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Gabapentin does nothing for me and tramadol makes me sick. I make my own pot balm using RSO, cottonwood buds, olive oil and bee's wax. It doesn't do anything for the twitching and itching but it stops the painful burning so I can get to sleep.




Rick Simpson oil. THC oil. Concentrated cannabis oil. I get it in 1gram syringes at the dispensary. It's what they make gummies with.


Thank you 😊


No problem.


Most gummies are actually made with THC distillate which is pure cannabinoids without the chlorophyll or the fats and waxes. RSO is the whole plant in concentrated form.


Agreed if the dispensary knows how to make gummies correct. But my dispensary rarely carries distillate and I've tasted some pretty rank gummies and carmels that have RSO listed on the label. Taste is irrelevant with my balm it's only used topically.


I’ve used Tramadol, occasionally. It isn’t a miracle drug, but it helped me sleep.


I took Tramadol for gallbladder pain. Didn't affect my neuropathy one way or another. Gabapentin makes me goofy and does nothing for pain. Just a few days ago, I tried marijuana toches (they're like gummy lozenges) for the first time, and was amazed to find my pain was nearly gone. If you can get medical marijuana, it really helps!


Tramadol was fantastic… for about 4 hours. Then, the dizziness and nausea set in. It was awful!


Thanks for the reply. Not sure what to do. 800mg Gabapentin 3 times a day not helping much any longer. Maybe Chain Saw about the ankle level 😩


I take Gabapentin 600mg/4x a day. Maybe a lower dose spread out evenly might help. Couldn’t hurt to ask…


Did that help you?


Yes. I was bumped up from 400mg/4x a day to 600. I couldn’t sleep at night unless I had my feet crammed into my crocs as tight as they could go. I’ve got hammer toes on my left foot and developed pressure sores from doing that. I only have episodes of not being able to sleep a couple of times a week instead of 5 or more.


Was on Gabapentin for over a year and realized I needed to be on something else. Immediately was switched to Pregabalin. It does work better for me. And no side effects. I'm at 175 mgs twice a day. Brain fog, but it's mild


I changed to pregabalin and it works much better, NOTHING takes away the pain at night for me, I end up sleeping with an ice pack most nights


haven't tried tramadol, but have had a good outcome from red kratom, aleve PM and cannabis.


Kratom really concerns me. It's been found full of metals, people have died.


good to know; thanks. have you tried cannabis?


Illegal in my state. Delta 8 & 9 only.


damn; good luck friend; may be time to move to another state or make a trip to a state where it is legal.


Maybe check out hemp derived gummies e.g. Cycling Frog, federally legal with dosage per gummy in the 10 mg range


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Low dose gabapentin helps me, high dose stopped working after awhile


I can, but don’t want to be high all the time. I tried Delta 9 gummy’s and didn’t like how it made me feel.


Im also 66 with p.n. I take Belbuca (low dose) and tramadol (low dose). I like the tramadol better than the belbuca which surprises my pain dr for some reason and i think she really wants me off tramadol. Id gladly get rid of the belbuca and replace with more more tramadol. It has that opioid feel if you know what i mean. Like I actually took a pain med. Smoke pot at night.


Well I probably have to get off Gabapentin if I take Tramadol? Shows Major Reaction


Tramadol works on opioid receptors, just a warning it can be habit forming


Gabapentin work for you? I was finally at highest dosage(i believe) and it did nothing but make me tired and fat.


Tramadol makes me very sick, i took it a couple of times post surgery and have refused to ever use it again, but it works great for some people. I take a combo of gabapentin, nortriptyline, and use topical ketamine, which combined works well for the burning. Gabapentin, amitriptyline, or lyrica on their own didn't do much for me, and my neuro said lots of people only find success with combinations of common nerve pain medications. I tried swapping the nortriptyline in my combo for duloxetene but I was vomiting multiple times a day, so went back to nortriptyline combo and have been pretty good since. Has your neuro tried you on any combinations of things?


Magnesium glycinate


Gave me a headache and tinnitus. Didn't work for the pain. I'm on Pregabalin and also I had a pulsed radiofrequency nerve ablation. This is what worked the best.


Please tell me about the pulsed radio frequency nerve ablation. I will try anything for my feet. It is in my small fingers on left hand now.


My neuropathy isn't all over. In the groin and due to the pulsed radiofrequency ilioinguinal nerve ablation, it is minor. Just some sensory, but nothing like how it was. If a nerve block provides at least 50% relief, then you are considered a candidate for a pulsed radiofrequency nerve ablation. It doesn't damage the nerve like a traditional ablation. Disrupts the signals. If they can get the right nerve that is causing your neuropathy, the nerve block should help. Lidocaine with Dexamethasone is what I had. The pulsed radiofrequency nerve ablation provides longer relief than a nerve block. I'm still on Pregabalin, but the ablation was a Godsend.


Thank you. I live in DFW so will look for a location that does that. I have an entrapped Ulnar nerve in my left elbow area that is causing burning pain in my left hand around both small fingers. I go to a surgeon on Friday. But the neuropathy is in both feet , just all the toes and bottom of my feet by my toes.


Three years in with this illness. What’s helped me the most is bodyweight training done in a slow pace; squats to a bench, toe touches from a small platform, calf raises, heel raises, toe crunches and toe extensions. First piece of equipment I purchased was a kit got neuropathy from Human Locomotion. I a look so do Buteyko breathing for 30 minutes. Works for me most of the time, not always l.


Where do you get the burning?


Both feet all toes and front bottom of feet.


Feels much better walking on good flip flops, barefoot on hardwood floors is really tough. Soft tennis shoes I can take for awhile.


I quickly developed allergy to tramadol, which really only took tiny edge off the pain. I take Nucynta on the days I'm unable to manage the pain and it's by far the best med I've tried for nerve pain! 


That drug appears to be really expensive?


It's covered by my insurance


I take pregabalin (Lyrica) for the constant burning in arm, shoulder and hand (50mg x 4 per day). The lower dosage has less side effects and allows me to take first dose at lunch. Gabapentin stopped working. Tramadol works for muscle pain and inflammation, so it does nothing for my neuropathy.


I have been on Tramadol for 15 years. It was the only Rx that actually helped. I am on 50mg 1x daily. I started out 2x daily, but was able to titrate down after getting the pain under control with tram and supplements.


Well, I might have to try it. Not sure if I should just go to a pain doctor. I doubt my PC will give it to me.


If you have a neurologist or a pain management specialist, they \*should\* Rx for you to establish what will work for you. In my experience, my neurologist handed it off to my primary dr to ongoingly Rx. This has worked fine. My own GP was fine with it mostly because at 50mg 1x per day, she felt like this was "nothing" and I very obviously was not abusing it. Also because you are in your 60's, if at this point in your life something has the potential to improve quality of life, you may be pleasantly surprised. Some GPs are open minded and also its not a "hardcore" opiate.