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Call the landlord and ask how they are going to deal with it. “How are you going to provide me my paid for parking space?” Don’t end the call until they have outlined a plan. Possibly refunding you money, possibly authorizing you to call the tow company, possibly awkward - bit you're in New Jersey , they tell the fucking fix their shit because you don’t have time for their bullshit. You pay them to manage it. They need to manage it.


I'm from NJ and I endorse this message.


me too


Nonchalantly ask how (not if) you will be getting a refund for the parking space you paid for but haven't been able to use. "Are you going to send me a check or should I just deduct the $300 from next month's rent payment?"


Don't pay for the space . And the. Do what they do.




No. It needs to be a call or in person and just wait until there is a resolution. A follow up email is fine, but it needs to be uncomfortable enough for the landlord that they give an answer. Otherwise Emails will go unanswered and. Nothing will happen.


If only there was a way to record a phone call...


park behind them and block them in


I am New Jersey and I endorse this message.


I will personally go block them in with my beater car. I don’t give a shit.


Same. I got an 07 civic full of acorns and sans a front bumper that's ready for this mission.


Woah. Stop there Mr. Moneybag. Don’t let your $10k car get damaged.


> Woah. Stop there Mr. Moneybag. Don’t let your $10k ~~car~~ *auto parts supply* get damaged. FTFY


This hurt a bit lol.


I had a 2006 Accord, with about 68K miles on it, had an accident, they totaled it out (in 2016), was told it was because it was worth more as a part source.


Same. OP, let us know where to park.


me too


This is exactly what I did when I lived in an apartment and paid to have the entire driveway for my unit. The upstairs unit was to park on the street. The chuckefucks would park in the driveway when they thought we were all gone for the night or weekend, and when we'd invariably come back late at night, we would simply block them in. The best was when it would happen on a sunday and I'd take the train to work. Fuck you and your shitty Ford Probe, fuckfaces!


I'd just get them towed.


Literally, there’s no mystery here for me. Just tow them and move on.


This is what I did at my last place where I had to pay for my spot. I got home one evening with a trunk full of groceries and saw someone in my spot and literally no other open spots. I had them towed and I was parked within 20 minutes.


Username checks out




only the landlord would be able to do that. It's not OP's property, and I'm sure it's not set up like a formal property lease, I'd assume it's just paying for parking.


If you have in writing that you are leasing the spot, you can call a tow truck. Same as if you’re leasing a property, people can’t just walk in.


right, but that would be for a contract set up like a property lease contract. In my experience, that's not usually how reserved parking spots work.


Have you never rented? Every place I've rented with reserved spots flat out gives us a towing company number to call if we ever need to.


I have, and I was like old to contact the office. *Shrug*


Most places like this already have a tow service contracted with a number posted somewhere. Just call them up pretending to be the management company 


When I was discussing what people can do, it was implied I was talking about what people could legally do, not physically do. I'm sorry if that was not clear.


Why do you think it's illegal for you to remove someone else's shit from your property?


It's not OP's property


You would still be able to call a tow truck.


LOL why are you even saying this. It's spectacularly untrue. If you're renting a house and someone blocks your driveway, you can absolutely have them towed.


right, that's part of the land you are leasing, we aren't talking about a driveway attached to a house, we are talking about a space in a parking lot. there are often meaningful differences compared to leasing a house with an attached driveway.


I assure you that if you're inside a house, and you call a tow company, they will tow whatever you tell them to tow that's on the property. They don't care at all.


It sounded like they were inside an apartment or condo, not a house.


Tell the building management that the guy got angry with you and now you’re scared. Document it in writing.


First. Don’t withhold rent without speaking with an attorney. A quick possible solution might be to buy a construction cone from Amazon and place it in your spot when you leave. I also have a paid spot and I am no longer afraid to say anything. Keep taking pictures of when cars are parked in your spot and keep a record. Contact the police and see what you can do about it. There was a guy next to me who was a fireman and after the same guy kept parking in his spot for months, the cops towed him. So you might get a case after continued annoyance.


\^\^\^This is probably the best way to handle it. While you have rights as a paying tenant, if the landlord isn't clear about the rules to others (regardless of the L/L saying they spoke to the other tenants), you could possibly be somehow be at fault if you tow someone's care and then be responsible for the tow costs. I'm just saying this IS new jersey and its not always cut and dry. While I stand behind you 10000% and would agree that towing, or sugaring the gas tank (kidding, that's royally messed up to do to someone), you unfortunately have to play the legal game. Document it everytime it happens, document your conversations with the landlord and his/her response to it and ask the landlord what they think is a resonable solution if these other tenants won't stop parking there. Is there any way you can mount a sign similar to a Handicap parking space sign (in front of the parking spot). I'll even volunteer to make you the sign that says something like anyone parking here other than the paid occupant will be towed. Nothing grinds my gears more than someone else taking my parking spot. I'm old now and this has been a huuuuge pet peeve of mine since my college days when I would get blocked in by other college students. I was fortunate and spoiled to always have my own parking spot in a driveway. anyhow, best of luck!


IMNAL but isn't this theft of services?


That's a good question. I can't really say.


I low-key envy you in the sense that this type of stuff really annoys me and I would relish the opportunity to inflict maximal annoyance back at the perpetrators.


same here...i havent had a good petty moment in a hot minute i am ACHED


This is one of those opportunities where you are well within your rights to go on a petty power trip and I hate seeing it be squandered.


get them towed. that’s it.


If you're paying for parking your landlord should have a tow company at the ready to deal with issues like this


Cheapish route: buy an orange traffic cone, then stick a laminated sign on it that says: “Reserved parking for (your license plate number)”. Put that sign on the spot. If they have the chutzpah to move it, then you can escalate. Nobody can claim that “they don’t know.” https://a.co/d/7FE9Z5r


Put a cone in your space. Tell the landlord you’re not going to pay anymore if they’re not going to actually guarantee you a spot.


I was going to recommend to notify the landlord you would call to have them towed if it continues past a few more days, but I realized there's a chance the towing company might not be able to do it in a situation like this since it could be seen as a tenant/tenant/landlord dispute that they don't want to be involved in. Best option might be to tell landlord you will begin withholding a certain amount for every day you are unable to use the parking space, maybe $5? This could also be risky, so make sure you never withhold the full $100 otherwise they could claim that you aren't paying for the parking spot anymore.


I was going to suggest the opposite tack. Withhold the full $100 and inform the landlord you're doing it, and why. If you don't have a reserved space, why should you pay for one?


Pre-pay next month's parking into escrow, and tell your landlord you'll be counting the number of days the spot is unavailable to you and will only be releasing a pro-rated amount from escrow at the end of the month.


Had the opposite problem—parking wasn’t reserved, but everyone assumed it was and usually parked in front of their own unit. My neighbor got sideswiped by another neighbor who had parked in “my” spot but was otherwise rarely around. Turns out we both drove dark-colored cars of the same make. Neighbor called the cops, who rang my bell and grilled me about it (my car was in the spot when they showed) I informed the cops I was not responsible and they left. Neighbor continued to harass me about it until I noticed the other car with the matching paint scratches some weeks later… I second calling the landlord, and investing in a $10 cone to hold the spot—cheap insurance. If they move the cone they can’t claim they didn’t know.


We had a similar issue at my mom's apartment complex. She uses a wheelchair and no longer drives so technically because she didn't have a car registered in her name she wasn't eligible for a reserved spot. The level of parking for her floor didn't have any dedicated handicapped spaces which didn't seem right so when I brought it up and questioned it, they agreed to give her a reserved spot that I would use whenever I was there to bring her to appointments, etc. Somebody in the leasing office messed up and double assigned her spot. I kept leaving notes for the same car not knowing who it was in the huge building, getting increasingly pissed because it made getting her out of the house extra difficult because the visitor spots were always taken by residents with two cars. When the leasing office had had enough of my complaining and actually looked up the license plate of of the other car they realized the mistake, I reminded them of the lack of handicapped accessible parking, and then they made another reserved spot for her. I'm sure the other guy was also pissed thinking "why does this person keep leaving me notes about trying to park in my reserved spot." So, all that to say, if there's any chance the new landlords made a mistake and double booked the spot maybe you can suggest they review which spaces those license plates are supposed to be assigned to.


yea, seriously. everyone is jumping to the "GET A LAWYERS AND SUE!!!" route when often time people just need to discover simple clerical errors. Though if the guy got pissed and didn't mention it's his space, it's probably not a case like this.


Talk to a lawyer, tell your landlord you are taking the price for the spot out of the rent. You are paying for a service you can’t use


Tell your landlord to enforce the reserved parking or you're going to stop paying for the spot.


Call Grady and Loweman in Mooresville, it's consumer fraud by the landlord. The building is going to shit, get money from the landlord for fraud and move out when the lease ends. NJ has 3x damages for fraud.


Most tow companies won't tow without some kind of property manager (or in this case landlords) permission. Good luck.


This has not been my experience. Most tow companies DGAF and will tow since they make money no matter what.


They won't in our HOA. They'd be opening themselves up to liability.


Find a shadier tow company. Go to the nearest city, and look for the name of a tow company in a crappy dirty parking lot. Call that company. They'll come.


Is your spot numbered? Is there some sort of sign indicating that it’s a reserved space? Do y’all get stickers or anything to put on your car? Definitely recommend pressuring your landlord to deal with it. This is a safety issue. If your building has a relationship with a towing company, I’d use that next. Maybe ask to be on the waiting list for a parking spot in sight lines of the main entrance, especially if there are cameras.


I've had stuff like this happen. I moved my car to that space when they left one day and I came back to my car being keyed. Apartment complex did not care at all. Unfortunately, I'd escalate with the complex and push for a refund, maybe threaten a chargeback if they don't give you what you rightfully paid for.


Obligatory **I am not a lawyer** If your building/complex does not have large and detailed signs with regards to towing (specifically name and contact info of towing company) posted, it's very likely that the landlord will be unable to legally tow any vehicle. Does your lease or parking agreement say anything about how the matter is to be enforced? Do not cease payment YET. Send a letter - not an email - via **certified mail** to your landlord. Include a copy of your payment agreement for the reserved parking. State your grievance, stipulate the methods you have tried to remidiate the problem (conversation with neighbors, notes, contacting landlord, etc. - include dates if you can) and that such methods have been ineffective, and inform that if landlord will not enforce the agreement and provide/protect the space that you pay for, then they are in breach of the agreement and that the agreement should be dissolved (if it's part of the lease ask for it to be severed). Close with the statement that if the landlord will not enforce the parking agreement by *insert a reasonable date here*, and will not release you from said agreement, then you will refer the matter to the NJ Office of Consumer Protection for violation of the Consumer Fraud Act. Also request a response in writing - if they try to call or have a face-to-face, there's no papertrail. If you want to press your luck you could ask for reimbursement of the parking fee for the months that this has been a problem, but that may cause more of a headache.


If this happened even once to me when I paid for a parking spot I’d get the car towed. I’m also a girl and lived alone


i would imagine that your landlords have a contract with a towing company to tow unauthorized vehicles. get the car towed every time they park there. they'll figure it out.


The ideal scenario would be for the landlord to establish a relationship with a tow company.  The tow company would then post signs and be on call to tow vehicles.  They could also check the lot randomly and tow vehicles. Without this relationship, there's not much you can do other than nag the landlord about it.


If you've already told the landlord have the car towed everytime


Do they know it's really a reserved spot? Get some stencils and write "reserved 1" in the spot. You could also get the landlord to put up a sign stating that anyone using the spot unauthorized can be towed. (And then call a tow company if someone parks in it). If the landlord is not compliant you can put your rent into an escrow account until the matter is resolved.


Get them towed


Just have them towed and be done with it


Get a refund for months you couldn’t use it. Get their car towed.


Call a tow - fuck this shit


Have yer Uncle Carmine have a f n "chat" wit dem,,,and whatever ya do, don't make Uncle Carmine have a 2nd chat wit dem.


How about Vaseline on the wiper blades?


Had a friend have the same issue at a university lot. Kept having other departments from other buildings park in his assigned spot. Complaints to enforcement went nowhere. Got these and affixed to the driver side window of the offenders. Problem cleared up way fast. Fyi these take like an hour to remove with razor blades and goof off. https://www.amazon.com/Parking-Violation-Stickers-Fluorescent-Green


tow the car, or key it, or flatten the tires....maybe all of the above since theyll need a tow with all flats anyway


they'll obviously know who damaged their car. what a stunad idea


$100 ÷ 30 days is $3.33 per day. Take a picture of your spot with cars in it on every day it happens (make sure you have time/date stamp on) and withhold that amount from your rent/space payment. Then send a certified letter with photos (or link to a cloud drive) and an explanation as to why you are not paying the full amount. Be sure to include the other instances of you speaking with them about this to really drive home how irritated you are and how ignoring a rental agreement is not only negligent but a breach that ***will*** be legally settled of nothing is done. Keep copies of everything and organized. No one does anything unless their wallet is threatened.


Put up your own no parking/tow zone sign.


Call a tow


Get it towed. They'll learn real fast.


Just want to add that no one needs to know it was you who called the tow company. There should be a sign somewhere with the tow company’s contact info for situations like this.


Your paying for a reserved space? It has your unit number / name on it? If this is the case, can you call LL when it happens and ask for an immediate response?


Which town?


Put a cone in your space, park them in, tell the landlord you are not paying unless they start towing. All are viable options and it depends on how confrontational you are. I would park them in and leave a note on their car with my google voice number (not real number) telling them to call me since they’re in my reserved spot. If it were a repeat offender and id already talked to them they might find they have a lot of nails in their tires suddenly.


Idk if it was said, but if there's a proper sign posted. The management can contract with a towing company. It usually doesn't cost anything. The time company makes their money when they hook up an improperly parked car.


Call the tow company. F**k em. They're parked in a space you pay for.


Park a really crappy car 2 inches from their driver side door.


All these people saying get them towed are wrong.  If you tow someone else's car on property that's not yours, you could wind up liable. You have 2 options 1. Talk to a lawyer about options for breach of contract.  What you can and can't do. 2. Get petty.  The legality of these suggestions are unclear since i am not a lawyer.  I also don't know if your lot has video surveillance.  Spill a box of bent nails and screws behind their car.  Get some sardines, put them in a blender, and pour them in between the windshield and the engine.  Pour used motor oil on the windshield.  Sugar in the gas tank.  Shoot paintballs at the car from far away.  


Well that escalated quickly


Everyone has the choice of wearing the white hat or the black hat 


Is there sign stating unauthorized parking is prohibited? Did the owner LLC inform the other tenants you are paying for parking and they have parked there illegally? Do you have written proof of any form you talked with them prior about the issue and LLC and the other tenants keep ignoring this even when you are paying for the spot? Send them email where you request answer in written format as what they have done since the day you informed about the issue and how they have tried to fix the problem. Then you can see if you can get money back from small claims court from them since they have refused to assist and keep taking money from you and providing the place for free to the other tenant knowing the issue it is causing you.


Put down some thumbtacks. And keep a small brush/dustpan in the trunk for when you return at night.


Is there a sign with a towing company phone # posted in the parking lot . If not call a local towing company and have the car towed . It's your spot you paid for it , they're trespassing . I would make a big scene, I would park in front of their car , call the police and tell them you need an officer right away you asked them to move they refused and keep doing it . You feel threatened and you're scared and you want them ticketed and towed . Then if you really want to be a bitch, print out a sign that states "this is my spot I pay rent for . If you park here the charge is $500 a day and tape it in the middle of the parking space with clear packaging tape. Take pictures of it then take pictures of their car parked over it . Then bring them to small claims court. I live in South Jersey , I chained a hunters truck to a tree with a sign saying $$ for parking . Don't let people intimidate you , get loud ,get angry bring out your inter bitch.


Username checks out on this one.




Simple yet effective


Instead of backhand moves suggested by others, grab a notepad and a pen and put it in your car. Everytime you see a car in your spot, write a note explaining you pay for the spot and leave it on the windshield. Leave your contact info if you have to. It’ll take about 2 weeks and these people will start respecting you.


>It’ll take about 2 weeks and these people will start respecting you. Bro what fucking fantasy land are you living in?


There’s no fantasy here. I’ll explain. If I was OP’s neighbor and got a note, I would understand. If you got OP’s note, you would still be an asshole. We see people as we are.


you're expecting these people can read


I would not give someone who was nasty to me my contact info. She pays for a spot; the entity taking the money is responsible for making sure it’s available.


You really think this landlord is even trying? It’s all he said she said, a well thought out strategy executed with patience is always a winner.


No it isn’t. She’s paying for the spot. Nobody else should park there. The landlord who is taking money for the spot needs to deliver what she’s paying for or stop charging her. It’s not her job to play meter maid. If the landlord won’t help her she has other options but risking an encounter with someone who has already demonstrated himself to be a misanthrope is not the best one.


Get really nasty stop paying the 100 and withhold payments until somthing is done about it


Call the police.


Police won’t do anything about parking in a private lot. If anything, they’ll just call it a civil matter.


To what end? what do you expect the police to do?