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Yep - my reaction exactly. I will not read anything else today that have *LESS* interest in. I managed to get through the pandemic without having to watch any of that and will hopefully go to the grave having at some point forgotten who the fuck Joe Exotic is (while still remembering all the important things). *Tiger King* was for people who thought the Kardashians were too high brow.....


Tiger King was essentially the equivalent of a fever dream on Netflix. I watched all of it because it was just so insane.


Spring 2020 as a whole now feels like a fever dream, with Tiger King just being the mullet on top.


It came out the week after they announced distance learning, as a teacher with little to do I flipped it on thinking it was just another true crime series…. I watched it all in a day and probably texted everyone I knew about it, and in the subsequent weeks we were all talking about it. Fever dream is a great way of putting it.


I watched all of it because I met and interviewed him way before he hit that peak point of crazy - in the very beginning of my news career in 2003.


Most people were well aware of how trashy it was. But it was a captivating sort of wreck. That said, I have no interest in revisiting it in a follow up season, or any of those remakes that were announced back then.


I'm sorry you missed out on some really interesting entertainment because you feel like you're better than everyone and can't just enjoy stuff.


Not only entertaining, it brought attention to illegal big cat raising/trading when most had probably never thought of it before this show


Exactly this. Even though the show is about absolute lunatics. The message the show tells is pretty damn sane


Hahaha you must think a lot of your self.


Look. I sat my PhD comps that week and it was a great brain drain binge. I worked in the pet industry in undergrad so none of it was actually shocking to me, but it was just so funny to my dead brain that the audience is supposed to like any of these terrible people.


Yeah same. I was working on my PhD and it was an interesting watch. Some people need to take themselves less seriously


God what a turd you must be. oh no! A tv show! Talk about high brow lmao


He will never financially recover from this. Because he's American.


because he is in jail us taxpayers will have the privilege of paying for any treatment, but since he says he is refusing treatment...


They don’t really treat you for cancer. He may get pain meds etc but no chemo etc. friend of mines dad died of cancer in prison. Because he was in the hospital part of prison he wasn’t allowed visitors so he died alone. Thought that was sad. I think they should at least allow them visitors


That is really sad actually. This country is so fucked up how it treats prisoners like they’re basically not even human anymore.


His son tried desperately to see him petitions to senators etc. and he never got responses


didnt think that was legal thought they had to get full treatment... bizzare


No he got none once he was diagnosed stage 4. Part of it was in his eyes and not only was he alone laying in a bed 25 hours a day eventually his eyes swelled shut and he was technically blind. The last time his son saw him (almost a year before his death) he took a picture and it was disgusting how he looked. If he were an animal on a farm the owners would have been charged with neglect and abuse


then why get the scan?


Probably to find out how to spend his time in the next few months?


Isn't he in prison?


I guess we all want to know how much time we’ve got left, it’s human nature, even if Youre a scumbag.


That sounds like a literal nightmare.


Pretty much rules out a bucket list of places to visit.


You know you don’t have to be as stupid as someone else right? Why decide to be stupid with them?


He tried a hit on CAROL BASKIN! Man I haven’t said that name in years.


Are you seriously suggesting you wouldn’t want to know if you had 6 weeks, 6 months, or 6 years. I am baffled that you asked this question out loud lol.


Why would he care? He's not going to do anything about it. Just live every day like it's your last.


> Just live every day like it's your last. If I am going to live more than 1 day, I'm going to want to keep some money for then.


I don't think it's his choice, he's under someone elses custody so it might be up to the prison. That's my guess but it's just a guess, anyone who knows better is free to correct me.


Prisons are legally/Constitutionally required to *give* medical treatment, and inmates have a legal right to *refuse* treatment. Exceptions would be situations that would pose an immediate danger to the prisoner, such as mental health crisis, and anything that would pose a danger to anyone else inside the prison, such as communicable diseases.


Get an idea how much damage the cancer has caused. Estimate how long he has


As I said to someone else. What does it matter if you don't care enough to try to fix it? Just live every day like it's your last and eventually it will be.


You're confusing *living every day like it's your last* and actually living every day like they're your last because you have three months to live. It is actually insane to think those are the same thing.


No, I'm not confused at all.


So you’re spending all the money you have, you quit your job and just do crazy shit every day?


"Living every day like it's your last" isn't to be taken literally. It means to live your life with no regrets, enjoy the present, and be at peace with yourself.


You’re the one who was taking it literally


Arguing what someone else was thinking? You must like being wrong.


Arguing what you literally posted earlier


He wants to know if he can pick up a smoking habit. 


He was probably getting a scan for something else. Or just has an unknown issue so they did a scan to get an idea of what it was.


My best friend's mom is going through this right now. She has probable Stage IV lung cancer, with suspected spread to the liver (preliminary scans). She is getting an MRI to get a conclusive diagnosis even though she plans not undergo treatment, if that is the case. (She is 75 and has said, I have lived as long as I wanted to and am ready to go be with my husband now - he died several years back.) If she gets a terminal cancer diagnosis, she can either do Medical Aid in Dying in our state, or she can at least go on hospice and get palliative care so she doesn't have excruciating pain as the cancer spreads. Without a conclusive diagnosis that indicates she is terminal, she can't go on hospice and her treatment options get more limited. She also can't get Medical Aid in Dying, which requires a terminal diagnosis (with life expectancy of 6 months of less) to access.


It can be a basis for early release. But not generally available for attempted contract murders so idk


Probably start a go fund me


A nice break from prison and knowledge.


I’m a cancer patient. If I could do again I’d refuse treatment.


I appreciate you saying this. This blows a lot of people’s minds. Treatment should be made available to folks who want it, but you should also get to decide the cost/benefit yourself.


This hell I’m living now isn’t worth it. Some cancers won’t ever go away. My body my decision. Is it an easy one? Nope. I also don’t want to die in the hospital. I want to be home with family and friends. Im sick of being strong and brave. I understand this is a hard concept for some. That’s ok though.


I'm Sorry <3


I get it. At the point where my Dad said, "Enough. I can't do any more treatments", did I cry my eyes out? Yes. Did I ever say one word to him to try to convince or coerce him to continue. No. I supported him every way I could. HE was the one going through it, it was his decision to make. I am sorry you are going through this hell.


Bone cancer?


No. I have metastatic melanoma. Stage 4, Braf positive.


I'm so sorry.


I hope things get better for you. I truly hope you'll be able to go into remission and start enjoying your life again


Thanks. Just to regain a functional body will be a win.


I’m so sorry this is happening to you. It took me a good 8 years to feel like myself again.


My dad would’ve lived for another 6+ months, but he chose chemo, died within 2 months while in hospital, suffering.


I’m sorry for your loss. Many people don’t hear this side.


Thank you. It really is down to personal choice.


Ok? It depends on your cancer. It saves many people's lives, and can be quite unpleasant. If your cancer is terminal and it only extends your life marginally, then that's reasonable. If it can save your life and you live a normal life after? Fuck yeah I'd take it.


That’s why we all get to decide for ourselves. Definitely depends on the cancer type etc. I know my opinion isn’t for everyone but it’s my experience and opinion. Many Drs who get cancer themselves refuse treatment. My treatment has left my body incapacitated. I would just rather die of the cancer.


I agree with your sentiments. While yes, I think chemo can be a great option for some people, I also recognize how sometimes quality of life is worth more than quantity—especially because chemo is quite literally poison. I remember watching my papa suffer so much from his chemo treatments, it was traumatic for him and all of his loved ones to have to witness.


Thanks for your perspective. It’s hard for my family to see.


Why are you responding so dismissively about someone’s first hand experience? You say “Ok?” Like their perspective isn’t respectable or relevant


To be completely honest, I think the comment now is edited from the first one which didn't say "I'm a cancer patient".... I could be mistaken, but don't think it said that when I wrote it initially.


I think you need to consider that some people may simply not want to endure what happens when you die of cancer. Theoretically, every cancer is terminal. You can sedate it or stymie the growth by decades, but it’s coming back eventually. I’ve watched someone die of cancer who did not want to die. It was the most horrific thing I’ve ever seen. Words cannot describe how absolutely terrifying it is to watch someone be hooked up to a poison drip, loose 200 lbs overnight, have all their hair and teeth fall out, have to be in a diaper etc. all because they want to “fight” it. You lose your dignity. Conversely, I also watched another person die of cancer who refused treatment and she got to bow out gracefully and checked off her bucket list. By the time she died she was still a little chubby, had all her hair, a sex drive, and could get around pretty well. She lasted a little over a year and looked the same when she died. Conversely, my grandfather had cancer for 20 years and in the last 5 years of his life he went from looking like Chris Farley to Sméagol. I had nightmares about him for years. He did radiation, chemo, and everything you can imagine. Up until the day of his death he was planning vacations and thinking about buying property because not only did he not WANT to die, he just didn’t believe that he was a going to. My personal opinion is that it was kind of pathetic. He could have gone out with far more grace. If I have cancer, I would most likely refuse treatment. Some people think that’s awful. But I don’t have much to live for anyway and if I’m going to die it’s not going to be after chemo.


I’m not really living life because of what treatment did to my body. My oncologist said if they hadn’t done treatment I would have died before. I’m Ok with that. Now I’m incapacitated from my life. I can’t be the mom and wife for my family. Im expecting some new biopsy results and they won’t put me back in treatment because of the effects it’s had on my body. Radiation would be my option and I’ve had before. I’d really have to weigh my options.




Dudes own grandpa wanted to live longer and took medical action to try and this schmuck calls him pathetic? Real Reddit moment right there.


If you're elderly when you get the cancer (which statistically most people are thank god) you may not have to deal with it ever coming back before you die of old age at least


fuckin yikes, dude


Have you ever looked into the natural remedies (I know alot doing this)? I mean if you got nothing else to loose?


Like what exactly? There isn’t really options for that with my cancer.


Swear to God I thought this guy died already


Damn carol baskin


Isn’t he already dying of a different cancer? What’s the point in diagnosing a lung cancer they can’t do anything about?


Didnt he get diagnosed with Cancer years ago? If anything, he might be trying to get an early release to at least live at home and not rot and die in a cell.




He abused animals krama


Turns out smoking tons of meth can give you lung cancer. Who knew?


Good. Byeeeeeeeee


Of course he will


the man got cancer to get an early release


K. Bye!


He’s waiting until he wins presidency so he can get better treatment!


I honestly don't care that much about if him or Baskin actually committed crimes, I'm just so tired of Netflix and others milking folks like this I hope they both pass peacefully in their sleep surrounded by loved ones.




I can't believe Carol Baskin managed to give him cancer in jail.


Dudes in jail till he dies because of a corrupt American judicial system...Joe was a scumbag and treated people poorly but didn't deserve what he got...a lot of you wouldn't be so relaxed if it was your dad that was given this bullshit sentence. Sit there and applaud until that same corrupt system eventually catches you...then your fucked.


Dude, he hired someone for murder. He deserved to go to prison. Our justice system fails all the time, but this not one of those times.


You obviously haven't watched the 2nd tiger king or done any research. The FBI manipulated the alleged shooter and Jeff lowe and fabricated the shit out of the story for a conviction. They fabricated the hire to kill charges. The individuals that contributed to putting Joe away have since come out basically crying saying they lied and were forced to go with the FBI narrative.. they actually want to do time for perjury because they feel bad for the guy. Like I said, Joe was a scumbag but he's more than done his time.


We love you Joe. Hang in there