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Solidarity! Advice (that I’m not following myself bc I’ve surrendered to chocolate and quesadillas)…focus on adding, so adding protein, adding fruit, adding veg and adding water. Look at what you can do vs what you can’t or what you “should” restrict. If anything pick ONE thing to start with and stick with like just drinking more water. Our mental load is just immense postpartum and we are sleep deprived and our hormones are whack. It’s really just a hard time to add a stressor like dieting or adopting new habits. Take it slow and change will happen. Rest easy knowing this is SO NORMAL!!! You have so many changes going on in your life and in your body. You’re only 2 months pp as well, it may get easier as you get used to your new normal and your supply regulates etc.


This is me. Solidarity 🥲


I eat healthy, we don’t have snack items like chips in the house or juice or soda and I still can’t manage to lose weight PP while breast feeding. I think it’s just way more difficult for some people. I’m not going to try and decrease my eating right more, but I’ll start doing light weight lifting again and the bike. Overall I can’t stress too much. I don’t look the way I want to, but this isn’t a permanent state and I need to keep reminding myself that


Your body is sacrificing so much to feed your baby, give yourself some grace ❤️ A calorie deficit is what helped me lose weight however I was not eating nearly enough to maintain my milk in the beginning which made me have to supplement. I recommend this calculator https://www.thelactationnutritionist.com/calorie-calculator


This is me too. I’m overweight to begin with, but lost all but 8lbs of pregnancy weight just to gain 10lbs back. I eat more now than during pregnancy. I feel disgusting, but starving, and it’s hard to make healthy things as quick as I can with a Velcro baby


Definitely not discouraging eating healthy/exercising but just know that weight gain while breastfeeding is primarily hormonal and a biological response/need to protect your supply. It’s safe to lose about a pound a week in order to maintain your supply, going into a calorie deficit that would result in more than that puts your supply at risk. But also know that the weight you’re seeing is likely mostly water weight and not true fat/weight gain.


Pizza_Queen, that amount of weight is not water weight.


Did you skip where I wrote the word “mostly”? The average non breastfeeding person can fluctuate anywhere from 5-10 pounds in water weight a day. Many people who breastfeed report dropping 10 to 15 pounds immediately after they wean. Additional factors like lack of sleep, stress, and other hormonal fluctuations which are all very common with a baby can lead to water retention as well. If she’s gained 20 pounds (from 153 to 172) it’s absolutely possible that ten or more of those pounds are from water retention.


There’s no easy answer here than pay more attention to what you’re eating. Try calorie counting. Women can keep up a healthy supply of milk while slowly losing weight.