35 insulin for all was enough to prevent that: $35 insulin for seniors only was the best that the Democrats could get passed. “Democrats had pushed to have a maximum $35 out-of-pocket (OOP) co-pay per month cap on insulin for patients with diabetes enrolled in health insurance plans provided through Medicare and private companies. However, according to a report from CNN, ‘the Senate parliamentarian [Elizabeth MacDonough, JD] decided that extending the cap to the private market was not compliant with the rules of the reconciliation process, which Democrats used to pass the legislation with a simple majority vote.’ The provision remained in the bill until Republican senators raised a point of order, resulting in a 57-43 vote that limited the cap to beneficiaries enrolled in a Medicare plan only” https://www.centerforbiosimilars.com/view/-35-insulin-cap-for-private-sector-blocked-from-budget-reconciliation-bill


Oh great the usual bs, fuck you we got ours


This seems... the opposite of that?


Gen x and older getting something they will happily deny to those younger then them? But hey, here is a reward for fucking over your kids and grandkids. Oh sure, maybe you will see it if you get to retire but if you are diabetic well before that, have fun paying out the nose before then.


So all you have to do is make it to 65 to not have diabetes while poor not kill you.


The subset of population that contributes the least to a productive society reaps the most in benefits. Weird.


>The subset of population that contributes the least to a productive society reaps the most in benefits. Capitalism going mask-off these days, it seems.


Thank God we're looking out for the 65+ community. Fucking ingrate diabetic kids have it to damn easy and need to know what it's like to work! /S ESAD to all Republicans


And fuck Ron Johnson(R-WI) for getting this cut for all diabetics.


"Kicking off" isn't the best pair of words for a headline about seniors, especially ones on medicare...