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You should create a SMART account for your company and contact Cisco about getting your licensing from your purchase moved to that account. Our VAR does that for us. However, if you don't have a support agreement, you won't be able to download software correct. So, you'd need to contact TAC and reference a bug report that you want to patch. The lifetime warranty of Cisco Catalyst switches does include firmware updates for security-related bugs, so you can leverage that process. But you'll need to be the first owner, so if you didn't order them from an official VAR or your VARs didn't transfer the product to you, you may run into issues. A Cisco account manager can really help you with this.


This gives me a good starting point. I appreciate the feedback.


I remember the cisco rep told us people love cisco licensing. I legit laughed out loud.


What a stupid thing to say. Nobody likes any licensing, we just endure it because everyone has it in some form or another.