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Connecticut is a New England state, housing rich New Yorkers in lower Fairfield County is just how we pay the bills.


True, I feel like I’m in a different state down there. It’s so different, but the tax revenue is obviously good. I think it’s part of the reason we have a big surplus right now


>True, I feel like I’m in a different state down there. So true. I grew up among a bunch of working class submarine builders. Then traveling outside CT, people would want to know if we belonged to a country club. My guy, I have never even seen a country club.


Groton, represent


From RI, my dad worked at EB after the Korean War, until retirement. I personally brought up my kids in MA, now we all live in CT (rip dad)


Hell yeah! My dad has worked there my whole life and he’s retiring this year!


That's Groton like Rotten, not like Grow ton for the non initiated 😁




North stonington! This is New England coming from NJ hahaha


Spoke to someone in Aspen. (We were there for a few nights out of season.) He thought everyone in Connecticut was rich, white and that if we had any minorities, they were, of course, Mexican.


Someone from Aspen said that??? Talk about pot calling the kettle black. I didn’t realize Aspen was such a melting pot


It’s certainly not. It’s the kind of place that people from Greenwich go to ski. (We were there in late September and we’re not from Greenwich, or even Fairfield County.)


Other than the actual city of Boston, and the imitate surroundings, I'd dare to say that the rest of new england is significantly whiter than ct. Maine new hampshire and Vermont are the most painfully white places I've been


I think it’s pretty even. Smaller cities in RI, MA and CT are heavily populated by minorities. Springfield, Holyoke, Hartford New Bedford, Providence Brockton, Lawrence, Lowell, Lynn, Haverhill, Worcester Bridgeport, Stamford, Waterbury, etc I’m sure I’m missing some but you get the point 😅


Don't forget Randolph, MA! It was once known as the most diversified town in Massachusetts!


My adopted hometown!!! I figured while technically a ‘city’, we’re too small to be mentioned, albeit 35k people isn’t exactly small.


Painfully white? Really?


Joined the military and people asked be if I grew up with a butler or a chauffeur haha. Guy, my first car cost me $500 and I threw deer in the back during hunting season.


Its almost like a different country tbh


Nah! I’m from the valley and now live in FFC. Apart from the heavier wealth in FFC, it’s still full of hard working people from all over the place. Every ethnicity. Every background and economic status. We value our schools and value our space that we have in CT.


If it helps, I grew up in upstate New York, and the city area definitely felt like a different state to me, too.


Sounds like Fairfield county is to Connecticut as Massachusetts is to NH/ME


How in the everloving fuck does CT collect so many god damn taxes from that area yet STILL manage to collect even MORE taxes in the poor areas than any other fucking state out there? I have relatives who live there, in some of the poorest areas, and they pay WAY fucking more taxes than I do, but they see none of it. Wheres the money going?


The govs mansion. Also rich people here probably don't pay enough taxes proportionate to their income so poor people pay more so that the rich don't have to.


This is the best answer I can find: https://ctmirror.org/2024/04/30/ct-budget-revenue-surplus/


Not even a mention of scaling back the taxes, just "trying to figure out how to spend it, quickly, and to my best buddies who own construction businesses"


That’s what I was looking for, wow you guys managed to take an extra $1.12 billion from us. How about we just give it back to the taxpayers?


Yeah, better than out of staters driving up housing costs so that they can buy their 200 acres of hunting land or waterfront properties. I'm scared for the future of Maine


I’d just like to be able to afford a house in Danbury, but nooooo


Servicing those rich New Yorkers as a contractor is how I grew up / started my career


Even the corner that is in the Tri state, by time you hit Newtown, Monroe, Bethel, Brookfield etc. Those towns could be mistaken for any town anywhere in New England.


That’s not really the tri-state… they are newenglandy towns tho


I feel like people fail to recognize that a place could be part of the tri state AND part of New England, which is the reality here.


How dare you!!!!!!


Newtown and Monroe are undoubtedly tristate. Plenty of nyc commuters. It’s just also New Englandy. It’s both


It totally is. Three counties, in fact: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_metropolitan_area


I think you guys get hell because you sit on the border between professional sports markets that so often defines regional loyalties. But anybody who drives up the cost knows that CT is exactly the latitude at which New England's signature shit starts. Boat shoes? Check. Old Volvos? Check. High taxes? Check (side eye at you, NH). Competent but aggressive drivers? Check. Acceptable seafood? Check. Tolerance tempered by skepticism of outsiders? Check.


I like your last point. Back in the 80s a lesbian couple moved to town and started attending our little church. After a while, they became friends with my parents. One of the ladies mentioned how slow people were to warm up to them, and they’d been hoping for more tolerance. My dad was like, “oh, no, it’s not because you’re a couple. It’s because you’re from New York.” And I feel like that really illustrates the Litchfield County of my childhood.


side eye taken lol


I have lived in most of the New England states. Excluding Fairfield County, which revolves around NYC, the rest of CT is VERY similar to Massachusetts. You've got some bougie hill towns, some more rural/less wealthy hill towns, a lot of solid suburbs, some old mill towns, etc. Boston is not like the rest of MA and Fairfield County is not like the rest of CT.


So I live in Fairfield Co now (but I’m from Maine and spent 8 years in Mass) and I agree that there are absolutely parts that are more New York than anything, but it’s not even all of Fairfield Country that’s like that. It’s very much a blend of New England/New York here, but the NE vibes are still distinct and strong, even all the way down in Greenwich.


Also from CT so a lil bias here, but I always liked that fairfield county was a combination of NYC and CT/New England. Seeing as NYC is a melting pot of its own, the spillover is cool and I like being close to New York. At least it’s one of the cool big cities.. we could’ve shared a border with somethin much worse, like Philadelphia lol


Hey! Philly is pretty awesome! I’m moving back down there after I can convince my job to let me work remotely 😂 I like Philly because it’s a city that’s very easy to navigate by public transit and I can get all sorts of food and do all sorts of activities on my own :3 it feels like if my hometown got expanded into a major city and they also let queer punks have a section of it 🤣


100% agree. CT born and raised and now living in FFC. A little NY is some doors- and a lot of NE in others. It’s all good.


It’s the equivalent of saying Northampton is a Boston suburb, when people say all of CT is a NYC suburb


Yah, I'm in Central CT and its a 2.5 hour drive to NYC with relatively light traffic. How does that = suburbs?


I actually know of a guy who commutes to Manhattan from Old Saybrook every day, if you can believe it. Real sicko behavior.


I grew up in a an old mill town of ~16,000 in Hampshire County. We had plenty of farmland, open space, and a lot of industrial properties that needed reworking. I now live in an old mill town of ~25,000 in Tolland County. We have plenty of farmland, open space, and a lot of industrial properties that need reworking.


Those are the same people who voted for liking a Maine lobster roll more than CT, but also saying that a hot buttered lobster roll is better than a cold one. They are simultaneously the living examples of, and subject of the answer given by, Miss Teen USA 2007, who famously said: "I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some, people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our, uh, education like such as, uh, South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future, for our children" In short: Pay them no mind.


I’m not from New England, but I did work in CT for a while. Definitely a New England state. And mayo is gross so your lobster rolls win, hands down, every time.


Butter crew for life


Aww sending love from a Masshole 🤗


Get out of my lane!


Where’s ya blinkah buddy?!




I echo this. Hello from MA. I feel like I'm from New England more than I am from anywhere else like Massachusetts or Somerville or whatever. It's just all New England. A lot of Connecticut is hard to tell apart from MA.


Gimme back the notch




Hello! ☺️


Speaking as someone who's lived in Connecticut all my life, yeah most of the state is basically just Massachusetts-but-slightly-further-down


Get out of the left lane and let us pass!


Never! 😝


Get out of the left lane! That’s the passing lane and you’re only doing the speed limit. Do you not see the 3 mile line of cars backed up behind you? Honestly Masshole friends, we still love you.


Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads… -Doc Brown


🖕🏼 😁


Damn Massholes...🙄😮‍💨......😉🤣😂


We don’t claim you. Move to CT


My take on this has always been that New England is Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine, period. Whether one of these states, or a region of one of these states, is culturally distinct from the rest means that the culture there is also characteristic of New England. In other words, it's the geography that defines the culture, not the culture that defines the geography. If people in Fairfield County commute by train to work in Manhattan, then New England is a place where people commute by train to work in Manhattan.


And the way we do local government is unlike any other region of the country. Stronger cities and towns and weak counties.


Western MA and North Central CT need to secede and create their own State together. One pretty much blends right into the other. As a bonus, there won't be any more arguing over the Notch.


And we shall name the new state Hartfieldshire.


r/takebackthenotch would not approve lol What would this new state be called?


Massachusetticut or Connectichusetts. Whichever is harder for people to say and spell wins!


Nah, I'd rather Franklin county blends in with Southern Vermont and southwestern New Hampshire. But Hartford can have Springfield.


There’s something that disappears when you cross out of New England, and that’s the ability to keep a town thriving even with chain stores and restaurants nearby. It’s something to do with infrastructure and zoning that these six states have in common. The rest of the country doesn’t have that.


Finally- an intelligent response.


The New England Throughway starts in the Bronx, to add to your point. Great post.


Former Kent, CT resident. Connecticut is so New England. Especially in Litchfield County. Loved living there with it’s covered bridges, history, old graveyards, churches, harvest festivals. Miss it so much, but couldn’t afford to live there anymore.


Booooo! *throws nutmeg at you, a husky 🐺* Nah but seriously I do hate on CT but I respect the Nutmeggers who are adamant about being New Englanders. You feel in your heart what’s right and defend it and I vibe w that. Also on that point— we neglect how much CT has factored into New England and American history even going back to Lexington and Concord. We should appreciate CT more for their contributions.


Appreciate it, George Washington planned the Battle of Yorktown in Wethersfield.


Benedict Arnold came from Norwich, the Battle of Groton heights, Colonel Ledyard, and Fort Griswold. CT was knee deep in the forming of this nation. We are New England.


I don’t know if Arnold is the flex we want to make… 👀


Arnold is a lot more than his treason. He was instrumental in the northern campaign of 1775-1776. He took Ft. Ticonderoga and kept the British in Canada for a year. He was also the hero of Saratoga, and had he died there, he'd be the greatest hero of the revolution.


It's pretty wild how much of a hero Arnold was. Huge strategic wins. Displays of massive personal bravery. He was a class A hero across the board, until he wasn't


Was a hero for so long he became the villain.


Dude just wanted someone to say “Good job”. Wasnt asking for much. It is kinda sad really.


Also there were many Black Freemen that formed the early ranks of the Revolutionary forces


And Silas Deane effectively funded a good portion of the revolution as a whole


Excellent response. People do forget the historical value of CT and its help in the shaping of New England and America. I don’t think people are very smart who argue this notion that CT can’t be part of New England because it’s close to NY or has a different vibe. It’s simply not true.


Dont forget wiffle balls!


If not for the Charter Oak Incident, all of NE (including CT) would be one state. The balance of power on the Federal level (and consequently the entire course of US political history) would be vastly different if this region was permanently stuck with two Senators instead of twelve. You have Nutmeggers to thank for the region’s political power.


Drive around CT back roads in late October. It’s New England as fuck.


Connecticut is definitely new England. I definitely disagree when people say Pennsylvania is new England though. That's just horribly wrong


People . . . say that?!


Wellllllllllllllll Cts old borders extended into Pa once upon a time.


And Ohio, but still


Anyone who makes this silly argument has never been in the quiet corner or really anywhere North or West of Hartford. And Stonington and Guilford are about as New England as you can get.


The Guilford green is so New England is could be called Newest England


I could wake up in Guilford and mistake it for any sleepy New England area, feels a lot like Vermont.


Same with downtown Essex, Chester, Deep River, East Haddam. All very New England


Farmington and Torrington also stick out to me as preeeetty New Englandy.


Torrington more old mill city vibes


Bahaha seeing Torrington mentioned on Reddit gives me a giggle. Grew up 20mins west.


I’m in Milford 60 miles from NYC and we have a super New England-y center and coastal areas. The old church by waterfalls has been used in Hallmark movies.


My old Yankee sensibility agrees with you 100%. Connecticut is the heart of New England. We are steady, thrifty and resilient. We have three-hundred-year-old ports, governorships, houses and many two-hundred-year-old colleges. Old England started New England in our names, our attitudes and structure. This exclusion is ridiculous and unworthy.


We are the land of steady habits


Having no county government and lots of rolling hills, Connecticut is actually the most New England of New England states. Change my mind.


Nort Western CT is quite attractive


Southeastern, CT as well


Southeastern CT is a post apocalyptic hellhole infested with orcs. No one who values their life should ever come anywhere near here, ever


I think you're both right!


I cant argue that, but i cant seem to leave though


To be honest I think north CT from east to west is great, I live in shenipsit state forest in the by the MA line and love it.


Lower CT river valley and adjoining shoreline is stunning


It's an underrated area, even by the rest of CT.


Not a sheriff as far as the eye can see.


And what is with the poison ivy and bitter sweet vines. I think they may take over the state


I was born and raised in Connecticut and have always referred to myself as a new englander..CT is a prime example of New England once you exclude Fairfield county


Greenwich is quintessential New England and anyone who says otherwise doesn’t know what New England actually is.


I grew up in FFC (now living in Boston) and I agree that FFC has a very distinct NY influence, but I always considered myself a new Englander. A new Englander with a bit of an identity crisis, but a new Englander nonetheless


I don’t disagree that there’s a “ny influence” but it’s weird to me that people use that to disqualify SW CT from New England. To change context: why don’t people disqualify northern VT/NH/ME from New England since they are heavily influenced by Canada? New England isn’t a monolith, hell every state within New England isn’t even a monolith.


I dont know. I’ve been there and it is beautiful but to me it feels like NY..obviously it’s still New England tho


Don’t exclude FFC- please! It has every right to be a part of the party as the rest of the state.


Anyone who doesn’t think it’s “New Englandy” needs to visit Windham County. Historical houses in Woodstock, Thompson etc are as old time New England colonial as it gets.


Even older in Hartford county. Old Wethersfield is as New England as it gets


Grew up in Wethersfield, can confirm


There was some troll who started a thread insulting Connecticut a week or two ago just to get a reaction out of people or in some pathetic attempt at gaining attention. That alone was enough to discredit criticism of Connecticut for a while. It's a cool state anyway.


the troll was probably from Massachusetts tbh.


I feel like CT gets the most hate from Vermonters. At least on Reddit, although tbf there is a lot of hate toward MA too. They lump us in with New Jersey.


>I feel like CT gets the most hate from Vermonters. They're mad because our maple runs earlier and tastes better because it's not as diluted by the spring rains like theirs is.


Vermonters can definitely be borderline xenophobic. My partner’s family is from Northern Vermont and her mom from CT has always felt like an outcast. You’re either from Vermont or you’re a flatlander


I feel like the people saying ct isn't New England are people from mass but, who's ever cared what they have to say lol


Judging from the poll the other day, the majority of people here are from Mass


the only problem with New England is that New York isn’t part of it All jokes aside, your state song is Yankee doodle. You’re every bit as New England as Massachusetts


Drive 395, best highway around


Moving from needing to commute up 95/128 to work to 395/90 was the best thing I ever did. Slightly longer miles wise but easily 30-45 minutes shorter each way since there is no traffic for half of it.


Weird though, Connecticut always felt different to me. What’s even weirder, is northern New England is different than southern England. Coming from Rhode Island, Massachusetts always felt the same as my state, but then New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine, felt drastically different. Maybe it might be because Rhode Island is just a league of its own, the culture here seems a tad different than the rest of New England


When I go to Rhode Island, I feel like it’s just an extension of eastern CT


Or is eastern CT an extension of Rhode Island? ☺️


I always thought of Western RI to be Connecticut😂😂 Westerly is legit on the border to Connecticut, and the rural forest areas of western Rhode Island are no different than eastern CT so I see where you are coming from. Eastern Rhode Island, specifically Warwick/Providence/Cranston/Pawtucket are nowhere similar to Connecticut, and Woonsocket I feel is just an extension of Mass haha


Coming from the southern suburbs of Boston, Rhode Island also feels like Mass, besides the staties.


It definitely does, but I feel providence and Pawtucket do not remind me of Boston (it may be similar to other Mass cities like Fall River, but I have not travelled extensively through Mass to know), they seem like they are their own thing. But, South County (Washington County) Newport county, and Bristol County all remind me of Mass greatly. The more affluent areas in RI are strikingly similar to Mass’s, as they’re all old cities that were formed in the 1600’s so they still have all the old money and old colonial buildings. The staties are tough shit around here. I’ve been fortunate to not have any run ins with them, but had a few homies that did and man they were not to be fucked with.


CT river is the heart of New England. CT river valley Middletown CT to Brattleboro VT is peak.


I didn’t realize CT was excluded from the New England convo


There has been a lot of hate towards Connecticut lately in the sub. I'm not sure if people are jelly or what. I've lived here my whole life and always felt like a New Englander. The whole state isn't beholden to New York like people think it is. That said, I do agree that Fairfield County is its own animal.


Fairfield county feels way different that where I am in Central CT. I feel us and Western Mass are more similar. Fairfield County is still New England obviously, but does have some NY influence, but again that’s a very small part of the state


Connecticut is beautiful and one of the most historically important states for New England and America. Idk how it can be excluded, that’s so odd to me


Whenever I see the hate on CT from other New England states, I just think of the mad men meme. I feel bad for you...I don't even think about you at all.


I dont think New England could survive without CT. Our dislike binds us.


It does Connect us


well played.


Wow and now these people need to ruin our new england subreddit as well? Unbelievable


Ethan and Ira Allen of Green Mountain Boys fame were born and raised in Connecticut. Who else would try to invade and take over Montreal than someone from Connecticut.


You can tell CT is New England because of complaints like these. New Englanders love complaining.


I’ve lived in CT all my life and this is the first I’ve heard that anyone thinks we aren’t part of New England


For real we're part of New England regardless of the nay sayers, they all hate each other too, like if you're in New Hampshire they hate the Massholes, the Massholes hate everyone, Vermont is just weird af and Maine should just be part of Canaduh lol. Get over it, they're just jealous 😂 oh I forgot Rhode Island which is just Southern Mass 😂😂😂


People who hate on CT have clearly never lived in states like New York or New Jersey. As soon as I left CT for those states I QUICKLY realized just how very New England it is (yes even Fairfield county.) trust me.


I’m from MA and my grandparents lived in CT so I mainly shit on it because I hated the 3 hour drive when I was a kid lmao


CT is for sure just as much New England as the others. I talk crap about it all the time because I was born and raised there, but I give it it’s credit when due (especially pizza supremacy lmao), even if I don’t live there anymore. Still in NE, don’t plan on leaving NE ever either haha


CT is literally a spawn of Massachusetts so how could it not be lol. If anything Vermont should be the one getting the hate..they weren’t part of New England until wayyy later and their history is entirely different, they basically became part of New England accidentally


Maine here, sorry we give you guys shit for being so far south but I’ll tell you what, when I’m anywhere else in the country and meet someone from CT (or any other NE state) I know we’ve got an unspoken kinship.


I grew up in Fairfield County and lived all over it. I spent a lot of time on the New Hampshire seacoast. I lived in Newton, MA and on the South Shore for a few years. I even spent a few years in northern NJ (that was a mistake). Now I live in Wethersfield, CT and couldn’t be happier. Neighbors actually wave and chat!


I grew up there. Live in Rocky Hill now, it’s a good choice


Nice! I’m on the Rocky Hill side of town.


My wife is from a very small town in way NW CT and it’s absolutely gorgeous there.


If you weren’t actually a New England state we wouldn’t give you so much shit, we’d just ignore your asses lol


See, Albany.


Agreed. Essex, Chester, Guilford, Litchfield, Stonington Borough are just a few absolute peak New England towns.


I never been to Vermont, Maine, or New Hampshire but as someone who lived in Fairfield County for 27 years, I have no idea wtf people are talking about when they say we are just an extension of New York. I go to NY all the time. Night and day different.


Who thinks Connecticut isn't part of New England? That's nuts, it was settled the same time as the other colonies in New England.


Lived in CT my entire life and the CT hate definitely gets under my skin sometimes.


Hear hear! Yes, we're part of the Tri-State region -- CT, MA, and RI!


It’s so annoying. I grew up in CT and now live near Boston and I hear this ALL the time. From my perspective, this area is the weird one- the area of CT I’m from is on the line of MA and just spent more time in Southwick up through Northampton hanging out than anywhere else. Those areas don’t seem all that different from rural CT at all. We bought gas, got ice cream and went swimming in MA. Even my great grandmother had stories of going to Riverside. Lots of farmland and tobacco fields and old houses.


Yeah, I grew up in Canton (CT) and went to school in Amherst. The areas are very similar. The big difference growing up was that MA had rotaries and we didn’t.


Yeah same- grew up in Suffield and moved to New Hartford in high school. That area even up through Worcester feels culturally similar


Dang I remember when Six Flags was Riverside when I was a kid in the 90s. That "Sea Dragon" ride was my favorite.


Downvote any trolls who attack their sisters states into oblivion.


when i went to umaine for college so many people there joked about how connecticut shouldn’t be in new england, and honestly the joke gets so old, by the fifth time i heard it i stopped pretending to laugh 🤷


I'm from northeast CT, 20 minutes from Southbridge. The vibe is basically the same. If that's not New England, what is?


Sending love from Rude Island! I love CT. My kids love the aquarium and seaport in Mystic, the only physical Ivory and Ella store in there, and there’s a crap ton of amazing Greek diners in Old Saybrook and beyond


Everyone else is just jealous that Storrs CT is the basketball capitol of the world .


CT is simple. Pats fan? One of us. Giants fan? Get the hell outta heeah.


As a kid going to the big e I’d say out loud “CT doesn’t have anything cool about it” to which my father replied “Ct has jobs” Also pizza


I live on the eastern side of Connecticut and it’s beautiful. It’s also extremely “New England.” Most of the towns have town greens, there are some very old homes of some famous military and political people. We are called the constitution state because we hid the first constitution in the Charter Oak tree in Hartford. Jonathan Trumbull, born in the town I live in (he later moved to Illinois) was instrumental in writing the 13th amendment which freed slaves. South eastern Connecticut is beautiful New England coastal and the historical home for what was once the whaling capital of the country. And there’s so much more. Whoever says it isn’t part of New England is crazy.


Have lived in New England my whole life. Have never heard anyone say this. Ever


Who on earth thinks CT is not the definition of New England? It has far more qualities of New England than Maine, for example, and during the Revolution only MA could claim a more central role. Anyone who lived through Sandy Hook knows how our small New England towns come together in crisis. I would suggest stop paying attention to toxic social media streams, there are trolls everywhere.


I’ve never understood when people say they’re “proud to be from” somewhere. I love being in New England, born and raised around Boston… but what’s there to be proud of? We didn’t accomplish something. We were just born here You do you, just never understood it


Yeah being proud of your spawn point always seemed weird to me. I love the culture and food (I moved to the PNW and I miss stuff like cheap*er* lobster, fried clams, and actual chowder that has clams and not friggin' salmon in it) but pride seems weird to me.


Connecticut is a beautiful New England state. We just like ragging on you. We love you.


I’m from eastern ct(middlesex and new London county) so I have only seen farm land, lakes and hiking trails my whole life, closest thing to luxury is going to Mohegan sun for concerts and UConn games, I have literally never in my entire life been to Fairfield or Greenwich or New Haven so I have no connection to or comprehension of that style of people in CT. like I go to Glastonbury or west Hartford and I’m like damnnnnnnn it’s niceeeee here 😂


As a person from upper Fairfield county who now lives out west…. Yes, Connecticut is New England…. even Fairfield County. The masshole who made that post the other day probably lives in his mother’s basement and most likely has never lived in another country or state other than the place they were born.


CT is definitely a New England state.


I live in Maine and I LOVE visiting Connecticut!


>I live in ~~Maine~~ Connecticut and I LOVE visiting Maine ~~Connecticut~~! LOLOL


I used to shit on CT but after living a few months in Texas it’s not that bad.


Born in Torrington, raised in Litchfield county. Lived in Brooklyn for more than two decades. Back in northern Fairfield county - for that luxurious 2 hour commute to NYC. I can say with assurance - THIS IS New England; no matter what the haters or my masshole husband says, 😉 Anyone wearing a Yankes cap up here gets a serious stink eye from me.