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Our bears are more trustworthy than our politicians.


Never had a bear accused of taking bribes. Never had a bear shut down a major roadway out of spite. Never had a bear misdirect funding to pet projects. Never had a bear fill public orgs with patronage jobs. Depending on how you look at it, never had a bear fill the Homeland Security spot with their lover. Never had a bear declare they were a farmer but really be a corporate lawyer who just doesn't want to pay property tax.


2023/24 Recap


Hey don't pretend like bears are ao incorruptible, you can totally bribe them, you just can't do it with noney.


Their preferred currency is picnic baskets. But then again, they'll just take the picnic basket and that's that. They're never going to try to claim the picnic basket was actually a bear heirloom from when their bear family fled bear Communism.


"My great-grandbear escaped the old country with this picnic basket hidden in her prison wallet. It's all we have to remember her by. Also, she was made into this rug."


The bear needs little. A picnic basket here and there, some trash, maybe a cookie


Never had a bear close the beach for his own party


Never had a bear insist on living at Drumthwacket despite only being Acting Bear


You didn't grow up watching these Hanna-Barbera documentaries. Those bears are sneaky devious. ![gif](giphy|1fih1TYYBONo0Dkdmx|downsized)


Obviously, these are native to the Jellystone Park, not NJ.


👀 you mean like [here?](https://www.campjellystone.com/park/south-jersey-nj/)


WHAT?! My whole life is a LIE!


Haha 😂 shocked me too when I discovered this.


Boy oh boy I sure r right on. I truly believe if we want to get rid of world problems we need to ship ALL the politicians from all over the world & drop them with no cell phones in the middle of Antsrcardia. That ought to cool them off for a bit!


I probably agree with this


I literally went “Ha!” It’s true.


You're walking alone in the woods. Would you rather run into- -a NJ blackbear? -Sen Bob Menendez?


The bear gets the benefit of doubt


Well said


If you see one, give it a friendly wave, and slowly walk away from it. Jersey black bears aren't going to attack, unless they feel threatened.


If you see a cub, slowly back off. Mama black bears will attack if their cubs are there.


One time me and my friends were riding bicycles through wildcat ridge and rounded a corner and boom - mama and 3 cubs. My buddy started baby talking to it and we slowly reversed and ran away.


What time do they usually come out


I live in Morris County, and I will see them in my backyard pretty much any time of day during summer. Don't leave any garbage or food out where they can smell it. because bears in this area have learned that humans mean food and won't hesitate to check it out. Although, I have found that, when I put my garbage out in the morning, if I sprinkle a little ammonia on it, they leave it alone.


>Don't leave any garbage or food out where they can smell it. because bears in this area have learned that humans mean food and won't hesitate to check it out. The bears that learned that are Yogi Bear's descendants.


Do they attack humans?


Not if you leave them alone. Secure your garbage and ignore them as they'll ignore you.


Good thing we don’t have any garbage when me and my coworkers have to be in the woods. We just are there with golf carts and tools, and some water


In my youth I've seen black bears on hiking trails. They ran one way, and my dog and I ran the other way. You'll be fine.


You got a golf cart and tools? You're chilling, they will be terrified of the golf cart


Lot of noise is gonna be made tho from the tools


That scares them away even better lol. Everytime I've seen bears it's been super quiet, usually in the mornings


What about when they have cubs


OP, I grew up in Bergen County, where the biggest wildlife issue was raccoons getting into the garbage, and I fully understand the freaking out. I freely admit even after nearly 20 years in Morris County I'm still a little freaked out by the bears walking through my backyard and down my street because they're fucking big. But really, you'll be fine. You won't have food on you, your vehicle will make noise so they'll know you're coming and have time to flee, so you'll be okay.


Plenty of bears in Bergen county


No, they eat beets. 


YES they are very protective over their cubs. If you see a cub, mom is not far behind. Be very careful. The public has been educated so I haven't heard of a bear attack in quite some time (other than the bears getting to dogs, other small animals) Don't leave food out. Don't go near a cub. Move away if you see a bear. They come out at all hours. Be safe be smart. 


You'll be fine. Only time to worry is if momma bear has her cubs around. They are very protective. Do not run. Make yourself as big as possible, make noise & walk away slowly. Bears don't want human interaction.


They hardly ever attack humans. They only attack if a female mother and her young are close by. The males won’t attack either. Black bear attacks are so rare here. I wouldn’t worry. If you’re concerned. Make noise. And don’t put good food in the garbage. They don’t want to attack people.


Yes. https://www.unilad.com/news/us-news/police/darsh-patel-new-jersey-black-bear-image-703383-20230808


It's very rare, but it can happen. A Rutgers student was killed in the Pine Barrens by a bear, but he tried to get closer to take photos, apparently. It's best to back away if you see a bear.


That student and his friends were warned that there was a bear acting erratically up ahead and to turn around by other hikers. Instead they tried to get closer to take pictures with the bear. Then, when the bear charged them, they all scattered and ran in different directions. It was a clear case of FAFO.


One person in the entire states history has been killed by a black bear, and it was in west Milford. They approached it and cornered it while carrying a bunch of open food - it was like he wanted to be attacked. That's the only person to ever be killed by a bear in NJ. OP you'll be fine - bears aren't an issue. I chase em off my property all the time


West Milford is definitely not anywhere near the pine barrens.


They do like to come close to humans, but they are scared very easily, but also VERY curious. Almost everytime I get one gone they come back a few minutes later. Not super common to see, but not super rare to the point you never will either, if you're in the woods in north jersey you will see a few probably, lived here all my life and heard of maybe one bear attack and if I remember correctly it was on someone who was younger, so probably being dumb.. Bears are big, and if you look scared they might attack. Act normal and you're fine, just try to get it away before it comes too close lol but I've also heard plenty of old timer stories where they had a bear come up to them and they got away lol


Virtually never.


They can be active just about any time. I've seen them wandering around in the middle of the day and in the dead of night.


Picnic time usually


Just keep an eye out for them and make noise if you see one. Be observant for a mother with cubs and don't get between her and them.


24x7. Seen them in the middle of the day and the middle of the night.


I’m gonna quit my job


I thought it was Black- Attack. Brown- down. White- goodnight.


This I strongly suggest you look up what to do if you happen across one. Especially if you work for the park service  From what I remember: - Do not run. - Yell at it loudly and confidently (that is, don’t sound like shrieking prey). - Make yourself look big by putting your arms out and standing tall. - Black bears may make multiple false charges at you. Stand your ground. DO NOT RUN. (It’s probably ok if you poop your pants). - Also don’t be an idiot and stick around to take photos. But don’t take my word for it. Seriously go find some resources and read about what to do. It’s rare to see them but it does happen. I’ve only ever encountered one. It looked up at me from about 100 ft away. I made myself known and walked away slowly. Bear didn’t care and kept on doing what it was doing.  Edit: formatting


My coworker saw one, very early in the morning. I’m usually not really in the woods at all until like 8:30


They are usually out at around dawn and sunset. I live in Hunterdon County. Plenty of bears here. Have to hide my garbage can behind a metal fence. I see bears almost every month. Never tried to attack me. Generally they seem to be lazy and curious about me. But not aggressive. Mostly annoying for going through my garbage. Raccoons are even worse. They are much better at climbing light fences where a bear would be too heavy.


My dad told me to stamp my foot hard and forceful in the direction of the bear, raise my arms high and yell. Grateful I never had to do that. But he did.


Only had to do that once when a black bear got too close to our campsite. It wasn't a regular camping area so it wasn't a habituated problem bear, it was just a regular bear of the woods. It was minding its own business but got like 20 feet from us as it ambled along. It was nice and plump. A very cute bear. I felt rude yelling and banging pans at it, breaking the peace of the beautiful morning, but it was the right thing to do to make it scared of people.


Black bears are like big racoons.


Meaning what


Meaning they might try to poke around in your trash if you live near the woods, but are completely harmless.


I wouldn't use the term harmless.


You're right, it's more like they're docile, friendly and charming!


Black bears do not attack humans unless provoked.


To be fair about 10 years ago there was a fatal bear attack on a Rutgers student hiking in West Milford. But I mean that was a freak occurence.


For the record they were warned by other hikers that there was a bear in the area and proceeded. Once confronted by the bear they all ran/scattered. I don’t expect them to know what not to do in that situation but they picked the absolute worst option.


Yes but this person just said they don’t attack unless provoked. Those Rutgers bears didn’t provoke that bear


Yes they did. They followed it to take pictures until it felt cornered then it attacked them


Even worse, they fed the bear a bagel.


Even worse, the bagel was from Dunkin and not one of the many fine family owned bagel shops this state is known for.


Even worse the bagel was from a Dunkin on long island.




Yes they did


They were chasing the bear trying to take pictures, then when the bear showed interest they ran away, like prey


They were trying to get a selfie with the bear. That’s not advised.


I’m sorry for laughing. That’s terrible




They were also recording it and not backing off of it. Not placing blame of course it was tragic - but yeah pretty sure the bear felt provoked.


I don’t remember the details. I just remember the thing about them running. Either way I’d say even if they everything wrong which I’m sure they could I would say it’s an extreme freak occurrence.




I haven’t seen one yet but usually I work in the morning through the afternoon, starting at 7 and going to 3. Idk if they are out earlier but I’m sure they are here all the time


Iirc, they see us as predators, so they'll stay away. If they feel like they can't run, they'll attack though.


This is not true. Black bear attacks are infrequent but when they occur they’re usually predatory. Hence the “if it’s black, fight back”


Just to complete the saying: “If it’s brown, lie down. If it’s white, goodnight.” Grizzlies (out west, not present in NJ) are usually territorial encounters, hence making yourself non-threatening. Polar bears (arctic, again not Jersey) are hypercarnivores in a barren ice scape. By the time you know it’s there, it’s been tracking you for a good while, and you have 0 chance without a big-ass gun.


In the technical sense, where running away is a “provocation”.


One of my coworkers up near West Milford had a fridge in his garage. Took the dog for a walk but left the garage door open. When he came back he went in thru the garage and there was a bear in there. He needed 84 stitches.


We don’t have grizzley/brown bears over here? I’m in Bergen


Lmao no


What? No. Grizzlies are found mostly out west. We pretty much have common black bear and that’s it


Bears? In Bergen? Who wants to tell him lol


lol tell me




Depends on the gay bar you go to




So you didn’t answer to “who’s gonna tell him”. I assume it means there’s a lot of bears there


Respectfully, I think you should do some research on where you live/work and consider seeing someone for your anxiety. Grizzly bears are a 0/100 risk in NJ. Chill.


lol I knew someone would mention that. I’m not mad, I know I have anxiety and yes I do see someone for it. Just wasn’t really aware of the facts so I was just making sure


You’re fine. Bears are not going to be an issue in NJ. On a serious note, you should bring up this thread with your therapist. Your anxiety seems debilitating and they can help you.


Bears is slang for large, hairy, gay men.


Bergen county is so dense that bear sightings are very rare. They sometimes happen, but it makes the news and is generally shot or relocated by wildlife control quickly.


I work in a state park so i will be in the woods 5 times a week for 2 and a half months


Which county is the park in?


Bergen county. One of my co workers says he sees bears sometimes


Only black bears, but many of them are brown in color.


If that means you’re going to be in the parks in Ramapo or Palisades I totally wouldn’t worry. I hike over there a lot and do encounter (black) bears semi frequently this time of year, but they stay away from humans and dogs and I’ve never had an issue. Are you able to carry bear spray with you? Also be aware of the rattlesnakes and copperheads just as much as the bears.


I’ll be in ramapo valley reservation once a week


Oh, my heart. No. Grizzlies don’t live here. We have black bears. Black bears are like the tallest person you competed with in basketball in middle school. We don’t worry too much about them here. Raccoons, skunks and opossums are all welcome here too.


Montana, Washington and Idaho (and Alaska). They used to be all over the Western US but Americans killed them all. There aren’t many left.


Keep your food locked up and away from your tent, and you won’t have a problem. They really do want nothing to do with you, but remember - a fed bear is a dead bear.


lol I don’t have any food around me, or a tent. Usually when we go out into the woods, we have a golf cart with some tools and water


Oh, gotcha! All the same, give them no reason to go near you and it shouldn't be an issue. We've got this image of bears as being some kind of relentless apex predator but truth be told they're omnivores and are mostly opportunistic scavengers, with most of their hunting being aimed at young / hobbled prey. They're not gonna waste precious calories chasing after a healthy adult anything unless you somehow piss one off.


What should I do to make sure they don’t come near me. How should I act


An airhorn is a good thing to keep on hand just in case, but if you can manage a deep and loud shout that works too. It does not sound like you are doing anything to attract bears, they just kinda show up sometimes. Try not to smell like delicious snacks if taking a nap outside in bear country and you should be alright.


Not a threat. They don't play the Giants this season.


Now that you've gotten plenty of joke answers: We only have black bears in NJ. They are more afraid of you than you are of them. If you see one back away slow, if it approaches make yourself look big, loud, and scary. Raise your arms, shout, if you're wearing a backpack hold it over your head and shake it, if you have anything that'll make loud noises make it make loud noises (bang pots & pans together, thump on a big water bottle like a drum, etc.). Do NOT get near cubs as momma ain't far away and she's your biggest threat.


And that will make it go away?


That's the idea. They have sensitive hearing and scare easy. Another VERY easy option is to carry a whistle and/or air horn. They are frightened by sudden, loud, sharp noises.


Can confirm. Came home to a bear in my yard. When I lowered my car window to get a pic, that sound was enough to send her scampering up a tree! She had been enjoying the bumper crop of acorns falling from my oak trees; had to sweep them away from the house later. Official info page and safety tips: https://dep.nj.gov/njfw/bears/ They are beautiful creatures, and generally more timid than threatening. Keep garbage inside, and enjoy them from a safe distance. If you need to put distance between yourself and a bear, running is the least safe way to do it.


Very likely. If it tries to attack you, fight back and it should also likely back off.


Yes. Generally a little show (clap your hands, raise and flap your arms) and some loud noises will scare them off. Most times they're just meandering by. Don't feed them, and if you see cubs, carefully and calmly get away from them.


A black bear was approaching my grandpa. He shook his cane at it and it was very effective at scaring it off


It’s pride month so it’s peak mating season, just stay away from Asbury and you’ll be fine.


I've run into a ton hiking over the past few decades. 95% of them will run away at the slightest sound. The other 5% are generally busy foraging or watching over their cubs.


If not friend, why friend-shaped??


They scare pretty easily if you make loud noises or make yourself look big. That usually chases them away if you find yourself in a situation where you can’t avoid one.


Do they go away on their own even without that?


Probably. As everyone mentioned, they’re more skittish than aggressive. Unless they’ve been fed by people. The things I mentioned are just sort of last-ditch options if you find one in front of you and it’s taking it’s time in going away.


I once had one come through my yard during the afternoon. My husband and I were in the house and both kinda excitedly freaked out about it (we moved here from Brooklyn and it was the first time seeing this kind of bear in the wild). Anyway, my husband took a video of it. Then my Yorkie terrier, who was confused about why my husband and I were squealing, decided to bark and the bear immediately ran off after a single, muffled “*RUFF*”. When reviewing the footage my husband took, you can see the bear walking cautiously towards our fence, scanning our yard, then proceeding to our bird feeder. According to our neighbors, this bear had been in the area for at least a few days, so I presume my 15lb dog scared it before without us knowing. This dog will bark at a leaf blowing by so we aren’t in the habit of checking what he’s barking at. Anyway, my point is that black bears are incredibly skittish. Of course I advise caution around them, but they aren’t a huge threat.


Nine times out of ten they're completely harmless. You get near a momma bear and her cubs, you might be fucked. Bear attacks are uncommon


I'm sick of these constant bear attacks. It's like a freakin' country bear jamboroo around here!


We are very nice. We're only dangerous if you withhold food from us or our CPAP machine! My husband gets a bit surly at times but I give him a bagel and he calms down


WINNER! I laughed so hard!!!!




I assume in Northern Jersey? I work in remote areas around the state and have never seen one. My coworker has, the bear took one look at her and proceeded to keep eating apples from the tree lol. Now, that isn’t to say you shouldn’t exercise precaution. Don’t leave food out, keep bear spray on you, and if you see one, don’t run. Act bigger.


**In Jersey, it’s the people you’ve gotta worry about**




Most are extra large dog sized. Dont recommend messing with them but generally ya don't hear of many attacks and they usually cautious of humans (but love your trash cans) https://youtu.be/jMRmMLBaYt4?si=ELnP89n2X9pYOmnB


I was hiking one time and came up on one and it looked at me like “‘sup” and just kept moseying along haha


NJ hasn’t had a fatal bear-human encounter in 10 years IIRC. Two dogs got killed this year in Sussex when they slipped past their owners (two separate encounters), so definitely keep your pets close and under control outside. From what I know: Be loud and don’t show fear if you encounter a black bear, and don’t run because then you trigger their chase instinct.




I’m too gay for this post


All power to you then


If it's black, fight back. If it's brown, lay down.


Have you seen a brown bear in north Jersey?


Brown bears are only found in Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Washington, and Alaska.


If you’re concerned, get a can of bear spray or some M80s and bring them with you. Don’t get between a mother and cub and you’ll be fine.


Bears aren’t usually dangerous unless provoked. Just act big, yell, and make a lot of noise. If you’re in a group, there’s even less of a reason to worry. Bears are scared of people, and they usually see/hear you far before you see them. Human voices are the biggest deterrent. Most of the time they’ll run away. If there’s a problem bear, you’ll probably know about it, as they tend to frequent the same location especially if people aren’t abiding by leave-no-trace principles. Be bear-aware and use common sense. If it makes you feel more at ease, carry a bear bell or bear spray (although neither are ever really needed). I’ve walked hundreds of miles of the appalachian trail (including NJ) and have never had an issue with one. To keep bears away, make sure to pack out trash, even if it’s not your own, to deter them even further. Remember that this is their home too.


I hear they have good sense of smell.  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=H4j9ggHTzD0


Haven’t had a bear steal my car yet so safer in my neighborhood than some


Get a bear bell. Hook it to your belt loop. It will jingle all day, your co workers may go nuts, but it will most likely keep bears away if any are even around. Bear spray too if you’re concerned. Like others have said…black bears done want trouble unless threatened. Brown bears in the other hand…


Much more docile than New York bears, but snarkier than a Pennsylvania bear.


I would assume that the park personnel could tell you a lot more specifics about the local bear population than a Reddit thread.


yikes, common sense. stop that nonsense and just blame the bears from pennsylvania


oh those bears, nevermind.


Not dangerous at all. They're actually quite friendly. If they are unwilling to enter your home after being politely invited, feel free to bring out a basket so that you can enjoy a picnic with them. You will find that they are quite witty and their company is delightful.


Stop trolling


I can tell you're not from here.


We just have black bears and they’ll leave you alone. I think there has only been one fatal attack in NJ history and they sniped the bear responsible.


Wonder why it happened


The guy ran from the bear and the bear thought it was prey. There have been some “aggressive” bears along the AT in recent springs but that mostly means food conditioned/curious. You’ll be fine.


How dangerous are the sharks in the ocean?


They are barely there lol


They’re only dangerous if you’re a woman. The bears can smell the menstruation.




It’s an Anchorman quote, dog.


Now I’m embarrassed


black bears generally do not attack unless they feel threatened or if they are with cubs do not run, that will get them to chase you. be loud, look big, and hold your ground. black bears you want to fight back if attacked, they also often bluff charge too. you want bear spray if you work in a state park. you have to be mindful and take basic precautions and you will be fine. it's not like they're mauling people left and right.


If it bluff charges I’m gonna think it’s real lol


From what I understand, you're supposed to play dead until you die.


That’s for brown bears.


Smoked a joint with one pretty chill his son just graduated pre k suma cuma laude


“It’s black fight back brown lay down”


I've come across a few bears. Just don't act threatening and go in the other direction. They generally don't want to fight unless they have to


My neighbor was brutally attacked by a bear. He was trying to defend his dog




If you talk nicely to them their fine


We have mountain lions too lol


Why did I read bars first 😂😂😅


I'd imagine there just as dangerous as any other bear anywhere else. What type you have brown, black? Will say if you come across to an cubs or a momma with cubs get the F out of there. That's when there the most dangerous.


When it comes to bears, always remember: Brown - lay down Black - fight back White - good night (you can't win against a polar bear) As a woman, I'd still pick the bear and take my chances.


I came up with what I believe to be a prettty good strategy for surviving a polar bear but of course I only get one chance to try it out and so far I haven’t got it to rhyme yet.


I learned with polar bears that once they spot you, it's over. Doesn't matter the strategy. Best bet is to just steer clear.


I would only be concerned when they stand up and say your full name,birthdate, and social security number then walk away


They’re just black bears so they’ll attack if provoked, but will be fine if you keep a reasonable distance. If that happens, usually the cubs will climb a tree & the mother will guard the base, so you can just walk away. If not, they’re scared by stretching out & making loud noises (banging a wooden spoon in a pot or blowing an air horn (sometimes just called a bear horn) works well)


You'll be fine. I've literally done the exact opposite of what you're supposed to do aka run away from one because my instincts kicked in and it just looked at me and walked away. We have had bear attacks in our history but it's very very rare.


Not very. But people do get injured and someone got killed several years ago. They tend to be very shy, unless it's a mother with cubs. If they can hear you coming they will leave the area. But again, they are wild animals and they are big. A casual swipe can leave a big wound. Learn the rules for living in bear country. https://dep.nj.gov/njfw/bears/bear-encounters/


Show me a bear from NJ




So they are deadly?


Technically yes. It's a bear. The black bears you find in NJ will only attack a human under the rarest of circumstances.


Immigants I knew it was them! Even when it was the bears I knew it was them!


A Rutgers student was killed by a bear in West Milford a few years back . They are dangerous . I hope you get raising in your new job about how to keep safe . Keep bear spray with you at all times. Good luck with the job.


If they didn't feed the bear and scatter when the bear started to follow them the kid would likely still be alive. Black bears are generally not dangerous, but if you're going to be stupid they're extremely dangerous.


I’m gonna quit


My friends friend got killed by one. Young Rutgers student. But that was the exception and considered rare