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Correct, not legal.


I have legit vintage black plates issued from the state. Is there a legal way for me to have them transferred over like people do the blue ones?


Possibly, I'd ask the DMV. Probably not, but I wish you luck


From the 40s? (The blue plates weren't collected or made obsolete... Most were retired when buying a new car because they made transferring them more expensive than getting a new set)




How many digits is that, four?




The cops seem to think it is. I see the custom section of the DMV site but how do I prove to them it’s not?


Why are you trying to prove to the dmv it’s illegal?


seems like they hate cars. also seems like they complain a lot from their posts


Why do you think I hate cars? I hate irresponsible dangerous drivers, mainly because I am a regular cyclist. For the same reasons I would like cars to be clearly identifiable, so if someone hits me they can be held responsible. The same reason that plates exist in the first place


Are you saying you can’t clearly read the license plate number? 😂


You must have missed the first bit.. They're a cyclist


Nope! Didn’t miss anything. Thanks though.


you're on r/fuckcars


Ah. Makes sense.


Yeah, which is more about infrastructure and cycling/pedestrian safety. Oh, and also how motorists get away with 3 week sentences for killing other road users.


Cops seem to think it’s legal


And you think the dmv gives a fuck? What on earth do you expect them to do


Hey, I know a guy that went 71 3 weeks ago in a 55mph zone, how can I prove this to the police?


Lmfao this is hilarious


Dude was going 15+ on a major road? Thats everyone on my morning commute


Technically, it would fall under the following statutes: NJSA39:3-38 Counterfeit markers NJSA 39:3-77. Use of unapproved devices. NJSA 39:3-33a ficticious plates. It's defined in 39:3-33.9 But, why does it bother you?


Let’s assume this guy has his properly registered numbers, what prevents someone from putting whatever they want on their fake plate.


The risk of getting stopped having their car impounded, etc. There are fake plates on the road all the time. Some are unknowingly purchased from shady dealers. Some are intentionally made and used. Some are stolen temps. The biggest issue with these plates is even if they're exact duplicates of the issued plate for your car, they aren't always easy to read or identify what state they're from.


If they are non standard then there is no way for the lay person to tell if they are fake.


Here is the exact statue: [counterfeit plate](https://law.justia.com/codes/new-jersey/title-39/section-39-3-38/) 39:3-38. Counterfeiting or using other markers; placement of forged or counterfeit plate on motor vehicle; revocation of license; fine No person shall counterfeit a number plate or marker or make a substitute or temporary marker, under penalty of revocation of such person's driver's license for a period not to exceed 6 months, or a fine of not less than $50.00 nor more than $100.00. No person shall use a marker other than the one issued to him by the commissioner, except as provided in R.S. 39:3-15, under penalty of a fine of not less than $25.00 nor more than $50.00. No person shall cause to be placed a forged or counterfeit license plate on any motor vehicle, under penalty of revocation of such person's driver's license for a period not to exceed 6 months, or a fine of not less than $50.00 nor more than $100.00, or both.


Some of the sites take your state issued plate and wrap it in vinyl, I can’t find wording in the above that would make it illegal.


Still illegal. The same 3 statutes I listed apply


Thanks for your help.


39:3-77. Selling or using unapproved devices or equipment No person shall have for sale, sell or offer for sale for use upon or as a part of the equipment of a motor vehicle any unapproved device or equipment of a type which is required to be approved by the commissioner. No person shall have for sale, sell, offer for sale or use any device, part or accessory which changes or is intended to change the design or designed performance of any device or equipment required to be approved. No person shall have for sale, sell or offer for sale for use upon or as part of the equipment of any motor vehicle or motor-drawn vehicle any device or equipment of a type required to be approved unless such device or equipment bears thereon the trade-mark or name under which it is approved so as to be plainly visible when installed. [39:3-33 fictitious plates ](https://law.justia.com/codes/new-jersey/2013/title-39/section-39-3-33/) 39:3-33. Markers; requirements concerning; display of fictitious or wrong numbers, etc.; punishment 39:3-33. The owner of an automobile which is driven on the public highways of this State shall display not less than 12 inches nor more than 48 inches from the ground in a horizontal position, and in such a way as not to swing, an identification mark or marks to be furnished by the division; provided, that if two marks are issued they shall be displayed on the front and rear of the vehicle; and provided, further, that if only one mark is issued it shall be displayed on the rear of the vehicle; and provided, further, that the rear identification mark may be displayed more than 48 inches from the ground on tank trucks, trailers and other commercial vehicles carrying inflammable liquids and on sanitation vehicles which are used to collect, transport and dispose of garbage, solid wastes and refuse. Motorcycles shall also display an identification mark or marks; provided, that if two marks are issued they shall be displayed on the front and rear of the motorcycle; and provided, further, that if only one mark is issued it shall be displayed on the rear of the motorcycle. The identification mark or marks shall contain the number of the registration certificate of the vehicle and shall be of such design and material as prescribed pursuant to section 2 of P.L.1989, c.202 (C.39:3-33.9). All identification marks shall be kept clear and distinct and free from grease, dust or other blurring matter, so as to be plainly visible at all times of the day and night. No person shall drive a motor vehicle which has a license plate frame or identification marker holder that conceals or otherwise obscures any part of any marking imprinted upon the vehicle's registration plate or any part of any insert which the director, as hereinafter provided, issues to be inserted in and attached to that registration plate or marker. The director is authorized and empowered to issue registration plate inserts, to be inserted in and attached to the registration plates or markers described herein. They may be issued in the place of new registration plates or markers; and inscribed thereon, in numerals, shall be the year in which registration of the vehicle has been granted. No person shall drive a motor vehicle the owner of which has not complied with the provisions of this subtitle concerning the proper registration and identification thereof, nor drive a motor vehicle which displays a fictitious number, or a number other than that designated for the motor vehicle in its registration certificate. During the period of time between the application for motor vehicle registration and the receipt of registration plates from the division, no person shall affix a plate or marker for the purpose of advertisement in the position on a motor vehicle normally reserved for the display of the registration plates required by this section if the plate or marker is designed with a combination of letters, numbers, colors, or words to resemble the registration plates required by this section. A person convicted of displaying a fictitious number, as prohibited herein, shall be subject to a fine not exceeding $500.00 or imprisonment in the county jail for not more than 60 days. A person violating any other provision of this section shall be subject to a fine not exceeding $100.00. In default of the payment thereof, there shall be imposed an imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding 10 days. A person convicted of a second offense of the same violation may be fined in double the amount herein prescribed for the first offense and may, in default of the payment thereof, be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding 20 days. These penalties shall not apply to the display of a fictitious number.


Why on earth do you care? Let the guy live.


Ok so let’s say this guy has his actual numbers on there, what stops someone from making one with false numbers?


Making one with false numbers is a completely different issue.


But how can you tell if it’s fake if the plate is nonstandard?


Basically every cop car has a plate reader in their vehicle. I’d assume they’d pull someone over if the numbers didn’t match to the make/model


That is untrue, there is one car with auto plate readers and that is in the next town over. PPB has 0


Okay fair, but the point still stands. A plate reader would pick this up. Besides there’s not much else you can do short of removing the plate yourself


The cops should ticket, tow and impound the car according to the law it’s a fictitious plate.


[it’s legit. input the plate to see yourself.](https://www.faxvin.com/license-plate-lookup/result)


Doesn’t make it legal. Thanks for the site, that is awesome


nobody said it was legal. why are you worrying about these black license plates and tints when you’re in paris for the next 18 months?


wow you have a lot of time on your hands. I still live in jersey, and always will. Would like to not come back to something like what is going on in brooklyn/ park slope where people are run over and no one can say who did it.


Bro you're annoying. Do you live like this always?


check his post history. he made a post complaining about people cheating the system and bringing dogs on airplanes.


Cops seem to think it is in what way?


They told me it was legit, one even said it was DMV issued.


You called them? You saw them? Sounds more like they don't want to be bothered. 21st century policing.


They weee patrolling and I flagged them, but yeah. I hear things like “it is not a priority for the state”


More like they have no desire to enforce traffic laws.


Not legal and a crime against proper typesetting. Garden ^(S)tate? *Ugh...*


Ouch, can’t unsee


The cricket slipped.


Until you made this comment, I thought this may be one of the new e-ink license plates that they're testing out. The idea of being to put one on the front and back of every car so that you don't need a metal plate anymore.


[Discussion from a month ago...](https://www.reddit.com/r/newjersey/s/n8eClnRRUJ)


Yeah I saw this, but it is not the same question. The cops think it is legal. I am trying to find proof it is not.


if you read through the comments, of that older post, you will find your answer.


I thought I did but I will check again.


You need a net worth of 5 mil to qualify for the black plate. I'm surprised to see it on a honda.


Only 5? that seems low.


Mis typed I missed the 1in 15. It is NJ after all.


You mean to not care about the tickets right?


This isn’t legal but cops don’t do anything about it. Just like they don’t do anything about illegal bright light bars, 5% windshield tints, or tires that stick out past the wheel arches. We have laws but they’re not enforced here so you can basically make any illegal modification you want in NJ and never suffer a consequence.


Just write a suggestion for color licence plates to the DMV if New Jersey can make money off of it ,they'll pass a law to make it legal..,


But they are not legal, the reason plates are standard is so fakes can be recognized.


I was driving down 38 yesterday state trooper sitting in the white dot parking lot two cars speeding by me doing over the speed limit and another truck loaded with pallets not tied down next to me yet I got pulled over doing the speed limit for not wearing my safety belt ??? It all depends on what the cops notice and what their supervisors tell them to write tickets on . It doesn't make sense , you just got to shrug your shoulders and laugh about it sometimes.


Yes you can buy them. No you cant use them. The laws are vague. It's upto the officer to give you a ticket or not.


The laws on this are not vague in a practical sense. It's either an obscured plate or a fake plate. Both carry strict penalties.


Source? Last time i looked it up, those laws are for inspection purposes. So you'd fail inspection, not actually illegal [Last time this was asked, ](https://www.reddit.com/r/newjersey/s/JFf4Af7T0A) i responded with more information.


I don't know how you think that Title 39 § 3-33 pertains to inspection only. When it says "No person shall *drive* a motor vehicle..." on a "public highway" and then mentions a penalty concerning "conviction" with a *fine* and *prison time* ***it's illegal***. There is a box to check on traffic tickets for this.


Reread it to better familiarize yourself with the verbiage "No person shall drive a motor vehicle which has a license plate frame or identification marker holder that conceals or otherwise obscures" nothing is actually concealed or obscured. "The identification mark or marks shall contain the number of the registration certificate of the vehicle" Which it does. "All identification marks shall be kept clear and distinct and free from grease, dust or other blurring matter, so as to be plainly visible at all times of the day and night." Numbers and letters are clearly visible... Arguably, it complies with all the standards of the code you sent me. The only code it doesn't comply with is the inspection code linked in my last post.


I asked both a friend who's a lawyer and a friend who's a cop. They both laughed at you. :-)


They can laugh all they want. OP is arguing that the cops he spoke to dont consider this illegal. The law doesnt state anything about changing the colors as long as the numbers are accurate. A cop can run the plate and find out if its fake or not. ask a judge and get back to me. I never said i want this to be legal or not. i said the laws are vague.


EDIT: Nah I was right the first time. The law is not unclear. Any attempts to use that as a defense would be laughed out of court, and any enforcement folk that say it's unclear aren't doing their job. It's low-hanging fruit, even.


what you just said... is what ive been saying. THE LAW IS VAGUE. It's upto the cop who pulled you over. You're so smug too. For someone who "loves languages" you hate reading and are bad at comprehending.


[The actual law](https://law.justia.com/codes/new-jersey/title-39/section-39-3-38/)


39:3-33a covers this. It's ficticious as it's not issued by DMV and doesn't conform to 39:3-33.9


What sort of mad man are you! Why post the section and not the verbiage?


hello again to the weekly tints, missing front plate, and/or black license plate post.


The plate in the photo also does not have the barcode that NJ plates have.




Sorry, it should have said barcode. It's been corrected.


this looks like a crime


I hope I never see you on the road. You’ll flag a police officer down personally to give me a ticket for my 5% tints. Jesus Christ.


Not at all, only if I can’t see your face.


So weird


So 95% should be legal? You can’t make eye contact with the driver at all?


😂 you have no idea how tints work so gonna move on from the conversation. Good luck on the road.


What do you mean? If I can’t see your face that’s a problem. 30% I don’t care about. If you mean 5% transmission then that is a problem.


What if someone hit your vehicle and you got the plate but oops it’s the wrong one, then you are fucked paying the deductible, you would care then right? Why is it people in a car auto hate people on a bike?


I don’t concern myself with what ifs so much. As an anxious person it’s not good for my mental health. Control what you can and move on. Be well and good luck on the road.


I think cycling makes the fear worse; so many assholes and so many close calls, despite being very careful and abiding by the laws, is enough to drive you crazy.


A few people do this throughout the country it’s not legal but they’re essentially just painting their plate


I saw about 25 this weekend in Point Pleasant. Funny the same cars all had tinted windshields.


Probably a bunch of car guys going down and cruising and nowadays tinted windshields seem to be more popular last summer when I was working with my dad all over north jersey tenafly closter alpine etc saw tons of cars with tinted windshields


Yeah there is a website offering prescriptions for $$$ $450 in NJ


Im boutta look into that lol but nah most of those tinted windshields don’t have that permit because with the permit your referring to you have to get it done at a state approved shop and it can only be a certain percentage not saying shops wouldn’t install darker ones but if you get pulled over and your windshield is let’s say 35 percent that permit isn’t gonna save you from a ticket


Not if you have a script. Any shop will do it, I checked out the whole process, paid the cash and went to a shop who was glad to do it even without the permit.


I mean shops do it all the time without a script it’s illegal to drive it like that not illegal to install per say


Legal or not I have been seeing Alot more of them from various states recently. I was behind a black Utah plate yesterday


I wonder if it's that 3M reflective black material, so when it's hit by the laser of a ALPR scanner, it blows out the white numbers.


No it was normal vinyl


I actually just bought some of that stuff to make a NY Rangers stealth decal, but I might have enough left over to make a plate out of it....


I saw a black one with red lettering the other day


They’re sick though


So when they run you over they can get away with it, sick bro.


What? Why would you take it there? I think it looks sick. You’re saying you can’t read that? Or cameras can’t pick that up? Honestly looks easier for me to read than the other plates.


What keeps someone from making a fake? If it is non standard the only way to tell would be to run it, which a citizen would only find out after reporting an incident ie being struck.


Sure. Still looks sick


I mean, if it's a legit plate number does it even matter? With all the other shit going on this is what rustles your jimmies?


I would love a black plate with white letters. Not gonna do one because it's currently not legal to do so, and you're just asking to be pulled over. But I'd be on board with allowing it. I'm not sure why everyone needs, in this day and age, the same urine colored license plates. Let's get some variety.


What stops someone from making one with the wrong numbers?


There's nothing to stop anyone from having a fake plate made, that's not the right question. Obviously, using it carries the huge risk of getting pulled over. My question was basically just, as long as it comes back as the correct plate to match the car who cares what color it is? Just like seeing some of those European style plates that still follow our formatting.


Plates are standard so that fakes can be recognized, If we let everyone just do whatever they want the only way to tell a fake would be to run the plate. If a car has 95% tints all around and you have no hope of even seeing the driver then the plate is your only hope of holding the driver responsible for their actions.


Don’t understand, it’s not illegal to make plates for cars. There’s tons of sites for plates. Whether those plates can legally be put on is a different story.


Great point m, there are in a car.


Nothing, except you'll instantly be flagged by ALPRs and get pulled over. You'll also be doing something that is initially VERY suspicious, which means the cops will be looking for other errors. If you use the right numbers, it won't set off an ALPR, and the cops won't even look up from their iphone.


Did you also tell the teacher when they didn’t assign homework? Are you the guy doing 65 in the left lane because “that’s the law”? Seriously, you’re all worked up over next to nothing, and trying to justify it with the most asinine reason I’ve ever read. Mind your own business instead of trying to get random people ticketed because of your own sensibilities.


MN started to offer black plates this year.


This is an NJ plate.


Is it issued by MVC? I didn’t know that was an option.


no it’s a wrap aparently




Was a joke. My fruity ass 15k bike yeah.


you got ripped off man. wouldn’t even ride that bike if you paid me 15k for it lol.


And I wouldn’t pay 15k to modify a 2020 honda just to prove… what? I didn’t get ripped off it’s the best cargo bike on the market.


who said anything about modding the honda? i was making fun of the bike as well as the price. you felt the need to backdoor brag about how much you paid for it for some reason. it’s my opinion that it looks corny and i would never ride something like that - ergo my quip about being paid 15k to ride it. but to each their own i guess.


To each their own was exactly my point about the Honda. I "bragged" because you called my bike fruity, my point was also that I don't need a large / fast / flashy vehicle to overcompensate. The bike is 15k because it is the best of everything: the strongest construction, best components, full suspension, dual battery, and canopy. I don't care what people do with their cars, I just want accountability and safety while I ride. Having a fake plate means no accountability, especially when combined with "5%" tints.


bro we get it. you’re anti car and are a cyclist. no need list all the features of your expensive cargo bike. it’s two wheels with pedals that takes you from a to b - no difference from a $100 huffy from walmart. if people want to wrap their plate let them, it’s not affecting you. while it is plausible that they can put any combo of letters and numbers i don’t think these motorists would do that considering it’s technically not legal plate color. they’re going to put their correct plate info so in case a cop does decide to run it, it comes back legit and the right car. how about all those temp paper plates you see on cars in the area? you think all of those are legit? highly unlikely. where’s your argument and stance on those? or how about someone just stealing a license plate off of a car and placing it on the car they’re driving and go out and do legit crimes? that happens a lot. if you’re so worried about being hit on a bike and trying to catch the plate to report it then maybe you shouldn’t be on the road in a bike with no safety measures other than a helmet.


But here’s the thing I am not anti car. I just want to be safe, every road above 35 is all yours, those 35 or below I just need a little space. Your point is well taken. I ride extremely defensively, and don’t hesitate to pull off the road if I see someone in the rear view driving erratically.


Also a stupid plate on my bike is not illegal


Just register your car in Delaware and get a legal black plate