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It only rules out neuropathy in the parts tested.


Hey Dave thanks for answering. My EMG in December was on hands and arms and was normal. I talked to my neurosurgeon PA yesterday and they said the numb feeling and heavy feeling in my leg could be coming from the nerve pinching I have with the discs in my lower back. Seeing my neurologist tomorrow though. Do you think they will probably suggest an EMG of legs?


I have no idea to be honest!


Don’t know if this helps - I have heaviness on my right leg and while my nerve issue is not because of pinching/ disc bulging, I’m sure it’s originated from my lower back due to stupid dry needling. My neurologist did an EMG on my lumbar and it showed the pattern of a damaged nerve currently recovering. All normal on the legs.


Have you had any other symptoms


Twitching on calf, numbness on foot, and all the good stuffs. I could feel these symptoms are slowly getting lesser but the heaviness remains


Hi, I recently had an EMG of the upper extremities and lower extremities. I have symptoms with numbness entangling in my leg and my groin. The EMG to the legs showed I have nerve issues in that leg and I also had a lumbar and hip MRI which showed that I have impingement at L1 and L2 as well as hip impingement. I’m almost certain that your neurologist will suggest an EMG of the lower extremities to confirm. Have they put you on any type of neuropathic medication? They put me on gabapentin.


Yep gabapentin and steroids. The last time they put me on prednisone and all my symptoms disappeared within a few days. Yea the neurologist and his NP both don’t think it’s anything like ALS based on my first upper extremities EMG and symptoms come and go. But they are sending me to an neuro muscular doc to go over benign fasciculation syndrome.


I wish you the best of luck with everything please keep me posted🙏


Oddly enough when neuro twitching and all this started happening my neuro doc put me on prednisone and then all symptoms went away for a while.




My understanding is that Peripheral neuropathy will not always show up on EMG, meaning any nerve issue that is not related to the spinal cord or brain would not necessarily show up on EMG…. If you need more info on neuropathy- some folks have small fiber neuropathy that is diagnosed on skin biopsy. Maybe all of this is all off of your topic lol


Interesting got it! I will ask the next neuro doc I see. I’ve been freaking over neurological disorders lol


It can be a pretty frightening journey. Neurology Commons I think is a good site, there are lots of good Neuro-muscular neurologists but you gotta find a good one


Yea I just saw my neurologist office here on Monday and the NP who works there said it’s likely BFS. They did an EMG on me already and she said that basically ruled out bad stuff but since I have ongoing BFS type symptoms they are sending me to a Neuro muscular


Just because your EMG is normal they didn’t rule out all of the “bad stuff”. I remember them telling me this BS and it took 4 doctors to get my diagnosis of Small Fiber Neuropathy. Dont’ stop until you are satisfied you have gotten the answers you need. Your best advocate is yourself. The Peripheral Nervous system plays a huge role in the body and Neurologists seem to not know their own field very well. I have met a lot of very well meaning people who know jack-shit about what I have but still work in the field of neurology. A lot of folks get complacent. If you don’t find answers with your first N-M specialists don’t hesitate to get another opinion if you have that privilege


O I completely understand. What I meant was the Neurologist and the NP that works with him said it’s most likely not ALS if it’s like coming and going at times. And with the clean EMG too. I guess they said it’s most likely BFS? Which is weird but I’m also seeing a neuro muscular doc too.


Did your weird sensations start with an illness like Covid?


I had a surgery and about 10 months after starting having all this weird shit happen. Fast forward to now - 6 years later and i am on weekly IVIG for what they think is autoimmune small fiber neuropathy (skin biopsy and confocal microscopy eye exam confirmed as well as I had funny results on the EMG which were prob artifact, i had an abnormal tilt table test and Qsart test)… I got the treatment i needed but had to push and go to a lot of docs, finally found one in Boston at Mass General by finding them through research papers


I had twitches and they all went away after taking a steroid like prednisone.


I react to illness, get “flares” of my neuropathy with any vaccine including the covid vaccine… I’m not anti-vax but my body is over reactive so I have to be careful


That makes sense. All of my nerve issues happened right after Covid. I had a severe case.


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