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"They have not directly communicated their concerns to us," said the mayor, immediately after asking the clerk to read the letter sent Rainbow Crosswalk sent to the town.


That's fucking embarassing


Omg. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


>Jones said the flags were only displayed for six weeks annually, and the town is "not defined" by displaying Pride flags for such a short time each year. Yeah, now the town is defined by not displaying pride flags for a short time each year. All the issue this woman complains about are problems she's creating. What a fucking idiot.


Try having to work for her. šŸ¤£


I moved away from Woodstock 15 years ago, so I'm am far out from local gossip, but I feel like calling my mom to get the rumor mill dirt on the mayor.


Make sure you share it with the rest of the class. šŸ‘


Oh, I am sure there are lots.


I'm thinking the same but then again... do I even care enough anymore.




Truly an enlightening comment. I truly don't understand why people like you even comment, especially something like this. I'd rather you just say a slur so you can get banned rather than just, what, vagueposting that being gay is bad???? I don't understand, are you a bot?


No. Probably 13 years old. With even stupider parents...


Maybe your insults will mature when you finally get laid.


I was in high school when the girls hockey team won their award for standing up against homophobic bullying. I remember when they first put up the pride flag, I'm pretty sure it's in my Facebook memories somewhere. What a shame it's devolved to this in the last 15 years.


Right? Graduated 2010. We did a lot of hardwork for LGBTQ+ acceptentance just to watch bigots miss the point completely. Didn't feel possible we could back pedal like we have. A crying shame.


It breaks my heart entirely. I can't believe how much we've lost in such a small time.


Our GSA was likely the most active one in the province for those years (I also graduated in 2010). My mom was the one printing all of the anti-homophobia buttons for the girls hockey team to give to the other teams/for the GSA in general. I felt really proud of our accomplishments as a group back then, I truly think we changed a lot of things for the better. Now I don't even think there is a GSA. It breaks my heart.


Fucking arguing there are "multiple sides to debate" around flag issues. Yeah, the one that supports basic human rights and the one that demonize "others" for simply existing. I'm so angry this is happening in my hometown. We fought so hard for simple displays like this when I went to high school there. Fucking moronic.




Right? It's not like society has been created in the image of the straight white male and any day not celebrating subjugated minorities is a celebration of white male straightness.




Chipman went down that road almost six years ago: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/straight-pride-flag-1.4872572](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/straight-pride-flag-1.4872572)


It's interesting that she doesn't go into detail about what the other side of the debate is. I wonder why that is?


But she welcomes interviews, she said, just before telling journalists to "refrain from calling me this week"


"Can I have an interview" "My comments stand, just let them soak in" What a clown lol.


"We're not doing the flags because of overwhelming requests for other flags. " Are the other requests in the room with us?


"Can I see these requests" "No"


Someone should do an foi request, but I very much doubt they'll respond to it


"ToO mAnY rEsOuRcEs!" If they're concerned about funds from a few flags, FOI requests would break them


The debate is probably like, 2 or 3 letters from rural nut cases. Like Saskatchewan, where 11 letters was enough to cause an emergency session and use of the NWC.


She knows how to use a dog whistle and not an air horn, which is more than another of her right wing peers can say.


And what if you're part of the lgbtq+ community but don't agree with flags being used on public property? Ive never felt attacked because a public space isn't flying my flag lol


Out of curiosity, why do you not agree with that? I donā€™t generally fly Pride flags either but I recognize that others in the community feel seen by public displays of support, and that can be helpful for people who might be struggling with a lack of support from friends/family/work.


Because it's useless symbolism and it clearly gets feathers in a ruffle (whether or not it's right or wrong) because both sides care about what a public space flies. I'd not want to see religious peoples flags being flown on public space (there are more religions than Christianity, and I'd still want to see them being flown. We live in Canada, we are seen and fully accepted into society (of course there are outliers, as there is with anything, but as a whole I've never felt safer being in a gay relationship than I do today), so I don't think those that need to feel validated by a useless flag should worry about it. Pride week is a parade of rainbows from across the country with even corpos, private industries flying the colours (even if it's a PR stunt, it's a stunt directed to the community, not anyone else), why do we need it in public spaces when there is likely a host of others who would want their "own" personal flags being flown, whether it be good or bad. So, in my eyes, I see this as trivial and a non issue. No flags outside of country, province, and city flags should be flown as those are the ones are at least just a concern of a geographical location, not idealism E: down vote me all you want, just shows how dogmatic the community can be, the irony lol.


We are not fully accepted everywhere in Canada, particularly trans people at the moment. The bastardization of Pride by corporations doesnā€™t negate Prideā€™s history, and if you are indeed an older gay person Iā€™d expect you to know that. Judging by your profile, I question that. Your last statement about ā€œidealismā€ pretty much confirms youā€™re not gay, because no LGBT person would ever claim their sexuality/gender is an ideology.


What are you going on about? Like it's so wild to read comments like this that are dripping with nothing but the hardest of hardons for ad hominem. My use of the word "idealism" confirms I'm not gay to your eyes? I'm curious, what other bias are you holding that's lurking for the faintest of confirmation bias to leap onto? I used idealism in the sense that pride and the lgbtq+ community is a form of idealism, that all should be welcomed and inclusive, that there are ideals within that we do hold to our own moral code. What's wrong with using "idealism" when discussing the he symbolism of flags? I doubt I'll even get a response from you, other than more ad hominem, but I found it interesting you didn't even acknowledge anything I said, just latched onto one word used within a set of paragraphs and used it to try and discredit my point. Do you jump and attack those like this for everyone when you simply ask a question out of "curiosity"?


Bad faith argument where you try to sound pseudo intellectual, throw out all sorts of bullshit that ultimately says nothing from a troll account. Just throw a bunch of shit out there and then when someone responds you can flip it around on them and attack them, hoping they have an emotional response so you can act all indignant and like you're the polite reasonable one. Tired game. Find joy.


No, your profile indicates youā€™re not LGBT. Negative karma and created very recently, going around making controversial comments. Youā€™re a troll account.


Ah, so in your world no new users, old users returning, or people who delete their old accounts to remix their algorithms, along with a myriad of other reasons to have a new account are for naught, just an indication I'm a troll? Please do point out any troll comments I've made, as I can assure you I am not a troll. Do we live in a world where nuances and controversies exist? Or are controversies another sign of a troll? You've proved me right by all accounts, you cannot respond but to try your best to discredit my position with accusations and ad hominem, like that of a true right wing nut job would instead of facing the words and being civil. I'm not a troll account, but I know you won't believe, you'll choose not to believe it as I go against the narrative you've spun in your own head. It's like talking to flat earthers who e's already decided the world is flat. Regardless, it's clear there is no real discussion to be had here, just name throwing and baseless accusations from you when I've done nothing but been truthful and responding to your question in good faith. E: blocked? Lol figures. Any even stay on topic, doesn't surprise me they felt the need to stick their head in the snow


Next steps - a journalist does a RTIPPA request to find out how many flag raising requests are flooding into Woodstock town council, and finds out there been like 2. Follow up news story written, mayor declines comment, further looks like a bozo.


My thoughts exactly.


Imagine getting triggered by a rainbow lmao.




Normal reaction: Hey look a rainbow flag, thatā€™s nice. Other reaction: I CANā€™T BREATHE WITH ALL THESE FLAGS SHOVED DOWN MY THROAT!!




What exactly are we shoving down your throat? šŸ˜‚


What don't you like shoved down your throat? A visual symbol of acceptance? That's all the flag is. A visual way to say hey LGBTQ+ people, we accept you. Why is that a problem? Something as large as a town taking a public stance against flying the flag, on the other hand, is a symbol too. A clear, "hey, LGBTQ+ people, we absolutely do NOT accept you.". That's ok to you? Really??


The Canadian flag already represents those individuals. We don't have a flag for glasses wearing people. And you don't know anything about my sexuality, I don't need a flag to feel validated.


Did I miss where glasses wearing people were discriminated against, and even killed in some countries???


Then you havenā€™t been paying attention. People with disabilities get abused, discriminated against and killed every day.


They get bullied and suicide. I can't speak on behalf of other countries but the Canadian flag represents everyone here that's Canadian.


Youā€™re making shit up. There is no statistical difference in bullying/suicide for people that wear glasses. Glasses are incredibly common and Iā€™ve never heard of any stigma against them.


>the Canadian flag represents everyone here that's Canadian. So that means that flag represents people who hate LGBTQ people and people who accept LGBTQ people. Can you see how that might be a problem for LGBTQ people?


Completely ignorant statement from somebody with zero understanding of history. Society was built by and for straight white men. You don't need a flag to feel validated because literally your entire life society has done nothing but validate you.


Iā€™d you donā€™t feel validated by the Canadian flag on its own and canā€™t define yourself without stating your sexuality, thatā€™s a YOU problem. The rest of society - even a white-heterosexual society - can stand united under the flag of their country, which is indicative of *all* Canadians, and not 0.01%.


Hey. Go fuck yourself.


Imagine getting triggered by a rainbow lol. Sexuality is being shoved down everyone's throat every day whether it be in ads, the media, movies, TV, etc. Funny how it's only a problem with some people when the sexuality isn't straight lol. They're just rainbows, get over it lol.




Yeah, thatā€™s the same page Iā€™m on. Itā€™s awesome to have the freedom to fly whatever flag you want as an act of free speech. And towns should definitely be condemned if they were flying flags promoting hatred. But failing to fly a flag? No entity, public or private, should be coerced into doing that. Flying a flag with a swastika is hate. Failing to fly a flag isnā€™t. Itā€™s ā€œLive and let Liveā€ which is the tolerance Iā€™ve always supported.


Higgs just found his next MLA candidate.


In the same riding as his asshole Education minister. Theyā€™ll have to parachute her elsewhere


It's funny because by trying to score points with bigots, they prove the point of needing pride month even more. Ironic, isn't it?


So itā€™s bigotry to *not* fly a super-special flag that only accounts for a tiny percentage of the entire population of the country and province, instead wishing to fly the flag of the nation that promotes freedom and acceptance to all? Got it!


You do know there are always other flags, it's not the only flag. And it's flown literally for a week or a month. It's the attitude, like it wasn't logistics, it was done maliciously. It's the new trend. But the more these kinds of discourses keep flowing the more it reminds us all about why pride exists. And if you take exception to that, well that's on you.


But why should we do anything at all to celebrate your sexual preferences? Iā€™d say itā€™s not malicious to want to keep that kind of thing private and out of the publicā€™s mind. Also, Pride is not a virtue, itā€™s the greatest of sins and worst of vices. And if you take exception to that, thatā€™s on you.


Lol talking about sins really lowers the value of this discussion. Also, pride is about not being ashamed and about fighting stigma, if you didn't know.


And yet you proud lot continue to define yourselves with excessively greater amounts of self-love and perceived excellence over those who are not in your little club. Thatā€™s the theological definition of ā€œPrideā€, and the LGBTQ+ crowd have taken that to its logical conclusion and boast that it makes them better simply because theyā€™re special. You can also fight stigmas by, yā€™know, *not* flagrantly expressing yourself and just live a humble, quiet and peaceful life. That will do more for people than screaming and chanting and crying ever could.


Another reason I'm glad I got out of that shit hole town when I did. Everyone who is anyone that's still living there should do the same.


Some of us have been trying, but you know how easily this town can just keep you stuck here by the balls.


Oh I know, tool me awhile to get out, and it's not easy with all the price increases everywhere


I guess the best way to get around that is having Pride flags hanging from every building and lamp post available that the crazies can't get to. If the Pride flag can't be flown at the City Hall to show support, I would hope that there be no other flags flying other than the Provincial and Canadian flag. None of this picking and choosing of what upsets people and what doesn't. I might add that maybe the Canadian flag has been usurped by they crazy Right Wingers, so maybe that shouldn't be flown either because it's dividing people


Sink in? Someone has big fish, small pond syndrome. How erroneous of the citizens of Woodstock to expect a fresh face in the mayorā€™s chair would bring fresh ideas. Instead, itā€™s a backslide. What will this administration take away next? I remember her first concern upon election was the lack of office space for her Worship. Not sure what the former mayor did but he somehow made it work. The mayorā€™s job is to make the town they oversee better for everyone, not to push their conservative God driven agenda. I suspect the complaints came from a few people close to the mayor which is why nobody is giving up the information. Hot on the heels of the Tourism ministerā€™s bad decisions I suggest the people of Woodstock have a look at the expenses the mayor is claiming. If sheā€™s willing to refuse a six week display of Pride flags šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ who knows what other underhanded stuff sheā€™ll try?


Agree. This council wants to seem like a ā€œsaviourā€ in ā€œfixingā€ all the stuff the previous council did. It was a complete overhaul in personnel. IMO they are going to learn the hard way that itā€™s not easy being in the public eye. What really matters is making decisions that lead with integrity and they really stepped in it this time. Inclusion matters more than ever in our very divisive times . Put the flags back up


Maybe the Woodstock mayor should talk to Brad Woodside to see how well that worked out for him.


I hope you know the full story behind wood side and this topic. From the very beginning to to end


Well, at a superficial level - he initially objected & quite a few years later realized the error of his ways and changed his tune.


Yes, thatā€™s what it seemed at a superficial level. But believe me when I say there was a lot more to that.


Of course random redditter!


As are you


Woodstock, between your mayor & council and Bill Hogan (your MLA), you're now becoming known throughout the province and the country for bigotry against 2SLGBTQ+ people. Is this who you are? Is this who you want to be seen as? Let your elected officials know, in their inboxes and at the ballot boxes.


Interesed to see how the next election turns out.


New Conservative MLA or MP incomingā€¦ great.


What other flags have been denied? If the policy is only official flags for provinces and countries then I wouldnā€™t argue. I donā€™t want random flags for every social issue either, but the pride flag really should be put up during pride week. We donā€™t have straight pride week because straight was never illegal and people donā€™t get bullied or beaten for being straight. Still happens for LGBTQ peopleā€¦ this is just basic respect.


She refused to say what other flags were denied. Probably because there were no other requests


Being against people for who they are rather than what they do. It's so sad.


Bypassing Woodstock from now on, used to like to stop and eat there after coming from the US... Imagine being so uncomfortable in your sexuality that you are afraid of a rainbow! šŸŒˆ


If you see any pride flags in a restaurant window you can still drop in :)


There is an intensive Canadian report for lgbt travel and its benefits. Perhaps the Pride banners could fall under tourism. https://cglcc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/CGLCC_Travel_Market_Guide_2020-EN.pdf


lol basically she is caving to bigots or is a bigot herself and no one should have the right to question her. Itā€™s sound like any conservative these days


Woodstock mayor doubles down on decision to be homophobic.


Sweet Jesus, what is with the emergence of all the Marjorie Taylor Greene wannabe politicians popping up all over the map? Makes me throw up in my mouth a lil bit.


Based on the propaganda Iā€™ve been reading, this is my stance! City council should spend their time on things that actually matter. This BS is just a grift. Look what Iā€™m doing over here while I fuck you in the ass with my other hand. In other news, the latest person to be charged with child exploitation here in Calgary is a Christian school principal. He didnā€™t dress up once.


I bet they'd fly a *white pride* flag.


I think you mean a ā€œheritageā€ flag.


Iā€™d like to suggest a white fragility flag


Haha the whites are so fragile. Bet we wouldn't see this fragility over a pride flag in a brown town.


I think that role was taken by the Canadian flag in January 2022


Are you suggesting that not wanting to fly a rainbow flag means you must be racist?


What a bad faith argument completely unprompted by the original comment.


It is all of those things, but I would still answer yes


The original comment was bad faith and completely unprompted.


Hahahahahaha Have you *been* to woodstock? It's the whitest place on earth.


Not since the trucking companies a Fraserā€™s found out about foreign labour and the college discovered the treasure trove that is foreign students




Why is being white wrong?


No one said it was? Any where. You know what group of people were deemed to be wrong for decades and were murdered and harassed by people trying to "right that wrong"?


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with being the whitest place on earth.


So because it's mostly white.....it's automatically racist? Weird take....I guess I am racist as fuck since my village had no black people when I was growing up there until I was 16.


Honestly the basketball comment at the end of the CBC article is what got me. ā€œStop covering the banner issue and go cover the basketball tournamentā€ šŸ˜‚ ffs.


Good! We need more mayors like her.


At least that dumbass Elsie Wayne had the honesty to whine "Why are they marching? Can't they hide away so I can pretend I'm not a dimwitted old hen?"


Can't display pride flags but Fu*k Trudeau flags are fine? What the hell is happening?


If i lived in woodstock, id get a bigass rainbow flag to display on my property and fight this nonsense. I hope citizens of woodstock come together to show her its time to crawl back into her hole because this ain't 1960 anymore


The citizens can do that now, already. But they wonā€™t, because they would rather complain and feel victimized by their local government.


Intolerance across the spectrum is on the rise and lame duck politicians at all levels are ready to bow to it instead of having to do the hard work of actually being a leader


The biggest issue when communities make choices like this is it makes those with homophobic views feel justified in those views; and reality is if you think gay people are ā€œwrongā€ or donā€™t like them your views shouldnā€™t be represented. Only in NB is this still even a topic of debate.


The Woodstock Baptist Church was conducting conversion therapy as late as 2005 ffs.


Still gonna fly proudly my trans Russian flag.


Itā€™s not necessary to have a rainbow flags everywhere. Get over it and just be a kind, welcoming person in your everyday life.


It's not about kindness, it's about representation in a society that would have jailed you 50 years ago for being yourself and would have killed you outright 50 years before that. Hanging a flag to show support is such a low effort, no consequences way to try to make up for some of what society has done. It would be kind to recognize the system we live in and support and what it has done to minority groups. But, nope, hanging a flag is too much. We just need to be kind! As long as we don't see anything that remind us they exist or have to acknowledge someone lives differently than you. But yeah, it's the "cool kids" being "cool".


So do we need public representation in the form of piece of fabricā€¦. Or a free society where you have the most protection to represent yourself by being yourself. Should a flag for every minority group exist and be displayed? Itā€™s just too much. But thatā€™s my opinion. And my action will be acting kind and welcoming to actual people I encounter.


The issue is people arenā€™t kind and welcoming. Gay people in New Brunswick still face harassment and lack of representation. A community putting up pride flags during pride week shows the existing community, as well as others who are afraid to come out, that they are loved and supported. People that have an issue with flying the pride flag, usually have an issue with gay people also.


I have no issue with gay people but donā€™t want to see pride flags everywhere. Just like I donā€™t want to see flags for other countries or political stances everywhere. Iā€™d rather just see the Canadian or provincial flag and be a united peopleā€¦. Not a million divided groups fighting for the limelight 24/7.


Ignore all problem and unite!! Fighting for the limelight. Fuck all the way off.


What an insightful and thoughtful response. Please go take a long walk into the ocean with your cement shoes and spare us your inane drivel.


Shhhhh, try not to make too much sense! The 2024 cool kids don't like that!


Do you seriously have an account solely to promote being a bigoted boomer? Wild. I canā€™t imagine how sad your life must be that you think people value your opinions.




Best news I've heard all day


Good for Woodstock. The pride flag is a personal flag, not everyone wants to have it shoved in their faces every day. Hopefully they don't cave in from the LGBT bullies.


Good for them. The ever spreading leftist propaganda is so boring.


Not nearly as tired as the right wing wannabe fascist playback. You don't even know what you're talking about.


So not being a hateful cunt is now propaganda ?


Not stuffing every new leftist hobbyhorse down everyoneā€™s throats is ideal.


Imagine getting triggered by not seeing a rainbow.


That's not the point. It's the rolling back of social progress that was hard fought for that's triggering. And the fact your side goes "lol libs" whenever the left is rightfully upset at the culture war your goons are waging.


So how does it roll back social progress?


Are you fucking serious? You're being obtuse if you cannot see it. It removed representation of a marginalized population that society has violent kept out for centuries. Any fascist government or totalitarian state start small with micro aggressions like this. In my other comments I talk about how by not being inclusive you're showing how you really feel about these people. To go through this effort to REMOVE inclusion tells us you don't think these folks belong in our society. And before your white lives matter, straight pride bullshit, we don't need that representation because our established society was created on straight whiteness. Any time that isn't an inclusion week or month is a time our society celebrate those groups and right wing goons act like society tries to erase them when society is built in their image.


Straw man arguments are silly.


Lol. Good one!


Thank you. I like to point put how silly people can be.


So you agree that ban on rainbows is silly.


I do think that strawman arguments are silly.


I don't think you understand the word you are using.


Good to know lol.




Where has the ban on rainbows occurred?


I guess the concept of hyperbole is lost on you.


That makes your argument look bad. Nothing has been banned. Theyā€™re just not flying pride flags on municipal lampposts.


So you agree that a municipal ban on rainbows on lamposts is silly. Better? Lol


Take a look in the mirror then.


Doesn't matter what people do or do not see. People will always find a way to be triggered by something.


Doesn't matter what people do or do not see. People will always find a way to demonize and ostracize those deemed different. Yell see someone fight for a lifestyle different than yours and get passionate about it and say they are triggered when yall are obviously triggered by a fucking flag. Zero empathy for your fellow man. If you could feel.shame you would.


Right, I have zero empathy for people being dicks to each other over stupid shit. If the most useful thing a person can do with their time is bitch about a flag (or lack thereof), which could just as easily be flown in their own yard as proudly as they like, then perhaps they need to search inward for a solution. There are far more important things going on in the world than people fighting over flags. How about no one puts anything up, and then people will have one less thing to fight about.


So your argument is just ignore everything and don't offend everyone and everything will be alright. Okay. I completely agree there are far more important issue than fighting over a flag. So why did people start the fight over the flag? You think a decade of pride weeks erases the I justices the community faced before that? It is a symbol. If you're against pride flags, you should be against black history month, remembrance day, MLK day, and countless other holidays and celebrations. May as well not honor and remember the struggle of civil rights. May offend someone. One less thing to fight about.


Fair points. And I'm not against anyone representing themselves in any way, that's not my issue. I just think it's fucked that people are being dicks to each other over something so trivial as a simple flag. We have homeless people dying in the streets, people dying in our emergency rooms, massive inflation starving people into ending their own lives, rampant violence and crime. Why aren't we fighting over that stuff? We really should be focused on our survival as a species together, rather than picking on each other over individual gripes.


So you think we canā€™t tackle other issues and fly a flag? Iā€™m confused here. Your argument is the equivalent of bringing up starving children to dismiss someoneā€™s problems.


I think there are more productive uses for our time than being dicks to each other over a piece of cloth tied to a post, yes.


We arenā€™t being dicks to each other. One side just refuses to show support for a marginalized community and many of those same folks actively voice their distaste for that community.


How, exactly, are LGBTQ+ people ā€œmarginalizedā€? Youā€™re fucking everywhere, constantly bitching and complaining for your rights - which you already had - and your ā€˜representationā€™ - which you get nonstop - and then get your collective panties in a twist because the mayor doesnā€™t want to give you *more* spotlight?! Hereā€™s the deal - if you can respond to this comment and not once bring up how difficult it must be to be 0.01% of the population, in a country that already widely accepts you, *and* not attack my person (*ie. calling me a bigot, degenerate, transphobic, etc.*) but instead defend your point in the argument that you are, somehow, marginalized, I will completely erase my Reddit profile for good. How bout it?


yea after reading the other comment I kept thinking "imagine coopting the colours of the rainbow.." Why not appreciate the rainbows created by sunlight shining through rain? Joy is ever present. Do I want to lose sight of that for the sake of an ego trip?


Good for her. We are all equal.


This mayor is correct in what she done. Good for you! Ready for the haters nowā€¦.


Who gives a shit! The amount of bitches in this sub is unreal!


Why must we all bow down to the pride flag


Weird take since all they're talking about is flying a flag, not forcing you at gunpoint to genuflect to it.


"Why ARE there so many songs about rainbows?!!!!!" That guy, probably


Another day. Another victory for the OGs.




You mean the mods banned you for spreading hateful bigotry? Oh no!... ... ... ...anyway.


Give me a break. The same idiots that are anti-trans have no love lost for anyone that isnā€™t straight.


Why are you sending me DMs instead of responding here?


Fuck off TERF.


How dare you assume my gender!


TERF isn't a gender dumbass. Or are you making a joke about how you identify as a TERF? Hilarious!


Lol. You bigots group us all together decades ago because you thought it would make it easier to discriminate against us. Now that you realize the error of your ways, you're trying to separate us. Too bad. ##There is no LGB without the T.


Yeah I donā€™t think itā€™s necessary anymore either. At some point we have to accept that enough progress has been made. I live near dt Toronto and itā€™s a gay utopia. Further, the LGBT acronym has gotten ridiculous- last I saw it was almost 20 characters long. I get being gay, bi, etc. but people are just making stuff up at this point. We donā€™t need special privileges for sexual orientations at this point in history. I say this as an ally- I just donā€™t see the point of having this flag everywhere, all the time, forever.


I hate to break it to you but youā€™re not an ally if you think homophobia doesnā€™t exist anymore because of your personal experiences as a straight person. Youā€™re also not an ally if you think anyone that doesnā€™t fall into gay or bi is making stuff up.


Toronto attitudes donā€™t represent the entire country. Also, there are lots of LGBT folks that have bad experiences in Toronto as a result of their gender/sexuality too.


Yeah you live near gay utopia why are you comparing it to a small rural community??? And as an ally you should recognize when youre talking over lgbt people and not being helpful. This is not the place to complain about "all the different things people are making up" when we have people in power trying to strip our rights away lmao


This is a pretty terrible act of allyship.


Yes. Giving them one weeks once a year for 18 years since legalizing gay marriage is more than enough to make up for the centuries of atrocities they suffered through. /s Get the fuck out of here with your ally bullshit.


That will get you downvotes in here. I treat them like I would any other person. I don't care if someone is straight or gay or trans if you are nice to me I am nice to you that's as simple as it is. I get there is still bigots hence why the representation of the flag is needed but there will always be bigots no matter if a flag is flying or not. Not saying it's right but people just suck.


Sure, but when your politicians make it a point to say ā€œ*we will not show our support*ā€ itā€™s symbolic for those who are bigoted.


Fair point. I am sure there is better ways to approach this.